Rating of zodiac signs from pure angels to real devils. Angels and demons of the Zodiac signs. Unusual horoscope

Angels and demons of the zodiac signs. It is known that every person has his own Angel and Demon - the light and dark side of one personality. Each of which can be completely open, or slightly closed from other people and from the owner himself. The openness of the parties depends on the person himself, on his desires, thoughts, lifestyle views and other factors. But everyone is given only certain Angels and Demons.


The dark side of Aries is controlled by the Demon of Hate. It is he who whispers in the ear: do not give in, argue to the last, defend your point of view, because you are always right. It is known that Aries have a hard time admitting their mistakes; they often act rashly and rudely, not wanting to correct themselves or apologize, even if the blame for the action lies entirely with them. It’s hard to blame them for this, because they are ruled by a Demon, who often forces them to submit to the dark side of their essence.

The bright side is owned by the Angel of Openness and Sincerity. It helps a person to remain honest and prevents him from falling into depression. And although the Aries Demon also has power here, sometimes forcing others to tell the truth that hurt them, at least Aries cannot be called a hypocrite, a liar. The angel helps to maintain optimism in life and not to lose heart, so Aries always achieve what they want, despite the difficulties of life.


The demon of Taurus is called Wrath. Mostly Taurus do not allow their dark side to open up completely, but sometimes, when they lose control of the situation, their Demon takes power over the person, causing him to become enraged, angry, and desire revenge. Taurus, guided by their Demon, go to success in material terms; more often than not, these people are rich and independent. They love comfort, money, and surround themselves with beautiful, expensive things. Material goods for Taurus - the meaning of life; if this does not happen, the inner Demon will force them to splash out their negative emotions on others.

The Angel of Good Nature and Fidelity always rushes to protect a person. It forces Taurus to look around at those around them, open love in their hearts and understand which values ​​are truly important and which are only earthly, temporary. Because of these two opposing sides, Taurus are always at the mercy of internal struggles, but in reality, which side will ultimately prevail is up to the individual.


On the left shoulder of each Gemini sits the Demon of Cunning. He whispers his slippery ideas in the ear, forcing a person to do anything for the sake of favorable conditions. If Geminis are hypocritical and deceitful, it means that they are in the power of their Demon, unable to overcome it. The lies of these people are so sweet that those around them involuntarily believe them. This does not mean that people of this sign never tell the truth. But it is quite difficult to distinguish it from flattery. If Geminis succumb to their dark side, sometimes they themselves begin to get confused in their statements and do not always understand where they told the truth and where they lied.

The Angel of Cheerfulness does not allow these people to give up. With him, Geminis are always at their best, they easily overcome all life's difficulties, easily get out of troubles, and never lose heart. More often, people open each of their sides only halfway - this helps them not to stray from the path of life, to walk with their heads held high, and to remain successful.


Succumbing to their Demon, whose name is Lie, Cancers are often able to manipulate loved ones at the expense of personal suffering, which is often ostentatious and unreal. This is done so that other people give Cancers what they want, according to at will. Led by the same Demon, Cancers cannot ask for anything themselves, especially when it comes to some minor act towards them, for example, a hug.

At the same time, Cancers are quite sensitive, they always accept and share the mental pain and experiences of other people. This is the merit of the Angel of Feelings, who awarded Cancers with compassion for loved ones and the ability to empathize. Most often, Cancers succumb to the Angels, not giving the Demon the opportunity to pull themselves to the side of evil. But it also happens the other way around.


The demon under whose power Leos are is called Vanity. If a person opens his heart to him, the Demon will not allow him to live in peace, forcing him to strive for the pinnacle of glory. Because of this, most Leos not only strive for success, but actively prove to others their superiority over them. Leos should always be first. Two Leos nearby are two fires, the collision of which will start a real fire.

The Angel of Generosity comes to the aid of Leos, forcing people to be a little kinder, giving them the opportunity to love and correctly present their boastful nature to the world. Thanks to this Angel, Leos are always generous, wasteful, they give everything to other people with great joy, reserving for themselves only the opportunity to prove themselves to be the highest benefactor.


