What signs are suitable for an Aquarius person? Which zodiac sign is suitable for an Aquarius woman for marriage?

Which zodiac sign suits the Aquarius woman The Aquarius woman is a bright and energetic personality, very independent and freedom-loving. She is in constant search of new and varied sensations, does not tolerate routine and monotony, and therefore is unlikely to choose a closed or too conservative person as her companion. According to astrologers, the most suitable signs The zodiac signs for the Aquarius woman are representatives of the air and fire elements. Compatibility of an Aquarius woman with air signs One of the best partners for Aquarius among the air signs is Libra. This union has everything you need for a long and strong relationship: common interests, equality and mutual understanding. Aquarius and Libra have a very good sexual compatibility and a truly sensual, deep connection. Partners can spend a lot of time together without boring each other at all. Another representative of the air element with whom the Aquarius woman has an excellent relationship is Gemini. Both are intellectually developed, curious and independent, and also have similar outlooks on life. But despite good compatibility, their relationship may not last long due to the frivolity of Gemini. Compatibility of an Aquarius woman with fire signs The most suitable fire signs for an Aquarius woman are Aries and Sagittarius. The Aries man attracts her with his energy, love of change and diversity. But some astrologers believe that Aries and Aquarius are more suitable for the roles of friends or lovers, since in marriage this couple does not always manage to reach mutual understanding. Aries is an owner who will control the Aquarius woman in everything, and she, with her desire for freedom, will not be able to tolerate this. The Aquarius woman also has a fairly harmonious relationship with Sagittarius. Both love freedom, communication and travel. This couple quickly establishes a strong spiritual connection. Very deep feelings and strong passion are possible between them. But for this union to become long and lasting, Aquarius will have to make a lot of effort, since the changeable Sagittarius needs a partner who will constantly change and surprise him. Compatibility of an Aquarius woman with earth signs Of the representatives of the earth element, Aquarius is best suited to Capricorn. This reliable and serious man balances her violent emotions, and she gives him inspiration and lightness. The stumbling block between them may be the difference in character: the Capricorn man values ​​​​stability and calmness, while his companion may be too frivolous. Another zodiac sign of the earth element that has good compatibility with Aquarius is Taurus. There is a mutual attraction between them and they complement each other perfectly. But it is often difficult for this couple to find a common language, and besides, the too practical and down-to-earth Taurus can easily bore Aquarius. Compatibility of an Aquarius woman with water signs Among water signs, astrologers call Pisces the most suitable for Aquarius. An Aquarius woman and a Pisces man have a similar view of the world and many common interests. They have every chance of a happy marriage, full of love and harmony, but only if the Pisces man is active and tries to share the many hobbies of his companion.

Among the air signs of the Zodiac, Libra and Gemini are considered the best partners for an Aquarius man. He can develop a very sensual and passionate relationship with a Libra woman, and although this union will not be calm, Aquarius and Libra understand each other very well, and therefore even heated quarrels are not capable of provoking a break between them.

The union of Aquarius with Gemini is also considered very successful for love relationship, since these partners have many common interests. However, both of them are not inclined to commit themselves to any obligations, so in living together or things may not be so smooth. Their relationship will be long and strong only if both learn to compromise and forgive each other some weaknesses.

Compatibility of an Aquarius man with fire signs

The most suitable fire signs for Aquarius are Sagittarius and Aries. The Sagittarius woman will not encroach on the freedom of the Aquarius man and will gladly share all his interests. Their union may not end in marriage, but it will remain unforgettable for both. However, often this couple still decides to have a long-term relationship.

An Aquarius woman can have a passionate and emotional connection. But since she is very demanding, and he often shows irresponsibility, their relationship is not always able to stand the test of time. Such a union will be harmonious and lasting only if both partners learn to keep their emotions under control and give in to each other.

