Horrible facts about Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele

The German doctor Joseph Mengele is known in world history as the most cruel Nazi criminal, who subjected tens of thousands of prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp to inhuman experiments.
For his crimes against humanity, Mengele forever earned the nickname “Doctor Death.”


Josef Mengele was born in 1911 in Bavaria, in Günzburg. The ancestors of the future fascist executioner were ordinary German farmers. Father Karl founded the agricultural equipment company Karl Mengele and Sons. The mother was raising three children. When Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power, the wealthy Mengele family began to actively support him. Hitler defended the interests of the very farmers on whom the well-being of this family depended.

Joseph did not intend to continue his father’s work and went to study to become a doctor. Studied at the universities of Vienna and Munich. In 1932, he joined the ranks of the Nazi Steel Helmet stormtroopers, but soon left this organization due to health problems. After graduating from university, Mengele received a doctorate. He wrote his dissertation on the topic of racial differences in the structure of the jaw.

Military service and professional activities

In 1938, Mengele joined the ranks of the SS and at the same time the Nazi Party. At the beginning of the war, he joined the reserve forces of the SS Panzer Division, rose to the rank of SS Hauptsturmführer and received the Iron Cross for saving 2 soldiers from a burning tank. After being wounded in 1942, he was declared unfit for further service in the active forces and went to “work” in Auschwitz.

In the concentration camp, he decided to realize his long-time dream of becoming an outstanding doctor and research scientist. Mengele calmly justified Hitler's sadistic views with scientific expediency: he believed that if inhuman cruelty is needed for the development of science and the breeding of a “pure race,” then it can be forgiven. This point of view translated into thousands of damaged lives and even more deaths.

In Auschwitz, Mengele found the most fertile ground for his experiments. The SS not only did not control, but even encouraged the most extreme forms of sadism. In addition, the killing of thousands of Gypsies, Jews and other people of the “wrong” nationality was the primary task of the concentration camp. Thus, Mengele found himself in the hands of a huge amount of “human material” that was supposed to be used up. "Doctor Death" could do whatever he wanted. And he created.

"Doctor Death" experiments

Josef Mengele conducted thousands of monstrous experiments over the years of his activity. He amputated body parts without anesthesia and internal organs, sewed twins together, injected toxic chemicals into the children's eyes to see if the color of the iris would change after that. Prisoners were deliberately infected with smallpox, tuberculosis and other diseases. All new and untested medications, chemicals, poisons and poisonous gases were tested on them.

Mengele was most interested in various developmental anomalies. A huge number of experiments were carried out on dwarfs and twins. Of the latter, about 1,500 couples were subjected to his brutal experiments. About 200 people survived.

All operations on fusion of people, removal and transplantation of organs were performed without anesthesia. The Nazis did not consider it advisable to spend expensive medicines on “subhumans.” Even if the patient survived the experience, he was expected to be destroyed. In many cases, the autopsy was performed at a time when the person was still alive and felt everything.

After the war

After Hitler’s defeat, “Doctor Death,” realizing that execution awaited him, tried with all his might to escape persecution. In 1945, he was detained in the uniform of a private near Nuremberg, but then released because they could not establish his identity. After this, Mengele hid for 35 years in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. All this time, the Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD was looking for him and was close to capturing him several times.

It was never possible to arrest the cunning Nazi. His grave was discovered in Brazil in 1985. In 1992, the body was exhumed and proved that it belonged to Josef Mengele. Now the remains of the sadistic doctor are in medical university Sao Paulo.

Among all the Nazi criminals from the Third Reich, one stands out in particular, who, perhaps, even among the most vile murderers and vile sadists, rightfully takes the place of the most vile of the vile. Some of the Nazis can, albeit with great stretch, be classified as lost sheep who turned into wolves. Others take their place as ideological criminals. But this one... This one did his dirty work with obvious pleasure, even with pleasure, satisfying his basest, wildest desires. This complexed, sick creature combined Nazi ideas with obvious mental disorders and earned the nickname “Doctor Death.” Sometimes, however, he was called almost the “angel of death.” But this is too flattering a nickname for him. We are talking about the so-called Dr. Josef Mengele, the executioner from Auschwitz, who miraculously escaped human trial, but, it seems, only to await a higher trial.

