Envelope for attracting money according to Feng Shui. Who should I give the red packet to? And how much should I put in it? Once upon a time, coins tied with a red thread were intended for these purposes, then they were replaced by red envelopes

Red color is bright, catchy, defiant... In many cultures it is attributed special meaning. It represents youth, love, passion, courage. In Feng Shui it is also given special significance. This Ancient Chinese culture believes that red color has the most powerful energy; it is characterized by the beginning of Yang - strength and activity. This color is also associated with power and wealth. This is where the tradition of red envelopes came from. What is the essence of this tradition?

Gifts in red envelopes

For a long time, in China, money has been kept and given in special red envelopes decorated with gold hieroglyphs and designs. It is believed that the symbols printed on the envelopes attract energy, which contributes to the growth of the owner’s well-being and protects him from poverty and loss.

Maybe you should try it too? Gifted, for example, to newlyweds at a wedding, money in a red envelope will become great wishes prosperity and a happy, prosperous life. A banal cash gift for the hero of the day will take on a completely different color if you put the money in a red envelope with a golden ornate design. In addition, Feng Shui assures that when giving such envelopes with money, well-being increases not only for the recipient of the gift, but also for the giver.

Storing money in red envelopes

But red envelopes are used not only for donating money. Since such envelopes are considered a powerful talisman of wealth and prosperity, capable of attracting money, it is recommended to store your own money in them, while observing certain rules.

Firstly, envelopes are made of red paper or fabric with certain dimensions (this is important!), corresponding to the size of the bills that will be stored there.

Secondly, the envelopes have various designs or hieroglyphs on them; this is not just decoration, they carry a certain meaning, and envelopes with different images have different purposes.

  • The “Prosperity” envelope with the image of a hieroglyph in the form of a blossoming flower is intended for storing money for operational expenses. The envelope can be stored in a safe, desk or wallet.
  • Envelope “Wealth” - for targeted accumulation of funds. This is where you put money that you want to save for a specific purpose (but not for a rainy day!). Write on the envelope how much money you need to save, and it will help you attract the required amount.
  • The envelope “Fu, Lu, Xi” (with the names of Chinese gods) symbolizes great luck, health, career growth and material well-being. Such an envelope containing all the benefits is best suited for donating money.
  • The “Justice” envelope is for money that needs to be used to pay off a debt or pay for work done. If you invest money in such an envelope, it will definitely come back to you.

There are also envelopes for storing innermost desires, envelopes for a driver, an accountant, etc.

Several rules for storing money in an envelope

  • The optimal place to store cash envelopes is the wealth sector, located, as you know, in the southeastern part of the apartment.
  • The money is folded neatly into the envelope, unfolded.
  • It is better to store the envelope in a box, and if it were red with gold painting, it would be just perfect.
  • For a gift, it is better to put new bills in the envelope, and the amount must be an even number.

And most importantly, remember, in order for cash envelopes to increase your wealth, you need to set a clear goal and be confident that you are worthy of wealth. And don’t forget that envelopes return a hundredfold good luck and prosperity to those who give from the bottom of their hearts.

The Chinese red envelope is a fairly strong Feng Shui talisman, the action of which is aimed at improving financial condition in the house.

In ancient China, money in red envelopes was given to loved ones on holidays; today they are used as gifts for newlyweds at their wedding with wishes of strong love, as well as for children on their birthday. New Year. According to ancient belief, the red color of the envelope attracts good luck, and the golden hieroglyphs on it are intended to attract wealth and prosperity to the recipient’s home.

Lucky red envelope in feng shui, placement rules

In addition to its traditional holiday packaging function, the red envelope is widely used by Feng Shui masters to harmonize the financial situation in the home. Thus, being placed in the wealth sector, this talisman activates the financial flows of Qi energy, which helps attract wealth.

In the practice of Feng Shui, the red color is strong in itself, and when strengthened by being in the corresponding sector, it will help the Chi energy find the optimal direction for attracting material wealth into the owner’s destiny.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the direction of success and prosperity is calculated according to the cardinal points, for each person this direction is determined strictly individually, depending on his gender and date of birth.

To activate the success zone, the talisman must be stored in a closed place, in no case on the window, so as not to protrude wealth outward. The envelope must contain an even number of bills. Try to select the newest banknotes for storage; crumpled, torn and dirty money has the corresponding Feng Shui. If you keep your savings in a box, place a cash envelope with several bills in the bottom.

What do the hieroglyphs on a money envelope mean?

Today, esoteric stores offer a great variety of red cash envelopes with a wide variety of hieroglyphs, designs and ornaments. This is, of course, partly a publicity stunt, and partly a design feature.

Let it be like this huge selection does not bother you, because everyone Chinese character there is a meaning. Therefore, a talisman with such a hieroglyph can be used in Feng Shui practice for specific purposes.

Envelope "Prosperity"

An envelope with the hieroglyph “Prosperity” is designed to store money for current expenses and attract new sources of income to the house. Try to take less money from it than you report. At the same time, use it constantly so that your Qi energy is constantly renewed. The Prosperity envelope should not be empty. Always leave a small amount in it for a rainy day, and such a day will never come in your home.

