Unsolved mysteries of mysterious phenomena. Inexplicable mysteries of the planet (20 photos)

Almost everything natural phenomena can be explained using physical laws and mathematical formulas.

However, there are still some places in the world that defy explanation. No matter how hard scientists try, everything is in vain.

Lights of Hessdalen

For decades, locals in Norway's Hessdalen Valley have lived in fear of mysterious lights. Often at night you can see strange lights appearing in the sky, moving chaotically and even flashing different colors.

And this was not just observed by a few residents: the phenomenon was confirmed by qualified researchers. But no one has yet been able to explain these light phenomena.

There were, of course, many theories about this, including the most incredible.

But at least one assumption sounds more or less plausible. This theory is due to the high radioactivity in the area. Radon is believed to be deposited on dust particles, and when that dust escapes into the atmosphere, the radioactive element decays, creating fires like these.

If this is true, then this is bad news for local residents, because it's dangerous.

Some scientists also suggest that the Hessdalen valley resembles a huge battery mobile phone. It was found that one area of ​​the valley is rich in copper deposits, another area is rich in zinc, and these elements are the main composition of batteries.

This creates a certain acidity in the air that can produce sparks in the atmosphere that look like an alien invasion. Also, the river in the valley contains sulfuric acid due to a nearby sulfur mine. One way or another, all this remains only guesswork, but not facts.

Strange epidemic

The small state of Kazakhstan has every chance to become famous throughout the world, but this is not what it is worth being famous for. It's about a mysterious epidemic that is said to cause fatigue, memory loss, hallucinations and long-term bouts of unexpected narcolepsy.

Over the past few years, hundreds of residents of the village of Kalachi (Akmola region) have already reported loss of consciousness. The problem became so serious that the authorities even evacuated the residents of the settlement.

It should be noted that all the blood tests of the people complaining turned out to be normal, which leads to the following thought: the situation is similar to ordinary mass hysteria. Perhaps there are just lazy residents who like to sleep at work.

The main hypothesis of experts is based on the fact that the residents of Kalachi suffer from the consequences of radiation poisoning, since the city is located near a uranium mine. However, there are inconsistencies in this theory: even closer to the uranium mine there is a city in which residents do not complain about a strange epidemic.

The Mystery of Taos Town

If you have ever heard a TV hum or buzz electrical wires, then you know that these sounds just make you go crazy. So residents of Taos, New Mexico, USA, hear such sounds all the time.

Since the 1990s, citizens of Taos have reported constant, continuous buzzing noises that can be heard throughout the city, leaving people terrified.

For example, on the island of Borneo, similar sounds come from a local factory. But things aren't that simple in Taos. In this small town, various researchers have been trying to find the source of the unbearable sound for more than 20 years, all without success.

Most of all, scientists adhere to the theory that the hearing of local residents may be too sensitive, which is why they are able to hear any subtle sounds. to the common man sounds.

Devil's Cauldron

In the state of Minnesota, USA, there is one phenomenon that scientists have been struggling to solve for many years - this is the so-called Devil's Cauldron.

In this place the Brul River flows over the rocks. Part of the river flows into the lake, and the other part falls into a hole. The mystery is that it is unclear where this pit leads. It seems as if the water is flowing to nowhere.

Of course, there are assumptions that the water enters the underground cave system, but then it must still flow out somewhere, for example, near a lake. The catch is that it is impossible to determine where exactly the water that gets into the Devil's Cauldron flows.

Researchers tried their best to find out: they poured paint into the hole in order to observe where the colored water would end up. When that didn't work, the researchers launched ping pong balls, which also disappeared without a trace into the Devil's Cauldron.

Thus, this place is fraught with an amazing mystery, the answer to which may or may not be somewhere nearby?

Falling birds

Every year at the end of August in the Jatinga Valley, Assam, India, people gather, light bonfires and observe an unusual phenomenon. From early morning until late evening, flocks of birds fly into the sky, but they try to land straight into these hot fires. You can knock them down with a long stick without much difficulty.