Joseph Mengele received Nazi training from childhood. The fact is that he, born in 1911 in Günzburg, Bavaria, was the son of the founder of an agricultural equipment company, Karl Mengele. The company was called “Karl Mengele and Sons” (Joseph had two brothers - Karl and Alois). Naturally, the prosperity of the company depended on how the farmers felt. Farmers, like, in fact, millions of other Germans, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War and the most severe political and economic sanctions imposed against it, as they would say now, did not feel well. And it is not surprising that when Hitler came to power with his Nazi party and his unbridled populism, who promised mountains of gold to shopkeepers and the average bourgeoisie, seeing his electoral base in them, Karl Mengele supported the Nazis with all his heart and part of his wallet. So the son was brought up in “appropriate” conditions.

Misanthropic dissertation

By the way, Joseph Mengele did not immediately go to study medicine (yes, he refused to continue his father’s work, apparently, from a young age he was drawn to experiments on people), no. First, he plunged into the activities of the right-wing conservative-monarchist organization "Steel Helmet", which had two wings - political and military. However, many political organizations in Germany in those years had their own militants on hand. Including communists. Later, namely in 1933, the “Steel Helmet” successfully joined the terrible SA (the organization of Nazi stormtroopers). But something went wrong. Perhaps Mengele sensed what the matter smelled like (the SA was subsequently virtually destroyed by Hitler, and the leadership led by Rehm was destroyed - such was the internal Nazi competition). Or maybe, as the biographers of this fiend of hell claim, he actually developed health problems. Josef left the Steel Helm and went to study medicine. By the way, about passions and ideology. The topic of Mengele's doctoral dissertation was “Racial differences in the structure of the lower jaw.” So it was originally still that “scientist”.

The usual path of an ideological Nazi

Then Mengele did everything that a “righteous” Nazi was supposed to do. He joined, of course, the NSDAP. He didn't stop there. Became a member of the SS. Then he even ended up in the SS Viking tank division. Well, like in a tank division. Of course, Mengele was not sitting in the tank. He was a doctor in the sapper battalion of this division and even received the Iron Cross. Reportedly for saving two tank crews who were pulled out of a burning tank. The war, or rather its active, risky phase, ended for Mengele already in 1942. He was wounded on eastern front. He received treatment for a long time, but became unfit for service at the front. But they found him a “job,” as they say, “to his liking.” The one to which he had been heading his entire adult life. Pure executioner work. In May 1943 he became a "doctor" at Auschwitz. In the so-called “gypsy camp”. This is exactly what they say: they let the wolf into the sheepfold.

Concentration camp career

But Mengele remained a simple “doctor” for only a little over a year. At the end of the summer of 1944, he was appointed "chief doctor" at Birkenau (Auschwitz was the whole system camps, and Birkenau is the so-called inner camp). By the way, Mengele was transferred to Birkenau after the “gypsy camp” was closed. At the same time, all its inhabitants were simply taken and burned in gas chambers. In the new place, Mengele went wild. He personally met trains with arriving prisoners and decided who would go to work, who would go straight to the gas chambers, and who would go to experiments.

Hell of an experimenter

We will not describe in detail exactly how Mengele abused the prisoners. This is all too disgusting and inhumane. Let us present only a few facts to clarify for the reader its direction, so to speak, “ scientific experiments" And this educated barbarian believed, yes, believed that he was engaged in “science.” And for the sake of this very “science” people can be subjected to any torture and bullying. It is clear that there was no smell of science there.

It smelled, as mentioned above, of this bastard’s complexes creeping out, of his personal sadistic inclinations, which he satisfied under the guise of scientific necessity.

What did Mengele do?

It is clear that he had no shortage of “test subjects”. And that's why he didn't regret" consumables“What he considered the prisoners who fell into his clutches. Even the survivors of his terrible experiments were then killed. But this bastard was sorry for the painkiller, which was, of course, necessary for the “great German army.” And he carried out all his experiments on living people, including amputations and even dissections (!) of prisoners without anesthesia. It was especially hard on the twins. The sadist had a special interest in them. He carefully looked for them among the prisoners and dragged them to his torture chamber. And, for example, he sewed two together, trying to make one out of them. He sprayed chemicals into the eyes of children, allegedly looking for a way to change the color of the iris of the eyes. He, you see, was researching female endurance. And to do this, I passed a high voltage current through them. Or, here is the famous case when Mengele sterilized an entire group of Polish Catholic nuns. Do you know how? By using x-ray radiation. It must be said that for Mengele all the camp prisoners were “subhumans.”