Virgos are subject to the Demon of Envy, which poisons their entire being with the poison of internal anger and contempt for others. If Virgos see someone's success, you shouldn't expect them to share the joy. Rather, they will find thousands against it, making the person less successful, at least in their own eyes. Not all Virgos succumb to feelings of envy and dissatisfaction with life, but if this happens, there will not be even a drop of kindness in their look or words.
But, fortunately, it all ends with words. The name of the Angel is Protection. He does not allow Virgos to act, causing damage to others, interfering with their development and happiness. On the contrary, Virgos are very reliable, especially when it comes to friendship and partnership. You just shouldn’t brag about your achievements in front of them, and then these people will always remain kind, support you in difficult times, and become good helpers.


An interesting Demon for Libra is Mood. The most capricious of all Demons, the most fickle, and rather not black, but gray. It envelops a person in feelings of indecision, makes him doubt the correctness of every decision, often regrets what he has done, plunging him into new doubts about whether the action was right.

But the Angel, whose name is Measure, awarded Libra with fortitude and perseverance. An Angel often has stronger power over a person than his Demon, and therefore most Libras are strong, independent people who strive for harmony and happiness.


These people are under the influence of the Demon of Vengeance, which at a crossroads forces them to reveal their dark side. Succumbing to their inner Demon, Scorpios often destroy everything good that life gives them, guided only by fear and hidden rage.

They can only find peace in their Angel of Truth, who will help them cope with their darkness and see that the world is beautiful, that there is something nearby loving people that everything bad that Scorpios have is too exaggerated. Tossing from side to side between their Angel and Demon, Scorpios ultimately completely succumb to only one of them, completely closing off the other. The only question is whether a person will be wise enough to keep the Angel with him.


Behind Sagittarius is the Demon of Arrogance, who does not allow his person to accept even the slightest criticism. Sagittarians are always right - they are not only confident in this, but they vehemently prove it to others, and only let anyone try to disagree with them. Opening up to their dark essence, Sagittarius becomes too self-confident, arrogant, and domineering.

The angel behind them is Justice. It helps a person balance his capabilities and thoughts, gives rise to new aspirations, opening up incredible opportunities for Sagittarius. These people are always chasing high goals, they are active fighters for righteousness, they are honest, at the same time very principled.


Behind every Capricorn there is a Demon of Indifference, succumbing to which, people forget about their good feelings, if not forever, then at least for a while, closing them deep inside. As a rule, this happens after a serious quarrel and/or offense caused to them. Often, succumbing to emotions, they reveal their dark side, which prevents them from organizing good relationship with other people who have nothing to do with the current situation. Often Capricorns who succumb to their Demon lose friends.

Their Angel, who is Endurance, does not allow them to lose heart. Thanks to him, Capricorns do not change their opinions regarding people, even when angry, they do not allow their emotions to envelop their minds. They will not start thinking badly about others, will not change their aspirations, and will always remain themselves.


On the dark side of Aquarius is the Demon of Alienation. It is easy to understand when Aquarians succumb to it - they become indifferent, impudent, and do not show any care or respect for loved ones. People often succumb to this Demon, thinking that in this way they protect themselves from hypocrisy, falsehood, and consumerism on the part of others.

It’s hard for the Angel of Friendship, who is trying with all his might to protect Aquarius from loneliness. But if a person is wise enough to reveal his bright side, he will immerse those close to him in his care, envelop them with kindness, and be faithful and devoted. Aquarius has a hard time fighting, but more often than not, especially if you are honest with them, they will remain open to their light as much as possible, leaving the darkness far behind them.


The Demon of Vices breathes into the back of Pisces. Being quite frivolous, Pisces often succumb to it, plunging headlong into the world of drunkenness and debauchery. They can be cruel towards others, they begin to give a damn about the troubles and problems of loved ones. People sometimes bring themselves to a terrible state, as a result of which they lose connections with others.

