History of the Unified State Exam where to start. How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch on your own - recommendations and universal questions

When choosing future profession The question arises about the place of further study. You can only get into the best university in the country and the most sought-after faculty if you receive a score close to 100 points on all required Unified State Examinations. If your chosen specialty requires historical knowledge, you should find out how to better and more effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in order to earn the highest possible points.

Unified State Exam 2018 in history

History is an optional exam in 2018. The right to choose is given to the student himself, and depends on the university and the area of ​​specialization where he decided to enroll.

Those who pass history have access to the country's top universities in a wide variety of fields.

What tasks does the exam include?

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in history on the official website www.fipi.ru/. The exam consists of 2 parts and includes 25 tasks.

Part 1 covers 19 tasks testing the basic level of knowledge. Almost all of them offer answer options. You need to correctly enter the required number in the provided cells.

The 2nd part consists of 6 tasks of increased difficulty.

  • Tasks 20 to 22 are completed based on the document excerpt given in the Unified State Examination text. They test not only knowledge of history, but also the ability to analyze and systematize the proposed documentary source.
  • Questions 23 and 24 are reasoned mini-essays, in which you need to provide at least 2 facts as evidence based on given historical material to confirm your thoughts. Otherwise, points will be reduced.
  • Task 25 is a real essay on one of the proposed historical time periods. The task is the most capacious in terms of points (11 points), but also the most difficult.

It is almost impossible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History in a month due to the huge volumes of information.


The website https://hist-ege.sdamgia.ru/ is convenient when preparing for the Unified State Exam. It has the opportunity to take the entire test and find out the points awarded, or you can select a separate topic and work on the proposed tasks on it. All options are updated monthly. There is also a timer that records the time spent answering.

Several examples of proposed tasks.

Task 1. It is necessary to correctly arrange 3 events in chronology:

  1. Murder of Prince Igor.
  2. Founding of Novgorod.
  3. Formation of the empire of Charlemagne.

Not only historical knowledge related to Russia is required, but also basic information on world history. The event from point 1 occurred in 945, from point 2 - in 862, and from point 3 - in 800. The answer to task 1 should look like this: 321.

Task 2. It is required to establish a correspondence between events and dates:

When completing this task, you should find events that are 100% known. For example, the baptism of Rus' (988) and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941). Next, from the remaining dates you need to remove those that definitely do not fit: 2013 and 1054. That leaves 1564 and 1648. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is known for several riots, including the salt riot. The year 1648 should correspond to it. Answer: A-5, B-3, C-6, D-2.

Task 9. Indicate the correspondence between the terms and the rulers in whose time they appeared.

Answer: A-3, B-1, B-2, B-5.

Task 25. It is proposed to write an essay, choosing one of the periods: 1425–1505, 1762–1796, 1941–1943. You should indicate at least 2 personalities of this period and 2 events.

When choosing the period 1941–1943, it is known that the Great Patriotic War was famous for its large number of military leaders: Zhukov G.K., Rokossovsky K.K., Govorov L.A. The commander-in-chief was Stalin I.V. The most famous battles and events in initial period wars: battle for Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, defense of Leningrad, defense of Sevastopol.

What specialties will require an exam?

Knowledge of history is required for admission to the following areas and specialties:

  • story;
  • archeology;
  • philosophy;
  • cultural studies;
  • art history;
  • sociology;
  • religious studies;
  • theology;
  • political science;
  • linguistics;
  • international relations;
  • tourism;
  • hotel business.

How to quickly and effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in History

Gain in-depth knowledge of Russian history in a short period of time is impossible. In addition, the Unified State Exam contains tasks that require basic knowledge of world history. Due to the large volume, you should start preparing for the history exam in advance, from the 10th grade. In 2 years, you can study the material in depth, which covers not only knowledge of dates, events and figures, but also the ability to work with maps and analyze historical documents.

If you decide to take history, it is better to start preparing for the Unified State Exam at least a year in advance.