This phenomenon was first noticed in 1964. Over time, it was discovered that similar cases were also observed in the Philippines, Malaysia, and the Indian state of Mizoram.

For now, ornithologists prefer to adhere to only one conclusion: young migratory birds may be disturbed by strong winds, so they fly towards the light in search of safety or shelter.

Unusual dune

In the Altyn-Emel National Park, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, lies the Singing Dune, 1.5 km long and about 130 m high. The unusual thing about this mound is that in a dry state it can make sounds. These sounds can be like crying, an organ melody, or anything else.

Moreover, the sand from this dune continues to “sing” if it is placed in any container and shaken.

There is a version that grains of sand can sound like this as a result of friction.

Source: cracked.com, Translation: Lisitsyn R.V.

Overall material rating: 4.6


Intercontinental underground tunnels and underground secrets 10 of the creepiest "alien" abductions

Many anomalies that researchers have been monitoring for years are only now becoming known.

Every year, scientists are increasingly faced with phenomena on our planet that they cannot explain.

In the USA, near the city of Santa Cruz (California), there is one of the most mysterious places on our planet - the Preiser zone. It occupies only a few hundred square meters, but scientists believe that this is an anomalous zone. After all, the laws of physics do not apply here. So, for example, people of the same height standing on a completely flat surface will seem taller to one and shorter to the other. The anomalous zone is to blame. Researchers discovered it back in 1940. But after 70 years of studying this place, they could not understand why this was happening.

In the center of the anomalous zone, George Preiser built a house in the early 40s of the last century. However, just a few years after construction, the house tilted. Although this shouldn't have happened. After all, it was built in compliance with all the rules. It stands on a strong foundation, all angles inside the house are 90 degrees, and the two sides of its roof are absolutely symmetrical to each other. They tried to level this house several times. They changed the foundation, installed iron supports, even rebuilt the walls. But the house returned to its previous position every time. Scientists explain this by the fact that in the place where the house is built, the earth's magnetic field is disturbed. After all, even the compass here shows absolutely opposite information. Instead of north it indicates south, and instead of west it indicates east.

Another curious property of this place: people cannot stay here for long. After just 40 minutes of being in the Preiser zone, a person experiences an inexplicable feeling of heaviness, legs become weak, dizzy, and pulse quickens. Staying for a long time can cause a sudden heart attack. Scientists cannot yet explain this anomaly, one thing is known that such a terrain can have a beneficial effect on a person, giving him strength and vital energy, and destroy him.

Explorers of the mysterious places of our planet, in recent years came to a paradoxical conclusion. Anomalous zones exist not only on Earth, but also in space. And it is possible that they are interconnected. Moreover, some scientists believe that our entire solar system is a kind of anomaly in the Universe.

After studying 146 star systems that are similar to our solar system, researchers found that the larger the planet, the closer it is to its star. The largest planet is closest to the star, followed by smaller ones, and so on.

However, in our solar system, everything is just the opposite: the largest planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - are on the outskirts, and the smallest are located closest to the Sun. Some researchers even explain this anomaly by saying that our system was allegedly created artificially by someone. And this someone specially arranged the planets in such an order to make sure that nothing happened to the Earth and its inhabitants.

For example, the fifth planet from the Sun, Jupiter, is the real shield of planet Earth. The gas giant is in an orbit that is atypical for such a planet. It’s as if it’s specially positioned to serve as a kind of cosmic umbrella for the Earth. Jupiter acts as a kind of “trap”, intercepting objects that would otherwise fall on our planet. Suffice it to recall July 1994, when fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter at tremendous speed; the area of ​​the explosions was then comparable to the diameter of our planet.

In any case, science now takes the issue of searching and studying anomalies, as well as trying to meet other intelligent beings, seriously. And it bears fruit. So, suddenly scientists made an incredible discovery - there are two more planets in the solar system.

An international team of astronomers recently published even more sensational research results. It turns out that in ancient times our Earth was illuminated by two suns at once. This happened about 70 thousand years ago. On the outskirts solar system a star appeared. And our distant ancestors, who lived in the Stone Age, could observe the radiance of two heavenly bodies at once: the Sun and a foreign guest. Astronomers called this star, which tours alien planetary systems, Scholz's star. Named after the discoverers Ralf-Dieter Scholz. In 2013, he first identified it as a star belonging to the class closest to the Sun.

