The penetrating effect is applied to the entire area. Penetrating waterproofing - for protecting concrete and brick bases. Nuances and effect

To solve the pressing issue of restoring the waterproofing of basements and other long-used buried premises, traditional bitumen, lining and plaster waterproofing is used less and less. New materials have replaced outdated materials technical solutions, implemented using penetrating waterproofing.

Operating principle of penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing compounds include two groups of materials: special surface coatings with a penetrating effect and injection hydroactive solutions.

  • Included waterproofing coatings includes chemically active additives. Waterproofing compounds spread through the pores and capillaries of concrete with the formation of insoluble crystals.

During the operation of structures, when new contacts of water molecules with concrete occur, the chemical reaction resumes with the development of compaction deep into the structure.

  • Hydroactive injection compounds are used to eliminate leaks in building structures. Basically, these are one-component polyurethane fluids with low viscosity.

During contact with water, polyurethane compounds expand in volume. The injection waterproofing is distributed throughout the entire structure. In this case, the water in the cavities is replaced with a waterproof polyurethane filler.

How penetrating waterproofing works - video

And this video will clearly show how penetrating insulation materials work:

Advantages of penetrating waterproofing

An important advantage of penetrating waterproofing materials is their environmental friendliness. These compounds provide waterproofness while maintaining vapor permeability. This property helps preserve performance characteristics building materials - concrete, brick, stone - and the health of people living in such a building.

The advantages of penetrating waterproofing include its ability to form a single whole with the building structure.

The use of penetrating waterproofing has a positive effect on the frost resistance and strength of concrete. This is due to the fact that with constant filtration of water through concrete, the components of the cement stone are washed out. With the loss of 20% calcium hydroxide, concrete loses up to 30% of its original strength. As a rule, such serious consequences are observed when long-term operation- about 40 years old. Usually there is a loss of strength - 2-5%. But not everyone can eliminate even such a weakening of concrete in the depths of the structure. waterproofing materials. Restoring the strength characteristics of concrete and iron concrete structures helps to increase the frost resistance of the material.

The frost resistance of the waterproofing material itself does not matter, since it is a single whole with concrete.

“Eternal” methyl acrylate injection waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing based on methyl acrylate gel is quite widely used in far abroad. This material applies to injection formulations, penetrating deeply into the thickness of the building material in order to increase its waterproofing characteristics.

The process of using methyl acrylate injection waterproofing is as follows:

  • In problem areas of concrete or brick walls drill holes into which the gel is pumped.
  • After introduction to building material methyl acrylate gel spreads deep, displacing moisture and clogging pores. Over time, the gel reaches the outer surface of the structure and completely covers it with a protective dense layer.

An additional advantage of methyl acrylate gel is its ability to penetrate into the depths of adjacent building structure areas, strengthening and protecting them.

The distinctive feature of this injection material is high speed his actions. When sealing a leak in the basement using a gel injection, water stops seeping into the room within a few seconds.

To create a reliable protective layer in the basement, first inject gel into the most problematic areas, and then plaster the walls cement-sand mortar with gel additives.

Methyl acrylate gel is used for waterproofing basements and other underground structures, including the metro.

However, penetrating waterproofing compounds based on this gel have a significant disadvantage - high cost carrying out work. The average consumer cannot do this waterproofing with his own hands, since it will require a special pumping unit. Such equipment is available only in fairly large construction organizations. But, on the other hand, the use of methyl acrylate gel injections will permanently get rid of problems with poor waterproofing.

Surface-applied Penetron system waterproofing materials

Penetron produces wide range penetrating materials, both for waterproofing coatings and for injections.

Penetron compositions for application to the surface of the protected structure have a number of unique qualities:

  • These compounds are applied to a damp surface that does not require pre-drying, which significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of waterproofing work. Application is carried out with a brush (on smooth surfaces) or a spatula (on uneven surfaces).
  • Penetron system materials are easy to work with; you just need to follow the rules described in the instructions.
  • These materials can be used both internally and externally. outside structures, regardless of the direction in which the water is exposed.
  • The use of Penetron compositions makes it possible to significantly improve the waterproof grade of concrete, increase the strength and frost resistance characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete elements.
  • In case of mechanical damage to the treated structure, the increased performance properties acquired by it are preserved. The use of compositions of this brand ensures the ability of concrete to “self-heal”.
  • Processing materials with this system allows you to permanently get rid of the problem of poor waterproofing
  • Concrete coated waterproofing layer Penetron, retain vapor permeability.
  • The material can be used for both operating and under construction structures of all degrees of crack resistance.
  • The use of waterproofing compounds of this group helps prevent corrosion destruction of reinforcement.
  • Waterproofing can be used even in high hydrostatic pressure.
  • The characteristics acquired by the building material thanks to Penetron treatment are preserved even under intense radiation exposure.
  • Waterproofing compounds of this group are approved for use in tanks for drinking water. They are non-toxic, non-flammable materials, explosion and radiation safe.

The shelf life of waterproofing materials in original packaging is 18 months.

Penetron is a dry mortar, consisting of special grades of cement, quartz sand a certain granulometric composition, active chemical additives produced under the company's patent.

This waterproofing material has a wide range of applications:

  • Processing of monolithic and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Can be used on surfaces coated with cement-sand plaster mortar.
  • To cut off capillary suction, Penetron is used in combination with Penecrit. Also, a complex of these materials is used for waterproofing cracks, seams, abutments, joints, and places where communications enter.
  • Penetron together with Peneplug or Waterplug is used to combat pressure leaks.

Waterproofing materials of the Penetron system are able to protect the structure from the effects of soil and waste water, salt water, alkaline and acidic compounds.

Application of Penetron waterproofing: video tutorial

If you are planning to use Penetron penetrating waterproofing, we recommend watching this video:

Reviews of penetrating waterproofing Penetron

Injection waterproofing system Penetron

The injection waterproofing of the Penetron line includes a complex of two-component resins PeneSplitSil. It contains two resins: slow- and fast-reacting.

The main purpose of using the injection complex is to stop the flow of water into the cavity of static and moving cracks, thereby protecting the reinforcement from corrosion.

In case of pressure leaks, PeneSplitSil is used in conjunction with PenePurF.

The waterproofing composition can be used in complexes with perforated hoses located in the seams of the structure during its construction, in brick and stone structures to eliminate capillary suction.

Features of PeneSplitSil waterproofing:

  • has good interaction with concrete, polymer materials, metal;
  • after polymerization, a highly elastic material is formed;
  • does not contain solvents;
  • work can be carried out at temperatures (+5) - (+35 0 C), and the operation of treated structures can be in the range from (-50 0 C) to (+150 0 C).

Brands of penetrating waterproofing compounds presented on the domestic market

  • Comparison with Penetron is worthy of such penetrating compositions as Kalmatron, Aquatron, Lakhta. They are widely used for waterproofing hydraulic engineering facilities, swimming pools, wells, transport facilities, energy complexes, housing and industrial construction projects, and civil defense premises.
  • The compositions "Gidrotex-K", "Gidrotex-V", "Gidrotex-U" are waterproofing materials for internal and external waterproofing of structures made of concrete and stone. "Gidrotex-V" is recommended for use in buried and semi-buried premises operating under conditions of constant infiltration of groundwater.
  • The Ceresit brand of compositions – CR 90 Crystaliser – has a penetrating effect. This material is used for waterproofing non-salted substrates made of mineral materials and not subject to deformation. Can be used in combination with elastic waterproofing tapes.
  • Penetrating hydrohit is a dry mixture used for waterproofing concrete and reinforced concrete. If it is necessary to eliminate a pressure leak, use the Hydrohit filling composition.

Prices for materials for penetrating waterproofing

Look at the prices in this table to choose the product that has the best price-quality ratio for you:

The task of preserving the state's fixed assets is directly related to the health and well-being of people. One of the effective and reliable ways Its solution is the use of high-tech modern waterproofing materials with penetrating action.

Penetrating waterproofing – general information and areas of application, 3.8 out of 5 based on 5 ratings

IN modern construction Various waterproofing materials are used, one of which is the so-called penetrating waterproofing. Penetrating waterproofing materials are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The choice of materials is determined by their technical characteristics and the tasks facing builders.

The idea of ​​using penetrating waterproofing (penetration) was born in the 50s in Denmark. The first waterproofing of this type was released by VANDEX, and the new product received the same name. The development of Danish scientists served as the basis for the emergence of similar penetrating systems in different countries. This is how penetrating waterproofing XYPEX (Xypex, CANADA), DRIZORO (Spain), PENETRON (Penetron, USA) appeared.

Later, the production of penetrating waterproofing was launched by domestic manufacturers. Among the well-known products of domestic production: AQUATRON, HYDROHIT, KALMATRON, LAKHTA, CORAL, HYDROTEX, WASCON, etc.

Penetrating waterproofing is reliable and effective material providing protection against moisture penetration

The feasibility of penetrating concrete surfaces

Let's look at how effective and expedient the use of the material is using the example of waterproofing foundations, basements, semi-basements and wells.

Made from concrete, which has a capillary-porous structure, these structures are susceptible to the aggressive effects of water and other liquid substances, which leads to their destruction. At the same time, inside the basements and floors basements observed high humidity, deformation and detachment finishing materials. Rolled waterproofing materials in this case do not solve problems; they are ineffective, labor-intensive and short-lived. When using bitumen-containing mastics, problems also arise, but of a different nature. However, all these materials are still used today, causing a lot of trouble for the owners of buildings.

Is it possible to solve the problem by using penetrating materials? Yes, it is possible, but only if its solution is comprehensive, with a correctly selected system of materials. Defense mechanism penetrating waterproofing is based on the occurrence chemical reaction between active reagents and calcium hydroxide (free lime) with capillary water in the concrete structure. As a result of the interaction, calcium hydrosilicates and hydroaluminates are formed, which are poorly soluble products that bind the structure of concrete, compact it and increase its strength.

Penetrating waterproofing, applied to the surface with a brush or spray, has the ability deep penetration into the material

Scope of application of penetrating compositions

Materials of this type indispensable for providing waterproofing protection:

  • basements;
  • berths and ports;
  • swimming pools;
  • coastal structures;
  • drinking water tanks;
  • wells;
  • treatment facilities;
  • parking lots;
  • roofs;
  • bridges.

The scope of use of this material is much wider and is not limited to the presented list.

Penetrating waterproofing is used to treat surfaces inside and outside the house

Benefits of using penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating concrete waterproofing has a number of advantages.

Thanks to its use, it is ensured:

  • volumetric waterproofing;
  • self-healing;
  • increasing the strength and frost resistance of concrete;
  • durability and reliability;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to mineral oils, sea ​​water and other aggressive environments.

This is important to know! The material has a high penetrating ability, reaching tens of centimeters. Can be used on wet surfaces, interior and outside, with positive and negative water pressure.

The effect of penetrating waterproofing continues and intensifies after applying the composition to the surface

How to properly prepare the surface for processing

Preparation for work on applying a protective layer includes a number of activities. They are as follows:

  • Initially it is necessary to organize a drain;
  • possible leaks must be blocked using hydraulic seals (Peneplug, Carat-Fix, Waterplug, Gidrotex B);
  • remove loose concrete, groove, repair damaged surfaces using a non-shrinking composition (in some cases, a new screed is made, plastering and leveling the surfaces with crack-resistant mixtures);
  • if necessary, open capillaries on reinforced concrete;
  • eliminate fungal and mold formations, moss, etc.;
  • make grooves of seams and cracks larger than 0.3 mm in size, seal them with penetrating materials (Carat-St, Xipes Patch Plug, Penecrit, Gidrotex Sh);
  • seal the entry points of pipes and other communications using sealants.

Repairing leaks with Waterplug or Peneplug

These rules are general and may vary depending on the site where the work is being carried out. Upon completion of all these measures, waterproofing is carried out according to the instructions on the packaging. To apply the protective layer, use a brush or spray.

Methods for penetrating brickwork

If penetrating waterproofing was previously used exclusively for concrete, today it is also used for brickwork using two options:

  • The first option is cut-off waterproofing. It involves injecting a liquid substance under pressure. Holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern (step – 250 mm, angle – 30-45 degrees from the horizon). Then, in accordance with the instructions, penetrating waterproofing is applied.
  • The second option is called the “plug shirt”. When using it, the brick is partially cut down, the seams of the masonry are opened and sealed with suture materials. Then a plaster layer is applied using penetrating additives, and penetrating waterproofing is applied on top.

This is important to know! Work to protect brickwork requires the use of special equipment and is carried out only by specialists.

Using a brush to apply waterproofing to brickwork is ineffective; the greatest effect can be achieved when using professional equipment

Penetrating waterproofing Lakhta

One of the most famous domestic brands is Lakhta penetrating waterproofing. It is a one-component composition in the form of a dry mixture gray. Consists of active chemical additives, quartz filler and Portland cement. The effect of the material is to fill the pores and microvoids in concrete with crystals that are insoluble in water, formed by the interaction of chemical components, phases of cement stone and water.

