New Year's decoration of the room. Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and combine them correctly. How to decorate a New Year's table

A holiday is always great mood, and especially if it New Year. The New Year can rightfully be called the most unusual, magical and enchanting holiday, since you are constantly waiting for some miracle, and sometimes you can do this miracle yourself, surprising and delighting your loved ones, friends and family. Ask what needs to be done for this? For example, decorating a room in an unusual and festive way. If you have decided on this creative idea, then it’s time to learn in detail how to decorate a room for the New Year 2016 with your own hands and at the same time so that only a festive and magical mood reigns in the air.

Today there are a large number of the most different ideas decorating a room for the New Year holidays, and each style has its own peculiarity and zest. But still, there are several basic design rules that you need to not only know about, but also be sure to adhere to them, then any of your ideas will become an original reality.

Today there are many most different ways decorating your home for the New Year. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and create.

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Even adults are sometimes able to feel the New Year's magic, and for children this holiday is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable. Ideas on how to decorate a children's room for the New Year 2016 will help create a festive atmosphere and transform the room. It is important that the child takes part in decorating his room: he will certainly enjoy this creative activity. The presented photos illustrate examples of festive decoration of a children's room.

New Year's tree decoration in the nursery

Decorating a child's room for the New Year with your own hands should begin with the main attribute of the holiday - the Christmas tree. Surely the child will like it if, in addition to the large Christmas tree in the living room, you put a small Christmas tree in the children's room. At the same time, you should remember safety: when decorating the Christmas tree, use only LED garlands (they do not heat up during operation and are fireproof, since they operate on low voltage), use Christmas tree decorations made of unbreakable materials (for example, plastic or soft Christmas tree decorations).

New Year's decoration ideas for a children's room

New Year in our latitudes is associated with snow. Fake snow is a great idea for New Year's decor for a child's room. There can be many options for simulating snow: from special purchased compounds to budget ones. homemade options(cotton wool, crushed polystyrene foam, white fabric). When decorating a room with imitation snow, it is important not to overdo it: it is not at all necessary that it resemble a branch North Pole. It is best to use fake snow to decorate windows, window sills, room corners, the base of the Christmas tree and other places where it will not interfere.

New Year's decoration of the walls of a children's room - limitless scope for imagination. Tinsel, garlands, Christmas tree decorations and bells hung along the walls can create a festive atmosphere in the room. Great idea- cut out snowflakes from white paper with your child and hang them from the ceiling and on the walls of the room. But when decorating, you should remember that everything is good in moderation: the walls of the room, completely hung with garlands and tinsel, will resemble a New Year's sale.

The widespread installation of double-glazed windows on windows has deprived modern children of a natural New Year's decoration - the frost pattern on the glass. This problem can be solved by decorating the windows in the children's room. In a store selling New Year's goods, you can find stickers of all sizes and shapes. Applications on window glass made together with the child will look even better. To create them you should take thick paper, draw an image with a New Year's theme on it, then cut it out along the contour. After this, use PVA glue or a similar glue to glue the appliqués onto the window. Smooth surface glass will make it easy to wash off any remaining glue when the jewelry needs to be removed. In addition, traditional new Year decoration: garlands, tinsel, rain, paper snowflakes and Christmas tree toys.

When decorating, special attention should be paid to the symbol of the coming year (in accordance with the Chinese calendar). The Year of the Monkey will certainly be successful if you use images of this animal, as well as monkey figurines and toys, when decorating a child’s room. Another option - self-production toy monkey with a child. Such a toy will be much closer and more interesting for him than any purchased one.

Decorating a children's room for the New Year 2016 should be a joint leisure activity with the child, which will allow you to have a pleasant time and, as a result, get New Year's interior premises. The joint joy of creative work to decorate a room will bring pleasure to both adults and children, and will certainly be remembered better than any gifts.

The New Year has always been a special holiday for people - a harbinger of change, new achievements and victories. Whenever it's time for special celebrations, many people strive to give their apartment as festive a look as possible. But people don’t always know exactly how to decorate their apartment for the New Year, and now that 2016 is approaching, this is especially important.

