Project defense script open your heart. Scenario of the evening “Day of Kindness. Lyrics of the song "The Road of Good" from the movie "Little Muk"

Press marathon “Give kindness to people” for children of senior preschool age

Target: formation ethical standards behavior in society and communication with each other, development of the emotional and value sphere of students.
To form in students ethical ideas, knowledge about the categories of good and evil;
Develop the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;
Develop the ability to work in a team;
Contribute to the process of self-discovery through creating conditions for self-expression.
Cultivate a kind attitude towards people around you, cultural behavior in all areas of life.
Equipment: flower applique, baby hand applique, sun applique

Progress of the event:
Dear guys and dear adults! GOOD AFTERNOON! We are glad to see you and welcome you to this holiday of "GOOD"! Today we are learning a lot about kindness and politeness. I am very glad to see you and your kind faces, radiant eyes! Let's give a piece of ours good mood to each other. Guys, look at each other and smile at each other. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. This means that good-hearted people have gathered here.
Do you guys consider yourselves kind? (children's answer)
Polite (children's answer)
Who in your family is cultured and polite (children’s answer)
Well done guys, very good answers!

Children, what do you think the words “kindness” and “kind” mean?
Kindness - a smile, a child's laughter - is health and success.
Kindness is everything good, kind, beautiful.
Kindness is responsiveness, the desire to do good to others.
A kind person is one who loves people and animals, who is ready to help in any difficult moment.
Let's take you on a magical journey through the city of "Magic Words".
This is an unusual city: its streets, alleys and squares are open only to those who are smart and kind and know polite words.
1. Street of kind words
Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:
-Good morning!
-Good morning!
Sun and birds!
-Good morning!
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting...
Let Good morning
Lasts until evening.

Game "Merry Greetings"
I suggest you say hello in these ways:
With the eyes and head (children greet with their eyes in the way they come up with at this moment, you can offer a wink, a nod of the head, etc.)
- Hands (children greet as best they can and as their imagination allows)
- With your mouth (say: “Hello!”, “Hello!”, “Great!”)
Now let's change the rules a little. At the signal, you begin to move around the hall and say hello to everyone you meet along the way. You have to greet yourself in a certain way:
One clap - we shake hands;
Two claps - we greet with hangers;
Three claps - we greet with our backs.
The boy is polite and developed, he says when we meet... (Hello).
We were very tired during the day, let's tell everyone... (Good night).
The old tree stump turns green when it hears... (Good afternoon).
When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (Excuse me, please).
You met a friend at lunch and told him... (Hello).
If we have a meeting in the evening, we’ll tell him... (Good evening).
If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely
And she sneezes again five times, we’ll tell her... (Be healthy).
If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).
In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye).
And now I propose

Game "Don't make a mistake, please"
I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it only when I call the “magic word” - please. Be careful!
-Stand up, please!
-Please clap your hands!
-Raise your hands!
- Stomp, please.
- Jump, please.
-Hands forward.
Please sit down.

We continue the journey and the next stop
2. "Deadlock" bad advice»
Recently, scientists discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning” - they take it and don’t wash it.

If you came to see your friends,
Don't say hello to anyone.
Words: “please”, “thank you”
Don't tell anyone.
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone's questions.
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

"If a friend's birthday
I invited you to my place,
You leave the gift at home -
It will come in handy yourself.

If little sister
Lost in the garden
And screams, unable to get home
Find the way back,
Quickly hide behind the bushes
And why should I help her?

Don't you do that?

Now let's play a game
Game "yes-no!"
Are you brave?
Are you skilled?
Are you lazy?

Phys. A minute “around the sun”
"One, two, three, four, five -
Together we'll go for a walk,
Hands reached out to the sun,
We smiled at each other.
Let's quickly join hands,
And let's gather in a circle.
If we frown in the morning,
Kindness will help us.

Our next stop
3. “Square of Good”
Let's play the game "Tender Word".
I will name a word, and you must change it so that it sounds affectionate, for example: Hare-bare.
Candy, mouse, cat, girl, fish, mother, flower, Ira, watermelon, children, hands.

Game "Magic Chair"
(magical because no matter who sits on him, everyone starts saying kind words about the person)
Place the teacher on a chair and the children say kind words to him.

Our guys are friendly and peace-loving. Even if someone quarrels a little, they will immediately make up.
(children, holding their little fingers, repeat the words)
If you quarrel with a friend,
Then go and make peace.
Don't sulk or frown
If necessary, apologize!
And then everything around is brighter
And suddenly it will become brighter,
Because it's right next to you
Will be a real friend!

Our children are very cheerful and friendly.
So we threw up our hands,
As if they were surprised.
And to each other, to the ground,
Bowed to the waist!
Bent over, straightened up,
They bent over and straightened up.
Lower, lower, don't be lazy,
Bow and smile.

4. Skazochnaya station
Do you know fairy tales? Do you like it? Can you guess the good fairy tale heroes?

A fairy tale brings us good, those who know will understand!