Study the subject yourself or contact a tutor? This issue is decided by each individual. It is necessary to take into account that no tutor will be able to put a large number of dates and events into his head. You will have to memorize this yourself. Good tutor will be able to guide and organize the preparation process, talk about the intricacies and criteria for assessing assignments.

In a few months

When preparing for history in a few months, it will be more difficult to thoroughly master all historical material.

  • It is recommended to study the subject every day. You shouldn’t attack a story one day and then forget about it for a week.
  • Lessons should be divided into several parts. In part 1, study the theory. The educational material is not just read, but a plan or outline is drawn up based on the information that was gleaned from the topic being studied. Take a short break to better assimilate the material. Then, in part 2, solve tests based on the theory you read, of which there are a large variety offered on the Internet. This will help you understand and reinforce the topic.
  • Based on the material studied, it is recommended to study all the maps available in textbooks, view illustrations and posters related to the period under consideration.
  • When resting, don't relax. Need to be put to good use free time, watching documentaries on historical topics.

When studying topics, you should arrange them in the correct chronological sequence, without tearing out individual pieces of material. Then the cause-and-effect relationships of all subsequent events will be clear.

In 1 month

The less time left before the exam, the less material the examinee can understand. In a month you can only superficially study the main points of history. It is impossible to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject in such a short period.

Task 25 usually offers 3 options for historical periods. As practice shows, they definitely contain the 20th century. It is worth paying more attention to studying materials about this time: characteristics of historical figures, their reforms, events. There is not enough time for a detailed study of other periods.

It is impossible to independently study and systematize all historical material in a month. You can resort to the services of professionals. A number of universities offer express preparation for the Unified State Exam. You should choose an educational institution where history is a core subject.

In 1–2 weeks

It is impossible to prepare weeks before any exam. In such a short period of time, you can only go through all the material again, refreshing it in your memory. Even if the student has a unique memory in a week, he can only memorize the dates and names of the main personalities. But there is unlikely to be time left to study historical documents, reforms, maps and illustrations, or to study in depth any historical period to write an essay. You should not count on a high score with this approach to the subject.

How to properly manage your time during an exam

You have 3 hours and 55 minutes to complete all history tasks. In order to complete time-consuming tasks, you need to properly allocate exam time. You should not spend more than 3-5 minutes on each question from Part 1. If in doubt, it is better to move on to the next questions. Having completed all the tasks in Part 1, you should return to the unanswered questions and try to consider them again.

You can spend 10–15 minutes to complete the tasks of part 2. You should distribute your time in such a way that you have a free hour left to write on assignment 25.

Some students try to start with the 2nd part, getting carried away with writing an essay. It is difficult to control time during an exam, so this approach can lead to the fact that there is no time left to complete other tasks. In addition, starting with complex tasks, you can panic when you discover a lack of knowledge on the proposed tasks. It is recommended to move from simple to complex. This will help you better tune in to more complex questions.

Having chosen the specialty that requires Unified State Exam results in history, you need to properly organize your preparation. It is required to rationally distribute time between studying theory, taking tests, getting acquainted with historical maps and illustrations. You should spend at least 2 hours a day on preparation. It is recommended to study topics in chronological order. When starting to consider the next period, constantly refer to the materials already covered, consolidating them. It is quite possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own. A good tutor will only be able to give the right direction and explain the intricacies of completing the second part of the assignments.

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The majority of all school graduates are humanists. Therefore, they take history, literature and social studies as part of a single exam. But preparing to take such subjects is difficult. A large amount of material does not allow you to take and remember everything. Therefore, you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in History on your own only with the help of certain tricks.

How not to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history?

There are a number of mistakes that graduates make when preparing for exams. The most common of them:

  1. Reading all the story material. Too much information. You won't remember;
  2. Quick learning. Start preparing 6-12 months in advance. before the exam, and not a few weeks;
  3. Remembering only all dates. This is not correct. You can't just pick up and memorize all the numbers;
  4. Refusal to solve tests. Be sure to solve the tests. This will help you get used to the exam format.