Compatibility of an Aquarius man with earth signs

Astrologers name Taurus and Capricorn among the earth signs suitable for Aquarius. These “earthly” women have enough patience and life wisdom to easily endure the unpredictability and inconstancy of Aquarius. At the same time, such unions are based more on respect and cooperation than on the true spiritual closeness of the partners. Although the Aquarius man is looking for a companion who will be his true friend, both Taurus and Capricorn are rather unemotional signs. Therefore, in alliances with them, Aquarius often lacks passion and depth of feelings.

Compatibility of an Aquarius man with water signs

Among the representatives water element the only one suitable for Aquarius The sign is Pisces. The Aquarius man and the Pisces woman complement each other unusually well emotionally, so their union is usually very bright and harmonious to the right extent. From water, Scorpio and Cancer, Aquarius can only have short-lived, albeit passionate, relationships, which cannot develop into true intimacy due to too different views on life and lack of mutual understanding.

Aquarius Behavior

Aquarius Behavior

Characteristic Aquarius behavior

  • You won't get bored with him. Because a woman surrounds herself with relatives, friends and acquaintances. She is at the center of life. At the same time, he moves in different circles and finds a common language with everyone. The Zodiac is 100% attentive, and therefore loves to delve into other people's stories, sorts out problems, and tracks the reasons for actions along the chain. Their intuition is so strong that they can see into the future through dreams.
  • Their thoughts sometimes confuse even professional psychologists. The Zodiac is trying in every possible way to get rid of obligations and direct answers. Sometimes their behavior is like a challenge to the public, since no one manages to reveal their true motives. Usually Aquarius is modest, behaves with restraint and does not impose his point of view and does not allow others to convince him of something. They do not trust some secrets even to their closest people. She won't lie, she just won't tell you all the details.

Love and zodiac sign compatibility

Love and compatibility

  • Since the zodiac yearns to find freedom, then stone by sign should be chosen based on her needs. Amethyst helps to understand the desires of others, pearls protect against conflicts, and aquamarine takes off rose-colored glasses.
  • Aquarius has one foot in the future, but this does not mean that he has his head in the clouds. The sign sets goals for itself and does everything possible to realize them. Creativity plays into the hands creativity to everything. On weekdays they are absent-minded, but when the time comes to take on a serious task, Aquarius turns into a serious and concentrated worker. Every year she becomes better at mastering her natural talents.
  • Before you know what sign suits an Aquarius woman, we need to better understand her romantic nature. They love to go to extremes. So, she sometimes seems cold and indifferent, although in her soul she strives to envelop the object of desire with her warmth. If her heart has been won, then she will not look towards another partner. But even great passion will not force her to completely lose her freedom. She won't choose just anyone. A man must succeed in life, constantly improve himself and desire more.
  • Sign compatibility says that she will find happiness with Cancer, in whom she will discern a sensitive soul. And Virgo will conquer with her aspirations. It’s true that it’s not so easy to let her down the aisle. She will weigh all the pros and cons for a long time and even prepare ways to retreat. The applicant will receive consent only if he convinces that he will not enslave her in marriage.
  • She's not going to get bogged down in household. So you don’t have to wait for clean rooms and a three-course meal. But she still tries to keep up the brand, because friends often come to her.
  • Finish description of the sign stands on her maternal instinct. They do not obsess over their children and do not allow themselves to lisp and show violent emotions. But from birth she will perceive the baby as an individual, and therefore will raise him to be strong and confident. She does not look after him at every turn and behaves more like a friend opening up the world.

Yes, she is a little out of this world. Friends, family, work colleagues, and all her countless fans know about this. But this is precisely why they love and, without exaggeration, respect the unusual, original and at the same time incredibly understanding Aquarius woman. It seems that this is a psychotherapist from God. One word from her - and her despondent friends are inspired again, filled with the desire to live and rush to new heights.

But few people manage to find the key to it. Moreover, even among friends this lady feels like a lonely person. So how to win her heart, and what kind of man does she ultimately need? First things first.

