Aquarius lottery horoscope for December. Lottery horoscope. Horoscope of work and money

The final month of the year is coming, when it is necessary to put everything in order and start preparing for the holidays.

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Lottery horoscope for December warns you against wrong steps and gives important hints - dates for successful play and numbers of winning combinations.

According to the horoscope forecasts for December, an energetic and emotional period is expected for many zodiac signs. When finishing things, analyze what you managed to do and what plans remained unrealized.

Working on your mistakes will give you confidence. Success awaits us all in collective activities and family affairs. Don't forget about leisure and hobbies. For those who are passionate and full of desire to win, the best lotteries in the world have prepared excellent cash gifts.

The December 2016 horoscope promises profit for everyone who adheres to the collective spirit. If you are a participant, perhaps we are talking about you.

A time of pleasant changes - this is how December is celebrated in the Aries horoscope. Your actions are to find new friends at work and maintain old connections in friendship and love.

Your diplomacy will allow you to avoid getting involved in conflicts with your partners and achieve your goals by taking advantage of their weaknesses. As a result, your opinion, despite the controversy and bitterness, will be dominant.

Career, finance

In their profession, Aries will have to deal with difficult matters, but do not let doubt hinder you. Optimism and self-confidence will help you cope with all problems, even with someone’s obstacles. Your creativity, patience and endurance are the key to pleasant bonuses upon completion of tasks. Try not to limit yourself to any restrictions in professional activity.

You shouldn’t show your colleagues ambition and arrogance, and then your colleagues will be happy to share your problems and share important information, useful for work.

December is a good time for those representatives of the sign whose activities are related to public speaking and requires excellent communication skills - the circle of clients includes sales managers, psychologists, agents and sales representatives will increase significantly.

Finances will please Aries in December. It is likely that you will receive a salary increase or bonus, large cash gifts or lottery winnings are possible.

Personal relationships, health

In December, Aries will be able to establish relationships with partners; they themselves will take the initiative and meet people halfway. It is worth sincerely getting involved in problems loved one, be interested in his desires and thoughts, and then the return of mutual understanding is a matter of the near future.

Some of the representatives of the star sign have been prepared for a romantic meeting that will develop into an exciting romance; this will most likely happen in the last ten days of the outgoing year.

In December, Aries should take care of their health. Problems with the heart and blood vessels are likely at the beginning of the month, in the middle - take care nervous system, unreasonable fears and anxiety are possible. Aries will be susceptible to viral infections at the end of December - do not neglect prevention.

Favorable days are 1, 3, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 9, 18, 22, 26, 30.

The betting numbers are 2, 13, 16, 23, 38 and 19.

The December horoscope recommends Taurus to curb their impulses and arm themselves common sense. Representatives of the sign will often be haunted by the thought of changing jobs. But before you jump in, take an interest in vacancies for prestigious positions.

Come to terms with the idea that numerous guests will visit your home during the holidays - you yourself will get divorced, and, perhaps, you will acquire a promising sponsor or partner.

Career, finance

The end of the year promises troubles for Taurus in the professional sphere. Intrigues from colleagues, criticism from management, and your frequent mistakes will lead to depression and apathy. But do not rush to write an application for settlement, otherwise you will regret it for a long time. Be patient until the end of December, the situation promises to improve.

Taurus businessmen should not make risky transactions, otherwise you will end up with hassle and worry, and the real return will be minimal. The end of the year is more suitable for correcting old things and completing those started.

A noticeable improvement is expected in the financial sector, thanks to the special arrangement of stars for Taurus. Profitable investments and sale of property will become profitable. If you play the lottery, don't take any chances, now is not the best time to make big expensive bets. Expensive purchases are also not recommended - they will subsequently increase costs, and you may end up buying a defective item.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Taurus is in for a discovery - they will learn about a secret admirer, an old one, to whom they themselves are not indifferent.

Family representatives of the sign could use a shake-up. Try changing your habits and immersing yourself in the holiday festivities instead of sitting on your favorite couch watching TV. Forget about cooking and cleaning, go out into the world. By the way, numerous relatives and friends who will often visit you will help diversify your leisure time.

It is recommended to relax and take care of yourself on the eve of the holidays, do not forget about health and beauty treatments, and review your usual diet. During this period, your body itself will tell you what to do next.

Favorable days are 7, 8, 14, 21, 22, 30, 31; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 18, 25, 29.