Used for waterproofing concrete, reinforced concrete, for arranging shut-off waterproofing, in masonry made of silicate, fireproof, fireclay and ceramic bricks, as well as rubble stone. Protects against penetration of water, acids, alkalis, oil and its products. It has a “self-healing” effect, which means that crystals stop growing in the absence of water, and resume their growth when it appears, continuing to compact the concrete structure.

This is important to know! Thus, the material turns into component concrete, forms a strong vapor-permeable connection with it. The penetration depth of the material is 12 cm.

Dry waterproofing mixture of penetrating action Lakhta is sold in packages of various weights

Distinctive Features Lakhta's penetrating waterproofing solutions are as follows:

  • absence of toxic components and possibility of contact with drinking water;
  • ability to perform its functions under high hydrostatic pressure;
  • the treated surface becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • maintains the breathability of the insulated material, increases its strength and frost resistance;
  • the waterproofing properties of the structure are not impaired in case of mechanical damage;
  • the acquired properties are maintained throughout the entire service life of the concrete;
  • used at facilities under construction and commissioning;
  • Suitable for use in various climatic zones.

The use of the material has limitations; it is not used for:

  • concrete with water resistance W2 (including for cellular concrete);
  • for FBS (prefabricated foundation blocks);
  • for lime, gypsum and cement-lime plasters;
  • for dry surfaces;
  • for weakened and fragile surfaces.

For injection of liquid waterproofing under pressure it is used professional equipment.

Waterproofing work using penetrating materials requires knowledge of technology and professional skills. In some cases, the use of special equipment is required, so when carrying out this type of work it is recommended to hire specialists.

Traditionally used concrete manufacturing technologies result in a product that has microcracks, capillaries, and pores in its thickness. The causes of these defects are:

  • evaporation of liquid during setting;
  • insufficiently dense concrete laying;
  • internal stress that occurs during concrete shrinkage during setting or as a result of exposure to physical stress.

To eliminate the appearance of defects that allow water to filter through the structure of the concrete structure, penetrating waterproofing is used. It can be used for external processing or for introduction into the prepared concrete mixture.

As a result of filling microcracks, pores and capillaries with insoluble crystals that have good resistance to chemical reagents, water resistance increases by at least six steps.

For example, treating concrete with penetrating waterproofing can gradually increase the waterproof rating from W2 to W12 - W14.

Operating principle

There are four principles on which the action of penetrating waterproofing is based:

  • Brownian motion of particles;
  • osmosis;
  • surface tension force of a liquid;
  • reactions in the solid state.

Penetrating waterproofing applied to moistened concrete helps create a high chemical potential on its surface, while its internal structure maintains a low potential. The resulting process of one-way diffusion, the so-called. osmosis leads to osmotic pressure. As a result, the desire to equalize potentials leads to migration of chemical active ingredients inside the concrete structure. To make the process more efficient, the moisture content of the concrete should be increased.

Diffusion processes are possible under negative or positive water pressure; the depth of their distribution can be several tens of centimeters. Inside concrete, chemically active components dissolve in the liquid and interact with the aluminum and calcium ions found there, as well as metal salts and their oxides. As a result, more complex insoluble compounds are formed - crystalline hydrates. They become part of the concrete structure itself, filling small cracks and capillaries with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm.

The surface tension forces of the liquid that arise as a result of these transformations prevent the possibility of water filtration, even when exposed to high hydrostatic pressure. The vapor permeability of concrete is not affected.

The rate of formation of crystalline hydrates and the maximum depth of their formation are influenced by various factors, including:

  • ambient temperature;
  • concrete porosity, its density;
  • presence of moisture.

The process of crystal formation lasts until all the water disappears; with new additions, the process resumes. This ability of concrete to self-heal is called reactivation.

Advantages and application technology

If you have an unlimited budget, the process of laying the foundation is carried out as follows: first, formwork is erected, filled with concrete, after the concrete has hardened, it is removed and taken over as waterproofing. It consists in applying a layer to the outer horizontal side of the future foundation. coating waterproofing, then in two layers - bitumen roll materials. This will require at least two qualified specialists, a burner for heating the surfaces to be glued, and 2 rolls of insulating material.

In addition, it should be taken into account negative point— the pressure exerted by the soil on the plane of the rolled insulation can lead to its destruction (rupture). For this reason, installation of an additional layer will be required; usually, foam plastic is used for this, which is laid next to the brick. Naturally, the cost of materials and work on their installation is not small.