You must also be able to plan. Plan your own path to preparing for the Unified State Exam in society or history and stick to the plan.

Self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in History

If you don’t want to rush, then prepare from about 10th grade. So you can repeat the whole history, from ancient times. In this case you will need:

  • Textbook;
  • Unified State Exam tests;
  • Maps (geographical);
  • Notebook and pen.

This way you will learn to work with history materials on your own. And your short answers will become good tips for you in the future.

Quick preparation for the Unified State Exam

If you do not want to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own for a long time, then you can start working only in 11th grade.

Here you don't have time to carefully sort everything out. Just divide your history course by period:

  1. Ancient Rus';
  2. Time of Troubles;
  3. The reign of Peter the Great;
  4. War of 1812, etc.

You should be interested in reforms, wars, and bright personalities of those times. All this may be on the exam. B should be written down brief information O important points in your notebook.

And don't forget about tests. Solve them every day. Then you definitely won't need a history tutor.

Difficulties of the history exam

The main difficulty here is the large amount of information. Therefore, you should resort to a historical sense. You live in Russia, which means you know its history, even if you don’t want to.

For example, when was Yeltsin's rule? In the 90s. When did Catherine the Second rule? Somewhere after Peter the Great.

From such scraps of information you will be able to put together clear pictures. And you don't have to memorize everything.

Take yourself a couple of different history tests. If you all learn to solve them, then the Unified State Exam will be yours. After all, the exam will contain exactly what is in the test, only in a slightly modified form.

Remember that you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in History on your own. Don't spend money on tutors ahead of time. The main thing is to set a goal and go towards it. If you don't want to, then even best teachers they won't help you.

Before the start conducting the Unified State Exam There are about three months left in Russia and therefore, those who have not yet started preparing for the exam should hurry up. According to statistics for last year A fairly large number of graduates take the Unified State Exam in Russian History and subsequently wish to enter universities in the humanities. But we should not forget that the history of Russia is a very extensive material, which is sometimes interpreted differently in different textbooks or manuals. Therefore, it is best to use teaching aids, recommended by FIPI, official website: http://www.fipi.ru/ and open task bank: http://www.fipi.ru/content/otkrytyy-bank-zadaniy-ege

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian History

There are several ways to prepare for the history exam:

  1. Sign up in advance for preparatory courses, which are required to be held at various higher education institutions. educational institutions. In these courses, the graduate will receive the necessary amount of required knowledge, which, of course, will help him successfully write and pass the Unified State Exam. Also, upon admission to a university that conducts preparatory courses, additional points will be awarded to the total number of points on the Unified State Exam.
  2. When preparing for the Unified State Exam in History, you can use the services of private tutors who will work with the graduate individually. With this method of preparation, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a tutor
  3. You can thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian History on your own. At the same time, the main condition for successful preparation is the desire and perseverance of the graduate.

How to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian history. Useful tips

The scope of questions and assignments for the Unified State Exam on the history of Russia is quite extensive and includes questions not only graduating classes, but also questions related to the material of the 5th and 6th grades. Therefore, for successful independent preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian History in 2015, the graduate is required to:

  • Motivation for success
  • Possess basic knowledge of history
  • Closing knowledge gaps
  • Systematization and repetition of studied material

So, if you are confident of success, then to achieve excellent result All you have to do is use our recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to work through the tasks from previous years, which you will find here, and the test tasks for 2015 online here. Thanks to this work, you will be able to understand the structure of tasks and evaluate your level of knowledge, as well as analyze and evaluate your level of preparation
  • It is necessary to make a plan for repetition and study educational material, according to which begin to repeat and study the necessary material
  • Be sure to keep a chronological table in which you should record the main dates, historical events and names of historical figures. These notes will serve as hints and provide an opportunity to quickly repeat the material studied.
  • It is advisable to take a test written test on the Unified State Examination of Russian History 2015. Firstly, testing will show gaps in knowledge, and secondly, it will provide the graduate with psychological support
  • To increase the level of knowledge, it is recommended to read historical books and watch historical documentaries, thanks to which the graduate will receive a deeper understanding of historical moments in the development of Russia
  • A week before taking the Unified State Exam on the history of Russia, it is recommended to repeat the material up to the 18th century - tests here, and then the 19th-20th centuries - tests here and at http://opengia.ru/subjects/history-11/topics/3). And the day before the exam, you should review all the material using your chronological notes

Remember! Written answers to the exam must be clear, understandable and concise, but at the same time revealing the essence of the task.