Envelope "Wealth"

As you can easily guess from the name, an envelope with the hieroglyph “Wealth” is intended to attract money to the house. However, it should be borne in mind that wealth does not come on its own; money should be put into this envelope for a specific purpose. This will make it easier for the Chi energy to concentrate on the object of desire in order to organize its fulfillment as soon as possible. You can put a small photo of your dream at the bottom of the talisman - a car, a house or the sea coast if you are saving up for a vacation.

Envelope "Justice"

This envelope is for borrowed money. If the debt is too large, slowly put the bills into this envelope, mentally wishing well-being to the person who once lent you money. As soon as the required amount is reached, give the money directly in the envelope. According to ancient Chinese belief, a debt repaid fairly brings a hundredfold profit to the repayer.

Envelope with star elders Fu, Lu and Shou

Sometimes three star elders are depicted on cash envelopes. Star Elders Fu-hsing, Lu-hsing and Shou-hsing are Chinese symbolic deities that represent the most common aspirations in feng shui: wealth, prosperity and longevity.

Elder Fu is usually depicted among the coins; he is the tallest of the star elders. He represents wealth and financial well-being and is at the center of the trinity.

Lu-xing symbolizes prosperity and is often seen holding a child. This is a deity family love and the primacy of the clan in human life.

Star Elder Shaw is the patron of good health and longevity. This old man with high forehead, symbolizing wisdom, holds in his hands a peach, a symbol of longevity, and a tall staff made from the Chinese “root of life” - ginseng.

Thus, the envelope with star elders is completely universal. It can be given with wishes of love and prosperity, or you can keep it at home as a talisman.

Envelope “Big Luck”

Envelope with the hieroglyph " Great luck"used to fulfill wishes. As a rule, such envelopes are sold in sets of nine pieces (nine is considered a lucky number in China). It is customary to put a folded sheet of paper in such an envelope on which a cherished desire is written, and then hide it in a secluded place in one of the favorable sectors.

If the desire concerns love, the relationship sector is suitable; if you dream of improving your appearance, it is better to store the talisman in the longevity sector. In addition to the written wish, you can put its visualizations in the envelope: photos and pictures.

Whatever your desires, make sure that they are clear and formalized enough for speedy fulfillment. Also, according to the canons of Feng Shui, they should not contain negativity towards others. And may all your most incredible bright dreams come true!

The science of Feng Shui offers many ways to attract wealth, good luck, health and longevity, fulfillment of desires, etc. All kinds of talismans are widely used in Feng Shui for this, for example, a pyramid, a peacock, a large coin (), peaches, a crane, a deer, bat(), feng shui ship, money tree, three-legged toad feng shui () and so on.

Another strong talisman for attracting and multiplying money is feng shui red envelopes. Here we need to immediately talk about red.

In China, red is the color of activity, life, passion, love, as well as wealth and power. And in combination with the golden color it bestows prosperity and a prosperous life. One example of such a combination is Feng Shui coins (usually three coins with a hole, connected by a red cord). Such coins attract financial luck. Another example is a red Feng Shui envelope with gold symbols and hieroglyphs. In China, they store money in such envelopes (it is believed that they help to increase it), and also give money (it is believed that this brings happiness and good health to the person who gives it). feng shui red envelopes with money). This is a great gift for weddings, birthdays and other occasions.

Feng Shui red envelopes and their purpose

envelope for wealth

Red Feng Shui envelopes to attract various benefits are made from special thick paper red color, on which gold symbols or hieroglyphs are applied. The purpose of the envelope depends on what is depicted on it. So, for example:

Envelopes for wealth may depict the hieroglyphs “small waterfall”, “dragon’s breath”; boat-shaped gold bars; toad with a coin in his mouth; Hotei sitting on coins, etc. It is correct to use these envelopes in order to accumulate the amount you need for some specific purposes. It’s better to report money there, but not to take it until it accumulates required quantity. In Feng Shui, it is believed that an envelope will attract money to itself like a magnet. It is advisable to write on it why exactly you want a specific amount of money.

If there is a hieroglyph or inscription “prosperity” on the envelope, then it is better to keep money there for current expenses. Can be stored in a desk drawer.

Red feng shui envelope with purpose "justice" can be used if you want to save money faster to pay off debt.

with the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”

On red envelopes feng shui for luck and great luck depicted: Ganesha (god with the head of an elephant), lotus, double knot, hieroglyph “double happiness” and other symbols. With the help of the “Big Luck” envelope, you can make any wish come true. Write your wish on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, and put the envelope away from prying eyes. Your wish will definitely come true. You can give money to someone in a “Big Luck” envelope. In Feng Shui it is believed that this way you will soon get twice as much.

Feng Shui on envelopes for health and longevity: hieroglyph “longevity”, pine, Moon Fairy, etc.

In short, there are quite a lot of red Feng Shui envelopes. When purchasing them, be sure to take into account their specifics. When purchasing in a store, you can check with the seller to know exactly what this envelope is intended for.

