Which is better, Murino or Parnassus? Parnas or Devyatkino: which is better? Location and transport situation

Experts say that the best investment opportunity is apartments in new residential complexes, renovated by the developer. The most liquid and reliable asset is small-sized studio apartments: demand for them is always guaranteed, and when rented out, they can bring owners 300 thousand rubles in annual profit.

Where is the best place to live?

In which area of ​​St. Petersburg is it better to buy an apartment is a matter of personal preference and financial security. However, statistics show that residents of the Vasileostrovsky and Moskovsky districts are least likely to change their place of residence. Developed infrastructure and transport accessibility, good environmental parameters and the prestige of the area are the main criteria that form the so-called intangible value of housing, which is especially attractive to people.

From an investment point of view, it is profitable to purchase housing in historical and resort suburbs that are administratively part of St. Petersburg. The cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk are world famous as cultural centers; housing in them has elitist features, but is relatively inexpensive.

Location - northern shore of the Gulf of Finland. Many health resorts, beaches and a temperate climate attract vacationers and those wishing to purchase country housing. The cost of apartments is constantly growing, real estate here will never depreciate, which means the investment will definitely pay off.

How to choose an investment object in a new building?
What parameters do we pay attention to: area, number of rooms, proximity to the metro, competitive environment (which is better Devyatkino or Parnas)?

What to choose?
Oleg Pashin, General Director of the Petersburg Real Estate Center
From an investment point of view, it is most profitable to buy the most popular options - studios, small liquid one-room apartments, and less often - two-room apartments at the start of the project. They can be located both in the city and in the suburban area. In my opinion, residential areas have greater potential, where fewer and fewer new objects are appearing. Accordingly, apartments here will subsequently become more scarce.
However, there are also attractive investment projects in the suburbs. We must understand that such territories as, for example, Kudrovo and Murino in the future will become places of comfortable living for citizens, and prices there will certainly be higher than now. For example, the Primorsky district was previously regarded as one large construction site. And now this is already a prestigious area, where there are many new modern houses, accordingly, a good contingent of residents and the highest quality infrastructure facilities. And prices here have risen, and the area has become very popular. In the future, we will see all this in these suburbs.

Before making a choice, it is very useful to compare the price of an apartment in the property you like with the market level - whether it is higher or lower.
Often, construction companies offer apartments at reduced prices at the initial stage of sales, and discount promotions are often held. These are convenient moments to buy an apartment. However, if a property has been sold for a long time at a price significantly lower than the market and similar projects in this location, this is already a cause for concern. No one can guarantee that the developer will complete the construction of the facility with such a financing system.
The choice of a developer company is extremely important for an investor. Reputation, experience, pace and quality of construction work are very significant, since they guarantee the timely commissioning of the apartment and the absence of defects in it.

Finally, the competitive environment must be taken into account.
It is necessary to analyze whether there are similar projects around, what are the conditions and prices in them. And most importantly, what projects will appear nearby in the near future. After all, it is quite possible that an investor buys an excellent apartment, but a few months later a similar project begins to be built nearby with even lower prices or more laconic layouts. In such a situation, the acquired property may partially lose its profitability potential.
Maximum profitability can be achieved by mass market housing. The difference in price per square meter when purchasing at the zero stage and at the completion stage in this class can reach 50%, but the average varies between 25-30%. In the business class segment, the difference is usually somewhat lower - 20-25%, however, here too there are objects where prices during the construction period can increase up to 50%. The situation in luxury projects is more difficult to predict, since the real estate market in this category is very sensitive to the emergence of new projects, which significantly affect the prices of properties already on the market.

Factors of influence
Yulia Troitskaya, marketer at BFA-Development CJSC
When choosing an investment property, much depends on the initial capital you have.
Based on this, when purchasing investment property, you can count on long-term profit or one-time income. So, for example, if you purchase real estate with subsequent resale (one-time income), then the most liquid options are studio apartments and 1 sq. m. in houses under construction. In order for the profitability to be high (20-30% per annum), it is better to sell real estate after 1-1.5 years of construction. For this investment option, both projects located within the city limits and in the Leningrad Region, but no further than 10 km, are suitable. from Ring Road. But you need to understand that you cannot expect excess profits from properties located outside the city limits, you cannot raise the price level equal to the cost of real estate within the city limits, such real estate simply will not be in demand. To rent out an apartment (long-term profit), as a rule, the same studios or 1 sq.m. are purchased. with finishing, both in new buildings and in the secondary real estate market. The greatest demand is for apartments in projects located within the city near the metro.

