How to foam a bathtub against the wall with polyurethane foam. How to care for a steel bathtub? Soundproofing a steel bathtub with your own hands video

In addition to the undoubted advantages of metal bathtubs - light weight, low price and durability - they also have disadvantages that can cause some inconvenience to their owners. So in metal bathtubs the water cools down quite quickly, and when they are filled with water they make a loud, unpleasant sound. But do not be upset about this, since these problems can be resolved.

Cover the outer surface of the bath with a layer of insulation, which will simultaneously provide sound insulation. There are several coating options, and one of them is using vibration insulation, which is freely sold in almost every automobile store. Having an adhesive surface, it easily sticks to metal surfaces at room temperature.

As practice shows, when using vibroisol, there is no need to cover the entire outer surface of the bathtub with it. It is enough to apply a small amount of the substance to surfaces exposed to the water jet and to the sides. When the vibroizol completely hardens, the unpleasant hum will disappear, and the hot water will retain its heat longer.

Vibroizol has an excellent substitute - ordinary polyurethane foam. Turn the bathtub upside down, for better adhesion, moisten the surface with water and begin to carefully, without haste, apply foam over the entire outer surface, except for the places where the drain holes are located.

It is recommended to lay polyethylene on top of the foam and carefully straighten it. This may take you up to four large containers of polyurethane foam. After the foam hardens, a metal bath retains heat even better than a cast iron bath.

You can also use foam plastic to insulate the bathtub. To do this you will need required quantity foam, which is commercially available, and the corresponding adhesive composition.

Try to buy glue that is resistant to high temperatures. And then everything is extremely simple: apply glue and then adjust the pieces of foam to each other. Remember that a layer of insulation five centimeters thick can provide normal thermal insulation and sound absorption.

The most popular products on the plumbing market are steel bathtubs. In some ways, they can be called budget class, since their price is relatively low.

However, with proper handling, such products can boast a very long service life.

At the same time, the owners of such bathtubs note a couple of serious shortcomings.

  • Firstly, the water in them cools much faster than in their cast iron counterparts;
  • and secondly, a very loud sound is produced by a stream of accumulating water, which can be heard not only in neighboring rooms, but also apartments.

And these shortcomings can negate the main advantage of such baths, namely, low cost.

However, this is not such a problem, because both noise and rapid cooling of the water can be forgotten once and for all if you properly insulate a steel bathtub. This is what will be discussed in this article.

About steel baths

Despite the fact that cast iron is considered the traditional material for making bathtubs, metal and plastic products are quite common these days. And if in this case the majority of buyers do not trust plastic, then people willingly purchase metal bathtubs.

After all, even over cast iron analogues they have several advantages, among which it should be noted:

  • Not high cost.
  • Light weight.
  • Durability and shock resistance.
  • The metal heats up very quickly. It is enough to open hot water for a few seconds, and such a bath becomes warm.

Taking into account all the advantages, it can be noted that steel bathtubs are worthy competitors to traditional cast iron ones, but require minor modifications, namely insulation.

Preparing for insulation

How to insulate a bathtub and how to insulate a bathtub? These two questions concern many home craftsmen, and the answers to them are much simpler than they might seem at first glance.

For insulation, it is best to use polyurethane foam. This material is very easy to install, and you can carry out the thermal insulation process with your own hands without any difficulties or problems. Polyurethane foam is a universal insulating material, which is used as insulation for windows and doors.

As a main or additional thermal insulation material, floors, roofing, it is also used to insulate the loggia.

More often polyurethane foam seal the joints and gaps between the main slabs. However, this heat insulator is often sprayed directly onto the insulated surface in a continuous layer.

To insulate the bathtub, you will need ordinary polyurethane foam, which is sold in cans and does not require the use of any special devices.

Insulation should be done before the initial installation of the bathtub, because dismantling an installed and tiled product is a rather difficult task.

Before work, you should make the necessary preparations:

  • The product must be assembled and fully prepared for installation.. Install the drain siphon and secure the legs.
  • Clean the surface from dirt and dust.
  • Before applying polyurethane foam, the surface should be well moistened. We wet the cloth generously with water, washing away dust and dirt from the bathtub.
  • Next, you should prepare the polyurethane foam for the insulation process.. To do this, shake the container thoroughly. If possible, you should warm it up further by bringing it under the stream. hot water. This will maximize the foam output from the can, saving you money and time.

If you subsequently plan to sew and cover with tiles, then you need to install a UD guide profile on the front side of the bathtub.