The size of the star is one tenth of our Sun. It is not known exactly how long the celestial body spent visiting the solar system. But at the moment, Scholz’s star, according to astronomers, is at a distance of 20 light years from Earth, and continues to move away from us.

Astronauts talk about many anomalous phenomena. However, their memories are often hidden for many years. People who have been in space are reluctant to reveal the secrets they witnessed. But sometimes astronauts make statements that become a sensation.

Buzz Aldrin is the second person after Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon. Aldrin claims that he observed space objects of unknown origin long before his famous flight to the Moon. Back in 1966. Aldrin was then performing a spacewalk, and his colleagues saw some unusual object next to him - a luminous figure of two ellipses, which almost instantly moved from one point in space to another.

If only one astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, had seen the strange luminous ellipse, it could have been attributed to physical and psychological overload. But the luminous object was also spotted by the command post dispatchers.

The American Space Agency officially admitted in July 1966 that the objects seen by the astronauts were impossible to classify. They cannot be classified as phenomena explainable by science.

The most amazing thing is that all the cosmonauts and astronauts who have been in Earth orbit mentioned strange phenomena in space. Yuri Gagarin repeatedly said in interviews that he heard beautiful music in orbit. Cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, who visited space three times, said that he clearly heard a dog barking and a child crying.

Some scientists believe that for millions of years the entire space of the solar system has been under close surveillance by extraterrestrial civilizations. All the planets of the system are under their control. And these space force- not just observers. They save us from cosmic threats, and sometimes from self-destruction.

On March 11, 2011, 70 kilometers from the eastern coast of the Japanese island of Honshu, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale occurred - the strongest in the history of Japan.

The center of this destructive earthquake was located in Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 32 kilometers below sea level, so it caused a powerful tsunami. Huge wave it took only 10 minutes to walk to the largest island in the archipelago, Honshu. Many Japanese coastal cities were simply wiped off the face of the Earth.

But the worst thing happened the next day - March 12. In the morning, at 6:36 a.m., the first reactor exploded nuclear power plant Fukushima. A radiation leak has begun. Already on this day, at the epicenter of the explosion, the maximum permissible level of pollution was exceeded 100 thousand times.

The next day the second block explodes. Biologists and radiologists are sure: after such huge leaks, almost the entire globe should be infected. After all, already on March 19 - just a week after the first explosion - the first wave of radiation reached the shores of the United States. And according to forecasts, the radiation clouds were then supposed to move further...

However, this did not happen. Many at that moment believed that a catastrophe on a global scale was avoided only thanks to the intervention of some non-human, or more precisely, extraterrestrial forces.

This version sounds like fantasy, like a fairy tale. But if you trace the number of anomalous phenomena that the residents of Japan observed in those days, you can draw a striking conclusion: the number of UFOs seen was more than in the last six months around the world! Hundreds of Japanese people photographed and filmed unidentified glowing objects in the sky.

Researchers are absolutely sure that the radiation cloud, which was not unexpected for ecologists, and contrary to weather forecasters, dissipated only due to the activity of these strange objects in the sky. And there were many such amazing situations.

In 2010, scientists experienced a real shock. They decided that they had received the long-awaited answer from their brothers in mind. The American Voyager spacecraft could become a liaison with the aliens. It was launched towards Neptune on September 5, 1977. On board there was both research equipment and a message for extraterrestrial civilization. Scientists hoped that the probe would pass near the planet and then leave the solar system.

This carrier record contained general information about human civilization in the form of simple drawings and audio recordings: greetings in fifty-five languages ​​of the world, children's laughter, sounds of wildlife, classical music. At the same time, the current American president at that time, Jimmy Carter, personally took part in the recording: he addressed extraterrestrial intelligence with a call for peace.