There is one ancient legend. Like all legends, she is beautiful and sad. In a long time ago bygone times The ancient Greek Olympus was inhabited by gods who, of course, sometimes loved to feast and enjoy wine. Once they saw in the field the son of the local king - a magnificent, slender young man. He was so good-looking that the gods brought him straight to Olympus so that he could serve them and pour wine at feasts. The young man took it with enthusiasm - he poured it generously and always gave the holiday a unique atmosphere.

How much time passed, but one day that young man passed away. The gods were sad. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their best servant and created the constellation Aquarius (Latin “Aquaris”). That's why symbol of this eleventh sign of the zodiac A young man appears pouring water from his jug, helping people in their difficult lives. Aquarius is adjacent to the mysterious fish on the right and the hardworking Capricorn on the left.

Aquarius is an air sign of the zodiac. These are sincere open people who easily make contact with any person, regardless of his oddities. Yes, Aquarius is a preacher of humanity, a person with principles and high concepts of honor. Colors of luck– all shades of blue: from classic ultramarine to violet. Talisman stones– jade, obsidian, amethyst.

I wonder what this unusual sign The zodiac is ruled by two planets at once - Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is a majestic planet with rings, symbolizing limitations, boundaries. It is its influence that explains the Aquarius blues, which can really arise out of the blue. But Uranus is the planet of geniuses. Indeed, this planet is the only one in the whole solar system, which rotates against the movement of everyone else. Moreover, it lies on its side (the axis of rotation is strongly inclined). Uranus is responsible for insights, brilliant breakthroughs, real revolutionary leaps that change the course of all subsequent events for a long time.

That is why representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, always differ from their surroundings. We talk about them: strange, out of this world. And at the same time, it is with such people that we strive to establish the closest friendships. These are Vera Brezhneva and Shakira, Isla Fisher and Yulia Mikhailchik, Rachelle Lefevre and Vera Glagoleva, Gia Carangi and Oprah Winfrey. Bright, extraordinary and at the same time incredibly humane girls. Stars with human face- these are the true Aquarians.


Who is she, the Aquarius woman: character description

Every Aquarius girl deserves to have a separate article written about her. Yes, she is unusual, and that's putting it mildly. Aquarius, even with all his desire, cannot be like everyone else - and these are not just words. Surely, every Aquarius tried to somehow adjust, format, download the necessary files and become an ordinary person. But no - very quickly he realized that this was not for him.

Endless originality

Do you know what the typical Aquarius girl hates? Not gray weather at all. She doesn't like to repeat herself. And this means only one thing: Aquarius is an original sign that constantly sets itself an invisible bar for creativity. She literally confirmed to herself: you have no right to be like everyone else. That's why many people consider this girl harmful. In fact, he simply goes his own way because he does not like the beaten path.

Yes, you will never get the usual birthday greetings from an Aquarius girl. New Year. And she won’t even read other people’s poems - after all, what’s stopping her from writing her own. Aquarius is an artist of an original genre. He is in an eternal search for a more perfect, more interesting idea, which must conquer and improve our sinful world.

Vera Glagoleva, actress and director

Deep humanity

Do you want a lover and a psychologist rolled into one? Then you need to choose the Aquarius woman. These ladies look at our world a little naively. They love rose-colored glasses. And even though they have repeatedly encountered examples of obvious human dishonesty, no one and nothing will make them believe that the world is cruel and evil.

Yes, the girl of this zodiac sign tries to bestow her attention on everyone who turns to her for help. That's why she devotes so much time to her countless friends. Aquarius just loves to be needed, useful, valuable. But to put on airs, turn up his nose, suffer from delusions of grandeur - no, this is completely not his thing.

World peace

It’s hard to imagine a more peaceful creature than the Aquarius girl. This lady doesn’t like to raise a scandal, throw tantrums, or scream throughout the street. Although sometimes she behaves eccentrically, this is either from a lack of attention or from an excess of it. Yes, this lady is concerned about the problems of the whole humanity. Believe me, she really cares where the world is going and what place our society occupies on this stage.

It is impossible to communicate with an Aquarius if you do not know how to support any topics. Moreover, the interlocutor must be ready for any turns. Abruptly changing the topic of conversation, and even seeing your own logic in it, is in the spirit of Aquarius.

