Why do cyclamen flowers and leaves wither. Why do cyclamen leaves turn yellow? Underwatering or overwatering

Although cyclamens cannot be called capricious plants, some problems may arise when growing them. Improper care and improper conditions for indoor cyclamen, various pests and diseases can cause leaves to turn yellow and even the death of the entire plant. In order for cyclamens to please the eye with their flowering, you need to adjust the conditions for their maintenance.

Fungicides will help in the fight against bacterial diseases, pests can be eliminated with the help of biological pesticides.

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    Natural yellowing of leaves

    Cyclamen, or cyclamen, are classified as cyclic plants. Its flowering can last for months, and then the dormant period begins. During the rest, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and wither - this is a natural process. The foliage should be twisted at the base and removed. When the flower "falls asleep", the pot is moved to a cool room and watering is reduced.

    Cyclamen can also get sick due to rearrangement or relocation. If the new living conditions of the flower are suitable, then all that needs to be done is to cut off the yellow leaves and wait until the plant acclimates.

    Mistakes in care

    The leaves of cyclamen often turn yellow if the plant is not properly cared for. The pot should be in a room with an air temperature not higher than +20 degrees. IN winter period it is possible to lower the temperature to +15+17 degrees. In summer, cyclamen can be put on a balcony or veranda.

    Proper watering and humidity are important. Due to excessively dry air and lack of moisture, yellowing of the foliage begins. Watering should be regular. You should not wait until the earth in the pot dries out completely: the earthen ball should be wet all the time.

    For watering cyclamen, you can use the immersion method:

    1. 1. Water at room temperature is drawn into a large basin.
    2. 2. A flower pot is placed in the water for 1 hour.

    Care must be taken to ensure that water does not get inside the pot. After immersion, the flower is returned to its place and placed in a tray. In an hour, the tuber will have time to absorb moisture.

    Cyclamen leaves may turn yellow due to dry air. If the room is too hot, the flower must be sprayed every day and bathed in the shower at least once a week. Indoor cyclamen is very fond of spraying, especially during flowering.

    Despite the fact that cyclamen loves watering, he does not tolerate waterlogging. In case of excess moisture, mold and fungi may appear, which will lead to the death of the flower.

    If the cyclomenia is in the sun, this can also cause yellowing of the foliage. These flowers do not like direct sunlight, so they should be placed on the north or east window sill and shade the window with paper. From the hot sun in the summer on the southern windowsill, the leaves of the flower quickly wither and turn yellow.


    Persian cyclamen is subject to many diseases, although this plant cannot be called capricious. Many flower ailments can be eliminated, but some of them are so dangerous that it becomes pointless to treat the flower, and the owner can only throw away the cyclamen.

    Fusarium wilt

    When affected by this disease, the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow from the top, while the leaf continues to grow. The second name for Fusarium wilt is dry rot. The cause of the lesion in this case is fungi. First, the fungus infects the vascular system of the plant, and then its tissues. The spores of the fungus can persist in the soil for a long time, and the plant is affected by them through the root system.

    Treatment of Fusarium wilt consists in spraying the flower once a week for a month with Topsin-M. You can also spray with Fundazol at the same interval. A diseased plant must be isolated for the period of treatment.

    Gray rot

    When cyclamen is affected by gray rot, the tuber tissues first soften, and then the leaves begin to turn yellow. The foliage is covered with a whitish coating, which is easily erased when touched. This disease is also spread by fungi.

    Most often, gray rot affects flowers that are indoors in winter with high humidity if they are watered too much.

    In most cases, cyclomenia affected by gray mold dies. But, if the disease is detected at an early stage, the flower can be saved by spraying fungicides such as Rovral, Ronilan and Euparen.

    non-infectious rot

    When affected by non-infectious rot, the color tuber becomes soft, the foliage begins to turn yellow and wither. The cause of the development of the disease can be excessive watering and high humidity in the room, improper acidity of the substrate.

    Sick plants cannot be saved, they can only be destroyed.


    Cyclamen can not only get sick, but also be attacked by insect pests.

Caring for home cyclamen. Photo. Flowers, leaves, seeds of cyclamen. Persian cyclamen. Why do cyclamen leaves turn yellow.