For more than thirty years, the device broadcast simple signals: evidence of the normal functioning of all systems. But in 2010, Voyager’s signals changed, and now it was not the aliens who needed to decipher the information from the space traveler, but the creators of the probe themselves. First, the connection with the probe was suddenly lost. Scientists decided that, after thirty-three years of continuous operation, the device simply malfunctioned. But literally a few hours later, Voyager came to life and began broadcasting very strange signals to Earth, much more complex than they had been before. At the moment, the signals have not been deciphered.

Many scientists are confident that the anomalies that lurk in every corner of the Universe are, in fact, just a sign that humanity is just beginning its long journey to understanding the world.

We are all accustomed to stories about ghosts that begin to appear after some tragedies: an abandoned bride who appears in her wedding dress, although she jumped out of a window 100 years earlier; or a murder victim who is trying to report her attacker 30 years after the crime was committed.

But what about events that affected hundreds, if not thousands of people, some of whom survived? About disasters that people around the world often witness? Here is a collection of paranormal phenomena that have been reported in connection with similar tragic incidents.

10. "Ghost Passengers" in Japan

The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in 2011 and killed more than 16,000 people. For a number of years since the earthquake, taxi drivers in some of the hardest-hit cities, particularly Ishinomaki, have reported encountering “ghost passengers.” Yuka Kudo, a sociology student at Tohuko Gakuin University, interviewed more than 100 drivers as part of a study for her thesis. All drivers interviewed believed that they were putting a real person in the car. They turned on the counter, and some even noted the landing time in a log.

One of the drivers interviewed claimed that a few months after the accident, he put a young woman in his car who asked to be driven to the Minamihama area. The taxi driver explained to her that there was nothing left there. Then the passenger asked: “So I died?” When the driver turned to look at her, the woman disappeared.

9. "Ghost Passengers" in Thailand

“Ghost passengers” are not only appearing in Japan. Following the tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake on December 26, 2004, residents along the Andaman Sea coast in Thailand began to report that some of the 230,000 dead were among them.

Minibus driver Lek said that two weeks after the tragedy, seven foreign tourists climbed into his van and asked to take them to Kata Beach for 200 baht. But after some time on the road, Lek felt that his body was going numb, and when he looked back, he found himself alone in the car. But unlike the Japanese taxi drivers, who felt no fear, Lek states, “I can’t forget it. I'm going to change jobs. I have a daughter, and she can support me, but I’m so scared that I can’t even go out in the evening.”

Wandering ghosts also scare other local residents. A security guard at a hotel with many casualties among its guests left his post shortly after hearing the screams of a guest who was presumed dead.

Another family living in Khao Lak said their phone was constantly ringing, but when they picked up the phone, they heard the cries of their dead relatives begging for salvation.

8. Premonition of the sinking of the Titanic

There are many articles that the terrible fate of the Titanic was predicted in numerous fiction novels - while pointing out the coincidence of many details in the description of the ships and the details of their voyage. But not many people know that the captain of the liner, Edward J. Smith, also seemed to have a presentiment that not everything would go smoothly during the first voyage across the Atlantic.

A collection of his letters, which was sold in 2016, lamented that he was no longer in command of the Cymric but had been appointed captain of the Titanic. More ominous is his letter to his sister, written just two days before the liner hit the iceberg. In the letter he writes: “I still don’t like this ship... I have a strange feeling.”

Captain Smith was a very experienced seaman who had previously served on the sister liner Olympic at the time of its collision with the cruiser Hawk, but at the time he had no special feelings for this particular vessel. Why was he so worried about the ship he had just set foot on board?

Whatever the reason for this, the captain continues to be admired to this day. Many legends have surrounded his name, including the story of Second Officer Leonard Bishop of the USS Winterhaven, who gave a tour of his ship to some of its passengers in 1977. One of the passengers was a quiet, attentive man who spoke with a British accent. Bishop sensed that there was something strange about the man, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. A few years later he came across a portrait of a ship's captain and exclaimed, “I know this man. I gave him a tour of my ship." The man in the photograph was Captain Edward J. Smith.