History is the most extensive school subject. In order to prepare for the Unified State Exam in this subject, you need to make a lot of effort. And, of course, it takes time. By preparing for twenty minutes a day, you will not be able to get a high score on the history exam, no matter what method you choose. I'll try to give you step by step instructions in preparation for the Unified State Exam in history.

For those preparing for the main school exam

1. Think about your choices

The first thing you need to do is understand: do you really need it? If you can’t remember five dates in two hours, and any information, even after repetition, flies out of your head after a few hours, then you need to seriously think about whether it’s worth it. Especially if you decide to prepare for the exam a year before admission.

Usually, in order to score a high score on the Unified State Exam in history, you need at least two years of independent preparation. Is it possible to prepare in a year? It is possible, but for this you need to have a good memory, developed skills and abilities. It is impossible to prepare for the exam in a few months. Minimum - a year!

2. Find time

You realized that you will definitely pass the exam. Decide how much time you have. If two years - one algorithm of actions, if one year - another. I will describe the second option, when you only have a year to prepare.

3. Buy textbooks

To begin with, you will need a theoretical basis. I advise you to take your school history books from previous years (you are already familiar with them). Divide the stack into two parts: the first is general history, the second is the history of Russia.

In addition to school textbooks, I advise you to purchase the textbook “History of Russia” by Orlov, Georgiev, Georgieva. This book is recommended by many tutors because it is quite concise and in simple language all the main events are described. True, some topics are presented too narrowly and from only one point of view.

If you are applying for the highest score, then it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the university textbook by M. N. Zuev “History of Russia: A Textbook for Universities.” He will help you when completing tasks 24 and 25.

4. Buy tables, diagrams, atlases

Next, we stock up on atlases, purchase or download a book with diagrams and tables. The information in them is almost the same, only with different designs, so you can take any one you like (V. Kirillov “ Domestic history in diagrams and tables”, O. A. Ilyina “History of Russia in diagrams and tables”, Kasyanov, Shapovalov, Shapovalova “History of Russia in diagrams, tables and maps”). We purchase atlases for all historical periods.

5. Save typical tasks

Next, you need to find sites with typical history tasks and add them to your bookmarks so you don’t get lost. Websites are the easiest to work with if you are preparing for the exam on your own. You can also buy printed tests, but why if there are free resources on the Internet?

Their only drawback is that they can freeze, this especially often happens in May. Therefore, it is better to download tasks from there in advance, then there will be no problems. There are a lot of sites, the most popular: I will solve the Unified State Exam, Dunno, Open Bank of Unified State Exam FIPI tasks. The difficulty of the last site is that there are no answers there, so you will have to spend time checking yourself, but the developers of real Unified State Exam options They take assignments from there. I can also recommend the site Historyconline. It is not so popular, but there are also a lot of history tasks there.

6. Read, but don't teach yet

After you have acquired everything you need and are prepared to begin independent studies, you need to do the following: pick up Orlov’s book “History of Russia” and read it as fiction in a few days. Don't learn anything. Just read it. You will have a clear idea of ​​each historical era, and you will learn the dates, terms, names, reforms, and so on later.

7. See the codifier

After reading the book, download the demo version of the current Unified State Exam. Open it and print out the information contained in the codifier. There will be blocks that you need to know. Each block is divided by topic. Topics on the history of Russia are your priority, since there are only two separate tasks on general history. This does not mean that general history should not be taught. We just focus on the history of Russia. First we study it, then general history, but we make sure to draw parallels.