Freedom without borders

All air signs Zodiac signs do not tolerate pressure and suppress such attempts literally immediately. But in the case of our heroine, the love of freedom is simply off the charts. She herself does not put pressure on anyone, but she will not allow others to communicate with her, not just in an orderly manner, but even in a teacher’s style.

For an Aquarius girl there is no concept of boundaries. The whole point is that she will never do anything that directly contradicts her internal constitution. And she trusts her completely. That's why all other actions are completely normal for her. And what others think - believe me, this really does not interest Aquarius.

Attitude to work and money

Aquarius is a bad accountant. A person interested in heavenly things rarely descends to earth. Therefore, some financial difficulties quite often accompany representatives of this zodiac sign. But they have learned to deftly overcome such difficulties, and besides, they have loyal friends for this.

In fairness, the stars bring to your attention that Aquarius hates borrowing, as well as lending. But be that as it may, this lady’s friends are always ready to come to her aid, just as she is to them.

As for work, a typical Aquarius woman masters several professions during her life. It’s just that this lady has been looking for herself for quite a long time, she wants more recognition and true pleasure from work than monetary wealth and career growth. Aquarius is an almost disappearing person who sincerely believes that money is nothing compared to eternal spiritual values.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need?

A typical Aquarius woman can spend hours talking about what she values ​​in people, regardless of their gender. In her mouth, the word “man” sounds much more often than “guy” or “man”. Yes, at times Aquarius generally resembles an asexual being who views his companion as a friend.

And in this approach lies the answer to the question posed. The Aquarius girl does not have a standard approach to representatives of the opposite sex. An original woman needs an equally interesting man. Moreover, for her he must first become best friend, and then to everyone else. Aquarius is far from traditional games of queen and knight; she doesn’t care whether you have a car or what your bank account is. This selfless woman in every sense is deeply concerned about the personality of her soul mate, namely, how much you can trust her with the most intimate things.

Therefore, the star portrait of the chosen one of Aquarius can be painted with the following colors:

  1. He is a Personality. For Aquarius, you don’t have to comment on this phrase, because each lady will put her own, unique meaning into it.
  2. He is a Like-Minded Man. For an Aquarius, a relationship with a person whose psychological portrait is not interesting to her is unthinkable.
  3. He is selflessly devoted to her. It must be said that this lady has very peculiar ideas about men’s, and indeed about human fidelity in general. Under certain conditions, she will turn a blind eye even to physical betrayal. But never spiritually.
  4. She is always sure that he needs him. Moreover, that is all that is needed. Aquarius is a fan of the exclusivity of the moment; she is turned on by the mere thought of “no one but me.”
  5. Finally, he must respect and understand her infinitely. Aquarius will not be able to share a roof with a stranger; she does not enter into marriage as a transaction or some kind of game where everyone has their own role.

How not to behave with an Aquarius

The Aquarius girl is a delicate, sentimental nature. But you can’t tell it from the outside. A joker, a bright star, a talented actress, almost a clown who knows how to make you laugh even in the darkest situations.

You might think that you can behave just as frivolously with her, and in many ways this is true. You just need to take into account a few important points that you definitely shouldn’t violate:

  1. Don’t even think about laughing at the views of Aquarius or, God forbid, criticizing them. This person gives his beliefs, that very inner constitution, an almost sacred character, so a disdainful attitude towards the ideas of Aquarius is a sure way to losing him forever.
  2. Further, you should not criticize the friends of this lovely lady. And also be jealous of them. Yes, she has many friends among the stronger sex. And this can be very annoying for almost any man. But don’t be dramatic – Aquarius is truly one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac.
  3. Finally, never push an Aquarius. Otherwise, you have a real chance of meeting another version of this person.