Cyclamen (incorrect: cyclomen) is very popular. home flower originating from Persian cyclamen. Caring for cyclamen at home is not difficult if you create conditions similar to natural conditions for cyclamen. Read about how to care for cyclamen, transplanting and propagating cyclamen, and why cyclamen leaves turn yellow and fall off.

) is also called dryakva And alpine violet . The Greek name of the genus belonging to the primrose family ( Primulaceae) reflects the fact that cyclamen root has a rounded shape. There are about 20 species of perennial tuberous plants in the genus.

Popular indoor flower , originated from Persian cyclamen ( Cyclamen persicum) , which is naturally distributed in the hills and high mountain forests of Turkey and the Middle East. Active selection and hybridization cyclamen persian began in the middle of the 19th century, mainly in Great Britain and Holland. As a result of this work, many domestic cyclamen varieties: plants 15-30 cm tall with beautiful leaves in divorces and large fragrant flowers white, all shades of pink, orange, red and lilac colors.

Persian cyclamen and its hybrids are thermophilic plants, unlike some other species.

Cyclamen: leaves, flowers, seeds

Winter-flowering plant and this feature is subject to the entire cycle of its vegetation. In the summer, in the heat, it is at rest, and in the fall it comes to life, building up new leaves and to releases buds on long peduncles twisted down. cyclamen bloom falls on late autumn, winter and spring, which makes it very valuable home plant. Especially often they give and receive as a gift during the period. When buying, choose with many young buds, which usually "hide" under leaves.

Homemade cyclamen leaves beautiful heart-shaped, the upper surface is often decorated with interesting "marble" stains. Cyclamen flowers have 5 petals bent back, color which are usually more intense at the base. Cyclamen flowers often have a subtle, refined "papery" aroma.

Cyclamen: home care

Prefers a cool room (+13-16 degrees) with bright lighting. Best for homemade cyclamen east or west windows are suitable in summer and south in winter. Do not place in direct sunlight or near a heat source (radiator, fireplace). hybrids cyclamen persian- heat-loving plants, so the temperature below +10 degrees is uncomfortable for them as well as the heat. Along with coolness, they prefer relatively wet air, but spraying from a spray bottle is categorically contraindicated for them. Instead, you can just hold the planter with cyclamens on a tray of wet gravel or close to a water source.

watering cyclamen should only be done when the surface of the substrate is slightly dry. Better water cyclamen bottom, leaving the pot with flower in a container of lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes, and then be sure to drain all the water before placing it back in the planter. Getting on the base of the tuber and leaves of cyclamen, water can cause dangerous fungal disease cyclamen - gray rot(Botrytis cinerea) and plant decay.

Cyclamen: why do the leaves turn yellow?

Cyclamen leaves turn yellow naturally at the end of the growing season, when preparing for a dormant period. If the leaves of homemade cyclamen began to turn yellow during the flowering of the plant, That caring for cyclamen most likely needs to be improved. TO yellowing of cyclamen leaves may have caused excessive heat in the room where the plant is kept. Too high a temperature knocks down the vegetation cycle and artificially brings the dormant period closer. To remedy the situation, provide the most important conditions: bright light without direct sunlight, a cool window sill and watering with immersion only after the soil in the pot has slightly dried out.

Cyclamen: transplant and reproduction

Cyclamen transplant carried out at the end of summer, when the plant only comes to life after a dormant state. A transplant is required if cyclamen tuber filled the entire space of the pot or if it is time to change the substrate (usually once every 2 years). Released young cyclamen roots transplanted into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil, which is gently compacted. planted cyclamen tuber level with the ground surface or slightly higher and lightly sprinkled with coarse sand. soil for cyclamen make up by carefully mixing coarse sand with organic matter (peat, rotted bark, coconut fiber, etc.) in a ratio of 1: 2. prefers .

Cyclamen is propagated by tuber division or seeds.. However reproduction indoor cyclamen can be a difficult task. Plants are suitable for tuber division, on the tuber of which there are several points of growth (by analogy with). Part cyclamen tuber with an "eye" is cut off with a clean sharp knife and transplanted into a separate pot in a special one. Despite all the precautions shared cyclamen tubers often rot.

