How to make a piggy bank with your own hands: original gift ideas. How to make a piggy bank for money with your own hands at home How to make a piggy bank for change

Many people have piggy banks in their homes, but not everyone knows what they should be like in order to really attract money.

The first piggy banks appeared a long time ago. Orange clay pigs made in medieval England have survived to this day.

Piggy banks in the shape of animals are very common to this day. If you like these products, keep the following in mind:

  • the pig is a symbol of ever-growing wealth;
  • the dog not only stores money, but also protects it from thieves;
  • an owl will help you manage your finances wisely;
  • squirrel symbolizes quick enrichment;
  • the cat will give you cunning and influential friends who will help increase your income.

DIY piggy bank for attracting money

You can make a piggy bank with your own hands, for example, make a money bag. A ready-made box or jar can also play the role of a piggy bank.

Most best color for a piggy bank:

  • gold;
  • green;
  • violet.

For the ritual, take 7 coins of the same denomination and a small piece of paper. Write on it the amount you want to collect. Place a piece of paper in the piggy bank and then throw one coin at a time, while reading the plot:

“The coins are ringing, they promise me profit.

My income will grow by leaps and bounds.

Which will give me the opportunity to make all my dreams come true!”

After this, close the piggy bank tightly and do not open it until you fill it. Throw at least one coin of any denomination into it every day.

You need to buy or make a piggy bank on the new moon. Along with the moon, your wealth will grow. It is important to believe that the piggy bank is actually magical and then everything will work out!

Before you start filling your piggy bank with money, read the conspiracy from thieves:

"How merciful God doesn't let the sun go backwards. So the thief will not take mine. Now, forever and ever. Amen".

Then read the plot to attract money three times:

“Whenever I remember God, I will take out a ruble. Let the Lord be remembered and my savings are multiplying . In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen ».

When the time comes to open the piggy bank, hold the coins and bills in your hands for a few minutes, saying to yourself:

“Money, money, you are free, fly, run, and bring your friends to me

Coins for good luck

If you want good luck in all your endeavors, perform this ritual.

On the waxing moon, at dawn, bury under a fruit-bearing tree, preferably under an apple tree, three equal coins with the coat of arms facing up at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other with the words:

"Money in the ground will hide the matter will be argued.”

You need to dig a hole for coins using a short branch found nearby. You need to fill it up with your hands, while reading the above plot. Throwing the last handful of earth, say: “Paid!”

Turning over your left shoulder, go home, without talking to anyone or turning around on the way back. Wash your hands with soap and water running water and dry it over the flame of a red candle, which you leave to burn out to the end in the central room of your home.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands (video)


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies V given time and in this place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. By turning to natal astrology, you can better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool of self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope127
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes using tea and coffee grounds, from the palm of their hand, and from the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your fate, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling65

Piggy banks are now more of a decorative element than objects used for their intended purpose. And yet, many continue to use them as a means of storing small items. By dropping just coins of a couple of rubles into them, after a while you can find a pleasant amount inside for small and sometimes large expenses. This method of saving seems completely easy and not difficult on the budget. So the piggy bank was and remains in a relevant way saving money in small amounts. Such products are not cheap, and it is much easier to make them yourself. We will tell you how to make a piggy bank with your own hands, using only what everyone has at home.

In general, no one needs to explain what a piggy bank is. Everyone knows that this is a special container that allows you to put money in it and accumulate it for a certain time - until the piggy bank becomes full and the coins simply cannot fit into it. Traditionally, this is a container made of ceramics, inside of which there is a void intended to be filled with coins.

Usually piggy banks are depicted in the form of animals, most often piglets, but they can also have other forms - vegetables and fruits, beautifully decorated jars, boxes, and so on. As a rule, on one side the piggy bank has a slot, a slot into which coins can freely pass, but it will not be possible to pull them out through it. To get the money, the product will have to be broken. However, practical reusable piggy banks are now being made that have a larger closing hole through which, if necessary, all coins can be taken out and the piggy bank can be used again for savings.

Note! Due to the fact that piggy banks were previously most often made in the shape of pigs, the term “piggy bank” appeared in English-speaking countries. Now they call almost any piggy bank that way, and it doesn’t matter in what form they are made. Also, the origin of this name is associated with the fact that previously in England, small change was stored in pots made of red clay. "Pygg jars" translates to "clay pot." This is an outdated name and is now almost forgotten.

The origin of the piggy bank is not exactly known. Some consider Germany to be it, others call China the first country where these products appeared. Also among the contenders for the title of the place where the piggy bank appeared is Malaysia.

In Russia, or rather, back then in Rus', money was saved and kept in order to protect it from thieves. And piggy banks of that time were more reminiscent of modern safes, although they were made of wood and necessarily bound with steel for strength and reliability. Sometimes coins were hidden in stockings, and egg capsules were vessels with a narrow neck and wide sides. The egg capsules could have been sealed and buried as treasure. Gradually wooden boxes disappeared into oblivion, and metal boxes appeared, providing the opportunity to lock them with a padlock. They could also be equipped with locking mechanisms.

Gradually, piggy banks became more complex and beautiful, and soon they began to be used as souvenirs, and not just places to store money. At one time, even banks gave piggy banks as gifts to their large clients.

Disposable ceramic piggy banks appeared in Russia in the 80s of the twentieth century. They began to be given to children as gifts on major holidays - for example, New Year. In this way they tried to teach them to take care of things and money. And after the revolution of 1917, people were even encouraged to collect small coins under the slogan “A penny saves the ruble.” Although in the emerging USSR they did not like piggy banks - it was customary to keep money in a savings book. And then various homemade piggy banks began to appear.

Piggy bank. USSR. 1920s – 1930s

Types of money boxes

Piggy banks can have not only different kind and made from all kinds of materials. Modern ones are divided into several types and according to their functionality.

Table. Main types of piggy banks.

ViewBrief description
Traditional The same piggy banks that are discussed in the article. These can be specialized, as well as a variety of containers where a person puts money. Most often these are animal figures. Usually this is a pig, owl, squirrel, dog. It is interesting that each animal is a certain symbol in this case: for example, a dog guards savings, an owl will help you spend them correctly, etc.
Electronic Since technology has come a long way and you can now pay with electronic money or directly from a bank account without cashing it out, you can also save money using virtual methods. Now there are ATM piggy banks that can count the accumulated coins; they have a counter where you can set a certain amount, etc.
Magnetic This is a more advanced regular piggy bank. It is made of wood, and the coins are attached to the “twigs” thanks to magnets. There is a “pot” for banknotes. These piggy banks are reusable.
Virtual Services electronic money like Yandex. Money or WebMoney offer their users virtual piggy banks. This is a kind of account where the user can add electronic funds until their quantity reaches a certain amount, or virtually one can save funds for some purpose. Other users can also top up their account if the person shares the idea of ​​saving with them and provides the account number to which the funds need to be transferred.

Why do you need a piggy bank?

This question, on the one hand, seems stupid, but some people are not immediately clear about all the possibilities of the simplest piggy bank. After all, this is not only a storage of small change or a way to save up for your dream, it is something more.

  1. Using a piggy bank helps with simple example explain to children the importance of saving skills. Moreover, you can give a piggy bank to a child and he himself will be able to save money, for example, for a bicycle, or spend it as he would like. It is advisable to put the funds left over from saving on something into a piggy bank - then you can demonstrate to your child how much money can be saved by denying yourself small daily expenses.
  2. A piggy bank will help you set a specific goal - for example, simply fill it to the very top. Moreover, it allows you to visualize the entire process and clearly show the rate of accumulation of funds.
  3. Small expenses are an elusive outflow of finances. By putting change in a piggy bank (for example, putting 100 rubles into it every day as the equivalent of buying a glass of coffee), you can clearly feel how much money from the budget is going nowhere, and begin to be more careful with your funds.
  4. Coins are always and everywhere lying around - in pockets, on shelves, on the table... People treat small coins with disdain, almost as trash, and this is fundamentally wrong. By collecting them in one place, it is easier to control your money. And sometimes a little thing is completely irreplaceable. For example, it is convenient for her to pay in public transport.
  5. You can save quite a large amount using a piggy bank, although this process will happen almost unnoticeably. A nice bonus when you empty your piggy bank is the opportunity to buy yourself something expensive, quietly saving up for it.
  6. Another advantage of a piggy bank is that there is always cash in the house.. Sometimes you really need it, and the nearest ATM is far away. The easiest way is to take some amount from the piggy bank.
  7. For some, saving is a kind of game. So you can even come up with certain rules and start saving money with passion.

