Why do you dream about your death? Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams about one's own death. News of death according to the dream book

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

if in the usual form with a scythe on the shoulder - a sign of big changes in life; incredible news; birth of a child.

Death in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing your own death in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will live for a long time. If you dreamed that your loved one was dying, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life. Seeing the death of many people in a dream is a sign that humanity will live for a long time. The end of the world, which is being talked about a lot now, will not come for several thousand years. If you dreamed that you were dying very important person in the world, then this dream prophesies turmoil and anxiety throughout the world. Most likely in the future, one very important person will indeed suddenly die, and immediately after his death a fierce struggle will begin for political power, which will develop into a major civil war, and maybe even a world war. Seeing the death of a sick person in a Dream means that in not too distant times a cure will be found for the plague of the 20th century - AIDS. Thanks to this medicine, a large number of infected people will be healed, and after some time this fatal disease will be destroyed on our planet. Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that in the future there will be a person who, like Chikatilo, will kill a large number of people before he is discovered. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a cruel person, maybe even a maniac. Seeing a person in a state of clinical death means that something will happen to you in the future that will throw you out of balance for several years. You will absolutely not care what is happening in the world, in your country, city and even in your family.

I dreamed about death

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of one of your loved ones being dead, the dream is a warning: you must bravely face some kind of test, maybe even loss. Hearing the voice of a deceased friend in a dream is bad news. To a person who has a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking to your deceased father in a dream is an encouragement for you to carefully think through the business you are starting and all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues being plotted by someone against you. After such a dream, men and women should think about their behavior with greater prudence and take care of their reputation. A conversation in a dream with a deceased mother is perceived as a call to control your inclinations and pay attention to your health. A conversation with a deceased brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion. If someone who died appears cheerful and lively to you in a dream, this means that you have not organized your life correctly, that such things are possible. serious mistakes, which will influence your entire destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them. If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to wrest some kind of promise from you, the warning is that you must resist the impending despondency, a period of decline in business, and listen more carefully to wise advice. A voice in a dream belonging to a deceased relative is the only real form of warning sent by an external force from the near future that our sleeping brain can perceive. Even in Paracelsus, we find advice to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones appear to us in a dream: a sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us simply awakens dormant areas of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

Seeing death in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about death are not so rare, although if such dreams visited us constantly, then, perhaps, stability real life would have staggered. Dreams about death often cause derealization: the dream can continue while you watch it from the side, otherwise you will wake up at the moment of death. Thought about own death always causes concern. Most of us do not bother ourselves with emotional thoughts about preparing for death - we perceive death as a powerful enemy that must be avoided; We feel uncomfortable in front of her face. By the way, how did you die in your sleep and do you blame anyone for your death? These are very important questions. Seeing a loved one dead/ loved one in a dream can be for various reasons. You may genuinely care about this person's well-being. Death has a symbolic character if you simultaneously struggle with feelings of love and suppressed anger towards this person. And finally, the death of people dear to you can mark the end of a relationship: for example, if it is not one of your relatives who dies, but the person with whom you had a loving romantic relationship. The death of strangers is a continuation and transition of various aspects of your Self. Therefore, it does not hurt to determine where this stranger came from, whether you were deeply touched by death or perceived it as something ordinary. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. In this case, look at who else besides you is affected by the death and how you relate to your fellow mourners - this is very important. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand yourself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not coincide with reality?

Why do you dream about death?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

new acquaintance (for a woman); completion of affairs; died (someone close) - about to leave.

Why do you have a dream about death?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that you will have a long, happy life with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God’s messenger on Earth. If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the globe, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants of different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. If a sick person dies in a dream, then in the future you will face monstrous injustice. You will be offered a lucrative deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make. Seeing the death of a large number of people in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of people around the world will die. A person whose opinion is not currently being listened to will find a cure for this disease. Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a harbinger nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death. If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, then you for a long time You will be in the dark about the plans of your old acquaintances. Unfortunately, they will put their plans into action and you will suffer greatly as a result.

The meaning of a dream about dying

according to Freud's dream book

To die in a dream - you too often allow fears to take over your consciousness, which makes life seem darker and more tragically colored than it really is. Believe me, you shouldn’t take everything so fatally; try to look for the good, rather than the bad, in every event.

