The company Ondulin produces roofing paints. Painting a roof made of ondulin. Is it possible to restore the green color of ondulin?

Modern market building materials offers roofing coverings for every taste and budget. Due to high competition, the consumer receives products High Quality for reasonable money, which is constantly being improved and improved by the manufacturer. Recently, professional roofers have “introduced fashion” to ondulin, a lightweight and durable roofing material for roofing. However, it has one unpleasant property - such a coating fades over time under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In this article we will tell you how to paint ondulin to preserve its aesthetic appearance coating and extend the service life of the roof.

Ondulin is the name given to the products of the French company of the same name, which began producing this practical roofing material back in 1944. It was intended as a means quick repair and eliminating leaks in roofs made of corrugated sheets, slate or tiles without dismantling the structure, which over time has turned into self-covering. Ondulin is a rectangular sheet with a wavy profile, the size of which is 205x305 cm. This roofing material contains only natural ingredients: purified cellulose fibers, natural pigments, modifiers and petroleum bitumen. The use of this material has the following advantages:

  1. A light weight. One sheet of ondulin weighs only 6 kilograms, which makes this material lighter than other roofing coverings. Thanks to this quality, it is mounted on the simplest rafter frame and sheathing. The lightness of ondulin allows you to lay a new coating without removing the old one.
  2. Strength. The fibrous structure provides ondulin with high strength; it can easily withstand a snow load of 300 kg/m2. The maximum load at which an ondulin roof is deformed is 600 kg/m2, but, as a rule, it is not the roof covering that is destroyed, but the sheathing and frame.
  3. Waterproof and low absorbency. Ondulin is highly resistant to melt or rain water; it does not absorb moisture due to bitumen impregnation.
  4. Long service life. Ondulin can withstand 25 cycles of freezing and thawing without changing its structure or losing its properties. The service life of the material, guaranteed by the manufacturer, is 15 years. With proper care, a roof with such a coating will last at least 30-40 years.
  5. Resistance to microorganisms. The petroleum bitumen with which ondulin is impregnated is a strong antiseptic, so a roof made of this material will not be damaged by mold, mildew or moss.

Note! The main advantage of ondulin is the safety and environmental friendliness of this material. All components included in the composition do not have a negative effect on environment or human health. This quality distinguishes ondulin from other roofing materials containing harmful impurities.

UV exposure

Perhaps the only drawback of ondulin, which sellers and manufacturers always warn buyers about, is the instability of this material to ultraviolet radiation. When the sun's rays fall on a corrugated roof, the natural pigment that gives color to the coating begins to slowly deteriorate. Because of this, ondulin fades over time, and the destruction of the pigment occurs unevenly. This process significantly reduces the decorative qualities of the coating and spoils the appearance of the roof. There are 2 types of material, differing in the method of painting:

  • Ondulin "economy" class. In the production process of this type of roofing, the sheets are coated with paint before being impregnated with bitumen. This technology allows you to “hide” the easily destructible pigment under a protective layer. Ondulin "economy" class is less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so it retains its color for 6-8 years, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • Luxury ondulin. During the production of luxury roofing, the painting procedure is performed 2 times. First, the sheets are painted before impregnation with bitumen, and a second time - after. Thanks to the double layer of pigment, the material retains its rich color for more than 10-15 years, but you will have to pay for this additional layer of paint.

Important! Another problem with working with ondulin is the limited range of colors in which this material is produced. The manufacturer produces roofing coverings in 4 shades: black, brown, green, red. The scarcity of the color palette forces many homeowners to paint ondulin themselves using special compounds.