The Angel of Love protects Pisces from the evil sitting inside, giving them the opportunity to be kind, be able to be compassionate, and help other people. More often, Pisces surrenders to the power of their light side, without closing the veil of the dark side. They know how to come to the rescue, moreover, they need it, but even supporting those around them, they may not care deeply about what is happening.

Incredible facts

Who are you: a creature of light or darkness?

Do you think you are a pure and innocent angel in the flesh who descended to Earth, or a fiend who is on the dark side?

Angels and devils

1. Libra

You are the purest and most beautiful of all angels. God gave you unusual sins at birth, because he knew that you could not commit any of them.

You are so pure that the Lord himself asks for your advice. Looking at you, he said: “They are so good that I need to at least ground them a little, otherwise the rest will be wracked with guilt.” You have to wear heavy shoes so you don't fly back into the sky.

2. Taurus

You have a kind heart that knows how to forgive and never holds a grudge. Everyone calls you cute.

You will always help an old lady cross the road, save a poor kitten climbing a tree, or catch a child who has fallen from a burning building. Your only flaw is that you are too good for this world full of devils and that can be dangerous.

3. Pisces

Do you have your own ethical standards, which you adhere to. You are kind, caring, able to forgive and empathize.

Your only drawback is that you can get a little angry if people don't reciprocate your kindness and generosity. But you quickly forget about it because you realize that life is too short to be upset about bad people.

4. Sagittarius

Loving other people is like breathing for you. You go through life with a smile on your face and a song in your soul. You love being around people and you make them laugh.

For you, truth is the highest virtue, and you can only lose your temper when others lie to you. That's when the little devil in you can awaken. But you never let a bad mood cloud your mind. You can flare up for a minute, but immediately cool down.

5. Aquarius

Your most positive trait is a boundless desire to help others. You love to bring joy to people.

You are an honest, loving and kind person. Your only sin is strong attraction, which can cause you to make the wrong decision.

6. Gemini

You are caught in the middle. You are a classic case of someone who has an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other that is diverting your attention.

Whether you act like an angel or a devil depends on your mood and what you ate for breakfast. You are like day and night, good and evil, summer and winter - an explosive mixture of complete contradictions.

7. Leo

Leos are noble, strong, beautiful and majestic until you encounter their dark side. That's when you show your fearless grin and let out a roar.

You like to do good deeds until someone crosses your path. You will do everything to make this person regret it for the rest of his life.

8. Cancer

You really want to be good, but life is full of temptations that are so difficult to resist. You go to work or school, then go to yoga, visit your beloved grandmother, but as soon as a beautiful and very sexy member of the opposite sex appears on the horizon, you go into all seriousness.

You sincerely hope that God knows how to forgive, because you really need it.

9. Virgo

You are friendly, funny, generous and very nice. But you are also a slave to your desires, and your irritability sometimes has no end. If someone is unfortunate enough to anger you, you will take revenge and will not rest until you humiliate the offender. But the rest of the time, you are the sweetest person.

Astrologers are now divided into many categories, some of them compile horoscopes, others are involved in the interpretation of cosmic events, but there are also those who are involved in compiling various ratings of zodiac signs. Now you can find almost any rating, but in our article we will consider which angel or demon each zodiac sign is more like.

1. Libra. Some of the purest signs of the zodiac, the holiest people and the most strong angels may appear precisely under this zodiac sign. You cannot commit sin because God is personally watching over your path.

2. Taurus. You have a kind heart in which forgiveness lives. You may not realize it yourself, but you can forgive almost anything, especially if the person is close to you. Nephilim are the children of an angel and a human, that’s what this zodiac sign can be.

3. Pisces. Your only vice is that you often get angry over trifles, otherwise your soul is absolutely pure in its thoughts and desires.

4. Sagittarius. Love is your element. You can literally lose yourself in this feeling with your partner. You are also a fierce defender of the truth, and you easily lose your temper when people lie to you or don’t tell you anything.

5. Aquarius. You believe that your mission on earth and in this life in particular is to bring good to people, to support them in difficult times. Honesty, kindness and the desire to help people are your credo. The only thing that distinguishes you from saints is that in your desire you can make wrong decisions.

