What role does a fire pit play in landscape design? What can you use to make a fire pit at your dacha Stone hearth on a water

A fireplace in a country house is a necessary and multifunctional hearth, perhaps one of the main elements of a place to relax. How best to design a site for street hearth, fire pit? The play of fire, the crackling of firewood, the dancing flames of a fire, sparks flying into the sky - who wouldn’t like to while away the evening like this... After all, every summer resident strives to make his own plot or local area cozy and beautiful. And it doesn’t matter how many acres of land he owns or what size his house is - everyone strives for comfort.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that fire not only warms, but also creates a special atmosphere and pacifies. It’s nice to gather at such a country fireplace in the evening with friends and family, cook a barbecue or bake fragrant potatoes. It is also indispensable for standard dacha tasks, be it the disposal of cut branches, weeds or foliage with the onset of autumn. Be that as it may, a fireplace at the dacha is really necessary, so we will consider options for arranging it and the possibility of building it with your own hands.

Country fireplace, photo:

DIY fire pit, photo

What is a fire pit?

In simple terms, it is a hole in the ground, lined with stone or fire-resistant brick. In fact, it can be made of anything, the essence is the same - a recess with walls so that the fire can flare up and not be extinguished by gusts of wind. Such a structure can be of an above-ground type, it all depends on the design and approach to the matter, but the design of the hearth itself will remain the same. A fire pit (or fire pit) can be more than just round or square. Its shape can be any - as long as it fits the general situation of the territory. However, as practice shows, it is the round shape of such a fireplace that is the most convenient to maintain and use.

Fire pit in landscape design- this is an interesting and practical design move that helps not only to improve the territory, but also to permanently solve the problem of waste disposal, mainly plant waste.

Fireplace in the landscape

One of the main aspects in this matter is right choice locations and compliance with fire safety regulations. The smoke from the fire should not disturb the neighbors, so it is better to place the fireplace away from the dividing fence. The distance from the house, shed or cellar must be at least 3.5 meters. And, of course, no trees or bushes should grow in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace. At least 4 meters should separate the fireplace from green spaces. Also make sure that the chosen location is windless. To achieve maximum comfort, it is recommended to arrange a site with an appropriate covering (crushed stone, pebbles, decorative tiles etc.) and comfortable benches. The seating areas can be stationary, or you can install a comfortable seat in this place. garden furniture, which will bring even more comfort to the environment.

Fire pit made of hewn stone, photo

Do-it-yourself fire pit at the dacha

It's not as difficult as it might seem. Even a beginner can cope with this task. You can generally go the simplest route and make a hearth with your own hands from iron barrel. This work will take you one day, and you will be able to use the fire pit the next evening. You will need a bayonet shovel, a hammer, a trowel, a container for mixing mortar, stone or brick, cement, sand, crushed stone, water. Important: do not bury the fireplace too deep into the ground so that the fire subsequently burns normally, it needs an air flow!

Stages of work on arranging a fire pit

  • The soil surface is leveled and thoroughly compacted. Very often, this requires removing a layer of earth (about 30 cm).
  • A hole is dug in the ground according to the size and shape of the barrel.
  • The top and bottom of the barrel are cut off (to form a metal ring), after which it is installed in the prepared hole.
  • Crushed stone, pebbles or gravel are poured onto the bottom in a layer of about 20 cm.
  • The distance between the sides of the barrel and the edges of the pit is also filled with crushed stone.
  • You can pour concrete on top of the crushed stone and lay out the earth around it decorative stone, pebbles or paving slabs.

If such a fire pit is located on a small hill, then the protruding part can be beautifully lined with fireproof bricks. In this case, you can use standard cement mortar or purchase a ready-made oven mixture for laying brick or stone from the construction department.