Choice of colors

Fortunately, the problem of ondulin fading is quite easy to deal with. To do this, when the roofing material finally loses its color, the sheets are painted special compounds. This coating improves the appearance and at the same time increases the moisture resistance of the roof. Paint for ondulin must have properties similar to it in order to withstand adverse weather conditions throughout its entire service life. However, the construction market does not offer much suitable options. For staining ondulin use:

Experienced roofers say that in order to achieve optimal results when painting, it is important to properly prepare the surface to be treated. First of all, the roof slope is cleaned of dust and dirt using water. Sometimes alone " water procedures“is not enough, then a brush with plastic bristles is used. After drying, the ondulin is primed, and then paint is applied in 1 or 2 layers.

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The modern building materials market offers roofing coverings for every taste and budget. Thanks to high competition, the consumer receives high-quality products for reasonable money, which are constantly being improved by the manufacturer. Recently, experienced roofers have “introduced fashion” to ondulin, a lightweight and durable roofing material for roofing. But it has one unpleasant property - such a coating fades over time under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In this article we will tell you how to paint ondulin in order to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the coating and extend the life of the roof.

Material trait

Ondulin is the name given to the products of the French company of the same name, which began producing this practical roofing material back in 1944. It was conceived as a means of quickly repairing and eliminating leaks in roofs made of corrugated sheets, slate or tiles without dismantling the structure, which over time turned into an independent covering. Ondulin is a rectangular page with a wavy profile, the size of which is 205x305 cm. This roofing material contains only natural ingredients: purified cellulose fibers, natural pigments, modifiers and petroleum bitumen. The use of this material has the following advantages:

  1. A light weight. One sheet of ondulin weighs only 6 kilograms, which makes this material lighter than other roofing coverings. That is why, due to its quality, it is mounted on the simplest rafter frame and sheathing. The lightness of ondulin allows you to lay a new coating without removing the old one.
  2. Strength. The fibrous structure provides ondulin with greater strength; it can easily withstand a snow load of 300 kg/m2. The large load under which an ondulin roof is deformed is 600 kg/m2, but in most cases it is not the roof covering that is destroyed, but the sheathing and frame.
  3. Waterproof and low absorbency. Ondulin is highly resistant to melt or rain water; it does not absorb moisture due to bitumen impregnation.
  4. Long service life. Ondulin can withstand 25 cycles of freezing and thawing without transforming the structure or losing properties. The service life of the material, guaranteed by the manufacturer, is 15 years. With proper care, a roof with such a coating will last at least 30-40 years.
  5. Microbial resistance. The petroleum bitumen with which ondulin is impregnated is a strong antiseptic, so a roof made of this material will not be damaged by mold, mildew or moss.

Note! The main advantage of ondulin is the safety and environmental friendliness of this material. All components included in the composition do not have a negative effect on external environment or human health. This property distinguishes ondulin from other roofing materials that contain harmful impurities.

Effect of ultraviolet

Perhaps the only drawback of ondulin, which sellers and manufacturers constantly warn customers about, is the instability of this material to ultraviolet radiation. When the sun's rays fall on a corrugated roof, the natural pigment that gives color to the coating begins to slowly deteriorate. As a result, ondulin fades over time, and the destruction of the pigment occurs unevenly. This process significantly reduces the decorative qualities of the coating and spoils the appearance of the roof. There are 2 types of material, differing in the coloring method:

  • Ondulin "economy" class. During the production of roofing sheets, the pages are coated with paint before being impregnated with bitumen. This technology allows you to “hide” the easily destructible pigment under a protective layer. Ondulin "economy" class is less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so it retains color for 6-8 years, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • Luxury ondulin. During the production of luxury roofing, the painting procedure is performed 2 times. The pages are painted first before being soaked in bitumen, and a second time after completion. Thanks to the double layer of pigment, the material retains its rich color for more than 10-15 years, but you will need to pay for this additional layer of paint.

Fundamentally important! Another problem with working with ondulin is the limited range of colors in which this material is produced. The manufacturer produces roofing coverings in 4 shades: dark, brown, green, red. The scarcity of the color palette forces many homeowners to paint ondulin themselves using special compositions.

