How to make a lawn mower yourself from scrap materials: new life for an old vacuum cleaner or washing machine. How to make an electric trimmer with your own hands from a vacuum cleaner or other power tool Homemade electric grass scythe

Every owner dreams of creating an island of family well-being, a beautiful well-groomed plot, using a minimum of manual labor. Do-it-yourself lawnmower is one way rational use nodes from abandoned mechanisms. The resulting tool not only saves money, but takes into account the characteristics of a particular lawn. Depending on the need, the craftsman can create a tool with manual mowing, electric drive. Application various types cutters, wheels, their arrangement leads to unusual solutions. Read about the popular one on our website!

Motivation for creating a tool from scrap materials

First of all, it is necessary to determine which tool will effectively replace the conventional hand braid when caring for the site. It is possible that dense planting, dense bushes and flower beds will not provide access to the area to be mowed, and then the “whirlwinds” of grass will need to be removed manually. You need to assemble a lawn mower with your own hands to mow an area larger than 4 acres.

Select the method of driving the cutters - the basis of collection necessary components. Knives can be driven:

  • due to manual action, pushing the mechanism forward, which requires great physical strength;
  • using electrical energy single-phase or three-phase current;
  • battery driven motor;
  • using an internal combustion engine, two or four stroke.

Having decided on the energy component, you will need to choose wheels, a handle, and a platform for assembling the lawn mower with your own hands. Assemble the necessary fasteners and components of the connection, protection and connection circuit.

Principles of using electric motors

The electric motor can be single-phase, operating from a 220 V network, or three-phase. When connecting the motor, you must follow all safety rules when working with electrical appliances. RCD protection for a single-phase electric motor must be provided, and a powerful three-phase motor must have capacitors in the circuit corresponding to the capacitance.

For DIY, you can use a powerful low-speed drill with a speed of 1500-3000 rpm. It is necessary to choose the right ratio of power and swath width so as not to overload the motor. Installed on the platform, a corded or corded drill will create the necessary torque and the grass will be mowed. During operation, do not forget to observe rest intervals to cool the brush motor. This tool will help clean the local area, folds easily and does not require much storage space. The platform on which the engine is installed must be narrow so that the wall area can be processed. Stability depends on the location of the center of gravity. The lower it is, the lower the tipping moment of the platform. How to properly price a lawn mower with your own hands, watch the video:

When creating a tool yourself, remember that it is a highly dangerous tool. It is necessary to include in the circuit a locking button that is activated when the knife jams or breaks. You cannot operate electric mowers in wet weather, such as morning dew.

More complex models with an engine with a power of 1.5 to 6 kW are installed on a specially made sole. It is better to use an asynchronous motor, it is less noisy. Chassis introduces metal rubber-coated wheels with a wide tread so that the grass wrinkles less. Bearing units in bushings on the axle are more reliable than plastic liners.

You can make a deck and a knife using an old frying pan and a tool steel plate. The design, when knives are attached to the mandrel, is more effective. It is important to maintain the proportions and profile of the sharpened edges using the drawings in the photo of the lawn mower with your own hands.

Correct alignment is of great importance for the performance of a high-speed unit. A slight runout can create strong vibration, destroy connections, and create backlash due to the wear of seats.

IN household Mechanisms and parts that have expired always accumulate. Some things can be found in household landfills of old things. Unfortunately, such cemeteries surround any residential area. The wheels from a baby stroller are perfect, and the handle from it is also useful. An example of a DIY lawn mower from washing machine Soviet times. They were then made of strong metal. The engines from these machines are perfectly suited in terms of parameters and power for use in a lawn mower.

A high-quality steel body will serve as a protective skirt and guide when throwing grass to the side. In addition to the motor, two pulleys and a belt are used to transmit rotation from the engine to the blade drive. The motor is fixed on the platform and connected to one phase.

A similar mower works on local area, since it is connected to the network by a power cord. You can use a special coil extension wire, selecting a cross-section that matches the engine power. Such a device is produced in a length of at least 40 meters and should provide mobility.

Using a chainsaw engine in a lawn mower does not require additional protection. It is already made in a dust and waterproof design. Air filters clog less often.

How to make a mobile lawn mower with your own hands? A tool made on the basis of a drill depends on the battery capacity and requires recharging from the network. In the absence of electricity, all that remains is to build a lawn mower based on an internal combustion engine. All small equipment that is fueled with gasoline or a combustible mixture can become a donor for a homemade lawn mowing machine.

Do you have an old Druzhba or Ural chainsaw?

Here is an example of people's ingenuity. The beautiful frame from the corner was thrown out of the warehouse as scrap metal as unnecessary. Special wheel units with a rotation of 180 0 on the hinge were found there. Without such a frame, the platform could have been welded. The remote working unit is independently driven from the chainsaw via a belt drive. Torque is transmitted to discs, where metal chains 25 cm long serve as cutting tools. A DIY lawn mower has been used effectively for several years. An improved version has been made with a rotary cutter and a two-wheeled frame. It works more efficiently, but is difficult to manufacture.

Each master is proud of his ingenuity and the performance of the tool. However, it should be understood that the collective mind of designers creates tools that are no less functional, but safer.

To the advantages homemade instruments include:

  • saving money on purchasing tools;
  • the ability to use parts that have lost their commercial value but are usable;
  • thorough knowledge of your instrument and the ability to improve and repair it.

The height of grass mowing is not adjustable, and the clearing is not always cut evenly. The absence of a grass catcher increases the share of manual labor. A heavy tool with narrow wheels sometimes ruins appearance lawn - this is an objective answer to why it is better to use a factory-made tool.

Video about one of the options for a lawn mower from a washing machine

On the farm, a lawn mower is not an essential device. Its need especially affects summer cottage, during the harvest period and during the rest season.

Every normal owner wants to have a beautiful, well-groomed one on his site. Here you will have to work hard with a scythe, purchase a high-quality lawn mower, or assemble this device yourself. In the latter case, its composition will be as follows:

  • engine,
  • knives,
  • comfortable handle.

The engine will need power, so you will need a very long cord with a plug, and also a switch. You can make the work easier if you attach wheels to the bottom of this technique. This whole thing has to be held together somehow. This function will be performed by the frame.

Creation process

Initial stage self-creation lawnmowers consists in the selection of parts. The most important thing is the presence of an engine. It can be taken from an already unused household appliances, can be removed from any power tool:

  • drills,
  • vacuum cleaner,
  • chainsaws,
  • Bulgarians.

The minimum required motor parameter is 500 V. Better than 1000 V. This way you can work at low speeds. And sharpening knives will become a less common task. The selection of the engine is influenced by the diameter of the knife and the overall dimensions of the equipment. The larger the working area for it, the higher the engine power should be.

Cutting part

The key component of the mechanism is the knife. Its quality determines the service life and efficiency of the device. For its manufacture, solid steel of the highest quality is required.

The knife can be made solid up to 50 cm in length. Make a hole in the center where the screw will go. The knife will be sharpened on both sides. Its shape can be made slightly curved.

Another version of the knife is a compound one. The steel strip is attached with bolts or by welding a pair of metal pieces, sharpened to the maximum. The steel strip can be made in a trapezoid format. This will protect the knife from layering the grass.

You can also create a knife in the shape of a solid round disk. It also needs to be sharpened well. This form, unlike other forms, when colliding with a stone or stick, will withstand such attacks and not be damaged.


The handle for the device being prepared can be taken from an old stroller. From there you can borrow the wheels and frame.

If you can’t get a stroller, you can use a metal pipe to weld the handle.


The power cord can be removed from any unnecessary household appliance. If its length is short, you can use extensions.

Wheels can be borrowed not only from a stroller, but also from an old vacuum cleaner.

Build process

For the frame you need a piece of metal or plywood with a thickness of 8 mm. Here you will need to create a protective metal casing. This will reduce the likelihood of your lawn mower breaking down.

The necessary tools are here:

  • welding equipment;
  • hacksaw (metal type).
  1. First, the frame for the motor is prepared. Although plywood is suitable, it is better to take a sheet of metal at least 3 mm thick. It is more resistant to deformation. The size of the frame is determined by the length of the knife and the width of the lawn mower (this parameter is usually no more than 60 cm). A square is cut from this sheet with a side similar to the width of this unit. Holes for the motor are created in the center of the square. The flange motor must be attached to the frame with the shaft facing down. If the engine has ears, another mount is welded to the frame.
  2. To make the simplest casing, a metal tin can is used. It is better to make the casing high, so it will also protect the electrics of the lawn mower. It needs to be put on the motor shaft. Then put on a knife (carefully sharpened). The entire mechanism is connected with a bolt. Wheels are attached to the frame. For them, it is necessary to weld corners with holes to it. The diameter of the wheels should allow the knife to pass freely 5-7 cm above the ground. If it goes lower, it will remain in the ground. If it is higher, it will crush the grass rather than cut it.

Frame example (photo):

  1. The handle needs to be adjusted to suit the height of the main user of the future lawn mower. Its optimal length is about 90 cm.

After this assembly, all that remains is to connect the power cord.

Advice! You can protect yourself from cut grass by attaching a mesh over the lawn mower.

The most primitive homemade lawn mower

Made practically from scrap metal.

Lawn mower based on an old washing machine

As you know, Soviet “washing machines” were stamped from strong metal. Their engines are optimally matched in terms of performance and power for the intended lawn mower.

The superior steel body will act as a defensive skirt and guide when flipping the grass to the side.

It also uses two pulleys and a belt that transmits impulse from the engine to the knife mechanism. The motor is mounted on the platform and connected to only one phase.

Such a unit will work in an area near the house, since it is connected to the network with an electrical cord. To make the device more mobile, a special coil wire is used - an extension cord with a cross-section corresponding to the power of the motor. Its minimum length is 40 m.

Drill based

Here, instead of a drill, a wide knife is attached to the drill used. The drill itself is attached to the created frame along with its handle. And the drill cord will be directed into the network.

Such units are suitable for working in areas near curbs and under trees.

It is important to use a low-speed drill with good power and dynamics of 1500 - 3000 rpm. You also need a competent selection of power to the swath width. Overloading the motor is not allowed. Such a drill generates the required torque, and the grass is easily mowed. It is necessary to pause while working so that the engine can “rest.”

The platform for the engine should be narrow so that it is convenient to work with the wall platform. The stability of the unit is affected by the position of the center of gravity. The lower it is, the less the platform tips over.

If you intend to create a more powerful modification with parameters of 1500 - 6000 W, then installing the engine will go to a special sole. Suitable engine– asynchronous: it makes less noise.

The chassis is metal wheels, covered with rubber. They have a wide projector. This way the grass will wrinkle less. And here the bearing assemblies in the axial bushings are stronger than plastic bushings.

The deck and knife are created from old frying pan and a steel plate (steel - tool). This knife mounting design is highly effective. It is important not to disturb the relationships and profile of the sharpened edges. When working, it is better to adhere to the following drawings:

The high-speed unit will work better if properly aligned. Even a slight runout can cause strong vibration, connections will be damaged, and backlash will occur due to the development of seating positions.

Lawn mower or trimmer from a drill on video

Chainsaw based

Here a frame is welded from pieces of pipe. The engine from the chainsaw is focused on it. Due to its power, the lawn mower will overcome even small bushes. The use of such an engine does not imply the presence of additional defense. He already has powerful protection from moisture and dust. And his air filters become clogged less often.

Suitable wheel assemblies have a 180 degree rotation on the hinge. A separate functional unit is connected by belts to an independent chainsaw drive. The torque goes to the discs. There cutting tool These are metal chains. Their length is 25 cm.

