Foam glass insulation: step-by-step instructions. Foam glass large overview of the material Foam glass blocks technical characteristics

What a person can come up with to simplify his existence with his own hands. It’s impossible to count how many insulation materials have been invented to create thermal insulation for buildings.

The most popular of them are heard by everyone, and reviews about them can be read almost everywhere. These include mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, penoizol and even wood concrete ().

But there are also more exotic thermal insulation materials, which, nevertheless, also cope well with the assigned tasks. One such material is foam glass.

1 Features of foam glass

What is interesting initially is that foam glass was not intended as insulation itself as insulation material. It was invented by accident, in the thirties of the last century, when many experiments were carried out with various waste materials.

At that time mineral wool was already present on the market, but was not as popular as . A similar fate awaited glass wool. But the emergence of the ability to melt minerals and glass in furnaces with high pressure still had an impact.

Several inquisitive minds from American company We decided that we could try to create some kind of material from glass waste and mineral chips. As a result, the first production of foam glass was launched.

Describe in full the production of foam glass and how it works, if you check with technical documentation, we won't. There is a corresponding GOST for this. But even GOST for an inexperienced person is unlikely to be able to fully clarify this process. Too complex algorithms and chemical formulas are used there.

And it is worth noting that equipment for the production of foam glass is also not a joke. It is very expensive and quite roomy. These are large furnaces, with the ability to aggregate materials and add chemicals. Moreover, on top of everything else, they are also attached to foam formers.

Remelted raw materials with the addition of astringent chemicals are added inside the foam former, where the entire mass is saturated with gases.

The result is a porous material made from frozen raw materials, which vaguely resembles glass. As you can see, the production of foam glass is a complex and confusing matter.

Moreover, each manufacturer comes up with its own or improves already existing technology for creating products. This is how Foamglas foam glass, Neoporm foam glass, ETIZ, etc. appeared. Each material has its own characteristics, properties and even structure.

For example, Foamglas foam glass is characterized by increased strength. And it is a product of a very well-known company in construction circles.

But ETIZ gas glass (another name for foam glass, since the material has pores that are formed due to the passage of gases under pressure through the product) is characterized by open pores and very low weight. It is vapor permeable, which is a unique feature of the ETIZ company alone.

1.1 Release form

Foam glass is produced in different forms. This must be understood. GOST clearly regulates the forms of release, but each manufacturer may give preference to one or another option.

If we talk about basic forms, then foam glass is produced in the form:

  • Light granules like ;
  • Blocks.

The technical characteristics of foam glass in the form of granules are quite unique. This is very lightweight material, which is not subject to corrosion at all. It is not eaten by fungus or mold, and no destruction occurs on it. Foam glass in granules is almost forever. It is difficult to find a material more resistant to external influences.

However, this does not apply to its density. The main disadvantage of foam glass is precisely its low density. Moreover, both in the form of granules and in the form of blocks.

Of course, the thermal insulation will withstand medium loads, but only medium loads. The density of foam glass is not much higher than the density of high-quality polystyrene foam.

Most often, foam glass granules are used to decorate a frame house. The granules are added to the glue, kneaded as a filler. The result is glue with thermal insulation properties or even analogues of plasters with foam glass.

By the way, some manufacturers immediately noticed and appreciated the opportunity to add foam glass granules to the solution, launching a whole line of similar products. Now glue with the addition of foam glass can be selected for any house or structure.

And what is very important, such glue or plaster can really increase the thermal insulation properties of the insulated structure. At least that's what the reviews say.

The second, and much more popular release option is blocks and . Foam glass blocks are rigid, relatively lightweight elements. They are in many ways reminiscent of polystyrene foam boards or mineral wool samples, which in our time are used to insulate any suitable home.

However, as we noted above, each manufacturer can choose the option that suits them here too. Thus, Foamglas foam glass is mainly sold in the form of large blocks. ETIZ foam glass is packaged in the form of thinner panels with a large surface area. And there are a great many such variations.

2 Properties of foam glass

Let us now analyze the specific properties of foam glass, and also divide them into positive and negative.