But it was the gypsies and Jews who received the most attention. However, let's stop depicting these “experiments”. Just believe that this was truly a monster of the human race.

Gray "rat trails"

Some of the readers probably know what “rat trails” are. This is what American intelligence agencies called the escape routes they identified for Nazi criminals after defeat in the war, in order to avoid prosecution and punishment for their atrocities. Evil tongues claim that these same American intelligence services themselves subsequently used “rat trails” to lead the Nazis out of attack and then use them for their own purposes. Many of the Nazis fled to Latin American countries.

One of the most famous “rat trails” is the one created by the famous ODESSA network, the brainchild of Otto Skorzeny himself. True, his involvement in this has not been proven. But it's not that important. The important thing is that thanks to precisely this “rat trail” he escaped to South America and Joseph Mengele.

Hello Argentina

As we now know, Mengele really, like a rat, sensed the imminent sinking of the already leaky ship called the “Third Reich.” And of course, he understood that if he fell into the hands of the Soviet investigative authorities, he would not get away with it and would answer for everything to the fullest extent. Therefore, he fled closer to the Western allies of the USSR. This was in April 1945. He, dressed in a soldier's uniform, was detained. However, then a strange thing happened. Allegedly, Western specialists were unable to establish his real identity and... released him on all four sides. It’s hard to believe. Rather, the conclusion suggests itself about the deliberate removal of the sadist from trial. Although the general confusion at the end of the war could have played a role. Be that as it may, Mengele, after spending three years in Bavaria, fled along the “rat trail” to Argentina.

Escape from Mossad

We will not describe in detail the life of a Nazi criminal in Argentina. Let's just say that one day he almost fell into the hands of the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and Mossad agents.

They followed his trail. But at the same time they were on the trail of the main Nazi “specialist in the final solution to the Jewish question” Adolf Eichmann. Trying to capture both at the same time was extremely risky.

And the Mossad settled on Eichmann, leaving Mengele for later. However, after Israeli intelligence literally kidnapped Eichmann from Buenos Aires, Mengele understood everything and quickly fled the city. First to Paraguay and then to Brazil.

The disease took revenge

It must be said that the Mossad was close several times to discovering and capturing Mengele, but something went wrong. So the famous sadist lived in Brazil until 1979. And then... One day he went swimming in the ocean. While taking ocean baths, he suffered a stroke. And Mengele drowned. It was only in 1985 that his grave was found. Only in 1992 were researchers finally convinced that the remains belonged to Mengele. After death, the Nazi and sadist still had to serve people. And, by the way, precisely in the scientific field. His remains serve as scientific material for Faculty of Medicine University of Sao Paulo.


Josef Mengele, the most famous of the Nazi doctor-criminals, was born in Bavaria in 1911. Mengele studied philosophy at the University of Munich and medicine at Frankfurt University. In 1934 he joined the SA and became a member of the National Socialist Party

von Verschuer is a world authority in the field of twin research; from Mengele he received a large number of human specimens: eyes of twin children, blood samples of “people of a different race,” heads of beheaded children, skeletons of Jews

Until recently, it was thought that the doctor, a Nazi criminal who used thousands and thousands of Auschwitz prisoners for terrible and deadly experiments, acted alone. On the contrary, he was a performer and a diligent collaborator of some of the leading German scientists of the time. At least two of them quietly continued their careers after the war: laureate Nobel Prize Adolf Butenandt and Dr. Othmar von Verschuer. The weekly Der Spiegel talks about this, publishing the results of an investigation conducted by a commission of historians, writes the Italian newspaper La Repubblica (The translation of the article is published by the website Inopressa.ru).

The subject of the investigation was Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany's leading institute for biological, medical and biotechnological research. Before the war, this establishment was called Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. “The red bloody thread of prisoners linked the splendor of Villa Dahlem, a wealthy quarter of Berlin, with the barracks of Auschwitz.” A German institute conducted experiments on organs that were cut out from children by “Doctor Death.”

Butenandt, whose research into sex hormones and proteins ranks among the most important scientific achievements of the 20th century, is accused of conducting human experiments on the effects of certain types of mold on liver cells. Heavy clouds of doubt also hung over his “hemopetin project,” research into substances that could improve the blood quality of Luftwaffe pilots and allow them to survive in cold water or cold climates.