More details:

  1. The tire and “steering wheel” are unscrewed from an unnecessary chainsaw.
  2. The handle is made from water pipes with the possibility of height adjustment.
  3. The “star” is taken from the chainsaw.
  4. A piece of pipe 8 cm long and with a diameter of 5 cm is placed on it in the desired position. This piece is processed on a lathe.
  5. You will also need another piece of such pipe. The length is the same. Diameter = 5.8 cm. It is put on the previous piece. This creates a pipe telescopic shaft.
  6. To fasten the pipes, special M6 bolts equipped with locknuts are required. The correct positions of the bolts are diametrically parallel to each other.
  7. Make several holes. This makes it easier to adjust the cutting height of the grass. The pipes will move relative to each other. And this movement slightly compensates for the imbalance.

After these operations, the knife base is prepared. A steel disk (steel - sheet) is welded to another pipe. Its diameter is 18 cm.

Interestingly, such a modification can last for years.

Lawn mower or walk-behind mower from Yuri Leskov

Based on a vacuum cleaner

The required details here are:

  • wheels of large diameters (create smooth free movement);
  • welding equipment;
  • two steel sheets;
  • saw/hacksaw.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. A platform is cut out from these sheets. It will house the motor from an old vacuum cleaner. The engine will concentrate its shaft in the lower area. The engine also needs a protective casing. The thickness of the casing is 1.2 mm. Holes are made in it 4 mm larger than the shaft. The engine is positioned 3-4 cm from the ground, otherwise the unit will break during operation.
  2. A metal disk is placed on the motor shaft.
  3. The knife is prepared in several copies. From metal sheet a disk with a diameter of 3.8 - 4 cm is cut out. The disk is put on the shaft disk end and welded to it.

Working width – 25 cm maximum.

Advantages of a homemade model:

  1. Saving money.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  1. You cannot control the height of the knife.
  2. Weak level of security.
  3. High probability of breakdown.

These disadvantages are not difficult to eliminate. It is important to have the necessary skills here.

  1. A knife will be less likely to become dull if it is made of high quality steel.
  2. To keep the motor shaft intact, the knife needs to be sharpened unevenly. It should be sharp towards the edge. The place where it touches the shaft cannot be touched, since the grass near the area where the knife and shaft are attached is cut rather poorly, but only gets stuck on the knife.
  3. You can adjust the length of the handle.
  4. The knife can be protected from contact with the ground. To do this you need to make safety bumpers.
  5. A special collection box can be provided for mown grass.
  6. Before turning on the unit, you need to carefully check its condition: the sharpness of the knives, the reliability of the fasteners, the free movement of the wheels.
  7. Before work, clean the work site: remove debris, stones, and pieces of wood. They can damage the machine or injure the mower.
  8. Remove children and animals from the work site.
  9. When operating, push the unit away from you.
  10. When there is a pause in operation, disconnect the unit from the power supply by unplugging the plug from the socket.
  11. Do not work in rain or on wet surfaces.
  12. Clean or repair the unit only after its mechanism has completely cooled down.
  13. Experts recommend making a locking button in the device. It will operate if the knife is damaged or jammed. Here is the diagram:

Types of lawn mower repairs

Gasoline modifications. They are extremely difficult to repair. But the main thing is to know typical faults, be able to identify them and replace elements. Many household models equipped with gasoline two-pin internal combustion engines. In homemade products you can find motors from drills, chainsaws, etc.

The most common problem is related to:

  • starting the engine,
  • lack of movement,
  • huge vibrations at work.

The motor starts, holds speed, but the blades do not rotate.. This is a mechanical problem. Check the fasteners to the output motor shaft. If it is broken, replace it.

The engine starts hard, but runs stably. This is a problem with the carburetor idle technology. It may also be the wrong proportions of the combustible composition. Mix fuel and oil in the correct ratio. If this does not help, remove the carburetor and adjust the idle speed technology.

The engine starts poorly and runs poorly. Here you need to check the carburetor. There may be a blockage in the fuel nozzles. Filters can also become clogged: fuel and air. They should be changed and the jets should be blown out.

The engine starts well, but cannot cope with the load. This is a problem with air filter. It needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Doesn't start gasoline engine and with high-quality fuel supply. This is a problem with the ignition technology. Need to check the coil. If there are visible violations, it must be replaced. There may be a dilemma here in candles. We need diagnostics for each spark plug. They can be replaced.


It is also very important to monitor the condition of the carburetor. It needs to be cleaned periodically. Its casing is dismantled. The screws are unscrewed. It comes out of the plastic. Garbage (if any) is removed from it. There is a cover under the casing. The carburetor is located underneath it. He's filming. First, the fuel hose is disconnected (the fuel tank and carburetor communicate through it). Fuel may leak from it. You need to be more careful. The carburetor is removed and held in place by a pair of bolts. Next comes its analysis.

The bolt holding the fuel compartment cover is unscrewed. When cleaning you need special means. WD-40 will do just fine. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the fuel channels of this mechanism. A thin copper wire is required. Cleaning begins with the fuel compartment. The mechanism is soaked abundantly. The carburetor is left alone for a short time. This process is repeated several times. Copper wire channels are cleaned. Let's blow them under pressure. After these operations, the mechanism is assembled using the reverse algorithm.

Clogged compartments and channels are the most common reason engine problems. Constant monitoring of their cleanliness will significantly extend the life of the engine and make it work more efficiently.

Repair on video

Valery Rudenko reports.

Today, the market for electric and gasoline lawn mowers can provide a large number of various options and models. But in the case when there is no budget for a mower, and you don’t want to mow by hand, you can make a lawn mower with your own hands at home from scrap parts and materials. A do-it-yourself lawn mower will significantly save money, unlike factory-made analogues.

Required materials and tools

A device such as a do-it-yourself electric mower is not an essential item. But having such a tool at home will significantly save labor costs when mowing the grass. Very simple lawn mowers can even be made from an electric motor. They include the same parts and functionality as their factory counterparts.

Electric lawn mowers include:

It is necessary to maintain operational safety at all times, and therefore it is necessary to install an element of emergency and automatic shutdown electric mowers.

All electric mowers operate on the same principle. After voltage is applied to the electric motor, its shaft begins to rotate. And since the knives are fixed to the shaft, they cut the grass at high speeds of the electric motor.

Choosing the right engine

The following engine can be used as a motor for a lawn mower:

  • from a vacuum cleaner;
  • from the washing machine;
  • from a grinder;
  • from the trimmer.

If you need to mow small areas, then the motor from an old drill will be just right. You don’t even need to disassemble it, you just need to fix it in a vertical position.

You can make a DIY lawn mower from a washing machine or Soviet-style vacuum cleaner without special effort. They have all the necessary parts. The best option for mowing grass near the house, an electric motor with a power of 0.5 kilowatts is considered, and the recommended speed is about three thousand. The speed of the motor, and therefore its blades, determines the quality of work and grass cutting.

The longer the knives of the device, the lower the number of revolutions it can be used due to the increase linear speed. But its power must increase in order to cope with the increasing load. In practice, it has been proven that for home needs a device with a power of one kilowatt and an engine speed of one and a half thousand is sufficient. Moreover, the working plane is half a meter. In the case when the engine power is less than these indicators, then you need to regularly sharpen the blades to obtain the desired result.

If the farm only has a three-phase motor, then starting capacitors need to be added to this design. They must match the engine capacity. Drawings of a lawn mower made from an angle grinder or other raw materials can be easily found on the Internet or specialized literature.

Additional materials for construction

Knives are designed for direct cutting of grass. In order to make them yourself, you need to prepare steel plates up to 45 centimeters long, 3-4 centimeters wide, and 2-3 millimeters thick. Thin knives cut grass better and better, while thick knives are more durable.

They can be manufactured in three variations:

  1. One strip that has holes exactly in the center, and sharpened edges on the right sides. Its length should be from thirty to fifty centimeters.
  2. The structure, consisting of two parts, which are mounted on a solid rib, is fixed with bolts.
  3. Sharpened disc.

To save money, wheels and material for handles can be taken from an old baby stroller. When choosing the diameter of the wheels, it is necessary to take into account that the distance between the ground and the blade should be no more than 5 centimeters. If possible, you need to adjust the ride height of the lawn mower. When the cutting part of the device consists of two elements, then maneuverability indicators improve, and if it consists of 3-4, then reliability. Such wheels can also be made of plywood and mounted on a shaft with bearings.

The blade guard can be made from plywood, a steel barrel, or the body of an old washing machine. Moreover, holes must be made in such an element of the lawn mower for the normal functioning of the electric motor and for air to enter the closed part of the lawn mower.

The body of the washing machine can also be used to create a casing around the blades. Spars for the motor are made of plywood or sheet steel. The cord for connecting the device to the network must be selected taking into account the power of the motor. Alternatively, you can take it from old devices.

In order to make a lawn mower blade with your own hands, as well as all other structural elements, you need to prepare the required materials in advance:

As an alternative to a grinder or jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw for metal or wood, but with small teeth. And also, experts always recommend making a drawing of the device being manufactured in order to have an idea of ​​the future design.

Principles of operation of an electric motor

Such a motor can be either single-phase, which operates from a regular network, or three-phase, which requires additional electricity. When connecting an electric motor, you must always remember personal safety. For a motor operating on one phase, RCD protection must be installed, and a three-phase motor must have appropriate capacitors.

For a home lawn mower, you can also use a drill with speeds of up to three thousand. When assembling the structure, it is necessary to correctly select the power of the mower for its swathing. Mounted on a base or platform, battery or electric drill will perform its tasks efficiently, and the grass will be mowed.

During operation, you should not forget about operating intervals, since you need to give the motor time to rest in order to avoid overheating. This tool will easily clear the grass from the area and give the lawn an attractive look. The platform on which the engine is installed must be optimal sizes so that you can cut the grass near the wall.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Depending on the source materials for the electric lawn mower, these steps will differ. One of the most common options is to assemble a mower from an old washing machine. It will be useful to consider step by step instructions precisely to create such a device.

Actions should occur in the following sequence:

To do this you need:

  • install the switch and switch in a convenient place near the handle of the device;
  • connect the power cable with plug;
  • installation of RCD.

The container for collecting grass should be installed at the very end. It is made in the form of a box or bag.

Covering the knives with a casing is mandatory as this will increase safety during operation. Such protection must also be done for the motor in order to avoid debris and its durability, as well as durability.

Construction from an angle grinder

There are quite a few ways to create such a device. The simplest is to bolt it to a pre-prepared platform or base.

The most common option is to assemble such a homemade product using a baby stroller.

To do this you need:

  • Disassemble the stroller, but leave the base with wheels.
  • Prepare a board that will rest on the wheel axles.
  • Secure it.
  • Attach the grinder to the board with ties or clamps.
  • You need to install blades or fishing line on the grinder.
  • Attach the switch to the handle.

This design can be equipped protective casing to prevent the grass from scattering to the sides, or a container for collecting waste.

Self-taught craftsmen have already come up with a lot of models throughout history. homemade cars. They differ in the form of assembly and the complexity of the design. More advanced models have the function of adjusting the mowing height, etc. You need to make a mower with your own hands so that safety is paramount. The mechanism activation button must be installed in such a way that the device turns off immediately after it is released.

In order to learn how to make a mower with your own hands, sometimes good ingenuity is required. At scrap metal collection points you can always find discarded frames made from corners. Less commonly, but you can still find wheels on a hinge, preferably at an angle of 180 degrees. But even if you couldn’t find such a frame, it can be easily welded from scrap materials.

