Standard trailer dimensions for walk-behind tractor 1030. Homemade dump trailer for walk-behind tractor salute. The simplest trailer for a walk-behind tractor

Buying a walk-behind tractor as a necessary means of production has become a necessity for many, but for normal operation To install the unit, you must buy a trailer as part of the kit. However, the proposed models do not always take into account necessary features, and this is one of the reasons that many owners of such assistants prefer to independently design a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with their own hands.

  • trailer frame;
  • body;
  • axle and chassis;
  • coupling device.

To make the work easier, you need to purchase or use ready-made elements:

  • passenger car wheel hubs;
  • wheels assembled with tires;
  • tow hitch for a vehicle.

Types and purpose of models of main structures of walk-behind trailers

The main types and models of trailers for self-made walk-behind tractors are classified according to the type of homemade body part design:

  • one-piece structures;
  • transformable structures with folding sides;
  • tipper body types.

The one-piece design of the trailer includes a rigid, non-removable side body. Due to the rigidity of the design, the trailer allows you to transport cargo both in bulk and in packaged form. The body has a large rigid frame platform connected welded joint with side guards. A folding tailgate is provided for loading and unloading.

Transforming structures are trailers universal application, they have the functions of both a rigid body trailer and a platform for transporting large cargo. The frame base is a rigid base, and when transformed, folding or removable sides form additional area flat platform.

The tipper type of walk-behind trailers allows for tipping and unloading of bulk cargo without additional effort.

Assembling a homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor

When starting to implement a project, a DIYer needs:

  • create a working draft or drawing (drawing);
  • prepare material for the frame and other main components;
  • prepare the workplace;
  • mark the main structural elements of the trailer;
  • lay out and adjust alignment angles;
  • collect part templates;
  • carry out the adjustment of the purchased entire units to the structural elements.

Required tools and materials

To carry out the work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with a set of cutting and abrasive discs;
  • measuring instrument - tape measure, metal ruler, protractor, square, marker and chalk, metal scriber;
  • hammer, chisel, pliers;
  • bench vice, set of clamps, welding clamps;
  • drill, set of metal drills;
  • riveter

The required materials will be:

  • steel square or rectangular pipe 60×60 or 60×30 mm;
  • steel square pipe 30×30 or 25×25 mm;
  • corner 25×25 mm;
  • channel;
  • springs of the Moskvich passenger car;
  • steel sheet 2 mm thick;
  • galvanized sheet 1 or 0.8 mm thick;
  • fasteners, bolts, nuts, rivets.

For a rigid body model, instead of a spring-loaded wheel set on springs, you will need a regular beam.

For trailer wheels, ready-made car wheels from a Tavria, Moskvich or Zhiguli passenger car are suitable.

The wheels need to be selected immediately with the hubs, this will facilitate further assembly of the homemade product.


The trailer frame is an all-welded structure in the form of a frame lattice made of a square pipe. Traverses made from a 25×25 mm square form the cross members of the frame, and the spars are made from a 60×60 or 60×30 mm pipe. All structural elements after marking, they are cut and laid out on flat surface, the joints are welded with small seams, each joint of the elements is checked with a square. After assembling the structure, final welding of all parts is carried out along the perimeter of all planes. The frame is painted after treating the surface with a metal primer.


In the manufacture of a homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor chassis- the most difficult element.

The basis of the chassis is a beam with hubs at the ends. The channels are joined to each other in such a way that they form a square. The joints are welded with a continuous seam. Wheel hubs are installed at the ends of the axle and welded.

The accuracy of the axle assembly is checked by checking the parallelism of the planes rims. The connection between the frame and the beam is carried out using springs, while the ends of the springs are installed in welded brackets on the frame, and the beam is pressed against the central part of the springs using an earring.

The chassis installed on the frame is additionally checked for resistance to rollover. As in a car, the axle spring group must have rubber bushings in the frame mounting bracket.

Body, frame trim

The platform is marked relative to the grid in such a way that allowances are left for attaching the side posts. The front and side boards are firmly installed, and the rear board is made removable on door hinges.