7. Ghost of the Somme

By the time the Battle of the Somme ended, which had lasted four and a half months, more than a million people had been killed or wounded. Most likely, you expect that we will now talk about the ghost of someone who fell in battle, but we will talk about someone whose foot never set foot on the battlefield.

On the morning of November 5, 1916, thirteen days before one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War ended, English soldiers of the 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment witnessed something inexplicable. As Captain W.E. wrote in August 1919. Newcombe in an issue of Pearson's Magazine, German troops had already begun firing into their trenches, but that was not what attracted everyone's attention. The captain described how he personally witnessed a "brilliant white light" that seemed to rise from a muddy strip between two trenches called "no man's land." Further, according to his story, the cloud of light transformed into the figure of a man in an outdated military uniform.

The man was quickly identified as Lord Kitchener, whose face appeared on thousands of British army posters. The image pointed directly at the viewer and was accompanied by the caption: “Your country needs you.” Lord Kitchener died in June of that year, a month before the Battle of the Somme began.

The British ceased fire, but the figure did not disappear, it continued to walk parallel to the trenches in such a way as if the lord was inspecting his troops. He then turned his face to the German side, from which they also saw the ghost, and the Germans ceased fire, trying to understand what they were seeing. However, the British artillerymen, who were located at a distance from the trenches, noticing the light, decided that their help was needed and opened fire on German troops, who again began to storm the defensive lines. During this chaos, the figure returned to where it came from.

6. Baggage Finders

People living near O'Hare International Airport in Chicago have often reported strange visitors appearing in their homes. They knock on the door and explain that they need to “make contact” or “find their luggage,” but first, Before the homeowners can find out more, the man disappears.

On the highway nearby, motorists often notice strange lights and strange figures wandering along the road. If you spend any time on the airport grounds, you may feel a sudden drop in temperature, accompanied by screams from a nearby field.

These phenomena are associated with the disaster that occurred in May 1979. Then American Airlines DC-10 Flight 191 crashed shortly after takeoff due to the failure of one of its engines. The plane with full fuel tanks instantly turned into a fireball. All 271 people on board and two people on the ground were killed. Paranormal sightings continue to this day, and if you're brave enough, you can take advantage of a local ghost tour company. To do this, you need to spend the night in a camp near the airport.

5. Joplin's Butterfly People

There are many stories about Joplin's butterfly people, and they are all very similar. When a tornado unexpectedly struck the city on May 22, 2011, many children were outside with their parents or grandparents. They didn't have time to find shelter. When the tornado began lifting cars and collapsing buildings, the adults decided they were doomed to die. However, by some miracle the storm ended and they remained unharmed. After the tornado, some children began asking questions: “Did you see how cute they were?” "Who was pretty?" – the adults were surprised. “Haven’t you seen butterfly people?”

Soon the story of the butterfly people protecting people from tornadoes spread throughout the city. They were talked about on the streets and in church sermons. Children who received medical consultations regarding their injuries began to claim that they, too, saw these angelic beings and that it was they who saved and comforted them during the disaster. When a mural was unveiled in downtown Joplin to commemorate what the city experienced, the paintings featured large, colorful butterflies. Although the project's artistic director, Dave Lowenstein, is keen to emphasize that butterflies have many symbolic meanings, residents of the city associate the images with the supernatural experiences of the townspeople. “There are even butterflies on the fresco,” says one of the residents, “because everyone has heard about the butterfly people.”

4. Ghost in the Subway

When in mid-19th century, the first subway was built in London, some people expressed very serious fears that laying tunnels in the depths of the Earth would anger the devil. In addition, many lines and stations were built on ancient burial sites, such as Aldgate station. It is believed that 4,000 people died from the plague in this place.

In 2005, archaeological excavations uncovered 238 burials around Aldgate station believed to be the result of the plague. Many bodies were damaged during the construction of the subway. Happens a lot at Aldgate station unexplained phenomena that many cases are recorded in work logs.

The most famous story is about a station worker who slipped and fell on a contact rail, causing 20,000 volts to pass through his body. He somehow survived, but his colleagues report that the moment before he touched the rail, the ghost of an old woman appeared nearby, knelt down and stroked the worker's hair.