6. Gemini. You are a human being in the full sense of the word. You are neither an angel nor a demon, you are the golden mean, your vices and sinful desires are balanced by your good deeds and the boundless light in which people around you find themselves.

7. Leo You are a symbol of peace and prosperity among people. You can help those in need in difficult times, you can sincerely repent of your deeds. There is just one thing that brought you to the other side; you don’t like being disturbed. If someone crosses your path, you will do everything to make him regret it.

8. Cancer. Perhaps you are the only person who really wants to be good. But this is not given to you. You can be a wonderful person, a mother with a capital M. But as soon as a very sexy person of the opposite sex appears in your life, you break down. Your mask begins to crack under the pressure of wild passion.

9. Virgo. Friendliness, sincerity, generosity, it's all about you. However, you are what is commonly called a slave to your desires. You cannot resist the temptations that our lives are full of, and you very much hope that God still knows how to forgive. Because you need it more than everyone else.

10. Aries. They are often vindictive, love alcohol, play gambling, you have so many vices that sometimes it seems to you that the mortal sins were written by following your adventures. The only bright thing about you is, perhaps, your sense of humor.

11. Capricorn. Perhaps, if you are not evil itself in the flesh, then you are not far from this definition. You consider kindness to be a form of some very contagious disease. Everything according to you good people weak, and you are not interested in them, there is a special place in hell for you.

12. Scorpio. Your desires are very natural and they are often aimed at destruction. Your attractiveness knows no bounds, and you can win over almost anyone to your side.

People of modern times are very vulnerable, they are haunted by constant stress and uncertainty about the future. But everyone can find strength in the person of their Guardian Angel. The person who knows his Demon also becomes stronger. Darkness and Light are a secret repository of both our virtues, strong spiritual sides, and vices and weaknesses. Angels and Demons are immortal spirits who try to win the human soul to their side. People of Light are gifted with higher spiritual abilities than those who allow Demons into their souls and commit actions that please the forces of Darkness. All people have Personal Angels and Demons, but Zodiac Angels are more powerful, because they are the masters of the corresponding zodiac constellation.

Behind every Aries stands the Demon of Hatred and Selfishness and the Angel of Sincerity and Openness. The dark side provokes rage, intolerance and reluctance to admit one’s mistakes, thoughtless actions and unceremonious behavior. Intolerance to lies and the ability to sincerely relate to people is a manifestation of the Angel of Openness - Bakariel. You can turn to Angel Bakariel for help if you need success and good luck. Bakariil also protects the children of Aries. Angel charges Aries vital energy, helps to accomplish any task, makes one’s outlook on life’s difficulties more optimistic.

In Taurus there is a struggle between the Demon of Anger and Stinginess and the Angel of Loyalty and Good Nature. Behind the phlegmatic nature of Taurus, a whole storm of passions often breaks out. The Demon of Anger prevents Taurus from being a devoted and loyal friend, leading to greed and stinginess, which stands out from other people. This leads to materialism and a reluctance to allow spiritual thoughts into oneself. Guardian Angel of Taurus - Amatiel, is asked for protection in any endeavors, as well as if they desire changes in life path. With its help, the heart is filled with light and hope, it opens the real Way.

Gemini is between the Demon of Cunning and the Angel of Cheerfulness. Geminis can become real flatterers, full of lies, deceit and falsehood. All this is hidden under a light veil of fun and lightness, the ability to communicate and establish connections. The Angel of Cheerfulness protects from difficult life turns, saves from pessimism and depression. Zodiac Guardian Angel of Gemini - Bahram will help you overcome difficulties and fulfill obligations.