There is no doubt that von Verschuer, a world authority in the field of twin research, received a large number of human specimens from Mengele: eyes of twin children, blood samples of “people of a different race,” heads of beheaded children, skeletons of Jews, newborns in formaldehyde. Mengele routinely cut off parts of the liver or other vital organs from Jewish children without any anesthesia and killed them with monstrous blows to the head if there was a need for the newly deceased “guinea pig.” He injected chloroform into the hearts of many children; he infected his other subjects with typhus or terrible diseases, destroying tissue. Mengele injected deadly bacteria into the ovaries of many Jewish women.

Some twins with different colors Eye colorants were injected into the eye sockets and pupils to change eye color and explore the possibility of producing Aryan twins with blue eyes. In the end, the children were left with granular clumps instead of eyes. The kids died in terrible agony. “Mengele, through criminal methods, turned Auschwitz into the largest biotechnology laboratory in the world with human beings instead of experimental animals,” says expert Ernst Klee. The experiments on the twins at Auschwitz were followed with great interest in Berlin.

Of the 900 pairs of twins handed over to Mengele at Auschwitz, only 50 survived. Many died as a result of the experiments. Many of them were killed by lethal injections by Mengele in the summer of 1944. A Nazi doctor handed over their eyes, carefully preserved in formaldehyde, to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft.

Adolf Butenandt and Dr. Othmar von Verschuer were renowned as world-class scientists and science editors of the New York Times. The first was president of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in 1972, the second headed the German Society of Anthropology in the new Federal Republic. Neither of them was ever responsible for the notorious connections with Mengele. "Doctor Death" fled to South America, lived calmly and happily, in abundance, and died by accident, drowning a few meters from the shore of one of the beautiful Brazilian beaches.

Josef Mengele, the most famous of the Nazi doctor-criminals, was born in Bavaria in 1911. Mengele studied philosophy at the University of Munich and medicine at Frankfurt University. In 1934 he joined the SA and became a member of the National Socialist Party, and in 1937 he joined the SS. He worked at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. Thesis topic: "Morphological studies of the structure of the lower jaw of representatives of four races."

After the outbreak of World War II, he served as a military doctor in the SS Viking division in France, Poland and Russia. In 1942, he received the Iron Cross for saving two tank crews from a burning tank. After being wounded, SS-Hauptsturmführer Mengele was declared unfit for combat service and in 1943 was appointed chief physician of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The prisoners soon nicknamed him the “angel of death.”

In addition to its main function - the destruction of "inferior races", prisoners of war, communists and simply dissatisfied - concentration camps were carried out in Nazi Germany and one more function. With the arrival of Mengele, Auschwitz became a "major scientific research center." The range of “scientific” interests of Joseph Mengele was unusually wide. He began with work on “increasing the fertility of Aryan women.” Then the leadership of the Nazi Party set the doctor a new, directly opposite task: to find the cheapest and most effective methods of limiting the birth rate of “subhumans” - Jews, Gypsies and Slavs. Having maimed tens of thousands of men and women, Mengele came to the conclusion: the most reliable way avoiding conception is castration.

“Research” went on as usual. The Wehrmacht ordered a topic: to find out everything about the effects of cold on a soldier’s body (hypothermia). The experimental methodology was very simple: a concentration camp prisoner is taken, covered with ice on all sides, and “doctors” in SS uniforms constantly measure their body temperature. When a test subject dies, a new one is brought from the barracks. Conclusion: after the body has cooled below 30 degrees, it is most likely impossible to save a person. The best way to warm up is a hot bath and the “natural warmth of the female body.”

The Luftwaffe, Germany's air force, commissioned the research

The “death factory” of Auschwitz (Auschwitz) acquired more and more terrible fame. If in the remaining concentration camps there was at least some hope of survival, then most of the Jews, Gypsies and Slavs staying in Auschwitz were destined to die either in gas chambers, or from backbreaking labor and serious illnesses, or from the experiments of a sinister doctor who was one one of the first persons meeting new arrivals at the train. It was the Auschwitz concentration camp that gained notoriety as a place where experiments were carried out on people.

Mengele was appointed chief physician in Birkenau - in the inner camp of Auschwitz, where he behaved clearly as the chief. His skin ambitions gave him no rest. Only here, in a place where people do not have the slightest hope of salvation, could he feel like the master of fate.

Read more about Josef Mengele’s childhood and personality formation in my article -« Doctor Death – Josef Mengele » . Also read other interesting articles about the Great Patriotic War:

Participation in the selection was one of his favorite “entertainment”. He always came to the train, even when it was not required of him. Constantly looking perfect (as befits the owner of the anal vector), smiling, happy, he decided who would die now and who would go to work.