Choice of colors

Fortunately, the problem of ondulin fading is quite easy to deal with. To do this, at a time when the roofing material completely loses its color, the pages are painted with special compounds. This coating enhances the appearance and at the same time increases the moisture resistance of the roof. Paint for ondulin must have properties similar to it in order to withstand negative weather conditions throughout its entire service life. But the construction market does not offer many suitable options. For staining ondulin use:

Skilled roofers say that in order to achieve optimal results when painting, it is fundamentally important to properly prepare the surface to be treated. First of all, the roof slope is cleaned of dust and dirt using water. From time to time, “water procedures” alone are not enough, then a brush with plastic bristles comes into play. After drying, the ondulin is primed, and then paint is applied in 1 or 2 layers.

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- roofing material characterized by lightness. Its installation does not require preliminary complex calculations and may well be performed by a person who is not very familiar with such a procedure.

To create a roof from ondulin, it is advisable to immediately purchase additional elements and fasteners.

All of them must be manufactured by the same manufacturer and have the same color scheme with sheets of ondulin. This article will provide some tips for installing an ondulin roof.

Ondulin at the present time is one of the most popular roofing materials. Ondulin roofs are now found everywhere and there is an explanation for this.

Ondulin material is inexpensive, has excellent quality, good strength and an attractive appearance. However, some consumers complain that over time, ondulin sheets change color, fading in the sun.

In this article we will try to figure it out, what compositions are best to paint ondulin so that it does not change its color over a long period of use.

The instructions for ondulin say that coloring with mineral components occurs before the cellulose fiber is impregnated with a bitumen composition. A high quality ondulin sheets are painted even after impregnation with bitumen compounds.

This makes the roofing material extremely resistant to ultraviolet rays and ensures long-term preservation of the original shade.

But during actual operation ondulin very often loses its original saturated shade, becomes dull and faded. Manufacturers of ondulin sheets do not say what to do in this case.

But people who have already encountered a similar problem, it is advised to stain ondulin by selecting a high-quality coloring composition.

Paint for ondulin must have high durability to unfavorable atmospheric phenomena, corrosion and ultraviolet rays. It is best to purchase industrial paint for roofing to paint ondulin.

This paint should be made on the basis of bitumen– this will ensure good adhesion. For a two-layer coating of an ondulin roof you will need approximately 250-500 ml/m2 of paint. Apply the coloring composition with a paint brush or roller, having first thoroughly cleaned the roof of debris and dust.

When working with roofing material With ondulin, the craftsman often needs to cut a single sheet into several small elements. For this procedure you need special tool. Many experts advise using for cutting ondulin with a hacksaw for wood.

If it is necessary to cut ondulin sheets quickly– you can use special electric tools, the range of which has recently expanded significantly.

Ondulin is generally considered a flexible material, so there are no problems with cutting it. The only difficulty is to choose a tool that would provide an even cut edge.

The best option, according to many builders, in this case, is a hand-held electric circular saw. It not only cuts ondulin sheets quickly and efficiently, but is also easy to clean. To clean the teeth of such a saw, you just need to cut a piece of wooden board with it.

A hand-held power saw helps cut ondulin sheets along and across, while obtaining a perfectly smooth cut edge. But the master does not always have such a tool at hand. An alternative circular saw There will be a grinder or a jigsaw.

For longitudinal cutting of ondulin sheets can be used construction knife . They make an incision on the front side of the material, then the sheet is bent in half and completely cut into two parts.

A hacksaw is suitable for cross-cutting ondulin.. When using it, the problem of ondulin particles sticking between the cloves also arises. In this case, professionals advise periodically lowering the hacksaw into a deep container with cold water.

When installing the roof necessary Special attention pay attention to fasteners. The service life of the roofing covering and the entire roof depends on how correctly it is performed.

The main fastening element for ondulin sheets are nails and screws. There are two types of nails for ondulin: with heads made of polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene. Both of these types have the following characteristics:

  • Not susceptible to ultraviolet sunlight;
  • They are highly resistant to adverse weather conditions and precipitation;
  • Creates excellent anti-corrosion protection;
  • Provides tightness to the under-roof space.

The basis of the nails used to fasten ondulin sheets are the same organic fibers. Color options for these fasteners are presented in four standard colors: green, brown, black and red.

The shades of the nails completely match the color roofing material, and this allows you to do general form finished roof aesthetically attractive.

Nails for fastening ondulin are made of carbon steel, and they are coated on top with a special zinc solution providing a good anti-corrosion effect.

The nail heads for ondulin are quite large, which allows you to securely fix the material on the surface of the base. These fasteners can have different diameters heads and shanks, different nail lengths.

In the annotation on roofing material "Ondulin" it is said that during its manufacture the sheets are painted before being impregnated with bitumen, which makes their color resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, luxury class Ondulin is painted again after impregnation. Thanks to this, the color of sheets of roofing material of this type becomes brighter and more resistant to ultraviolet rays, so Euro slate retains its original color for many years.
However, in practice, it happens that the color of sheets fades as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation and changes its “original color” to faded. But what they can be additionally painted with to give them an attractive appearance is not mentioned in any instructions or anywhere at all. There are also no clear recommendations and advice from managers and dealers supplying this roofing material to the Russian market.
My opinion is that the main properties that roofing paints should have are weather resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as well as resistance to corrosion. Therefore, it is best to paint roofs with special industrial roofing paints developed by leading manufacturers of paint and varnish products.
Since “Ondulin” is a roofing material, in the manufacture of which bitumen impregnation is used, it should be used for painting paints and varnishes for roofing coatings based on bitumen. For example, “Kilpi” is a matte roof coating based on a modified acrylate dispersion from the Finnish manufacturer Tikkuril. The paint is used for painting roofing felt roofs, bituminized fiber boards, fiber cement and bitumen-painted steel roofs that are not covered with rust, as well as concrete blocks. The coating has good weather resistance and can be used in industrial and marine climates.
Color coloring selected from Tikkurila company catalogs, such as “Paints for metal roofs" and "Paints for external works", as well as in the "Tikkurila Facade" range.
Paint consumption is 250-500 ml/m2 for a two-layer coating of bitumen surfaces. “Kilpi” is applied with a paint brush, it can also be applied with a roller, but after that it is necessary to additionally finish the surface with a brush.
Drying time at a temperature of 23ºC and a relative air humidity of 50% – up to 2 hours. If necessary, finishing painting is done the next day. Drying slows down as the relative humidity increases and the temperature decreases. The coating is elastic and does not become brittle in cold weather, and also withstands the effects of rainwater and dew.
One reminder will not be superfluous - the roof must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of dust, branches and other debris.

Experienced roofers often prefer ondulin, a roofing material that is lightweight and durable. But it has one significant drawback - over time it begins to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Painting ondulin allows you to preserve the appearance of the roofing surface.

Characteristics of ondulin

In 1944, a French company began producing ondulin. Initially, this material was intended to eliminate leaks in roofs covered with slate, tiles or corrugated sheets. Over time, ondulin from the manufacturer of the same name became an independent product. This type of Euro slate is inexpensive, practical, and looks quite attractive on the roof.

This material is sold in the form rectangular sheets, having a size of 205x305 centimeters and a wavy profile. It is produced exclusively from natural raw materials:

  • purified cellulose fibers;
  • petroleum bitumen;
  • natural pigments;
  • various modifiers.

