For which Medvedev reprimanded Onishchenko. Onishchenko received a reprimand from Medvedev for violating the rules of public speaking. Flu pills


Apparently Onishchenko was guilty while delivering one of his speeches at some event."Requirements for official behavior the civil servant is obliged to comply with it established rules public speaking. Onishchenko G.G. violated these rules,” reads the text of the document. More detailed information was not provided.

We are talking about a violation of paragraph 14 of article 18 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service Russian Federation". It reads: A civil servant is obliged to comply with the established rules of public speaking and the provision of official information."

Gennady Onishchenko gave his last public comment on the Russian News Service on February 24. Then he spoke about Mars products, in which plastic particles were found. “I do not rule out that after seizures in Europe, these products at a bargain price may be purchased by our unscrupulous entrepreneurs. After disposal, they will be brought to our country. As soon as something is closed somewhere, wait for these products on our market,” – Kommersant quotes him.

Let's note February 26 Medvedev also appointed Andrei Slepnev to the position of assistant, who served as Minister of Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) for four years. He will likely lead the government's project office, which will focus on supporting innovation.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, by a separate order, reprimanded his assistant Gennady Onishchenko, the former chief sanitary doctor and head of Rospotrebnadzor. The formal reason is a violation of Article 18 of the Civil Service Law. What actions or words of Onishchenko recently could have displeased the prime minister?

The order published on February 26 on the government website does not contain any specifics about what exactly one of the most honored and famous Russian health officials was guilty of. At the same time, Article 18 of the law “On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation”, under which Onishchenko was fined, contains, among other things, the following points:

— carry out professional official activities within the competence established by the legislation of the Russian Federation government agency;
- ensure equal, impartial treatment of all individuals and legal entities, not to give preference to any public or religious associations, professional or social groups, citizens and organizations and not to allow bias towards such associations, groups, citizens and organizations;
— maintain neutrality, excluding the possibility of decisions influencing one’s professional activities political parties, others public associations, religious associations and other organizations;
- not to commit acts that discredit his honor and dignity;
- not to allow conflict situations, capable of damaging his reputation or the authority of a government agency;
— comply with the established rules of public speaking and provision of official information.

In our opinion, at least five episodes over the past two months deserve the authorities’ censure - either one of them individually, or “in total.” Here they are.

Flu pills

Even before the start of a serious swine flu epidemic, which by mid-January swept across all of Russia, Onishchenko, not knowing that mortality records were ahead, announced at the end of December that, firstly, there would be no epidemic, and secondly, it was necessary to buy less all sorts of pills.

“It would be better if we bought healthy food for our children and ourselves than to scare each other with the flu. You should buy tablets only as prescribed by your doctor.”

It’s better to just ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. This is all true, but to what extent is such a statement consistent with the interests of the manufacturers of Arbidol and Kagocel, strategically important drugs for the current head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova? After all, it was as the Minister of Health that she included the use of Arbidol in the Ministry of Health recommendations for doctors and personally checked the presence of Kagocel in the presence of television cameras.

US biological weapons

In a long interview at the end of December, Gennady Onishchenko gave several reprimands at once. In general, the transcript of the interview leaves the feeling that the official was not himself: he jumps from topic to topic, speaks in unfinished sentences and voices strange theories. For example, these:

“In Georgia, Kazakhstan, and now in Ukraine [the Americans] are creating military-biological facilities, bases that are in the closest intimate environment with our country.”

According to Onishchenko, the Ebola virus was artificially launched by the intelligence services, and our “health” services are completely unprepared for biological attacks from NATO countries. And in mid-February, in an interview with the BBC, he reported sensational news: the United States is deliberately infecting mosquitoes in Latin America Zika virus.

“It raises the possibility that the mosquitoes I'm talking about could be contaminated, deliberately contaminated.”

In conditions of international tension, when we are having such difficulty reaching an agreement with the Americans regarding Syria and Ukraine, revelations in the field of biological warfare are not very appropriate.