Cancer is the object of attention of the Demon of Lies and is under the protection of the Angel of Feelings and Sympathy. Cancer usually feels the approach of his Demon, which he despises. But he often cannot cope with it and abuses its power for his own benefit. For example, Cancer often exhausts his close friends, relatives and lovers with tears and reproaches that he is not loved enough, instilling in others a feeling of guilt. At the same time, the Angel of Sympathy connects Cancer with other people, giving the ability to mercy and compassion. Cancer has an exceptional gift to feel, as well as to stand on the side of the weak. Zodiac Guardian Angel - Dina helps Cancer gain new knowledge and realize that wisdom will come when you start asking, and not when you stop looking for answers to questions.

It is very difficult for Leo to cope with his Demon of Vanity. He needs to hear the voice of his Angel of Cordiality. Only then does Leo turn from an arrogant, boastful proud person into a generous and warm-hearted person. A lion, caressed by his Guardian Angel, seems to radiate warm light, and his eyes are radiant and shiny. This is the influence of the Zodiac Angel Leo - Aquariel. Aquaril instructs Lviv on the path of self-improvement in spiritually, helps to understand the world around us.

Virgos are most annoyed by the Demon of Discontent and Envy. Envy poisons the soul, and dissatisfaction with life awakens distrust of others and alienates Virgo from friends and loved ones. Such a Demon can lead Virgo to a state of indifference, and then to illness.

On the right shoulder of the representative of the sign of Libra stands the Angel of Measure and Balance, and on the left is the capricious Demon of Moods. The demon sows doubt in business, in feelings, in love, in partners, in friends. This spirit of mood tempts Libra to play with people on their feelings and weaknesses, to beautifully keep them at a distance, to be calculating and selfish. It is also a very flirtatious Demon, encouraging women to eternally seduce and deceive men. The Angel of Measure can make Libra beautiful in both soul and body. Gives peace, calm and confidence. To gain inner strength and compassion, Libra should turn to the Zodiac Guardian Angel Barchiil. In this case, there is hope for improving your own life in the most difficult situations.


Scorpio is the object of confrontation between the Demon of Vengeance and the Angel of Truth. When the Zodiac Demon of Scorpio wakes up, he is tormented by the suspicion that everyone is deceiving him. This causes blind rage, old anger at those who did not live up to expectations. Then Scorpio decides to take revenge, or suffers from pathological jealousy, especially towards his beloved. This leads to self-destruction until Scorpio hears the soft, warning voice of the Angel. You should turn to Angel Gabriel, one of the strongest Angels of Light, for help in making fundamental changes in the life path of Scorpio. This Angel creates best conditions to realize plans.

Aquarius is the object of the struggle between the Demon of Alienation and the Angel of Friendship. They coexist in the soul of Aquarius; on the one hand, there is compassion and warmth in relationships, on the other, a disregard for others, an overestimation of oneself and one’s own capabilities. The Demon of Alienation tries to push people away from Aquarius who wish him well or love him. Aquarius should value friendship and love, otherwise he risks being left alone. Aquarius, like no one else, needs to communicate with nature in order to replenish their energy reserves and restore strength. The Zodiac Angel Katetil will help you merge with nature and the world around you.


Horoscopes rule: Test “Who are you - an Angel or a Demon according to your Zodiac Sign”

Cool horoscope, which will show who is behind your zodiac sign.

Look and find out whether you are protected by an angel or a demon.

I personally am on the Dark Side...and you?

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Angels and demons of the zodiac signs

People of modern times are very vulnerable, they are haunted by constant stress and uncertainty about the future. But everyone can find strength in the person of their Guardian Angel. The person who knows his Demon also becomes stronger. Darkness and Light are a secret repository of both our virtues, strong spiritual sides, and vices and weaknesses.

Angels and Demons are immortal spirits who try to win the human soul to their side. People of Light are gifted with higher spiritual abilities than those who allow Demons into their souls and commit actions that please the forces of Darkness. All people have Personal Angels and Demons, but Zodiac Angels are more powerful, because they are the masters of the corresponding zodiac constellation.

Aries Behind the back of every Aries stands the Demon of Hatred and Selfishness and the Angel of Sincerity and Openness.

The dark side provokes rage, intolerance and reluctance to admit one’s mistakes, thoughtless actions and unceremonious behavior.

Intolerance to lies and the ability to sincerely relate to people is a manifestation of the Angel of Openness - Bakariel. You can turn to Angel Bakariel for help if you need success and good luck. Bakariil also protects the children of Aries. The angel charges Aries with vital energy, helps to carry out any business, and makes views on life’s difficulties more optimistic.

Taurus In Taurus there is a struggle between the Demon of Anger and Stinginess and the Angel of Loyalty and Good Nature. Behind the phlegmatic nature of Taurus, a whole storm of passions often breaks out.

The Demon of Anger prevents Taurus from being a devoted and loyal friend, leading to greed and stinginess, which stands out from other people. This leads to materialism and a reluctance to allow spiritual thoughts into oneself.

The Guardian Angel of Taurus - Amatiel, is asked for protection in any endeavors, as well as if they desire changes on the path of life. With its help, the heart is filled with light and hope, and the real Path opens.

Gemini the Twins is between the Demon of Cunning and the Angel of Cheerfulness. Geminis can become real flatterers, full of lies, deceit and falsehood. All this is hidden under a light veil of fun and lightness, the ability to communicate and establish connections.

The Angel of Cheerfulness protects from difficult life turns, saves from pessimism and depression. Zodiac Guardian Angel of Gemini - Bahram will help you overcome difficulties and fulfill obligations.

Cancer Cancer is the object of attention of the Demon of Lies and is under the protection of the Angel of Feelings and Sympathy. Cancer usually feels the approach of his Demon, which he despises. But he often cannot cope with it and abuses its power for his own benefit. For example, Cancer often exhausts his close friends, relatives and lovers with tears and reproaches that he is not loved enough, instilling in others a feeling of guilt.

At the same time, the Angel of Sympathy connects Cancer with other people, giving the ability to mercy and compassion. Cancer has an exceptional gift to feel, as well as to stand on the side of the weak. Zodiac Guardian Angel - Dina helps Cancer gain new knowledge and realize that wisdom will come when you start asking, and not when you stop looking for answers to questions.

Leo It is very difficult for Leo to cope with his Demon of Vanity. He needs to hear the voice of his Angel of Cordiality. Only then does Leo turn from an arrogant, boastful proud person into a generous and warm-hearted person.

A lion, caressed by his Guardian Angel, seems to radiate a warm light, and his eyes are radiant and shiny. This is the influence of the Zodiac Angel Leo - Aquariel. Aquaril guides Lviv on the path of spiritual self-improvement and helps them understand the world around them.

Virgo Virgos are most annoyed by the Demon of Discontent and Envy. Envy poisons the soul, and dissatisfaction with life awakens distrust of others and alienates Virgo from friends and loved ones. Such a Demon can lead Virgo to a state of indifference, and then to illness.

But the Angel of Constancy and Protection is trying to turn Virgo into a caring and strong in spirit a person who becomes like a rock, and to whom those around him cling in search of wise advice and a feeling of reliability. To comprehend her destiny, Virgo will be helped by the Zodiac Guardian Angel - Kadmiel. He will guide you along the right Path and reward you with intuition.

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Find out your Angels and Demons by zodiac sign

Virgos are most annoyed by the Demon of Discontent and Envy. Envy poisons the soul, and dissatisfaction with life awakens distrust of others and alienates Virgo from friends and loved ones. Such a Demon can lead Virgo to a state of indifference, and then to illness.

But the Angel of Constancy and Protection tries to turn Virgo into a caring and strong-spirited person who becomes like a rock, and to whom others cling in search of wise advice and a sense of reliability. To comprehend her destiny, Virgo will be helped by the Zodiac Guardian Angel - Kadmiel. He will guide you along the right Path and reward you with intuition.


On the right shoulder of the representative of the sign of Libra stands the Angel of Measure and Balance, and on the left is the capricious Demon of Moods. The demon sows doubt in business, in feelings, in love, in partners, in friends. This spirit of mood tempts Libra to play with people on their feelings and weaknesses, to beautifully keep them at a distance, to be calculating and selfish.