Many of us mistakenly believe that the main decoration of the apartment for the New Year is New Year's table and when decorating your apartment, they are often limited to just decorating a festive dinner. At the same time, few people think about decorating a room for the New Year, despite the fact that the arrangement of rooms contributes to an atmosphere of festive comfort and family harmony. It will be doubly nice if the decorative elements are for the year Fire Monkey What kind of year 2016 is, you will do it yourself.

Interior design rules for the New Year 2016

When choosing color range home decorations, stop at bright red, fiery red and yellow flowers, symbols of fire that can please the mistress of 2016 - the Fire Monkey.

Don't forget about candles, lamps, homemade toys and volumetric origami in the form of Christmas trees. Penguins from plastic bottles must be decorated by drawing bright orange caps for them, in accordance with the colors of the fire.

In the same time bright colors should be in harmony with other shades that are not harsh on the eyes - beige, green flowers and pastel colors in the design.

Above all, the Fire Monkey values ​​​​coziness and comfort. You can please the mistress of 2016 homemade decorations for the home for the New Year.

Christmas tree for 2016

The Christmas tree has been a symbol of the holiday for many years. Without Christmas tree no one imagines a full-fledged holiday. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to detail. When decorating the Christmas tree with your usual toys in the form of balls, rain, tinsel, try to more often use bright colors that match the color of the flame, the symbol of the coming year.

Don't forget to also decorate the walls with snowflakes and other types of Christmas decorations.

DIY home decorations for the New Year

You can decorate a Christmas tree or walls for your home with ordinary pine cones, tying them with bright yellow or red ribbons.

According to Eastern belief, the main talisman of the Year of the Monkey is the bell. It is important to hang a bright and shiny bell above the door so that every guest entering your home can ring it and make a wish.

You can also make a garland of bells by tying them with twine at the top and hanging them on the doorway at the entrance to the living room, kitchen or bedroom.

Symbol of the coming year of the Monkey

You can purchase a figurine of any type - ceramic, wooden, plastic or plush monkey. This decoration will fit well into any type of interior. You can place the monkey anywhere - on the windowsill, on coffee table in the living room, under the Christmas tree. And if you have a small wooden figurine of a monkey, you can place it in the center of the New Year's table.

You can also cut out a monkey from paper and attach it to the window in the form of a snowflake. You can cut out snowflakes for windows from paper or draw them with toothpaste. Don’t forget also about ordinary snowflakes - a symbol of any New Year’s interior.

Kitchen decoration for the New Year

Don’t forget that the kitchen is an important part of the New Year’s home, because it is in the kitchen that the gala dinner is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. To make the kitchen match the symbol and theme of the holiday, do not forget to renovate the kitchen, and also do not forget to decorate the walls and ceiling.

Any tinsel, rain or garland is suitable for the kitchen. The main thing is the tones - light beige, red, yellow. Lay the tablecloth red with beige edges. In the middle of the table you can place a small figurine in the form of a monkey. It is important to respect the symbolism. Also, don’t forget to put beige covers on the chairs. The entire kitchen should match the New Year 2016 theme. If you wish, you can decorate the kitchen with branches or pine cones. In the middle of the table you can place a vase with a spruce paw - one of the types of room and table decorations during the holidays.

A tablecloth on the table and covers on the chairs are a mandatory element of kitchen decoration for the New Year. The main thing when decorating is to maintain proportions so that the kitchen does not feel crowded, and the decorations placed do not embarrass the hosts and guests at the table.

Features of the New Year symbol

In the year of the Fire Monkey, you will have to fork out for decorative elements for your home, because the monkey is eccentric and loves everything in the house to be decorated from the heart. She doesn’t like it when the owner skimps on the improvement of his apartment, so she will be especially supportive of people who spare no expense on decorations.