8. Make a schedule

Next, decide how much time you are willing to spend studying and consolidating the material. For example, we have 76 topics on the history of Russia and no less on general history. You started preparing in early September, say, on the third. Consider how often you will study for your history exam.

You also need to remember that you need to thoroughly prepare for three more subjects. You shouldn't learn all this together.

Distribute the days when you will study mathematics, Russian, history and another subject that you will take. Identify the subject you know the least and spend more time on it. Prepare for no more than two exams in one day. Remember, by the beginning of May all topics must be studied.

May - for repetition. To avoid excruciating pain later, distribute the topics so that you learn everything by mid-April, since you may get sick or for some other reason will not be able to sit down to prepare for the exam. And in any case, you should have May left for a comfortable repetition of the material.

9. Print the Specification from the demo

From there you will find out how many points you can get for each completed task, how long the exam lasts, how much time you need to spend on each task, and so on. That is, you will learn the structure and features of the exam, which is also important.

10. Work with themes

You have already thoroughly prepared to begin studying the first topics. Start with Russian history. Now you need to open Orlov’s textbook again and read the first topic. Then the same needs to be done with school textbooks and Zuev’s book.

You will read the same topic three times. After this, there is no need to cram anything. Take a piece of paper or open Word on your computer and make flashcards with dates, terms, and names. Cut out the cards.


  • on the one hand there is a date, on the other there is an event;
  • on the one hand the name of the term, on the other the decoding;
  • on the one hand, a historical figure, on the other, who he is.

Place the cards into three boxes. With each topic there will be more and more of them. Set aside at least 10-20 minutes every day to review the information from the cards. Next, make a poster describing the main events outlined in the topic. A book with diagrams and tables will help you here. You can tear out or photocopy a sheet with a table or diagram from there, or you can do it yourself using the text of the textbook. Hang these sheets of posters in your apartment: on the refrigerator, cabinets, in front of your desk, and so on.

This information will constantly flash before your eyes. It will be easier to understand the material. Be sure to work with the map. Here the atlas will help you and contour maps(you need to fill them out yourself to fill your hand).

When studying culture, pay attention to illustrations, remember what temples, monuments, paintings, etc. look like.

Work with texts in textbooks. After completing the work, you will know the basis set out in the text, all that remains is to constantly repeat it.

11. Secure the material

It’s better to do this the next day, but first you should repeat what you’ve already learned. Choose a history quiz site that you like and solve those quizzes while testing yourself. Do this with every topic.

Gradually you will accumulate a large pile with terms, dates, names. The whole house will be hung with leaflets with brief historical events in the form of diagrams and tables. Leaflets will have to be changed periodically (there is still not enough space in the apartment for all the leaflets). A table or diagram with representatives of the ruling dynasties should be constantly before your eyes. You will have to repeat not only the previous topic, but absolutely all the material studied, otherwise there will be no point.

12. Write essays

After studying the first block of history, try writing a historical essay. Do this after each unit you study. When you approach the 20th century, write essays from the first historical periods more often, this way you will further consolidate the material.

13. Read about the features of tasks

I won’t write about the specifics of each task in the exam. This is a separate topic for an article, and more than one. Yes, you can find it on the Internet detailed instructions, how to perform a single task, what are the features, pitfalls and tricks. For example, type: “Unified State Examination in history task 24 how to complete.” You will find a lot good articles. I won't duplicate them.

14. Remember the deadline

By May you should know all the theoretical material. Repeat it every two to three days and solve problems on Resha Unified State Exam or other sites.

15. Keep track of the time

You can prepare for the exam on your own only if you are self-organized. Set yourself a reminder on your phone for a certain day and a certain time. As soon as the phone rings, you should immediately start preparing for the exam.

If you can’t control yourself, ask your parents, grandparents, and so on. Let them remind you of your classes. Self-organization is the most important thing in preparing for the exam. It is precisely because of its absence that most high school students cannot prepare for the Unified State Exam on their own and go to tutors.

Good luck in passing the exam! You will succeed!