It is also a very flirtatious Demon, encouraging women to eternally seduce and deceive men. The Angel of Measure can make Libra beautiful in both soul and body. Gives peace, calm and confidence. To gain inner strength and compassion, Libra should turn to the Zodiac Guardian Angel Barchiil. In this case, there is hope for improving your own life in the most difficult situations.


Scorpio is the object of confrontation between the Demon of Vengeance and the Angel of Truth. When the Zodiac Demon of Scorpio wakes up, he is tormented by the suspicion that everyone is deceiving him. This causes blind rage, old anger at those who did not live up to expectations.

Then Scorpio decides to take revenge, or suffers from pathological jealousy, especially towards his beloved. This leads to self-destruction until Scorpio hears the soft, warning voice of the Angel. You should turn to Angel Gabriel, one of the strongest Angels of Light, for help in making fundamental changes in the life path of Scorpio. This Angel creates the best conditions for the implementation of plans.

Sagittarius is ruled by the Demon of Arrogance and the Angel of Justice. The demon causes Sagittarius' arrogance and arrogance, rejection of criticism and a sense of exclusivity that alienates people. Deep down, Sagittarius is a fighter for justice, strives for something higher, but at the same time there is a danger of reaching fanaticism. The Zodiac Guardian Angel of Sagittarius, Adnachiel, has many opportunities. It will help you gain independence and freedom. With its help, persistent people will be successful in business and career growth.


Capricorn is under the protection of the Angel of Strength and Endurance, but is a tasty prey for the Demon of Cold and Indifference. The Demon of Cold awakens when Capricorn is disappointed or if he has been used, betrayed, or pushed away. An evil spirit forces you to ignore people’s requests and think only about yourself, which is why the soul seems to become callous and dark. The Angel of Strength is the inner voice of Capricorn, which, on the contrary, makes him reliable, faithful, and caring. For help and protection in new, unusual endeavors, Capricorn should turn to the Zodiac Guardian Angel - Cambiel.


Aquarius is the object of the struggle between the Demon of Alienation and the Angel of Friendship. They coexist in the soul of Aquarius; on the one hand, there is compassion and warmth in relationships, on the other, a disregard for others, an overestimation of oneself and one’s own capabilities. The Demon of Alienation tries to push people away from Aquarius who wish him well or love him.

Aquarius should value friendship and love, otherwise he risks being left alone. Aquarius, like no one else, needs to communicate with nature in order to replenish their energy reserves and restore strength. The Zodiac Angel Katetil will help you merge with nature and the world around you.


Pisces can be either caressed by the Angel of Love or destroyed by the Demon of Vices. Pisces is a very contradictory personality. Either he weaves intrigues, reacts evilly and cruelly to the insults inflicted, then he dives into the lake of various temptations and even debauchery, looking for sources of dubious pleasures in the form of alcohol or drugs.

At the same time, Pisces is very close to the Angel of Love and boundless compassion - this is the Angel of the new time, whose voice is worth hearing, and who is so missed to modern man. External charm, attractiveness and charm, success in love affairs and in a career are achieved through the Zodiac Angel Egalmiel, but this Angel is able to give Pisces much more earthly and spiritual benefits.

How to pray to the angels of the Zodiac?

To do this, you need to use a prayer to the guardian angel, inserting into it the name of the zodiac angel whose help you are calling on. At the end, you can make a specific request within the limits of what this angel can help you with. After all, they are all so different.

Every person has his own Guardian Angel. However, among the transcendental patrons of the zodiac signs there are also Demons.

A person can find powerful support in the person of his Guardian Angel according to his zodiac sign. Which of the zodiac signs is the strongest? "Strength comes to those who know their Demon. But this is an evil force that leads a person to fall.

Modern people are very vulnerable. The world today is structured in such a way that a person must constantly be under tension, experiencing colossal loads and stress. There are few people who are confident in the future. All this weakens people and makes them vulnerable.

Each of us has Personal Angels and Demons. But, there are also Zodiac Angels. Guardian Angels are more powerful according to zodiac signs; they are the rulers of the zodiac constellations.

