Great Dane. Varieties of the Great Dane dog breed. Great Dane training

From 3-4 weeks, you can start feeding puppies food in liquid or porridge form. In an earlier period, you can practice supplementing puppies with milk replacers, which is justified for large litters that cannot grow normally without additional complementary foods. The reason for insufficient weight gain may be competition among puppies and pushing aside weaker ones. In this case, underweight puppies must be supplemented.

What to feed puppies? The food they will eat after weaning. If we are talking about ready-made food, then it is better to take specialized food for puppies of this breed group (dry food needs to be soaked, wet food must be heated in a water bath and not overheated). If this is a homemade puppy food, it should be ground after cooking (puree it in a blender). That is, homemade food should be quite liquid - the consistency of a thin puree. Also, many manufacturers have special ready-made mixtures for feeding puppies, they are usually called “puppy porridge”.

At what age can puppies start feeding complementary foods?

From 3 weeks You can start complementary feeding. The feed mixture should be fresh and heated to body temperature (38-39°C). At first, puppies, as a rule, pay little attention to food, because the main supply of nutrients comes from milk. But when one puppy starts eating food, the rest follow suit.

If puppies ignore the food, you should gently try to attract them to it - by gently bringing your nose closer to the food or by placing a small amount of it in your mouth with your finger. Coercive measures are, of course, strictly excluded.

Feeding complete (commercial) puppy food. When switching puppies from 3-4 weeks to semi-solid food, it is recommended to choose a fairly energy-intensive food (specialized for puppies) and add water to turn it into a thick porridge. Canned (wet) food is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio; dry food requires adding three times the amount of water. The water for soaking dry food should be at a temperature of approximately 50 degrees, then soaking the food will take 10-15 minutes. If the water is colder, the food will take longer to soak. The food should be at least at room temperature, and best of all at body temperature.. If the bag of food is in winter period is on the balcony (or in a cold room), the food may soak longer, which already violates the conditions for using the food. Warm it up before soaking it.

Feeding puppies is discussed in detail in the webinar:

When feeding a ready-made diet, no vitamin and mineral supplements are required. From 2-3 weeks from the start of complementary feeding, puppies begin to eat porridge with appetite. If there is a reaction in the form of a change in stool consistency, vomiting or diarrhea, stop feeding for half a day or reduce its amount. The transition to unsoaked food is possible from 5-6 weeks of life. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the animals with a sufficient amount of fresh water. It is advisable to gradually reduce the amount of water when soaking. The same measure is recommended to increase appetite in puppies.

The amount of food is selected according to the appetite of the puppies. Due to the varying amount of milk produced by bitches, it is impossible to give precise quantities. The amount of food should be such that the puppies can eat it without leaving any traces. If the puppies do not finish the food, a smaller amount should be prepared at the next feeding. If their stool becomes loose, the amount of complementary foods is reduced.

Puppies should be fed separately from their mother so that they can eat without interference. While the puppies are with their mother, 3 feedings at 8-10 hour intervals at night are sufficient. Food should be offered to puppies on a flat plate. All utensils must be washed thoroughly after each feeding!

At what age can puppies be weaned from their mother?

Weaning of puppies can be carried out from 6 weeks, as a rule, this period ends by 8 weeks. Weaning occurs only when the puppies begin to eat sufficient amount of feed (daily allowance).

When weaning, puppies are left with the usual amount of food for 2-3 days, after which it is gradually increased to the recommended amount. daily norm. Rapid weaning of puppies from their mother while simultaneously reducing her daily food intake leads to a rapid decrease in milk production and prevents complications associated with the mammary glands. But we will talk about this in another article. about feeding pregnant and lactating bitches.

Webinars for breeders and dog owners

New webinar: Feeding a puppy from the first day of life - 615 views

How to feed newborn puppies? How to feed? How to wean? Is my puppy growing properly? Supplements – necessary or not? When to switch to adult food? Examples of homemade diets. Mixed diet – taboo or sometimes possible? Commercial feeds - can they be combined and how correctly?


Answers to the most common and controversial questions about feeding dogs and cats. Everything that is hotly debated: conflicting opinions, myths and facts, truth and fallacy. We collected 101 questions and provided a scientifically proven answer to each.

