Tricky ideas for equipping caches that will help you reliably hide everything you need (17 photos). Stash for money at home - some interesting ideas! Homemade hiding places

Nowadays, it is extremely necessary to learn how to hide your loot. Or memorabilia. Or some other crap. Of course, search professionals will quickly find your hiding place, but you can’t rely on a burglar.

Today we will tell you seventeen great ways to hide your money, piastres, passwords and goodies so that they won’t be found.

1. Case in the hole at the top of the door

For me, absolutely ideal option- you just need to drill a hole of a suitable diameter. We think that enemies will definitely not look into the holes in your door.

2. Stash in plywood

The plywood table from IKEA is most likely hollow, which means that goodies can be stuffed into this cavity.

3. Sewn pocket

So in Soviet times they went to study in big cities from the provinces - with money sewn somewhere.

4. Hollow bolt

There are even those that you can buy, or you can cut it yourself.

5. Book safe

At one time I kept cash in the book “Windows 95 for Dummies”; no one thought to look at it.

6. Safe of several books

You just need to glue it together.

7. Box in the distributor

Only for most it is located in the common corridor

8. Secret beer fridge

So that the girl doesn't burn

9. Secret bar in the office

Well, who said you can't drink at work? All? OK.

10. Garage key

It just looks cool.

11. Hidden USB drive

12. Cache chessboard

Of course, this cache is already sold like this, but what’s stopping you from making it yourself?

13. Entrance to the secret room behind the closet

It's like some kind of Narnia. The children will be very happy.

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Some people hide money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs. front door, someone invents more complicated hiding places. If you ever need to hide something, here are 12 of the most secret places where no one would think to look for anything... not even you!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes best way hide something - leave it in plain sight. Even the smartest thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you hide jewelry; put it in a small bag or container and then bury the small container in the popcorn kernels! It would hardly occur to anyone that a full can of popcorn contains anything other than popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

If you have an old record collection, why not turn it into a great hiding place? Buy a few old or damaged records whose cases you can use for storage.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in their house has a shelf with old cassette tapes! Take the tape out of the unwanted cassette, put the things you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Perfect!

5. Old paint can

Give an old paint can a good clean before you make a hiding place out of it! Keep the jar in the garage or basement among other similar jars. Want to confuse robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them into another empty jar and put it in the general pile.

6. Greasy mayonnaise jar

Don't worry: it's not real mayonnaise, it's just paint that imitates it. Works great - no one wants to open a jar of mayonnaise.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under the kitchen sink cabinet to create the ultimate secret hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before you put them there!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great solution when you need to hide something and at the same time make your home more attractive. You can hide the keys behind the picture just like that - or put a built-in safe behind it for valuables.

9. Fake tile

To make a fake tile, remove one tile from your bathroom wall and then make a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don’t forget which tile your treasures are stored behind!

10. Keyboard

This fully functioning keyboard makes a great hiding place and is available in stores. In addition, it is a little thicker than usual. You can hide valuables in most regular keyboards!

1. We all know that the main properties and advantages of any hiding place are its originality and secrecy. It is important that only you and your family or a trusted person know about this cache. You should learn little rule: You can only store a small portion of your total valuables and savings in your home. As for the rest, there is a reliable bank where you can store not only money, but also jewelry, and robbers definitely won’t go there. The risk is too great.

2. First, let's look at the places where you should not hide money and jewelry.
a.) Under the mattress. Ask why? The answer is simple, robbers and thieves look there first;
b.) On the shelves of cabinets, as well as under bed linen;
c.) In regular boxes desks, thieves are not that stupid;
d.) In toilet cisterns;
d.) In refrigerators, freezers;
f.) In cereal cans, etc.
g.) In video devices, as well as in disks and computers;
h.) Behind a rug, mirror or wallpaper.
Remember, in these places, thieves look for jewelry first.

3. For a hiding place, you should usually use the most banal and ordinary items. For example, this includes flower pots. Many people store it in flower pot artificial flowers that look exactly like real ones. When you pick up such a flower, you can find money there. But not every burglar has the brains to solve such a puzzle, especially since their time in your home is limited.

4. If you want to “seal” or preserve your savings and jewelry in tin can, then take care of the reliability of the information. For example, in the picture you can see a can of Pedigree dog food. There were jars with such labels in the last century, but now they are releasing a new series. This means that your jar should be from the new collection. It is better if the intended jar stands with the others on the same shelf, so as not to attract the attention of thieves.

5. As we already said, a closet is a bad place to create a hiding place. However, in some cases it also saves. Some of my wonderful friends, thanks to this method, were able to save all the property in the house. They did this: they took the usual black dresses and sewed money into it. Yes, yes, from the wrong side. The thieves, apparently, were too lazy to turn all the clothes outside and left without a quick slurp. However, this is a double-edged sword. They might have found the hiding place. In this case, rule number 1 should work. Never hide all your valuables and money in one place.