For propagation of cyclamen by seeds Using a soft brush, dust the flowers several times. Withered cyclamen flowers do not cut, but let them dry naturally. Cyclamen seeds taken out of the fruit box shortly before it is ready to open, and soaked in warm water for a day. After that cyclamen seeds sown in boxes in the ground for seedlings on long distance from each other, sprinkling with a half-centimeter layer of vermiculite. The box is kept in the dark at a temperature of 17-20 degrees, moistening the soil with a spray bottle. ascend cyclamen seeds not at the same time, shoots appear after 4-8 weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, the boxes are exposed to light. Small plants with 2-3 leaves can already be carefully dug up and transplanted into individual pots. bloom cyclamens grown from seeds in about a year and a half.

Material and photos: Oksana Jeter, CountrysideLiving.net

Cyclamen home care

Cyclamen is a very popular plant; cyclamen gained its popularity due to its bright flowering in winter time. It is in winter that cyclamen blooms its not very lush, but very bright red buds. Cyclamen with a compact size has chic foliage, which is painted with delicate silver-green patterns. Cyclamen at home is not always easy to care for. Unfortunately, cyclamen is usually thrown out after the first winter flowering, however, with proper care, cyclamen can bloom for more than one year. There are also cyclamens that are able to bloom all year round. For successful flowering, cyclamen should be bought in the fall.

Cyclamen, plant care at home.

Cyclamen flowers

Cyclamen is not the most whimsical plant to care for. Behind different varieties cyclamen, care does not differ so much, but there are some features. Generally speaking, cyclamen requires bright light, but not directed direct rays, the light must be diffused, staying in direct sunlight for a long time harms buds and leaves, a north window or loggia facing north is perfect for a plant.

In most cases, cyclamen is grown at home, which means that you need to be careful about watering. So, cyclamen loves abundant watering, and during the flowering period, watering should be even more abundant, but this does not apply to cyclamen that bloom all year round, their watering is usually the same throughout all seasons. Cyclamen prefers soft, settled prepared water. Watering should be uniform, but it must be remembered that cyclamen does not like water on the leaves, and even more so on the petals. Watering should be carried out either with a watering can, but carefully so that water does not get on the leaves, or water by immersion. Watering by immersion is not difficult, you collect water in a basin (or similar container), defend it, then immerse the pot in water, immerse it almost completely, then wait, the earth should gleam, then remove the pot from the ox, let the excess water come out through drainage holes. We figured out how to water cyclamen, care, of course, consists not only of watering.

Humidity should be high for all types of cyclamen. Home care consists in regularly spraying the air around the cyclamen, cover the cyclamen with drops before spraying. Also, to increase humidity, it is advisable to place the pot on a tray with wet peat, pebbles or moss.

Cyclamen loves cool rooms. The air temperature should not be high, but up to low temperatures You can't go down either. So, the ideal temperature for cyclamen will be 12-16 degrees, not lower, not higher. A temperature of 21 degrees or more is detrimental to cyclamen!

Top dressing of an adult plant

Plants should be fed constantly, with the exception of the dormant period. Start feeding 3 weeks after buying the plant, if you grew cyclamen yourself, you should start feeding a week after the sprouts appear. Top dressing should be carried out only if the earth ball is well saturated with water. For top dressing well suited complex mineral fertilizers. For young plants, top dressing is carried out differently.

Cyclamen. How to care after flowering.

After flowering, cyclamen begins a dormant period. Often, not knowing the features of care after flowering, cyclamen is thrown out. So, after flowering stops, the flower should be cut, the buds are completely cut off, and the yellowed leaves are also cut off. Watering should be reduced. By spring, there will be little left of cyclamen, but this is normal. In spring, cyclamen is not watered, and cleaned in a cooler room, many also put cyclamen on its side. In this state, cyclamen will arrive until mid-summer. By mid-summer, it is worth transplanting cyclamen into a separate pot and resuming watering.


When transplanting cyclamen, the soil is completely replaced. When transplanting, rotten and damaged roots are removed. The dimensions of the pot for cyclamen are not standard, not very small, not too small big pot, choose a pot with a diameter of about 14-15 centimeters. The soil must be prepared and when transplanting, do not tamp the asthenia heavily.

Difficulties and problems

Cyclamen looks very good in an apartment

If your cyclamen leaves turn yellow, but the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the problem is dry and warm air, and direct sunlight may also be the cause. If the peduncles become soft and begin to rot, then the soil of cyclamen is waterlogged, this is very dangerous and often leads to the death of the plant, which is why the plant must be monitored and good drainage provided. Also, cyclamen is often infected with a cyclamen mite, this disease is characterized by deformed, withered and small leaves. To combat the tick, Agravertin and Fitoverm are used, the treatment is carried out 2 times, with an interval of 10 days.