Advantages of an ondulin roof

The popularity of using ondulin is explained by a number of its characteristics:

  1. Light weight. A sheet of material weighs only 6 kilograms, which makes it lighter compared to other types of roofing products, so installation requires a simple rafter frame and sheathing. The weight of ondulin makes it possible to lay a new coating without dismantling the old one.
  2. Strength. This property is due to the presence of a fibrous structure in the material. Ondulin is able to withstand a snow load of 300 kg/m².
  3. Waterproof and low water absorption. The material is resistant to water. It does not absorb moisture due to the presence of bitumen impregnation.
  4. Long service life. Ondulin is able to withstand 25 cycles, during which it is first frozen and then thawed, without changing its structure or losing its original properties. According to the manufacturer's warranty, the service life reaches 15 years. If the coating is properly cared for, it will last at least 30-40 years.
  5. Resistance to microorganisms. As you know, ondulin is impregnated with petroleum bitumen, which is a powerful antiseptic and for this reason a roof with such a coating cannot be damaged by fungus and mold.
  6. Environmental Safety. The components used for the production of ondulin do not negatively affect human health or the environment, and this circumstance distinguishes it from other roofing products that may contain harmful impurities.

Negative effects of ultraviolet radiation - loss of color

A significant disadvantage of ondulin is its instability to ultraviolet radiation. When sunlight hits the roofing surface of this material, the pigment that gives color to the coating begins to deteriorate.

As a result, ondulin becomes dull and faded, but the most unpleasant thing is that this process occurs unevenly. As a result, the destruction of pigment leads to a decrease in decorative qualities coatings - the appearance of the roof deteriorates. But is it possible to paint ondulin?

Two types of this material are produced, which differ in coloring technology:

  1. Economy class. When manufacturing roofing products, sheets are painted before being impregnated with bitumen. This method allows you to hide destructible pigment under a protective layer. As a result, ondulin retains its color for 6–8 years and is much cheaper.
  2. Luxury class. During the production process, products are subjected to a dyeing procedure 2 times. The first time paint is applied to them before treating ondulin with bitumen, and the second time after. The material is able to maintain color saturation for 10-15 years, but the use of an additional layer of paint increases the cost of the product.

Another disadvantage of ondulin is the small number of options color design. The material is made in only four shades - black, brown, red and green. The limited color palette forces many owners of private houses to think about a solution to the problem of how to paint an ondulin roof.

Choosing paint - what is better to paint

Such a problem as color loss by ondulin can be easily dealt with. When the roofing covering finally loses its color and becomes dull, its sheets are coated with special coloring compounds that improve its appearance and at the same time increase the moisture resistance of the roof.

Ondulin paint must have properties similar to those of the coating in order to withstand adverse climatic influences throughout its entire service life. But on construction market there are few suitable options.

As a result of the limited supply of coloring compositions for ondulin, the following are used:

  1. "Ondupaint". The paint is produced specifically for painting this material based on silicone and acrylic. After drying, a durable film is formed on the roof surface. Since this paint is produced by the ondulin manufacturer, compatibility is guaranteed. But the Ondupaint color palette is also limited to 4 standard shades. It takes only 4 hours for the paint to dry completely, and its service life is at least 5 years. The disadvantage of this option is high price, this paint is more expensive than similar compositions.
  2. Acrylic paint. It is made on the basis of water-dispersed polyacrylate. When dry after application acrylic paint a film is formed on the roofing surface, insoluble in water and similar in its properties to bitumen. Its cost is cheaper than Ondupaint, but it lasts only a few seasons. The advantage of this option is huge selection color solutions. Usage acrylic composition allows you to paint the roof in any color.
  3. Bitumen mastic. She is also called " liquid rubber" Due to the compatibility of the compositions, mastic is best choice How to paint ondulin if necessary to renew the roofing. When applied, a durable film is formed on the surface of the material that resists atmospheric influences. A bitumen-based paint composition is more expensive than acrylic paint, but cheaper than Ondupaint. Its service life is approximately 3 years. All shades included in color palette bitumen mastic, matte. The composition dries quickly, only 2-3 hours.

To obtain optimal results, the roofing surface must be properly prepared. First, the stingray is cleaned using water, sometimes this requires a brush with plastic bristles. After drying, the ondulin surface is primed and painted in one or two layers.