Note! You can have not one, but several piggy banks for different types coins - for example, for 10, 5, 2 rubles and so on.

Materials for manufacturing

Traditionally, as already mentioned, piggy banks were made of ceramics. However, homemade coin containers can be made from anything. The main thing is that the materials used are strong enough that they will not be damaged by the weight of the coins if the container is large enough. However, no one bothers you to turn even an ordinary fabric bag into a piggy bank, if it is more convenient.

Homemade piggy banks are usually made from:

  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • metal

Note! If desired, you can turn any beautiful box into a piggy bank or even use an ordinary glass jar by decorating it and making a slot for coins in the lid.

You should choose the material wisely, assessing the desired type of piggy bank, your skills and abilities to work with the material, as well as the tools available. So, It's easiest to work with cardboard or plastic bottles– to process these materials you can use tools that are always at hand (for example, scissors and glue gun). As for wood or metal, you may need special scissors, a hacksaw, nails, special adhesive compositions, varnishes, rivets and so on.

The simplest option for a piggy bank is to take a nice, durable cookie box and make a hole in the lid of a size that will allow coins of any diameter to pass through. You can do the same with a glass jar. The advantage of glass is that it is transparent and through the walls of the jar you can see how full the piggy bank is. Additionally, the jar can be painted or pasted over with various decorative elements(shells, sparkles, decorative cord, etc.). It’s better to take a screw-on lid, decorate it and don’t forget to make a slot for coins.

Important! The edges of the cuts on the lid of the jar should be processed with a file so that they are not sharp, otherwise it is easy to get injured when dropping coins into the jar.

You can also take a simple cardboard box of any size, paint it, paste it over beautiful paper or fabric, make a cutout for coins - and the piggy bank is ready. Such containers for coins can be made either disposable or reusable.

Advice! A homemade piggy bank is an excellent gift option for a friend or to a loved one. Inside you can put a “down payment” on your dream - a banknote or coins.

In any case, when creating a piggy bank, it is important to turn on your imagination. There are no rules for decorating or structuring a piggy bank - you can do everything the way you want. Below are some examples of how you can make a coin storage container at home.

Piggy bank from a can of chips

Chips of one well-known brand are sold in very dense cylindrical packages. And from such a jar, using decorative cord and glue, you can make an original and simple piggy bank.

Step 1. First of all, you need to clean the jar of any remaining chips. You will need both the jar itself and its lid.

Step 2. Using a sharp utility knife, you need to make a slot in the lid for coins. Cut the lid carefully on a hard surface that you don’t mind scratching. The length and width of the slot should be such that coins of any denomination can easily pass through it.

Step 3. The lid with the hole made can be immediately tried on the jar.

Step 5. You need to attach the cord with glue to the outside of the jar lid.

Step 7 The cord must continue to be glued to the lid in a circle, bypassing the first rows with subsequent ones.

Step 8 As soon as the lid is decorated, you need to start gluing the cord using the same principle to the jar itself. The lid should be placed on the container immediately.

Step 9 When the jar is completely covered, the cord needs to be cut, the remaining end fluffed up and glued to the bottom of the jar.

Step 10 You can decorate your piggy bank with paper roses. In order to make them, you need to cut from thick paper circle and cut it in a spiral.

Step 11 The resulting spiral needs to be screwed onto a pen or screwdriver, then removed and fixed with glue so that the “rose” does not fall apart.

Step 12 The finished roses can be glued to the piggy bank using the same glue gun.

Step 13 The piggy bank is ready. It will work out small size, but is still able to hold a lot of coins, and can also decorate any shelf.

Video - Piggy bank from a shoe box

Cardboard piggy bank with code

You can make an original and interesting piggy bank using ordinary cardboard.

Step 1. You need to take a sheet of cardboard and cut it on one side using a sharp knife along the edges, cutting a solid top part as shown in the picture.

Step 2. Thanks to this procedure, the cardboard becomes very flexible.

Step 3. After this, you need to remove part of the top layer of paper from one edge of the cardboard, and apply glue to the remaining part.

Step 4. Having formed a cylinder, you need to glue the cardboard.

Step 6. The blanks need to be cut. The one that has a hole in the middle needs to be put on a cardboard cylinder, lowered down a little, and glued.

Step 7 A blank without a hole needs to be glued to the same side of the cylinder.

Step 8 After this, you need to cut out a thin long strip of cardboard with a width equal to the distance from the edge of the circle without a hole to the edge of the circle with a hole on the cylinder, and make it flexible. You need to apply glue to one side.

Step 9 Now this narrow strip needs to be glued to the circles placed on the cylinder, as shown in the figure.

Step 11 On paper you need to draw a circle with a radius of 4 cm, inside it - a circle with a radius of 3 cm. Then, inside the second circle - a new one, with a radius of 2.5 cm.

Step 12 By itself big circle you need to make markings. The notches are applied at an equal distance from each other of 2.5 cm.

Step 13 The notch points must be connected to each other by straight lines.

Step 14 Based on the resulting blank, you need to draw and make several multifaceted cardboard rings with small cutouts from the inside of the circle.

Step 15 You need to apply glue to the cardboard rings at three points around the circumference.

Step 16 Then these rings need to be glued together.

Step 17 Around the resulting blank you need to glue a strip of cardboard with numbers from 0 to 9 written on it. About 5 such blanks need to be made. You also need to make several blanks, as in step 14. Strips with numbers need to be glued at random relative to the small cutout inside the circles.

A strip with numbers is glued

Step 19 You need to put one thin cardboard ring on the large cylinder, and then insert the small cylinder into it.

Step 21 Next, alternating thin cardboard rings with thick ones that have numbers on them, you need to put them on a cylinder with a slot. Please note: on inside The rings have small cutouts the same width as the cutout in the cylinder itself. Thin rings are glued to large and voluminous ones: the second voluminous one is glued to the first thin one with a few drops of glue, etc.

There are small cutouts on the inside of the rings

Step 22 The last thin ring is glued to the cylinder itself and will be stationary. The remaining large rings should rotate around it.

Step 23 For a small cylinder along its entire length, you need to set aside 2.5 cm sections from the previously placed mark and then also 2.5 cm from the new mark.

Step 24 You need to cut off the semicircular ends from the ice cream sticks, and also cut them into narrow wooden strips (about 1 cm long).

Step 25 The semicircular ends need to be glued in place of the applied marks on a narrow cylinder. Next to them you need to glue narrow strips of wood to make it look like in the image.

Gluing directional arrows

Step 27 Now the cylinders need to be aligned with each other.

Step 28 If you rotate the circles with numbers, the piggy bank will close. To open it, you need to set the numbers so that you get a certain code. It is set during the work - the strips with numbers are simply glued onto the blanks at random, that is, you should not glue the strip with numbers relative to the slot on the circles equally on all rings. The order of the numbers must be different.

To add coins, the piggy bank must be opened 5 /5 (6 )

Few people don’t have a piggy bank at home. Some people use it for its intended purpose and collect small change there; for others, the piggy bank serves as a decorative element. But few people know that the history of this item dates back to ancient China, where donations were collected for it. The first prototypes of a modern pig for collecting small items had the shape of an ordinary cup with a lock. On such a piggy bank it was necessary to indicate what the collected funds would be used for. Then piggy banks appeared in Rus' and Europe. The piggy bank symbolizes well-being and prosperity among all nations. Thus, among the Germans, the desire for wealth sounds like “pig happiness.” Let's try to make this “pig happiness” with our own hands. There are many ways by which you can make a very original piggy bank from a jar with your own hands, as well as from a plastic bottle, cardboard box. There are countless options. Let's focus on the most interesting in our opinion.

Piggy bank made from a plastic bottle

You will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • spray paint;
  • toy eyes;
  • scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut off the middle part of the plastic bottle.
  2. Dress bottom part on the top, for better adhesion they can be glued together.
  3. Paint the craft with spray paint in several layers. The color can be whatever you like.
  4. When dry, you can glue on the eyes. They can be borrowed from some unnecessary toy. Cut out ears from the remaining middle part of the bottle or from cardboard, paint them light pink and glue them on.
  5. The bottle cap can be painted black with a marker, and you will get a very nice little patch.
  6. Make a small hole at the top so that you can push change and paper bills through it. This can be done with a knife.
  7. Pig legs can be made from plastic or bottle caps.