Cyclamen, or alpine violet, is one of the most beautiful houseplants. Many flower growers note that during and after flowering, the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow, and the plant itself begins to wither. Why this happens, and what to do if the leaves turn yellow at home cyclamen, read on.

In nature, most types of cyclamen grow in the mountains, where the air is always humid and not hot, and the sun's rays are bright, but not scorching. This is their natural comfortable environment, conducive to long and colorful flowering. It is very difficult to create such a microclimate at home, so sometimes the flower begins to act up, drop leaves, and even get sick. Most often, a change in the color of the leaves of a plant occurs for the following reasons.

Dry and warm air

At home, cyclamens bloom in winter, somewhere from December to March, when central heating is used to heat the premises. This is the main reason that the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and dry. The ideal temperature for flowering cyclamens is + 15-16 ° C. If the degree in the room rises above +20 ° C, the flower feels uncomfortable, which is indicated by a change in the color of the leaves. A sign that the air in the house is not humid enough is the yellowing of the leaves, along with which the flowers remain strong and continue to bloom.

Violation of the watering regime

Another reason why cyclamen turns yellow is improper watering (insufficient or, conversely, excessive). To avoid extremes, you need to water the plant as needed, allowing the top layer of the earth to dry out. If you do this more often, fungi and mold will begin to develop in wet soil, and the flower can only be saved by transplanting into a new substrate. When watering, you need to make sure that moisture does not fall on the growing point. For these reasons, it is better to pour water along the edge of the pot or into the pan.

Lack of feeding

Cyclamens need to be fed during the entire period of growth and flowering, using mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants sold in any flower shop. Before the formation of buds, top dressing should be done 1 time / 2 weeks, and with the beginning of flowering every week, otherwise the lack of nutrition will immediately affect the color of the leaves.

Often flower growers complain that the flower may turn yellow soon after it was purchased.

Video "Cyclamen from the store"

What to do after buying a cyclamen.

The real cause of this phenomenon is also a lack of nutrition. Now flowering plants in pots can be bought at any time of the year, which is unnatural for cyclamen. They are forced to bloom with the help of stimulating drugs, which are regularly sprayed on the leaves.

When purchasing a flower in a store, always be interested in how to care for it and what fertilizers to use. Otherwise, your blooming handsome man will quickly lose his decorative effect.

natural process

You should not worry about why the leaves of cyclamen turned yellow if this happened in spring or summer. During this period, the plant enters a dormant phase and sheds leaves for a natural reason. The fact that the home flower goes into a state of rest is evidenced by the gradual wilting of the leaves, starting from the lower tiers. First, the leaf becomes pale, then yellow, after which it begins to dry out and fall off.

If the leaves do not fall off on their own, they are cut or twisted at the base, and the cyclamen pot is transferred to a cool, dry place where it can recover. Top dressing during this period is not applied, and watering is severely limited. Some flower growers dig up a tuber for a dormant period, and plant it in a new substrate at the end of summer. With this method, the plant develops faster, and after 2–3 months it can bloom, provided that the tuber is properly stored.

How to solve a problem

Measures to save the flower depend on the cause of the problem. First of all, you need to inspect the plant, and make sure that it does not get sick and is not affected by pests. If a tuber is found to rot, it is dug up, all rotten parts are removed, carefully treated with a fungicide, and transplanted into new pot with new substrate. In order for the flower to recover faster, you need to properly organize the watering regime, monitor the temperature and humidity level in the room.

If the leaves had to dry out due to lack of moisture, the plant should be watered immediately. Since abundant watering is just as harmful for him as drying out the soil, it is not recommended to water the substrate. It is better to put the pot in a shallow basin with settled water, then the flower will be able to take as much moisture as it needs. The procedure should last no more than 1 hour. When upper layer becomes slightly damp, the plant is taken out of the container.

If the change in leaf color is associated with a lack of nutrients, you need to establish a feeding regimen. Liquid fertilizers with trace elements will help speed up the recovery process, which are first applied in a small amount, increasing the concentration gradually. In the future, the plant is fed at intervals of 1-2 weeks, with the exception of the dormant period. At the onset of this period, the flower is transferred to a cool place, and the previous care is resumed with the beginning of autumn.