In the version using penetrating waterproofing, only one operation will have to be performed - covering the concrete surface with a solution. It will become impermeable to water if waterproofing is applied to the external or inner side— its penetration depth reaches 90 cm; there is no need to make the foundation strip wider. But before this, it is necessary to clean the surface to be treated from dirt and dust using a washer. high pressure or a metal drill bit.

After that smooth surfaces treated with a 10% vinegar solution and after about 60 minutes. washed off with water and soaked so that the water penetrates as deeply as possible. Next, prepare the solution and apply it with a brush in two layers. After applying layers of waterproofing, the surface is moistened for about two weeks.

The service life of waterproofing is limited only by the service life of the foundation itself.

Penetrating waterproofing is produced by many foreign and domestic enterprises. Manufactured products have a specialized purpose and are used for protection against dampness, fungus, leaks, including open ones, for carrying out other waterproofing measures concrete surfaces.

Anyone who has anything to do with construction industry knows what waterproofing is and why it is needed. And this article is intended for those who are just starting to study information about building materials in order to build the house of their dreams.

On this page we will look at the answers to the following questions: What kind of “beast” is this - penetrating waterproofing, where is it used and why is it needed, and is it even necessary?

The answer is clear: If you want your building to be of high quality and to serve faithfully for many years, you cannot do without penetrating waterproofing.

Penetrating waterproofing - luxury or necessity

This building material serves to protect concrete structures, making them waterproof. An insoluble insulating substance penetrating into the upper porous layer of concrete displaces the liquid, filling the pores.

By adding waterproofing components to the composition of the solution, you can modify the material being processed:

  1. Corrosion protection;
  2. Restoration of technical and operational properties of old concrete;
  3. Protection against mold and mildew;
  4. The chemical resistance of the material is improved.

Penetrating is used not only on initial stage construction, it can be used when repairing or restoring a structure. Very often it is used when processing buildings that are already in use.

It can also be used for application from the inside - it withstands back pressure perfectly. The resulting crystals do not allow moisture to enter the concrete, but also do not block the passage of air; the concrete can “breathe.” The use of penetrating waterproofing when constructing a foundation protects it from the effects of aggressive environment.

Video: Penetrating waterproofing "PENETRON"

Injection waterproofing - types

Injection or liquid is one of the varieties of penetrating. It also serves to protect surfaces from moisture. This material has excellent technical specifications and durable.

In addition to protecting the structure from moisture, injection insulation also perfectly retains heat and resists temperature changes and corrosion. The main types of injection insulation are liquid glass and liquid rubber.

Liquid rubber

Basic qualities liquid rubber:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Has excellent adhesion;
  • Easily restored;
  • Simple application process;
  • Highly elastic and flexible.

Liquid rubber is applied using special equipment; this does not require special training or knowledge; the most important thing is to distribute the material evenly. The surface after application remains flat and smooth without seams.

Liquid glass is a solution of potassium and sodium silicate.

Everyone is familiar with this type of injection insulation; in fact, it is nothing more than office glue. Liquid glass usually added directly to concrete, which significantly improves its characteristics:

  • Its moisture resistance improves;
  • Becomes stronger and harder;
  • Increases resistance to mechanical stress.

No special equipment is required to use it. The main thing is to maintain proportions when mixing concrete and liquid glass. It can also be used not only as an additive in concrete, but also in pure form. Liquid glass will reliably protect the structure from temperature changes, sunlight, wind, etc.

Note! Liquid glass will protect the surface of the structure for 5 years. After which the procedure will have to be repeated.

Injection waterproofers, like all other types, are not without contraindications and have some recommendations for use. In order to provide reliable and durable protection to the structure, it is necessary that the work be performed at a high level.

Here are some basic rules:

  1. Cannot be applied to gypsum and limestone surfaces;
  2. If frost is expected in the near future (24 hours) or the temperature is not higher than 5 degrees, it is strictly prohibited to apply waterproofing;
  3. Do not treat icy or frost-covered surfaces;
  4. Liquid insulation is applied to the surface thoroughly, but without the formation of puddles or smudges.

Attention! Work on applying penetrating waterproofing should only be carried out with rubber gloves.

Penetrating waterproofing for foundations and masonry is necessary material during renovation or construction. The main thing to remember is that no matter what type of waterproofing you choose, quality work You can count only by adhering to all the rules and regulations.

Even the highest quality and most expensive material will not be able to protect the foundation and walls if the technological process was disrupted during application.

Watch the video: Crystallisol penetrating waterproofing