The betting numbers are 3, 4, 18, 19, 63 and 10.

The stars will literally push Gemini in December to big game– it’s worth remembering the most daring plans and forgotten dreams. There is a high probability that they are destined to come true these days.

Only one thing is required of you - be more decisive. If you are not invited on a date, become the initiator of the meeting. If you think you are underestimated at work, tell your boss. Perhaps he thinks so too?

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini will have an excellent prospect for intense, interesting work. Just don’t sit idly by – you have the power to achieve your desired goal, and then success is just around the corner!

You yourself will feel the strengthening of your organizational abilities, rally the team around you and solve very important problems with its support. But don’t try to attribute all the glory to yourself alone - everyone deserves a reward.

The whole of December is favorable for negotiating and signing agreements with partners and clients. Your efforts will be adequately appreciated by both colleagues and management.

The financial situation for Gemini does not bode well for any particular worries. But if in mid-December you want to make a risky trade, or, alternatively, make a large lottery bet, but it’s better to refrain, you may lose a large sum money.

Personal relationships, health

Relative peace and stability await Gemini in their personal lives. There will be no quarrels with your loved ones, you will both be peaceful. Lonely representatives of the sign in the second half of December will meet interesting person, most likely in some public place. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, attend parties and corporate events. You will have to be more proactive in order to interest your new chosen one.

In terms of health, some Geminis will have to pay attention to their back - radiculitis and osteochondrosis can ruin the holiday. The end of the month is a dangerous time for injuries; be careful on the road, in unfamiliar companies, when playing sports, and with sharp objects.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 28; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 9, 20, 23, 26, 30.

The betting numbers are 5, 12, 40, 46, 57 and 17.

The December horoscope predicts a special time for Cancers, when they will be able to show themselves to others in a new light. When communicating with people, do not hesitate to share your desires and ideas.

Use your ability to please management - this invaluable quality will help you make the right impression on your superiors in December. But keep in mind that your career breakthrough may cause condemnation in the team - keep your preparation a secret from your colleagues.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, many Cancers will have to deal with matters related to other people's funds, debts, and investments. Don’t rush to make important decisions yet; it’s better to postpone them until better times, until next year.

At the beginning of December, emergency work is possible, an increase in the volume of tasks, a tense situation, all workers will have to become as active as possible. Due to the nervous situation, misunderstandings and conflicts will arise in the team. Carefully check the serviceability of the tools and follow safety regulations.

The second part of December is good for strengthening your career; a sense of humor and the ability to find an approach to your superiors will come in handy here.

The end of the year will pleasantly please Cancers financially– based on the results of your work, good money will appear. Be careful with spending, expenses need to be controlled, especially in the 3rd decade, otherwise you will empty your wallet. The lottery game is shown, but it is better to place your bets before December 20th.

Personal relationships, health

Married Cancers and their partners will have to not so much have a good time as they will have to take on a lot of worries. Your relationships will depend on successful or unsuccessful attempts at doing business. Especially beware of quarrels on December 26, 27, 28.

The middle of the month will bring romantically inclined Cancers a bright hobby, which, alas, will not last long. You should not take it seriously, then you will avoid unpleasant consequences and disappointments.

In terms of health, it is worth paying attention to problems of the heart and blood vessels. Get plenty of rest and don't overexert yourself physically.

The end of the month does not promise health problems, but there is a danger of injuries at home and while driving.

Favorable days are 8, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 3, 27, 29.

The betting numbers are 3, 24, 45, 55, 64 and 3.

The December horoscope advises Leos not to miss the prey that runs into their hands. Don’t hesitate, grab everything that fate offers you, be it a novel, a position, a trip. Each Leo will get his own.

If management forces you to work for five people during this period, there is no need to be stubborn, the emergency will not last long, and you will certainly earn points in the eyes of your superiors.

Career, finance

Professional activity in Lviv in December will take place in favorable conditions. Changes are coming, everything will move from a dead point from the first days of the month. You will demonstrate an enviable ability to work, which will certainly be taken into account by your superiors. Moreover, your example will inspire your colleagues. If you are entrusted with leadership, then the goal will be successfully achieved without any difficulties. This will strengthen your position and authority.

The second half of December is favorable for business meetings and contacts, successful smoothing out of conflicts and disagreements.