The appearance of a baby Yorkie in the house can puzzle an inexperienced owner: puppies of this breed are so small and outwardly helpless that teaching the dog proper eating habits often goes unnoticed. The puppy is pampered, they do not follow the feeding regime, following the lead of pleading eyes, and as a result they end up with a “bouquet” of problems in the form of various pathologies and the pet’s bad character.

In fact, Yorkshire terriers are absolutely self-sufficient dogs, quite self-confident, and do not require a compassionate attitude towards themselves. Due to certain breed characteristics, their feeding must be carried out strictly according to the rules - this will be the key to a limited number of visits to the veterinary clinic (for the purpose of preventive examination and vaccinations).

– small dogs, with an average weight of 2-3 kg, and quite early formation. Yorkies have a long coat, without undercoat, with a hair-like structure. Dogs of this breed have an accelerated metabolism - they quickly burn energy, which requires compensation with high-calorie food. Particular attention should be paid to this during the period of growth and development.

Such breed characteristics are the cause of “eternal hunger” in Yorkies - having quickly used up the energy received from food, they want to eat again. And that’s exactly where it lies main mistake inexperienced owners rushing to compensate for their pet’s hunger with too frequent meals.

Remember! The Yorkie's diet is not too different from other dog breeds if the puppy receives high-calorie food with sufficient nutritional content in its diet. meat ingredients and easily digestible carbohydrates.

Improving the feeding behavior of any dog ​​begins with organizing a place for feeding.

Choosing a place and dishes

This issue must be resolved before the puppy arrives in the house, and it is correct if the chosen place for feeding does not change in the future. Since these small dogs do not require large areas for their “table,” bowls can also be placed in the kitchen. For food and water you need separate dishes that need to be washed regularly.

Stainless steel is the best value for money, but you can also buy plastic and ceramic ones. The bowl is selected so that a single portion of food occupies approximately 2/3 of its volume. Since puppies turn over plates when feeding, it is worth purchasing a special mat on which the bowl will not “slip.”

Special devices are very convenient for feeding - rods, tabletops with holes. All these attributes are sold in pet stores, and a consultant will help you decide.

The so-called ball drinker, otherwise called “dry whiskers,” has become very popular, designed specifically for bearded and mustachioed dogs. With such a device, you can safely leave your dog for the whole day without worrying that he won’t have enough water.

What to feed a Yorkie puppy

The nutrition of a Yorkshire Terrier puppy must meet the basic feeding requirements for miniature breed dogs, namely:

  • Be high in calories (contain at least 75% animal protein).
  • In addition to animal protein, vegetable protein contained in cereals, vegetables, and fruits is also important.
  • The menu requires vitamins and minerals, as well as fatty acids.
  • and treats needed to clean teeth are also included in the diet.
  • Regardless of the type of food, your Yorkie should always have clean water.
  • Portions should be optimal for age, activity and meet the individual needs of the pet.
  • Feeding is allowed after walks and games.
  • For puppies with sensitive digestion, prebiotics are added to the food, or dry diets with a reduced fat content and “light” proteins (lamb, turkey) are purchased.

The main health problems of miniature dog breeds are associated with overeating and an unsystematic diet. The type of food does not affect the frequency of meals, and a well-structured diet will be indicated by the pet’s appearance and its mood.

There are three options for feeding Yorkshire Terrier puppies. The owner decides what to feed the pet, but for the first two to three weeks after the baby arrives in the new home, it is recommended to leave the diet the same.

Natural diet for Yorkie

A natural diet for a Yorkie is a well-designed daily menu made from high-quality food products that are allowed in feeding these pets. What foods to use in the diet, how to prepare them and give them correctly are described in the table.

Food typeAssortmentHow to cookFeeding frequency
MeatVeal, beef (cuts with rough connective tissue), turkey, chicken, rabbit – bonelessIn raw and boiled form. The meat is first frozen and scalded with boiling water.Daily
FishSalmon, cod, perch – bonelessBoiledTwice a week
By-productsHeart, kidneys, udder, lungs, stomachs, liverRaw and cookedTwice a week
EggsChicken (boiled), quailRaw yolk, boiled white, or as an omeletteTwice a week
MilkWhole milk, milk substitutes or whole – cow, goatPasteurized or boiledDaily
Fermented milk productsKefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, hard unsalted cheeseCottage cheese - regular or calcined, fermented milk products can also be fermented yourself, cheese - as a delicacyDaily
CerealsRice, buckwheat, rolled oats, wheat cerealWell boiled, in the form of porridges - in milk, broth, water. Hercules flakes are steamed in hot liquidDaily
VegetablesCarrots, zucchini, pumpkin, turnipsRaw, finely grated, with the addition of sunflower oilDaily
Sources of fatSunflower, olive, flaxseed oil, butterWith vegetables, cerealsDaily
Fruits and berriesApples, pears, banana, gooseberries, blueberries, currants, cherriesLike a treatDaily
GreenDill, parsley, celery, young shoots of oats or wheatFinely chopped, added to meat or porridge with butterDaily
BonesSoft veal ribs, cartilageRaw, with leftover meatTwice a week
Supplements and vitaminsFeeding complexAccording to package directionsDaily, as needed
WaterClean, good qualityNot boiledAround the clock

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Animal protein in the diet consists of meat, fish, offal, eggs, milk and dairy products. The share of meat component in the total protein volume is 50%. For growing Yorkies, milk is gradually removed from the diet, replacing the nutritional value with meat. The ratio of carbohydrates in the form of cereals and fiber (fruits and vegetables) is 70%/30%. The share of other ingredients is not so large, but their presence in the diet is also important.

Ready-made natural diet (porridge for a puppy)

Often, adherents of natural food for dogs prepare it for future use. The meat is cut into pieces (you can mix different types), fish is prepared separately, and by-products are prepared separately. Porridge is cooked from the mixture in meat or vegetable broth, to which grated raw vegetables are added. Such porridges with finely chopped meat or offal and simply raw prepared meat are frozen in small portions; all that remains is to thaw them at room temperature or reheat them in the microwave.

Start time of complementary feeding

It is good if the mother feeds the puppies with milk for at least 1 month. Favorable conditions Such feeding is a small number of puppies in the litter, the health of the mother herself and a sufficient amount of milk. If there is a need to start feeding puppies, you can do this as early as 2 weeks of age.

It is optimal to feed the puppy small portions of natural food followed by supplementary feeding with mother's milk or alternating these methods.

The general principle of complementary feeding: food is given warm, homogeneous, no more than one item per day, a portion the size of a small pea.

Pros and cons of natural feeding

Meat is a natural and desirable food for dogs. Homemade food is a great way to raise a healthy Yorkie with beautiful appearance if the puppy eats the right foods and has a regular diet.

A positive point is also the absolute control on the part of the owner of what gets into the dog’s body, so we can certainly say that the dog gets everything it needs.

The disadvantages of home feeding are the need to spend a lot of time preparing food and creating menus, strict control over the dosage of ingredients, and short shelf life of food.

Ready-made food for Yorkies

Production of finished feed industrial production for miniature dog breeds has greatly simplified the task of preparing diets for owners. Such food is produced in the form of dry and wet food, as well as modern technologies made it possible to launch the production of semi-moist diets, which was immediately appreciated by many owners of low-drinking dogs.

There are a large number of high-quality ready-made diets suitable for Yorkshire terriers, and the main indicator that the food meets the puppy’s nutritional needs are the following factors:

  • Does the brand have a line for puppies, or is it enough high level indicators of protein and fat in the diet (at least 28% protein and 18% fat).
  • Accurate indication of raw material sources in the list of ingredients.
  • The presence in the top lines of the ingredient list of meat components with a detailed explanation (for example: “fresh lamb meat”, “dried chicken meat”).
  • The presence of animal sources of fat (salmon fat, chicken fat).
  • Lower daily requirements compared to other products will be a plus: this indicates high nutritional value and good digestibility of the feed.
  • Sources of preservatives and flavoring additives are of natural origin.
  • There are no cheap and often causing allergies in dogs, sources of carbohydrates (wheat, soy).
  • The diet contains herbal supplements as a source of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the puppies’ body.

Since food packages never indicate whether it belongs to one class or another, the information presented is quite indicative.

Puppies can also be fed wet food - it is nutritious and kids really like it, but it is worth remembering that canned food “dilutes” the diet, but does not replace it: Yorkies need dry food granules for the development and prevention of the dental system.

Starting complementary feeding with ready-made diets

High-quality lines of ready-made food always include food for puppies by age, starting from the “First feeding” series, which is given to babies at the age of 3 weeks. If it is not possible to simultaneously feed small puppies with bitch milk, they buy substitutes and also supplement them with special cereals. All products can be purchased at a pet store, and preparation instructions are on the packaging.

Yorkie breeders often pay attention to the fact that, given the chosen type of food, it is better to start feeding dry food to Yorkies from the age of 5-6 months, choosing a diet from the line “for small breed puppies from 4 months” or “for juniors”.

Read also: Is it possible to give dogs bread: advice from veterinarians

Pros and cons of feeding commercial diets

Industrially produced diets have many advantages. Good feed, being complete, do not require additional feeding of the dog with meat or vitamins. They are stored for a long time, and there is no fear that food left for the day will spoil. The packaging is thought out to the smallest detail: from the smallest packs to bags. There is a wide variety of flavors, and grain-free diets are an added bonus for dogs with gluten allergies.

The downside of high-end feeds is their price. However, it is due to the fact that high-quality sources of raw materials in the required volume are used in production. In addition, the daily norm of such nutrition is extremely small due to the high digestibility of the feed, and the question of which type of nutrition is more expensive is very controversial.

As a rule, among breeders of a particular breed you can always get comprehensive information about the type of food or brand of food, and stick to the proven option. If the food is different or the owner has selected dry food of a different brand, the change takes place gradually, over 2-3 weeks.

Mixed diet for Yorkie

A mixed diet for a dog involves alternating between ready-made diets and natural food throughout the day. This method of feeding has many opponents, who rightly believe that it is impossible not to upset the balance of substances by mixing dry food and homemade food together.

Proponents of mixed feeding believe that this method of preparing diets does not harm the dog and back up their words with strong evidence in the form of many years of experience feeding Yorkies.

From the point of view of the dog’s health, this type of nutrition is fraught with complications, because there is nothing easier than allowing a breakdown in work gastrointestinal tract using different product groups.

To minimize the consequences, it is permissible to give cottage cheese with kefir at one of the feedings if the type of food is ready-made, or to supplement the baby with meat if the food is not very good. high quality. If the puppy is raised on a natural diet, dry food is used as a treat and reward while studying.

Sample Yorkshire Terrier menu by age

Each age has its own eating habits and individual regime. You need to start feeding your babies gradually, carefully monitor the reaction and do not try to give the puppy all new foods at once.

There are no uniform standards in feeding dogs - the daily food allowance, although it depends on the weight and age of the puppy, can be different even for babies of the same litter. This range of parameters is influenced by the pet’s metabolism, temperament, and lifestyle. You should start feeding with average values ​​and, based on weight gain and the external condition of the puppy, vary the portion size in one direction or another.

An approximate menu for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy is given by age: from birth to one year.

Nutrition up to a month

Before the age of one month, puppies are extremely vulnerable and must suckle milk to develop immunity. If, along with complementary foods, the puppy does not suckle from his mother, he is given bitch milk substitutes, industrial cereals, and also mixtures made based on goat or sheep milk. Cow's milk is not fat enough, so you need to add cream or condensed milk to it. The mixtures should be sweet and nutritious, and to increase the calorie content, egg yolk is added to them.

Also, small Yorkies are given a “scrape” made from raw beef (room temperature), rice porridge and rolled oats in milk with the addition of butter. At one of the feedings they offer calcined cottage cheese with yolk and kefir.

As for industrial feeds, the “First Complementary Feed” food series is suitable: granules are soaked in water or light broth until they become mushy.

Puppies under the age of 1 month are fed 6 times a day, and for the first 2 weeks - around the clock, every 2 hours. The approximate single volume of food is 5 ml.

1 month

At 1 month, the puppy’s menu expands, it includes other fermented milk products, regular cottage cheese, and you can give pieces of cheese as a treat. Gradually, vegetables are introduced into the diet, grated on a fine grater and flavored with a few drops of sunflower oil. An apple that is grated or given in pieces is very useful for a baby.

Buckwheat is added from cereals, which is boiled in milk or water. You can already give meat porridges, and in addition to beef, other types of meat are also used. Omelettes with herbs are prepared from eggs, and raw yolk is also added to kefir.
During this period, the puppy is given supplements, calcium is especially important. And, of course, there should be water in the diet.

From dry food, puppies are bought food according to their age from high content protein and fat. You can also diversify the menu with canned food: pouches, paches, mousses, pieces in sauce will appeal to kids and increase the intake of moisture into the body.

Month-old Yorkies are fed 5-6 times a day, the average serving is 10 ml.

2 months

Yorkies can be given fish. It is boiled, the bones are removed and given to the puppy in pieces or with porridge. The range of cereals, vegetables and meat ingredients is replenished with all permitted products. Meat is preferably raw, and at this age puppies are given raw meat bones once a week - this is good for teeth and jaw muscle development.

Yorkshire Terrier - miniature decorative breed, which is considered one of the most popular for keeping in an apartment. This dog is very friendly and gets along well with children. But in order for your pet to always remain in good shape, you need to properly care for it.

One of the important components of Yorkie care is proper organization nutrition. The breed has a sensitive digestive system, weak pancreas and liver. Therefore, your dog’s food needs to be selected very carefully. You can feed your Yorkshire Terrier natural products or ready-made feed. But, regardless of the chosen nutrition system, the dog must receive high-quality and balanced food.

Puppy feeding

Until 2-3 weeks, the puppy should eat exclusively mother's milk. Before 2 weeks, the baby should gain weight of at least 5 g per day, after 3 weeks - at least 10 g. If the puppy’s health and weight gain are normal, then after 3 weeks, complementary foods can be introduced.

This is done gradually so that the pet has time to adapt to the new food. You can try it once a day new product. Start with 10-15 g per day, gradually increasing the portion to 100 g. As your Yorkie gets older, his diet will become more varied.

When the dog begins to see, it is taught to feed from a saucer. The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the puppy. Up to 4 months he is fed 5 times, at 4-9 months - 3 times.

Puppy diet

The puppy's first food is goat's or cow's milk. It should be warm. Give 1 teaspoon at first. If there is no negative reaction from the body, the portion is increased 2-3 times. Dogs need milk as a source of calcium - building material for the skeletal system. But after 4 months it is better to exclude milk. Older Yorkshire Terriers do not digest it well. As the first additive, it is better to take low-fat cottage cheese, then milk porridge.

At 3.5 weeks, meat can be introduced. It can be boiled beef and chicken. Before feeding, grind the meat into mince. After a couple of weeks, meat can be given to the puppy up to 3 times a day. Gradually, the dog is offered low-fat broth, puree soups, and rice water. Instead of minced meat, the meat can be cut into small pieces.

At 2-4 months, puppies undergo intensive growth. On at this stage food should be sufficiently high in calories and rich in fiber. The diet may include boiled yolk, rice with meat, cottage cheese, kefir, sea ​​fish boneless, fruit. This diet should be maintained until the dog reaches 9 months of age.

Nutrition for adult dogs

When compiling a diet for an adult Yorkshire Terrier, it is necessary to take into account the amount of nutrients that his body requires. Neither a shortage nor an excess of them should be allowed. The diet of adult dogs differs from the diet of puppies.

General rules

To ensure that your Yorkie does not have digestive problems and remains healthy, you need to follow some feeding rules:

  • After 9 months, feed the dog twice a day.
  • The daily portion is calculated as follows: 20 g per 1 kg of weight.
  • The food should be warm. Yorkies have sensitive receptors, so hot and cold are not allowed for them.
  • Products must be fresh and of high quality. The same applies to ready-made food.
  • You cannot give your dog food from your own table.
  • Do not salt foods.
  • You need to allocate 15 minutes for feeding. Then the bowl must be removed, even if there is food left in it.
  • When eating natural foods, you must include vitamin-mineral complexes in your diet.

Important! Yorkshire terriers are strictly prohibited from using mixed food, or switching abruptly from one type of feeding to another. This will lead to indigestion.

What should be included in the diet

The Yorkie's diet should be distributed as follows:

  • 50% meat products,
  • 25% - cereals,
  • 25% vegetables and fruits.

The basis of the diet should be lean chicken, turkey or beef. It must be boiled first. From boiled offal you can eat the heart, lungs, and udder. Sea fish can be given boiled and without bones (except for pollock and blue whiting). 2 times a week you can have chicken yolk.

Products that should be included in the diet:




Fermented milk products

Dishes can be seasoned with olive or linseed oil for better assimilation.

Prohibited Products

There are foods that pose a real threat to the Yorkshire Terrier and are strictly prohibited from being included in the diet:

  • yeast dough;
  • sweets;
  • fruit seeds and sunflower seeds;
  • chocolate;
  • raw eggs and whites;
  • raisin;
  • oily and freshwater fish;
  • fatty meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • any seasonings;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • legumes (beans, soybeans, peas).

Example of a daily diet

If your Yorkie is fed natural food, then when preparing the daily diet you need to adhere to the following proportions:

  • 2 parts meat,
  • 1 part cereal,
  • 1 part vegetables.

You can include a combination of 3-4 different dishes in your weekly menu. The average amount of food per day for a Yorkshire Terrier is about 60 g.

Example of a daily menu (2 feedings):

  • buckwheat or rice porridge in low-fat broth or cottage cheese with boiled vegetables;
  • boiled beef or chicken.

Feeding system

The dog owner himself chooses which system to feed the pet. This can be either natural food or prepared food. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Ready-made feed

There are 2 types:

  • dry;
  • in the form of canned food.

Dry food is considered the most convenient due to its balanced composition. You can buy food suitable for a dog of a specific age and weight. Dry food is easy to use. You just need to pour the required amount into a bowl and give it to the dog. You can take it with you on a trip without fear that it will spoil.


  • Yorkie gets bored with monotonous food;
  • the composition may contain preservatives;
  • there is no guarantee that only high-quality ingredients were used in production;
  • Due to the huge assortment, it is difficult to immediately find suitable food.

Canned food can sometimes be mixed with natural food. But unlike dry food, canned food does not last long.

How and with what to treat small breeds? Check out the selection effective options therapy.

The composition of Brit food for dogs, the advantages and disadvantages of ready-made food are written on this page.

Go to the address and find out where to buy a rabbit dachshund puppy and how to raise an obedient pet.

Natural products

Proponents of natural nutrition highlight its advantages:

  • always fresh and more varied food;
  • better absorbed;
  • no preservatives or chemical additives;
  • you always know what products are used in the composition;

The main disadvantage of a natural nutrition system is the need to regularly devote time to cooking. Also, natural food does not contain all the vitamins and minerals a Yorkie needs. Therefore, they are additionally introduced into the diet by adding them to food.

Feeding pregnant dogs

A dog during pregnancy needs increased nutrition. It should be high in calories, rich in proteins and microelements. The bitch needs to be fed up to 5 times a day. The basis of the diet is meat, dairy products, vegetables (in moderation). If your dog is used to dry food, you can buy a special one designed for pregnant women.

After the birth of puppies, the nursing bitch's diet should include porridge, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. A nursing dog should eat 4 times more food than a normal dog. To avoid dehydration during lactation, give her plenty to drink.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a fastidious dog breed. In order for a pet to grow healthy and please its owners, it must be provided with all the necessary vitamins and minerals in its diet. Regardless of what the Yorkie is fed - natural food or ready-made food, it must be of high quality and correspond to the characteristics of the breed.

What to feed your Yorkie correctly and how to choose food? What foods can be given and which ones should never be given? How much food does a puppy need and adult dog? Answers to this and other questions can be found in the following video:

If you find yourself on this page, most likely, you can be congratulated either on one of the most important acquisitions in life, or you can be prepared for it as much as possible.

By purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier, you become the owner of a faithful and affectionate friend. And you need to take care of friends. First of all, this means the need to think about the dog’s diet and diet.

Yorkies can be called quite demanding guys. This applies to both attention and food preferences.

Be sure to keep in mind that all responsibility for the baby’s health lies with you. It is from your correct or wrong choice will depend on it appearance, dental condition and even mood.

Yorkies are selective, this is not a dog that you can feed from the table and not think about creating a special menu. This can harm your dog to varying degrees, from digestive problems to death.

Moreover, Yorkshire terriers often refuse to eat on their own and wait until their owners hand feed them. This is an example improper upbringing, everything is in your hands.

Of course, every dog ​​is different. Even its appearance will depend on the character of your pet. Playful and active Yorkies remain thin, but phlegmatic dogs that do not know moderation in their food run the risk of becoming obese.

The owner's task is track all the features of your Yorkie in time. If he is prone to uncontrolled overeating, limit his portions; if he is inactive, take him for walks regularly and put him on a diet.

Newborn care

The Yorkie puppy spends the first days and months with its mother. The life of tiny babies weighing from 80 to 120 grams depends entirely on mother's milk quantity. The sucking reflex in babies is innate, however, if you notice that your Yorkie cannot cope on its own, gently hold it near the fullest nipple.

In general, problems should not arise during the natural feeding stage. The first two weeks are very indicative, so puppies must be weigh daily. Normal weight gain is considered to be at least 5 grams per day, after a two-week mark - at least 10 grams per day.

If a situation suddenly arises when the bitch cannot feed the puppies on her own, it is necessary to introduce her milk replacer and feed them every 1-2 hours. It is advisable that the puppies eat for at least a day colostrum, otherwise they most likely may not survive.

How can you help your baby? Prepare a milk mixture from cow or goat milk, one yolk, cream, 40% glucose solution and oil solutions of vitamin A and D. Be sure to heat the mixture to 30-35 degrees.

What should a nursing bitch eat?

The health of the puppies directly depends on the mother's nutrition. During lactation, the animal requires a special approach to nutrition. Lactating dog eats up to 4 times more than normal.

Carefully monitor the quality of products. In the first days the diet should include fermented milk products(low-fat), porridge And large amount of water.

Next, the dog should eat as usual: either dry food or natural food. Among dry food, you can choose specialized food for lactating bitches. During feeding, the number of meals increases up to 6 times.

Food for a nursing bitch must meet the following criteria:

  • nutritional value;
  • the percentage of protein in the composition is from 24 to 28%;
  • high content of minerals and vitamins.

Feeding the puppies

Starting at the end of the second week, you may be thinking about introducing complementary foods. Add one food item to your diet once a day.

Perfect for starting complementary feeding goat, sheep or cow's milk(warm up), kefir And fresh cottage cheese. Literally a teaspoon at a time. After making sure that complementary foods are well absorbed and do not cause problems in the dog’s digestion, increase the number of complementary feedings to 2-3 times a day.

Important! Don't forget that calcium is essential for baby development and bone formation. Carefully monitor the amount of food you consume.

Starting from the middle of the 4th week, you can diversify your diet by taking meat. Finely chop the raw meat, add a little warm water and give it to the puppy to try. After a couple of weeks of this diet, you can give boiled meat several times a day.

By the end of the 6th week, the puppy's nutrition will look something like this: 2 milk meals, 2 meat meals and 2 more with mother's milk.

It is important to approach your dog's diet correctly. It directly depends on puppy age.

  • From 3 to 6 months – 4 meals a day.
  • From 6 to 12 months – write 3 times a day.
  • From one year and older – 2 meals a day.

Dry food or natural food?

This is an eternal subject of debate among all veterinarians, breeders and owners of Yorkshire Terriers. We invite you to make a choice yourself, having familiarized yourself with all the nuances various options nutrition.

Industrial feeds are divided into 2 types: canned and. Many of you have probably heard about the dangers of dry food and all kinds of kidney diseases in dogs that eat this way. Most likely, this opinion is a greeting from the past, when low-quality goods flooded the markets. Currently dry food is considered good choice thanks to a balanced composition that gives everything essential vitamins and useful substances.

An additional plus to the choice of dry food: there are foods on the market that offer a nutritional system for dogs different weights and age. They already include everything you need to proper development Yorkie and you don’t have to worry about its proper nutrition.

Most owners are inclined in favor of dry food due to a number of reasons.

  • Availability in free sale.
  • Easy to use: It takes less than a minute to pour the food into the bowl.
  • Convenient to use when traveling.
  • There is no need to buy additional vitamins and supplements, everything you need is already included.
  • Long storage time.

TO supporters of natural nutrition most often refer to breeders. They motivate their choice by the following factors:

  • Less harmful.
  • Great variety.
  • No chemical additives.
  • Easily digestible by animals.

A significant disadvantage for a busy Yorkie owner will be the need to devote time to cooking separately for the pet, as well as the need to select necessary complex supplements and vitamins with a veterinarian.

Diet with natural food

If you decide to feed your Yorkshire Terrier natural food, then give preference to the following products:

  • Boiled meat. Yorkies love chicken, turkey, and beef. Meat should make up 50% of their diet.
  • Cereals: rice and buckwheat. They must be cooked until tender. It is allowed to eat wheat and millet porridge.
  • Ryazhenka, kefir And curdled milk.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese. Please note that it is better to dilute it with fermented baked milk or kefir so that the dog does not choke.
  • Boiled vegetables in small quantities: carrots and zucchini.
  • Fruits: It is permissible to include apples, banana, melon and watermelon in the diet.
  • Boiled sea ​​fish 1 time per week.

Feed Yorkies at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 500 grams of animal weight. You need to cook separately for your dog. the food from your table will not suit her.

How to choose a collar for a dachshund? How to train to a tray? How to care for a puppy? All this is discussed in the article on our website.

Do you know what is included? Read our informative article.

How to properly carry a Toy Terrier in your purse. A must for all owners.

What is strictly forbidden to feed a Yorkie?

Under no circumstances should you mix dry and natural food.. You must choose one path and follow it all the time.

Always remember the list of these products and never let your pet eat them:

  • Sweet. No cakes, pastries or sugar. Even if he asks a lot. Never and in any form if you do not want to treat a diseased liver, diabetes or teeth.
  • Salt. Do not salt the food. Salt for dogs is poison pure form. Spices and other strong-smelling ingredients can deprive your dog of his sense of smell.
  • Yeast dough And bread.
  • Mutton And pork- too heavy meat for Yorkies.
  • Bones. The Yorkie is not a dog that should be allowed to chew on a bone. Unless they are toys from a special store.
  • Grape And raisin harm the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Raw fish extremely dangerous for the dog's life.
  • Onion in any form.
  • Any seeds And bones due to possible cyanide toxin content.
  • Alcohol.

And most importantly, do not forget that next to the bowl of food there should always be filled bowl with water. Drinking plenty of fluids is very important.

Treat your dog's nutrition responsibly, feed it high-quality food or food, and avoid eating prohibited foods. Don't feed your Yorkie food that is too hot or cold.

Give your dog 15 minutes to eat, then remove the bowl. Don't worry if he hasn't eaten in these 15 minutes, just offer him again in a few hours.

If you have any doubts, consult with breeders or veterinarians, and then your dog will be well-fed and healthy.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small, active dog. Its weight is usually between 2-3.5 kg, but there are also very small or very large individuals (5-6 kg). A fast metabolism and energy are characteristics of the dog, as are diseases common in the breed. Therefore, care and nutrition have their differences and the dog owner needs to know how and what to feed your Yorkie. It is also necessary to take into account the age and condition of the individual pet.

What can you feed your Yorkie?

Both natural and dry foods are suitable for this breed (such as Acana Classics dog food). It all depends on the owner’s capabilities and desires, and state of health. However, the basis of any dog’s diet should be proteins, which are found mainly in meat. It is also necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. How many times a day should you feed your Yorkie? Is it necessary to boil food and is raw food dangerous for contamination?

Simple rules for experienced and novice owners:

Feeding the Yorkshire Terrier with natural products does not bring additional hassle, because they need very little. The diet should be based on proteins - about 3.5% of the animal’s weight. For example, if you weigh 3.5 kg, you need 105 g of beef per day. Trip is less nutritious, so the portion with it is increased by 1.5 times. In terms of composition and digestibility, beef and horse meat of the 2nd grade with streaks are ideal. Chicken and turkey are easily digestible, but frequent consumption can lead to excess protein and allergies, liver damage. Give them 2-4 times a week. Chicken eggs They are healthy and nutritious; they are boiled and only the yolk is fed to the pet 3 times every 7 days. Quails in the amount of 2 pieces are given in the shell and raw. They can't stand it dangerous disease salmonellosis.

Fruits (green apples), herbs (parsley and dill), vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, carrots) are a source of vitamins and minerals, fiber. