Sloe jam without seeds. Delicious options for the winter. Sloe (thorn) jam

Many people believe that thorns and damsons are different names the same berry. In fact, everything is a little different. Sloe is a wild shrub and damson is a subspecies homemade plum. In other words, damson is a natural hybrid of wild sloe and cultivated plum, which ended up being larger and sweeter than sloe, but smaller and tarter than plum.

Otherwise, close relatives of thorns and damsons are very similar both in their beneficial qualities in terms of their impact on human health and in their gastronomic properties. The latter are best manifested in jam, which in its noble dark burgundy color, rich aroma, sweet and sour and characteristic tart taste, whether made from sloe or from damson plum, is practically no different from each other.

What you will need: kitchen appliances and utensils

Any enameled container is suitable for preparing the product, the main requirement for which is that the enamel should be free of cracks, in order to avoid harmful oxidative processes that occur when metal interacts with hot liquid.

To mix the product, you need a large spoon - preferably wooden or plastic, which have a much less destructive effect on vitamins than a metal one.

Glass jars with hermetically sealed lids are best suited for storing finished jam.

If there is a need to strain the dessert or separate its liquid substance from the seeds, for example, to make jam, then you will need a colander.

Did you know? If the berries of the sloe and its leaves are thoroughly fried and then ground, then they make a good drink, very reminiscent of coffee in taste.

How to choose the right products: features and nuances

The quality of future jam is, first of all, determined by the raw materials from which it will be made. To choose the right berries, you need to know some of the subtleties of this process.

What varieties are suitable

Thorn fruits do not ripen at the same time, but, depending on the variety, they stretch out this process from mid-autumn until frost. However, this circumstance does not significantly affect the quality of the berries themselves, but only allows a person to correctly plan his time and actions in order to make the most of all the convenient opportunities provided by this plant.

Requirements for berries

Much more important is the condition of the berries of each variety at a certain period of their ripening. And here an iron rule applies: for dessert it is better to use unripe and slightly hard fruits than overripe and soft ones.
And to choose best option, you need to take a closer look at the color of the skin of the berries, which should be radically dark blue, and the pulp, which should have a rich pink tint.

Product List:

  • damson berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • boiled water - 1-2 glasses;
  • citric acid - a pinch on the tip of a knife.

Step by step instructions:

  • wash the berries;
  • remove the seeds from them;
  • put a layer of berries on the bottom of an enamel pan;
  • cover them with a layer of sugar;
  • repeat the process;
  • Cover the filled container with a lid and leave it overnight;
  • after this period, add water to the pan;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • put on fire;
  • after bringing to a boil, reduce heat;
  • remove the foam from the jam;
  • cook over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam;
  • check readiness by dropping a drop on a saucer: if it does not spread, then the product is ready;
  • after the jam is ready, add citric acid to it at the tip of a knife;
  • Pour the product into sterilized containers and close with lids.

Did you know? The juice extracted from the fruits of the thorn, as well as from its roots, can become good remedy for coloring, whose palette includes red, green, yellow, gray and brown colors.

Product List:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 cups.

Step by step instructions:

  • wash the berries thoroughly;
  • Use a toothpick to pierce each berry in several places;
  • make syrup from water and sugar;
  • cool it down;
  • add berries to it;
  • leave to infuse for a day;
  • Carefully remove the berries from the syrup using a slotted spoon;
  • Bring the syrup back to a boil;
  • pour the berries back into the hot syrup;
  • cook until done;
  • pour the finished dessert into jars;
  • Cover the jars with paper soaked in vodka and tie a thin rope around the neck.

Composition of BJU and calorie content of jam

This product contains neither fats nor proteins, but a lot of carbohydrates (9.4 g per 100 g), which give it considerable calorie content - 248 kcal per 100 g of jam.

What are the benefits of sloe jam?

Sloe jam is saturated with a very solid set of useful substances in the form of carotene, tocopherol (better known as vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C). There is also a lot in the product fatty acids and oils, alcohols, tannins, steroids.

The successful balance of nutrients in the thorn dessert, as well as their quantitative characteristics, determine the high preventive and medicinal value of this dessert product, which is expressed in:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • optimization of metabolism;
  • disinfecting properties;
  • diuretic properties;
  • preventing the occurrence of edema;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Despite its obvious sweetness, thorn jam does not overwhelm, like many other desserts, but, on the contrary, improves appetite.

Is it possible for pregnant, lactating and children

The pronounced antiemetic properties of this product come in handy for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. No less useful for them is the ability of jam to speed up the removal of toxins and waste from the body, which is extremely important for toxicosis.

The rich set of vitamins and minerals in damson jam is extremely valuable for the body of a nursing mother.

