Praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the year. Icon "Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Icon Praise Holy Mother of God is an iconographic glorification of the Blessed Virgin. In accordance with the prophecies of the Old Testament, she became the mother of the God-man Jesus Christ. And for all Christians - the Great Helper, the Intercessor.

Every year on Saturdays in the fifth week (seventh week) of Lent, the Church and all Orthodox people celebrate a holiday called Akathist Saturday, or Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos. In churches, a non-seated (performed with special reverence, standing) glorification of the image of the Mother of the Lord, the Queen of Heaven, is performed by singing.

The tradition of such veneration was established in the 9th century. Believers glorified the Mother of God, thanked her for her intercession and deliverance of Constantinople from numerous enemy attacks:

  • 626 - Avar conquerors,
  • 677 - Persians,
  • 717 - Arabs.

History has brought down to this day the legend of the victory of the Greeks over the enemies who attacked Constantinople. Researchers have not come to a consensus in determining the date of this event - from approximately the 6th to the 9th centuries. Most likely, the described incident is an attack of the Avars on Constantinople in 626.

Taking advantage of the fact that Emperor Heraclius and his army had set off on a campaign against the Persians, the Avars laid siege to Constantinople. The enemy fleet came close to the shores of the capital. It seemed that the townspeople were doomed. Realizing that they had too little strength to repel the enemy, the inhabitants of Constantinople turned with prayers to the holy Christian intercessors: the Lord God and the Most Holy Theotokos. Patriarch Sergius carried out the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God (another option is the Robe of the Mother of God) from the church.

People gathered together and walked around the shrines in a religious procession hometown. Approaching the shore of the Bosphorus, the patriarch leading the procession, continuing to pray, lowered the Robe of the Most Pure Intercessor into the water. The elements, which had been calm and quiet until then, suddenly began to change. A strong wind rose and awakened a menacing storm. Huge waves hid enemy ships in the depths of the bay. An ancient fresco (1644) from the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, in the Moscow Kremlin, figuratively shows how exactly with the help of the icon of the Mother of God and the Holy Robe a miracle took place that saved Constantinople.

The story of the city’s salvation was reflected in the soon-written kontakion “The Mounted Voivode.” This text was originally integral part the first akathist (church hymn) honoring the Mother of God (Hodegetria). Christians read the song of praise for the first time at night after the miraculous deliverance of the city from enemy ships. Thus, the tradition of celebrating the thanksgiving Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos began in the Blachernae Church of Constantinople, the place of storage and worship of the miraculous Blachernae icon of the Mother of God (belonging, according to legend, to the hand of the Evangelist Luke), as well as objects that the Mother of God used during her life on earth (the Belt and Robe).

Over time, the regularity of the celebrations was reinforced by inclusion in a special set of rules governing divine services (Student Charter). Later, the celebration was written into the church books, making it a common celebration for all Christians belonging to the Eastern Church. Formation of the canon of the Feast of Praise Mother of God was made by Joseph the Studite (9th century).

Canons of images of icons of praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Images of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared later. Today in Russia the most ancient icon of the Praise of the Most Pure One is considered to be the icon “Praise of the Mother of God with Akathist.” This is an image preserved by the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, which was created by a Greek icon painter approximately in the second half of the 14th century. The words of Patriarch Herman of Constantinople about prophecies predicting the appearance of a pure earthly Virgin became the canon for this type of icon painting. She will embody in herself: “a frame, a rod, a tablet, an ark, a candlestick, a table, an uncut mountain, a golden censer and a tabernacle, an impenetrable door, a chamber, and a ladder, and the throne of Kings.”

Based on these lines, the composition of the icon around the image of the Mother of God should contain 25 Old Testament prophets holding books or scrolls with prophecies in their hands, as well as certain symbolic objects:

  • Jacob - the ladder that connects Earth to Heaven;
  • Moses - Burning Bush,
  • Balaam - a star (symbolizing the coming of the Messiah);
  • Gideon - fleece (prototype of the Annunciation);
  • Ezekiel – gate (closed gate – symbol of the Most Pure One);
  • Jeremiah - tablets;
  • Isaiah – pincers and coals (meaning cleansing);
  • Jesse and Aaron - prosperous rods (symbolizing the Mother of God);
  • David and Solomon - a reduced Temple of Jerusalem;
  • Habakkuk and Daniel are mountains (a sign of the kingdom).

Iconographers adhered to canonical requirements, but often introduced something different into the image, usually investing a certain meaning. Laudatory icons of the Mother of God reflect local, historical moments relevant to the time and place of writing.

For example, the icon of Praise of the Most Holy Mother of God (Kiev) praises the Queen of Heaven, depicting Her seated on a throne with the Baby Jesus in her arms, surrounded by archangels, the patron saints of the city. In the lower part of the composition, the kneeling holy elders hold in their hands Orthodox church, topped with golden domes.

On another thanksgiving icon of the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Christ are in the center of the image, they are framed by intertwining flowering branches. To the left of the Mother of God stand: the high priest Zechariah, next to the prophets Elisha, Malachi, Jacob, Habakkuk, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, David, Isaiah, Gideon. Right: prophets Jesse, Ezekiel, Solomon, Zephaniah, Haggai, Aaron, Micah, Zechariah, Jonah, Nahum, Joel, Daniel. They do not surround the Virgin Mary, but are arranged in dense horizontal rows.

Not all of the prophets who were depicted in praiseworthy images prophesied about the Epiphany. This means that the original interpretation of the plot has been changed. The presented icon contains saints of the same rank. Most of the prophets, except Solomon, David, Moses, appear before the Mother of God without the prescribed symbolic attributes of the Incarnation. This theme is further developed in three fragments at the top of the image. In the center is the bowing God the Father with a dove, which is the Holy Spirit. With the blessing Christ Child below, they form the Holy Trinity. On the right is the plot “Cathedral of the Archangels”, and on the left is the “Fatherland”.

Miracles performed by images Praise of the Virgin Mary

The Christian miraculous icon of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary lives on Mount Athos in the cathedral church of the Dionysiata monastery. It is classified as one of the 70 ancient icons painted by the Evangelist Luke. The image is made not with paints, but wax mastic, so over time the features of the image blurred. It was in front of this holy face that the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos was first performed.

Many miraculous incidents are associated with this icon. She was kidnapped by pirates (1592), but forced the wicked to return the shrine, repent and take monastic vows. Another time, the image helped the head of the Athos Academy, Evgeniy Voulgaris, to recover from a terrible tumor. He did it himself detailed description amazing recovery (1758).

The Orthodox Church highly values ​​the majestic image of the Mother of God. The glory of the power of prayer to her inspires Christians. It is not surprising that the Savior reveals many miracles through the icons of the Most Pure Virgin and Intercessor. They pray to the miraculous images of the Mother of God, thank them for their help, and praise her greatness at all times.

Russian history has numerous testimonies of the intercession and assistance of the Mother of God to Orthodox soldiers defending native land from the invasion of enemies. On the day of the celebration of Praise, prayers to the Queen of Heaven always help, as they acquire special power. The holy Russian prince Alexander Nevsky wrote a glorious page in the history of the country - he defeated the German knights on Lake Peipsi. Chronicles confirm the fact that the day of the battle (April 5, 1242 was Saturday) is the Feast of Praise of the Mother of God.

Celebration of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The celebration of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos begins with Matins. In the church, the entire akathist is solemnly read in four sittings. Every reception, church ministers go out into the middle of the temple through the Royal Doors. According to another custom, the akathist is read in turn at each revered icon of the Mother of God that is in this temple. This is a joyful, good holiday that reminds parishioners that everyday grievances and troubles are just vanity compared to His mercy, the Heavenly Kingdom.

The Moscow Epiphany Cathedral has a special pious tradition - every year, to celebrate the Praise of the Blessed Virgin, the miraculous Mother of God icon of the Mother of Tenderness is brought out to parishioners for veneration. This is the glorious image before which Father Seraphim kneeled and prayed in his cell. And the Passion-Bearer Emperor of Russia Nicholas II revered and listened to the Monk Seraphim and endowed the miraculous image of the Queen of Heaven with a precious gold frame made by the famous Faberge. In difficult times for Russian Orthodox Church For years, the shrine was secretly and carefully preserved by believers.

The icon, which is called “Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos,” is a symbol of the salvation of all Christians. This is a miraculous icon that should be in every Orthodox home.

This icon belongs to the category of holiday icons, since it was originally dedicated to the holiday of the same name, established around the end of the 7th century. At the moment, in Orthodoxy this holiday is celebrated on the fifth week of Lent.

History of the icon

The icon “Praise of the Mother of God” was painted around the same time when the holiday was established in honor of the salvation of Constantinople from its enemies. It is worth noting that the icon was painted in honor of repeated salvation.

Of course, at first it was a purely Constantinople holiday, but later it became truly global. This is not the twelfth holiday, so its celebration is modest. The icon itself, which was dedicated to the great salvation, became quite famous. To this day, people quite often use it to protect their homes from harm and unkind people.

Description of the icon “Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

This icon, which, by the way, has many variations, depicts:

  • Jacob holding the ladder leading to heaven;
  • Moses with the burning bush;
  • Isaiah with tongs and coals, which represent the great cleansing from sin;
  • Jesse and Aaron, David and Solomon with the reduced temple in Jerusalem;
  • Habakkuk and Daniel;
  • Jeremiah with the tablets, Ezekiel, Gideon and Balaam with the star.

What does an icon help with?

An icon helps in almost all aspects necessary for a believer. She protects the house from fires and thieves, and protects people from diseases. The icon is used as a prayer icon, as a protective icon, and sometimes even taken with you when traveling. “Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos” is a symbol of faith, so you can read the prayer “Creed” before it. It is the best way to express gratitude to God and all the saints, as well as to the Virgin Mary, our intercessor. Prayers in front of the icon help people find the strength to move forward and maintain faith.

Prayer before the icon “Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

« Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Intercessor of all the children of God. Illuminate our lives with your light and help us, sinners, find our way in this life. Pray to God for us along with all the saints. Forgive us our sins, as we also learn to forgive those who have offended us in word or deed. Cover us with your cover and give us the strength to accept what we cannot understand. Amen".

Date of celebration of the icon

The day of the celebration of the Praise of the Mother of God and the veneration of the icon of the same name is Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent. On this day during Akathist week, it is customary to read prayers and visit church. These seven days must be lived in special humility and tranquility.

And in the temple during Lent. This icon can be an excellent gift for family, people who are dear to you and for whom you worry. “Praise of the Mother of God” is one of the most ancient images that constitute the Orthodox and Christian spiritual heritage. Honor the history and exploits of the people who made our faith what it is now. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.03.2018 05:22

Matrona of Moscow is one of the saints beloved and revered by Orthodox believers. Since birth she...

More than half of Lent has already passed, and all this time we have been trying to limit ourselves in some way, setting our thoughts to fight sins. As you know, it is customary to read the canons during fasting, since they have a penitential character. However, there is a day in the Lenten calendar that relaxes our strictness and calls us to rejoice. On March 24, the Church celebrates Akathist Saturday (or Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

This bright day precedes Easter with its joyful mood. Many believers gather in the temple to sing a song of praise - Akathist to the Mother of God.

What is the holiday about?

The events took place approximately in the VI-IX centuries from the Nativity of Christ. The position of Constantinople Christians in those days was not enviable. Every now and then the city was attacked by different nations. Arabs, Persians, Scythians, and barbarians repeatedly tried to capture the city. But each time this was avoided thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin.

So, in 860, during an attack on the city of the Rus from the sea, a miracle occurred. After fervent prayer in the temple, Christians made a religious procession around the city with the Robe of the Mother of God. And when the believers approached the sea, Patriarch Photius lowered the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos into the water, and after that a strong storm began at sea, as a result of which the Russians had to retreat.

The miraculous salvation of Constantinople

“For as soon as the Virgin’s vestment went around the walls, the barbarians, abandoning the siege, withdrew from the camp, and we were redeemed from the impending captivity and were awarded unexpected salvation... The invasion of the enemies was unexpected - their retreat was also unexpected...”

(It is noteworthy that literally a few years later the Russians send their ambassadors to Constantinople and report their desire to be baptized. Thus, under the princes Oskold and Dir, a small baptism of the Russian people took place in Kyiv.)

Vysoko-Petrovsky copy of the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God

After the miraculous liberation of Constantinople from disaster, believers throughout the night in the temple sang a song of praise to the Mother of God “Caprated Voivode” in front of Her miraculous image called “Blachernae,” which was written by the Evangelist Luke. Delight and rejoicing filled the hearts of the people, and therefore they stood in the temple all night long, glorifying and thanking the Lord and His Most Pure Mother. This is where the name “akathist” comes from, which translated from Greek means “unsaddled.”

Over time, the tradition of singing the Akathist to the Mother of God became firmly established in the Church Charter. This service, performed during the 5th week of Great Lent, is especially loved by believers. The author of that very first akathist is Gregory of Pissidia, a deacon who served in the church of Constantinople.

It is known that the akathist was compiled in the middle of the 7th century. Later, the canon of the Saturday of the Akathist was also compiled, but by a different author - Joseph the Studite.

Over time, other akathists dedicated to the Mother of God, the Lord and the saints appeared. And such prayerful standing became part of a wider liturgical circle. Most often, the akathist is sung at an evening service on the eve of a holiday or day of remembrance of a particularly revered saint.

The second name of the akathist to the Mother of God is the akathist of the Annunciation. And indeed, throughout the singing of the akathist, the welcoming voice of the Archangel “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” Such singing reminds believers of this great holiday, which most often occurs during Lent.

The akathist includes 12 ikos, 12 kontakia, which is 24 songs according to the number of letters of the Greek alphabet. Traditionally, the beginning of songs are composed according to these letters. At the end of each kontakion, “Hallelujah” is sung three times, which translated from Greek means “Praise God!” And each ikos contains 7 paragraphs with refrains of the Archangel exclamation “Rejoice”. Also, the akathist includes a special, 13th kontakion, which is read three times, and after it the 1st ikos and 1st kontakion are read again, thus forming an invisible prayer circle.

The Church has developed a tradition of singing the akathist at a festive morning, when the priests go to the center of the church and, together with the people, unite in prayer in singing the akathist. In this way, the clergy become closer to the people, making prayer a single whole. And that’s why the people loved the akathist so much that it has already gone beyond the church walls. Many believers love to perform the akathist privately, adding it to their home prayers.

There is also an icon of the Mother of God called “Akathist”. Its full title is “Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos with Akathist.”

Icon “Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

An ancient image of the 16th century, which is of Greek origin, is now kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the center of the icon is the Mother of God sitting on a throne, and on either side of her are depicted Old Testament prophets holding scrolls with prophecies about the Mother of God. Along the perimeter of the icon there are also stamps depicting the earthly life of the Mother of God. The iconography of this icon is based on the idea that the Mother of God became the mother of the incarnate God of the Word.

There are churches in honor of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is such a temple in Moscow

The Saturday service of the fifth week of Lent is called “Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

This is an amazingly warm, kind and joyful holiday, like the first news of the coming Easter, the end of Great Lent and the beginning of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the Church “sings songs of praise” to the Lady, in memory of the threefold deliverance of the reigning city of Constantinople from the attacks of enemies by Her omnipotent intercession (Avars - in 626, Persians - in 677, Arabs - in 717).

The reason for the establishment of the holiday was the attack on Constantinople by the enemy fleet. It is difficult to say exactly when this happened. Historians disagree, citing different dates for the period from the 6th to the 9th centuries. The situation of the Orthodox Greeks at that time was desperate. Feeling the weakness of their strength, the Greeks turned with prayer to God and the zealous Intercessor for the Christian race - the Mother of God. A procession of the cross was held around the city, and when the procession approached the sea, the patriarch immersed the robe of the Mother of God into the water. The sea, hitherto calm and calm, suddenly became very agitated, a terrible storm arose and sank the ships of the enemies.

Then, all that night, the grateful people who were in the Blachernae church proclaimed a victorious, all-night vigil and non-sedal (akathist - Greek lit. non-sedal) song to the Defender of the city: “To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil ones, let us sing thanksgiving to Thy servants, the Mother of God.”. Since then, it has been decided annually on this day, i.e. on Saturday of the 5th week of Great Lent, perform a particularly solemn service in honor of the Most Pure Virgin.

The Blachernae Church kept the miraculous Blachernae icon of the Mother of God, painted by the holy evangelist Luke, and objects associated with her earthly life - a robe and a belt. Emperor Constantine the Great, founder of Constantinople, dedicated it to the Mother of God. He revered the Blessed Virgin as his patroness and his new capital, erecting many temples in Her honor.

At first, the feast of the Akathist was celebrated in Constantinople in the Blachernae Church, but later the feast was included in the typikons (statutes) of the monasteries of St. Sava of Studium and then in the church liturgical books, and from that time on it became common to the entire Eastern Church.