It was difficult to deceive his keen analytical eye: Mengele always accurately saw the age and state of health of people. Many women, children under 15 and old people were immediately sent to the gas chambers. Only 30 percent of prisoners were lucky enough to avoid this fate and temporarily delay the date of their death.

Chief physician of Birkenau (one of the inner camps of Auschwitz) and
Head of the research laboratory Dr. Josef Mengele.

First days in Auschwitz

Soundman Joseph Mengele thirsted for power over people's destinies. It is not surprising that Auschwitz became a real paradise for the Doctor, who was capable of exterminating hundreds of thousands of defenseless people at a time, which he demonstrated in the very first days of work at the new place, when he ordered the extermination of 200 thousand Gypsies.

“On the night of July 31, 1944, a terrible scene of the destruction of a gypsy camp took place. Kneeling before Mengele and Boger, women and children begged for their life. But it didn't help. They were brutally beaten and forced into trucks. It was a terrible, terrible sight.", say surviving eyewitnesses.

Human life has assigned nothing to the Angel of Death. All of Mengele's actions were drastic and merciless. Is there a typhus epidemic in the barracks? This means we will send the entire barracks to the gas chambers. This the best remedy stop the disease. Do the women have lice in the barracks? Kill all 750 women! Just think: one thousand more unwanted people, one less.

He chose who to live and who to die, who to sterilize, who to operate on... Dr. Mengele did not just feel equal to God. He put himself in God's place. A typical crazy idea in a sick sound vector, which, against the backdrop of the sadism of the anal vector, resulted in the idea of ​​wiping unwanted peoples from the face of the earth and creating a new noble Aryan race.

All experiments of the Angel of Death boiled down to two main tasks: to find effective way, which can influence the reduction in the birth rate of unwanted races, and by all means increase the birth rate of Aryan healthy children. Just imagine how much pleasure it brought him to be in that place that other people preferred not to remember at all.

Head of the labor service of the women's block of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp - Irma Grese
and his commandant SS Hauptsturmführer (Captain) Joseph Kramer
under British escort in the courtyard of the prison in Celle, Germany.

Mengele had his own associates and followers. One of them was Irma Grese - anal-cutaneous-muscular sound artist, a sadist with a sick sound, working as a guard in the women's block. The girl took pleasure in tormenting the prisoners; she could take the lives of prisoners only because she was in a bad mood.

Josef Mengele's first task to reduce the birth rate of Jews, Slavs and Gypsies was to develop the most effective method sterilization for men and women. So he operated on boys and men without anesthesia, and exposed women to x-rays...

The opportunity to conduct experiments on innocent people freed up the Doctor's sadistic frustrations: he seemed to derive pleasure not so much from the sonic search for truth as from the inhumane treatment of prisoners. Mengele studied the possibilities of human endurance: he subjected the unfortunate to the test of cold, heat, various infections...

However, medicine itself did not seem so interesting to the Angel of Death, in contrast to his favorite eugenics - the science of creating a “pure race”.

Barrack No. 10

1945 Poland. Auschwitz concentration camp. Children, prisoners of the camp, are waiting for their release.

Eugenics, if you look at encyclopedias, is the doctrine of human selection, i.e. a science that seeks to improve the properties of heredity. Scientists making discoveries in eugenics argue that the human gene pool is degenerating and this must be fought.

Essentially, the basis of eugenics, as well as the basis of the phenomena of Nazism and fascism, is anal division into “clean” and “dirty”: healthy - sick, good - bad, what is allowed to live, and what can “harm future generations”, therefore, does not have the right to exist and reproduce, from which society must be “cleansed”. This is why there are calls to sterilize “defective” people in order to cleanse the gene pool.

Joseph Mengele, as a representative of eugenics, faced an important task: in order to breed a pure race, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the appearance of people with genetic “anomalies”. That is why the Angel of Death was of great interest in dwarfs, giants, various freaks and other people whose deviations were associated with certain disorders in genes.

Thus, among Joseph Mengele’s “favorites” was the Jewish family of Lilliputian musicians Ovitz from Romania (and later the Shlomowitz family that joined them), for whose support, by order of the Angel of Death, they were created best conditions in the camp.

The Ovitz family was interesting to Mengele, first of all, because, along with the Lilliputians, there were also ordinary people. The Ovits were well fed, allowed to wear their own clothes and not shave their hair. In the evenings, the Ovitzs entertained Dr. Death by playing musical instruments. Joseph Mengele called his “favorites” by the names of the seven dwarfs from Snow White.