Why do you dream about dying?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

yourself or someone - happy event, news, a calm period in life; die - completion of affairs; patronage; wealth; die (at home) - to the road, (while away) - to return; to be buried means wealth, the heavier the earth presses from above; (for a woman) - to a cooling of feelings (literally: you, they say, died for me); breakup; (for a man) - change of occupation or earnings if she died; if he (someone) died - a change in attitude or behavior; someone you know died (if there is no grief) - success in business or personal for the one who died in a dream; news of the wedding; see Resurrect.

Why do you dream of giving birth?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

seeing your birth is a happy outcome of the litigation; to give birth to a freak-animal, a monster - (for a woman) success in everything; (for a man) threat; dangerous intentions; fish - a wonderful child or successful plans; see Pregnancy.

Why do you dream of giving birth?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

argument (for a girl); (for an unmarried woman) - for a wedding; (husband sees his wife giving birth) - to betrayal; (the wife sees herself giving birth from her husband) - an unexpected new thing or a turn of fate for the husband; joy (for a married woman); news (for a man); cm.

The human mind produces many symbols during sleep, the meaning of which is often opposite to the effect they produce. For example, the answer to the question of why a person dreams of someone who is alive does not at all promise someone’s imminent death.

Why do you dream about the death of a living person?

Having seen a dream in which there is the death of a loved one who is still alive, you should not be upset and wait for difficult events. Even in the old days, it was noted that those seen in such a dream usually live safely and for a long time. But for the dreamer himself, such a vision can promise both good and bad.

When one dreams of the death of a living father, a person can expect dangers associated with business. The dreamer should be especially careful in business, because... his colleagues or partners are most likely planning a financial scam or other deception. The death of a mother in a dream means that the person is oppressed by some shameful memories. The death of a sister or marriage in a dream reminds that this relative needs support and care.

Losing a spouse in a dream means fear of society and its condemnation. If in reality a husband or wife is sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. A dream about the death of a lover or beloved may foreshadow a possible betrayal or separation, as well as the onset of a new stage in a relationship and an imminent wedding.

For someone who saves a person from death in a dream, dream interpreters promise the emergence of a difficult situation in reality, in which it will be necessary to take on serious responsibility. If the rescued person is familiar, there is a high probability that this particular person will be at the center of events.

The death of a boss or another person on whom the dreamer depends in a dream means that positive changes await him at work. Most likely, the person who saw the dream will receive a promotion, they will listen to him more, but you should not relax - positive changes will not happen on their own, you need to work hard. The death of a colleague in a dream can mean both the removal of obstacles on the career ladder and an improvement in the atmosphere in the team.

Dream books explain the death of a stranger in a dream depending on the sensations that this vision caused. If the one who saw the dream has compassion for the deceased, it means that big but not very pleasant changes will occur in his life, for example, the breakup of a long-term relationship. Another similar dream warns that one should not rely too much on the established order - very soon a transition period will begin, leading to renewal and improvement.

Negative emotions towards a person dying in a dream mean that the dreamer is trying to get rid of the burden of guilt, unpleasant memories, and outdated relationships. Horror at the sight of death is experienced by those who face trials and obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Relief from the death of a stranger means that all the dreamer’s affairs will end successfully.

How do psychologists explain a dream about the death of a person who is alive?

Dreamed death of any loved one or loved one- a signal of loss of emotional and psychological connection with him. To get rid of the painful situation by re-establishing contact, it is recommended to show more attention to your loved one, listen to him, and provide help.

In some cases, the death of a living person is dreamed of because the dreamer has mental problems. The person who has the dream needs to analyze his life and identify events that suppress and cause unpleasant memories. Having freed oneself from the painful past and reevaluated the events of the present, a person usually stops seeing dreams in which death is present.

Man, it means your subconscious is trying to give you a warning. What is its essence and meaning should be guided by the plot.

Funeral procession

If you dreamed of a graveyard, and you are participating in the burial of a person who has already died, it means that your affairs are bad. Troubles await you with your finances or your enterprises. That is, you most likely abandoned your job, which will greatly affect your income. If this means your past mistakes will “catch up” with you. The results will be disastrous. But when the cemetery is flooded with bright sunlight, you still have a chance to fix everything. Hurry up. If it's cloudy around, crying people wrapping themselves up against the cold means the decline will be catastrophic.