This is the most ancient Akathist to the Mother of God and it is the only one intended by church charter for worship. The akathist was written in the middle of the 7th century, according to many, by the deacon of the great Church of Constantinople, George of Pisidia, and served as a model for all subsequent akathists written in honor of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin, saints and church holidays. Subsequently, Joseph the Studite wrote a canon on Saturday Akathist, and others added to this thanksgiving prayers in memory of the same all-powerful leadership of the Mother of God.

“Akathist” received its name from the fact that that night people standing chanted the song of the Mother of God the Word; and while at other (services) according to the rules you can sit, on the real feast of the Mother of God we all listen (to praise) standing.

The Akathist consists of 24 hymns, or songs: 12 kontakia and 12 ikos, arranged according to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. Each hymn begins with the letter corresponding to it, each kontakion ends with the psalm “Alleluia,” each ikos ends with the greeting of the archangel “Rejoice...”. The main theme of the akathist is the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Incarnation of the Son of God. It is believed that Akathist Saturday was a kind of pre-celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is another name for it - “Akathist of the Annunciation”, although later another one will be written for the Annunciation.

At the festive morning, the entire akathist is read in four steps, each time 3 ikos and 3 kontakia. Each reading begins and ends with the singing of a kontakion. Chosen Voivode. For each reading, the clergy go out through the royal doors into the middle of the temple in blue vestments. There is a parish tradition of reading the akathist one by one in front of the venerated icons of the Mother of God in the temple.

On the theme of the Akathist, the icons “Praise to the Mother of God” were written, the main theme of which is the glorification of the Virgin Mary, who, according to Old Testament prophecies, became the mother of the incarnate God. The iconography is based on the words of the song of the canon to the prophets, compiled in the 8th century by Patriarch Herman of Constantinople: “The prophets from above foreshadowed you, O Trokovitsa: a frame, a rod, a tablet, an ark, a candlestick, a meal, an uncut mountain, a golden censer and a tabernacle, an impenetrable door, a chamber, and the ladder and the throne of the Kings." Based on this song, the icons depict the following Old Testament prophets holding certain objects in their hands: Jacob with a ladder, Moses with the Burning Bush, Balaam with a star, Gideon with a fleece, Ezekiel with a gate, Jeremiah with a tablet, Isaiah with tongs and coal, Jesse and Aaron with flourishing rods, David and Solomon with models of the Jerusalem Temple, Daniel and Habakkuk with mountains.

The oldest icon of the Praise of the Mother of God in Russia is the icon “Praise of the Mother of God with Akathist” from the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, created by a Greek master in the second half of the 14th century.

Icon “Praise of the Mother of God with Akathist”, XIV century

On the Day of Praise on Praise Saturday, Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated the German knights on ice Lake Peipsi. This is reported in the chronicles; that year, April 5 coincided with the Saturday of Praise of the Mother of God.

In honor of the Praise of the Mother of God, “Praise Churches” were built.

In Bogoyavlensky cathedral In Moscow, it has become a pious tradition to annually bring out for veneration the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” for veneration, the same one before which Father Seraphim prayed in his cell. The last Russian emperor, passion-bearer Nicholas II, who deeply revered St. Seraphim, donated a gold frame decorated with precious stones, the work of the famous jeweler Faberge. During the years of persecution of the Church, it was preserved by believers, and is now located in the Patriarchal sacristy.

What significance does it have in spiritual life? Orthodox Christian Praise to the Mother of God?

Pious Christians spend the time of fasting in prayerful feats of abstinence and struggle with their passions and lusts, with the temptations of the devil. It is not difficult to lose heart and become weak in body over such a long period of time. And so the Holy Church, wanting to support her faithful children, reminds them of the wonderful help and intercession of the Mother of God for us sinners.

Hymns of Saturday Akathist

Troparion, tone 8: The secretly commanded reception in the mind, in the blood of Joseph, with diligence, the incorporeal one appeared, saying in the most unartificial way: Bowed down by the descent of heaven, the whole is invariably contained in Thee. And seeing Him in Your wombs I have taken on the form of a slave, I am horrified to call You: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Translation: Having understood the mysterious meaning of God’s command, the incorporeal [Archangel] hastily appeared in the house of Joseph and said to the One who had not known marriage: “He who bowed the heavens by [His] descent, without changing, is entirely contained in You. And seeing Him in Your bosom taking on the form of a slave, I exclaim in amazement: Rejoice, Virgin, who did not enter into marriage!