To prevent the problem of yellowing leaves in cyclamen, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper conditions. For the flowering period the best place for him, a sunny window sill can become, where there is enough bright light. In addition, in winter it is the coolest place in the house. When airing the room, you need to make sure that the plant is not in a draft. The direct rays of the sun for the flower are also harmful, and if it is placed on the southern windowsill, then at noon it is recommended to cover the pot from the sun.

During the dormant period, which usually occurs in the summer, cyclamen requires cool conditions, which is quite difficult to provide in the house. If it is not possible to put the pot in a cool pantry or basement, the tubers can be dug up - this way they will be better preserved, and it will be easier to monitor their condition.

Proper watering is the main condition for the normal growth and flowering of cyclamen.

To prevent drying out or waterlogging of the soil, it is recommended to immerse the pot in a container with settled water. To increase the humidity of the air, spraying the space around the plant with a spray bottle is required. It is undesirable to spray the flower itself.

IN comfortable conditions, close to the natural environment, cyclamens can delight in flowering up to 10 years. Like all tuberous plants, they grow over time, and if you do not dig up the tubers for a dormant period, then you need to transplant every 2-3 years. Moving the flower to a new substrate helps keep it healthy and maintains lush bloom long years.

Growing cyclamen, the grower may face the problem of yellowing leaves. At first glance, the reason seems not entirely clear. Let's try to figure out what can be done to treat cyclamen.

Mistakes in care

Yellowing leaves may be a sign of approaching summer rather than a sign of illness. The birthplace of cyclamens is the Mediterranean. There mild winters and very dry summers. Many mediterranean plants bloom in winter and sleep in summer so as not to fight for life in drought conditions. Therefore, if the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow, the reason lies in preparation for the period of summer dormancy.
Return the plant to flowering after summer period dormancy will not be easy, so try to keep it in bloom without touching the leaves until they fall off on their own. This will allow the tuber to work without falling into hibernation. In addition, the flower may respond to the wrong microclimate, insufficient watering, lack of nutrients, and also get sick or be attacked by pests.

Did you know?There are about 20 types of cyclamens and they have different seasons flowering, depending on the species. they bloom different shades white, red, pink or purple.

Wrong temperature setting

Check air temperature. The normal daytime temperature for cyclamen is +15...+18° C. At night, the room should be at least +10° C. In a cool microclimate, flowering lasts several weeks longer. High air temperatures can cause premature wilting of flowers and leaves.

direct sunlight

Place the cyclamen in a bright window with indirect light facing north in winter. This is the growing season and the plant needs sufficient light. But direct sunlight should not fall on it. In summer, the plant should be removed from bright light and placed in a shaded area.

Underwatering or overwatering

Check the condition of the soil. Cyclamen like moderately moist soil. It should be moist to the touch, but never soggy. Water should not constantly stagnate in the soil. Watering frequency flowering plant- few times a week. Proper watering bottom-up (sub-rowing), when the roots take water from the sump. Top watering can cause rotting. Pour water into the tray and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, drain the excess. Such watering can be done every 2-3 days when there is no flowering and daily if the room is hot and the soil dries quickly.

Did you know?Cyclamens reach 25 centimeters in height. Their flowers are usually raised above the leaves on thin stems.

dry air

The plant does not tolerate cold air below + 10 ° C. But since there are no such temperatures in a residential area, you should pay attention to the effects of high temperatures. Too much warm air will shorten flowering from a few months to a couple of weeks. Dry air occurs in rooms or offices with central heating, near heating appliances. For cyclamen, such a place is categorically not suitable. Therefore, avoid drafts and hot, dry air.

Nutrient deficiency

When cyclamen is not active and not growing, it does not need to be fed. This "soaks" the tuber. Optimal time for fertilization - before flowering once every 2 weeks. Fertilizers begin to be applied from the end of summer or from the beginning of autumn monthly. You will need a low nitrogen fertilizer. Those varieties that have a lot of nitrogen will provide abundant greenery, but flowering will be small. Unused mineral salts tend to accumulate in the soil. And if you see yellow leaves, then they can be a sign of an overabundance of fertilizers. To prevent a problem, water the flower abundantly once a month. "Extra" salts will be washed away with water.

Important!Low calcium content in the soil also promotes rot - check the soil for neutrality (the norm for cyclamen is 6 pH) and calcium content.