Like any other insulation, foam glass has both pros and cons. This is quite normal. Before ordering foam glass insulation, you must first study these properties, so as not to be disappointed later.

In fact, modern manufacturers have learned to create foam glass quite high quality. Almost any house can be insulated from start to finish with foam glass alone. In this case, you can use both slabs and heat-insulating glue or plaster.

If we talk about positive properties foam glass, then the following list emerges.

Main advantages:

  • Stability of shape and size.
  • Durability at .
  • Can be mounted with glue, like conventional insulation.
  • Lack of reaction to any manifestations of corrosion.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Moisture protection.
  • Vapor permeability (optional).

We will highlight the last two points separately. The fact is that the reaction to moisture and vapor permeability, as properties, can be either present or absent in foam glass.

This is possible due to changes in the original technology for creating the material. For example, Foamglas foam glass is produced with closed cells. They are completely isolated from each other, and therefore the material does not allow moisture, steam, air or anything else to pass through.

With its help, you can finish the house along the facade, the outer parts of the foundation, etc. Glue for such products will also have to be selected separately, although the difference is not so big.

But the foam glass manufacturer ETIZ decided to go a different route. Its pores in the blocks are predominantly open and connected to each other by a system of channels.

That is, if you insulate a house with foam glass from the outside, then most likely it will allow moisture to pass through to the walls. Especially if you are not going to use special waterproof glue or additional insulation to attach the slabs.

However, this material also has disadvantages. Main disadvantages:

  • Impressive value.
  • It reacts negatively to impacts and is not very dense.
  • For some structures, the weight of the slabs may become excessive; the house will have to be calculated for the loads, and then determine whether it is convenient to use foam glass for insulation.

In terms of cost, everything is already clear; the expensive production process and a lot of equipment affect the price. However, you need to understand that if you decide to decorate your house with foam glass insulation, you are unlikely to regret it.

It's even easier with punches. While undergoing the melting process, the blocks still remain the materials that were originally assembled from broken glass, and therefore their strength is rather mediocre.

However, this does not apply to all such products. There are known cases when almost the entire house was assembled from foam glass. In the work, of course, slightly different materials were used, but here the differences were more related to chemical formula foam glass.

2.1 Installation technology

Foam glass is mounted on walls as simply as any other material of the same type and. In form and essence, these are ordinary blocks. They can be placed on the walls, attached with glue, or placed in a pre-assembled frame.

It is only necessary to note that the weight of foam glass is still greater than the weight of mineral wool or polystyrene foam, and therefore it needs to be fixed more reliably.

It is advisable to choose a special glue. Firstly, it provides better adhesion, and secondly, it can withstand the loads from the weight of the structure well.

As insurance, the blocks can be additionally secured with dowels. But only very carefully so as not to accidentally destroy the slab completely.

If we are talking about foam glass plaster, then everything is even simpler. It only needs to be applied to the wall using the same technology as ordinary solution. True, this composition dries a little faster, which must be taken into account.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Foam glass is a modern thermal insulation material that has virtually no analogues. It is made by foaming silicate glass under the influence of a gas-forming agent and high temperatures.

Sold in the form of granules, slabs or blocks. It is characterized by increased resistance to external influences and a long service life.

Technical parameters of foam glass

Thanks to the use of non-toxic raw materials, the finished material is environmentally friendly and can be used for thermal insulation of any buildings. Foam glass slabs can have different sizes, selected for insulation, according to the area and characteristics of the protected building. The most important technical characteristics of raw materials and workpieces include:

  • moisture absorption: 0-5%;
  • density: 110-200 kg/m. cube;
  • compressive strength: 0.7 MPa;
  • bending strength: 0.5 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity: 0.04-0.07 W/(m.K);
  • operating temperature: from -260 to +430 degrees;
  • flammability: NG (does not burn);
  • vapor permeability: 0-0.005 mg/(m h Pa);
  • maximum noise absorption: about 54 dB;
  • chemical resistance: maximum (not affected by chemicals, solvents);
  • biological stability: maximum (not susceptible to damage by insects, rodents, fungi);

These properties are achieved through the use of unique components in the production. Additionally, foam glass has a very low sorption humidity of only 0.2-0.5%. The minimum percentage indicates low moisture absorption from the air. Therefore, the material can be used in any region and in any area: regardless of climatic and temperature features plot.