Kontakion, tone 8: To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servants to the Mother of God: but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Translation: Having been delivered from troubles, we, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God, sing a victorious and grateful song to You, the Supreme Military Leader. You, as having invincible power, free us from all troubles, so that we cry to You, rejoice (an ancient greeting, today’s “hello”), Bride who has not entered into marriage!

Our Lent is nearing its end, and today the Church brings praise to the Most Holy Theotokos. Saint Lent is the focus of our life, the comprehension of all Divine mysteries, all the mysteries of our salvation, to which we join through the Mother of God. The Church brings praise to the Mother of God from Archangel Gabriel, who says to Her: “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with You, blessed are You among women.”

She brings to the Most Holy Theotokos the praise of the holy righteous Elizabeth, the mother of the greatest of all born of women, who also calls Her Blessed and Blessed. The Holy Church, including all of us, today brings praise to the Most Pure Mother of God. This celebration was established in the 9th century in Byzantium in gratitude to the Mother of God for Her repeated salvation of the capital of the empire, Constantinople (Constantinople), from invaders.

During the Divine Liturgy, when the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts takes place, we sing: “Every creature, the angelic council and the human race, consecrated in the Temple and the verbal Paradise, rejoices in You, O Gracious One.” This happens at the very moment when in the Church among us the grace-filled presence of Christ Himself appears in His Most Pure Body and Blood.

And after the exclamation of the priest: Much about the Most Holy, Most Pure and Most Blessed, Our Glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary... - a wonderful prayer is read, which is read by the clergyman secretly (that is, not aloud), in the altar in front of the already consecrated Holy Gifts, standing on throne.

This exclamation of the Mother of God is pronounced in the presence of Christ Himself - His Most Pure Body and Life-Giving Blood. In the following prayer, the priest prays for all those who grieve and are burdened, for all those who are sick, in need, work, imprisonment, for all those in sins and infirmities.

And this appeal is not accidental, because in the person of the Mother of God we have a gracious Intercessor and Prayer Book for each person individually and for the entire human race.

The Lord comes to everyone again and again in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. By partaking of His Most Pure Body and Blood, we are united with Him forever.

Saint Simeon the New Theologian, the great Athonite ascetic of the 11th century, once after communion of the holy Body and Life-giving Blood, returning to his wretched cell, he experienced joy and truly felt the Lord coming to man in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
“I am amazed and in awe,” says Simeon the New Theologian, “contemplating my weak body. My weak hands at that moment became the hands of Christ; my weak body became part of the body of Christ; I was penetrated by the Divine, I became united and communed with Christ, I was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.” This happiness is given to every believer. The Holy Church lives by it, preaching Christ crucified and risen, eternally triumphant.

And how our ancestors loved to pray to Her, unlike us, who are spiritually lazy and in constant slumber! They constantly turned to the Mother of God and from the experience of their lives they knew that their prayer would not be in vain, but would be heard, and the Mother of God would cover them with Her omophorion and protect them from all the misfortunes encountered on the path of life.

When this song of praise to the Mother of God is sung, the priest prays an extended prayer for the entire Church. This prayer is for everyone in their sorrows and needs; about everyone who suffers in prison, in illness and in bitter labor; about everyone who suffers from unclean spirits, who perishes in sins. This prayer is for all the people whose names cannot be remembered. But the Lord knows them all, and they are all in memory of the Most Pure Mother of God, who prays for every person, and all people bring Her praise on behalf of the Church and in the person of the Church.

“Behold, from now on all my people will bless Me,” says the Mother of God, and this prophecy is being fulfilled in such a way that for two thousand years now the entire human race has been silently, every day, bringing praise to the Mother of God in the song that sounds after Matins: “Theotokos and Mother of Light in We will exalt you with songs." And we see something unusual in what the Church reveals about man, about the Mother of God, about Her extraordinary closeness to God.

One of the most greatest people- the prophet Isaiah says: “Woe is me! I'm dead! for I am a man of unclean lips ... - and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Is. 6:5). When God approaches a person, we can only speak about it with trepidation through the mouth of the Old Testament prophet, and we say that we perish by approaching God with our unclean lips.

And the Mother of God, in humility and at the same time in unshakable confidence, confesses that during the birth of childbirth all humanity will bring Her praise, please Her, and in these words there is some kind of special, exceptional joy of victory that will be given to everyone.