And children, besides the pleasure of it delicious product, they also receive real benefits for their body in the form of increasing its immunity. This gives them increased resistance to colds. Sloe jam also has anti-inflammatory properties, fighting infectious problems in oral cavity in children.

Increasing benefits

As you can see, thorn jam is very useful. But these qualities can be further increased by adding any other berries or fruits to the sloe when making jam, which will not only enhance the existing beneficial properties, but will also allow you to add new ones.

Sloe jam recipe with apples

To prepare it you need to take 1 kg of fresh damson berries and the same amount of red apples. You will also need 1.5 kg of sugar and half a liter of water. Apples must be peeled and the center must be cut out.

Then the apples are cut into pieces, placed in a saucepan along with thorn berries, filled with water and placed over medium heat. Bringing the mixture to a boil, cook it for about eight minutes until done, which is characterized by complete softening of the fruit.

The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added to it, and the mixture is placed on the fire, where it is boiled with active stirring for five to six minutes.

Store dessert in sterilized and hermetically sealed jars.

How to make sloe jam with orange

To 1.5 kg of pitted berries, add 1 kg of oranges. But first, citrus fruits must be removed from the peel, all white layers and seeds. The zest should be grated. And the oranges themselves, cut into small pieces, along with the thorns, are laid in layers in enamel pan, sprinkling each layer with sugar. It is recommended to place grated zest in the middle of the layers.
After all these manipulations, the resulting mixture should be left at room temperature for about a day, and then, after thoroughly mixing, put on low heat and simmer until thickened. Jam should be stored like all similar products.

Sloe and cherry plum jam recipe

Take 1 kg of thorn berries, that much yellow cherry plum and 450 g of juicy pears. The berries should be pitted, and the pears should be freed from the inedible center and cut into small pieces.

Then the berries and pears must be placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1.2 kg of sugar into it, mix everything well and let the mixture brew for three hours.

Then you need to put it on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heating temperature to a minimum and add about 500 g of crushed hazelnuts to the heated mass. Mix all this again and cook for another twenty minutes. Storing this product is no different from storing other jams.

Possible harm and contraindications

Sloes and damsons are among those plants whose harm to humans is minimal. Apart from people who suffer from individual intolerance to any component of these berries or for whom they act as allergens, these fruits pose no threat to everyone else.
As for jam, it is free from such a nuisance for humans as increased acidity in the stomach, unlike raw sloe berries.

Important! The kernels of thorn seeds should not be eaten due to the presence of a very toxic substance in them - amygdalin.

But the high presence of sugar in jam makes people with diabetes wary of it. But this, however, can be said about any sweetness, so damson is no more to blame here than others.

Some experts believe that people with liver and thyroid problems should use this product with caution.

Apart from the infamous crown of thorns, the thorn was not seen in anything reprehensible. But there is a lot in it useful qualities, and sloe berry jam is rightfully considered one of the best desserts that decorate a person’s table at any time of the year, but is especially in demand in winter in addition to a hot cup of tea.

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11 once already

Thorn grows in Russia on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains and in the Crimea. It looks like a small berry with a characteristic wax-like coating. Sloe berries have a specific tart and slightly sour taste, but after the first frost the piquancy of the berries disappears. IN wildlife thorn bushes grow in neglected ravines, on forest edges and valleys near rivers. Fresh berries no one eats them because their taste is too tart, and therefore sweet liqueurs, jams and light jams are prepared from sloe berries.

Sloe berries contain many biological modulators - pectin and tannins, vitamins, as well as oil, sugar, fiber and nitrogen-containing compounds. Not everyone likes the taste of berries picked from the bush; as a rule, sloe can be eaten only after light frosts, but you also need to wait for them. And after frost, you can safely pick the berries and prepare various delicacies from them.

Sloes make excellent jam. The only annoying drawback is that the seeds are very difficult to separate from the berries. Therefore, removing seeds is a rather labor-intensive task, and those who have patience can get healthy, tender and aromatic jam.

The acidity of sloe berries requires special processing, so you need twice as much sugar as the berries. To remove the seeds from the berries, they need to be boiled a little, and only after that the stone will be easier to move away from the pulp. Many people make jam with seeds, but our jam will be without them. The thorn seed gives off some bitterness. But we don't want that.

In order to prepare a spicy sloe jam, you will need to take 2 kilograms of sloe, 4 kilograms of granulated sugar and 0.7 liters of water.

The washed thorn fruits are boiled, allowed to cool and removed from the seeds. Pour seedless berries into a saucepan, add 0.7 liters of water and put on fire.

Cook the sloes until they become soft. The berries need to be cooled and granulated sugar poured into them. The process of preparing thorn delicacies must be brought to the stage when the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring periodically so that it does not burn. Cook the boiled syrup for another 15 minutes, and when the jam thickens, remove it from the heat. To find out if the jam is ready, you need to drop a drop on your nail, and if the drop does not spread, it means the jam is ready. It has a surprisingly rich color and great taste.

Pour the jam into sterile jars while hot and then close and roll up the lids. The jam should stand for a day at room temperature and the next day the jars of jam can be placed in a cool place. This could be a pantry or cellar.

Seedless sloe jam is very rare, and if you manage to cook it, then enjoy its taste with pleasure.

The bulk of the preparations are already behind us and you can experiment a little and prepare something new, for example, jam from thorns and apples.

The garden thorn has long since moved away, but the wild one is still in the forest and stays on the branches until the cold weather, if the birds do not peck it. For a long time now I have not made jam or jam in large quantities, as my grandmother once did, but I always cook a little of everything. I’ve never made blackthorn jam with apples, so it was interesting to prepare and evaluate this combination. It turned out very tasty! Well, you yourself know where to use jam: you can drink tea with it, bake a pie, and serve it with pancakes.

To make jam, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Wash the sloe berries and separate them from the stems. Place in a saucepan and add water. Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook the berries for 5-7 minutes until soft.

Peel the apples, remove the cores and seeds and cut the apples into cubes.

After cooking, place the thorns on a sieve and remove the seeds.

Add apples to the mashed thorns and mix.

Add sugar to the pan and put it on fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. After cooking, the jam should be cooled completely. Repeat cooking 2 more times, remembering to stir the mixture and letting the jam cool each time. The smaller the mass of fruit, the faster the jam will cool.

Before the last cooking, prepare the jars and lids. I use small 200 ml jars for jam. I lower the lids into the water and place a double boiler on top with the jars turned upside down. I boil jars with lids for 10 minutes.

We put the jam on the fire for the fourth time. Both apples and sloe contain a lot of pectin, and the jam becomes thicker as it cools. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.

Place the hot thorn and apple jam into dry, sterile jars, then twist and turn over.

I got 2 jars of 200 ml each, but I left half for testing. Very interesting and delicious jam it worked!

Enjoy your preparations!

Rinse the fruits running water, remove the stalks and, using a small knife, remove the seeds, dividing the prunes in half (my prunes were a little hard, this is even very good for making jam, the slices turned out whole).
Weigh the jam preparation (halves of plums or sloe) and add granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
Today I also decided to use a little water in my jam preparation, since unripe damsons do not produce as much juice.

Pour a glass of water over the sugar and place a bowl or pan for cooking jam on low heat.

When the sugar begins to melt, you can carefully mix everything, trying not to damage the damson slices.
Cook the jam over low heat (but let the jam simmer slightly) for 45 minutes.

When foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon or a spoon with holes. Then you need to let the sloe and plum jam cool.

The next day, I put the jam on the stove again and cook it (after boiling) for another 30 minutes.

While the jam is cooking, prepare the jars for twisting.
Each jar has a volume of 0.7 liters. I sterilize for 10 minutes. For convenience, you can sterilize jam jars in a multicooker in a container - a double boiler, or use a microwave or oven for sterilization.

When the cooking time is up, we begin to put the terno plum jam into jars (hot). But we act carefully so as not to get burned.

Having spread the jam into the jars, screw it on with a lid (if the lids are turnkey, then roll them up with a key). Jars of jam should be wrapped in a blanket or blanket and allowed to cool completely upside down.

I had some jam left, I put it in a bowl, which was empty by evening.

This is the delicious jam we made from damsons for the winter.

We wish you all a bon appetit from our most delicious Notebook!

For the recipe and step by step photos We thank Svetlana Burova for preparations.

You might like the cherry plum jam recipe:

Sloes are berries that have their own characteristic taste. They are sour and slightly tart, so you need a lot of sugar to make jam. Sloe jam, cooked without seeds, turns out to be very tasty, and it also pleasantly pleases him. beautiful color. In winter, eating at least a few spoons of this delicacy will give you great pleasure. This amount of ingredients yields one half-liter jar of jam and a little in a bowl for sampling.


To make seedless thorn jam you will need:

water - 50 ml;

sloe berries - 0.5 kg;

sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking steps

The berries will become soft and easy to remove from the seeds.

Rub the thorns through a sieve. There should be as little pulp as possible on the bones. If there is a lot of pulp left, the seeds can be boiled again and then rubbed through a sieve.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids. The consistency of the jam will be liquid, but when it cools it will thicken.

Turn the jars over and wrap them in warm blanket until completely cooled.

Appetizing, tasty seedless thorn jam is ready. Can be stored in a city apartment.

Bon appetit!