Seven brothers and sisters, originally from the Romanian town of Rosvel, lived in a labor camp for almost a year.

One might think that the Angel of Death became attached to the Lilliputians, but this was not the case. When it came to experiments, he already treated his “friends” in a completely unfriendly manner: the poor fellows had their teeth and hair pulled out, cerebrospinal fluid extracts were taken, unbearably hot and unbearably cold substances were poured into their ears, and terrible gynecological experiments were performed.

"The most scary experiments of all [were] gynecological. Only those of us who were married went through them. We were tied to a table and systematic torture began. They inserted some objects into the uterus, pumped out blood from there, picked out the insides, pierced us with something and took pieces of samples. The pain was unbearable."

The results of the experiments were sent to Germany. Many scientific minds came to Auschwitz to listen to Joseph Mengele's reports on eugenics and experiments on Lilliputians. The entire Ovitz family was stripped naked and displayed in front of a large audience like scientific exhibits.

Doctor Mengele's Twins

"Twins!"- this cry resounded over the crowd of prisoners, when the next twins or triplets timidly huddled together were suddenly discovered. They were kept alive and taken to a separate barracks, where the children were well fed and even given toys. A sweet, smiling doctor with a steely gaze often came to see them: he treated them to sweets and gave them rides around the camp in his car.

However, Mengele did all this not out of sympathy or out of love for the children, but only with the cold calculation that they would not be afraid of his appearance when the time came for the next twins to go to the operating table. That’s the whole price of initial “luck”. "My guinea pigs" The terrible and merciless Doctor Death called the twin children.

The interest in twins was not accidental. Josef Mengele was worried main idea: if every German woman gives birth to two or three healthy ones at once instead of one child, the Aryan race will finally be able to be reborn. That is why it was very important for the Angel of Death to study in the smallest detail all the structural features of identical twins. He hoped to understand how to artificially increase the birth rate of twins.

The twin experiments involved 1,500 pairs of twins, of which only 200 survived.

The first part of the experiments on twins was harmless enough. The doctor needed to carefully examine each pair of twins and compare all their body parts. Centimeter by centimeter they measured arms, legs, fingers, hands, ears, noses and everything, everything, everything.

Such meticulousness in the research was not accidental. After all, the anal vector, which exists not only in Joseph Mengele, but also in many other scientists, does not tolerate haste, but, on the contrary, requires detailed analysis. Every little detail needs to be taken into account.

The Angel of Death meticulously recorded all measurements in tables. Everything is as it should be for an anal vector: on the shelves, neatly, precisely. As soon as the measurements were completed, the experiments on the twins moved into another phase.

It was very important to check the body’s reactions to certain stimuli. For this purpose, one of the twins was taken: he was injected with some dangerous virus, and the doctor observed: what will happen next? All results were again recorded and compared with the results of the other twin. If a child became very ill and was on the verge of death, then he was no longer interesting: he, while still alive, was either opened up or sent to a gas chamber.

The twins were given each other's blood, internal organs were transplanted (often from a pair of other twins), and dye segments were injected into their eyes (to test whether brown Jewish eyes could become blue Aryan eyes). Many experiments were carried out without anesthesia. The children screamed and begged for mercy, but nothing could stop the one who imagined himself to be the Creator.

The idea is primary, the life of the “little people” is secondary. This in a simple way Many unhealthy sound people are guided by this. Dr. Mengele dreamed of revolutionizing the world (in particular the world of genetics) with his discoveries. What does he care about some children!

So the Angel of Death decided to create Siamese twins by stitching together gypsy twins. The children suffered terrible torment and blood poisoning began. The parents could not observe this and suffocated the experimental subjects at night in order to alleviate the suffering.

A little more about Mengele's ideas

Joseph Mengele with a colleague at the Institute of Anthropology and Genetics
human and eugenics named after. Kaiser Wilhelm. Late 1930s.

While doing terrible things and conducting inhuman experiments on people, Joseph Mengele everywhere hides behind science and his idea. At the same time, many of his experiments were not only inhumane, but also meaningless, not bringing any discovery to science. Experiments for the sake of experiments, torture, infliction of pain.