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor...(Aibolit)

Wooden boy
He makes noise like a drum
A favorite of adults and children,
The inventor of all sorts of ideas,
A long nose will show cleverly
Not a carrot instead of a nose!
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Not a young man
Very long beard!
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
Do any of you know
Who is this? (Karabas)

I fly in a mortar and kidnap children
In a hut on a chicken farm
I live on my feet
Crooked nose, erect eyes
Who am I? (Baba Yaga)

Everyone is waiting for him in winter,
He is kind, he is not evil,
He has a beard up to his eyes.
Red-cheeked...(Santa Claus)

In a fairy tale I was born gray,
Everyone is afraid - like fire!
All the animals ran away
They hid from me in the house!
A menacing sudden click of teeth...
Evil, terrible, gray….(Wolf)

These little children
The wolf offended - he ate, the villain!
Only one remained alive
Didn't get caught in the wolf's mouth.
He told his mother everything
he showed all his brothers
Who are the gray ones?
If you know, name it! (Kids)

He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid,
That the turkey laughed at him,
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. (Ugly duckling)

Application “Magic flowerbed of the group”.
- Let's all create a magical flowerbed together. First, we need to plant grass on which to grow magic flower. I suggest you make it from green palms, because green– this is the color of nature, the color of life itself. Our palms will stretch upward and support our flowers. Do you know why our flowers will be magical?
They are magical because the color of its petals signifies the different qualities of people. And there are different qualities: good, kind and not so good... So you choose and what color you choose will determine what your flower will be like (children are offered multi-colored petals - bright colors– positive qualities of people (to be named), dark colorsnegative qualities(should be named). (Positive - friendship, love, kindness, responsiveness, honesty, politeness, negative - rudeness, disrespect, lies, anger, laziness, anger...)

"Day of Mercy"

Presenter 1: There is so much mercy in this word - love, patience, forgiveness, responsiveness, care, kindness. Mercy is the highest virtue, compassionate love, which is expressed in the willingness to sincerely and selflessly help people in need and all living things. Without compassion, mercy and kindness it is impossible to live in peace! Such human qualities how kindness and mercy are inseparable. A merciful person is one who has a sweet heart, and sweet means kind. Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy, but if a person loves only himself, he has neither comrades nor friends, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone, suffers and experiences a feeling of despair. Experience shows that anger burns our heart. An unmerciful person is cruel, he does not feel the pain of another and is capable of causing pain himself, but life is easier for the merciful, because everyone loves them. Virtue is one of the components of mercy.

Presenter 2: Kindness will save the world. We believe in it.

Block: Parents and Children

Song "Keep you safe, son" Gurchenko L.M.

Video Treasure Your Parents - “Medallion”

Presenter 1: I've seen a lot in my life. I have seen many times people struggle, fall and rise. And it’s so important at this moment...

At that fatal moment.
Forget all the bad things, forgive everyone,
Only forgiveness is salvation, I know.

Song - “You know, this is how I want to live”

Leading: Parents are very important people in everyone’s life, we must thank them first of all for the fact that we were born into this world, that we have such an important value - life, their support, love and sincere care always accompany us. They will never remain indifferent to our grief, will not leave us in trouble, and will always sincerely share our joy. Their contribution to our lives is important, although invisible. Parents give us wings in life.

Video clip - "Give me wings"

Presenter 1: I remembered a line from a poem.
Presenter 2: Interesting. Would you read it out loud to us?
Presenter 1: It’s so good when all children have mothers and fathers... And then I don’t remember.
Presenter 2: And my soul doesn’t hurt for anyone.
It's great that dad loves mom...
Everything else is just vanity.
We'll buy everything else if we have the money!
If they don’t exist, we’ll create them with our own hands!

Presenter 1: But it is very important that children live in happiness...
And they grew up to be good people!

Dance - “Angels with Candles”

Block: Animals
Presenter 1: They say a dog is a man's best friend. And they say it rightly, because it is these little brothers of ours who are the most faithful. We love them and raise them like our own children. We try to teach them commands, accustom them to daily procedures, we love them, and they love us. And now we will devote just a few minutes to them.

Video "Dog"

Poem about animals

Someone else's lonely figure,

Frozen on the white snow,

Dog sitting on the curb

And looks around intently.

Shiny black skin

And the colors are the same?

Your breed and nature

Visible in posture and gaze.

Why are there crazy frosts?

They pinch the paws and nose,

And warm tears roll down,

An abandoned dog is grieving.

Are you abandoned or someone's loss?

You've been waiting for the owner for so long...

Behind the noisy trolleybus door

You are unlikely to find him.

And those that rush by

In smoking fast cars,

We don't know your name

Nobody knows the dog's.

The snow falls white.

There is no owner. Why?

And if the dog could,

She would tell him:

“The only one, kind, beloved,

When will you come again?