However, some episodes are associated with later tragedies. In 1943, residents of Bethnal Green in east London heard the sound of an airborne siren. As a result of the ensuing panic, when people tried to take refuge in the subway, 173 people, mostly women and children, were trampled to death. Even worse, the anxiety turned out to be educational. Since then, night workers have reported hearing women and children screaming. One worker was so frightened that he ran out of the station, trying to escape the ghostly sounds.

On November 18, 1987, a fire occurred at King's Cross station. The culprit of the fire was a passenger who, having lit a cigarette on the escalator, threw a burning match. A match caught fire soaked in oil. wooden steps escalator, and after 15 minutes the flames reached the ticket hall and burst into it like a fireball. Thirty-one people died. Since then, many passengers have reported seeing a modern and elegantly dressed young woman with brown hair raising her arms and shouting. When someone approaches her to help, she disappears. Many speculate that this is one of the victims of the King Cross Station fire.

3. Nurse at the 9/11 disaster site

It is understandable that the scale of the September 11 terrorist attack led to many people reporting ghosts during and after the attack. Many survivors claim that they were saved by an invisible force. One such witness stated that she led him through a wall of fire and led him to the stairs in the North Tower. Another survivor who was trapped from concrete slabs, describes being visited by a ghost dressed as a monk who consoled him.

There were also more unusual phenomena that were observed by more than one person. One such witness was NYPD officer Frank Marra, who helped clear the rubble after the attack. He reported seeing a woman dressed in a World War II Red Cross uniform carrying a tray of sandwiches. He states that he believed she was a first aid provider and that he saw her on more than one occasion. She was about 50 meters away, and he had no doubt that she was a living person. Fear gripped him later, by which time he had already retired from police service a year ago. Marra had long forgotten about the strange woman when one of the detectives asked him if he had heard stories about “the ghost of a Red Cross nurse who tried to distribute sandwiches and coffee to the victims.” It was then that Marra realized that he was not the only one who had noticed this mysterious figure. And since there were no people who would claim to know her, she remained a mystery.

2. Loft and Repo

On December 29, 1972, at approximately 11:42 a.m., Eastern Airlines Flight 401 crashed into Everglades National Park in Florida. Shortly before the crash, the crew noticed that the landing gear indicator light had stopped working, but although they were concerned, no one noticed that the autopilot had turned off and the plane was slowly losing altitude. By the time they noticed it, it was already too late. 75 people survived, 101 died.

Among the dead were Captain Bob Loft and flight engineer Don Repo. It was these two people who soon began to appear on other Eastern Airlines planes, in particular on those that were equipped with spare parts taken from the wreckage of the crashed plane. Many of the appearances were witnessed by more than one witness, including the time the crew chief and two flight attendants not only saw but also spoke with the late Captain Loft before he disappeared. They were so shocked that they canceled the flight. Even the vice president of Eastern Airlines reported a conversation with a man whom he considered to be the crew commander and about whom he only later realized that it was the recently deceased Loft.

As for flight engineer Repo, it seems that his ghost is seriously concerned about the proper preparation of the planes for the flight. One flight engineer going through the pre-flight check stated that Repo appeared and said, "You don't need to worry about the pre-flight check, I've already done it." One of the flight attendants saw Repo fixing the microwave, another saw his face in the oven. When she called two colleagues, all three heard Repo say, “Watch the fire on that plane.” Interestingly, the plane later developed engine problems, and the last leg of the flight was cancelled. Another time, Repo appeared before the crew commander and told him: “There will never be any more crashes. We will not allow this to happen." This statement led some to believe that the ghostly appearances were an attempt to make amends.

1. Revived dead man

When Sorpong Pyu was seventeen years old, he witnessed his father Nam, a Cambodian government official, being bundled into a blue truck and driven away. This happened during the dark period between 1975 and 1979, during which the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot killed an estimated 1.7 million people. To date, 309 mass graves with approximately 19,000 graves have been discovered. It is therefore understandable that when Nam did not return, Sorpong began to assume that his father was one of the victims.