The end of the month may turn into a conflict for you with envious people - they will not like your successful activities on the side. Therefore, you should not discuss your additional income with employees.

As for the monetary side of Leo’s life, due to the influence of the planet Uranus in the period from the 1st to the 19th, they will have a chance to win in a competition or lottery.

Personal relationships, health

Harmonious relationships await Lviv in relations with partners. December is a time when your loved one will need your special attention and support; you will be able to make him happy.

The stars will be very well positioned to strengthen ties, so expect meetings with your partner’s relatives or friends.

Those wishing to make acquaintances should be active in the second half of December. The luminaries will give you a special charm and attractiveness, which you need to take advantage of.

Don’t be afraid to take the first step towards someone you like if he can’t make up his mind. December could be the beginning of a romantic love story.

Regarding the health of Lviv, in December there is a risk of viral infection, especially in the first two decades. Take care of yourself, avoid crowded places.

Favorable days are 1, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 28; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 8, 9, 22, 25, 30.

The betting numbers are 8, 14, 20, 28, 36 and 11.

In general, a month is an excellent period for changing your image, occupation, environment. One must part easily with what is boring and outdated.

Of course, you are very stubborn, but try to listen to your loved ones, and not just to yourself. In the middle of the month, leave your dictatorial habits and agree with the choice of your loved ones, even through force.

Career, finance

In December, Virgos will be given a chance to reach more high level in professional activities. It could be a promotion wages, And new job, and a new appointment. Perhaps Virgo will simply rethink her approach to responsibilities, management, and colleagues.

The end of the year is the period when all matters are completed. You will need the makings of a diplomat to stand between disputants and bring the necessary arguments when discussing important issues. Subsequently, your actions will be duly assessed.

Regarding financial activities, but you shouldn’t solve money matters in a hurry. You can spend extra money on a momentary whim. You shouldn’t expect any special increases in December, and no big lottery wins are expected either.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Virgos at the end of the year will flow under the sign of peace, tenderness, warmth. The test of the strength of relationships will arise only on December 21-22, but even then you should not lose your head and commit rash acts under the influx of emotions. Step over your interests and support your partner.

Free Virgos will be especially charming at this time, they will have to communicate a lot and meet a mysterious person who will amaze them. If your relationship does not develop into a romance, maintain friendship and understanding - this is what the stars advise.

An attempt to renew broken relationships will be given to some representatives of the sign from mid-December.

In terms of health, be on alert until December 21 inclusive. There is a danger of cardiovascular diseases, so limit alcohol intake, smoking, and rest more often. In December, you will face the problem of decreased immunity, so there is a risk of catching a cold. Support yourself with strengthening drugs and vitamins.

Favorable days are 4, 6, 17, 18, 31; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 10, 11, 23, 27.

The betting numbers are 2, 30, 35, 50, 53 and 21.

Due to circumstances, the implementation of grandiose plans conceived by Libra will be suspended. This - good sign– better prioritize, mark the unnecessary and communicate with your loved ones. In December, you should be patient - your desire to achieve everything at once can play against you.

A pleasant atmosphere in the home of representatives of the sign will attract many people into their orbit. Expect friends and relatives to visit, prepare in advance!

You should not promise anything in mid-December; your desires will not coincide with your possibilities, and you will not keep your word.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Libras should not take on many obligations. The period is favorable for building a career, but you want more. Many issues will be resolved slowly, your proposals will be considered late, your colleagues will not understand your ideas, which will make both them and management skeptical.

Take a break, finish what you started earlier, sum up the results of the past year, and put aside new projects.

You should not stay late for overtime and take work home on weekends.

IN last days December will bring good news regarding finances. From December 23, it makes sense to play the lottery and even take a risk; in addition, talk to your boss about raising your salary - your diplomacy may end in a positive direction.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Libra will have an important, fateful meeting. This will happen after the 11th, the new moon. Perhaps a date with different people your friends who are worried about your single status will set it up. Whether there will be a continuation - it all depends on you. If you want to start a relationship, lower the bar, then get a loved one nearby.

The dangerous period begins from December 5 until the middle of the month. Take care of the relationships that are important to you, do not be jealous and do not provoke jealousy from the person you care about.

Strengthening friendships and love relationship will begin on December 24, then you will decide how to celebrate the holidays.

In the last days of the year, go to visit your spouse's relatives or invite them to your place.