Stroking my frozen back,

When will you call for me?”

And for the sake of an unthinkable meeting,

Like a statue, firmly rooted,

It's freezing here this evening

Trembling and devoted dog

Block: Take care of the earth


I hugged the globe.

One over land and water.

Continents are in my hands

They quietly whisper to me: “Take care.”

The forest and valley are painted green.

They tell me: “Be kind to us.”

Don't trample us, don't burn us,

Take care in winter and summer."

A deep river gurgles,

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

I hear all the birds and fish:

“We ask you, man.

Promise us and don't lie.

Take care of us like an older brother."

I hugged the globe,

And something happened to me.

And suddenly I whispered

“I won’t lie. I will save you, my dear."
Dance - "Globe"

Final part

Take care of each other, love each other!

Understand, forgive always.

And always value each other,

Life cannot be returned back, ever.

Life flows - we make mistakes,

We fix it sometimes - sometimes...

You, Give Each Other Smiles,

And always be friendly!

I love! - don't be shy, tell me

Will light up... My dear eyes,

Hurry to your loved ones from everywhere,

Be happy together, always.

Closing song; Song “There are never too many good friends”


  • broadening one's horizons;
  • promote the formation of kindness and mercy in children, expand knowledge about their role in the life of every person;
  • cultivate a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill; communication culture skills.

“Kind Heart Day” is a day filled with kindness, tenderness and affection.

And this holiday is dedicated to all people with a kind heart.On this day everyone is given beautiful cards and say kind words and compliments.



Andreeva T.V., MBOU Secondary School No. 2

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 2 ZATO Ozerny

Bologovsky district, Tver region

Scenario extracurricular activity

"Kind Heart Day"

as part of the project “Fill your heart with goodness”


math teacher

Andreeva Tatyana Vladimirovna

ZATO Ozerny 2013


  • broadening one's horizons;
  • promote the formation of kindness and mercy in children, expand knowledge about their role in the life of every person;
  • cultivate a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill; communication culture skills.

Equipment : multimedia projector, music.

Progress of the event

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys!
Today is a very unusual day for us!
A day filled with kindness, tenderness and affection, because we haveGood Heart Day! And our holiday is dedicated to you, people with a kind heart. On this day, everyone is given beautiful cards and kind words and compliments are said. Today we will say only kind words to each other and play fun games.
Kindness, mercy, and the ability to empathize with the feelings of other people create the basis of human happiness.

And I am pleased to offer you one of the “Happiness” recipes. Remember it and share it with others.
RECIPE: Take a cup of patience, pour a heart full of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, sprinkle in a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix everything well. Spread it on a piece of your allotted life and offer it to everyone you meet along the way.
We can create many such recipes, since only loving person, kind, merciful, can be truly happy.
Leading: You know? I thought for a long time what the human soul is like? And then I realized that the human soul is very similar to a flower, from which the golden color emanates. All its delicate petals are open, and in the middle of the flower lies a priceless gift - this is Kindness(students come out and read poems).

  1. Golden Day of Kindness,
    Day of spiritual purity!
    Happy to celebrate it
    Adults are in a hurry and children too!

    Do good deeds
    And give warmth of soul
    We will be there not only on holiday,
    To make life more beautiful!

  2. Without good in this world
    Even children can't live!
    Because kindness is
    Selfless trait!

    We wouldn't exist now
    May she be a stranger to us!
    We wouldn't be friends with you
    They didn’t regret, they didn’t love,

    In a difficult moment - they didn’t help me out,
    We didn’t meet you from the trip,
    And they wouldn't become people
    We are definitely in this world!
    Because kindness is
    Damn humanity!

3. Don't stand aside indifferently,
When someone is in trouble
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.

  1. And if someday someone
    Your smile will help
    Are you happy
    That the day was not lived in vain,
    That you have not lived for years in vain!
  2. Don't forget to give kindness
    Neighbors, relative, friend.
    It's like true magic.
    It will always come back to you in a circle.

Leading: Dear friends! You've probably heard the words of the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, that,
Kind hearts are gardens
Kind words are roots,
Good thoughts are flowers,
Good deeds are fruits.

So let's fill our gardens sunlight, kind words and good deeds.
Leading: And now you have a task...

1) Competition " Beneficial compliments"

We will select several “knights” for the key role of players (provide pens and paper).

The goal of the game is to collect as many autographs as possible from the females present. To do this, the “knight” will have to give each girl present a sincere compliment. The girl has the right to sign an autograph or a dash in response to a compliment, depending on the “quality” of the compliment.


It's not easy to be kind.
Kindness does not depend on height.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
Kindness brings people joy
And in return it does not require a reward.
Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness will warm you from the cold.
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.

And what words can offend? ( Children answer) That's right - bad words.

What's the bitterest thing? - I asked the guys.
Some claim:
- Unripe dogwood...
- Potion! - some brave man will say.
Mustard and onions will finally be named.
But more bitter than mustard - believe me again -
An offensive, rude word.