Sorpong and his family were among the lucky ones. After spending time in a refugee camp in Thailand in 1982, Sorpong, his mother and six siblings moved to Canada. There Sorpong continued his distinguished academic career. In January 2010, while Sorpong was in Tokyo, he had a vivid dream in which he was walking and talking with his father. Although it was only a dream, Sorpong realized how much he still missed his father. Unknown to him, one of his brothers was planning to visit a psychic woman in Ottawa, wanting advice on his business. During the session, she asked her brother where his father was and whether he saw him. The brother replied that he saw his father taken away when he was five years old and that he was killed. But the psychic told him that this is not so, Nam is still alive.

Doubting the psychic's words, but still intrigued, Sorpong's brother informed the rest of the family about everything. This led their skeptical sister to approach the same woman without giving her name. The psychic told her the same thing: her father is alive. When her mother went to see her, she received the same answer. The result was two trips by one of Sorpong's brothers to Cambodia to see if he could find the man they believed had been killed nearly thirty years earlier. He distributed hundreds of photographs of Nam taken four decades ago. He visited Thai border towns and former refugee camp sites. He was eventually directed to a man who said the photo on the flyer looked like him when he was young, but he refused to believe that the Canadian could be one of his sons. His son also had doubts, but they gradually began to dissipate when Nam Pyu began to tell family stories, which only the father could know. It seemed that father and son had found each other.

But how did Namu manage to escape? He was actually taken into a truck, and he was thrown into a ditch and covered with bodies on top. Somehow he survived, only to be beaten and tortured. He managed to escape into the jungle and cross the Thai-Cambodian border. We believed that his family was less fortunate and that they died. After that, he married and had six more children. But his first wife, Sorpong's mother, heard that her 85-year-old husband was alive and returned to Cambodia to be near him and his new family. Soon followed by one of their sons, the mother and son opened a seafood restaurant and now take care of everyone else. Finally, Sorpong himself returned to the country and was reunited with his father, whom he had not seen for 36 years.

Man has always tried to understand the meaning of many natural phenomena. Thousands of years ago, finding no explanation for thunder and lightning, people considered them the wrath of the gods. The rain that came after a long drought was perceived as a mercy higher powers. Today we can explain the cause of most weather anomalies. However, unexplained natural phenomena still exist: .

In the world of animals and insects

From the point of view of people, animals very often behave irrationally; their actions seem illogical and senseless to us. But even more surprising is the intelligent behavior of living beings that do not have human consciousness.

The most amazing and mysterious natural phenomena

In most cases, unexplained natural phenomena do not have any mystical connotations. They are filled with magical meaning by our consciousness, which has not yet forgotten how to believe in miracles. can be obtained not only through research. For a complete and safe life they are necessary for every person.

Sometimes the most incredible things happen on our planet. We are somehow accustomed to fantastic and mystical stories, so we don’t always believe in miracles. Mysterious phenomena happen in reality. There is irrefutable evidence of this. Just look at the megalithic structures scattered all over the planet! No matter what theories scientists put forward, they cannot explain their origin. There are other artifacts that also do not fit into existing theories and paradigms. Let's talk about them.

Ice woman

This story can surpass any other mysterious phenomena in its incredible improbability.

It was in Langby, Minnesota. It was a cold frosty day. The temperature dropped so low that it was scary to go outside. It was at such a time that Jean Hiliard, a nineteen-year-old girl, was discovered. She was completely frozen. The limbs did not bend, the skin froze. She was sent to the hospital. The doctors were amazed. The girl was an ice statue. The mystical phenomena demonstrated by the young organism were just beginning. The doctors were sure that the girl would die. And if the situation developed in a positive direction, she was threatened with amputation of limbs and a long, serious illness. However, after a couple of hours, Jean came to her senses and thawed out. She had no consequences from the “freezing”. Even the frostbite disappeared.

Delhi: Iron Column

Mysterious phenomena can occur with the most ordinary, at first glance, materials. Well, who can you surprise with iron these days? What if I tell you that it was made more than one and a half thousand years ago?