Some diseases can turn your little cyclamen into a bush with yellowing leaves and withering flowers. Diseases affect the plant during the growth period - in winter. Most of them are not treated, and flower growers recommend discarding a diseased plant before the disease spreads to healthy ones.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium rot is the cause of rapid wilting. Immediately affects the roots and moves through the xylem of the plant. It is very specific, certain types of Fusarium rot infect only cyclamen. Therefore, pots after flowers that have undergone this disease must be disinfected or replaced with new ones.

Conditions for its appearance: very warm air with a temperature of +23–35° C and excessive humidity (75–80%). Rot bacteria may be present in the soil, but will not show up until the soil is dry. The first symptom of Fusarium rot is that cyclamen leaves turn yellow and wither.
Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If you cut the stem or tuber of such a flower, you will see that it is colorless inside. Discoloration is the sign by which the flower must be thrown away, like those that were next to it. Before planting the tuber, apply fungicides labeled "Against Fusarium rot".

Gray rot

Gray rot is caused by the fungus Botrytis, which appears if the center of the plant is too moist. Additionally, insufficient air circulation creates an optimal environment for the development of the fungus. This type of rot develops at the base of the stems and quickly attacks flower buds and leaves. All affected parts should be removed and discarded, and the plant moved to a room with better air circulation. If the flower is heavily infected, it is better to throw it away.

Important!Tubers contain various substances, including saponins - plant poisons. They can cause poisoning, so keep cyclamen away from children. The degree of poisoning depends on the amount taken orally.

To improve air circulation, you can install a fan, after removing all damaged parts of the cyclamen. Try to avoid getting water on the leaves or crown while watering. Erwinia bacteria are responsible for soft rotting. The cyclamen turns yellow, the leaves wilt, and the tuber becomes soft. This problem occurs if the tubers are planted too deep and the soil mixture contains a lot of moisture, a lot of heat and a lot of fertilizer. It is also better to throw away the affected plant.
Wood ash can prevent gray rot. But if the plant is severely affected, then fungicides are used. "Fitosporin M" is a natural bifungicide that contains the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Developing in the soil, they destroy pathogenic microflora, including bacteria that cause gray rot. The drug not only heals, but also improves the condition of the soil and increases the resistance of cyclamen to diseases. If you purchased the drug in liquid form, then you do not need to dilute it. Apply according to package directions.


Pests can also cause leaves to turn yellow. Most of them get into the room with the help of the wind, as they have wings. But they can be brought from the store along with a new plant. Cyclamen is susceptible to common houseplant pests. All of them cause varying degrees of damage.

Among the main ones:

  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • thrips.

Did you know?In the Renaissance, cyclamen was considered a remedy for ear pain, since the shape of the petals resembles the auricle.


Thrips are tiny brown or black insects with a long body and wings pressed to the sides. Their shape is close to cylindrical, for which thrips were previously called "cone-legged". They live on the underside of the leaves, so they are hardly noticeable. Thrips cause double damage: they suck juice and bacteria settle in places that have been affected by insects, causing different types rot. The problem with eradicating thrips is that they are too small and move too fast. The main strategy of struggle is to limit their number.

  • The thrips are very small and the first thing you will notice is a light yellow powder on the leaves. This is pollen that falls off when insects feed on flowers.
  • Light stripes appear on the underside of the leaves. They occur in places where the leaf is damaged.
  • The leaves darken along the edge.
  • There are much fewer flowers than before. Holes form on the petals.

For treatment, dissolve 1 ampoule of Actellik insecticide in 1 liter of water and spray the plant with it. Then wrap it in plastic bag for a day to avoid the flight of thrips to other plants. The death of insects will come in a few hours, but just hold the bag a little longer to be sure. Repeat treatment after 7 days.

Shchitovka is a small insect from the Hemiptera family that feeds on plant sap. It looks like a small wax-colored spot located on a leaf. The body of the insect is covered with a dense shield, so most insecticides do not work on it. More than 2000 species of scale insects are known. Insects can get into the house along with store plants or the wind.

Distinctive signs of infection:

  • yellowing deformed leaves;
  • sticky discharge on the leaves.

The plant affected by the scale insect must be rearranged separately from the others and the insects removed manually. They need to be removed with a soft toothbrush dipped in an insecticidal soap solution. After a few days, the treatment is repeated.