What's the sweetest thing? - I asked the guys.
“Get a good night’s sleep,” sleepyheads mumble, yawning.
People with a sweet tooth, closing their eyes, shout: Lollipop!
They call it raisin, halva, finally.
But sweeter than halva and everything else -
Heart, kind word. (R. Talipov)

And now we will make sure that there will be no bad words at all. We will remove all bad words and leave only good ones.

2) Competition “Say good words”

The competition is to replace all bad words with good ones.

(Rude - affectionate, angry - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deception - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness)

Leading: Guys, I want to invite you to the next competition, which will allow us to learn some interesting sayings about goodness.

3) Competition " Broken Heart"

We cut the big heart into small pieces in advance, and the participants must assemble the whole picture (there is a saying “hidden” in the heart)

  1. A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil.
  2. A life worthy of a person is a life built on goodness.

Leading: Let's play a little again:

4) Competition " Quick Valentine"

To conduct this competition you will need a set of colored paper, scissors, pencils, markers, glue or double-sided tape and a little imagination.

The competition is held for a period of time, for example, 10-15 minutes. Each participant is given an equal number of sheets of colored paper (A4 sheet of each color), pencils, felt-tip pens, as well as scissors, glue or tape. The presenter gives the task to make a Valentine card within the allotted time. Children complete the task using their imagination.

Leading: Well, while the guys are drawing valentines, we will hold the following competition:

5) Competition " Don't hide your heart"

There are hearts hidden in the room. At the leader's command, participants must find as many hearts as possible. The winner will be the owner the largest number hearts.

Leading: Let's look at our hearts, what is written on them?

(One quality is written on the hearts: kindness, tenderness, fidelity, affection, compassion, joy, miracles, happiness, wisdom, faith, hope, love, sensitivity, selflessness, conscience, peace, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, smile, dream, honesty…)

Think about which of these gifts would you like to give to your family? What qualities would you like to have in your heart? Which of these qualities does your friend have? Write this quality on your hearts (heart templates are issued in advance).

Great, but you haven’t forgotten about our Valentines. Let's rate them (the main prize goes to the one who finishes the task first, but there may be several incentive prizes, for example, for the most beautiful valentine, the most unusual valentine).

Slide 2. The famous modern sculptor and artist Grigory Pototsky decided to tell people: “Be kind!” And he created a symbol of kindness, established by him in different countries. The Dandelion monument was opened on October 20, 2007. in Tallinn, as a symbol of Kindness, a reflection of fragility and the need to cherish friendship. This is a symbol of Kindness, Love, Friendship, Unity. This is a delicate bronze flower, the cap of which is made up of many open children's palms.

Slide 3-4. On February 17, 2010, a monument to kindness was unveiled in Neskuchny Garden, on St. Andrew's Bridge in Moscow.
The organizers chose the dandelion as its symbol. The monument is surrounded by benches with engraved inscriptions “happiness”, “love”, “joy”, “dream”.

Now these monuments are appearing in many countries - a gift from Grigory Pototsky, who heads the charitable organization International Academy of Kindness. The idea of ​​the monument is that each stamen of a dandelion is an open palm in greeting, on which an eye is drawn as a symbol open heart. And the dandelion leaves are like lips, on one of which a stamen in the form of a palm with an eye landed. If we are kind to each other, it will strengthen mutual understanding between our cities and countries, because Kindness is the basic concept of harmony in human relationships. Similar monuments have already been installed in eight countries of the world - France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, China, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine.

Slide 5 . On February 4, 2009, the monument “Good Angel of Peace” was inaugurated in Penza. This monument is also in other cities; you can read their names on a special granite plaque next to the monument. The “Good Angel of Peace” monument is intended to protect the city; it personifies protection, kindness and love. It is customary all over the world to erect this monument at the expense of patrons; it is also called a monument to charity.

Slide 6-8. For example, in Odessa on Torgovy Street there is a house with a wonderful sign “Kindness will save the world!” There are many more monuments to Devotion, Fidelity, and Friendship.

Leading: Every person can do good. You can do good. Bringing good into the world, it returns with warmth, it is important to understand this. I suggest you create today “ Alley of Kindness."


Lyrics of the song "Road of Good"from the movie "Little Muk"

lyrics by Yu. Entin,
music.Minkov M.

Ask strict life which way to go?
Where in the world should you go in the morning?

Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown,
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness!

Forget your worries, ups and downs,
Don't whine when fate behaves not like your sister,

And if things are bad with a friend, don’t rely on a miracle,
Hurry to him, always follow the path of goodness!

Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be,
Don't forget that this life is not a child's play!

Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness!
And drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness!


Tasks :

Celebration progress:


Chorus: In spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

1.All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

It’s not in vain that they say when we meet

“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”

And it’s not for nothing that we have

Wishes "Good morning."

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration...