Where to store Feng Shui envelopes and how to use them correctly

red envelopes for career and fame

You need to store envelopes for wealth in the Wealth and Prosperity sector (this is in the far left corner of the room, when viewed from the entrance) or in the southeastern sector of the room. You can store your savings in such an envelope. It is advisable to deposit money there at least once a month so that the energy of the money does not stagnate, but constantly circulates. You can also put a one dollar bill in there as a money magnet.

If you use red Feng Shui envelopes for other purposes (wishes, love, health), place them in the appropriate sectors of the house according to the Ba Gua grid.

If you decide to give money in such an envelope, then give an even amount of money. Odd numbers are considered unlucky.

Red envelopes/packets are money wrapped in red paper children receive from their parents, grandparents and others like New Year's gifts. They are called Hong Bao in Mandarin and Put See in Cantonese. Sending red packets is well observed during Chinese New Year.

The meaning of red quarters

The Chinese love the color red, and as for red, it is a symbol of energy, happiness and good luck. Sending red packets is the way to transmit good wishes and good luck. In fact, the significance of red packets is red paper, not money. Cheating money in red packets hope to bring more happiness and blessings to the receivers. Therefore, it is impolite to open the red folder that is in front of the person giving it to you.

In China, the red package is called ya-sui qian (压岁钱 / yaa-sui qian, which means suppressing ghosts of money. Those who receive the red package did not want to negotiate calmly and peacefully for another year.

Giving red packets

Those who intend to send red packets prepare them in advance, for example, after New Year's feast, and when the New Year's bell rings, the children begin to pay New Year's visits to greet their elder comrades, and then it is customary for the elderly to give the children their red packets at once. Hong Bao can be placed under children's pillows by their parents if they fall asleep on New Year's Eve.

Who should I give the red packet to? And how much should I put in it?

However, there is a custom that if you are not married, you do not need to send red packets to others. Your close relatives (such as your parents and your grandparents) will continue to give you red packets even if you are married, which is a symbol of their love and blessings.

  • For elders (especially parents and grandparents): always 400-2,000 yuan
  • Young generation without proof of income (especially those who are still in school), such as children of your close friends, relatives and colleagues: always 50-200 yuan
  • For your children: they will always gladly give you 100 yuan for the amount
  • For your employees: always 100-1,000 yuan (always on the last working day before Chinese New Year)
  • For other children: Prepare small red bags containing 10 yuan or 20 yuan for children you know in case you meet them during Chinese New Year.

The color red is given special meaning in many cultures. Throughout the world, it is traditionally considered the color of youth, beauty, passion, courage and love. It also plays a special role in Feng Shui. According to this ancient Chinese culture red carries the most powerful energy, the beginning of yang - strength and activity. This color is also associated with power and wealth, as evidenced by the Chinese tradition of red envelopes...

Treasured envelope

From time immemorial, in China it has been customary to store, transfer, and give money in envelopes made of red paper, decorated with gold inscriptions and drawings. It is believed that this is not only beautiful, but also promises wealth to the owner of the envelope and protects him from poverty and loss.

For example, in China, like here, it is customary to give newlyweds money for their wedding, and in just such an envelope: the gift becomes a wish for the couple to be prosperous, wealthy and happy life together. What's interesting is financial luck He also smiles at those who give or donate money - it is believed that they are returned a hundredfold! The red envelope, in addition to its practical function, is also a strong Feng Shui talisman.

Seven troubles - a red envelope!

To test the effect of red envelopes on yourself, you don’t have to live in China - today they, like many other Feng Shui talismans, are used in different countries.

There are several types of such envelopes; they have different symbols written on them and are intended for different purposes.

If you want your wallet to always be full, keep money for everyday expenses in an envelope with the hieroglyph “Prosperity”. If you need to accumulate a certain amount, put the money in an envelope with the hieroglyph “Wealth”, writing on it how much money you need (don’t be modest, because you won’t be able to get more than you wrote). Keep someone else's money or money intended for a gift in an envelope with the inscription "Great Luck" or "Fu Lu Xi" - when you give it away, you will receive even more! And finally, if you need to pay someone for work done or repay a debt, put the money prepared for this in an envelope with the hieroglyph “Justice”, rest assured: it will come back to you!

More important than money

Red envelopes will help you handle money more successfully and protect you from financial losses. But remember that in Feng Shui there are the concepts of Fate (Ming) and Luck (Yun) - these are two aspects of a person’s life that depend only on the time and place of his birth. According to Feng Shui masters, we can make our lives better, but we are not able to radically change what is destined for us. Not everyone is destined to be millionaires; it’s better to just come to terms with this fact.

Besides, there is something more important than money! Red envelopes help you gain longevity and fulfill your dreams, for example, meeting your soulmate. To achieve non-material goals, special envelopes of good luck are intended, on which various hieroglyphs are applied. You just need to put a paper with a wish written on it into such an envelope - it will definitely come true!

Empty couch

Be afraid of your desires! They come true sooner or later...