Your piggy bank is ready! You can feed her, and we wish you “pig happiness”

Important! The first piggy bank appeared in medieval England, and it was there that the first pig pigs were produced. Well, the Japanese, as always, distinguished themselves and released a kamikaze piggy bank. Its goal is not only to raise money, but also to teach young people to be responsible and punctual. If you don't throw a coin at a certain time, it will crumble.

Piggy bank in the style of Superman or Batman

If your son is a superhero fan, you can make a piggy bank with him in the style of Superman or any other hero, which can be easily made from a jar. How to make such a superhero piggy bank with your own hands from a jar? Very simple:

  1. Find a nice jar with a metal lid.
  2. Spray paint it in several layers in a color suitable for your superhero and let it dry well.
  3. Cut out the logo from colored paper or you can simply print the one you need on a color printer.
  4. Glue the design onto the jar.
  5. Make a slot in the hole the right size using a knife.

Making a piggy bank from a glass jar

Take a regular glass jar of a suitable size and screw the lid on it. Make a slot on this lid for money. Basically, the piggy bank itself is made from glass jar already ready. All that remains is to decorate it.

To make it more original, we’ll make a square-shaped piggy bank. For this we need cardboard:

  • Cut out two strips from cardboard. One strip is the width of the can. The second is 1 height + can diagonal + 1 height.
  • These two strips need to be aligned with each other in the place where the bottom of the jar will be, and fastened together using a stapler. This is the first blank for the frame.
  • We make the second blank. To do this, place the first blank on the cardboard and trace it, adding 1 cm to the allowances on the sides. It doesn’t need to be made so long, leave 3 cm on each side. Cut out the second piece.
  • In the center of the second workpiece, draw a circle equal to the diameter of the lid and cut it out.
  • Now you need to put both blanks on the jar. We place the jar in the center of the first blank and lift the edges, and put the second blank on top of the lid and fasten them together with a stapler.
  • For strength, you can fasten the entire structure with tape.
  • Dilute PVA glue in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Cut paper towels into strips. We dip the strips in glue and lay them in waves on the base. This way we decorate the jar on all sides, preferably in several layers.

Important! Before applying a new layer, the old one must dry completely.

  • Each layer needs to be painted acrylic paints. You can choose the color to your liking.

Important! Paint the first layer more dark color no gaps. Paint the next layers with lighter tones.

  • Now take “Titan” or “Moment” glue, coat the neck and the places where the workpiece ends with it. Place packing rope, woolen thread or burlap on the glue in a circle. Using the same glue and rope, decorate the lid.

Important! On the side you can decorate the piggy bank with bows or buttons or other decorative elements.

Other ways to create piggy banks with your own hands:

  • Do you have any empty coffee cans left over? Don't throw them away, because you can use them to make a piggy bank. How to decorate such a piggy bank? Find a beautiful ornament, drawings of flowers or another picture you like on the Internet and print the drawing on a color printer. Cut out the design based on the size of the jar and cover it.

Important! On top you can decorate the piggy bank with additional rhinestones, beads, buttons, bows or flowers.

  • You can make a box from cardboard and colored threads. Just sketch the box, cut it out of cardboard and fasten all the parts with colored threads. You can download the finished blank from the Internet, print it and use it as a stencil. Make a hole on the lid for coins.
  • Trim the plastic bottle to the height you need and sew a cover with a drawstring that can be released or pulled back. Place it on the top of the bottle. You can put anything inside: money or just small items.

A piggy bank is a very useful invention that helps you collect an indefinite amount of money, and how nice it is to open it and count the accumulated wealth! They are usually made from plaster, various forms, so that when filled, it could be easily broken. But the author of this homemade product decided to go further and made an automatic piggy bank for paper money, it has a bill acceptor, which consists of simple mechanism and when you place bills in it, it automatically places them inside the piggy bank. Everything is quite simple and making an automatic piggy bank with your own hands is not difficult!