A brick fire pit is arranged according to a similar pattern:

  • The place is being prepared: removed top layer soil (approximately 20-30 cm), the entire working area is compacted.
  • A hole is dug, the depth of which is 50-60 cm.
  • The sides of the pit are lined with bricks and placed vertically. For more dense shrinkage, do not forget to tap each brick with a hammer.
  • Gravel or coarse crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the depression, approximately 20 cm thick.
  • The gaps between the bricks can be filled with fireclay (fireclay).
  • The frame of the fire pit can be laid out with similar bricks or other suitable material.

As for the design of the area near the fireplace, this is done not only for beauty, comfort and to prevent the ground from being washed away by rain. A spark or ember may fly out of the fire, to prevent accidental fire, it is better if the area near the hearth is protected with tiles or stones.

Fire pit from fire bricks, photo

A fireplace made of stone is made according to the same principle as a fireplace made of brick, only the materials are replaced and the “norms” are observed: compaction of the earth, depth of the pit, fire-resistant mixtures for masonry, crushed stone cushion on the bottom, the presence of a blind area.

Furniture or benches should be placed at least a meter from the fire source. Can also be used as a building material concrete blocks, they are very easy to use, quickly installed, serve for a long time, are durable and look quite appropriate in this design. Granite cobblestones too great solution for a country fireplace, and the area laid out with it will look solid, expensive and stylish.

If desired, you can install a removable grate on such a fireplace, on which it will be convenient to place a cauldron or lay skewers with shish kebab. You can also optionally order a large fire pit cover to prevent rain or snow from getting inside. There are a lot of options for constructing a fire pit, ranging from practical, budget modifications to complex, expensive design solutions.

Whatever fireplace you choose at the dacha, it must first of all be safe, then it will only bring positive emotions to you and your loved ones.

All more people trying to escape into nature from the stuffy city. Many people buy themselves small country plots and spend weekends there. Fire is a symbol for any person; it is a very simple, but at the same time such a pleasant pastime - sitting in front of a fire.

Since ancient times, fire has attracted man and this is still the case today. It's not only great holiday, but also a chance to cook something in nature. A fire pit can be incorporated into a landscape design at the dacha in a modern and unique way, especially since stores provide huge selection bowls for the hearth, but you can make it yourself.

Options for placing a fire pit

Before you set up a hearth in your dacha, you need to think about fire safety. Since fires are terrible phenomenon, take the fire near country house or dacha is worth very carefully. There are several rules to follow when looking for a fire pit location.

It should be located away from a residential building, outbuildings, parking lots and other places where there is a high risk of fire.

The area around the fireplace must be decorated with non-combustible material. This could be stone, sand or any material that cannot be ignited.

The most common is to cover the site with iron using a sand-gravel mixture.

Now let's talk directly about the options for the location of the fireplace in the country.

Above ground position

So, the place for the fire has been determined, now we need to clear the area. At this stage, debris is removed, the surface is leveled, and plant roots are removed. Usually the hearth is made in a round shape with high sides.

It is imperative to remove the layer of turf in order to later lay out the area with paving slabs. A place for a fire pit is created in the center of the designated area. For these purposes, you can use a metal rim. Before laying it, remove the top layer of soil and level the surface.

The walls of the fireplace structure must be thick, otherwise the fireplace will not be strong. That is why it is necessary to lay concrete blocks or stones in several rows around the circumference of the rim. You can use stone cobblestones or paving slabs. Each element must be fastened concrete mortar, For natural stone you can use clay.

To ensure that after precipitation there is no such situation that the fireplace is overfilled with water, it must be equipped with a lid. This can be done from a sheet of metal.

Fire pit buried in the ground

You can make a fireplace in your dacha below the surface of the earth. To do this, a pit is dug with a depth of at least 30 cm. The same metal rim is inserted into the pit, or the edges are treated with sheet metal.

Sand or fine gravel is poured onto the bottom. You can also decorate the foundation pit with ready-made blocks, connecting them together with glue specially designed for stoves and fireplaces. The upper ground part of the hearth is laid out with a stone suitable for the design, as described in the previous version.