In the coming year, it is recommended to change the curtains to brighter ones or choose patterned ones with original ornaments. Decorating your living room is extremely important. You can also decorate front door, hanging a festive wreath over the opening in a combination of pine needles and bright holiday ribbons.

While preparing for the holiday, do not forget that New Year is a family tradition, so try to involve your family in decorating your home. You can safely involve children in an activity such as cutting out snowflakes or making an artificial garland, inviting them to combine business with pleasure.

It would be better to come up with ways to decorate your apartment for the New Year together. Perhaps in this way you will be able to figure out how to decorate your interior in an original way, without spending extra money - you can make all the decorative elements with your own hands.

Regardless of whether you believe in omens, decorating your New Year’s interior beautifully is the main task to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in a festive atmosphere.

New Year's holidays have always been the personification of a new round in the life of any person, a new step and big changes. Therefore, all of us, without exception, decorate the house for the New Year, trying to make the interior of our home festive, unique and fabulous.

New Year's room - beautiful and organic

According to astrologers, you need to decorate a room for the New Year 2016 in bright fiery colors (red, yellow, orange or gold). These flowers should be given the main place in the interior, because this will please the mistress of the coming year - the Red Monkey.

For festive winter decor, candles of various shapes, spruce or pine branches and cones, Christmas tree decorations and fruits are perfect.

The central decoration of the New Year's room has always been the Christmas tree. She not only creates Christmas mood its appearance, but also fills the entire room with a pleasant pine aroma. To decorate a room for the New Year 2016 to the delight of the Monkey, who simply loves everything bright, you can hang it on the Christmas tree New Year's toys rich and unusual colors, brilliant rain. Also, decorations made by yourself will add extraordinary charm to the New Year’s tree.

If the room is small in size, you can decorate it with fir branches in the form of wreaths, bouquets or other compositions. Snowflakes will give your room a special New Year's design: hang them on the wall, window, ceiling.

While decorating rooms for the New Year 2016, very often we forget to decorate the kitchen. But it is in it that we spend a huge amount of time, and it is this room that creates a piece of our mood.

Decorating your kitchen won't be difficult.

It is best to decorate the kitchen with branches or compositions made from them. The ideal decor would be artificial snow, candles, toys. Wreaths made from spruce paws will create additional coziness in the kitchen. In the case of the layout of a combined living room and kitchen, the continuation of the New Year theme will be placement on festive table compositions of pine needles in the form of small wreaths or in glass vases.

It is also beautiful and appropriate to decorate the kitchen with garlands. They are convenient to place on a wall, window or doorway. You can beautifully lay out the garlands on the surface of the table, which will also create wonderful lighting in the room when everyone is at the festive table.

It is necessary to decorate the kitchen so that the selected attributes do not interfere with its intended use. Shiny toys can be placed on the ceiling, window sills, used to decorate vases, and complement compositions made from fir branches. A mandatory attribute is a festive tablecloth and chair covers.

The main part of the New Year's Eve celebration takes place in the hall. You can decorate the room in a special way using small decorative elements. Paintings with winter and New Year's images, themed figurines, colorful candlesticks and candles - all this will create the right atmosphere and set the mood for a celebration.

Apartment in accordance with all rules

As you know, 2016 will be the year of the Fire Monkey. In order to receive her favor, you need to know. All kinds of bells and bells should be added to the interior of the premises, which with their ringing will delight the hostess of the year. Glowing multi-colored garlands, bright lanterns, rain and tinsel will also delight the cheerful Monkey.

You can decorate your apartment in an original way for the New Year 2016 with the help of small decorative items in all rooms, united by one common theme. These are various magnets on refrigerator doors, stickers on glasses and cups, decorative christmas pillows on the sofa, armchair and bed.

Compositions of fir branches combined with colorful Christmas tree decorations and artificial white snow, garlands in glass vessels, vases with fragrant oranges and all sorts of delicacies placed in all rooms in the apartment will create an atmosphere of solemnity.