Who is suitable for Aquarius and who is not so good

Remember one important truth: if an Aquarius is friends with everyone, this does not mean that such a lady will be able to get along with almost any man. Not at all. In fact, finding a mate for an Aquarius is a thankless task. After all, this will take years, and the result is truly unpredictable. Here's what the stars say:

  1. Aquarius has a very good chances for compatibility with representatives of their own air element. She will find understanding with and. And although the everyday side of their union will be in question, but in spiritually The tandem has very solid chances.
  2. Aquarius gets along well with fire signs. A favorable alliance is with a progressive-minded, changeable person who, like Aquarius, is always busy thinking about the future. It’s just that his assertiveness may harm things a little, but everything can be fixed, right? An Aquarius girl will also be interested in him, but she may be annoyed by his narcissism. And the stubborn one will probably try to reforge our heroine in his own way, but will receive an uncompromising rebuff. The stars remind you once again - this approach in the case of Aquarius guarantees failure.
  3. Water representatives (, and) can give Aquarius family comfort. But ensuring mutual understanding is an impossible task.
  4. Finally, earth signs ( , and ) are the worst combination. It’s just that these men need, rather, a virtuoso housewife who moonlights as a mistress at night according to the approved tariff rate. And the Aquarius woman will quickly begin to be annoyed by their overly correct and predictable rules of the game.

Aquarius in bed

Let's be honest: Aquarius doesn't go crazy about sex, doesn't read romance novels and doesn't dream about wild nights all day long. But of course, nothing human is alien to our heroine. Moreover, we must not forget that she is a master of the original genre. Easy improvisation, an unexpected change of rhythm and logic, coupled with her mystery - this is her Aquarius answer to the question of what men want.

An Aquarius woman is a real gift for a man who wants to get a lover and friend in one.

The zodiac sign Aquarius in relationships, being a permanent sign, is distinguished by a bright, eccentric temperament, determination, stubbornness, and always positive; it seems to others that this is a soft and trusting person.

However, the temperament of people born under the constellation Aquarius is by no means soft and calm. This is a dual sign, it is both an angel and a devil in one person. Successful compatibility for the Aquarius zodiac sign in love is no less important than for all other signs of the zodiac circle. Which zodiac sign suits Aquarius?

Temperament, character and love of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Those born under the Aquarius zodiac sign always have an overwhelming darkness of ideas in their heads, but it seems to them that those around them do not understand them, are unable to appreciate their genius, and feel offended. This leads to them quarreling with everyone and behaving defiantly.

There are representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius who are weak and strong in love, this sign is contradictory, they do not like theatricality, presentability, effects, but they themselves are not averse to scandalizing society. In love, the zodiac sign Aquarius strives to do something pleasant, but, as a rule, for himself. Aquarians are alien to conventions in relation to themselves, they strive for power, position, prestige, while not wanting to be bound by obligations.

In relationships, the zodiac sign Aquarius is curious, and it is on this curiosity that most of his novels are built. However, they quickly get bored with new things; in general, for all their intelligence, these are people. They reason a lot, but act little; they are more contemplators of life. There is something subtle, elusive, smooth in the character of a person with the zodiac sign of Aquarius. He craves understanding from others, but does not always understand himself, torn between instincts and reason. Hence his mysticism, immersion in magic or religion.

Zodiac sign Aquarius in relationships

In relationships, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign experience bright feelings and good intentions. As a rule, they are sweet, courteous, simple, some individuals are too trusting. They think they are insightful, but in reality they are naive.

What many of them really lack is a sense of repentance. In relationships, they do not strive to be equal to their partner, they need to be higher. If this fails, they can become jealous, inattentive, callous, cold and hostile.

Zodiac signs suitable for Aquarius

In their youth, people of the Aquarius zodiac sign should look for partners in love among the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The relationships of young air signs are fragile, changeable, and involve the accumulation of experience through intellectual impulse and through balance.
After 30 years Aquarius zodiac sign in love begins to be interested in its practical manifestations, i.e. ordinary earthly life, and just at this time it is quite often compatible with the signs Virgo and Aries: Virgo will help you enter the realm of practicality, and Aries offers ambition as a model for the formation of your own personality.