What you need for homemade

  1. Traffic jams from plastic bottles— 6 pcs.
  2. Wooden barbecue
  3. Sheet of thick cardboard
  4. Sheet corrugated cardboard
  5. Stationery erasers
  6. Motor from a toy
  7. Power supply for motor
  8. Switch button
  9. Gel pen paste
  10. Plywood 9 mm thick
  11. PVA glue
  12. Glue gun
  13. Insulating tape
  14. Scissors
  15. Soldering iron
  16. Ruler

Making a bill acceptor

We make a hole in the lids exactly in the center

Cuts two sticks from a wooden skewer, about 10-15 cm each. We put the covers on the skewer and fix them from the inside with hot glue, it should look like a shaft with wheels.

Then we wrap the resulting rollers with electrical tape and put 3-4 rubber bands on each one.

Next, you need to make a frame for the rollers, in this case the author makes them from corrugated cardboard, we also mark them randomly, make mounting holes, as in the photo below, and assemble the structure using hot glue.

Then we make an extension for the motor shaft, to do this we cut off a small piece from the gel paste from the side of the working edge, remove the metal rod and insert it into the motor shaft.

Next, we install the manufactured pulleys in their places and fasten them in the same way, with hot glue. The role of the belt will be played by rubber bands, put them in their place and move on to the next step.

We cut out a motor mount from corrugated cardboard and make mounting hole, place the motor there and install the structure in its place.

Making a piggy bank body

In this case, to make the body, the author used 9 mm thick plywood; you need to cut 4 pieces of 200x200 mm and 2 pieces of 250x250 mm.

Then you need to make a hole for the bills; the author used a chisel and a file for this.

We assemble all the parts of the body together; for this you can use small nails; the author preferred PVA glue.

In order for the bottom to be removable, it is necessary to glue small bars in the corners, into which the screws will subsequently be screwed.

Then sandpaper from grinder clean the surface of the case.

Now you need to connect electrical part, everything is simple here, we take a power source and a toggle switch, solder it all to the motor in a gap. We install the bill acceptor and power source inside the piggy bank body, and take the toggle switch to a convenient and accessible place.


There is very little left, we screw the bottom of the piggy bank with self-tapping screws and check its functionality. To do this, we turn on the toggle switch and the shafts in the machine begin to rotate, as soon as the bill touches them, they pull it inside the piggy bank, everything is quite simple and clear.

Well, the piggy bank is ready, if you wish, you can paint the case, the author, using carbon paper, translated the large inscription and burned it with soldering irons, it turned out very nice!

Homemade video

Hello everyone, today I prepared a very interesting and simple homemade product for our website! This homemade product is a simple piggy bank for coins. Our piggy bank will be able to distribute coins according to denominations, for example, you first threw 2 rubles into our piggy bank, then 5 rubles and 10 rubles, and each of these coins ends up in its designated place! I think I've already interested you in this! So get to work!

And so after watching the video you will probably want to read detailed description about how to make our piggy bank, but still, if someone has already gone to make a piggy bank, then our instructions will tell you in more detail how to make it!

To do this, we will need to cut out glass of a suitable size for you, a couple of flat boards that I had left after the renovation, barbecue skewers or small wooden blocks, a door hinge, a corner, and we also need to cut out something like this and make 4 small holes in it screws. From tools hot glue and epoxy resin.

Let's get started!
Next we need to make these markings on our materials! We measure all the dimensions as shown in the pictures to make a rectangle)

We cut off all the parts that interfere with us!

And we polish it thoroughly with a needle file!

Cut it out back wall the width of our glass!

Next we need to make the side walls, bottom and top cover!

We are putting together a test version of our piggy bank and if everything is done correctly, we will transfer it to the finished material!

Oh, I almost forgot! We now need to make a miracle mechanism that will distribute our coins according to their face value, for example, if you throw 10 rubles, they end up with 10 rubles, 5 rubles with 5 rubles... and so on.

For this mechanism, we need to take kebab skewers or small wooden blocks and glue, put our piggy bank frame on the table and glue our block strictly at an angle of 20-30 degrees, and check how our coin rolls! It rolls great, now we need to make a distributor for our coins, we all know each coin has its own height. To do this, we will install height limiters!

This is how we made our coin distributor, now we can move on to designing our piggy bank so that it has at least some aesthetic appearance) and it would not be a shame to put it somewhere or something else)!