We insulate the bathtub

Instructions for thermal insulation involve several stages:

We should also talk about wall insulation. Here there may be slight difficulties with applying insulation. So, the foam can subside and flow down in large chunks. In principle, if you carry out the entire process carefully and slowly, without applying foam with a strong stream, then you will not have any problems.

But if you are not sure that you can handle this process, then it is better to wait a little until the foam applied to the bottom dries completely (this will take no more than half an hour).

After this, simply turn the bath on its side and continue working in the same way.


Now you know how to insulate a bathtub in a simple and in an accessible way without spending extra money. After treating the surface, you should leave the product alone for eight hours until the sealant finally sets. After this, you can safely install the bathtub in place and enjoy its new characteristics.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Soundproofing a steel bathtub with your own hands video

Insulation of SGM bathtub

How to foam metal bath?

Modern metal bathrooms have a very high heat loss and we want to talk about how to insulate them.

One very effective method is sealing the bath.

Soviet cast iron bathtubs are another matter.

Almost all Soviet apartments have just such bathrooms.

Despite the fact that they weigh a lot, they have their significant advantages, such as low thermal conductivity and sound insulation, which allows them to deafen the stream of water that falls on the walls of the bathtub.

A modern steel bathtub lacks these advantages.

Yes, it is cheaper and lighter. But when you take a bath, the walls cool down very quickly, which is very uncomfortable when you just want to lie down.

But even modern bath you can remove all its shortcomings.

To do this, simply foam the outer side with ordinary polyurethane foam or vibrozol.

In order to insulate the outer walls of the bathtub and remove the unpleasant noise from the flow of water from the tap, simply glue the vibrosol.

It can be purchased at all auto parts stores.

It adheres very easily to the surface of metal baths.

If not vibrozol, then polyurethane foam.

Using the same principle, you need to apply foam to the entire outer surface of the bathroom.

For convenience, you need to turn the bathtub over and wet its surface, then apply foam evenly with a pistol.

According to all reviews, a bathtub processed according to this principle absorbs sound and insulates heat even better than old Soviet cast-iron bathtubs.

As an option, you can cover the bathtub with foam plastic, but, however, this is much more difficult.

Very important point– the adhesive solution must be very resistant to impact high humidity and frequent temperature changes, and the thickness of the foam should exceed five centimeters.

It is this thickness that can reliably insulate a bathtub.

Naturally, this is a very labor-intensive process, but it’s worth it.

The modern world of plumbing offers its customers only 3 types of bathtubs: cast iron, steel and acrylic. Cast iron implies reliability, durability, but at the same time heavy weight, high cost and complexity of installation. A steel bathtub, in turn, boasts light weight, ease of installation, relatively low cost and large selection sizes. In addition to a large number of advantages, these baths also have their disadvantages: poor heat retention and low sound insulation. As for acrylic bathtubs, they are practically silent when filling with water, have low thermal conductivity, and their surface is completely non-slippery. Disadvantages: they are very fragile and scratch easily.

However, owners of steel and acrylic bathtubs can eliminate their shortcomings. To do this, you need to know how to foam a bath. For this you will need:

High quality polyurethane foam;


Extreme care and accuracy.

To foam steel bath, you need to turn it over and put it on flat surface. Position it so that access is provided from either side, since you will need to walk around the bathtub when working with foam.

First you need to wipe the outside of the bathtub with solvent. After this, you need to move on to the foaming itself. You will need about 3 packs of foam. The thickness of the foam layer should be the same around the entire perimeter. The optimal layer width is 2-3 cm. It is best to apply foam in a circle, carefully adhering the layers to each other, avoiding gaps.

It will take about an hour for the foam to set, and 12 hours should pass for it to completely harden. After the foam has become absolutely hard, you can install the overflow drain and siphon. If there is excess foam where they enter the bath, they must be removed.

Many people are interested in the question: how to foam acrylic bath and why do this? And indeed, it is warm and silent. There is one “but” here: the acrylic bathtub is not entirely stable. A strong push can move it, which will not happen, for example, with a cast-iron bathtub.

Therefore, for greater stability, it is customary to make a special substrate under the bottom of the bathtub. Bricks, rubber, boards and much more can be used for this, but why all this complexity if you can use polyurethane foam?! Between the floor and the bottom of the bathtub you can place plastic bottles, filled with water, they will serve as the foundation. They need to be foamed, lifting the layers up to the bottom of the bath. The bathtub must first be filled with water so that the foam cannot rise. After the entire process is completed, let the foam harden. Now you can take a shower in peace and not worry about the bathtub moving out of place.

Knowing how to foam a steel acrylic bathtub, you can independently ensure complete comfort when water treatments for the whole family.