The working shaft moves due to a belt drive from the saw itself to the pulleys on which the fishing line is attached. This design will serve for many years without need. additional service. This option is more difficult to manufacture, as it has a two-wheeled frame and two rotary cutters. On the other hand, it also has its advantages, since its productivity is much higher than that of conventional self-propelled vehicles.

Self-manufacturing of the device and ingenuity are, of course, a reason to be proud of your invention. But we must also remember that collective constructive solutions will always reflect better on the quality and safety of the design.

To the benefits homemade devices can be attributed:

  • savings on purchases necessary materials at a low price instead of a new tool;
  • using a tool that does not have presentation, but not losing its functionality;
  • Self-assembly allows you to always improve the invention, as well as know its design perfectly.

In this model, the height is not adjustable, and due to this, it is not always possible to cut the lawn evenly. Another disadvantage is the lack of a container for collecting grass, which automatically increases human labor costs. Heavy tool self-assembly sometimes it can ruin the lawn with its weight. This is an objective factor in favor of choosing a factory model instead of self-assembly.

Are you tired of mowing the grass in your suburban area with a hand scythe? Then you have two options: buy a factory-assembled lawn mower or make it yourself. From the point of view of economy, the second option is more preferable, and I am ready to tell you how to assemble a lawn mower with your own hands from old parts.

Description of the assembly process

The electric lawn mower consists of:

  1. Frame, on which all functional elements are installed;
  2. Engine, ensuring rotation of the working part of the mower;
  3. Knives mowing grass;
  4. casing, protecting the operator’s legs;
  5. Wheels allowing you to move the lawn mower around the area during operation;
  6. Control knobs, giving control over the device;
  7. Fragments of the power system, which include an RCD (residual current device) and a cord with a plug.

Step No. 1: making a frame

To make a lawn mower with your own hands, you will first need a frame:

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Selecting the material.

The ideal option as a raw material for creation would be a metal sheet 2-3 mm thick.

We cut metal.

If the sheet is too large, then it should be cut using a grinder. For the undertaking under consideration, a square with a side of 500 mm is quite suitable.

Making a hole.

In the middle of the resulting section you will need through hole under the motor shaft. You can do it in two ways:

  • Insert into drill special crown and drill the required opening. But such an attachment is not cheap, and it is irrational to buy it specifically to solve the described problem alone;
  • Drill around the holes with a regular drill metal, and then knock out the circle formed inside.

Step No. 2: select and install the engine

Homemade electric lawn mowers can be equipped with motors that can be found in households:

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Vacuum cleaner.

An electromechanical lawn mower is the second life of an old vacuum cleaner.


Corner fixed to the frame grinder also capable of becoming driving force for homemade lawn mower blades.


And even drills are adapted for mowing grass.


In this case, you will get a gasoline lawn mower, which will free you from wires and sockets, but will tie you to the purchase of gasoline.

Washing machine.

Another representative of household appliances, which is very often used by home craftsmen. As can be seen from the photo, no drawings were used during assembly; the cost of the parts is insignificant.

The power and number of revolutions should be selected in accordance with the length of the knives to be installed. So, for example, to capture 400-500 mm, the following parameters will be sufficient:

  • Engine power– 1 kW;
  • RPM – 1500.

If the knives are shorter, then the motor will need a more powerful one and with a greater number of revolutions per minute.

It’s also worth paying attention to the fastening:

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Flanged motor.
  • We place it in its original position on the frame plate;
  • Mark the mounting holes;
  • We drill them with a drill;
  • We fasten the motor with bolts.

Conventional engine.
  • We install two corners on the side of the future handles, directed vertically upward at a distance from each other equal to the distance between the ears of the motor mounts;
  • We drill holes in them;
  • We put the engine in its original position and screw it to the corners.

The mounting system of a conventional engine can be improved. To do this, just drill several holes in the corners at different heights. Then, if necessary, the motor can be raised or lowered, thereby changing the height of the mowed grass.

Step No. 3: making and securing knives

For a knife if a lawn mower is made with my own hands, perfect hacksaw blade on wood 2 mm.