Arrangement of the area around the fireplace

Making the fireplace itself is only half the battle; you also need to design the area according to the rules and equip it with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.

We design the site

You can fill the surface of the earth next to the fireplace with gravel, pebbles or lay out paving slabs. If you make it wide, you can get a full-fledged place to relax. Slabs of various shapes look very original, with which you can lay out any pattern. You can put garden furniture on them and thereby get a cozy corner in the lap of nature.

In addition, you can place a circular bench or sofa near the fireplace, but for this option it would not be amiss to equip a roof to protect the furniture from the rain. The bench is decorated with pillows and decorative rugs.

If there is material left from the arrangement of the hearth itself, then you can lay out a supporting wall that will serve as a backrest for the bench.

It is best to equip a firewood shed near the site so that you don’t have to constantly go far for firewood. To maintain general style it is decorated in the same way as the fire pit itself.

There can be a path from the dacha to the hearth, the edges of which can be easily equipped with lanterns. In the evening, their light will add romance.

At most dachas you can see the design of the hearth in the shape of the sun with rays emanating from it. A fireplace in the shape of a moon crater or stylized as a fireplace will look beautiful and interesting. You can install garden figures on the site.

Furniture in decoration

Having created a platform, do not forget about pieces of furniture on which guests and owners of the house can sit.

After all, you won’t just stand in front of a fire at the dacha and watch it burn. It's always nice to cook something delicious and have a family dinner right away.

Those who want to create something like a forest fire can be offered to make seats from logs, and for convenience, create backrests for them. In addition, the logs can be sanded and varnished to make them last longer.

A low mobility, but very beautiful option is to create seats from the material with which the hearth itself is decorated. Since the fire pit is round, the bench should also be laid out in a semicircle, this will be more aesthetically correct.

Important! No need to sit on a bare stone, you need to put sofas on the bench decorative pillows and decorate the back with them.

Hearth options for a summer residence

Here I would like to give several options for making hearths for a summer residence. It’s not difficult to do them yourself, but you need to strictly follow the work technology

Brick fireplace

You won’t need any special materials for its arrangement; brick and cement will be enough. Making a hearth is very easy. You can place it in a pit, thereby getting a hearth recessed into the ground, or start laying on the surface of the ground. The most common masonry used is the same as when building a house.

The second method of laying is laying bricks in a circle, with them occupying a horizontal or vertical position. To create low sides, one row of horizontally placed bricks will be enough.

To create a large fire pit, bricks are laid out horizontally in several rows. It must be remembered that it is necessary to leave holes in the sides of the fireplace for air access, in this case the fire will burn much better.

If imagination requires, then the hearth may not be perfectly round, but symmetrical in shape. This design also uses cobblestones, of which there are plenty at the dacha.

Hearth under the cauldron

If the main purpose for which a fireplace is installed is cooking, then it must be oriented to accommodate the possibility of placing a cauldron.

The first option that will make it possible to place a cauldron is to form a small-diameter fireplace, on which it is quite possible to install the cauldron on top.

If you don’t want to be limited in size, you can make a metal grate, which, if necessary, can be installed on the hearth, and put a cauldron on top. The simplest and budget option is a fireplace made from an old car rim.

Need for open hearth at the dacha is undeniable. This detail will decorate your area, and you will also be able to spend your evenings at such a structure and cook food. It's so nice to sit in front of an open fireplace with friends and family. Drink tea or tell some stories incredible stories, thanks to this pastime, your mood rises and you get a lot of positive emotions.

Laying a fireplace with stones

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

But, having built a fireplace at your dacha, you must, first of all, remember about safety measures. If you decide to build such a fireplace with your own hands, then it should be located as far as possible from various flammable structures: buildings, residential buildings, tree plantings, and shrubs. When using a fireplace during windy conditions, there is a possibility of fire even in a house that is located on long distance, in this case you should use special protective screens.