2. It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

She shines with kind eyes,Invisible, but with bright raysThe soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its price,It fades over time, like rhinestones,But just like shining diamonds,A welcome ray, Kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beautyShe deserves all the praiseBut only those who have known Kindness

1.Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not a little for you,

There is love in kindness

And, of course, there is pity!

May all the people in the world

They love it very much each other,

2. Let them not stand between them,

Cold, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously,

And let this act

It won't seem strange!


PoemSuch friendship

5. I am my neighbor Olya
I pulled my pigtail at school,

- This Olya is for me again
Didn't let me write off the answer.

I poked him in the back painfully with my pen
Classmate Marina,

So that she doesn't make faces at me.

I threw a washing machine at Lena,
She’s like a pea against a wall,

6.And cheerful Katyushka,
I called her a laugher.

In Larisa's sneak bag
I threw a rat in the morning,
She will make a hole in her bag,

- There will be fun soon!

One Irishka for the whole class
I respect you like a boy
I’ve been friends with Ira for a long time -
I’ll just give her a button...

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,

If everyone lived alone,
It's been in pieces for a long time now

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,

Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad people there,

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,

Even if we part
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.


1. The boys are growing up before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(That's the baby's nickname!)
And now he's a grown-up little guy,
Looks about twelve years old
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise you.

2. Vovka ended with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
IN mature age like this
Be some kind person!
He blushed at this word,
I began to feel ashamed of kindness,
To look more stern, he
He pulled cats by their tails.
Pulling cats' tails

3.And after waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For mistreatment.
Know everything that he is unkind,
Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!
- Be careful, or I’ll kill you! -
He threatened the sparrow.

4. I walked around with a slingshot for an hour,
But then I got upset
I buried her on the sly
In the garden under a bush.
He's sitting on the roof now
Hiding, not breathing,
Just not to hear:
“Vovka is a kind soul!”

Now let's play a game“Say good words”is to replace all bad words with good ones.

Give everything good to others
This will not make you poorer.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,

Do not spare affection, warmth,

Screening of the sketch “THE CHICKEN RYABA”

They lived and did not grieve.

They washed down the cracker with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes little chicken

She took it and laid the egg.

The egg is not simple,

Golden egg.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Grandfather gathered Granddaughter and Grandmother.

Grandfather. So and so. Such a thing.

What should I do with this egg?

Maybe I should eat it? Or sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall down

Shall we buy a modern music center?

Grandma. What are you doing, Grandfather?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or let's take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me some perfume?

The grooms will be amazed!

Or French lipstick?

I will be glad to see her too!

And everyday noisy argument.

It’s not like that, but it’s not like that.

Grandfather. You idiot!

Grandma. And you are a fool!

The world has never seen anything like this!

Only the Chicken is silent,

Stands near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect it at all

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop this

I need to break an egg.

And, flapping his wing lightly,

Dropped the egg on the floor

She smashed him to pieces!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying...

Granddaughter and Grandmother.

What have you done, Ryaba?

He turned out his pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I have no money, so what?!

Peace in the family is more valuable than anything else!

The song “Do Good” is playing

1.Your hands are strong -
Protect the weak!
Your thoughts are true -
Teach the fool!
Your eyes are your soul:
Kind and clean!
Give it to someone
Who hurts alone!

Do good all over the Earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice “thank you”
Hearing you nearby

Do good all over the Earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice “thank you”
Hearing you nearby.

2.I will fly to the sky,
I'll scream my fill
I'll tell you all the secrets of the day
Do light la.
I'll fly to the sky
I'll scream my fill
I'll tell you all the secrets of the day
Until the world!

And sacrifice your life and hurry

Not for fame or sweets,

But at the behest of the soul.

Don't let your offended soul

Instant judgment.

Wait. Cool down. Believe me -


Everything will fall into place.

You are strong.

The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.

1. Today we celebrate gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

These hands did not know boredom

Your whole life is filled with work

Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look, look around

The planet has never seen sweeter faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world turned the page of the century,

How nice it is to have them on calendars

Elderly Person's Day.

2.You have reached this age

What does a welcome word ask for?

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and goodness

And let the bad mood

You will never have

Look at the world with pleasure

And sadness and trouble will recede

Success, luck and luck

May it always accompany you.

3. Years pass after year

They run tirelessly

The years are always in a hurry out of spite

But let them pass by

Fight them vigorously

Live longer, don't grow old

And in defiance of all enemies

Take medications as little as possible

4. The law of nature is so harsh

Years pass in the flow of centuries

There are so many beautiful words

To congratulate a person

But we are not looking for these words,

But we simply wish from the bottom of our hearts:

Health, happiness and flowers

And live 100 without losing heart.

5. We wish you not to get sick and not to be discouraged.

Get more rest, sleep better

Quietly so that things can be argued

And may fate always protect you

Accept you thanks a lot

For your severity and kindness

May there be peace and happiness in your life

They walk side by side on the same road

6. All of you are over 50

But we just can’t believe it

Where are the years going in such a hurry?

What are they hoping for?

We won't let you grow old

Let others grow old

And all the illnesses are one

Let them fall away from you.

Health, happiness, bright days

Good luck and a lot of joy

And despite your age

Don't give in to old age

Children's performance:

1. If you shared it with a friend

You are your candies -

You did well

Everyone will say this.

2. You found out someone else's secret

And he smashed it right away,

It's bad, it's worse

It's even mean!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

Girl's coat

You are a cultured person

World boy!

4. If you are like a wild animal,

You immediately go to fight,

Believe me, you are not worthy

To be called a man!

5. If you warmed up the cat,

You feed the birds in the cold,

It's just beauty

That's the only way it should be!

6. You blackened the dog's eye,

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You are worse than dogs.

7. Respect the people around you

The older ones, the younger ones too.

And then you, my friend,

They will call it good.

There is some magic in it...

good people too little.

And yet they are the majority.

Become good wizard

Come on, try it

When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness and your friendship

You don't live in vain.


-Let's exclaim

Admire each other

-Pompous words

There is no need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other without words

-So that, having made a mistake once,

Don't make a mistake again.

Give, people, warm words!

From evil, war begins,

The song “The Road of Good” is playing

Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the Sun
Although this path is unknown,
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness!

Forget your worries
Ups and downs
Don't whine when fate leads you
Don't act like a sister
And if things are bad with a friend -
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear goodness!

Oh, how many different ones there will be
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness!

‹ ›

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  • To the class teacher


Scenario for the holiday “Do Good”

Target: formation of a value attitude towards the moral category - good


  • To form in students an idea of ​​goodness and good deeds.
  • Develop the ability to work in different age groups, collaboration skills, communication skills.
  • Cultivate a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill.

Celebration progress:

- Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy.

The song “Song of Kindness” is playing

In this huge world in which you and I live,
There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
Let's learn together to take care of each other and love each other,
Together we will learn to shine on each other like stars.

Chorus: In spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of our souls,
Just take it one day and do good,
And then in the cold there will be a nagging smell of spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on earth!

Hundreds of roads await us, but everyone will have their own,
And, of course, friends will help you get to your goal.
So that our long-time dreams come true soon,
Let the main lesson always be the lesson of kindness!

1.All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

It’s not in vain that they say when we meet

“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”

And it’s not for nothing that we have

Wishes "Good morning."

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration...

2. It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

3. Kindness is more valuable than anything in the world,
She shines with kind eyes,
Invisible, but with bright rays
The soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its price,
It fades over time, like rhinestones,
But just like shining diamonds,
A welcome ray, Kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beauty
She deserves all the praise
But only those who have known Kindness
He will bow to her low to the ground.

-A kind, benevolent person knows how to communicate and maintain good relationships with people.

“Now we’ll play and find out if you know” Magic words"?

1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)
2.Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)
3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…. (Thank you)
4. The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting ... (hello)
5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)
6.In both France and Denmark they say goodbye when saying goodbye... (goodbye)

1.Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not a little for you,

There is love in kindness

And, of course, there is pity!

May all the people in the world

They love each other very much

2. Let them not stand between them,

Cold, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously,

And let this act

It won't seem strange!

- It is not often that you meet a person who has never quarreled with anyone in his life. Let us give you some advice: avoid conflicts, quarrels, and ill-considered actions. Quarrels produce bad traits character, a person becomes grumpy, unrestrained, and angry.

Poem Such Friendship

5. I am my neighbor Olya
I pulled my pigtail at school,

This Olya is for me again
Didn't let me write off the answer.

I poked him in the back painfully with my pen
Classmate Marina,
In general, we need to be stricter with her,
So that she doesn't make faces at me.

I threw a washing machine at Lena,
She’s like a pea against a wall,

6.And cheerful Katyushka,
I called her a laugher.

In Larisa's sneak bag
I threw a rat in the morning,
She will make a hole in her bag,

There will be fun soon!

One Irishka for the whole class
I respect you like a boy
I’ve been friends with Ira for a long time -
I’ll just give her a button...

The song “You, me, and you and me” is played.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
It's good to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone,
It's been in pieces for a long time now
The Earth would probably collapse.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
We'll go around the earth, we'll go to Mars,
Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad people there,
Because we've been gone for too long.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
Nothing will ever separate us.
Even if we part
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.

- You cannot cause even the slightest suffering to anything living. Those heartless people who throw cats and dogs into the street, dooming them to torture, are worthy of condemnation. Show concern for homeless animals and help them survive.

1. The boys are growing up before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(That's the baby's nickname!)
And now he's a grown-up little guy,
Looks about twelve years old
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise you.

2. Vovka ended with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
In adulthood such
Be some kind person!
He blushed at this word,
I began to feel ashamed of kindness,
To look more stern, he
He pulled cats by their tails.
Pulling cats' tails

3.And after waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For mistreatment.
Know everything that he is unkind,
Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!
- Be careful, or I’ll kill you! -
He threatened the sparrow.