News of death

We don't always see death itself. Sometimes we are given news of someone's death in a dream. If you dream that a deceased person has died and you are given mourning news, this means that a loved one may cheat on you. Most likely, you yourself will become the reason for his (her) behavior. Lately your relationship has gone wrong, but you don’t pay attention to it. A loved one has been suffering in silence for a long time. This cannot go on for long. Everyone needs warmth and attention. Do not shy away from your obligations, otherwise you will regret what you have done. If you were surprised by the news of a person's death, you should not make important decisions on this day. You could make a fatal mistake. If you were saddened and upset by the mourning news, it means that, on the contrary, you have pleasant events ahead. Mourning the death of a person who has long since left this world means a change in the weather. Also, tears in a dream are a sign of joy.


Sometimes the cause of his death was a fatal event. Such a plot is significant; it may turn out that you are in danger from the same danger that the person passed away from. If there is a fatal accident in your dream, be careful while driving. Don't get into cars with strangers. In general, try to be more careful on the road. If the accident occurred at work (where you work), then this area is worth paying attention to. Real failures that threaten your health are possible. To be frightened when you see the death of a dead person is very bad sign. You are the one in danger. Your higher self already sees it and is trying in every way to warn you. Be sure to try to take this information seriously.

Cause of death: serious illness

If you find out that a person who has already left this world has died from an illness, then you have troubles ahead of you. They will be unpleasant and burdensome, but obligatory. You won't be able to get away. Most likely, your relatives will urgently demand that you devote time to them. In a dream, a person died of cancer - bad news. From a heart attack - to an unpleasant surprise. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream is good news. Or maybe just a change in the weather. You can’t just go after a dead person in a dream. Calling you means that the road to another world is already being prepared for you. Didn't go - very good! This is for a long life.

It may turn out to be the acquisition of long-awaited freedom and independence.

It is also beneficial for the parents themselves (with the rare exception of direct non-symbolic scanning dreams).

True, unfulfilled plans and unrealized missed opportunities can also “die.”

The death of a familiar person in a dream may turn out to be separation from him, his departure, or his success (in reality).

It’s even sadder when a feeling like love dies, but the dreamer can always expect new love, new acquaintances and prospects.

In very, very rare, exceptional cases, the death of other familiar people in a dream turns into their death in reality.

However, it is most favorable to die or perish in a dream yourself, because this absolute happiness complete death any mental movements, manifestations; it is complete fateful success, inner non-action and bliss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of symbols

Dream Interpretation - Death

This is usually not a bad sign.

Very rarely, this sign foretells the death of a loved one or your own demise.

Usually this is a symbol of the dying of old stereotypes and programs and the resurrection for a new life.

Open the door for growth and transformation.

Death may also be associated with: anxiety about death.

Remember that your spirit and your essence are immortal.

You also cannot feel truly alive until you have faced death and accepted the idea of ​​your own physical mortality.

Interpretation of dreams from

Death of a person according to the dream book

Despite the fact that in real life the death of a person is usually perceived as something tragic, from the position of many religions of peoples, the end of life is understood as a new round in the development and reincarnation of the human soul. Therefore, seeing a person’s death in a dream does not mean the person’s imminent death. Such a vision indicates a favorable time for setting goals and reassessing values. Careful work with the dream book and consistent recall of the details of what you saw in a dream will help you decide what such a dream is about.

Death of acquaintances, relatives and loved ones

To see with your own eyes the death of a familiar person in a dream, according to the dream book, foreshadows the liberation of the sleeping person from memories and events from the past. The death of familiar people in a dream is often dreamed of when there is a loss of “contact” or “common language” with them.

The death of a loved one indicates liberation from remorse that eats up the dreamer from within. The deep-seated feeling of guilt does not allow one to fully express itself and interferes with personal development. Also, this vision may be caused by the dreamer’s anxiety for the life and health of people dear to him.

The death of loved ones, no matter how terrible it was in a dream, does not at all mean the untimely death of relatives, but only indicates the good health of those in the dream, and the fact that the sleeper needs to find the strength to understand, forgive and get closer to them. The death of a mother indicates actions in the future for which the dreamer will be ashamed, and also suggests the opportunity to establish contact and mutual understanding with the parent, who feels a great need to communicate with her child.

Knowing what the death of a living person means in a dream, you can avoid many troubles and dangers that lie in wait along the way. The death of a father in a dream, if he is alive in reality, foreshadows in the dream book insidious intrigues and conspiracies against the dreamer. People who have their own business should take a closer look at their partners, since there is a possibility that they are planning some kind of financial scam.

If your relationship with your sister or brother is strained, it is not difficult to guess why you dream about their death. The dream book advises reconciliation with relatives, since they are in great need of the care, support and understanding of the dreamer.

Those people who dreamed of the death of a loved one should pay attention to the speech and behavior of their loved one. Perhaps right now the chosen one lacks attention and care. For a woman, the death of her husband in a dream, who in reality has been ill for a long time, the dream book promises a speedy recovery of the betrothed. For a man, the death of his wife indicates a subconscious fear of public condemnation. You should not reveal your fears and concerns to people around you.

For those who are wondering why they dream of the death of an already deceased person, it is worth taking a close look at the details of the image they see. For a widow, the death of her husband in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of guilt before her chosen one, which haunts and depresses the dreamer. Also, this picture predicts the need to stop mourning for your husband and begin to arrange your personal life.

If in a dream the dreamer had a chance to save a person from death, it means, according to the dream book, in real life a situation will arise on the solution of which many human destinies will depend. If the person you were able to save is an acquaintance, then most likely this person needs to be given help and support in reality.

To save a long-dead person from death is interpreted by the dream book as a warning to be deceived. Perhaps it is worth looking around and carefully analyzing the situation that has arisen in real life; most likely they want to take advantage of the dreamer’s gullibility and kindness for selfish purposes.

Death of other people

Death stranger in a dream, is deciphered by the dream book as the relationship of the dreamer with himself and concerns exclusively the personality of the sleeping person. In order to correctly interpret why you dream about the death of a stranger, you should pay attention to your own emotions and feelings awakened in the dream.

If a dying person evokes sympathy and compassion, it means, according to the dream book, saying goodbye to old stereotypes and concepts will be quite painful for the dreamer. The person’s consciousness is in a transitional state, on the way to improvement and renewal.

Seeing the death of a stranger and at the same time experiencing gloating or even hatred is interpreted by the dream book as an easy liberation from the unnecessary burden of memories, life experience and feelings of guilt.

Most dream books have a rather ambiguous interpretation of what it means to dream about the death of another person. On the one hand, the vision foreshadows the elimination of obstacles and obstacles on the path to achieving one’s own goals and ambitions, reconciliation with oneself, reassessment of values, and changing priorities. On the other hand, it indicates upcoming changes in life, the quality of which directly depends on the actions of the sleeping person. The dream book advises you to make every effort and show yourself “in all your glory” at work, since it is likely that all your efforts will be appreciated by your superiors.

Seeing in a dream the death of a person on whom the sleeper indirectly depends, predicts the opportunity to free oneself from the oppressive influence of annoying people.

The death of the boss himself in a dream is predicted by the dream book to lead to a positive change in the relationship with management. The time has come when all initiatives will be perceived positively and will ensure a quick climb up the career ladder.

The death of a colleague is interpreted ambiguously in the dream book. Firstly, such a picture shows an improvement in the atmosphere of understanding and harmony in the team, and secondly, it indicates the absence of any obstacles to the implementation of the goals and ambitious plans.

Message about the death of a person

In the case when you dreamed about the death of a person, you can interpret what this dream means only by carefully analyzing your vision for the presence of your own feelings and emotions in the dream and the personality of the deceased. Feeling relieved after receiving a message is interpreted by the dream book as a favorable completion of all started work.

If the dreamer experienced confusion or fear in a dream, it means that in reality he will have to work hard to deal with the obstacles and circumstances that have arisen. Also, such a picture speaks of the unwillingness of the sleeper to take responsibility and answer for his actions to others.

For a girl to hear in a dream the news of her death young man, symbolizes a new stage in the relationship with the chosen one. It is quite possible that soon the lover will offer his hand and heart to the young lady, which will be a complete surprise for the dreamer.

If the young lady was informed in a dream about the death of her ex-boyfriend, then, according to the dream book, all the threads that connected the young lady with her ex-boyfriend will be severed, and a new, exciting and exciting life will begin. Perhaps, soon, a woman will meet worthy man who can make her happy and surround her with love and attention.

Seeing in a dream how they report the death of a person who is a distant relative of the dreamer is deciphered by the dream book as an opportunity to receive an unexpected inheritance from a person whom no one has ever mentioned as a relative.

The ability to avoid provocations and cunning intrigues is what you dream of learning about a person’s death. The dream book interprets such an image as pleasant news from afar, which, if used correctly, can ensure a stable financial situation. If the person who died is a blood relative, then you should carefully consider the advice of your parents.

In most cases, a dream - news of a person’s death, means the dreamer’s subconscious fear for the life or health of people dear to his heart.

I saw a lot of people in a dream and my mother among them, many of us were tormented by some people like soldiers, they didn’t touch me and put me outside the wall, but I made my way inside and began to look for my mother, but I didn’t find her, then I ran to the place where people were buried there in one grave, everyone in a row They dumped the corpses, I asked, have you seen my mother, she’s Kazakh, they just showed a few house slippers with plush animals on them, but I didn’t remember what shoes she was wearing, but I was very scared for my mother and with this feeling I woke up myself, I’m in a situation where I don’t live with my husband Why is this dream this is the second dream with the news of the painful death of my mother, but I didn’t see her body in the dream

What does it mean when you dream of your own date of death in the snow, from which traces of large men's shoes lead.

I dreamed of the funeral of a neighbor with whom I am on bad terms.

Julia, this means that you and your neighbor need to become friends.

I had a very strange dream. I was at my school, but there were no lessons. And then someone told me that two girls died from a strong electric shock. I hate one of them, I hate it very much. And before her death, in my dream, I spoke to her very rudely, did nasty things, said something like “You are not my order,” “I do what I want,” etc. And the second girl is my ex-best friend, but she hasn’t communicated with me since September and has become best friend that girl. I experienced such joy, but also sadness and confusion at the same time (the last two feelings for ex-girlfriend). What would that mean?

I dreamed of my own death. I died and immediately came back to life, but when I came back to life I knew that I was dead (like a zombie), I saw my skeleton in the mirror, I felt that I was decomposing and woke up in fright! What would that mean?

What does this mean? I was told in a dream that the funeral of a girl would take place one of these days; less than a year, I wasn’t at the funeral, no one showed me her photo, but her images were before my eyes, as if I saw her, a little girl, about 9 months old, she has gray eyes and light blond hair and small curls, or rather, she has wavy hair . I cried so much when they told me that she died, I woke up with such a bad feeling in my soul... the whole dream was focused on how the girl looked, specifically her eyes and hair, and on the fact that I was crying. So what does this mean?

In a dream they told me that my teacher would die and told me the date, I don’t remember it anymore. I decided not to tell him about it, but when that date came, he actually died, and when I found out, I started crying very hard. Although I don’t understand at all what kind of teacher he is and what he has to do with me, and why I cried because of him. What could this mean?

I ran and hid from death in the guise of a woman. Then we sat together and ate pilaf. I ate green onions and even felt the bitter taste. What would that mean?

I'm only 11 years old. But from the moment I was born, I began to see dreams that repeat themselves and in all my dreams I see what I will see in the future. For example, since childhood, I have been dreaming about a girl whom I saw only last year, and in many dreams I see either my death or someone else’s.

If you often have bad dreams, it doesn't mean anything. There's just something mentally wrong.

In a dream, I saw the second half of my life from the perspective of a cartoon character. This dream began with the Second World War, where the character’s children died, I will say my children. Further ordinary life, different events, relationships. But my character, while driving home, noticed a large cloud with a house in the sky and subconsciously decided to go there. His late father was in this house and told me that I had been hit by a car and died. I didn’t see the moment of death in my dream, because... showed my character's family. Dad said that I will always be on this cloud and will only remember my life. Then I woke up (a dream within a dream) and began to cry for a long time, then I told my mother the whole dream from start to finish and really woke up. What would that mean?

I dreamed that my friend and I, with some group of people, boarded a summer attraction (and a very strange one, unknown to me) and everyone died except us, and I woke up. Please tell me what this means? I was very scared.

I dreamed that my friend crashed on a plane. Then, on the day when candles were lit for all the dead, it turned out that the plane had survived, and she had survived. I remember her unsurprised look and the scratch on her cheek. And in my dream I was very scared. What would that mean?

I had a nightmare from Sunday to Monday. I’m 14, everything happens in Samara (but I live in a city nearby). It was as if I was at a bus station and wanted to go to the toilet (there was no natural need, I just wanted to be there). As I walked, I saw bloody inscriptions and poems about death (I don’t remember exactly which ones), I didn’t pay attention. But in vain, I went further, went into the toilet, there were a bunch of people, all in tears, pointing at the stall where it was usually locked, a guy comes up and opens the stall. I didn’t see what was THERE, I immediately turned away, I was very scared, it was a long dream, but I don’t remember everything. I woke up in tears, besides, I have claustrophobia and I’m terrified of being alone and wildly afraid of mirrors (especially at night, or when I’m alone), all my life I’ve had similar dreams about death and murder. Help, I have something wrong with my psyche.

Please tell me what the death of a friend can mean?

I dreamed that my husband would die in three minutes, and we were waiting for this together, then everything happened and they carried his leg to me and showed me what illnesses he had.

I dreamed that I was standing on a rock and there were a lot of people I didn’t know, I stuck an ax into one of his shoulders, he took it out, there was no blood, we were simultaneously pushing each other and flying on opposite sides into the sea, clear emerald water, I was flying with With my eyes closed, I fall into the water, and honor that my father, supposedly his spirit, is pulling me by my feet onto land. When I came to life, I saw the ghost of the person I pushed, in fact, I’m an orphan of my father, I don’t remember what this is for?

A few days after my mother’s death, I had a dream that a woman in a gray cleaner’s suit, with a bucket and a mop, was ringing the doorbell, I didn’t open it for her). She takes out her bunch of keys and opens it herself, I ask her at the threshold, who are you? She answered: that I am your death and now I will live with you. I started pushing her out and someone woke me up, now I don’t remember whether I pushed her out or not and what does that mean?

Today I dreamed that a girl fell out of a flying plane and crashed and 16 cars crashed and I urinated in my underwear.

What does it mean to have 2 dreams in a row about the death of my grandmother? I have a very bad relationship with her. In every dream, I am the cause of death. And I found out that my grandmother died from her girlfriend.

I dreamed that I lay down and waited for my death.

I dreamed that I wanted to know something and wrote to a friend of mine, he wrote: Lola, I want to meet you, or he said on the phone, he was driving and they killed him, allegedly because of me.

Hello, I had the same dream twice. In my dream, my son-in-law dies. Why such a dream, please tell me?

Hello, I sometimes dream of images of loved ones, all shining. I wake up and a few days later this man dies. This happened with one grandmother, two years later with another. And recently I had a dream about my husband’s mother, but not as usual, she was radiant, but the feeling was not one of loss, and three days later she called and said that she had cancer, but it was operable. She had surgery and is now healthy. Why am I dreaming about this? This is sad, I feel bad after dreams like this, what should I do about it? I don’t talk about dreams to those who dream about me, I’m already afraid that someone will dream again.

My boyfriend had a dream about my death. I wasn't there but they were talking about me. He doesn't remember the details. Help me with what this might be related to.

One child shot another, they told the third to shoot the culprit.

I dreamed about the death of people close to me, what does it mean?

I saw in a dream that I was slapping a carpet, because of the sound, cut trees fell, and an accident happened. Then the balcony fell, killing 2 people! Then I sat and rejoiced with my wife, and I saw Her sexual organ.

I dreamed that we were walking with a young man, there was some kind of base nearby, we all couldn’t get on the bus, and we got into the car with some girl, Her mother was driving, we drove to a large building and got out together, ideas began to become infected with a virus, from which everyone became zombies, and there was a shelter, there was something like repairs and everyone healthy was doing it, and suddenly everyone began to get infected and become zombies before our eyes. I was running around the building, hiding, I had already lost the young man and didn’t know what was wrong with him, and suddenly it was as if I saw a picture not from my own perspective, a boy was sitting in the closet from the movie “orphanage” (maybe someone watched it, he seemed to be a killer there and the bag on his face is very scary), and this boy was talking to someone, like to himself, and it was like he had infected everyone, and the zombies were trying to kill him, then I began to see from myself again, I ran somewhere and found a guy , asked him for coffee, and while we were standing in the warehouse where it was most safe, we found ourselves at a dead end and zombies also attacked us. Then there was only one picture, these were someone’s toes, but right up close you could see that the body was rotting and there were corpse stains. I woke up with an unpleasant aftertaste, before that I had a similar dream about being infected and running away from zombies, but only without the boy from the “orphanage”. I haven’t watched the movie “Shelter” for a long time, and I haven’t watched horror movies with zombies either; in principle, I don’t like movies with zombies. Maybe someone knows what and how?