Hearth on the street

It is quite easy to build fireplaces yourself in a very short time, and this process will take you a weekend at most. For its construction, you can use almost any materials:

  • boulder,
  • brick,
  • concrete blocks and so on.

An open fireplace, like the one in the photo, is easy to build, and for this you only need cinder block bricks or ordinary bricks. It is better to make the walls of the hearth from wider and larger bricks, from this important moment The strength of the walls depends.

The number of bricks that you will need to build this with your own hands important building How to build a fireplace with your own hands on your site will depend on the exact size of the fireplace you want to build, how thick the material will be, and the number of rows when building the wall. An open fireplace in a house should be built by preparing the foundation for a future structure at your dacha; you should not light a fire on the soil, since it will be very difficult to remove coals or firewood from its surface. In this case, you can simply lay an ordinary thick iron sheet, but its dimensions should be more sizes circle of this structure.

Next, we move on to preparing the base of the fireplace, to do this we fill it mortar, you can also use concrete, then we begin to lay out the bricks. But also take into account the size of the fireplace before construction; it is better to choose a medium size, because you will subsequently light a fire in it.

Open hearth

After choosing a place for the fireplace, you need to mark its territory on the ground and take measurements. During this process, you can also roughly calculate how many bricks will be needed for construction work. In most cases, the owners own home they decide to use the hearth for cooking food, like a grill. And to mark its contours and dimensions, you should place a grill grate on the ground. The dimensions of the grill grate should be larger than the dimensions of the wall on the sides.

Laying a brick base without mortar

When the foundation, built by the hands of the owner at the dacha, is ready, the construction of walls can begin. The first of the rows of bricks must be laid near the base of a structure such as a fireplace, in a circle, so that the ends are in contact with each other. If during construction you use bricks that have holes, then it is better to build brick walls so that the holes are turned towards the ground or upward. Brick wall should be monolithic both outside and inside.

After laying the first row, you need to start laying the second layer. The second row must be laid on the first, and one should not forget about the joints of the bricks. Next, we lay the wall until it rises to the required height, which is convenient for use. In the end, our fireplace at the dacha will turn out to be slightly uneven; for this, its walls should be lined in some places, and in some places leveled, and the cracks should be covered with cement mortar. The last row of bricks must be laid with a special mortar.

Laying fireplace walls

Option for laying brick walls with mortar

You can build a fireplace with your own hands directly on the mortar. Brick laying work is carried out in the same way as in the above-described option. The main difference is the need to lay it more evenly and immediately start caulking the seams. And in the end you won’t need to knock down protruding elements.

The open hearth should be of such a height as to be comfortable for grilling food. If, during the laying of such an important structure, you still have extra bricks, then they can be used to build a ring around it to strengthen the structure, while the first row is strengthened. A home-made fireplace with such a base will be much more stable and durable.

A fireplace can rightfully be called a symbol of a home in a country house. Recently, the fireplace at the dacha has become not only a place where you can cook the next gastronomic masterpiece and have a great time free time for a pleasant life in the circle of family and friends, he is also original element landscape design.

Above ground location of the fire pit in the country house

Before setting up a fire pit, you need to carefully consider the area where it will be located. The source should be located away from garden trees, country house and other outbuildings. Optimal distance the distance to the house and buildings should be at least 3 meters, and at least 4 meters to the crowns of the nearest trees. Also, you should not design a place for a fire in a lowland or on a hill. It's better to choose a middle ground.

After the location for the dacha hearth has been determined, the site should be prepared: remove debris, plant roots, level the surface of the site and mark the location for the hearth itself. As a rule, the hearth is made in a round shape, with a diameter of about a meter. It is necessary to remove a layer of turf from the intended area. This is necessary so that later the entire site can be laid out with paving slabs or stones. In the center of the site, the location of the hearth itself is marked. To decorate the fire pit, you can use an iron rim. In the place where it is planned to install the metal rim, remove a small layer of soil, level the bottom of the resulting depression and install the rim.

If the structure has very thin walls, it will not be able to provide the necessary strength during operation. Therefore, concrete blocks or stones are laid in several rows along the entire area of ​​the outer wall. Also suitable for this paving slabs or granite cobblestone. For masonry it is better to use a special masonry mortar. For laying natural stone, clay mortar is more suitable.

To prevent the fire pit from turning into a pond after heavy rain, it is necessary to cut out a roof for it. A suitable cut can be used as material sheet metal.

Above ground fireplace structure

Recessed fire pit

You can also create a place for a fire in your dacha using a small dug pit. The depth of the dug pit should be approximately 30-40cm. The bottom of the dug pit is covered with a layer of fine gravel. In order for the hearth to last longer, the inside of the pit must be surrounded with a piece of sheet metal. The ring can also be built using separate blocks. The first layer of blocks is laid on gravel. The correct installation is checked by the building level. All irregularities are eliminated using a rubber hammer. A special glue for laying hearths and fireplaces is applied to the upper surface of the first row, then the second row of blocks can be laid. Ready design covered with fine gravel and decorated top part hearth, matching the decor of the landscape design, stone.

Recessed fire pit

Design of the area near the fireplace

In order to decorate the area near the fireplace, you can use pebbles, gravel or tiles for garden paths. If you expand the area near the fireplace, you will get an excellent area for a good rest. An interesting option are flat slabs of irregular geometric shape, which are laid out in a bizarre pattern. These wide slabs can easily accommodate chairs, benches, or other various garden furniture. Ideal option To create a place for a fire in the country house, there will be a circular bench with backs. To give such a platform comfort and coziness, the platform can be decorated with rugs, and decorative pillows and blankets can be placed on the bench.

The same material that was used to decorate the hearth can be used to make a supporting wall; it will also serve as a backrest for the bench. In order to avoid having to go far for firewood, a special firewood shed is installed next to the fireplace, which is decorated in the same style as the hearth.

You can put it at the fire pit garden path, along which to install small street lights. This will make the area cozy in the evening and create a special romantic atmosphere.

Often the area around the fire is made in the shape of the sun, and improvised sun rays are painted on the lining.
It will be interesting to look at summer cottage a hearth made in the form of a lunar crater or fireplace, next to which you can install a small figurine of a guardian cricket.

Interesting idea designing a fire pit in the country house

Decorating a place near a fire in the country is not so difficult. The main conditions for work are the availability of all necessary building materials, clear calculations, free time, imagination and a little creativity.

Fireplace in the country: what will we sit on?

Place by the fire: what should we sit on?

You have a place for a fire, but what next? Should I stand and watch it burn? No matter how it is, you did it in order to cook barbecue, fry bread, bake potatoes and just relax in the evening, and doing this while sitting is clearly more convenient than standing. How to arrange a place to sit around a fire and what can be used for this?

To begin with, you can take any chairs that can be used outdoors. These can be either simple camp chairs with which you go into the forest, or a wooden or metal country chair. outdoor furniture- the same chairs or large benches on which it is so comfortable to sit together. Rattan seats are also suitable.

Simple chairs to sit near the fire on the site

If you are a fan of the classics, why not build the usual pentagon from logs, as is often done in the forest? But here you can sand the logs and even varnish them and even attach a backrest to make it more comfortable to sit on.

A classic pentagon made of logs around a fireplace in a country house

And a stationary option - you can make seats around the fireplace in your summer cottage with your own hands from stone - from brick or any other stones that you have at your disposal. Tip: lay out the benches not in a square, but in a semicircle, as this looks more aesthetically attractive. And in order to sit softly and not cold, place sofa cushions on the seat itself and attach it to the back, if you have one there.

Semicircular stone bench near the fire

Do-it-yourself brick fireplace in your dacha

And finally, two ways to make a fireplace in your summer cottage with your own hands. To begin with, the most popular option for a fire pit is made of bricks. What do we need? bricks and cement.

