Hand-made dumplings technology. Opening a dumpling shop - step-by-step instructions. What kind of staff will you need to hire?

Before you start searching for equipment and completing paperwork, you need to conduct a small express test of your products. Develop the recipe in advance - in your own kitchen. Small batches of hand-made dumplings can be sold among your friends. This experiment is necessary - only in practice will you understand what types of products are in demand, test the business scheme and be able to see mistakes.

It is also advisable to start searching for suppliers in advance. To do this, you need to decide on the assortment and recipe:

  • what types of minced meat you plan to use;
  • in what proportions should you mix pork, chicken and beef?
  • Will your assortment include dumplings and cutlets?

Suppliers are divided into two types - large wholesale companies selling imported frozen meat in briquettes, and local farmers. In both options, it is necessary to have all certificates confirming the quality and environmental friendliness of the raw materials.

You should prepare for the fact that suppliers take 100% prepayment, and have at your disposal an amount that covers the costs of at least 2 months of work. Transport costs, as a rule, also fall on the shoulders of the buyer. At the start, there may be problems with sales or the need to invest profits in other expense items. Even with established sales, it is worth taking into account the common practice - supermarkets pay for sold products with a 30-day delay.

It is also important to find at least several wholesale buyers in advance. Preliminary negotiations with the owners of shops, cafes or wholesale companies can begin with ready-made specifications, recipes and other documents.

Thoroughly research demand and competition in your area. You cannot rely only on consumers in the locality in which you will work. Cover at least the area immediately. A business plan should be drawn up on the basis of reliable data and the most pessimistic forecasts. Despite the constant growth in demand for ready-made dumplings and other types of semi-finished products, this market is very densely saturated.

Main risks

Competition in the market for the production of semi-finished products, which includes dumplings, is very high. It is possible to survive and get ahead, but you need to have impressive advantages - an impeccable and original recipe, quality, a large assortment. Large factories increase profitability due to the presence of soy and other food additives in minced meat. This is where small businesses get competitive advantage using only meat and organic ingredients.

Contracts with stores will help you make a profit at the start, but purchasing prices are very low. Try, at the slightest opportunity, to expand your business and organize your own sales of products through a network of branded stores or small retail outlets.

During periods of fasting and summer, consumer demand for dumplings decreases. Your assortment should include vegetarian recipes: dumplings with cabbage, potatoes, berries.

The production of products is carefully controlled by sanitary services and RosPotrebNadzor. If there are serious violations of compliance with the requirements of these organizations, the likelihood of financial losses due to fines is high. In the event of systemic claims, you may lose your business altogether.


The premises for a mini-workshop for the production of dumplings are selected depending on the planned production volumes, assortment and requirements that accompany the equipment. Minimum area – 50 m². If a medium-capacity production line is purchased, premises with an area of ​​about 300 m² are required.

SES puts forward mandatory zoning requirements:

It is also necessary to take into account that the equipment operates from a 380 V electrical network. The room should have: modern ventilation system, good lighting. There are also requirements for repairs - the walls and floor must be covered with tiles that are easy to clean.

Look for a place for a mini-workshop in the premises of former canteens or cafes, free production areas adapted to the requirements food industry. Refurbishment is not suitable premises will cost too much. Regarding the location, there are only two main requirements - low rent and good transport links (for ease of delivery of raw materials and finished products).


The minimum kit looks like this:

  1. Flour sifter – at least 15,000 rubles.
  2. A machine for rolling out dough - around 33,000 rubles.
  3. Automatic dough kneading machine costs about 70,000 rubles.
  4. Industrial meat grinder – at least 16,000 rubles.
  5. Minced meat mixer – at least 35,000 rubles.

For freezing, two types of refrigerators are needed:

For shock freezing - about 60,000 rubles.
For storage of products - about 100,000 rubles.

The starting amount for the purchase of equipment can be reduced by using manual labor, but in this case you cannot count on large volumes. Please note that more than high costs to pay wages. It also makes sense to look for the possibility of purchasing a production line under a leasing agreement.