The cyclamen mite is a tiny arachnid that is invisible to the naked eye. If we consider an infected plant under a microscope or a magnifying glass, then ticks are insects with 8 paws of brown, white or yellow color. They live among the foliage, where there is little light. Mites appear when the relative humidity drops below 50%.

The main symptoms of infection:

  • cyclamen leaves curl along the edge; although this symptom can also be caused by aphids, but the aphids are clearly visible, unlike the tick;
  • leaves turn pale or turn yellow, especially young ones;
  • dark spots appeared on the leaves at the bottom;
  • the edges of the sheet become brown;
  • kidneys do not open;
  • flowers become stained, deformed;
  • the plant slows down.

Treatment consists of isolating the infected plant. The treatment is carried out with an acaricide by spraying. The solution is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. Since the next generation of mites will become active 6 days after laying eggs, the treatment is repeated up to 4 times with an interval of 4-5 days between them. The crown of the plant must be treated especially carefully.

Maintaining normal humidity in the room (60-65%) can prevent the appearance of mites. You can treat the plant with insecticidal soap in the early stages of infection. But if the plant is heavily infected, it is better to simply discard it.

Aphid - a small insect Green colour With pear-shaped body, long antennae and legs. Some species of aphids have wings. They can also be of other colors (brown, black), but most often aphids are green. Insects cluster on the underside of cyclamen leaves.

Distinctive symptoms of infection:

  • insects leave behind a sticky coating on the leaves, later fungi appear on it;
  • the appearance of aphids is familiar to many, so diagnosing their presence is not difficult;
  • the leaves curl along the edge, become pale, turn yellow and wither.

Start treatment by isolating and treating the plant with soapy water. Gently wipe with a cloth dampened with a solution of insecticidal soap, the places where sticky coating and clusters of aphids. If a fungus appears on the leaves, remove the infected parts of the plant.

Cyclamen can also be treated with Malathion (1 teaspoon per 4 liters warm water). It is an insecticide and acaricide a wide range action that can be applied against any sucking insects. But since insecticides can discolor leaves, start treatment by using soap solutions. reliable way prevent the appearance of aphids does not exist. Therefore, just control the signs of their appearance.

Did you know?Each type of cyclamen is susceptible to infection only by certain types of aphids.

There are many reasons why cyclamen leaves turn yellow, but all of them are easy to eliminate if you maintain the right microclimate and monitor the appearance of pests. This can be done using special traps. Then you will not only recognize the problem in time, but also quickly eliminate it.

Genus Cyclamen (Cyclamen) or Alpine violet from the Myrsinaceae family(Myrsinaceae), sometimes referred to the family Primulaceae (Primulaceae) and includes about 20 species. In fact correct name the plant suggests an accent on the first syllable - cyclamen, and the generally accepted pronunciation came to us from French.

The genus Cyclamen includes such plant species as perennials herbaceous plants, common in Mediterranean countries; from Spain in the west to Iran in the east, as well as in Northeast Africa, including Somalia. Cyclamen is a perennial corm plant, with beautiful patterned heart-shaped leaves and single flowers on long stalks. Flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, have five petals and can be white, pink, purple, lilac and even purple.

On a note. Cyclamen leaves grow directly from the root, pedicels appear from there, due to this the plant looks like a lush bush.

Among the domestic species of cyclamen, varieties with green carved leaves are distinguished., on which an intricate pattern of light green color is visible.

Why is there a problem?

If you notice that your favorite flower has an unhealthy appearance and its foliage fades and turns yellow, then you need to figure out the possible causes.

Cyclamen - a plant that prefers coolness, because it is in the cold season that it intensively grows and blooms.

The most suitable temperature for the plant will be - 18-24 degrees in summer and 12-14 degrees in winter. With more high temperature cyclamen leaves may begin to turn yellow, and under these conditions for a long time, the plant will die altogether.

Place the flower pot as far as possible from working heaters. If the air temperature in the room is always above the optimum by 4-5 degrees or more, the plant will have to be moved to a cooler place. You can transfer the flower to an insulated veranda, balcony or unheated room.

Exposure to direct sunlight

Cyclamen does not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun. The best for him will be bright, but at the same time necessarily diffused lighting, necessarily - with protection from the midday sun. For cyclamen, east and west windows are well suited.

Attention! If you find yellow spots on the leaves, then the flower will receive sunburn. To avoid damage to the remaining leaves, the plant must be removed in the shade.