Avoid hypothermia and crowds of people; viral infection may occur.

Favorable days are 1, 6, 8, 11, 23, 24, 27; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 13, 16, 18, 30.

The betting numbers are 3, 20, 31, 48, 54 and 7.

The December horoscope predicts some lull in business for Scorpios, which will free up time to prepare for the New Year, buy gifts, and think about their desires.

2017 will bring you new victories and conquests, everything that is especially valuable for Scorpio. To move forward correctly, analyze the achievements of the past year and make a plan for future actions.

It is advisable to meet with friends at the end of the year, they will help you in the future. You are shown to gain strength during the New Year holidays.

Career, finance

Routine work awaits Scorpios in their professional activities in December. But don't put off boring things until later. Work without being distracted by extraneous matters; your ill-wishers are just waiting to discredit you in front of your superiors. Your integrity will be highly appreciated. Take care of your peace of mind, trying to prove something to someone, you will waste time, energy and nerves.

A healthy financial situation depends on your ability to respond to information. Do not take any important matters on the 31st or 1st, and do not play the lottery - there will be no victory, do not be enchanted by the beautiful date of the game.

Personal relationships, health

December is a time for strengthening family ties, which is what married Scorpios will do, and single representatives of the sign will part with their single status. Moving is quite possible if you have thought about it and prepared the ground. The most difficult day for Scorpio is the 25th; you may quarrel with elderly relatives.

December 27, 28 are suitable for communicating with children - perhaps you will go buy gifts for the Christmas tree.

Regarding the health of Scorpios in December, there is a risk of catching a cold. You can avoid this by strengthening your immune system, taking vitamins and getting more rest.

Pressure surges will bother you all month. If possible, reduce the dose of cigarettes and alcohol, eliminate salt and fatty foods from your diet.

Favorable days are 8, 9, 13, 18, 22, 26, 27; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 3, 5, 7, 24, 25, 31.

The betting numbers are 26, 31, 39, 48, 65 and 26.

On the recommendation of the stars, Sagittarius in December will have to resort to their strongest qualities - intuition, sociability and creative vision. Only in this case will all your wishes come true. New Year. Don't miss an important friendly meeting, you are destined to meet significant person, your future patron.

You will want more freedom in love; during this period, spiritual connection is more important for Sagittarius than physical affection. Be careful in matters of safety and health.

Career, finance

The career activities of Sagittarius in December involve several pleasant moments. During this period, you will be visited by very non-trivial ideas, you will identify opportunities for yourself to acquire new skills and knowledge, and will be able to use them in practice in the future. The stars promise you participation in an interesting new project, which will greatly improve your financial capabilities. As a result, your self-esteem will improve, you will be more confident than ever, which will allow you to recruit like-minded people and convince your opponents.

The financial situation will also be good. Sagittarius will be able to make good money and successfully invest capital in a profitable project. The most inappropriate days for investing and playing lotteries are December 31 and January 1, do not participate in New Year's lotteries and do not carry large sums of money with you.

Personal relationships, health

December is the most suitable period for romance, love, dating. Give maximum attention and time to your loved one. Do not give in to jealousy and possessive feelings, spoil high and bright feelings.

A good day to analyze relationships is December 27, but the next day refrain from discussions.

Lonely Sagittarius will meet an interesting partner at the end of December, but later he will disappoint you. Therefore, do not rush things, do not make fateful hasty decisions.

There will be no serious concerns regarding the health of Sagittarius in December. There is a risk of catching a cold or viral disease, so avoid contact with sick friends and relatives. You will be full of energy, but do not forget about timely rest and sleep.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 10, 12, 17, 25, 30; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 9, 18, 19, 26, 28.

The betting numbers are 16, 31, 37, 55, 67 and 21.

The December horoscope recommends Capricorns to carefully analyze their behavior and not demonstrate bad character where it is not required. Then your bosses, your friends, your loved ones, and fate itself will meet you halfway. There will be many bonuses, the most inspiring of them is an increase cash flow to your wallet. When you choose gifts for your family and friends, don’t deprive yourself; you can buy something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time.

Career, finance

Capricorns in the professional sphere will have to gain strength and make the decisive final push; there is little left - and the major project will be successfully completed. Problems that have been bothering you for a long time will be resolved in the middle of the month. Help will unexpectedly come from a person who has been in the shadows for some time. To improve your shaky relationships with colleagues, you will need to review your list of grievances against them and reduce it.

In money matters, first of all, worry about your own benefit. Now good time to make long-planned purchases. Don't worry - you'll have enough money left over to celebrate the New Year. Profit is expected from successful investments, a successful game - on the stock exchange or in the lottery, in addition, expect gifts from sponsors and relatives.

Personal relationships, health

Stability and peace await Capricorn in the family throughout December. You get along well with your partner and understand each other. It will be great if you attend several parties on the eve of the holidays - you will find warm welcome and gifts. Don't miss the opportunity to attend events with like-minded people, for example, in clubs of similar interests. Lonely Capricorns are recommended to be in society more often, but they should not count on promising acquaintances. But don’t sit at home – have fun from the heart.

When it comes to health issues, Capricorns, like many other signs, should be wary viral infection. If you notice a deterioration in your health, take action, there is a risk of complications. Don't neglect preventive measures, do not visit sick colleagues and relatives without taking safety measures.

Favorable days are 8, 11, 19, 21, 22; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 13, 17, 26.

The betting numbers are 16, 22, 26, 33, 40 and 8.

December is the most favorable period for Aquarius to radically restore order in all areas of life, in business, in personal feelings and in own home. It is recommended to part with everything that seems unpromising, unsuitable, and outdated without pity. The energy of this month will be weakened, so save your strength and emotions, and do not overload yourself at work. Energetic replenishment will come from meetings with friends and loved ones, which will strengthen you emotionally and add positivity and good mood.

Career, finance

In the professional activities of Aquarius, December will be eventful and representatives of the sign will often have to make a choice. You should not make sharp hasty decisions and actions. Your short-sighted behavior will only aggravate the negative and take away strength, and it is in the interests of Aquarius to maintain stability. Don't quarrel with colleagues, don't contradict your superiors. Get into a boring routine, because summing up the year is just around the corner, and your well-being depends on the result.

The financial weather in the house of Aquarius in December is quite unpredictable. Various surprises are possible. Money can come from different sources, as a result of part-time work, as profit from investments, even from small winnings in the lottery. But you may use your funds unwisely - control yourself. Gifts and holidays require funds, but life does not end tomorrow, so don’t be left with an empty wallet.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Aquarius in December will be centered around family and loved ones. Your partner will need your advice and support. If you have children, they will require strictness and special supervision. It is you who will be the organizer of the festive celebrations, try to shift some of the worries to family and friends, do not hesitate to involve everyone involved in the entertaining process.

In terms of health, there is concern that viral infection cannot be avoided. Control your emotional state and take preventive measures. It is recommended to address issues of appearance, beauty, and health procedures. The beauty and comfort of your home will add vigor and fun to you.

Favorable days are 1, 8, 10, 22, 29, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 3, 9, 15, 18, 27, 28.

The betting numbers are 29, 33, 34, 56, 61 and 8.

According to the recommendations of the horoscope for December, Pisces representatives need to take time to correct mistakes, make peace with relatives and friends, and visit elderly family members. You will receive an excellent energy gift from your loved ones; they will inspire you to take decisive action in both your personal and business life.

But you shouldn’t be frank with others. The thoughts and experiences you express will not find a response, will be misunderstood, and may become known to a wide circle of people. This can have a detrimental effect on both your well-being and your reputation.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere of Pisces, no special changes are expected; they will carry out their usual duties, and will successfully complete old projects, start new ones, and draw up a plan for professional tasks for the future. next year. There will be a lot of work, so you will not be able to respond to requests for help from colleagues due to lack of time. Instead of worrying, simply explain the situation - and no one will blame you. Because of extreme fatigue, Pisces will attach great importance to every little thing. Calm down and take a philosophical approach to temporary difficulties. Move towards your goal with a firm step, ignore unconstructive criticism, listen to your inner voice - and, most importantly, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

As for the financial sphere, Pisces will have to experience a financial lull; neither losses nor significant income are expected. If you play lotteries, you will only get pleasure from the process, but not from the size of the prizes.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Pisces, there will be times of misunderstanding between partners; something incomprehensible to you will happen. You will diligently avoid communication, perhaps you will separate for a while.

Family representatives of the sign will receive many guests, both welcome and random, which will greatly please them.