Hello guys! To many, history seems like an easy subject. It seems that you can prepare for the exam on your own. But main mistake– underestimate the difficulty of choosing a story for the Unified State Exam. So where to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in history in order to successfully pass the test?

We will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam

Preparation for the Unified State Exam: history - theory

The exam includes three blocks:

  • A1-A21 – tests with 4 options, where only one answer is correct.
  • B1-B13 – in the tasks you should find the correct option, correspondence, sequence of events or give a short answer in free form.
  • S1-S9 – essay.

To earn the maximum score, you need to score 30 primary points.

Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

Full preparation for taking the history test involves “reading” the material , but using different sources. Indeed, in the tasks of the second block it is necessary to determine the period, the ruler, the main events, and then argue for your position. And since history has many controversial facts and historians’ views on the same event, it is better to voice different theories and express your own opinion.

You can't limit yourself to just school materials. To develop a theoretical basis, use additional literature. This will be very helpful when completing the third block of the Unified State Exam. After all, in every event you need to highlight the positive and negative aspects to convey an objective, holistic picture.

Preparation plan for the exam in history

The history of Russia is easier to study according to a plan. Need to know:

  • dates;
  • historical figures;
  • cards;
  • cultural concepts;
  • terms.

Starting your preparation from scratch, make a table: century, ruler, his course of governance (internal and external). Allocate another column for terms, the next for selecting contemporaries. Such a structured presentation contains concise, basic information, it is easy to perceive visually and, accordingly, reproduce.

Reference books for preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

Today there are enough good reference books to prepare for the history test. But many teachers advise choosing Baranov’s reference book . It outlines the course of Russian history with selected facts from general history. The structure corresponds to the content of tasks in the Unified State Examination and consists of sections devoted to ancient times and the Middle Ages, modern times and modern history. The presentation form is logical and structured using tables and diagrams for easy memorization of a large amount of material and understanding of relationships. At the end of the sections there are examples of tasks and answers, an option for self-assessment of what you have studied according to the Unified State Exam format.

Guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

School textbooks will greatly help in exam preparation. For example, it is worth highlighting benefits for grades 6-9. A. Danilov, which are written in accessible and simple language, with a detailed presentation of the material. The text visually highlights the main concepts, dates and persons. Each paragraph comes with an illustration and a list of terms. For a more in-depth study of history, university textbooks are suitable. For example, textbooks by Sakharov, Pavlenko, Shchagin.

Books to prepare for the exam in history

Many people have difficulty with theory and memorization. historical facts. But even here, if it’s not trivial, books will help. Historical literature is much easier to perceive and remember when events are intertwined with the destinies of personalities. Therefore, if you have problematic periods that are difficult for you, further study them through fiction.

Courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History

Certainly, self-study for the exam is more complex and not always effective, since not every graduate can self-organize. Therefore, it is better to choose courses , especially if the preparation starts from scratch. You should start in the fall, and not in the spring, as most applicants do. In six months you will have formed a full-fledged historical picture, and during the remaining three months you will work on test tasks.

Useful and helpful, it guides, helps to understand complex topics, teaches you to write an essay, argue your position, and present facts in chronological order.

Video lessons for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history

To alternate book learning with courses or individual lessons, you can independently watch video lessons on history. This is recommended for complex topics that are difficult to achieve with the same type of presentation, or for consolidating the material covered and self-control.

You can also benefit from rest. For example, watching historical films: “War and Peace”, “Youth of Peter”, etc.

Methodology for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in History 2018-2019 is, first of all, , theory. It’s worth starting with chronology, that is, remembering the main historical events in correct sequence. This is the most difficult task. After all, there are a lot of dates. But experts recommend this memorization technique. For example, in the 10th century there were many events : The Russian-Byzantine War of 907, the revolt of the Drevlyans, the reform of paganism by Vladimir, the baptism of Rus', etc. First, you need to remember that all this happened in the 10th century. Then place the personalities in the order of their reign: Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav, Vladimir. Next, “attach” an event to each person. Such step-by-step technique will make it easy to understand the chronological sequence.