Your home is a joy for the Monkey

Since the mistress of the coming year is quite eccentric in character, then New Year's decor– this is something you shouldn’t skimp on. To celebrate the 2016 celebrations, you need to be quite bright and colorful, both inside and outside.

The door from the street can be decorated with garlands, but more traditional version- this is a New Year's wreath made of pine needles in combination with bright bows or Christmas decorations. Even ordinary passersby will create a festive atmosphere in the yard large figures Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, snowmen and other fairy-tale characters.

This New Year may be the best time to change old curtains, because the festive interior in the Year of the Red Monkey should be appropriate. Curtains on the windows should be bright or with unusual patterns.

The house should be decorated for the New Year 2016 in red shades. Decorating in this color also applies to the main New Year's attribute - the Christmas tree. Since the Monkey is considered a big lover of sweets, the Christmas tree can be decorated in an original way with sweets, cookies in the form of funny and funny figures, and nuts.

Window in a colorful and bright style The most common way to decorate windows is new year holidays are snowflakes. You can cut them out of paper yourself, paint them on glass using a stencil or paints, or buy ready-made special stickers. By the way, you can safely involve children in cutting out or drawing snowflakes - they will be very delighted with it.

Even for the New Year holidays, you can decorate the window with garlands. Such New Year's decor will create a festive mood not only for your family, but also ordinary people who are lucky enough to pass by your window. Garlands can be hung as curtains, an unusual frame, or simply laid out on the windowsill.

If the width of the window sill allows, then New Year’s figurines, candles and compositions made from them, plates and vases with sweets or fruits will look great here.

If you have the desire and opportunity, you can decorate the window with outside. Recently the most popular outdoor Most in a simple way New Year's door decorations are ready-made special stickers of any size. It is also very easy to decorate the door with garland. Thanks to the glowing lights, the door will look truly fabulous.

Doors with bells look quite unusual. As soon as you open or close the door, the bells immediately emit a pleasant ringing, reminding you of the approaching holiday and fabulous miracles.

The decoration will be very simple, but at the same time beautiful and original. door handle. Simply tie a bright ribbon or hang a shiny Christmas tree decoration and the door will sparkle with a festive mood.

Every New Year's holiday, many creative people do . Photos of their harmonious implementations in the interior will help you realize a lot interesting ideas no worse than famous designers. This year, decorators decided to let their imagination run wild, leaving only dotted lines general rules compatibility, turning their basis into a bright carnival.

DIY New Year's decorations, general tasks

As you know, 2017 is the year of the fiery rooster, which means that everything should not just sparkle, but literally burn the usual perception of the world with the fire of bright colors.

What does the “fiery rooster” greet:

  • Celebration and more celebration! This point needs to be emphasized with an abundance of objects with a shining texture; these can be mirror fragments, gloss, shimmer, intricate patterns, etc.
    • Rooms should not be monotonous and boring; each room needs to come up with its own surroundings. But so that you don’t get lost in the whirlwind of the carnival, experienced decorators insinuatingly remind you of those dotted lines unspoken rules. Even in attempts to combine the “incompatible”, many elements can be “reconciled” with each other by some single point.

Tip: almost all stylistic mixtures can be easily combined into a coherent composition using one or two colors. So even in the heat of the fireworks of emotions and anticipation have fun days you can be guaranteed to avoid bad taste.

  • A huge number of lights, everything should shine where it is possible to place accessories with lights.
  • We take out forgotten candles, the rooster 2017 loves live fire. If there is, he will have to pay special attention.
  • Decorating a room for the New Year with your own hands should include the basic tones of images of the fairy rooster from folk tales - red, , , , but with all this stormy splendor, the base color should remain exactly.
  • The rooster is proud and loves symbolism; small figurines depicting this domestic, but very beautiful and proud bird will have to be placed in every room and even on the holiday table itself.

  • In order for the symbol of 2017 to bestow blessings on you, you need to arrange it using nuts, cones, grains and fruits as decorative elements.

The house can be decorated not only inside, but also outside, so let's start with.