December will help strengthen your bonds, as there are a lot of things to do to decorate your home and everyday life, which will bring you and your significant other extraordinarily closer.

Pisces who take care of prevention in advance will be able to avoid seasonal illnesses. Temper yourself, review your diet, strengthen your immune system.

Favorable days are 3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 19, 23; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 7, 13, 14, 17, 25.

The betting numbers are 28, 48, 63, 65, 66 and 16.

In the first month of winter, the stars are generous to representatives of your sign. An exciting and passionate time awaits you, full of interesting events. In December 2016, Aquarius will be one of the luckiest in love among the zodiac signs. Circumstances in your personal life and relationships can change for the better, everything will fall into place and exactly as you wish.

The planet of love, Venus, has been in Aquarius since December 7, promising the joys of love. Under the influence of Venus, your attractiveness to the opposite sex increases, and it will be easy for you to attract love your way. The full moon on December 14, 2016 illuminates the house of love of Aquarius, hinting at special events in your personal life. If you are still single, there is good chances on fateful meeting, which will change your life and bring new colors to it. Maybe you will meet someone special, and then the passion will develop into a stable relationship. If you already have a loved one by your side, use this month to strengthen your bond.

The influence of Venus is enhanced by Mars, the planet of desire and passion. Fiery Mars remains in Aquarius until December 19, 2016, so many passionate impulses and strong emotions are expected in amorous affairs. This is the time of initiative, the first step, and conquest. If you are a man, then this is normal; this style has every chance of bringing you victory on the love front. But if you are a woman, the stars advise you to act a little softer, use your charm and charm the subject of your interest.

For family life The Aquarius horoscope does not foretell anxiety or any unexpected problems. Everything will go as usual, the spouses will feel more warmth in the relationship and enjoy moments of true intimacy.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for December 2016

Mars in Aquarius gives you an inexhaustible supply of strength and the desire to accomplish the impossible. If you set yourself a goal to reach heights, nothing can stop you, no one can stand in your way. You have assertiveness, determination, initiative - all these are components of success. The entrepreneurial spirit will help you open up new paths and start something new.

In December 2016, the chances of success in work and career are high; you are able to express yourself, earn respect and appreciation, and strengthen your reputation. Venus will help make relationships with bosses, business partners and colleagues harmonious. In addition, this month you can count on the support of the team. Perhaps there will be patrons who will protect your interests. The stars are favorable to Aquarius, but remember that you yourself need to make an effort. Be persistent and active, then your dreams will come true.

Regarding finances, the period promises you a lot. Good chances and financial achievements are very likely. Of course, you deserve the financial success that you worked hard for in previous periods. And even if your income this month is not what can be called fabulous, there will be signs of an improvement in your financial situation.


With Mars on your side, you have a lot of energy. However, this does not mean that you can ignore your health. On December 19, 2016, the cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement of Mercury begins in the twelfth house of Aquarius, in the shadow of which illnesses may be hiding. Mars, although it gives energy, also tends to be hasty and inattentive. This may cause injury, so be careful.

Be persistent and don't give up on your intentions! This is your time when what previously seemed unattainable is possible.

For Aquarius, December 2016 will be moderately dynamic. As is customary in your personal life scenario, you will at first be somewhat skeptical about the fact that everyone around you is eagerly preparing for the New Year. Without holding back your cynical chuckles, you will make fun of your friends: “Do you still believe in Santa Claus?” However, the inexorably approaching December 31st will also involve you in the general turmoil. Moreover, you will approach the pre-holiday chores in a very unusual way! Gifts purchased for relatives will be presented to you before the Chimes strike. Why? The thing is that on New Year's Day you will find yourself far from home (somewhere on the seashore or in the hot African desert). It is impossible to guess how exactly you will decide to celebrate the coming of 2017. One thing is clear, you will hold this celebration in a very original way and on a colossal scale.

In general, not once in December 2016 have you been overcome by pessimistic moods. You will face the truth - yes, much of what was planned for the outgoing year did not come true. Yes, you had to postpone some goals and dreams until later, not seeing the strength in yourself to achieve them. However, there were many positive moments in your life in 2016. You will focus on them, mentally conducting an intermediate analysis of your own life.