Application of foam glass

High service life and resistance to aggressive environments, high humidity allow thermal insulation of residential, industrial, and commercial buildings using foam glass. Foam glass slabs and blocks are selected according to the requirements for wall protection. Materials with great thickness help prevent increased heat transfer and preserve the heat generated in the building. temperature regime. Ideal for wooden buildings(does not lead to wood rotting).

On detailed photos By thermal insulation with foam glass, you can see the ways of using raw materials: for walls, plinths, basement floors and rooms, roofs (from the attic or attic).

Granular building material is commonly used to protect flat roofs. Used together with bitumen and cement mixtures and vapor and moisture insulation materials. The grain composition of the raw materials is selected according to the design and shape of the roof.


Important advantages of the material include a long shelf life, minimal moisture and vapor absorption. It can be used for thermal insulation of any type of building. Other advantages of using raw materials include:

  • ease of choice, availability different types blocks and slabs;
  • resistance to damage;
  • good tolerance of minor physical activity;
  • efficiency of the building material (perfectly copes with the task of retaining heat);
  • does not lead to the slow destruction of walls or the formation of mold on them.


The main disadvantage of raw materials is considered high cost, as reported by customer reviews. The material will not be available to every customer. Another disadvantage is the complexity of installation. Fastening foam glass to the wall is done using specialized adhesive compositions. If exposed directly to cement (during subsequent finishing), it may be damaged due to heavy load. Before carrying out thermal insulation work with foam glass, you should study in detail the video on the specifics of using raw materials. The optimal solution You can order services from professionals or have a preliminary consultation with a specialist.


I was looking for linen insulation material and came across foam glass. To be honest, this was the first time I heard about the material and for a week I plunged into studying this unusual (unusually expensive) insulation. I share the results of the study.

- inorganic, environmentally friendly, high-strength and lightweight insulation that looks like pumice. Chemical composition foam glass is identical household glass based on oxides of silicon, potassium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium.

Foam glass was introduced in 1932 at the All-Union Conference on Innovations in Construction. The material was presented by the legendary physicist-crystallographer A.I. Kitaygorodsky. By the end of the thirties, the French, British, Czechs, Germans and Americans already had patents for the production of foam glass. The war slowed down research in this area and the first factories appeared in the Union only in the seventies. However, production volumes exceeded 100,000 m3 per year and the product was in demand.

The production of foam glass is extremely energy-intensive and difficult to control technical parameters, so it became unprofitable in the late 80s - of the four factories, only Gomelsteklo remained (apparently, it closed the line quite recently). But over the past 5 years, Russia and Ukraine have started producing a variety of foam glass at prices competitive with European ones. We’ve sorted out the history of the material in a nutshell, let’s move on.

How is foam glass produced?

Broken glass and recyclable materials are ground with a blowing agent (coal, coke, soot, anthracite) and poured into molds, mixed with other additives. The mold is filled approximately 10%; the entire volume will be filled during the formation of glass foam. Firing takes place in a tunnel kiln at a temperature of about 1000°C. During the glass melting process, the blowing agent increases the mass by 14-15 times and the mold is filled.

For foam glass granules the technology is different: cullet is washed and dried, crushed, then ground with foaming agents and the charge is granulated. Next, the granules are dried and placed in rotating ovens, where the granulate is poured quartz sand to prevent soldering. Foaming takes place at temperatures from 780 to 820°C.

The cost of foam glass is very high due to the energy intensity of production and expensive equipment (equipment for a line for 20 m3 per day costs about $1 million).

Types of foam glass:

  • Blocks (slabs)
  • Granules
  • Shapeless battle (construction rubble).