If we talk about suppliers, Chinese manufacturers are recommended. They offer high quality and reliable lines for affordable price. Official representative offices of Chinese manufacturers operate on the Russian market - there are chances to formalize a leasing transaction and receive a decent service quite high.

The manufacturer, as a rule, bears transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials and finished semi-finished products. You are unlikely to be able to work without a refrigerator. To purchase a used car, you should prepare at least 550,000 rubles.


The size of the team directly depends on the planned volumes and part of manual labor. To service an automated production line, 4 people per shift are enough - a foreman and 3 workers. When manually molding and packaging, the number of shifts must be increased to 6 people.

The production must have a technologist who thoroughly knows the recipe. If you work on complex equipment, a qualified mechanic is essential. A full-time driver will be required to deliver raw materials and finished products. An accountant should also be hired full-time. Considering that you work in the food industry, all employees must have sanitary books with clearance.

Documents and licenses

Registration in tax service goes quickly and without any problems. For a mini-workshop, an individual entrepreneur and a simplified taxation system are quite suitable - 6% of revenue or 15% of net income. There is no need to rush to register a legal entity. The practice of cooperation with large chain stores, catering establishments and wholesale companies with small producers of dumplings is a common phenomenon. Individual entrepreneur is an opportunity to reduce the amount of documentation and financial calculations to a minimum.

Premises and production line should be inspected by fire inspectors, SES, and other services - much depends on the specific region. You should find out the requirements of these organizations in advance and look for premises in accordance with them. If everything is fine, you will receive permission to work.

The following documents are prepared by RosPotrebNadzor:

-Agreed and registered technical specifications(THAT). These documents describe and regulate the production process - equipment, production volumes, types of raw materials for all types of products.
-Registration trademark and trademark.

Worth knowing. In practice, resolving the issue with specifications may have nuances depending on the region of your activity. It is possible that officials require a comprehensive inspection of your production, raw materials and finished products in a specialized laboratory. In any case, you need to use the services of a law firm that specializes in preparing such documents. This will save both money and time.

A lot depends on where you buy the equipment. If you are entering into an agreement with large company, the equipment supplier can offer serious support in registering technical specifications and completing other documents.


This indicator is influenced by many individual factors. The following numbers are the norm to stay afloat and grow your business:

The cost of 1 kg of dumplings is 85 rubles.
The wholesale price of 1 kg of dumplings is 130 rubles.


The first and main rule is impeccable quality. Everything depends on this. There are too many cheap but tasteless dumplings on the market made with low quality ingredients and additives.

Come up with original names for your products. In the case of dumplings and dumplings, branded chips work very effectively. Whenever possible, try to organize your own points of sale. At the same time, actively develop a network of wholesale buyers, do not limit yourself to your locality and reach at least the regional level.

Advertising in the media in your case only works for large manufacturers. Printed products are effective for a mini-shop. High quality, with good photos Brochures, descriptions of ingredients and benefits will help attract the attention of buyers. All wholesale buyers should have your brochures.

Be sure to offer consumers hand-made dumplings - they are in great demand. Constantly expand your range with the most popular and original recipes.


The norm for achieving payback for a mini-workshop for the production of dumplings is considered to be 5-6 months. As practice shows, this indicator does not depend on production volumes and the amount of manual labor. The decisive factor is quality, original recipes, assortment and competent marketing policy.

Despite its prevalence, the production of dumplings at home as a business does not lose its relevance. There are several reasons, and they are all understandable: the dish is filling, quick to prepare and very tasty. Everyone loves dumplings, and even with sour cream, but it takes patience to make them after working day or on weekends, not everyone has enough.

Advantages of a home business

When engaging in this type of business, you don’t need to immediately dream of huge incomes. Every business of your own, and not just making dumplings at home, goes through the following difficult stages:

  • search starting capital;
  • search for places of sale;
  • developing your own handwriting;
  • accumulation of financial reserves for further development.

And only when all the stages have been completed, if the owners remain true to their goals, the business begins to generate stable and even considerable income.

One of the significant advantages of producing dumplings at home is that the costs in the first stages will be limited to several thousand. This, in turn, allows you to save significantly at the stage of developing your business.