Lonely Aquarians in December 2016 will shock the opposite sex with their eccentric behavior. You suddenly imagine yourself as the brightest star, which unilaterally decides who to warm with the rays of its light, and who should be steadfastly “ignored”. The most offensive thing is that among the people whom you will bypass with your “royal” attention, there will be a lot of worthy contenders for the role of your soulmate. Alas, in December you will categorically refuse to get close to anyone, and therefore you will celebrate the New Year 2017 alone with your overly inflated self-esteem.

Family Aquarius in December 2016 also runs the risk of becoming a star. Even if you have objective prerequisites for “star fever” behind you, you should not offend your household! Agree, it’s unlikely that anyone will like it when you tactlessly interrupt his monologue about his own successes and achievements with phrases like “oh, is this a reason for pride, better listen to how I managed to achieve much more!” With these remarks, as well as the lack of lively attention to anyone, you risk greatly offending both your marriage partner and, what is especially scary, the younger members of the family! Do you like receiving compliments? So why are you sure that others do not want to receive praise and verbal thanks for their achievements? At least once, put yourself in the shoes of the people around you and try to give them sincere, selfless attention (this is more valuable than any gift).

The career successes of Aquarius in December 2016 will not be particularly large. You will carry out your usual job duties without much enthusiasm, sometimes catching yourself thinking that it would not hurt you to go on vacation. By the end of the working year, you will be pretty fed up with both routine service and the usual “decor” of the boring faces of your colleagues. Without the opportunity to somehow stir up this “idyll”, you will increasingly wander around during the working day. social networks, for some reason you register on a dating site or start “trolling” people chatting about something on another thematic forum. This is how you pass the days remaining until the New Year, and then retire with a clear conscience (if you can call the 10 stormy days of the New Year holidays that way).

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of December 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Horoscope 2016 Monkeys.

As the horoscope for the Aquarius woman for December 2016 says, peace and harmony will reign on the personal front for the Aquarius woman. This month it will be useful for spouses to take a short joint “excursion into the past.” A first date, a walk in the park, a declaration of love - after all, in your family history so much hidden and unique! Enjoy these moments.

For a lonely representative of the Aquarius sign, December will provide an opportunity to understand herself. Why is your personal life unsuccessful? Perhaps you are insecure or overly demanding of people. This is a period of reflection and introspection that must be experienced on the path to happiness.

Financial horoscope for Aquarius woman for December 2016

Second ten days of the month - great time for additional work. If you are looking for a job, then during this period you can count on a successful outcome. Our accurate horoscope recommends being active and soon luck will smile on you in the form of a long-awaited vacancy.

In terms of finances, the position of the Aquarius lady will be extremely unstable. On the one hand, very significant cash injections into the budget cannot be ruled out. However, the presence of unforeseen expenses in December may well swing the “financial pendulum” in the other direction, says the horoscope for the Aquarius woman for December 2016.

What does December 2016 have in store for Women under the sign of Aquarius?

In December, it is best for Aquarius women to relax somewhere away from home. The most suitable place For such a vacation there will be a trip to the mountains. A good ski resort and beautiful landscapes will inspire Aquarius to new discoveries. Also in December, luck may smile on you in the form of lottery ticket. Don't miss your chance.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman

Single women can meet their soulmate on a wonderful journey. There you can relax not only physically and mentally, but also mentally. Such easy behavior will attract a lot of attention from men. Bathe in compliments and don't think about tomorrow.

Aquarius women who are in a couple will experience a small crisis. It will be associated with money problems. Your partner will not be ready to spend money on you, much less go on a trip with you. Therefore, you should find a compromise or simply break up with such a young man.

Family Aquarius will face a little trouble. They will be related to work and household chores. But despite all the difficulties, the atmosphere in the family will be very calm and joyful. Feel free to include children in the order. They will be happy to help you.

Love horoscope for December 2016: The Aquarius woman can easily survive all difficulties if she sets her priorities correctly. You shouldn’t expect support from your loved one; it’s better to rely only on yourself.

Work and finance

Finances in December will be at a stable level, but at the beginning of December you may expect unexpected expenses. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to get money somewhere, then you should take advantage of this opportunity.

A small surprise awaits Aquarius in the team. In mid-December you will be able to expose your ill-wishers.

Health and leisure

The health of Aquarius women can seriously deteriorate. You should pay attention to chronic diseases. They can escalate very seriously and affect your peace of mind. Also take care of your spine, constant stress will cause back pain. To avoid serious complications, sign up for a massage and complete the full course of treatment.