Facade and garden

Exterior decoration should not just please the eye, but catch attention and lure you inside; this effect can be achieved with the help of a lot of simple devices. As they say, if you have imagination, garlands and “hands are not for boredom,” this will be enough.


We have all watched many films about Christmas, where the “gingerbread” houses of refined residents of wealthy areas aroused in us slight envy or admiration for their backyard figures and sparkling lights. So why don’t we bring moments from our favorite films to life?

In order for the house to sparkle in a new light and turn into a wonderful abode of fairies and elves, it is enough to buy several and use improvised means to secure them along the contours of the building.

This is the simplest, but very effective classic New Year's trick. We also don’t ignore all the trees, ledges, and maybe even steps nearby the entrance.

Advice: it is better to take garlands that will decorate the house outside and inside, they are brighter, plus they save energy. This is important because during the New Year they are used almost continuously and in large quantities.

Those who like to experiment are free to create any composition out of lights, bending and securing flexible lights to give them the intended shape. These can be inscriptions, silhouettes of animals or Santa Claus, anything, the main thing is to calculate the footage, purchase required quantity garlands and arrange the connection correctly.

Advice: when planning to take it outside New Year's garlands, a smart owner should take care of safety! All sockets must be carefully protected from snow and moisture, or you can buy ready-made ones street options, they are sold in specialized stores who sell electrical goods.


Plastic, fabric, wire, polystyrene foam and sparkling lights of garlands - with skillful use, these materials can create a New Year's ball of your favorite monsters or a space station from an ordinary teenager's room.

Advice: first and foremost main point New Year's is about safety, so there should be no easily breakable glass and sharp pins, hooks, etc. Complex parts should be attached high to the ceiling or walls so that teenagers do not touch them when passing, and children cannot reach them at all.

With very young children you can start making a paper town - these are simple garlands of glued rings, lanterns, cutting out and attaching snowflakes together. Also, children really like to have separate personal trees in their room in addition to the general Christmas tree; you can organize an artificial version for them, buy it or assemble it yourself from multi-colored rain and wire, letting them participate in the process.

DIY New Year's decorations (photo) 2017 - what about the Christmas tree?

This year a “battle” has been announced for boringly stylized monotonous balls of the same color, falling in a monolithic cascade from small to large sizes top down.

Rooster 2017 wants fireworks and handmade goods. The spruce or pine tree should ideally be real and strewn with all the old toys from “grandmother’s chest.” At the same time, if you don’t have clothespins left, you can take ordinary clothes and attach/glue to them everything that can be held on them... Plastic animal figures or thread balls strewn with sparkles. The rest can be hung from the top of the head in the classic way. When decorating a Christmas tree in 2017, two rules will apply: everything ready should shine to the maximum, the rest should be done with soul and with your own hands.

Several master classes on crafts

  • Large balls of thread. Let's take it air balloons and inflate until required sizes, separately soak a skein of large woolen threads with PVA glue. We wrap them tightly around the balls in a chaotic manner and hang the entangled ball by its tail to dry the structure. When everything has hardened, we carefully pierce the ball and drag it out of the thread “house”, which itself now has the shape of a sphere. We thread a thread of the required length so that it can be hung somewhere.

  • Decorative gifts from matchboxes or small boxes. Matchboxes or any other small boxes need to be smeared with glue and covered with gift paper, and rhinestones, bows, etc. should be glued on top. Not only the shiny wrapper looks very beautiful, but also velvet; you can use fabric, but here you will have to spend a little more time.
  • Ice cream from balls. We roll thick shiny cardboard into a cone and glue it at the fold, we get a cone, glue a piece of cotton wool to it to fill the volume, and in turn glue light New Year's plastic balls to the edge of the structure. Advice! Should not be used for decorative horns glass balls, they are heavy, quickly peel off and break.

All these decorations can be used as separate units, or strung on one string and made into garlands or something like “carousels” (attach separate strings to several things, and then connect the tails with a common knot).