The main thing is to find the very recipe that potential buyers will really like, and start making delicious dish, even if you really want to, don’t skimp on ingredients.

After all, what is the reason that, seeing a huge amount of factory-made products on the shelves, buyers are looking for analogues made at home? Large manufacturers, undergoing enormous competition, spend a large amount of money on advertising, colorful packaging, are forced to purchase advanced equipment and maintain a staff of people involved in more than just sculpting.

And, as always, the costs are compensated either by a very high price, unjustified from the point of view of the average person, or by the quality of the product: reducing the volume of minced meat, the amount of meat, the use of soy and other little tricks. The result is the lack of a base regular customers: a product that lacks taste is purchased only by casual buyers.

How to start a dumpling business from scratch

To create your own business, you don’t have to work yourself: you can involve family members in the business. Wife, children, others dreaming of the delights of home-based earnings and improvement financial condition family members will happily get to work as soon as they understand its promise.

What do you need to purchase to start a dumpling business from scratch? First of all, products, because other components necessary for kneading, rolling and storage are already in every home.

Initially, it is necessary to clarify a few points:

At first, when trying to attract buyers, you should not inflate the price too much: a premium of 15–20% is enough. Over time, when the situation gets stronger, prices can be raised by about 50%.

Search for sales locations

When the first tests for finding a recipe have been passed, in other words, recipes have been tried and in the process of tasting family council Once the most delicious ones have been selected, you can start looking for places where your dumplings can be sold. Of course, you need to take your own performance into account here.

Sell ​​homemade dumplings as a product own business possible in the form of semi-finished products, which can be accepted for sale in various retail outlets located not far from home:

  • factory canteen, plant, office;
  • grocery kiosk;
  • in a small station cafe;
  • large store.

Organizing your own mini-workshop will require:

  • who will need to be paid monthly;
  • development of branded packaging and its order;
  • renting premises of suitable size;
  • Availability of a vehicle for product delivery.

The costs are huge. The only consolation is that dumplings, like bread, belong to products that do not have a seasonal focus. Everyone consumes them all the time.

When looking for people for your own mini-workshop, it is preferable to choose those who have already worked in this area and know how and love to handle products. If a small production is staffed necessary automation, and its productivity will be from 80 to 200 kg, then for uninterrupted operation it is enough to ensure the presence of five people. It is much more profitable to work with family members, continuing to develop the business with them.

Profit will only be maximum when all participants in the home-based business are aimed at success. And it doesn’t matter whether the business has grown or remains at the level of a home enterprise: the main thing is to feel financial independence and be able to realize self-realization.

Production of dumplings. Dumpling machine: Video

Organize home business as in big city, and in a small region. Below is a business plan for the production of dumplings at home in a large regional center. What initial capital needs to be prepared and whether it is profitable to run a home business in the region, we will tell you in more detail.


Main activity: production and sale of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings).

Company location: private sector city, a separate extension in a private household with an area of ​​35 sq. m. Form of ownership – private property of the business organizer. Supporting documentation – evidence of home ownership.

Opening hours: daily as orders arrive.

Services offered:

  1. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made/stamped.
  2. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made.
  3. Frozen Khinkali.
  4. Frozen manti.

As an additional service, we offer delivery of hot dumplings and dumplings in portions to offices (from 5 servings).

Form of legal registration: individual entrepreneurship.

Taxation: USN.


Product name Compound Form Price, rub./kg
Classic dumplings Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, pepper. Dough: Premium flour, egg, salt, water, vegetable oil Hand sculpting 270
Stamping 200
Lamb dumplings Minced meat: lamb, bacon pork onion, pepper Hand sculpting 320
Poultry dumplings Minced meat: chicken fillet, pork lard, onion, pepper Hand sculpting 220
Khinkali Hand sculpting 310
Manti Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, spices, herbs Hand sculpting 300
With potatoes Hand sculpting 160
With cherry Hand sculpting 170
With cottage cheese Hand sculpting 220
With cabbage Hand sculpting 150
With liver Hand sculpting 190

Prices for each item are set based on an analysis of the price list of the closest competitors. As a highlight it is offered additional service: delivery of hot dumplings in portions at a price of 160 rubles/250 g. Office workers can order a hot lunch, try the products and buy frozen dumplings to take home for dinner.