We know that there are saints in our Church, and those who perform deeds of true love are always blessed by the Lord. But so that throughout the generations, so that all humanity, always and unceasingly! And not just for one great feat of the past, which is of decisive importance for all people, but also for the fact that Her love and the deeds of Her love are constantly increasing - the human race, except for the Mother of God, does not know this.

Praise and gratitude to the Mother of God, who truly saves us all, flows from new and new hearts. And these incomprehensible words that all human races bring Her praise and please Her, speak, on the one hand, about how the humility of the Mother of God, the most important quality of a person, can be measured. For the praise of the Most Holy Theotokos is revealed by the depth of Her humility: “As you look upon the humility of Your servant, behold, from now on all your generations will bless me.” The Lord Himself says about this: “Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11.29).

The Lord asks us to learn only one thing - humility and meekness, and nothing else, because this is the perfection of man. And he who humbles himself will be exalted.

We can see the mystery of the humility of the Mother of God through Her exaltation and pleasing the entire human race until the end of time and in endless, blessed eternity. On the other hand, we can see in the mysterious words of praise of the Mother of God our spiritual connection with this mystery because “all the generations” will please Her.

This also applies to us. This spiritual connection and our entry into the joy of the Lord is given to each of us through the intercession of the Mother of God. In order to bring praise to the Mother of God, you need to understand what we are talking about.

The light should shine at least a little, and this secret will be revealed, as he says about it in a conversation with Motovilov Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky, to whom the Mother of God appeared twelve times during his earthly life. After his face shone brighter than the midday sun in a Russian winter meadow, he said to Motovilov: “Do not be afraid, your love of God, because you yourself are in the same light.”

A person can never see the holiness of another if he himself is not involved in this holiness, because this is given only by the same Holy Spirit, the same grace. And therefore, to please the Mother of God, to bring Her praise means for us to mysteriously enter into Her glory, into Her eternal bliss.

To enter, of course, still to the smallest extent that we are only capable of now, but always with the consciousness that we are all granted salvation by Her glory. Her humility. Her purity. By her obedience. By her intercession.

We can only give praise to the Mother of God by the measure of our humility, our obedience, our purity, which testify that thanks to Her we are involved in God.

Most Holy Theotokos, help us! Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

Troparion on the Day of Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Saturday of the Akathist).

The Brideless Virgin / and the All-Pure Mother, / received the Annunciation from the Archangel, /
with diligence you ascended to the Mountain, / and kissed your yuzhika, the all-honorable Elizabeth, /
From this you were called the Matter of the Lord, / and you magnified the Lord who exalted You: /
Blessed are You among women, / And blessed is the Fruit of Your womb.

Sermon by Schema-Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov). Word on the Akathist of the Mother of God

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin... Dear brothers and sisters, once a woman, delighted with the wonderful teaching of Christ the Savior, raised her voice and exclaimed: blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts , who fed you (Luke 11:27). These few words express the greatness and glory of the Mother of God with which the whole world, visible and invisible, bestowed upon Her for Her love and mercy for suffering humanity.

It is always gratifying for a believing Christian heart to remember this love and mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos, but it is especially gratifying to remember this for us, the inhabitants and visitors of this holy monastery, which was honored with a wondrous visit from the Mother of God, over whom She promised to constantly extend Her Divine cover.

The Orthodox Church of Christ, above all creatures of earth and heaven, honors the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady of our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. According to the teachings of the Church, She is the only hope of sinners, the salvation of all who come to Her from troubles and misfortunes, the source of mercy and the invincible wall, the immutable petition to the Creator, the hope and intercession of the faithful, the Joy of all who mourn and the Intercessor of the offended.

She constantly intercedes in prayer for us before God. Before Her gaze every day, every night, every hour and moment there are countless people, some of whom are surrounded by countless hordes of invisible enemies seeking their destruction, others are burdened by immeasurable sorrows and misfortunes, and others suffer from serious illnesses and diseases; and the Most Blessed Mother of God sees them all.

Out of Her boundless love for the human race, She takes every tear, every misfortune and every sigh close to her heart and constantly prays to Her Divine Son and Lord, may He be merciful to human untruths and may He deliver His servants from all evil. Saint Demetrius of Rostov writes: “Being the Mediator between God and our sins, the Most Holy Theotokos does not allow our sins to rise close to God and, with the voice of Her prayers for us, reflects the voices of our sins crying out to God against us.” Therefore there is none true Christian who, with complete trust and love, would not offer his private and public prayers to the Mother of God and would not feel Her gracious help.