Properties and characteristics of foam glass

The solid phase in foam glass is about 10%, so it has a low density. The average diameter of the bubbles is 2000 microns, and the thickness of the bubble walls is 20...100 microns. Cellular glass can be obtained with a density of at least 100 kg/m3 - this is the ultimate strength. Mostly manufacturers have produced and continue to produce material with a density in the range of 120-160 kg/m3. This foam glass has high thermal insulation properties, while maintaining acceptable strength characteristics and ease of processing. The density of foam glass determines its thermal conductivity and strength; these characteristics can be compared by technical specifications, for example, in Penosital:

Relationship between density and thermal conductivity
and strength of foam glass according to TU 5914-001-73893595-2005 (Penostal)

Foam glass does not contain micropores capable of absorbing moisture from environment. All moisture that may be retained in the glass microspheres cut during molding drains from the material after it is removed from the water. Therefore, for all types of cellular glass, an insignificant amount of water absorption is usually observed, depending more on the measurement method and the size of the cells. The most “water-absorbing” is foam glass and crushed stone.

All properties of foam glass are determined by its structure, which is fused glass cells filled with gases. The differences are determined by the size of the cells, the presence of more or less free defects in the bridges between the cells.

From the characteristics of the raw materials used (glass and foaming agent) it follows basic qualities of the material:

  • High chemical inertness (in recent years, some manufacturers have been offering alkali-resistant foam glass).
  • Exceptional durability.
  • Zero flammability.
  • Hydro-vapor tightness.
  • Does not change thermal properties during operation.
  • Biostability.
  • Does not shrink.
  • Low coefficient of linear thermal expansion.

Marketing “specialists” offer the so-called vapor-permeable foam glass, which is foam glass in general understanding is not. This is an insulation based on liquid sodium glass with open pores. It is used exclusively inside heated rooms. On the facades, steam in the pores freezes and breaks the fragile cellular structure into sand.

There are more the problem of “analogs”: foam glass chips mixed with all kinds of binders and additives (gypsum, basalt, cement, sawdust, etc.), which is sold under the name foam glass. The price of such “products” may be an order of magnitude lower, but they have nothing in common with the original.

The issue of environmental friendliness: from sulfate-containing glasses, foam glass is obtained, in the cells of which hydrogen sulfide from reduced sulfur is closed. It is also present in the structure of the initial product in the solid phase in the form of sulfides. Sulfides react with water vapor in the air and undergo a hydrolysis reaction, which releases hydrogen sulfide into the air. Recent years branded manufacturers try not to use such glass, but this entails changes in the production line and an increase in price. You need to understand that the amount of hydrogen sulfide in cellular glass is negligible and is felt only when cutting the block.

Application of foam glass

I quote a sign from the “Construction Complex of the Middle Urals” for March 2006

Characteristics Applications
Environmental safety Any types of construction, including
in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
High thermal resistance Thermal insulation in industrial and civil engineering, reducing the consumption of building materials, reducing the thickness of walls, increasing the reliability and durability of the road surface; thermal insulation of pipelines and gas pipelines.
Zero flammability Thermal insulation in high-rise construction; creation of fire-resistant structures; insulation of pipelines and other equipment operating at temperatures up to 600C.
Low material density with high strength Reducing the load on the foundation and the ability to build even on weak soils; superstructure of the upper floors of buildings; thermal insulation of ceilings, roofs, floors; granulate is an indispensable filler for durable lightweight panels; production of pontoon and other floating structures.
Chemical inertness, high corrosion resistance Manufacturing of reusable insulation; unlimited operating time; non-shrinkage (long-term stability
sizes); construction of tanks and pipelines for acids and petroleum products; effective protection granaries, utility and residential premises, because not destroyed by rodents and insects.

Thanks to the varied thickness and form factors of slabs and blocks, you can choose an individual option. Foam glass is cut with a saw for aerated concrete.

Insulating hot pipes with shaped foam glass can really pay off as it can be used at temperatures up to 550°C without the need for regular replacement. The material is resistant to both steam and air, as well as petroleum products and oils.

Bulk foam glass used in well masonry and bulk floors, as a conditional alternative to expanded clay. However, foam glass is very sharp and cuts waterproofing film-substrates; it cannot be thrombosed. It is better to use granules, especially since they have melted closed pores and will not hold water in broken cells like crushed stone.