There are several ways to build a fire pit out of bricks. The first option is the same way as a house is built, that is, stacking bricks one next to the other, shifting each next row by half a brick - just lay out the walls of the fire pit at the required height. Some build directly from the ground, some first dig a hole in the ground, and as a result the fire pit is sunk into the ground. In this case, it can be flush with the ground, here it is better to lay out additional stones or tiles around the area at least a meter in diameter, or with the walls up - in this case, the coals will not fall down. But here it is worth providing holes for air intake in the fire.

We build a fire house from bricks

The second way is to lay the bricks in a circle, installing them vertically or horizontally. If you want to make a low fireplace, one row of bricks laid out in a circle with a vertical installation will be enough. If you want to make a large round hearth, you need to lay the bricks horizontally and don’t forget about the holes through which air will enter the fire - in this case it will burn much better.

Do-it-yourself brick fireplace in your dacha

You can also show your imagination and create some unusual hearth, not round or square, but absolutely not symmetrical in shape. Moreover, here you can use not only bricks, but also any other stones - best natural, unprocessed.

We make a non-standard place for a fire on the site

Hearth at the dacha under a cauldron

If you like to cook something in a cauldron over a fire, for example, real pilaf, stewed vegetables or meat, then before you start building the hearth, you need to figure out how to then put a cauldron on it. The first option is to make a small fireplace out of stones, on which a large cauldron can be placed on top. If you need a larger place for the fire, make metal structure, which can be placed in the fire, and a cauldron can be placed on top of it. Or you can make a hearth from an old car rim. How to do this - read below, and the cauldron will stand on top without any problems.

Making a hearth in the country house for a barbecue

Fire pit: barbecue made from an old car rim

If you don't want to lay bricks, you can use a simple and proven method for making a fire pit yourself, which I mentioned earlier - using an old car wheel (stamped, not cast!). It's perfect for this - round shape, high walls, air intake holes and easy to install. You can either bury it in the ground, making a fire pit flush with the ground, or place it and cover it with bricks on top to give it a more attractive look.

Making a hearth from a car rim

By the way, from the same disk you can make not only a hearth, but also a barbecue - on steel legs, to make it more convenient to keep an eye on the kebabs being prepared, a grill (by adding a grate on top the right size), barbecue and much more.

And if, instead of a car disk, you find some other metal bowl or other container in your garage or basement, you can easily use it to make a fireplace in your summer cottage. By the way, an old steel basin will also work for this - who else still has one of these from Soviet times?

We make a fireplace in an area from a metal bowl

Fireplace: hearth in the country house photo ideas

So, we figured out how to make a fireplace with our own hands, what materials to use for this, how to arrange the area around it and what seats are suitable for such a relaxation. Let's now look at the photo - how other people did it, in order to borrow from there some of the ideas we liked best, which are worth implementing on your own site.

People love to light fires since childhood. At the dacha, this may be a forced event. You can make a fire pit at your dacha with your own hands, so that every time you need to get rid of garbage, you don’t have to look for a place where you can do it. A properly equipped place for a fire in the country will also avoid the risk of fire. This issue is especially relevant for areas where strong winds prevail. There is a high risk that the fire will spread to grass, bushes and wooden buildings.

Unusual design of the courtyard area with a fireplace and original forms The fire pit itself can transform any area.

You can arrange a place for a fireplace on our own, turning it into a full-fledged recreation area with high aesthetic characteristics.

Necessity of equipping a fire pit

A fire pit is a specially equipped place designed for burning various fuels.

Its purpose could be:

The fire pit must be located 3 meters from buildings and 4 meters from tree crowns.

  1. Destruction of various waste by burning. This is especially true for a dacha. Over the summer, quite a lot of tops, grass after weeding, dry leaves, branches from trees and waste from construction or repairs are collected. The easiest way to get rid of all this is to burn it. The resulting smoke will reliably and permanently scare away all mosquitoes.
  2. Spending free time in cozy atmosphere for a pleasant conversation. The dacha is a place not only for growing crops, but also for relaxation. There is nothing more romantic than sitting by a slowly burning fire in the evening. It’s not for nothing that it is believed that you can look at fire forever.
  3. Cooking or smoking. A well-designed hearth is an excellent alternative grill, barbecue or smokehouse. You can set up a fire pit quickly and with virtually no financial costs. Any owner of a suburban area can do this.

When choosing a place for a fire, you need to remember safety measures.

They suggest the following parameters for placing a fire pit:

  • the distance to residential buildings and outbuildings must be at least 5 m;
  • It is not allowed to light a fire under canopies or overhanging tree branches, electrical wires and communication cables;
  • You should not light a fire near your neighbors’ property - they may not like to breathe in smoke and soot;
  • before burning, garbage must be checked for the presence of explosive objects such as aerosol cans, paint or varnish cans;
  • Slate should not be used to build a fireplace; this material explodes when heated;
  • When lighting a fire, it is not recommended to use gasoline; its vapors are volatile and can cause a strong flame.

Before setting up a fire pit, it is necessary to take into account that a platform made of non-combustible material must be built around it. This is necessary not only for safety, but also for the convenience of people staying in this place. There must be at least 2 m of prepared space around the fire pit.

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Options for arranging an open hearth

The choice of place for a fireplace must be approached very carefully. This is a stationary structure and cannot be quickly moved to a new location. It is also necessary to take into account the level of storm and flood waters. If you install the fireplace in a low area, then most of the time it can stand in puddles. After each rain, such a product will have to be cleaned of dirt and debris. It is best to choose a small hill.

There are no strict rules regarding the shape of the fire pit. It's a matter of everyone's taste.

This structure can be made in the following configuration:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • polygonal;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • triangular.

The size is chosen arbitrarily. Minimum size must be at least 50 cm. Otherwise, it will be difficult to place anything in the fire pit. But the combustion chamber should not be made larger than 100 cm. It may be difficult to position the skewers when cooking over a fire.

Depending on the method of placement on the ground, the fireplace can be above ground or buried.

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Construction of a ground source

An excellent technique for creating a picturesque place with a fire pit in the yard of the house would be original coating the site itself.

The ground fireplace is made 25-40 cm high above ground level. Its base is slightly recessed. The basis of the structure can be steel or concrete ring. External side and the top is assumed decorative finishing. It is made of material that is not destroyed by high temperatures.

You can finish the base in the following ways:

  • porcelain tiles;
  • natural stone;
  • facade plaster.

If you lay out the bowl from large cobblestones, then finishing will not be required. The stone looks great and natural. The structure made of cobblestones fits organically into any landscape. The durability of the stone is simply incredible. It can perform its task for decades without losing its presentability.

A good solution is to build a fireplace made of refractory bricks. For masonry, you must use a solution made from clay and sand. Brick walls are different correct forms and level horizontally.

For construction you will need the following materials:

  • shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level;
  • trowel;
  • clay and sand;
  • solution container.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The first row of material from which the fire pit will be made is laid out on the ground. Markings are applied along the outer contours.
  2. The stones are removed. The top layer of soil is removed by 15-20 cm.
  3. The resulting pit is equipped with a cushion of gravel and sand. Sand is spilled with water.
  4. Reinforcement is placed at the bottom of the pit. One layer of 12 mm rod is enough. The reinforcement can be fastened using welding, plastic ties or steel wire.
  5. The pit is filled with concrete. The thickness of the screed should be 5-10 cm. It is much easier to collect ash and debris from a concrete bottom than from an earthen bottom.
  6. After the concrete gains strength, the walls of the fire pit are laid out.

After finishing the masonry, they carry out decorative design hearth and arrangement of the surrounding area.