The sides of the trailer have a frame structure made of 25x25 mm corners. The corners are butt welded, the seams with inside are cleaned according to the level of the metal plane.

Removable sides are assembled in the following sequence:

  • side frame;
  • The galvanized iron sheet is adjusted to the size of the frame;
  • The side panels are cut out and secured with rivets through the corner.

The bottom of the body, made of a 2-mm iron sheet, is installed on the frame and welded with a small seam around the perimeter every 3-5 cm.

The installation of the boards begins with the installation of the front board, then the side boards are installed and connected with a welding joint.

The tailgate is secured last - first the hinges are marked and welded, and then the latches.

Other design details

After assembling the frame and body, a folding seat is installed - a wooden bench placed on top of the front side with support on the sides.

As a trailer brake system, it is recommended to use elements of the brake system of a car whose hub and wheels are used in the design. To ensure reliable operation of the brake system, it is recommended to provide an additional lever lock.

Attaching the trailer to the walk-behind tractor

The trailer drawbar, like the frame, is made of 60×60 or 60×30 mm pipes. This is a double beam design with a connection in the coupling device. The coupling device is installed at the point where the drawbar beams meet. The rear ends of the pipes are welded with overlap and reinforcement to the trailer side members.

The coupling of the trailer with the hitch of the walk-behind tractor should ensure ease of rotation of the propulsion unit when moving and at the same time reliable connection with the trailer.

IN simple version an earring made of a metal rod or fittings with a diameter of at least 20 mm can be used as a standard hitch. As an option, a standard car trailer hitch and tow bar are used.

For reliable articulation and ease of control of the walk-behind tractor, a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 100 mm is welded at the junction of the drawbar beams. The axle of the towing device is installed inside the pipe on two bearings. On the trailer side, the pipe is plugged with a washer to fix the towbar axle; the diameter of the washer hole corresponds to the diameter of the towbar axle.

The axle of the trailer hitch, on one side, has a thread for fixing with a nut and a stud, and on the other, a welded hitch for connection to the walk-behind tractor.

The hitch at the end of the axle facing the walk-behind tractor is made of a square pipe 60x60 mm, 80 mm long. Through hole in the pipe, drilled through two opposite sides, must correspond to the diameter of the locking pin of the walk-behind tractor hitch and fit securely inside the towbar. Inside, the square pipe is reinforced with additional metal plates. The edges of the pipe are rounded so as not to create additional difficulties when turning.

On the trailer side, the towbar axle is secured with a nut and a locking pin.

As a result, when connecting the trailer hitch into the hitch eye of the walk-behind tractor and fixing the hitch with a finger, the walk-behind tractor and the trailer must be securely connected, ensuring stability and ease of control when moving.

Equipment such as a walk-behind tractor is an excellent assistant when working in the field, garden, country house or farm. To expand the capabilities of the equipment, you can attach a towbar to it and transport soil, garbage, crops, tools and other heavy or bulky loads. You can make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, spending only a few days on it. The result will be indispensable assistant, which will make further work easier.

Preparatory work

First of all you need to think about what size the trailer should be so that it fits a specific walk-behind tractor and is convenient to use. After this, you will need to sketch out a drawing or sketch of the cart, on which you will display the structure from different angles, put down all the dimensions and draw the nodes.

Trailer mechanisms

You need to think through everything down to the smallest detail so that no difficulties arise during assembly of the equipment. To do this you need to understand:

Having dealt with all these questions, you can start preparing a list of necessary materials and calculation of the approximate cost of the future trailer.

A simple trailer for the Neva walk-behind tractor

To start making a cart with your own hands, you need to prepare following materials and tools:

  • duralumin sheet with a thickness of 2 mm;
  • steel sheets with a thickness of 0.8 mm;
  • springs and wheels;
  • steel pipes 25x25 and 60x30 mm;
  • channel;
  • fasteners;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian

Trailer frame will be a solid structure installed on a frame grid. To make it, two 25x25 mm traverses need to be made transverse and 60x30 mm pipes must be attached to them so that the result is a lattice.

To the finished grid two longitudinal pipes are welded, on top of which a 25x25 mm harness is attached by welding. The material for the sides will be sheets of steel, which are cut to the required dimensions and welded.

Now it’s the turn of the beam, for the manufacture of which you will need two channels. The elements are inserted into each other, after which wheel axles are put on one end of the resulting part.

The spar is connected using springs, the end of which should be placed on the beam axis and the shackle axis. Then you need to weld the central part of the springs to the same beam using stepladders.

Lastly, do it yourself you need to make a drawbar from 60x30 mm pipes. They should be joined and, by welding, attached to the trailer and the other to the side members.

A simple trailer for a walk-behind tractor is ready. I would like to note that to connect its parts, experts recommend using a welding machine. Such fastening will allow the structure to be used for a long time.

Do-it-yourself multifunctional trailer for a walk-behind tractor: stages of work, video instructions

Having decided on the dimensions and sketched out the drawing, you need to calculate how much meters of rolled metal and how many channels will be needed to make a homemade trailer. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from extra costs for the purchase of unnecessary parts and fasteners.

Required materials and tools:

  • welding machine;
  • steel corners 40x40 mm and 50x25 mm;
  • timber measuring 50x50 mm;
  • boards 20 mm thick;
  • cutting round and rectangular pipes;
  • wheels assembled with hub.

Future trailer will consist of four main nodes, connected by welding.

Stages of work:

The dump trailer for the walk-behind tractor is ready. Now you can attach a footrest and the driver’s seat from which the equipment will be controlled.

Homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor from auto parts

Having drawn up a drawing in advance and prepared necessary materials and tools, you can assemble such a trailer with your own hands in 1–2 days.

To work you will need:

  • front axle shafts from Zhiguli or Moskvich;
  • channel 65 mm along the length of the body;
  • corners 60x60 mm;
  • two pipes 2 m long;
  • one pipe 60x40 mm, 3-5 m long;
  • welding machine.

The load-bearing part of the structure will be axis, which is made of channel. Its length depends on the length of the future trailer. On both sides of the channel, axle shafts from the car are attached by welding. Profile pipes are installed on top:

To provide structural strength and rigidity, from the front corners of the cart profile angles or pipes should be stretched. The joints can be connected by bolting or welding.

The frame for the trailer is ready. Now you can install a simple wooden body, a seat, made by yourself, and attach it to the drawbar.

After watching the video instructions and studying the article, you can understand that in order to make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you do not need to be a designer or mechanic. To implement your plan, you will need a drawing, the necessary tools, materials and a little desire and free time.

In the garden or in the garden, a walk-behind tractor is one of the most useful things. With its help, you not only easily cultivate the land, but also transport a lot of necessary things: hay, fertilizer, potato harvest, fuel... But how to do this if a standard walk-behind tractor does not have a trailer? There is a solution - making a cart for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands (the drawings are given below) is quite simple, and it will save a lot of money.

Simple do-it-yourself trolley for a walk-behind tractor (drawings)

The trolley for a walk-behind tractor can carry a load of 400-450 kg plus the weight of the driver. It can easily carry six or seven bags of potatoes without being overloaded.

Drawing of a trolley for a walk-behind tractor


  • 1 - bracket for attachments walk-behind tractor;
  • 2 - console;
  • 3 - carrier;
  • 4 - board step s20;
  • 5 - driver's seat made of s20 board;
  • 6 - frame;
  • 7 - body made of s20 board;
  • 8 - support beam made of timber 50×50, 3 pcs.;
  • 9 - M8 bolt;
  • 10 - thrust ring made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 11 - wheel from a motorized stroller, 2 pcs.

The trolley carrier structurally contains only a few parts, fastened together by welding. The most congested part will be the interface between the drawbar and the turning part. Therefore, additional stiffeners need to be installed in this place.

Trolley frame

It is made from steel angles and pipe scraps with round and rectangular cross-sections. The whole structure looks somewhat intricate and has an excessive margin of safety. It is designed for use on rough terrain and hence difficult operating conditions for the cart.

Trolley frame for walk-behind tractor

  • 1 - brace from corner art. L21×3;
  • 2 - seat frame from corner art. L21×3;
  • 3 - riser made of pipe st. 50×25×4;
  • 4 - seat posts from corner st. L40×4;
  • 5.14 - front struts made of pipe st. 50×25;
  • 6, 15 - longitudinal spars from the corner art. L40×4;
  • 7, 8 - wheel axle supports from angle section L32×4;
  • 9.16 - rear struts made of pipe st. 50×25;
  • 10 - reinforcing cross member from the corner of Art. L40×4;
  • 11 - longitudinal hinge body made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 12-wheel axle made from a circle of 30 mm;
  • 13.17 - transverse spars from the corner art. L40×4;
  • 18 - scarves (s4).

Those who do not expect such heavy loads can take a simpler option.

Trolley carrier

  • 1 - body of the rotary unit;
  • 2 - drawbar from pipe Art. 49×3, L1820;
  • 3 - corner footrest frame, art. L25×4;
  • 4 - stop made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 5 - stiffener from sheet steel s4;
  • 6 - overlay made of strip 25×4.

The blank for the wheel axle is a steel circle with a diameter of 30 mm. With an axle length of about a meter, the wheels are located under the body. The wheel axle with corner supports and gusset is welded to the side members and the body of the longitudinal hinge.


It is knocked together from 20mm boards, at the corners of which steel corners are attached. The cart body is attached to the frame through three strong support beams made of 50x50 timber.


They are taken from a motorized stroller along with the hub assembly. Both ends of the axle are sharpened to the diameter of the hub bearings.

Hitch with walk-behind tractor

The coupling of the trolley and walk-behind tractor is provided by the console. Upper part it follows the contour of the hiller holder, as it is fixed in the standard bracket of the walk-behind tractor attachments. A rotating carrier assembly is fixed around the lower part in the form of an axis in two RUP bearings. The space between the RUPs is filled with lubricant and closed from the outside with anthers.
Under severe operating conditions of the trolley, the connection between it and the carrier must be hinged.

The drawbar is inserted inside the tubular body of the longitudinal hinge, it is fixed with a thrust ring. This design leads to the independence of the trolley wheels from the wheels of the walk-behind tractor, which, when driving over uneven surfaces, greatly simplifies the control of the walk-behind tractor.

Rotary unit

1 - console,
2 - anthers,
3.6 - bearings 36206,
4 - body,
5 - spacer sleeve,
7 - spacer sleeve,
8 - washer,
9 - nut M20×2.5,
10 - oiler,
11 - drawbar.
The driver sits on a semi-rigid wooden seat cushion in front of the body. The driver's hands hold the levers of the walk-behind tractor, and with his feet he rests on a wooden footrest framed from the corners of the carrier's drawbar.

Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor trolley

The simplest trolley for a walk-behind tractor can easily transport loads weighing up to 400 kg.

Structural parts of the trolley

In any trolley, the following components can be roughly distinguished: the driver’s seat mounted on a welded frame, the central frame, the trolley itself with the body and wheels.

What material is the cart frame made of?

The easiest way to cook it is from a channel and a corner, which you can buy at any store. building materials. The frame is welded with the utmost care, as it must withstand the loads of driving over bumpy, broken country roads.

Blank for wheel axle

For it, you can take a steel circle with a diameter of at least 30 mm. The axle is connected by welding to a longitudinal hinge and to corner supports. The axle length must be selected so that the wheels are under the body.

How to make a body for a trolley

The easiest way to assemble the body yourself is from boards up to 20 mm thick; steel corners are installed at its corners. The boards are fastened to the frame bolted connections. It is better to make the sides folding: this will make it more convenient to unload large cargo.


You can use them from any agricultural machinery. Wheels from a regular motorcycle stroller are also quite suitable. The axle will need to be machined to match the diameter of the bearings in the wheel hubs.

Trailer hitch

It is made from any suitable piece of metal by drilling a hole in it into which the hitch can easily fit. It is advisable to make the rotating unit from a bearing with a suitable diameter, securing it as firmly as possible by welding.

Bottom of the trolley

Of course it can be made from edged boards. But a more durable bottom is better made from sheet metal with a preferred sheet thickness of two to three millimeters. Such a trolley for a walk-behind tractor, which you can make yourself in two or three days, can last for several years and practically without repair.

Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor trolley video selection

One of the most useful things in the garden is a walk-behind tractor. In addition, it will come in handy in the garden. With its help, you can easily cultivate plots of land, as well as transport some cargo: straw, vegetables, fruits, equipment, and the like. However, without a trailer you won’t be able to do all of the above. In this case, it is appropriate to tell you how to make a cart for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. This is the most best option save money. Also, the topic "" will be useful for studying, with useful photos and video materials.

Drawings of homemade carts for a walk-behind tractor

It is noteworthy that the made cart will be able to carry cargo weighing up to five hundred kilograms, as well as a driver. That's about seven full bags of potatoes.

We present to your attention a drawing of the trolley:

1. Mounts for hanging devices walk-behind tractor (brackets).

2. Cantilever beam

3. Carrier

4. Footrest (from board 20)

5. Driver's seat

6. Main frame

7. Body part

8. Support beam made of timber

9. M8 bolt

10. Thrust ring made of pipe

11. Stroller wheel.

The carrier is designed to hold just a few parts of the cart. They are fastened together by welding. Obviously, the most loaded part is the drawbar interface, as well as the turning part. Therefore, it is necessary to install stiffeners in this part of the structure.


The frame can be assembled from steel corners and pipes of round and rectangular cross-section. At first glance, the design is very complex and has a large margin of safety. But it is worth noting that the transport will be used in difficult conditions. Therefore, all questions regarding strength disappear.

Drawing and dimensions of the trolley frame for a walk-behind tractor

1. Metal corner slope.

2. Frame for driver's seat

3. Riser made of pipe

4. Driver's seat pillars made from angle iron.

5,14. Pipe front struts

6,15. Longitudinal spars from the corner

7,8. Supports for wheel axles.

9,16. Rear struts made of pipes

10. Crossbar for reinforcement, made from angle

11. Longitudinal joint housing

12. Wheel axle

13,17. Transverse spars

18. Headscarves.

However, if the loads are not so large-scale, then simpler design solutions can be chosen (see).

Trolley carrier

The wheel axle is made of round steel billet with a diameter of 30 millimeters. If the axle length is one meter, then the wheels will be located under the body. The wheel axle with corner supports, as well as a gusset, is connected by welding together with the side members, as well as the body of the longitudinal hinge.

Body - dimensions and main parts

The cart body is made of boards 20 millimeters thick. At the corners of the boards you need to fasten steel corners. Using three beams, the body is attached to the trolley frame itself. The beams consist of 50/50 timber.


Wheels for the trolley can be used from a motorized stroller. The hub comes assembled. The ends of the axle must be sharpened so that they match the diameter of the bearings.

Spepka with walk-behind tractor

Using a cantilever beam, the trolley is connected to the walk-behind tractor. The upper part of the console is similar to the outline of the holder. It is mounted in the bracket of the walk-behind tractor attachments.

When the trolley is used in difficult conditions, it is necessary that its connection to the walk-behind tractor be articulated.

The drawbar must be inserted into the tubular joint housing. The drawbar is fixed with a stop ring. With this design, you can achieve independence of the wheels of the trolley from the wheels of the walk-behind tractor. When moving with a loaded trolley, this allows you to better control the walk-behind tractor.

Rotary unit - diagram

1. Console;

2. Anthers;

3.6 Bearings (36206);

4. Body;

5. Spacer sleeve;

7. Remote bushing;

9. Nut M20*2.5;

10. Oil can;

The driver will sit on a cushion that has medium hardness, because it is made of wood. The driver's seat is in front of the body. Control is carried out from the trolley. The operator's hands hold the handle of the walk-behind tractor.

Trolley design

A trolley of any design has the following parts:

Driver's seat;

Trolley with body;

What material is suitable for making a trolley frame?

It is best to prepare a frame for the cart from corners and channels. They can be bought at almost any construction hypermarket or base. It is important to cook the frame very carefully. The structure must withstand movement with loads on difficult areas expensive

Blank for wheel axle

For the wheel axle, you can use steel circles that have a diameter of 30 millimeters. The axis is connected to the longitudinal hinge by means of welding. It is important to choose an axle so that the wheels are located under the body.

How to make a body for a trolley

You can independently make a body for a trolley from boards that are 20 millimeters thick. Steel corners are attached to the corners of the boards. With their help, the body is attached to the frame with bolts. The best option is folding sides. This way it will be possible to easily remove loads and also place them on the cart.

Wheels - what will suit them?

In principle, wheels can be taken from any agricultural machinery. In addition, some craftsmen use wheels from motorcycles and strollers. But the axle will have to be machined to fit the diameter of the bearings.

Trailer hitch

The hitch can be made from any piece of metal. It is necessary to drill a hole in it that will be used for the hitch. The swivel unit must be used with a bearing. It is important to strengthen it as firmly as possible by welding.

Cart bottom

The bottom of the cart can even be made from edged boards. However, it is best to use two-millimeter steel. The result is a trailer for a walk-behind tractor that can serve for several years without service. All materials for manufacturing can be easily found at any hardware store. There is probably a tool in every home. Unless electric welding can be rented.

When making a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, it is important to take into account that every detail must be made as accurately as possible. The quality and durability of the product depends on this. In just a few days you can get the job done.

Video examples of making homemade carts

Detailed video instructions for production homemade cart, indicating what and how to do.

Another example of high-quality homemade work.

Greetings to readers of the Homemade site - HERE, in this article I want to tell you my version of how to make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. The trailer was made for the Neva walk-behind tractor, and it looked massive.

Before constructing the trailer, it is necessary to remove all required sizes from a walk-behind tractor.

In my case, the height to the bottom of the hitch is 320 mm. sleeve length 71 mm.

As an axis, I used a bridge from a Muscovite, first I pulled out the gearbox from it (I needed it for) and plugged the place of the gearbox with a plug made from a 2 mm sheet. I also used wheels from a Muscovite.

For a visual representation of the dimensions, I made a simple drawing of the trailer.

In order to reduce the load on the coupling unit, it is necessary to move the axle forward.

The trailer frame is 1900 x 1060 mm, made of corrugated pipe 40 x 60 x 2 mm. In order to prevent the trailer floor from being pressed through, it is necessary to make three jumpers across the frame.

The carrier is made of round pipe and its offset is 1300 mm from the trailer to the mounting hole. For strength, the length of the pipe must be sufficient to reach the first jumper. In my case, the length of the pipe is 1750 mm. Weld it to the frame, best through the corners, then it must be reinforced with two gussets.

The rotary unit consists of a sleeve, which is made of high-strength steel, the wall thickness is 10 mm, and a shaft. The shaft is inserted into a thick-walled pipe and locked at the back, then grabbed from the bottom to the pipe. It is best to weld pipes together through 4 mm plates.

In order for the trailer to be in a horizontal position when uncoupled, it is necessary to make a step and tighten the spring.

We weld the bridge on braces. The height of the trailer (clearance) should be such that when coupled to the walk-behind tractor, it is horizontal.

The height of the sides is 300 mm, they are made of corrugated pipe 40 x 20 x 2. There are two jumpers on the longitudinal sides, and one on the transverse ones. The jumpers are necessary so that the galvanized sheet with which they will be closed does not play. Only the tailgate opens. Loops can be made from a tube and a round rod, or purchased from a store. The locks are made like on regular sides; a rod bent at 90 degrees is inserted into the tube and locked on both sides; the tube is welded to the side that cannot be opened. A section of strip with a cutout for the rod is welded onto the openable side.

The wings are made of 2 mm sheet steel. In order to smoothly and without special effort bend them, it is necessary to make cuts in the places of bending with a grinder.

The platform for the feet is made of corrugated pipe 40 x 20 x 2 small angle for convenience. The box under the seat consists of a frame that is covered with sheet steel, 1.2 - 1.5 mm. To make it lighter, galvanized sheeting can be riveted. The top of the box is covered with a seat, which is made on hinges.