Beer in stadiums

Publicly speak out against Vitaly Mutko just before the start Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 and on the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup - this the right way earn a reprimand. In the same interview with the Russian News Service, Onishchenko encroaches on the sacred: beer cannot be advertised and drunk at stadiums. Even for the championship.

“Football is a mass spectacle. In addition to the fact that this is a population valve for draining excess energy, it is also a positive image for practicing a healthy lifestyle, and it is not worth combining a stadium, a temple of health conditionally, with sacrilege in the form of drinking a low-alcohol, very insidious drink.”

This is not only an anti-people statement, it also discredits the authorities, showing disagreements within the government on such an important issue as drinking beer during football!

A woman is not a person

It turns out that women are to blame for the high mortality rate of “fragile” and “vulnerable” Russian men. And all because they do not take care of their husbands, fathers and sons, take poor care of them, and do not stop them from drinking and smoking. But a man is like a child. And “a woman is born and leaves this world by nature as a mother.” So, men should raise their retirement age depending on their occupation, while women should generally “let them work as much as they want.”

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reprimanded his assistant Gennady Onishchenko. The order states that former head Rospotrebnadzor violated the requirements of the civil service law. No other details provided

Assistant to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reprimanded his assistant Gennady Onishchenko, former leader Rospotrebnadzor. The order was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The document states that Onishchenko violated the requirements of Article 18 of the law on the state civil service.

This paragraph of the law contains requirements for the official conduct of an official. In particular, the norm obliges officials to conscientiously and high level fulfill your professional duty. In addition, civil servants are prohibited from taking actions “related to the influence of any personal, property (financial) or other interests that interfere with the conscientious performance of official duties.”

Paragraphs of Article 18 also prohibit an official from committing acts that discredit his honor and dignity, and also oblige him to show correctness in dealing with citizens and take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic and social groups and confessions.

A separate clause stipulates the obligation to “comply with the established rules of public speaking and provision of official information.”

The Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova did not specify the details of the violation on the part of Medvedev's assistant. Onishchenko himself, having heard the greeting from RBC, hung up.

For almost ten years (from 2004 to 2013), Onishchenko served as head of Rospotrebnadzor, the chief state sanitary doctor. He left this position in October 2013 due to the expiration of his term of office. Now the department is headed by Anna Popova.

Then Vedomosti wrote that one of the reasons for the resignation was the problem of Onishchenko’s controllability. In particular, a source close to the presidential administration then claimed that Onishchenko had a long-standing conflict with Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. Another source close to the Kremlin assured that difficult relationships the ex-head of Rospotrebnadzor also had meetings with other members of the government, including Medvedev. The source explained that Onishchenko pursued a policy independent of the prime minister and sometimes started trade wars with those countries with which the head of government tried to conclude economic agreements.

A federal official in an interview with Vedomosti noted that Onishchenko did not report to Medvedev, but the only person The former head of Rospotrebnadzor was listening to President Vladimir Putin.

During his work at Rospotrebnadzor, as well as as assistant to the prime minister, Onishchenko regularly made loud and controversial statements. In particular, on February 15, in an interview with the BBC, an official said that mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus could be deliberately contaminated. According to Onishchenko, on the Black Sea coast in Abkhazia, since 2012, Russian entomologists have registered a subspecies of mosquito that carries the Zika virus.

“This worries me because about a hundred kilometers from this place where this mosquito lives today, in the closest approximation to our borders, there is a military microbiological laboratory of the United States Army,” he said, adding that “not That’s why the Pentagon built a military biological base to protect Georgian children from measles.”

In November 2015, Onishchenko also spoke about the purchase of Turkish products. The statement came the day after the Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian Su-24. “Everyone understands that every Turkish tomato bought at Auchan or at the market is a contribution to the next missile that will fire at our guys,” Onishchenko said (quoted by RIA Novosti). “Compatriots understand that they paid for this rocket: Russians alone take €287 million to Turkey every year.”

With the participation of Peter Netreba and Elizaveta Surnacheva.