Guardian Angels and Demons according to zodiac signs

Aries has its own Demon of Hate and Angel of Sincerity. The dark side causes rage, unwillingness to admit one's mistakes, and impulsiveness. The bright essence of the Aries zodiac sign is the essence of a bright Angel named Bakariil. You need to turn to him for help when your luck runs out. Bakariil also takes Aries children under his protection.

Taurus is located between the Demon of Wrath and the Angel of Loyalty. The demon prevents Taurus from being faithful, leads him to stinginess, concentration on materialism, and denial of spirituality. The bright heavenly patron of the zodiac sign Taurus is called Amatiel. They ask him for patronage and help in striving for change, he gives light and hope.

Next to Gemini are the Demon of Cunning and the Angel of Joy. Under the influence of the Demon, Gemini can become flatterers, full of lies, deceit and falsehood. The Guardian Angel of the Gemini zodiac sign, whose name is Bahram, helps fulfill obligations and does not leave them in difficult situations.

Behind Cancer are the Demon of Lies and the Angel of Feelings. Cancer often uses the power of his Demon to get what he wants. But he always feels the presence of the patron of the zodiac sign - Dean. Dean pushes Cancer to seek knowledge and does not allow him to withdraw into himself.

The influence of the patrons of the Leo zodiac sign is extremely strong and is constantly felt by its representatives. It is unbearably difficult for Leo to cope with his Demon of Vanity. Only by hearing the voice of the Angel of Cordiality - Aquariel, Leo can become generous. Aquariel guides Leo on the path of spiritual quest.

Virgos have a strong Demon of Envy, which poisons the soul, alienating the Virgo from people. But the Guardian Angel of the Virgo zodiac sign - Kadmiel, the Angel of Protection, tries to strengthen the spirit of Virgo, to make her wise and reliable. It is this patron according to the zodiac sign that guides them along the right path of life and rewards them with intuition.

Each representative of the sign Libra is familiar with the Angel of Balance and the Demon of Moods. In all the ways of Libra, the demon sows doubts, tempts to use people, skillfully playing on their feelings and weaknesses. Patron Guardian Angel of the zodiac sign Libra Barchiil brings Libra peace and confidence, gives hope, and does not leave in the most difficult situations.

The mighty Demon of Vengeance and the Angel of Truth are the patrons of the zodiac sign Scorpio. The Scorpio demon brings discord into his soul, suspicions that give rise to rage, a thirst for revenge on those who did not live up to expectations. Scorpio should always hear the voice of Angel Gabriel, one of the most powerful Guardian Angels of the Scorpio zodiac sign, Light who will not leave a person in moments of difficult thoughts.

The mystical patrons of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are the Demon of Arrogance and the Angel of Justice. The power of the Demon is manifested in the arrogant arrogance of Sagittarius. In his desire for the highest, Sagittarius can reach the point of fanaticism. Sagittarius' Guardian Angel named Adnachiel will help him find true freedom and success.

Capricorn is protected by the Angel of Endurance. But this zodiac sign is the desired prey of the Demon of Indifference. The evil spirit makes the soul of Capricorn dark and loss of feelings. The protection of the Guardian Angel Kambiil is necessary for the zodiac sign Capricorn. Following the Angel, Capricorn becomes reliable and faithful.

The sign of Aquarius is the battlefield between the Demon of Alienation and the Angel of Friendship. The demon tries to isolate Aquarius from those who love him. This is very dangerous, because the Aquarius zodiac sign seriously risks being left alone. The patron Angel, whose name is Katetil, will help Aquarius avoid this terrible fate and unite with the world.

The patrons of the Pisces zodiac sign are the Angel of Love and the Demon of Vices, whose goal is the final death of representatives of the last zodiac sign. Pisces can be angry and cruel, weak in the face of temptations, enticements and debauchery. And yet, the Angel of Love, whose name is Egalmiel, is close to them. The Guardian Angel of Pisces is able to give them plenty of both earthly and spiritual blessings.

Source: sudba.info