Planned expenses

To implement the draft business plan for the production of dumplings at home, you will need the following investments:

You can reduce the amount of your down payment if you use household appliances, which you already have in stock. If you plan to obtain permits from the SES, then separate tools and equipment are required. The amount needed to purchase products: meat, flour, eggs, spices, onions is immediately added to the down payment. In the future, the cost of raw materials will be taken from the revenue, since products can be manufactured based on pre-orders.

You can save on advertising if you create a business card website on one of the free platforms for creating websites and manage groups on social networks yourself. In this case, the costs will go only to advertising budgets (contextual advertising, affiliate programs).

Since you have to pay monthly rent for the premises rent If you don’t have to, your expenses will mainly consist of utility bills.

Project implementation planning

You can implement a home dumpling workshop project in 1 month. Of course, subject to the presence of a separate extension or if you plan to cook directly in your kitchen. Each stage is planned for specific dates to make it easier to control organizational processes and not waste time. An example of planning each stage for the implementation of a business plan in July is given in the table below:

Some stages of implementation will overlap, for example, a group is created from the first days of implementing an idea, since it takes time to promote the group on social networks. And this extra time. Initially, the main clients will be acquaintances and Internet users, so it is recommended to focus your attention on this area.


If you plan to sell finished products through large retail chains or stores, then a separate extension or apartment will be equipped. If you carry out production in your home kitchen, then you can only work through the Internet and through acquaintances. The SES will not issue permission for the official sale of your products.

To obtain permission from the SES, you must submit the following documents:

  • Certificates and medical certificates for the meat from which the dumplings will be made.
  • Conclusion of the SES commission on the suitability of the premises for the production of semi-finished products (presence of a hood, separate areas for cutting meat and making dough, equipped freezing and packaging).
  • Conclusion from the city's fire, environmental and energy services on the safety of small private production.

To implement the plan in a separate extension, the following zoning of the premises is required:

  • The space for cutting meat and preparing it for making minced meat is 10 square meters. m.
  • Peeling vegetables – 5 sq. m.
  • Hardware preparation of dumplings – 10 sq. m.
  • Hand sculpted – 6 sq. m.
  • Preparation of vegetable and fruit filling for dumplings – 6 sq. m.

Total: separate room for home production dumplings must have an area of ​​at least 37 square meters. m.

Small production equipment

To make dumplings at home, you need to purchase the following furniture:

  1. Cutting tables (metal) 3 pcs. – 18,000 rub.
  2. Metal rack with shelves for finished products and blanks, 2 pcs. – 19,000 rub.
  3. Metal sink with two compartments 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.

Total: you will need at least 45,000 rubles for furniture.

To organize the manufacturing process you will need kitchen appliances and tools:

  1. Electric meat grinder 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.
  2. Dough mixer 1 pc. – 8,500 rub.
  3. Molds for making dumplings 3 pcs. – 120 rub.
  4. A small line for the production of stamped dumplings - 70,000 rubles.
  5. Hand tools and utensils (knives, cutting boards, spoons, containers for mixing minced meat and dough, pans for cooking ready-made dumplings and dumplings) – 64,000 rubles.

Total: to equip a small home workshop you will need at least 150,000 rubles.


The main problem of a small manufacturer is to find regular and profitable suppliers of products. The quality of the meat must be high level, and the price is as low as possible. Focus on nearby farms in your region. Homemade dumplings are made from a variety of minced meats, so the meat may come from several suppliers. The larger the batch of meat you purchase, the greater the discount the supplier will provide.

For small home production, it is possible to purchase ready-made minced meat. The supplier must have an appropriate product safety document. The wholesale price for minced meat is 130-150 rubles. The minimum price for products is 220 rubles. From the markup 90 rubles. the cost of dough in the amount of 27 rubles is deducted. As a result, with 1 kg of minced meat net profit will be 63 rubles, which is not bad for beginners, but not enough for the profitability of a full-fledged business. It is more profitable to purchase meat in bulk and make minced meat yourself.

Small production staff

In a small home-based industry, the staff consists of family members. If private business is being sold in an attached non-residential premises, it is possible to hire external workers.

Family members, as well as hired employees, can be registered with individual entrepreneurs under an employment contract. If an individual entrepreneur is registered as a self-employed entrepreneur, then he cannot hire personnel. After conclusion employment contract with personnel it is necessary to pay contributions to the pension and social insurance funds.

For example, consider the staff for home production of dumplings and costs in the form of a table:

To save money, accounting can be outsourced. per month for salaries employees and contributions need to be allocated 82,000 rubles. In the first month, wages are paid from the entrepreneur’s personal pocket, so this amount can be added to the estimate. From the second month it is planned to become self-financing, since the products have high quality, and prices are 7% lower than competitors. If there is healthy competition, self-financing is possible in 5-6 months and depends on the marketing plan.

These are indicative figures. We do not consider them further as costs, since in our case members of the same family participate in creating a business and profits are distributed between them.

Planning expenses

A small home production of dumplings requires monthly funding for the following needs:

  1. Salaries to employees and payments to funds – 82,000 rubles.
  2. Utility bills – 15,000 rubles.
  3. Household needs (purchase of raw materials) – 300-500 thousand rubles.
  4. Unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.
  5. Depreciation of kitchen utensils and tools – 10,000 rubles.

In total, not counting the purchase of raw materials, it will take 122,000 rubles to keep a small business afloat. The percentage of monthly expenses is presented in the form of a graph:

The graph shows that 67.2% of monthly expenses are on employee salaries. That's why this type business is beneficial for the family, where there are no actual wages, and all income is distributed between business development and replenishment of the general family fund.

Project payback

Revenue with an average sales volume of 100-150 kg per month will be about 330,000 rubles. From this amount the cost of raw materials is deducted in the amount of 60% - 198,000 rubles. Net profitability is 132,000 rubles. It is planned that sales volumes will grow and within 6 months, on average, sales will increase by 45-60%. Along with turnover, profit will increase. Net proceeds will be divided into parts:

  1. The company's fixed capital is 20%.
  2. Return on investment – ​​40%.
  3. Expansion of production – 30%.
  4. Depreciation and contingencies – 10%.

With this division, the monthly return on investment will cost 52,800 rubles. But this is provided that personnel is a family contract, and 90% of the first month’s revenue does not go to employee salaries. Investments in the project amounted to 567,500 rubles. Thus, the payback will be 10-11 months. Starting from the second month, the purchase of raw materials will be carried out at the expense of revenue. The fixed capital and expansion item are necessary for further production growth without additional financial injections. In a year and a half, it will be possible to rent space and open a full-fledged workshop for making dumplings or implement the idea of ​​home cooking in a personal dining room.


A group is launched as an advertisement in social networks, where the menu, prices and composition of your products are presented in detail. Need to run promotion for first customers, since the products are unknown on the market and it will take time to develop regular customers. A plus for advertising will be a project to deliver ready-made dumplings to offices. Potential buyers will be able to get acquainted with your products and, if they meet all the requirements, they will be willing to order dumplings home. The price of a finished portion for testing should not be overpriced, since this move is made to attract a potential buyer. In the future, the markup can be increased.

It will be effective to organize home delivery of ready-made semi-finished products from 3 kg. But this move is unprofitable in large populated areas, where delivery from one end of the city to the other can take more than 30 minutes.

In the end

To organize a small production of semi-finished products at home, you will need a separate non-residential premises and an initial capital of about 567,500 rubles. If homemade dumplings are made in a small volume in the home kitchen, then you can get by by investing in raw materials. Utensils and tools are used at home. But in this case it will not be possible to organize sales through stores or large retail chains. It is more profitable to immediately start a small home production.

The profitability of the enterprise is 24%, the business will pay off in 1 year. At the same time, funds will be set aside for development. At first, a family is used as a staff, in the future you can hire additional workers. The business plan for the production of dumplings at home with calculations, presented above, in megacities where there are many large competitors, is less profitable than in small towns.

  • Selecting a room
  • Packing of dumplings
  • Recruitment
  • Secrets of dumpling making
        • Similar business ideas:

Today you won’t surprise anyone with the variety of the “dumpling miracle”. Supermarket shelves are bursting with a variety of semi-finished products different manufacturers, according to different prices. Join them in competition not possible for novice entrepreneurs. This requires huge capital, great connections and “ long arms" Of course, a novice businessman doesn’t have all this.

But the major players in the dumplings market have a very vulnerable side. In almost 99% of cases, they produce dumplings on automatic machines and with the meat content in the dumplings at most 50%, or even less. Of course, the price of such dumplings is several times lower, and there is a demand for them. But as practice shows, every year the Russian consumer begins to understand more and more about the quality of products. If you let him try the real thing delicious product, and not to be deceived by his quality, you can win his trust for many years. It is this path that small enterprises are taking today, producing dumplings without adding soy and other elements that reduce costs. finished product. These are the so-called “elite” dumplings, the price of which cannot be lower than 200 rubles/kg. You can't beat the taste of real homemade dumplings.

All dumplings priced above 150 are made from natural meat, without the addition of vegetable soy. Soy is added only to cheap dumplings. This rule is followed by the Siberian Gourmet company, a leader in sales of semi-finished products on the market of the Urals and Siberia.

Hand-made dumplings are always more attractive to consumers, as they are tastier and of higher quality, unlike dumplings produced by automatic machines. This is precisely the advantage of small workshops, where exclusively manual labor is used. The cash turnover of a workshop producing only 200 kg of dumplings per day can reach 1 million rubles per month. Of these, the profit can be 150 - 200 thousand rubles. But not everything is as sweet as it seems at first glance. The correct economic approach is important here. First things first.

Where to start planning the production of handmade dumplings

Why should production planning begin with sales? Yes, because many novice businessmen went broke when they invested millions of rubles in the purchase of expensive equipment, and ended up with warehouses filled to the ceiling with finished products. Their mistake was that during the formation of the business they did not plan the sale of their products. This kind of thing could have happened in the 90s, when there was a shortage of products and any product went out of stock. Today, in a period of fierce competition, business needs to start with the question: “Who will I sell this product to, who is my buyer?”

In the case of hand-made dumplings, the first sales can begin with the sale of trial batches to close acquaintances and friends. If you see how your dumplings are praised and ordered again and again, you may think that your enterprise will succeed. After all, your dumplings will be in the same demand on the shelves of local stores. So we need to open up...

Selecting a room

Many entrepreneurs involve relatives and friends in the business at a very early stage. Making dumplings at home. When capital is very limited, this is often the only way out of the situation. There is nothing shameful about this. When the volume of production and sales of dumplings exceeds 200 kg per day, you can already think about renting premises, purchasing equipment and expanding your staff.

When producing even 200 kg of dumplings per day, the size of the room must be at least 50 m2. It should include areas for receiving and cutting meat, an area for preparing dough, an area for modeling (production) of dumplings, and an area for storing finished products. The workshop must meet all sanitary standards For food production. The room must be clean, the walls must be plastered and painted, the floors must be plastered or tiled. The premises must be equipped with a toilet. It is also necessary to install a container with a disinfectant solution for treating and washing hands with instructions for them. And so on. Don't forget about fire safety. This minimum requirements, which apply to this type of enterprise.

What equipment to choose for the production of handmade dumplings

  1. Flour sifter - from 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Dough rolling - from 30 thousand rubles;
  3. Meat grinder - from 17 thousand rubles;
  4. Dough mixer - from 60 thousand rubles;
  5. Minced meat mixer - from 40 thousand rubles;
  6. Refrigeration chambers, 2 pcs. - from 100 thousand rubles.

Total costs - from 262 thousand rubles.

By the way, you can start producing hand-made dumplings without the above equipment at all. Everyone made homemade dumplings. Such production is limited only by the presence of a meat grinder, and other operations are done manually. The other side of the coin of such savings is the speed of dumpling production, which will be extremely low.

The above set of equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kg of hand-made dumplings per day. When production volumes reach 1000 kg per day or more, it is worth thinking about purchasing blast freezing chambers and building a separate warehouse for finished products. Manual modeling can be partially replaced by automatic modeling. To do this, you can purchase a dumpling machine, for example the HLT-700XL brand. In general, the market for equipment for the production of dumplings includes Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian equipment. However, prices vary significantly. Italian equipment is considered the most expensive, but it is also the most reliable and advanced. However, many enterprises successfully operate using cheaper Chinese analogues. The most affordable equipment for the production of dumplings is considered to be ours - domestic. Ultimately, the choice of equipment depends on the preferences of the business owner and his financial capabilities.

Packing of dumplings

It is also worth studying the process of packing dumplings. Currently, three types of packaging can be distinguished: manual, automatic and semi-automatic. Manual process packaging is when the operator manually packs the dumplings into a plastic bag and seals the open part. This method is still used by many small producers in provincial cities. And this justifies itself, because to purchase an automatic packaging line, an entrepreneur will have to shell out at least $20 thousand. For small businesses, the way out of the situation is to purchase a semi-automatic line, the cost of which is just over $3 thousand.

How much money does it take to produce dumplings?

An important point when starting a business is the issue of supplying ingredients for the production of dumplings. These include flour premium, beef and pork meat, egg, onion, pepper, herbs, salt, water. According to some data, for the production of dumplings with a volume of 200 kg per day (4800 kg per month), monthly costs for raw materials will be at least 300 thousand rubles.


The most important cost item for a dumpling shop is labor costs. The less automated the production process is, the more workers are required. Therefore, even for small workshop hand-modeling dumplings will require 10-15 people directly involved in the process of making dumplings. Also, a small enterprise will need to hire a technologist, driver, sales managers, and loaders. Accountants and cleaners can be hired under contracts paid provision services (or outsourcing). Do not forget that each employee must have a health book with him in case of inspection.

Which taxation system to choose for a dumpling production workshop?

The organizational form of a workshop for the production of dumplings can be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. The most favorable tax regime for such an enterprise is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Secrets of dumpling making

  • You can simply reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. The resulting meat is potato dumplings, the taste is no worse than pure meat dumplings, and the cost is the same.
  • You can reduce the cost of dumplings without losing quality by increasing the percentage of water content in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to increase the percentage of water content in minced meat to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only becomes better.

How to start a business producing handmade dumplings

The production of hand-made dumplings must begin simultaneously with registration as individual entrepreneur or individual and at the same time establish markets for finished products. To begin with, you can organize it at home and involve relatives in helping.

After the first profit appears, you can think about renting premises or purchasing production space as your own.

If over 200 kilograms of dumplings are produced per day, then the minimum production area should be 50 square meters. The room is divided into separate sections:

  1. receiving and cutting meat;
  2. dough preparation;
  3. production of dumplings;
  4. storage area.

In addition to the above, the room must have toilet room, as well as a special container for workers to wash their hands. It is mandatory to have a special disinfectant solution detailed instructions according to the rules for its use.

Which tax system to choose for registering a dumpling shop

When setting up production of hand-made dumplings, there is no need to open legal entity. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the most optimal solution will be the choice of a simplified taxation system. You can also pay tax on both revenue received and profit. In the first case it is 6%, and in the second - 15%.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To establish production of handmade dumplings modeling 250,000 rubles are needed. This cost only includes the purchase of equipment. Additional financial costs will be associated with the purchase of the necessary ingredients and transportation costs for their delivery, wages to employees and insurance premiums, taxes and rent, additional expenses.

What equipment to choose for manual production of dumplings

Despite the fact that dumplings are made by hand, you still cannot do without equipment. You will need to purchase:

  • flour sifting apparatus;
  • dough sheeter;
  • equipment for kneading dough;
  • meat grinder;
  • mince mixer;
  • at least two refrigeration chambers.

This equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kilograms per day. When producing more than 1000 kg. In addition to the above-mentioned equipment, you will need to purchase a blast freezing chamber and a dumpling machine. With such volumes, there is a need for additional space.