Features of foam glass installation I don't consider it because everything technical solutions You need to find out directly from the manufacturer from whom you will buy it. For each location where the material is used, there are rules for installation and processing related to certain nuances of foam glass. The Belarusian Institute NIPTIS has developed recommendations for the use of foam glass blocks, I suggest you read the document.

Features and disadvantages of foam glass

There are factors limiting the use of this insulation in wet facades and as a filler for lightweight concrete. The limitation is associated with the alkali-silicate reaction that occurs between glass and concrete, cement, all mixtures and plasters containing reactive silicon oxide. Cement-based compounds react alkaline to form a gel and fall off the glass (or the glass peels off from the facade).

Foam glass cannot be glued to a load-bearing surface with compounds that gain strength during the drying process due to the water and vapor impermeability of foam glass - they will not gain strength at the points of contact with the glass.

Shrinking solutions are also not suitable, since they destroy the glass cells with which they have formed adhesion and collapse.

All the problems described above have been solved by some manufacturers in one way or another. The blocks are covered with bitumen and glued different materials to avoid problems with cement compositions and preventing mechanical damage to fragile edges of the material. There is also a direct melting method, when zirconium dioxide is added to broken glass and provides resistance to alkalis. Another solution is partial crystallization of glass, in which the material is no longer inclined to enter into an alkali-silicate reaction.

The type of pores in foam glass affects the thermal resistance of the material. It is good when the glass has closed cells of 1-2 mm. Vapor-permeable foam glass is much worse in this regard.

Specialized products recommended by manufacturers polyurethane adhesives rarely visit retail sales, are very expensive and do not have 100% analogues. More precisely, there are analogs for compatibility with glass, but they do not have the temperature and moisture resistance recommended.

For insulating the façade of a building, foam glass is a bit heavy, taking into account the impact protection for it (strength grade 11). It is not easy to work with, since the material is brittle, although it has high compressive strength.

Foam glass price

I will give the cost of Ukrainian foam glass in dollar terms.

Foam glass in slabs 600x450 (450x450) mm
Thickness, mm Vapor permeable, $/m2 Vapor-tight 1st grade, $/m2 2nd grade, $/m2
30 4 7.15 6.8
40 5.2 9.5 8.7
50 6.6 12 11.4
60 8 14.3 13.7
70 9.2 16.7 16
80 10.55 19.1 18.2
100 13.2 23.9 22.8
120 15.8 28.6 27.4
Fractionated foam crumb (fraction up to 150 mm) 57.8 $/m3

I would consider foam glass insulation as a backfill for well laying and as a waterproofing blind area - in these places the use of expensive material is 100% justified. But I would not use foam glass crushed stone.

Foam glass is a durable, strong and popular material for insulation. It is easy to install and highly efficient. The technology was invented almost a century ago in the USSR, and practical application was invented later in Canada. Massively on the market building materials foam glass appeared recently, when its production technology made it possible to make it affordable and of high quality. Before use, it is worth considering what granules or foam glass slabs are, their main advantages and disadvantages, as well as methods of use for insulation.

Foam glass combines the advantages of two materials at once. It combines silicate glass, which is durable and brittle, and foam - incredibly lightweight material. The production of foam glass involves heating a silicate mass with the addition of a substance that forms a gas. High temperature leads to the melting of the substance, as well as the formation of small bubbles. This technology allows you to obtain a lightweight and durable material that has a high heat resistance.

In the field of thermal insulation, two main types are used:

  1. Slab foam glass. The insulation is in the form of a plate, which has a structure with closed cells. Ideal for insulating basements, facades, ceilings, floors and foundations. The thickness is 6-12 cm, and the size of the plate is 45*60 cm. They can withstand even significant operating loads, do not shrink and are resistant to deformation under mechanical stress.

Slab insulation

  1. Granular material. It is a microporous spherical granule. It is produced in granules of various sizes from 1-5 mm to 7-20 mm. Can be used as insulation for interior walls, ceilings and floors.

Granular foam glass

The technical characteristics of the two types of material are similar, so when choosing it you should base only on the convenience and feasibility of using insulation of one form or another.