Of course it's incredible. However, in Delhi there is a structure that already adorns the city. It is made of pure iron. This is a seven-meter high column. It is not subject to corrosion. Some experts believe that it could not have been made on earth in those days. Nevertheless, such an artifact exists. It must be indicated when describing the photo, unfortunately, does not reflect all the incredible majesty and significance of this structure. By the way, research has proven that the column is 98% iron. The ancient people were unable to obtain material of such purity. This is a complex technological process.

Carroll A. Dearing

Mystical phenomena often occur in the ocean. People have been talking about the “flying Dutchmen” for several centuries. Not all stories are true, of course. But there are also documented facts.

Thus, an interesting and mysterious fate befell the crew of the schooner named "Carroll A. Deering". It was discovered on the very last day of 1921. Since she gave the impression of a ship in distress, rescuers went to her. Their amazement, mixed with horror, is simply impossible to convey. There was not a single person on the schooner. But there were also no signs of distress or catastrophe. It looked as if the people had suddenly disappeared without even realizing what had happened. They just evaporated. They took with them personal belongings and the ship's log, although they left the cooked food at the place. No explanation has been found for this fact.

Hutchison effect

Man creates some mysterious phenomena with my own hands, having no idea how it turns out.

So, John Hutchison was a great fan of Nikola Tesla. He tried to reproduce his experiments. The results were as unpredictable as they were incredible. He received a fusion of metal with wood, small objects disappeared during the experiment. The most significant of the effects was levitation. The scientist was even more puzzled by the fact that he could not repeat the result, that is, some mystical, nonlinear events took place. NASA specialists tried to repeat the experiments, but to no avail.

Sticky rain

There were even more incredible, mysterious phenomena on Earth. One of these can safely be considered the extraordinary rain that fell on the residents of Oakville (Washington). Instead of drops of water, they found jelly. The mysteries didn't end there. All the residents of the town fell ill. They developed cold symptoms. We decided to investigate the jelly. White bodies, which are part of human blood, were found in it. Scientists have not been able to figure out how this could happen. In addition, two types of bacteria were recognized in the jelly, which did not explain the symptoms of the illness of the local residents. This phenomenon remains unsolved.

Vanishing Lake

Mysterious natural phenomena sometimes resemble the fiction of a science fiction writer. Neither mystics nor scientists can find an explanation for them. A lake in Chile threw up such a mystery in 2007. It was not a puddle with a loud name, but a fairly large body of water. It was five miles long! However, it disappeared without a trace! Two months earlier it was explored by geologists. No deviations were found. But there was no water. There were no earthquakes or other natural disasters, and the lake disappeared. Ufologists gave a more or less acceptable explanation for the event. According to their version, the aliens pumped him out and took him to their “unknown distances.”

Animals in stone

Some mysterious ones are millions of years old.

Thus, there are documented cases where frogs were found inside solid cobblestones. But we can still try to explain this. But the fact of the discovery of a turtle immured in concrete, where it lived for at least one year, is difficult to substantiate. This happened in Texas in 1976. The animal was alive and well. There were no cracks or holes in the concrete. However, they poured this design a year ago. How and why did the turtle exist in air chamber all this time, it is not clear.

Donnie Decker

The existence of a boy who can generate water has been documented! His name was Donny. He could “make it rain” indoors. The first time this happened was when the boy was visiting. He went into a trance, causing water to pour from the ceiling and the entire room to be filled with fog. Another time this happened a few years later was when Donnie visited a restaurant. The owner was not impressed by the miracle and kicked the teenager out. But these two episodes could be called fiction. However, there was also a third case. It happened in prison, where Donnie ended up because the rain poured straight from the ceiling of his cell. Neighbors in the building began to complain. Donnie was not taken aback and once again demonstrated his abilities to the guards. It is unknown where he went after his release. They say he worked as a cook.

There are still many amazing things happening in the world. There are people who claim to have seen aliens. Others can sense the future. Still others see through walls. Schools dedicated to the development of superpowers have emerged and continue to exist. ordinary people. Probably, in order to “feel” this unknown, you need to believe in it. Then it will become clear that miracles exist! They are real!