In addition to the initial capital, regardless of the purpose of using the investment property, there are several other main points that should be taken into account when purchasing real estate.
Before purchasing, it is very important to study the attractiveness of the area, how developed the transport, shopping, entertainment and social infrastructure are. Pay attention to what material the house is built or will be built from - brick, monolithic brick, panel, etc. This will directly affect the cost of the investment property (an apartment in a brick building is often more expensive than its analogue in a panel building). Choose a floor that will be in demand among buyers or tenants (usually the middle floors 3-10 are in demand). Pay attention to the legal purity of the transaction. You need to study the reputation, check the transparency and openness of the company, find out about its partners - banks, investors, founders.
Speaking about the greatest liquidity in the Kudrovo, Devyatkino and Parnassus zones, I would opt for purchasing an investment property in Parnassus. According to statistics, new buildings in the Vyborg and Primorsky districts are in greatest demand among buyers. Due to the fact that this is still an urban area, although significantly removed from the center, housing can be rented out or resold here faster and more expensively than in the Leningrad Region

The higher the risk, the higher the profit
Denis Gusak, head of the new buildings department at NDV SPb
There are no uniform recommendations for investing. There is a common belief that studios and one-room apartments are the most popular among investors, and this is true. However, this does not mean that investing in three-room apartments may be less successful. It all depends on the amount available to the buyer. Yes, when purchasing a studio, the entrance fee to the market is significantly lower than when purchasing multi-room housing. However, a lot depends on the initial offer price - it is advisable to enter the project at the start of sales stage, liquidity - the apartment must be in demand by the population, and the reliability of the developer.
The most successful examples of investment are shown by clients who invest in controversial properties, provided that the developer’s problems are temporary or technical in nature. Thus, the general rule in the investor market is: the higher the risk, the higher the profit.
If we talk about districts, then, of course, the proximity of the metro, the social environment, and infrastructure are important, not at the time of construction, but at the time of exit from the project, that is, the sale of the apartment. As a rule, the sale is carried out just before the facility is put into operation. But you need to understand that at this stage other investors will also leave the project; according to experts, in each house there are from 15 to 25%

The right choice of developer
Director of the investment sales department of NAIBecar in St. Petersburg Andrey Boykov
If we are talking about choosing a commercial property for investment, that is, a built-in premises, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the location of the new building. The liquidity of such a facility depends on the proximity of major transport hubs and pedestrian flows.

If we are talking about investing in primary housing, then we should remember several factors, the main one of which is the reliability of the developer.
The right choice of developer reduces the risks associated with investing in a property that is at the initial stage of construction. The liquidity of the property is also affected by the format of the purchased apartment.
Today, the most popular are small-format apartments: studios, one-room and two-room apartments. It is worth noting that the location of the new building in which an apartment was purchased for investment does not play a big role today. Because, given this sales dynamics, apartments are selling well both in the city center, on the outskirts and in the region. The last, but not unimportant, factor I would highlight is the conditions for entering investment transactions, which depend on the investor’s chosen strategy.

Apartment for rent
Elena Shishulina, Director of Marketing and Sales, CJSC Management Company START Development
As a rule, one-room, and less often two-room apartments are in demand among tenants. It will be much more difficult to sell a three-ruble note (at least for a proportionately larger amount), unless we are talking about the elite segment. The studios are good at it too. What tenants are definitely not ready to overpay for is “extra” square footage. meters - in their eyes, in most cases, the value of “one-room apartments” of 33 sq.m and 45 sq.m is almost equivalent.

Transport accessibility is probably the most important factor when renting housing.
The metro within walking distance, as they say, is welcome and allows you to rent out an apartment with greater profit. Apartments far from the metro also find their tenants, but for a smaller amount. But here a lot still depends on the relationship between supply and demand. For example, in those places where active construction has been going on over the past few years and many apartments have been bought up by investors (for example, Parnas or Devyatkino), there are a lot of offers for an arena, and as a result, rental payments are noticeably lower than the city average. In this regard, it may be more profitable to purchase an apartment in an “undeveloped” location or in a suburb where there is a shortage of housing, including for rent.
If we talk about other parameters, then the image of the area, the degree of infrastructure development, proximity to jobs, etc. are important. - in principle, everything is the same as what is important for a person when he buys an apartment for himself. After all, some tenants spend several years of their lives in one place, and then often try to find new housing not far from their usual place. Another important point may be the landlord’s willingness to temporarily register a tenant in his apartment.

Remote investments

Ekaterina Barmashova, leading analyst at Ithaca Academy of Sciences
For each investor, this is an individual question in terms of location. The territory of Parnassus belongs to the city - it slightly wins in prestige. As for the remaining parameters: quality of construction and social homogeneity - here both of these indicators are equivalent, because both areas are new, within equal accessibility from the metro and the ring road.

The most popular objects for investment are studios and one-room apartments, because... they are easier to implement in the future and the threshold for joining the investor club for these objects is lower. Today the minimum offer in Devyatkino is 1.2 million rubles. for a studio 23 sq. m. (“Forces of Nature”). On Parnassus the price is slightly higher and amounts to 2.15 million rubles. for a studio 30 sq. m. (“Northern Valley”, 7th stage). Both objects are at the zero stage of construction.

We note high investor activity in both of these areas. The only thing that Devyatkino may have as an advantage is a greater selection of residential complexes both in appearance and location. On the other hand, in Parnassus, Glavstroy attracts buyers with its reputation and precise construction schedule.


Sorry, did you read carefully? To begin with, I know the Parogolo area quite well, as well as the exits from the Parnassus industrial zone, you can believe I have traveled here and walked a lot. Now read CAREFULLY.
It's about about Parnas, metro Parnas, residential complex Northern Valley . There is currently no direct exit from the Northern Valley and generally from the Parnas metro station to the road to Kamenka. This is either a detour along Engels Via the Bugrovskaya Road (but this is the Ring Road, exit onto the Bugrovskaya Road near the Ring Road itself), or along Dudin Street, which is currently closed from Gavrilin, along which you drive to the Olginskaya Road, and then on, or to Zarechnaya-Parkovaya- You turn onto the road to Kamenka, or to Vyborgskoye Highway and further as you wish.

You are talking about Pargolovo IN PRINCIPLE, and the starter topic, as far as I understand, is interested in the moment with the Northern Valley, sorry, but IMHO to Panras (we read the very first message there, it seems to be not about Pargolovo in principle, but about Parnassus), Tikhookenskaya and others on the first of May , the relationship is very vague.

It is for this reason that when I talk about exits, I talk about PARNAS and everywhere from the PARNAS METRO and the NORTH VALLEY residential complex. And what I’m talking about I understand EXCELLENTLY. Especially in winter. Alas, you have no idea...

The fact that the road to Kamenka does not intersect with Engels AT ALL and ends almost immediately after the Vyborg highway does not bother you? Can you provide screenshots with maps?

The closest the road to Kamenka comes to Engels is three km in boldness and this is THROUGH THE PARK, RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS...

Well, again, you’re talking about PARGOLOVO IN GENERAL, but I’m talking about the specific district of Pargolovo. PARNAS METRO AREA and from there there is no direct passage to Parashutnaya and there is currently no direct passage to the road to Kamenka. there is now ONE EXIT for ENGELS. exit towards the Park and Vyborg highway. CONSTRUCTION IS CLOSED THERE NOW. I specifically went and looked.

If you just came to say that there are parachute trips from Pargolovo, so I would argue with this, but read, just for fun, what the Topisk starter is talking about...

If you claim that there are other official and permitted trips. Tomorrow at 10 am we meet at the Parnas metro station, you take me straight from this area to the parachute station, and if there is less than 2.5 meters, I pay you 2,500 rubles. If not, then tell me. From the Parnassus metro station, which is mentioned in the starting post and from which I dance (including because I live here), and to Parachute. If it doesn’t work out, then YOU pay me... Are you satisfied? You will earn good money for 2.5 km of travel...

And at the same time, quote the topic starter on the topic of “Apartment buildings” not in Parnassus, but in general in Pargolovo.

If you read me, you will find that Pargolovo is mentioned by me primarily because the residential complex "Northern Valley" is located in Pargolovo. At the same time, we remember that Pargolovo is now part of the city (at least partially)... And so? Shall we read or argue? Or should I show you screenshots of the maps? If we take such a bet. 2.5 thousand rubles and a half hour drive, back and forth is not bad.

Once again, I’m not talking about Pargolovo AT ALL, I’m talking only about Parnassus, the territory in Pargolovo that Topic Starter asked about.

Last year, one friend bought an apartment in St. Petersburg. And she was most concerned about the choice of area. Proximity to the center was not important, but I wanted to live in a place that was convenient in all respects.

If I want, I can remodel the apartment, but not the area,” she said. It took her several months to find the ideal option, although the buyer has lived in the Northern capital for a long time and, it would seem, knows all the features of city real estate.

Such situations are not uncommon now, because over the past ten years the residential areas of St. Petersburg have changed greatly, notes realtor Marina Sandalova. - There are almost no places left for new construction in residential areas popular with buyers, and development has shifted to the border of St. Petersburg and the region. Completely new microdistricts have appeared, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves where it is better to live. Some people need kindergartens, schools and shops, for some people need parks and squares, others are attracted by the proximity to transport interchanges. The choice is yours. And we will only tell you about the features of some residential areas of St. Petersburg.

Murino, Kudrovo, Devyatkino

High-rise buildings appeared here relatively recently. At the same time, formally new houses are being built on the territory of the Leningrad region. In fact, they are considered the new urban “sleeping rooms”. Until recently, they were quite popular among buyers due to the relatively low cost of apartments: prices here start from 60-70 thousand rubles per square meter.

Those for whom the cost of housing remains practically the only criterion for choice continue to give preference to these territories. But more and more citizens, if possible, prefer to live in the “old” districts of St. Petersburg. The fact is that the population in these new locations is growing very quickly, but there is not enough social infrastructure - kindergartens, schools, hospitals. There is also a problem with transport accessibility, especially during rush hours. Devyatkino and Murino are mainly built up with economy-class housing; in Kudrovo there are more comfortable ones.

Pros: new communications in the microdistrict, since the territory is relatively “young”, and low housing prices.

Cons: Due to the high population density, problems arise with transport accessibility and social infrastructure. The feeling of an “anthill” and regional registration.


The main competitor of Devyatkino and Co. was Parnas. There is also active mass development going on here, primarily economy-class housing. Prices are already above 70 thousand rubles per square meter. But the problems are the same: traffic congestion, lack of places in kindergartens and schools, lack of clinics and hospitals. Parnassus is still perceived by many as the outskirts of the city, but its undeniable advantage is its proximity to the metro. There is a large Shuvalovsky Park here, but the proximity of the Parnas industrial zone reduces this advantage to nothing.

Pros: proximity to the metro, city registration, reasonable prices.

Cons: serious traffic jams, lack of social infrastructure, proximity to an industrial zone.

Vyborg district

This area is perhaps the most prestigious among the “bedrooms”. It is good from an environmental point of view, there are many parks and lakes, it is convenient in terms of transport accessibility, proximity to the metro and exits from the city, and is rich in social, shopping and entertainment infrastructure. Its only drawback is its external monotony. This is a traditional residential area for St. Petersburg during the late Soviet period. It was actively built up in the 70-80s, so the basis of the architectural appearance is made up of boring nine-story buildings. There is almost no further development here, since there are practically no free spots left for new houses.

Perhaps the only major project being built here is the London Park residential complex. By the way, it has become a new architectural dominant of the Vyborg region: in the spring of this year, the developer commissioned two towers of the complex, each 105 meters high. These are the tallest buildings in the northern part of the city, perhaps the last of their kind: the new regulations limit heights. Therefore, such views as from the windows of London Park are no longer expected here.

Pros: good ecology, developed trade and social infrastructure (in the residential area), transport accessibility.

Cons: limited choice of new buildings, since there are almost no places left for development.

Nevsky district

You should not choose to live on the left bank of the Nevsky district, where there are mainly industrial zones. New housing is being built primarily on the right bank: there are fewer industrial enterprises, more greenery, and well-developed infrastructure. But, in general, the Nevsky district is not very good for living, primarily due to frequent traffic jams and poor ecology. Although it is popular with real estate buyers. Due to the unfavorable environmental situation, transport problems and distance from the center, housing here falls into the middle price category.

Pros: a populated area within the city, relatively affordable prices, a large number of new buildings

Cons: transport problems and poor ecology.

Kalininsky district

Perhaps the most heterogeneous area. It stretches from the north of the city, where it borders the Leningrad region and flows into Devyatkino, to the center, ending at the Finland Station. To the south, the Kalininsky district is quite “old”, the houses here are densely packed, all the problems of the center are obvious - from communications to abandoned industrial areas.

On the other hand, Piskarevka is developing in the northeast - a separate corner of the area with poor transport accessibility and mostly monotonous, boring or depressive, as experts call it, development.

But there is also a golden mean in Kalininsky - the area between the Lesnaya and Ploshchad Muzhestva metro stations. This is a quiet and peaceful place with predominantly low-rise buildings, green courtyards, and the absence of noisy highways. New houses are also being built here, so new residents can take full advantage of all the advantages of the established area and at the same time acquire a new apartment that meets all modern standards and requirements.

For example, not far from the Lesnaya metro station on Kondratievsky Prospect, a new residential complex “Marshal” is being built from. It is located in the depths of the quarter, some distance from busy highways. At the same time, transport accessibility here is excellent: three metro stations are located nearby: “Lesnaya”, “Vyborgskaya” and “Lenin Square”.

Pros: a lot of greenery, developed infrastructure, a large selection of housing.

Cons: Most of the new development is located along Marshal Blucher Avenue and Kushelevskaya Road and is characterized by a high population density. There are few new houses located in the depths of inhabited neighborhoods.


A new residential area in the south of St. Petersburg, built on former state farm lands. The building density here is not as high as in Devyatkino or Parnas, but houses are built mainly of economy class. With regard to transport accessibility, things are the same as in all areas of mass development: the entrances to the Ring Road are “stopped” during peak hours. As for infrastructure, social infrastructure is lacking, but commerce is well developed in the area of ​​Moskovsky Prospekt and Pulkovskoye Shosse. The proximity of major highways and the lack of nearby green areas does not have a very good effect on the environment.

Pros: affordable prices, good selection of new buildings.

Cons: It occupies a large territory with heterogeneous infrastructure, so there is no talk of planned development yet.

Primorsky district

One of the most dynamically developing districts of St. Petersburg is Primorsky. Every year more and more new buildings, large shopping centers and office buildings appear here. Proximity to the Resort area, the Gulf of Finland and, at the same time, to the center, favorable ecology, developed shopping, entertainment and social infrastructure make this place in demand.

The main disadvantage is the underdeveloped transport network. In the summer, during peak hours, on weekends and holidays, during mass departure or entry into the city, you can stand here for hours. There are only four metro stations in the district, all of them in the southern and central parts. The northern one can only be reached by land transport.

Pros: favorable ecology, developed infrastructure.

Cons: problems with transport accessibility.

In St. Petersburg, Devyatkino, Kudrovo and Parnas have long been the most popular areas for buying housing in the mass segment. They purchase housing in these locations both for investment purposes and for their own residence. The price range of apartments in Devyatkino, Kudrovo and Parnassa is approximately the same. And in many other respects these areas are similar.

However, a person who bought an apartment in one of these areas will definitely give several compelling reasons why he chose it and not another.


In the northern direction of St. Petersburg, next to the terminal metro station “Devyatkino”, there is an actively developed microdistrict. Geographically, it is located in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region.

Transport accessibility

The transport situation in Devyatkino is extremely tense. In the western part of the metro, for a long time there was only one exit into the city - a two-lane road next to the Ring Road. In 2017, a “puncture” was opened under the ring road, which slightly improved the situation. But the population of the neighborhood is growing every year, and traffic congestion continues.

By 2023, the first stage of a transport hub will be built in the location, including an international bus station, a shopping center and public transport stops. The second phase of the project should be ready by 2035: a separate parking lot for almost 3,000 cars, tram tracks, a parking lot and a business center.

In the eastern part, the situation is no easier - the constantly overloaded Central Street leading to Murino and Novoye Devyatkino has not been able to cope with the load for a long time.

It is also planned to create a toll bypass highway, starting at the Piskarevsky Prospekt alignment and leading onto the St. Petersburg - Matoksa road, which will be able to relieve traffic in the Eastern part of the district, but local residents are actively opposed to it - the highway will pass too close to residential buildings.

There are already problems with parking spaces in the area. Although the facilities are being built according to building codes, it can be seen from the projects that there are clearly not enough parking spaces. Most houses have open parking areas. The Devyatkino district in the coming years will be more suitable for those who use public transport rather than their own car.

Devyatkino is the only territory of the Leningrad region with a metro station. Given the current pace of construction, its capabilities will soon be exhausted. The development of roads in the area is being carried out by a single management company, Murino; in the last few years, developers have been actively involved.


Along with residential complexes, developers in Devyatkino are also building social infrastructure - kindergartens, schools, clinics.

At the beginning of 2019, there were 18 kindergartens operating in Murino. Another 7 preschool institutions are awaiting official permission to enter into operation. At the same time, the number of private kindergartens is 15. By the end of 2020, several construction companies operating in the city should jointly build a school for 1,175 places not far from the Rainbow Colors residential complex.

There is only one school in Murino and Novy Devyatkino. There are clinics in Western Murino, only two outpatient clinics. A full-fledged medical facility is at the design stage. One clinic is open in the village of Novoye Devyatkino.

According to forecasts, by 2030 the population of the microdistrict will more than quadruple and amount to about 200 thousand residents.

Currently in the Leningrad region there is a program “Social facilities in exchange for taxes”. Its essence lies in the fact that developers are forced to build social facilities for the city, but subsequently the municipality buys them at a certain cost (as a percentage).

In February 2016, the authorities introduced new rules for this program, the so-called “Traffic Light”, which boil down to dividing the region into three zones. TO green zone include remote regions of the Leningrad region, where there are no restrictions for developers, but there is assistance from the government in creating roads and infrastructure.

Yellow zone– these are the areas of Tosno, Kirovsk, Gatchina and Kingisepp, where it is possible to transfer land for housing, and developers can return taxes in the amount of 70% of the cost of the objects they built.

And finally red– 10-15 km from the Ring Road to the federal highway A-120, in which the transfer of land for housing is prohibited, because It is planned to create a second automobile ring here. The Vsevolozhsk district, as well as the Lomonosov and Gatchina districts, which have a high building density, fall into this zone. In this zone, housing construction is limited, and permission for it is given only at the same time as social infrastructure facilities. At the same time, developers can return taxes in the amount of up to 50% of the cost of the objects they built.

At the end of May 2019, Alexander Drozdenko announced that it was planned to buy out a number of schools and kindergartens in the Leningrad region with 100% compensation. This decision is due to the acute shortage of social facilities and the need for their prompt appearance in locations.


At the moment, the environmental situation in Devyatkino is quite favorable. The area is surrounded by no large polluting industries or large parks. In the eastern part of Devyatkino there is only a small Murinsky Park. And the Western part is now surrounded by dusty fields, which will also be developed in the future.

An important factor when choosing an apartment is noise and air pollution from the ring road. Also, in the Novoye Devyatkino area there are no treatment facilities, and all waste is discharged into the Okhta River, about which environmentalists are sounding the alarm. Only in the summer of 2017, the Design Agency company was selected, which by December 2018 will design the treatment facilities.

However, in 2019, the problem was not resolved: a number of violations in the design of sewer systems were identified. The Okhta sewer tunnel will be completely completed only by 2030.

Price range

The average cost per square meter in a construction site in the Vsevolozhsk region as of August 2019 starts from 78,000 rubles, and a studio apartment can be purchased from 1.1 million rubles. It is the low cost that attracts most buyers. The low price is achieved due to high competition among developers and the regional location of the microdistrict.

Popular new buildings in the area:

Residential complex "Zapovedny Park" from LSR.

The main disadvantage– ecological situation.
The biggest plus- the territory belongs to the city.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the choice in favor of a particular area is subjective and depends on many factors. We showed you the most important pros and cons of the districts. Some indicators by region are diametrically opposed.

If city registration is important to you, then in this case, of the three districts, only Parnassus is suitable. The most affordable prices for apartments are in Devyatkino. And in Kudrovo you can buy an apartment in the Leningrad region, but only 300 meters from St. Petersburg. The Kudrovo district is also the most environmentally friendly among the three, and Parnas is the most polluted.

The transport situation is now very tense in Devyatkino and Kudrovo. Until the government resolves this issue and builds new roads and interchanges, you will have to spend a lot of time in traffic jams. There are not enough social facilities in each of the three locations, but their construction is in the plans, and in Kudrovo and Devyatkino they are also under the control of the Leningrad region government. According to experts, the most densely populated area will be Devyatkino – 200 thousand inhabitants by 2030.

When choosing housing, also pay attention not only to the current situation, but also to the prospects for the development of the location, because Housing is a long-term investment and you should approach the purchase carefully. At the moment, the primary task in Kudrovo, Devyatkino and Parnas is the construction of transport routes and social infrastructure. The areas will be transformed after these development plans are completed and will undoubtedly be a much more comfortable place to live than they are now.