My cruelty and Mengele covered up his actions with the laws of nature. “We know that natural selection controls nature, exterminating inferior individuals. The weaker ones are excluded from the reproduction process. This is the only way to maintain a healthy human population. IN modern conditions we must protect nature: prevent inferior ones from reproducing. Such people should be subjected to forced sterilization.".

People for him are just “human material”, which, like any other material, is divided only into high-quality or low-quality. Poor quality and don't mind throwing it away. It can be burned in furnaces and poisoned in chambers, cause inhuman pain and carry out terrible experiments: i.e. be used in every possible way to create "quality human material", who has not only excellent health and high intelligence, but is generally devoid of all "defects".

How to achieve the creation of a higher caste? “This can only be achieved in one way - by selecting the best human material. Everything will end in disaster if the principle natural selection will be rejected. A few gifted people will not be able to withstand the multi-billion-dollar mass of idiots. Perhaps the gifted will survive, as reptiles once survived, and billions of idiots will disappear, as the dinosaurs once disappeared. We must not allow a massive increase in the number of such idiots.” The egocentrism of the sound vector in these lines reaches its apogee. Looking down on other people, deep contempt and hatred - that’s what motivated the Doctor.

When the sound vector is in a sick state, any ethical standards. At the output we get: “From an ethical point of view, the problem is this: it is necessary to determine in which cases a person should be kept alive and in which cases he should be destroyed. Nature has shown us the ideal of truth and the ideal of beauty. What does not correspond to these ideals perishes as a result of selection arranged by nature itself.”

Speaking about the benefits of humanity, the Angel of Death does not at all mean all of humanity as such, for such peoples as Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and others do not deserve, in his opinion, life at all. He feared that if his research fell into the hands of the Slavs, they would be able to use the discoveries for the benefit of their people.

That is why Joseph Mengele, when Soviet troops were approaching Germany and the defeat of the Germans was inevitable, hastily collected all his tables, notebooks, notes and left the camp, ordering the destruction of traces of his crimes - the surviving twins and midgets.

When the twins were taken to the gas chambers, Zyklon-B suddenly ran out and the execution was postponed. Fortunately, the Soviet troops were already very close, and the Germans fled.

With this article I am starting a new section on the blog - the section of wonderful people. This will include biographies of some personalities, maniacs, murderers, scientists who in one way or another had a hand in the death or torment of people. And don’t let it seem strange to you that I put all of the above on the same level, because if a psychopath does not have education and power, he becomes a maniac, and if he does, he becomes a scientist. And this section opens with Joseph Mengele, a man who has become a terrible legend.

Since there is a goal to write a complete and detailed article, I will divide the text into several parts.
  1. Biography
  2. Ideology
  3. Psyche
  4. Mengele's experiments
  5. Escape from justice

Biography of Joseph Mengele

He was born on March 16, 1911 in Bavaria in the family of a large businessman, as they say now. His father founded a farming equipment company called Karl Mengele and Sons. Yes, the Angel of Death had a full-fledged family, there were parents, there were brothers. Father - Karl Mengele, mother - Walburgi Hapfaue, two brothers - Alois and Karl. From the memoirs of the scientist himself, if you can call him that, a cruel matriarchy reigned in the family. Everything was subject to the routine established by the mother of the family. She often humiliated her husband in front of her children, quarreled with him about financial and social issues. There is information that when Karl bought a car, his wife nagged him for a long time and cruelly for wasting family funds. Joseph also recalls that both parents did not show much love for their children and demanded unquestioning obedience, diligence and diligence in their studies. Maybe this is one of the reasons why Mengele’s experiments will make entire generations of people terrified in the future.

The future doctor of Auschwitz studied at the best universities in Germany, then still the German Empire. He studied anthropology and medicine, after which he wrote scientific work"Racial differences in the structure of the lower jaw" in 1935, and already in 1938 he received his doctorate.

That same year, the doctor joined the SS Army, where he was awarded the Iron Cross and the title of Hauptsturmführer for saving two wounded servicemen from a burning tank. A year later, he was injured and was transferred to the reserve due to poor health. He became a doctor at Auschwitz in 1943 and in twenty-one months managed to kill and torture hundreds of prisoners.


Naturally, the root cause of such a brutal attitude towards people was ideology. At that time, many questions worried the German authorities, and they gave various scientific tasks to their wards, fortunately there was more than enough material for conducting experiments - there was a war. Joseph believed that the only worthy race, the Aryans, should become the leading race on the planet and rule over all others,

unworthy. He accepted many of the principles of the science of eugenics, which was based on the division of all humanity into “right” genes and “wrong” ones. Accordingly, everyone who did not belong to the Aryan race should be limited and controlled, this included Slavs, Jews and Gypsies. At that time, there was a shortage of fertility in Germany and the government ordered all women under 35 to have at least four children. This propaganda was shown on TV; the higher authorities wanted to know how to increase the birth rate of the “right” people.