Main Features

According to statistics, the higher the hardness of a material, the lower its thermal insulation properties. Foam glass is one of the insulation materials that not only withstand heavy loads, but also have a low thermal conductivity.

Other material characteristics include:

  1. Thermal conductivity. Foam glass has a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/m*s. If we compare it with wood, then for this material this indicator is two times lower, and for minimal wool it is higher on average by 25%. Therefore, foam glass perfectly protects against heat loss better than wood, mineral wool and many other insulation materials. High thermal insulation properties are explained by the presence of small closed cells with thin partitions in the structure.
  2. Strength. Square meter insulation can withstand pressure of 40-100 tons, and the strength indicator is 0.5-1.2 MPa. This indicator does not deteriorate over time. However, the impact strength of the material is low. Foam glass can be broken under strong mechanical stress.
  3. Soundproofing. Foam glass can be used effectively not only for protection against heat loss, but also against extraneous noise. The material is capable of dampening sound waves with a force of 45-56 decibels.
  4. Temperature resistance. The insulation is able to withstand temperatures from -200 to +300 degrees, which allows it to be used even at extreme temperatures.
  5. Density. This indicator for the material is very low and is equal to 100-250 kg per cubic meter. And this figure is at least three times lower than the density of wood.
  6. Vapor permeability. Foam glass can also be used as a vapor barrier. The vapor permeability indicator is only 0.005 mg/(m*h*Pa).
  7. Moisture resistance. Foam glass slabs and granules can absorb no more than 2% of water from their own volume. The material not only does not absorb moisture, but also does not change its properties when interacting with it.

High moisture resistance

  1. Biological stability. Foam glass has a high resistance to insects, rodents and microorganisms. The insulation does not absorb water, so mold and mildew do not form in it. And the high hardness of the material protects it from insects and rodents.
  2. Chemical resistance. Foam glass is a chemically inert material. Therefore, when in contact with acids, alkalis, gases and oil products, foam glass does not interact. The only substance with which foam glass interacts is hydrofluoric acid.
  3. Ecological cleanliness. Foam glass does not burn, does not emit toxic gases and does not produce decay products. This makes the material safe for insulating residential premises.

The unique characteristics of the material are explained by the combination of the properties of silicate glass and gas microcapsules.

Key Benefits

Using foam glass as insulation has a number of significant advantages. These include:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics. They are explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the material - small closed cells with thin partitions.
  2. Versatility. The material is universal, therefore it can be used for insulation of facades, roofs, foundations, communications, walls and floors. It can be used even for objects with a high fire hazard.
  3. Long service life. The material can last more than 100 years without loss performance qualities. At the same time, it tolerates high and low temperatures, as well as their sharp changes.
  4. Good sound insulation properties. A 10 cm layer of insulation can even muffle the sounds of a running tractor engine behind the wall. Therefore, the material can be effectively used not only for protection against heat loss, but also against extraneous noise.
  5. Easy to install. An ordinary hacksaw can be used to cut slabs; the granules can simply be poured onto the prepared surfaces. The material is incredibly light, so working with it is easy.
  6. Safety. The material does not emit hazardous compounds, therefore it can be used in public and residential premises.
  7. Non-flammability. Foam glass does not burn, but at very high temperature It only melts without releasing toxic components or smoke.

The advantages of foam glass have made it one of the most successful and quality materials for insulation of floors, roofs, ceilings, basements, walls and other surfaces.

Main disadvantages

Despite the obvious advantages of foam glass, when choosing it as insulation, the disadvantages should also be taken into account. These include:

  1. High cost. On the building materials market, foam glass is one of the most expensive insulation materials. This is due to high energy consumption during production. In addition, production requires expensive equipment.
  2. Low impact strength. The material has a high compressive strength, but is quite brittle. Therefore, with strong impacts, foam glass can crack, and such cracked slabs can no longer be used as insulation.
  3. Low vapor conductivity. This property of the material is both its advantage and disadvantage. Despite the fact that fungi and mold cannot form in foam glass, the surface it covers does not allow air exchange, so pockets of infection may appear.

Foam glass is a high-quality and modern insulation material for various types surface, however, when choosing it, disadvantages should also be taken into account.