4. I walked around with a slingshot for an hour,
But then I got upset
I buried her on the sly
In the garden under a bush.
He's sitting on the roof now
Hiding, not breathing,
Just not to hear:
“Vovka is a kind soul!”

The song “If you went on a journey with a friend...” plays.

Now let’s play - the game “Say Good Words” is to replace all the bad words with good ones.

Rough - affectionate, angry - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deception - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness

-I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Sometimes children are insolent, rude to their parents, and inattentive to them. This is upsetting. Be affectionate, kind, attentive. Give love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights were filled with caring for you.

Give everything good to others
This will not make you poorer.
Everything you give is considered yours
The hand of the giver, believe me, will never fail.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,
Glorify yourself with good deeds,
Do not spare affection, warmth,
For those who are nearby, who are with you today.

Do not offend your loved ones with rude words,
Give them happiness and tender love.
And let them know that you are ready
Come to their aid at the first call.

Screening of the sketch “THE CHICKEN RYABA”

They lived and did not grieve.

They washed down the cracker with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes little chicken

She took it and laid the egg.

The egg is not simple,

Golden egg.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Grandfather gathered Granddaughter and Grandmother.

Grandfather. So and so. Such a thing.

What should I do with this egg?

Maybe I should eat it? Or sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall down

Shall we buy a modern music center?

Grandma. What are you doing, Grandfather?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or let's take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me some perfume?

The grooms will be amazed!

Or French lipstick?

And everyday noisy argument.

It’s not like that, but it’s not like that.

Grandfather. You idiot!

The world has never seen anything like this!

Only the Chicken is silent,

Stands near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect it at all

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop this

And, flapping his wing lightly,

Dropped the egg on the floor

She smashed him to pieces!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying...

Granddaughter and Grandmother.

He turned out his pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I have no money, so what?!

Peace in the family is more valuable than anything else!

-When doing good deeds, many people expect praise and gratitude, but without receiving them they even begin to repent of the deed they have done.

The song “Do Good” is playing

1.Your hands are strong -
Protect the weak!
Your thoughts are true -
Teach the fool!
Your eyes are your soul:
Kind and clean!
Give it to someone
Who hurts alone!

Do good all over the Earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice “thank you”
Hearing you nearby

Do good all over the Earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice “thank you”
Hearing you nearby.

2.I will fly to the sky,
I'll scream my fill
I'll tell you all the secrets of the day
Do light la.
I'll fly to the sky
I'll scream my fill
I'll tell you all the secrets of the day
Until the world!

Do good - there is no greater joy.

And sacrifice your life and hurry

Not for fame or sweets,

But at the behest of the soul.

Don't let your offended soul

Instant judgment.

Wait. Cool down. Believe me -


Everything will fall into place.

You are strong.

The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.

- In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude for grandparents, some wise person declared October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

1. Today we celebrate gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

These hands did not know boredom

Your whole life is filled with work

Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look, look around

The planet has never seen sweeter faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world turned the page of the century,

How nice it is to have them on calendars

Elderly Person's Day.

2.You have reached this age

What does a welcome word ask for?

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and goodness

And let the bad mood

You will never have

Look at the world with pleasure

And sadness and trouble will recede

Success, luck and luck

May it always accompany you.

3. Years pass after year

They run tirelessly

The years are always in a hurry out of spite

But let them pass by

Fight them vigorously

Live longer, don't grow old

And in defiance of all enemies

Take medications as little as possible

4. The law of nature is so harsh

Years pass in the flow of centuries

There are so many beautiful words

To congratulate a person

But we are not looking for these words,

But we simply wish from the bottom of our hearts:

Health, happiness and flowers

And live 100 without losing heart.

5. We wish you not to get sick and not to be discouraged.

Get more rest, sleep better

Quietly so that things can be argued

And may fate always protect you

Thank you very much

For your severity and kindness

May there be peace and happiness in your life

They walk side by side on the same road

6. All of you are over 50

But we just can’t believe it

Where are the years going in such a hurry?

What are they hoping for?

We won't let you grow old

Let others grow old

And all the illnesses are one

Let them fall away from you.

Health, happiness, bright days

Good luck and a lot of joy

And despite your age

Don't give in to old age

Teacher: And now the guys will tell us once again what “good” is and what “bad” is.

Children's performance:

1. If you shared it with a friend

You are your candies -

You did well

Everyone will say this.

2. You found out someone else's secret

And he smashed it right away,

It's bad, it's worse

It's even mean!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

Girl's coat

You are a cultured person

World boy!

4. If you are like a wild animal,

You immediately go to fight,

Believe me, you are not worthy

To be called a man!

5. If you warmed up the cat,

You feed the birds in the cold,

It's just beauty

That's the only way it should be!

6. You blackened the dog's eye,

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You are worse than dogs.

7. Respect the people around you

The older ones, the younger ones too.

And then you, my friend,

They will call it good.

8. - But no matter how life breaks us,

There is some magic in it...

There are too few good people.

And yet they are the majority.

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it

There's no need for any special cunning here.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another

It's a pleasure, honestly.

9. Don't stand by indifferent

When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness and your friendship

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

You don't live in vain.

- Our holiday is coming to an end. Guys! Be kind to those around you. Do good things to people and, rest assured, they will thank you in kind. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.

-Let's exclaim

Admire each other

-Pompous words

There is no need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other without words

-So that, having made a mistake once,

Don't make a mistake again.

-Let's friends stand in the circle of Kindness. Now put right hand on the shoulder of the person on the right - this means that you have a friend on whom you can lean. With your left hand, hug the person on your left - this means that you are ready to support your friend. And all together we will sing the song “On the Road of Goodness”

Give, people, warm words!
To make them dizzy.
After all, a word can heal the soul,
Or maybe just injure and kill.
After all, a word can create beauty.
Or maybe slander and spit on...
After all, every word contains a whole country!
From evil, war begins,

And resentment and revenge arise...
Oh, how many words?! You can't count them all...
Let's create happiness!
After all, the word is peace and grace!

The song “The Road of Good” is playing

Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the Sun
Although this path is unknown,
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness!

Forget your worries
Ups and downs
Don't whine when fate leads you
Don't act like a sister
And if things are bad with a friend -
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear goodness!

Oh, how many different ones there will be
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness!

Presentation "Angel"

Ved. 1:

Will you clear the clouds
With strong hands
And you will teach good things
Wise words!

Ved. 2:

Dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall for the celebration "Goodness and mercy!" . Let's meet our guys!

(Children become a semicircle)

Ved. 1:

Much has been written about this day
After all, children are angels from heaven
For you, everything in the world is just the beginning
You have an endless forest of possibilities.

Ved. 2:

You warm hearts with your breath
You drive away trouble with a smile
And illuminate with your charm
The most joyful day of the year.

Golden Kindness Day
Day of spiritual purity!
Happy to celebrate it
Adults are in a hurry and children too!

How many cheerful and joyful faces
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere
All the children on the planet know
That friendship and kindness are more valuable than anything in the world.

Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness will warm you from the cold,
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.

Don't forget to give kindness
Neighbors, relative, friend.
It's like true magic.
It will always come back to you in a circle.

Song "Kindness"

(children sit on chairs).

Ved. 2:

The poems were read so cheerfully
They sang as if from the heart,
But it seems to me guys
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

Carlson flies in. (Helium heart balloons in hands)

Here I am!
You probably recognized me.
I am the most beautiful, well-mannered, smart
And moderately well-fed.
I flew past the garden
And I saw you in the window.
I see the hall is full of guests!
Lots of adults and children.
Whose birthday is it today?
Where is the jam treat?

Ved. 1:

Hello Carlson!

And today we have a holiday.

Children in chorus: "Day of Goodness and Mercy"


How glad I am, how glad I am.

What a surprise in the garden!

Ved. 1:

Stay tuned!

Ved. 2:

If the song in the sky is spinning
The gardens ring more merrily,
If we get dizzy while dancing
There will be more kindness!

Pair dance of children with Carlson.


Guys, let's play interesting game "Polite words"

(Game with Carlson).

  1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... ("Thank you" )
  2. The old stump will turn green when it hears... ("Good afternoon" )
  3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... ("Thank you" )
  4. We accidentally pushed Vitya and said everything... ("Sorry" )
  5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... ("Excuse me please" )
  6. The boy is polite and developed, he says when meeting... ("Hello" )
  7. In all countries they say goodbye to everyone... ("Goodbye" )

Well done guys!

Ved. 1:

So that we can live in the world
Generous loving sun.
And they gave their warmth
Keeping the good land.

(Children of the 6th grade. Dance "Sun" ) .

Ved. 2:

Give everyone care and attention
Who are you next to?
So that everyone has enough in life
Wonderful human kindness

Guys, a girl named Marina, our graduate, came to our party. She will play the violin for us. Listen please.

M.p. game “How are you living?”

Ved. 1:

We'll hear someone's song
And it will become brighter all around
The most magical miracle
We don’t call it friendship for nothing!

Solo song by Alice and Kirill.

Ved. 2:

A million mysterious wonders
We meet every hour.
Like the kindest storyteller
He composes them for us!

"Etude" - guitar.

Ved. 1:

Girls and boys
Complete naughty girls
They live among us
And they sing merrily!

To the music, children stand in a semicircle. "Song of Peace" . (In hands there are balloons - helium hearts).

Ved. 2:

The land is good, it gives us bread
Living water and trees in bloom.

Ved. 1:

Under this troubled sky
Let's fight for kindness!

Children release balloons!!!