I do not have the education to give a doctor any diagnosis. I will just list some of the psychological features of his behavior and you will understand everything. Josef was very meticulous. When twins were brought to his laboratory, assistants measured all parts of their bodies down to the millimeter, physical and psychological indicators, the doctor himself compiled this data into huge tables filled with calligraphic even handwriting. There were hundreds of such tables. He did not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. He often looked in the mirror, because he considered his appearance ideal, and even refused to get a tattoo, which at that time was given to all purebred Aryans. The reason is the reluctance to spoil perfect skin.
Auschwitz prisoners remember him as tall, confident young man with perfect posture. The uniform is patiently ironed and the boots are polished to a shine. Smiling, always in good location spirit, he could send people to death and hum a simple melody under his breath.
There is a known case when he grabbed a Jewish woman by the throat who was trying to escape the gas chamber and began to beat her, striking her in the face and stomach. Within a few minutes, the woman’s face turned into a bloody mess, and when it was all over, the doctor calmly washed his hands and returned to his work. Nerves of steel and a pedantic approach to business defined him as the ideal psychopath.

Mengele's experiments

To write this article, I dug through a lot of information on the Internet and was surprised by what people write about Joseph. Yes, he was a ruthless psychopath who destroyed hundreds of people, but the results of many experiments are still used in medical textbooks. Thanks to his pedantry and developed intellect, he made a great contribution to the science of the human body. And his activities concerned not only dwarfs and twins. At the beginning of his, so to speak, career, Mengele conducted experiments to find out the limits of human capabilities and options for resuscitating victims. The laboratory was interested in frostbite, when a person was covered with ice and biometric indicators were measured until death, and sometimes they tried to resuscitate him. When one of the prisoners died, they brought another.

Above is one of the experiments with cold water.

Much data on dehydration, drowning and the effects of overload on human body were received precisely during that dark time. Mengele's experiments also concerned various diseases, for example cholera and hepatitis. Obtaining such results would not have been possible without an incredible amount of human sacrifice.
Of course, the doctor was most interested in questions of genetics. He selected among prisoners people with various congenital abnormalities - dwarfs and disabled people, as well as twins. became famous story with the Jewish family of dwarfs Ovitz, which the scientist perceived as personal pets. He named them after the seven dwarfs from Snow White, provided them good feeding and content between inhumane experiments.

The Ovitz family is pictured above. It is unclear what could make these people smile.

In general, his latest works were divided into two types: how to make an Aryan woman give birth to two children at once instead of one, and how to limit the birth rate of unwanted races. People were castrated without anesthesia, changed gender, sterilized with X-rays, and shocked to understand the limit of endurance. The twins were stitched together, blood was transfused, and organs were transplanted from one to the other. There is a known case of two twins from a gypsy family being stitched together; the children experienced incredible torture and soon died from blood poisoning. During the entire experiment, out of more than sixteen thousand twins, no more than three hundred remained alive.

Escape from justice

Human nature demands that those who commit such acts be punished, but Joseph avoided this. Fearing that the enemies of the Aryan race would use the results of the experiments, he collected invaluable data and, dressed in a soldier's uniform, left the camp. All wards should have been destroyed, but Cyclone-B ended, and then Soviet troops saved the lucky ones. This is how the Ovitz family of dwarfs and 168 other twins received their long-awaited freedom. What about our doctor? He left Germany and went to South America using fake passports. There he developed paranoia, he moved from place to place, and even a $50,000 reward did not force the intelligence services to catch him. I think the reason for such leniency was the very medical data that he possessed. Thus, the tanned and happy doctor died in Brazil in 1979 from a stroke in the water. Mengele never received punishment. Could the intelligence services have repeatedly turned a blind eye to his presence, because according to some sources, Josef still has family in Europe and he visited them? We will never know this again. In any case, Mengele’s experiments, the results of which are still recorded in medical publications, make hair move in all places. Sometimes sadism, developed intelligence and power give rise to a truly explosive cocktail of cruelty and impunity.

What do you think about these experiments? Was it worth it and does it justify the Angel of Death? Write below in the comments.

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