6. Do you want to hide money and valuables? So put them in front of everyone! In front of you is a stack of papers in the form of an impromptu hiding place. And between the pages are money and credit cards. So now think, either you are so smart, or the thieves are too stupid. The main thing is that when cleaning you remember that your jewelry is hidden there. Otherwise, if you throw everything out with the trash, it will be a gift from the garbage man.

7. If you are an electrician, or you have a famous power engineer in your family, then you can do the following thing. We take identical sockets in the house and install them. It is important that all sockets are the same. We screw in all the sockets as usual, and make one for a hiding place. To do this, use a drill to drill a hole and invest our personal savings there. The same can be easily done with ventilation holes. Believe me, thieves definitely won’t want to stick their fingers into an outlet, risking their own health in order to find something.

8. It is known that robbers very often take away small household appliances, but when it comes to a washing machine, you can’t carry it away so easily and without noise. Therefore, what should be done? Take the back panel washing machine and refrigerator and put valuables there. See what can be placed in one such wall. Make several similar hiding places just in case. Thieves will definitely not be able to find all of them.

9. It is worth noting that a cache can be equipped even at the top of the door. Many even manage to find an alternative to a hiding place on a pen. It won’t even occur to criminals that you managed to hide all your valuables in such a place. They won't cut the door, will they? Then you can make a splash and attract the attention of all your neighbors. No, they definitely won’t take risks that way.

There is very little gold, diamonds or original Renoir in the world. But there are a lot of people. This dissonance leads to the need to safely hide valuables.

According to sociologists, about 40% of our compatriots prefer to keep money at home. The tradition of not trusting money to banking institutions goes back many years, and is widely covered in popular works of Russian culture.

In the ventilation, if you remember, the chairman of the housing association at building 302 bis on Sadovaya Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” hid the money he received from the joker Koroviev.

Under the upholstery of chairs made by the master Gambs, the mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov from the beloved novel “12 Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov hid family jewelry.

The heroes of these works were ultimately unable to protect their treasures. Is it possible to hide money securely, so that no one will find it? The most ingenious and reliable hiding places, as well as places where money should not be hidden under any circumstances - all this is in our article.

Where you don't need to hide money

Most often, savings are hidden in such popular places, like wardrobes, wardrobes, chests of drawers, mattresses, naively believing that it is very difficult for thieves to find savings in endless stacks of bed linen. Rest assured, professional robbers will spend no more than 10–15 minutes on this.

The second most popular place not to keep money is books. How quickly your savings are found often depends on the number of books in your apartment. If these are a dozen books by your favorite writers and poets standing alone on a shelf, the probability of finding a stash is close to 100%. An experienced burglar can leaf through an entire stack of books in a few minutes.

Ventilation and cistern
Into the ventilation for a stash uninvited guests They’ll climb in right after they’ve turned over your cabinets and library. If the criminals do not find the treasured envelope there, rest assured, the next place where they will look for your hard-earned money will be the cistern - a place for storing valuables known even to amateurs.

Where to hide money

In a tennis ball
But this great idea, if we are talking about a small wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The cut should be large enough so that the pack can be easily inserted and removed just as easily. Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

In the birdhouse
A birdhouse with a double bottom, inside which you can safely hide spare house keys, is a great idea for summer residents. Such a cache will fit perfectly into the countryside landscape without attracting unnecessary attention, and can be a great help in an emergency situation.

On the coffee table
Small coffee table with a large enough drawer to store various valuables. It is worth noting that the drawer does not have any handles, opens by pressing the side board of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

On the windowsill
Quite a spacious hiding place, you can hide whatever you want in this one!

In a socket
It is most logical to hide valuables in places where you yourself are afraid to put your hands under fear of death or injury. Turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the plastic cover from the socket. Underneath there will probably be a hole in the wall with threatening wires. It is quite possible to hide something among them. Just keep in mind that the objects you hide in the outlet should not conduct current!

In a chair
The old idea of ​​hiding jewelry in chairs is still alive and well. Yes, this is not a chair from a palace, but with a little modification it will serve as an excellent hiding place.

In the gear shift lever
Recently, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. A gear lever with a small hiding place will help protect small valuables from car thieves.

In a jar from under detergent
If you want to hide money under the sink, use a regular empty detergent can. However, do not forget that in addition to this jar, there should be another one with a cleaning agent that you will need in case of cleaning.

IN wall clock
Hiding money in a wall clock is a great idea. You need frequent and convenient access to money - use ordinary wall clock as a safe.
If you hang your watch high, you may need a ladder to get money out of the safe. This means that an uninvited guest will need a lot of effort to get to the money.

In shoes
A hiding place under the insole of your shoes will help you hide your stash from your significant other or protect yourself from street thieves.

In the globe
In an ordinary globe you can hide valuables while you’re away or create a stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables should be placed in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball using tape.

Under the table
Such a hiding place can be installed under almost any table.

In the washing machine
Rubber washing machine- another place where you can hide money and jewelry while leaving. To do this, pack valuables in small bags with zippers and hide them under an elastic band, after wiping it from moisture. The main thing is, when you return home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

In the keyboard
Drives, storage pockets hard drives, various computer peripherals - all of these can be equipped with home hiding places.

In the kitchen cabinet

The concept of “cache” is used in two meanings: a place for shelter and a hiding place, inside which reserves of long-term survival, or autonomous existence, are hidden. In the first case, the cache is made so that you can hide in the forest during an attack. state of emergency, for example, military operations, and it is more or less comfortable to wait out some time. In the second case, the cache is a hole in the forest with food long-term storage and items for survival wild conditions. You can learn more about how to make a cache in the forest below.

Conventionally, three types of forest caches can be distinguished: commercial (hunting storehouse), cache for autonomous existence and for survival. A hunting storage shed is made along the path of movement of the hunter during the fishing period, so as not to constantly carry with him a large amount of food and items necessary for hunting. They hide it in the ground, placing it inside plastic barrel or on high poles, making a hiding place out of wood.

A cache for autonomous existence is often confused with a hiding place for survival, which is laid by tourists, climbers, and extreme travelers. A survival cache, or emergency cache, is a cache that is filled with necessary items (food and equipment) that are used only once, so as not to carry all the things and food with you throughout the entire route or when you need to replenish supplies with something vital. upon its loss. A cache in the forest for autonomous existence is a larger and more serious reserve, designed to provide oneself with food, means for building a home and other items for a long period of life away from civilization. The volume of the reserve depends on the expected period of existence; there are caches of autonomous existence, designed for life without the benefits of civilization for up to 5-20 years.

How to choose the right place for a cache

Not suitable place– berries will attract many people

The place for the hunting store should be located on the fishing route. The emergency cache must be placed in places that meet the following requirements:

  • There must be a source of water nearby - a spring, stream, lake or other body of water. It is advisable to have a river nearby for fishing.
  • The place should be located in the deepest part of the forest. This must be a young pine forest, or spruce forest, which cannot be subject to deforestation for the next 50 years.
  • There should be a lot of trees nearby so that, if necessary, you can provide yourself with firewood and building materials.
  • The soil in the area where the cache is located must be fertile.
  • The place should be located on a hill to avoid possible flooding or complete flooding by rain and melt water.
  • The place for the cache should be located away from the animal trail.

When a suitable place for the hole has been found, it can be buried. The best time for this event is late autumn, because at this time the appearance of people (mushroom pickers) in the forest is excluded, and the snow that will fall soon will cover the nest, freezing the food. In addition, from the tracks in the snow you can immediately see whether anyone has approached your cache since the moment it was laid.

What to put inside the cache

For a long-term supply, you need food that will not spoil over time. First of all, these are canned foods, sugar and salt. Dry rations, pasta, buckwheat, rice, clean drinking water(at least 5 liters), tea, caramel, should also be inside the bookmark.

In addition, the cache must contain:

  • Items necessary for the manufacture of hunting and fishing implements with the necessary accessories.
  • Stock of seasonal and underwear clothing.
  • Dry fuel, lighter, matches.
  • Pot, mug, cutlery.
  • First aid kit
  • Alcohol, gasoline, kerosene.
  • Paraffin candles
  • Fishing line, rope.
  • Walkie-talkie, portable radio with extra batteries.
  • Seasonings and spices
  • Vinegar, baking soda
  • Plastic film, blanket.
  • Scotch tape, electrical tape

It is also recommended to put seeds in order to be able to grow vegetables for food. If the cache is not intended to exist autonomously for a long time, its composition is identical to the NAZ, only it has a larger volume.

How to make a cache in the forest

Before you make a cache, you need to decide on its purpose. Depending on this, using a 10-liter plastic can may be sufficient, or it may be necessary to dig a significant cache in the ground.

The process of laying a cache is as follows:

  1. A recess is dug according to the size of the cache. Along the perimeter of the pit you need to make another recess, which will serve as a holder for the lid of the cache.
  2. The lid is made from wooden joists or thick boards.
  3. The products placed inside are placed at the bottom of the pit. plastic containers, clothing and other items packed in polyethylene to avoid getting wet.
  4. From above, the cache is covered with logs, which are tied together with a strong rope. Polyethylene is laid on them to protect the boards from rotting and water penetration into the cache.

The cache is filled with turf and leaves. When snow falls, it will mask the slightest traces indicating the presence of a hiding place.