GBPOU Ro Salsky Medical College who submitted documents

The technical school is young - in 2017 it celebrated its 39th anniversary - and it is dynamic, able to quickly respond to changes in legislative requirements, the needs of the regional economy and the labor market. Over the years, it has gone from a branch of the Krasnodar Machine-Tool Technical School to an independent institution, which is one of the best in the industry. Educational programs implemented at the technical school comply priority areas technological development of the economy and production: automation and robotization, IT technologies, economics and enterprise management. The technical school staff is constantly working to improve the level educational process, improving the entire educational program complex, improving the quality of training of young specialists.

CHOU DDPO "Salsky UC VOA" trains category A “B C C E to C” E to B D category drivers with retraining from category B B on “С”, с “ C" "D" conducts annual 20-hour classes.  program with drivers of vehicles, engaged in training and retraining of drivers of vehicles involved in the transportation of dangerous goods, training and retraining of specialists in organization of transportation by road transport (mechanics and managers), training of specialists involved in training vehicle drivers.

The technical school was founded on April 9, 1998. The Salsky economic and legal technical school implements a large social program. Benefits are provided for tuition fees for the following categories of students: excellent students, medalists, orphans, disabled people, children living in a family where three or more children are dependents. Tuition can be paid for monthly, which is important for many families in the current crisis. The technical school maintains moderate, economically reasonable tuition prices.

Founded in 1934. In 2006, the State educational institution primary vocational education Agricultural vocational lyceum No. 83 of the Rostov region was transferred to the Department of Cossack Affairs and Cadet Educational Institutions of the region and renamed the State Educational Institution of Primary Vocational Education Salsky Cossack Cadet Vocational Lyceum of the Rostov Region.

Find your calling and become excellent specialists. The state budgetary professional educational institution of the Rostov region Salsky Agrarian-Technical College meets high requirements in training agricultural specialists for the country's agro-industrial complex. Our mission is effective solution social and economic problems of the region by training qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, and have high civic and moral qualities, which allows them to occupy leadership positions and achieve more. Director of the college Seroshtan A.I.

informs about admission for the 2019-2020 academic year

Admission to GBPOU RO "SMT" for training in educational programs is carried out upon applications of persons with basic general (9 classes) and secondary general education (11 classes) for full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study in the following specialties:

    02/34/01 Nursing, full-time training (qualification - Nurse). Duration of training - 2 years 10 months.

    02/34/01 Nursing, full-time form of education(qualification - Nurse). Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

3. 02/31/01 General medicine, full-time education (qualification - Paramedic). Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

4. 02/34/01 Nursing, part-time study (qualification = Nurse).

Duration of training is 3 years 10 months.

Training is carried out on a budgetary basis and under agreements for the provision of paid educational services.

Admission to places financed from budget funds for specialties

(full-time study) carried out on a public basis from June 20 to August 10.

Reception opening hours commissions:

Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 16:00

Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00

break from 12:00 to 13:00

Admission to places under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the following specialties:

General Medicine and Nursing (full-time study),

Nursing (full-time and part-time study)

Attached to the application:

1. identification document (passport and photocopy of passport);

2. state document on education and its photocopy;

3. four photos measuring 3 x 4;

4. original or copy of a medical certificate containing information about the medical examination;

5.certificate of preventive vaccinations;

6. agreement on targeted training (if any);

7. results of individual achievements (Olympiads, Abilympics, “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)” or “WorldSkills

8. certified copy work book(for full-time and part-time courses);


Admission to GBPOU RO "SMT" for educational programs is carried out on the personal application of citizens. Admission of applicants under 18 years of age is carried out only in the presence of parents (legal representatives).