Mistakes when watering and spraying

An important criterion for successful cultivation A healthy and beautiful cyclamen is the correct watering regimen and the level of soil moisture. During the flowering period, the flower needs regular, but not too plentiful watering. During the dormant period - rather scarce and rare.

The main thing is not to overmoisten the flower and when watering, water should not fall on the tubers. If this happens often, then the roots of the plant rot, the leaves turn yellow, and the plant may die (read how to save flooded cyclamen)

Cyclamen, as a resident of wet places, prefers high humidity air. In winter, it must be provided especially carefully. To save the flower from dry and hot air created heating appliances, the pot must be placed in a container with small pebbles or expanded clay and filled with water. The second option is to spray the air around the plant with a spray gun, without hitting the leaves of the plant. Water on the leaves will cause yellowing.

If you find that you have chosen the wrong watering regimen and the soil is too wet, then you should inspect the tubers of the plant. The tuber is hard and has several rotten spots - cut off the damaged areas, sprinkle the cut with coal and dry it. After that, cyclamen should be transplanted into a new pot and the soil should not be waterlogged anymore.

Cyclamen loves soft settled water. Water the flower with it, observing the watering regimen.

If the entire tuber of the flower has become soft, then it has completely rotted and the plant cannot be saved.

Also excessive fertilizing can cause yellowing of the foliage, especially fertilizers with high content nitrogen. An excess of these same fertilizers can cause the tuber to swell, which in turn makes it vulnerable to various diseases.

At the same time, the lack of fertilizer can affect the condition of the leaves in a similar way: cyclamen at the same time gets rid of its greenery, leaving a few leaves that it is able to provide health and growth. It is recommended to fertilize cyclamen once every 2 weeks with liquid mineral supplements diluted in half dose. Feeding is not needed during the dormant period.

Unnoticed dormant period

Reference. After abundant flowering cyclamen has a dormant period, which occurs in spring and summer.

It is characterized by gradual yellowing of the leaves, their fall. The flower is preparing for rest and recovery. In this case, just you need to remove dried leaves, gradually reduce the volume and number of waterings, stop feeding and move the pot to a cool dark place eg basement.

The dormant period ends in the second half of July and cyclamen returns to its usual conditions, watering should be increased as new leaves appear.

Errors during transplantation and its untimeliness

If you transplant a flower at the wrong time for it, or choose the wrong soil and pot, this can lead to yellowing of the foliage. It is best to wait until the dormant period of the plant has passed, at the end of summer, when the first young leaves appear.

The composition of the soil during transplantation is equal proportions of humus, sand, leaf and sod land. The pot should not be large, the optimal diameter for an adult plant is 12-14 cm. Tuber Persian cyclamen we bury half into the soil, and completely European, Neapolitan and the rest.

Mistakes in deepening the tuber of the plant can lead to yellowing of the leaves after transplantation.


Often the flower is affected by red spider or cyclamen mites. If it turns yellow, you should inspect the flower for pests. The first signs of infection spider mite are the yellow dots on the upper side of the leaf. Gradually, they merge into spots, and the leaf itself dies.

A measure to combat these pests is a two-time treatment with insecticides (Aktellik, Fitoverm) with a frequency of 2 weeks. Signs of the presence of a cyclamen mite are Brown color leaf edges, wilting buds. You can fight it with the help of acaricides (Akarin, Agravertin).

You can find out what other pests are dangerous for cyclamen from.

Read about the most common cyclamen diseases, as well as how to deal with them.

  1. Autumn- the rapid growth of the flower (the appearance of young leaves, the laying of future buds). You can transplant the plant. Watering is good, observe high humidity.
  2. Winter- flowering. Observe the average watering and air humidification. Removal of faded plant parts.
  3. Spring- preparation for a dormant period (withering of leaves, exposure of tubers). Reduce watering, cut off drying leaves.
  4. Summer- dormant period alpine violet. Cut off all the upper parts, put in the basement, or other dark, damp place, water occasionally.

Cyclamen poisonous plant. Wear rubber gloves when handling it and grow it away from children and pets.

Cyclamen amazing in its beauty indoor plant. If his leaves turn yellow, you need to find the cause and eliminate it. Then the grateful flower will please the eye during the long winter days.

Useful video

Yellow leaves in cyclamen (Cyclamen). Possible reasons yellowing:

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