Iphone 4s does not see the computer but is charging. “USB device not recognized” when connecting iPhone - what to do

Despite the fact that all Apple products are quite high quality, they still cannot function correctly always and everywhere, without failures and errors. There are several options why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB. Let's look at them, and also look at methods for eliminating this problem.

So, the device was connected to the PC using a cable, but the iPhone was not connected to the computer? This could happen for several reasons.

  • You may have an older version of iTunes installed on your home computer. In this case, it is not at all surprising that she does not see the connected device.
  • Another problem is the non-working wire that connects the phone to the computer.
  • There could also be a malfunction in the PC software or, conversely, in the operation of the iPhone itself.
  • An equally common reason why a device may not be recognized is the operation of security and antivirus programs installed on the computer, as well as Jailbreak on the phone.

Methods for solving common problems

In order to correct an error, you must first identify what exactly caused it. This is possible only after some manipulations have been carried out.

Please note that the connection should only be made with the original cable. The copy will not be able to provide stable performance.

  • Be sure to connect your phone via USB cable to your home PC.
  • After that, download the latest version of iTunes. This is really necessary, otherwise the manufacturer would not release updates.
  • Open the program, go to the “Help” section, and then to “Updates”. If there are any available, iTunes will find them on its own, all you have to do is click on the “Update” button.

If downloading updates does not fix the situation, then you should try restarting your computer. This will be very important in case of a malfunction operating system Windows, because it is quite often unstable.

If this does not help, inspect the cable itself.

  • Check the USB you are using, for example, connect it to another device to make sure it is working properly. The charging option will not work, because there are several thin wires, but they are completely different for file transfer and voltage. It turns out that the phone may be charging, but the device will not be recognized on the PC.
  • Don't forget to look at the ports on your iPhone. If the phone was not purchased yesterday, then it is not at all surprising if it suddenly turns out that dust or dirt has collected at the cable connection point, which prevents the two devices from connecting properly. Take advantage with a thin needle or a cotton swab to remove excess. It is recommended to do the same with PC connectors, because they also tend to become clogged.

It happens that various antiviruses and operating system “defenders” against malware block the connection of other devices to the computer.

It is necessary to temporarily disable their operation, connect to the iPhone via a cable, and after all manipulations with the smartphone are completed, turn them on again. You should not leave your PC unprotected for a long time - there are a lot of programs on the Internet that have a detrimental effect on the software.

The Jailbreak program, which allows you to download almost any application to your phone completely free of charge, is also a protective application in some way. It may well prevent the phone from connecting to the PC.

What to do if the above did not help solve the problem, and the connection was never established? First of all, you need to use another computer. This is done to understand what exactly the reason is - in the PC or in the phone. If the smartphone is not detected on another device, then most likely you will have to take it to the service.

When to contact a service center

Take the iPhone to service center Diagnostics should be sought by professionals when all independent steps have been taken to eliminate the problem.

In most cases (with the exception of a maximum of 5%), the inability to connect the phone to the PC is associated precisely with the problems described above.

The other five percent are due to breakdowns of the internal parts of the smartphone, which are almost impossible to repair without the help of service center employees.

How to properly connect an iPhone to a computer via USB

If you really want to produce correct connection iPhone to PC, first of all, download the latest version of iTunes. Only with this program the phone is guaranteed to work stably. In addition, it greatly simplifies the process of synchronizing and downloading various content, and also eliminates many unnecessary steps.

  1. After the program is installed, connect the PC and phone using the original Apple product cable.
  2. Open iTunes, make sure it recognizes the device and it is now available.
  3. That’s it, it’s now possible to transfer various files between devices using iTunes.

Of course, a PC connected by cable to a smartphone without using the program will still recognize the connection to the new device. You can find it in the list of all drives in the “My Computer” menu.

In this case, it is possible to open a new drive and view images located on the iPhone, and even transfer them to the PC desktop. But that's all. You cannot delete or, conversely, download something to your phone. This is exactly why you should install iTunes, because this is the manufacturer’s program, and therefore it is the best option in case it is necessary to recognize an iPhone.

To synchronize iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, you need iTunes. Sometimes errors may appear during the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Next, we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If, after connecting the iPhone to the computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Let's look at the main problems and ways to solve them:

  • You have an old version of iTunes installed on your computer. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstall the program (the distribution is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the program requirements. If you are using OS X, check for updates and download them if necessary. Remember that iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot synchronize with the program. Make sure that all necessary drivers (Apple Mobile Device and others) are installed on your PC or Mac. They download automatically the first time you connect your iPhone to your computer. If necessary, download them from the official Apple website.
  • Faulty connector, cable. If the computer no longer sees the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or faulty USB connector on the PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (only the original one).
  • The presence of viruses on your computer or smartphone. Conduct a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. After that, try reconnecting your iPhone to your PC.

Sometimes the connection is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security monitoring programs blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling them and only then try synchronizing data again.

Connecting iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view files stored on your iPhone from your computer, create a backup copy, or perform other actions, then connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take the original cable from the iPhone and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait automatic installation drivers. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After this, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Go to the Review tab to get detailed information about your smartphone.

After this, you will be able to create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting your iPhone via USB, you can synchronize data via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between your computer and smartphone, download and install updates for iOS on time. You can check availability through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are confident in the integrity of the cable and connector, but the computer does not detect the connected device, then most likely the synchronization problem is due to a driver malfunction. Disconnect all iOS devices from your PC and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On a Windows computer. Open Device Manager and look for " Portable devices" A list of available drivers will appear. Right-click on “Apple Mobile Device Driver” and select “Update”. If this does not help, then completely remove the driver.
  2. On a MacBook. Connect your iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Here, find the “System Information” section. On the left side of the window that opens, find the “USB” item. You will then see available third-party software on the right. Remove it.

iPhone drivers will be reinstalled on your computer automatically using iTunes. If this does not help, then this can be done through third-party software. For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but is charging

If, when you connect your iPhone to your computer, the smartphone charges, but does not appear in iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following:

  1. Disconnect the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs (including iTunes) from your computer. This can be done through the Add or Remove Programs utility. After that, download them from the official website.
  2. Delete temporary Apple Mobile Device files from the Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try connecting your iPhone via a different USB connector, using a different cable (only the original one).

Sometimes the problem may be a clogged or faulty connector. Try gently cleaning it with a brush or blowing it with air.

iPhone won't charge from USB computer

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then most likely the problem is a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connecting your smartphone to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure your computer is running and not in sleep or hibernation mode.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use a USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text “Device not supported,” then the problem may be a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, try contacting a service center. Most likely, your iPhone needs to replace a cable or other faulty component.

If you have a problem that iTunes does not see the iPhone, is it worth panicking? Of course not, there is probably some simple explanation for this. Today we will try to figure this out.

There are four simple explanations why iTunes does not see the iPhone:

  • Faulty cable or connectors;
  • An error occurs when syncing iPhone and iTunes;
  • AppleMobileDevice malfunction;
  • Bad flashing of a mobile device.

Now let's look at each case in more detail.

Problems with the physical connection state

In order for the synchronization of the device with the tuna to be successful, it is worth checking the connection for mechanical problems.

  • There may be dust or dirt in the socket into which you insert the USB cable, which is interfering with a normal connection. Also, the problem with iTunes not seeing the iPhone may lie in a faulty power connector, which is a very vulnerable point on the device. There can be a lot of reasons why a breakdown could occur: from mechanical damage to liquid ingress.

Try inserting the cord into another USB connector or cleaning the power connector using alcohol and a cotton swab wrapped on a flat piece of cardboard (1mm*5mm) for easy access to the contacts (depending on the condition of the connectors, both options may be useful).

  • It may be that the USB cable is damaged or completely unsuitable for transferring information from the computer to the device (intended only for recharging).

Make sure that your cord is original and has no mechanical damage. Alternatively, you can try reconnecting using a known good cable.

  • When using the “left” case or battery pack, connection problems may also occur.

Before connecting, remove the cover, additional unit and any other elements that may disrupt the full contact of the cable with the connector.

It is also worth checking the status of the drivers that ensure the connection of the device to the PC; the sequence of necessary actions is clearly presented in the following video.

Error syncing with iTunes

So, why can the program give an error when synchronizing with the iPhone 4s after a seemingly successful connection of your device? Here the reason may lie both in the PC and in the device itself and the programs that were recently installed on it.

First you need to check whether it is installed on your PC latest version iTunes, if not, then you need to update iTunes and then restart your computer and iPhone 4s. If this doesn't work, then perhaps the reason lies in the recent installed applications. Try to find them and delete them, then try connecting again.

If iTunes still does not see the device when your iPhone is synchronized, we can assume that the culprit is a computer failure and you can try deleting all temporary files that may interfere proper operation. To do this, we need to clear two folders of content:

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
  • C:\Windows\Temp

To successfully search for these folders, you must have the “show hidden files, folders and drives” function enabled. After all changes, do not forget to reboot. Well, another reason why iTunes might not see the iPhone has been eliminated. Try synchronizing with the tuna again.

AppleMobileDevice service does not work

There is a more complex problem due to which the program does not see the mobile device. This problem is how AppleMobileDevice works. This problem brings the most frustration, because it cannot always be solved at once.

First, let's look at how you can identify a problem with your AppleMobileDevice. To do this, you need to disconnect the USB cable from your smartphone and go to Control Panel => Uninstall programs, then try to find the “Apple Mobile Device Support” component. If we are successful, we restart it (instructions below), but if the component is not found, then:

  • Uninstall programs or components => iTunes, QuickTime, Apple Software Update and Apple Application Support;
  • Reinstall iTunes again.

To restart the AppleMobileDevice service, you need to do a few simple steps:

  • Go to the Services folder using the following path Control Panel -> Administration;
  • Find the service we are interested in and restart;
  • Connect your device.

Bad flashing of a mobile device

In this situation, the problem may be hidden in the “var/mobile/Media” folder, which is located on your iPhone. By deleting this folder, the problem should go away, although deleting it will also delete all of your Photos and Videos captured on your camera. Therefore, if you value the files that are on your iPhone, do a back-up before deleting anything.

We all sometimes connect our iOS devices to our computer to download a movie, transfer purchased apps, create backups, and so on. However, there are often cases when on Windows and OS X it simply “does not see” the connected iPhone or iPad. What to do in such a situation?

First, try force restarting your iPhone (usually solves 90% of all problems with the device) and restarting your computer. I think you can figure out the latter yourself, but for a hard reboot, hold down the Home button and the power button until the “apple apple” appears on the screen.

The second most common solution is updating iTunes and iOS to the most current version. Usually the application on the computer itself notifies you about this, but it doesn’t hurt to check again.

Another option is a little simpler: just try connecting the device to a different port or using a different cable. By the way, the cable is a different story: with my iPhone, for example, only two of the four original cables work.

It's also worth checking the charging port on your iPhone or iPad for dirt or foreign objects. Sometimes it is useful to do this simply for prevention.

Another method will require persistence on your part: reset your geo settings. To do this, go to Settings - General - Reset.

iOS devices, of course, in most cases can do without using USB, but situations still arise when using a cord is simply necessary. And even with using USB, problems can arise - where would we be without them, nothing is perfect. So why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone via USB: we’ll tell you the solution.
One of the most common problems that arise when working with iTunes is the inability to find a connected device. There can be several reasons for this error, but often the failure lies in the trusted connection mechanism (keys for future login are saved on both devices). By default, when such an error occurs, a message like “Trust this computer?” should pop up on the computer. next time you connect.

We will consider a scenario where, after a negative response, a repeat request is no longer shown. Fortunately, this problem can be solved in just a few steps.

Solving the problem on OS X

We think it would be right to start with the native environment for iTunes - the OS X system. Thanks to optimization, problems arise much less frequently on this operating system, but are not excluded. First of all, you should try to clear all the contents of the Lockdown directory. To do this, first disconnect your iPhone from the computer, press the “cmd + shift + G” keys simultaneously and go to /var/db/lockdown/
If everything is done correctly, a window will open with certificate files that need to be deleted.

Now we try to connect your device to the computer, and when asked about trusting this computer, we answer in the affirmative. The computer should then see your iPhone via USB.

Solving the problem on Windows

You can solve the problem on Windows in a similar way, although this OS is more stubborn in this regard. True, the location of the certificate files is different, and there is a need to display hidden files. To do this, go to “Folder Options”, then “View” and select show hidden files and folders. On different versions of Windows, the path to the files will be different:

  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10: C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown

If these manipulations do not lead to anything, then you can resort to more in a complicated way. In Windows, go to Device Manager, then right-click on your Apple device. Select “Update driver”, and then search for drivers on this computer through the item “Select a driver from the list of existing ones”.

Now select “Install from disk” (or alternatively, you can try installing from USB storage or telephone).

In the "Install from Disk" window, select the "Browse" option and go to the following address: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers
Here we need the usbaapl file, select it. If it is not there or the folder does not exist, you should look for it in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers

Finally, click on the “Ok” button, and then click on the “Next” button to complete the driver installation process. Now you can connect your iPhone to your computer and check if it can see it. In most cases, this method is the winning one.


We also cannot note the fact that the majority of iPhone users do not care about their device, throwing it into their purse or pockets, where there is a bunch of other small things and garbage. If the phone is constantly placed in such an environment, its recesses will inevitably become clogged with debris, which one day can play a rather cruel joke on the device. If the above recommendations do not help, you can try taking a brush and cleaning the entire body of the device. Sometimes it helps.

If the phone no longer appears on the computer after being dropped, wet, or a software failure, then it is advisable to take it to a service center.