Dear brothers and sisters, the word of God proclaims to us that there is a world of evil spirits who are constantly concerned about the destruction of human souls. The Holy Apostle Peter says to Christians: be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Therefore, where can a poor and weak person hide and find refuge from the treachery of these adversaries?

A Christian finds refuge from them only in the protection of the Mother of God. In the akathist we just read, we heard the following words: Rejoice, much-lamented defeat of demons (Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, Ikos 2), Rejoice, you who sweep away the inhuman tormentor from the authorities (Ibid., Ikos 5), Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies (Ibid., Ikos 4) , Rejoice, fall of demons (Ibid., ikos 6). These words assure us that the Mother of God drives demons away from us; Her very name puts evil spirits to flight. And the Holy Church of Christ knows many cases when the Most Blessed Mother of God delivered people from invisible enemies.

The Prologue tells about a certain man named Kodrat. He was possessed, and one day demons drove him through the desert for ten weeks. He was dying of hunger and was already expecting death. But then, in a moment of enlightenment of his mind, he turned with a prayer to the Mother of God, and the Most Holy Virgin Herself appeared to him in the desert, cast out demons from him, strengthened him, showed him the way to his parents’ house, and he became completely healthy. There are many other similar examples.

But the Most Holy Theotokos delivers not only from invisible enemies, She also delivers pious people from visible enemies. In Alexandria there lived one reverent, merciful, Christ-loving husband, who had a wife of humble disposition and fasting, and a daughter of about six years old. One day he had to go on trade business from Alexandria to Constantinople.

When he was already leaving, his wife asked him: “Who are you entrusting us with, our lord, during your absence?” “To our Lady Theotokos!” - answered the husband. Leaving one slave in the house, he left. The enemy of all good, the devil, instilled in this slave the evil idea of ​​killing his master’s wife and daughter, robbing the estate and running away with the stolen property. For this purpose, he took a knife and went to the upper room where the mother and daughter were. But as soon as he approached the door of the upper room, where they were doing needlework, he was suddenly struck by blindness and, not seeing anything, could not move either forward or backward.

Exhausted and unable to find a way out, he began to scream and call his mistress so that she would come to him and help him. Not suspecting any malicious intent, she still answered him: “Come to us.” Then he began to call her daughter, but the mother and daughter did not let her come to him. In the end, seeing that his plans were not fulfilled, in a fit of anger he stabbed himself with a knife and fell to the ground with a terrible cry.

The neighbors came running at the noise, the lady also came out, and he, while still alive, told them about his evil intent and the misfortune that had befallen him. And all those gathered glorified God and His Most Pure Mother, who saved the lives of His pious servants. This example teaches us, dear ones, that we should always resort to the help and intercession of the Mother of God. There was and still is a pious custom among Christians - to entrust their relatives and children to the protection and protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, sending them on a long journey, or, on the contrary, leaving them for some reason.

Dear brothers and sisters, our earthly life is full of sorrows and sorrows. It is not for nothing that it is so often called the vale of weeping and lamentation. A person is born crying, and he goes to another world with many sighs and torments. So no one can escape sorrows and tears in this life; a person has much more troubles and misfortunes than joys. Everyone knows from experience how sometimes life’s grief crushes the soul from all sides, the heart is exhausted from melancholy and sorrow, and sometimes tears flow from the eyes involuntarily.

It is difficult for a person to endure misfortunes, and he sometimes becomes despondent, and a feeling of sadness takes possession of him. But, my dears, the most important thing is do not despair, take heart! When a cloud of sorrows surrounds you, so that there seems to be no way out of this situation, then remember that you have a Mother in heaven, the Queen of Heaven, who sees you, hears and knows all your spiritual movements. Call on Her with faith, and She will immediately come to you and deliver you from troubles and misfortunes.

Let us pray to Her that She will hear you and me at this hour and deliver us from all sorrow and unhappiness, cleanse us from all vice and sin and make us worthy of joy in the eternal Kingdom of Her Son, so that we will always cry out to Her with love: Rejoice, all-merciful Quick-to-hear , fulfilling our petitions for good! Amen.