Details of insulating a house with foam glass can be found in the video:


A special feature of the material is its excellent thermal insulation abilities combined with high strength. Therefore, it can be used to insulate the base, foundation, load-bearing walls and pipelines. The low water absorption rate allows it to be used for thermal insulation of basements, foundations and ground floor. Granular material can be used as an insulation additive for concrete. To insulate walls, it is enough to pour it into their cavities.

Insulation with granulated foam glass

Foam glass cuts and drills well, so it’s easy to make pieces from slabs the right size. In addition, the slabs hold plaster, putty, glue and other surface finishing compounds well.

The material can be used not only for residential and public premises. It is used for housings of various technological and industrial equipment, which operates at high temperature.

Foam glass insulation

Foam glass insulation technology

To guarantee the high thermal insulation qualities of the material, it is necessary to follow the technology of its installation:

  1. To attach the slabs, it is recommended to use a special glue that must be applied to reverse side slabs and side walls. After which the glue should be evenly distributed over the surface of the sheet.
  2. If the surface has pits, bulges or other irregularities, the adhesive should be applied to the foam glass with slaps to obtain the most even base possible.
  3. When insulating a wooden base, it is recommended to secure the slabs with special dowels. Wood expands when exposed to moisture and temperature, so insulation must be installed mechanically.
  4. When installing the slab on vertical surface needs to be installed bottom bar, using a building level. Best used as a plank metal profile or a rail.
  5. The first row of insulation should be mounted on a profile that will act as a support. After the glue has completely hardened, the support can be removed. However, it is best to remove it after the work is completely completed.
  6. When installing slabs on vertical or inclined surfaces, start from the bottom, and on horizontal surfaces, start from the far corner.
  7. The slabs should be laid close to each other with one row offset relative to the other. After applying and completely drying the glue, it is additionally recommended to strengthen the slabs with special dowels.
  8. Around windows and doors thermal insulation boards It is recommended to mount in solid pieces. On corner lines, connecting individual pieces of material to each other is not allowed.

Roof insulation with foam glass

Foam glass is a high-quality, modern and very lightweight material for thermal insulation various surfaces. Proper adherence to installation technology will increase the efficiency of thermal insulation and extend the service life of the material.

Foam glass is produced in mats, blocks, shells and in bulk.

In the previous article we talked about , which, after many years of oblivion, is returning to the building materials market. But, like all natural insulation materials, it is not without its drawbacks, such as moisture absorption and rodent attacks. And if in everyday life it is still possible to somehow smooth out these factors, then such material is not applicable for large objects. Here you need something more fundamental, for example, foam glass. Insulation made from broken glass has high performance characteristics allowing its use in construction multi-storey buildings and industrial facilities.

Types of thermal insulation from foam glass

Foamed glass insulation was developed by a Soviet scientist in the 30s of the 20th century. At that time, the production technology was considered too expensive and the project was postponed indefinitely. And finally, this material has found its application in construction. It is made from glass waste, which is a definite plus.

Broken glass is ground into powder, mixed with a foaming agent (coal, coke, marble, limestone) and brought to a liquid state by heating to 800–900 degrees.

At this temperature, a reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide, the bubbles of which are evenly distributed throughout the liquid mass. As a result, after cooling, a solid material with a closed-cell structure is obtained. It looks like it's hardened soap suds where all the bubbles are made of glass. Foamed glass insulation comes in the form of:

  • slabs;
  • blocks;
  • shells;
  • granules;
  • crushed stone

Foam glass is suitable for insulating walls, floors and horizontal roofs. The material is absolutely environmentally friendly and can be used even in rooms with increased sanitary requirements (hospitals, kindergartens, laboratories, etc.).

Characteristics and prices of foam glass

Foam glass in granules can be of different fractions.

As you know, air is one of the best heat insulators, and foam glass contains it in abundant quantities. The thermal conductivity properties of the material are inferior modern insulation materials, but in terms of reliability it has no equal. According to manufacturers, the service life is at least 100 years. At the same time, the possibility of mice, fungus or other beetles infesting the insulation is excluded. Also, the material does not react with any chemical element.

