Sample survey marketing research new pharmacy. Questionnaire for surveying medicinal products consumers

Practical part. Identification of the effectiveness of interior design and appearance of retail pharmacy organizations using the example of the Panacea pharmacy

Evaluation of survey results

The study involved visitors (100 people) to the Panacea pharmacy, address: Yaroslavl, st. Sovetskaya, 57., who were asked to answer the questions of the questionnaire presented in Appendix 1:

The age structure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Age characteristics of respondents

To the question about the frequency of visits to the pharmacy, the answers presented in Figure 1 were received.

Rice. 1.

As can be seen from the results, the vast majority of respondents visit the pharmacy often.

To the question “What first attracts your attention in a pharmacy?” the answers presented in Figure 2 were received.

Rice. 2.

The overwhelming majority of respondents are attracted to the pharmacy by such a factor as price, but in second place is a well-designed display case, which indicates the important role of merchandising in attracting customers.

The most common explanations were as follows:

Rice. 3.

The presented results indicate that such a merchandising component as POS materials (advertising elements - booklets, leaflets, etc.) are positively perceived by the vast majority of the population, helping them find required group drugs, provides information about new products.

To the question “Is the product laid out conveniently?” The following responses were received:

Rice. 4.

From the results it follows that such a component of merchandising as rational display of goods is positively assessed by the overwhelming majority of respondents.

To the question “What do you remember most about window dressing?” The responses presented in Table 3 were received.

Table 3. What was memorable about the appearance of the pharmacy.

From the answers, it is obvious that what attracts visitors to the windows is primarily the color scheme; when they get closer, they pay attention primarily to the promotional product, which is sold at a reduced price.

Table 4. Association with the appearance of shop windows.

The answers once again prove that for the population in choosing medications key factor is the price. And, therefore, when implementing merchandising in a modern pharmacy, it is necessary to include POS materials in the design of display windows that emphasize discounts, promotions, etc.

Rice. 5.

Because The overwhelming majority of respondents noted that the design of the windows of this pharmacy is different from others, we can conclude that the principles of merchandising in this pharmacy are observed to a sufficient extent.

To the question “Assessing appearance and the interior, do you have a desire to visit this pharmacy again?” The overwhelming majority responded positively, which once again emphasizes the well-done work of the pharmacy staff in the field of merchandising.

A good move to attract and retain regular customers Pharmacy "Panacea" could be the inclusion in the interior design of a constantly updated newsletter, in which consumers could familiarize themselves with new products, as well as receive information about currently relevant drugs, for example, during periods of high incidence of influenza about antiviral drugs.

Such information service can be especially useful during busy times at the pharmacy, as it will allow pharmacists to concentrate on serving customers and minimize the need for their advice in choosing a drug, which delays the pace of sales of goods and creates tiresome queues.

It is important not to miss such forms of creating a pharmacy habit, such as the introduction of discounts for pensioners and regular customers, which should also be reflected in POS materials, both externally and internally. interior design pharmacies.

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Dear friends!
[Company name] conducts sociological research consumers of medicines of the ____________ group in order to form a socio-demographic “portrait” of real and potential consumers, as well as study the prospects for demand for drugs of this group. We ask you to take part in the survey.
When filling out the questionnaire, place a sign next to the answer that expresses your opinion.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Survey questions
I. Socio-demographic characteristics.
1. Your age (years):
1.1. 14-25;
1.2. 26-35;
1.3. 36-45;
1.4. 46-55;
1.5. 56-65;
1.6. more than 65

2. Your gender:
2.1. man;
2.2. woman

3. Your marital status:
3.1. married);
3.2. single, not married);
3.3. divorced;
3.4. widower (widow).

4. Do you have children:
4.1. No;
4.2. one;
4.3. two;
4.4. three;
4.5. more than three.

5. Your place of residence:
5.1. city;
5.2. village.

6. Your social status:
6.1. employee;
6.2. worker;
6.3. agricultural worker;
6.4. unemployed;
6.5. student (student);
6.6. pensioner;
6.7. housewife;
6.8. self employed.

7. Your education:
7.1. secondary (incomplete secondary);
7.2. specialized secondary;
7.3. higher (incomplete higher).

8. Please indicate your monthly income per person ____

2. Health status and awareness of medicines

9. How do you rate your health:
9.1. bad;
9.2. satisfactory;
9.3. good.

10. Do you have any chronic diseases?
10.1. Yes;
10.2. No;
10.3. Don't know.

11. How long have you been seeing a psychiatrist:
11.1. less than a year;
11.2. from 1 year to 5 years;
11.3. more than 5 years.
11.4. _

12. Do you suffer from diseases of other systems and organs? (multiple answers possible)
12.1. No;
12.2. of cardio-vascular system;
12.3. digestive organs;
12.4. nervous system;
12.5. genitourinary system;
12.6. others

13. Sections of information about the drug in the package insert that interest you (several answers are possible):
13.1. application, method;
13.2. pharmachologic effect;
13.3. contraindications, side effects;
13.4. healing effect;
13.5. interactions with other drugs;
13.6. interaction with food;
13.7. other (write)_____

3. Medical culture
14. Your attitude towards a healthy lifestyle:
14.1. positive, I try to always stick to it;
14.2. positive, but I don’t always follow it;
14.3. indifferent.

15. In your opinion, were your working conditions a factor in the occurrence of “mental disorder”?
15.1. Yes;
15.2. No.

16. Do you play sports?
16.1. daily;
16.2. few times a week;
16.3. rarely;
16.4. I don't.

17. Do you smoke?
17.1. Yes;
17.2. No

18. How often do you drink alcohol?
18.1. almost every day;
18.2. few times a week;
18.3. several times a month;
18.4. several times a year;

19. Do you always follow your doctor’s orders?
19.1. Yes;
19.2. Sometimes;
19.3. No.
If “no”, then for what reason? (multiple answers possible)
19.3.1. I don’t trust the doctor;
19.3.2. I prefer self-medication;
19.3.3. another reason

4. Assessment of quality of life and service
20. Do you have conflicts with the staff serving you?
20.1. never;
20.2. rarely;
20.3. Always.

21. How does taking drugs affect your quality of life (several answer options are possible)?
21.1. well-being improves;
21.2. efficiency increases;
21.3. mood improves;
21.4. there is a feeling of satisfaction;
21.5. does not affect;
21.6. other

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    Conducting marketing research

Who are they, pharmacy visitors?

Sergey Obukhov, “Provisor”

A pharmacy performs the functions of a healthcare institution, the main task of which is to provide the population and medical institutions with medicines and medical products. At the same time, it is a commercial institution and operates on the principles of self-sufficiency, self-financing and self-government with the aim of making a profit. As a result, the pharmacy builds its behavior in the market: it maintains an assortment and pricing policy, conducts advertising campaigns.

Currently, consumers have the opportunity to choose exactly the pharmacy that best suits their needs. And one of the most important factors determining the success of pharmacies is the search and analysis of information regarding target consumers and their preferences for further planning of marketing activities. Marketing research allows us to identify the main aspects of consumer behavior.

Consumer behavior in pharmacies

Consumer behavior is influenced by many unexpected factors. If the marketing process ends with the consumption of a product, then, therefore, marketing policy should begin with getting to know the consumer.

The literature identifies the following factors influencing consumer behavior:

  • cultural
  • social
  • psychological
  • personal

In most cases, marketers cannot control these factors, but to be successful, they must take them into account.

Cultural factors include culture, subculture, and social class. Research in this area makes it possible to answer questions such as “Is there a connection between belonging to a particular social class and visiting a particular pharmacy?”, “Is the purchase of a particular medicine related to belonging to a social group?”

Studying social factors allows us to identify influence groups that play a key role in shaping consumer behavior when choosing medicines family, friends, co-workers, doctor, relatives, pharmacist, advertising, generally accepted opinion, etc.

Psychological factors also have a significant influence. It is very interesting to study the motivation (impulses) of the consumer to make a purchase. Why is this purchase being made? What is the consumer looking for when purchasing this product? What needs is it trying to satisfy? Consumer motives are subconscious.

Personal factors include age, stage life cycle family, occupation, economic status (income level per family and per family member), lifestyle, personality type.

Consumer profile research

All of the above factors are the subject of special research. The direction of marketing research directly depends on the goals pursued by enterprise managers. And in this article we will touch only on the personal characteristics of visitors. You can read about consumer behavior in pharmacies, factors influencing the choice of pharmacy and drugs in future publications.

Studying the personal characteristics of a pharmacy’s clients allows us to identify the segment of consumers to whom you need to target your business, and build the enterprise’s marketing mix accordingly.

To describe the average pharmacy visitor, the magazine’s editors conducted a survey of visitors to the city of Kharkov. The city was divided into 10 conditional districts. In each district, 2 pharmacies were randomly selected. In each pharmacy, interviewers interviewed 20 visitors. Another 20 respondents were interviewed during the preliminary testing of the questionnaire. Thus, 420 respondents were surveyed. After screening, 417 questionnaires were found suitable for analysis.


The conducted research will enable the reader to imagine a visitor to pharmacies in Kharkov. It can be assumed that some of the research results are also typical for other regions of Ukraine. As for, for example, the level of income and the amount that is spent monthly on the purchase of medicines, not everything is so simple here.

As can be seen from Figure 1, the main visitors to pharmacies are women (70%).

More than half of the visitors have higher education (Fig. 2.). 35% secondary specialized. 12% of visitors have secondary education.

Employees (40%) and pensioners (24%) are the largest groups of pharmacy visitors.

Pharmacies are visited by the most different ages. Figure 4 shows the distribution of pharmacy visitors by age. The minimum age of the respondents was 13 years, the maximum was 82 years. Average age visitor is 43.5 years old. 50% of visitors are between 30 and 56 years old.

Frequency of pharmacy visits

On average, respondents visit the pharmacy 3,525 times per month. Let us remind you that the survey was conducted only among pharmacy visitors. About a fifth of respondents can be called regular visitors to pharmacies - they go to the pharmacy several times a week (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Frequency of pharmacy visits

Income level

Particularly important is the analysis of the income level of target consumers. However, when interpreting the data obtained, one must remember that, as practice shows, respondents tend to hide and understate the level of their income. It is interesting to note that pensioners are less inclined to hide their income and, as a rule, give accurate figures, down to the last kopeck. The level of income per family member was indicated by 148 respondents.

The surveyed visitors had an income of 50 to 800 UAH per family member. The average income was 227.4 UAH. Based on the answers received, we can say with 95% probability that the level of income per family member ranges from 206.92 to 247.79 UAH.

Since not all respondents wanted to name the exact amount of family income, we proposed to give an interval estimate of income per family member. All respondents indicated the income range. Table 1 presents the results obtained.

Table 1. Interval assessment of the level of income per family member

Estimation of the average level of income per person, obtained on the basis of interval data, 227.18 UAH.*

* The average estimate was calculated using the formula for estimating the sample average of data presented as a frequency distribution:

X is the estimate of the sample mean,
Xm - the value of the middle of the interval,
f - frequency of falling into the interval,
k - number of intervals,
n - sample size.

Thus, we have estimated the mean, which is an estimate of the sample mean, which in turn is an estimate of the population mean.

It is good practice to compare your data with results from another source. Table 2 shows the data State Committee according to statistics on average monthly wages.

Table 2. Average monthly wage, UAH

Amount spent monthly on medications

Interesting and no less important are the data on how much money respondents spend monthly on purchasing medicines. 111 people answered this question.

Surveyed visitors spend from 10 to 320 UAH per month. The average monthly family expenses amounted to 47.3 UAH. Based on the responses received, with a 95% probability we can say that households spend from 39.33 to 55.30 UAH per month on purchasing drugs.

Respondents in this question were also asked to estimate their costs on an interval scale.

The obtained data are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Amount of family budget, which respondents spend monthly on purchasing medicines

The estimate of the average monthly amount spent on purchasing medicines based on interval data was 44 UAH.

It is logical to analyze the level of income and monthly costs for the purchase of medicines by categories of buyers.

Table 4. Average income level and costs for purchasing drugs by category of visitors

Based on the data in Table 4 and Figure 3, more comprehensive conclusions can be made:

  • Different groups of pharmacy visitors spend different amounts on purchasing medicines. Moreover, the difference is statistically significant;
  • The bulk of pharmacies' visitors are employees with an income per family member of 242.42 UAH, spending about 51.21 UAH per month. for the purchase of medicines;
  • the second largest group of visitors are retirees. Their family income is 185.98 UAH. per month per person. They spend an average of 45.76 UAH. per month for the purchase of drugs;
  • students spend less than other categories of visitors.

Pharmacy location

The majority of respondents purchase medicines from pharmacies located near their home (60%). Almost a fifth of them go to pharmacies on their way to work or school. Some visitors (6%) came specifically. The survey results are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Pharmacy location


Information about the pharmacy's clients allows management to adjust approaches to the formation of the enterprise's market policy. Summarizing the results of the study, we can describe the average visitor to pharmacies in Kharkov. This is a middle aged woman with higher education, visiting the pharmacy in the area of ​​​​the house 3,525 times a month, having an income of about 227.4 UAH. per family member and spending approximately 47.3 UAH. per month from the family budget for the purchase of medicines.

Studying consumers allows us to understand their wants and needs. However, in addition to understanding, competent pharmacy management is also necessary. And if you add a little more attention and respect to the visitor, then there is no doubt that in such a pharmacy the circle of regular visitors will constantly grow. After all, our pharmacies still have very large reserves for improving the services they provide.


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