I want to dwell separately on the thickness:

  • Thin the knife cuts the grass more efficiently;
  • Thick The knife withstands impacts on stones better.

Therefore, take into account the characteristics of your site when choosing this option.

The instructions for turning a hacksaw into the working part of a lawn mower look like this:

  1. We cut the canvas according to the dimensions of the frame. In our case it is 400 mm;
  2. In the middle we drill or punch a hole for the motor shaft with a punch;
  3. We sharpen the edges on opposite sides in accordance with the rotation of the motor;

If for each half of the knife you bend along cutting edge sides, as is done in factory models, then while the device is operating, the cut grass will be blown out from under the lawn mower.

  1. We screw the resulting knife to the motor shaft from the bottom side of the frame.

For fastening, be sure to use a lock washer and a lock nut, otherwise the vibration will cause the blades to unscrew and fly off the shaft.

Step No. 4: attach a protective casing

The protective casing is a metal strip rolled into a ring and installed under the frame around the knives. Thanks to it, the operator’s feet are not threatened by either debris flying out from under the lawn mower or knives accidentally unscrewing and jumping off the shaft.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut it out from a metal sheet a strip 150-200 mm wide. If you have an old cylindrical washing machine, then to obtain the desired steel ring, you can cut off part of its body;

  1. We bend into the ring. In this case, it is necessary that there is a hole left on the side through which the mowed grass will be thrown out. Here you can even adapt a grass catcher for a lawn mower, which is supplied with factory models.

Step No. 5: select and install wheels

As for wheels, it is important to decide on two main points:

  1. Quantity. Two wheels provide maximum maneuverability to the lawn mower. Three or four set a more precise distance to the ground, thereby allowing you to cut the grass more evenly;

  1. Height. Calculate so that the knives end up at a height of 50-60 mm above the ground. By placing them higher, you will simply bend the grass rather than mow it, and lower, you risk the working part crashing into the ground on uneven terrain.

Step No. 6: select and install handles

There is absolute freedom for your imagination. The main thing is to follow two rules:

  1. Acceptable height. The handles should be at a level that allows you to hold them without bending over. Otherwise, you'll end up with back pain before you even finish tidying up your lawn;

  1. Correct location. If you are assembling a lawn mower with three wheels, then the handles must be installed on the side of two. Then you can easily turn the unit by simply lifting the front wheel.

A handle from an old wheelbarrow or baby stroller can solve this problem.

Step No. 7: install the power system elements

Take a responsible approach to the manufacture of a lawn mower in terms of arranging the power supply, since electrical damage is the second greatest danger during its operation after the possibility of the blades flying out.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pull up the cord. Secure it with electrical tape along the handle - this will protect it from debris flying out from under the unit;

  1. Install the trigger button on the handle;
  1. Insulate thoroughly all wire connection points. This is especially true for the connection point of the RCD.


Have you read the step by step assembly homemade lawnmower. The video in this article contains additional materials related to the topic under consideration. In the comments you can ask any questions you are interested in.

Summer is the time for long raids on the dacha and the fight against lush vegetation. Not only on your own body, but also on personal plot. To maintain an ideal green order, you cannot do without a lawn mower. True, not every summer resident is ready to fork out money to buy this, although necessary, but very expensive thing. As a budget alternative, we suggest learning how to make a lawn mower or trimmer from scrap materials.

Such a device can be made literally from scrap materials. The author of the video claims that such an electric scythe is perfect for mowing a small lawn, but is also capable of cutting stems of impressive diameter. The device is portable, self-contained and great for minor works in the garden.

You will need:
- segment plastic pipe diameter 40 mm,
- angle 45° (40 mm),
- adapter 40 mm to 50 mm,
- electric motor 12V DC motor 6000 rpm or more,
- switch,
- crocodiles,
- battery from a screwdriver (12V),
- blades for stationery knives,
- metal plate,
- screws and nuts,
- connecting terminal for wires,
- plastic bucket
- video instructions below

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