Foam glass properties:

  • water absorption from 0 to 5% of the total volume;
  • resistance to heat conduction 0.04-0.08 W/m*K;
  • steam conductivity no more than 0.0005 mg/m*h*Pa;
  • compressive strength up to 4 MPa;
  • bending strength 0.6 MPa;
  • operating temperature from -250 to +485 degrees.

From the characteristics we can conclude that the material is quite durable, although it does not withstand impacts. Insulating qualities are certainly not the ultimate dream, but resistance to various types of chemical aggression smooths out the situation. And another significant advantage is that mice do not chew foam glass. Insulation materials, according to reviews, are very susceptible to attacks by rodents; they start even in Soviet glass wool, which is incredibly prickly. In order not to put up with this, foam glass is an ideal option.

Due to its technical characteristics, this material has the following properties:

  • mechanical strength;
  • absence of volumetric expansion and shrinkage;
  • non-flammability - melting point 1 thousand degrees;
  • does not allow water and steam to pass through;
  • quite heavy - density from 110 to 200 kg/m. cube;
  • high price.

Prices in Moscow for foam glass insulation, according to reviews, practically do not differ from the all-Russian level. Therefore, it is obvious that residents of provinces where the average per capita income is very low cannot afford to insulate their homes with this material. The cheapest cost is granules or crushed stone, the price of which varies between 2-3.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. Foam glass in products (slabs, blocks, shells) cost about 5.5-7.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter and this is at a minimum, in some places it reaches 15 thousand per 1 cubic meter.

Scope of application of foam glass

Foam glass is easily cut with a hacksaw or a saw for foam blocks.

Wherever foam glass is not used. This material can be used for insulation:

  • walls;
  • ceilings;
  • floors;
  • flat roofs.

In this case, both blocks and granulated foam glass. The use of the latter has more wide range. Granules are poured into voids brick walls, they make screeds from them, they even plaster them. Foam glass thermal insulation is also used for and other communications.

This material is mostly used on large areas when building multi-storey buildings or industrial facilities. It is rarely used by private individuals, since it is quite expensive and the insulation does not experience high loads in everyday life, so they can get by with the same polystyrene foam or. Foam glass insulation frame house is not practiced for a number of reasons. Such houses are positioned as budget ones, otherwise who would build them?

Use such expensive insulation in budget house pointless. Even if we hypothetically accept this option, the problem of the large weight of the material arises. In order for the floors to withstand additional load, the frame must be assembled from thicker timber, which again leads to additional expenses. For the same reason, you cannot pour granules into hollow walls, and lining the walls from the outside is the same as lining a frame frame with brick - complete nonsense.

Method of insulating walls and floors with foam glass

Foam glass slabs are glued to the wall and then attached to plastic dowels.

When considering the insulation of a house with foam glass, it is necessary only from the perspective of fundamental buildings (brick, foam blocks, monolith). Walls can be insulated both outside and inside. In addition, it is possible to insulate in the middle of the wall, between two rows of masonry. Dry granules are simply poured into the space between the walls during the construction of walls. External wall insulation with foam glass, according to reviews, is done using glue and plastic dowels. Working method:

  • preparatory work - leveling the wall, applying a primer;
  • Glue is applied to the foam glass blocks;
  • the blocks are glued to the wall, starting from the bottom;
  • Each block is secured with one dowel.

The blocks should be laid against the wall and on top of each other according to the usual principle. brickwork, that is, with a shift of half a stone.

Thus, the structure will be durable. Plaster can be applied over foam glass blocks. By the way, there are modern dry mixtures for plastering walls, which contain small (about 1 mm) foam glass capsules. This is the so-called warm plaster, the application method of which does not differ from conventional plaster.

There are two options for insulating the floor with foam glass:

  • slabs;
  • granules.

It is more practical and faster to make a screed from foam glass granules. To do this, you need to make laitance and mix it with granular material. Beacons are first placed on the floor level. The resulting solution is poured between the guides and evenly distributed with a fork. After hardening, tiles can be laid on the foam glass screed. Visual method of foam glass insulation, video: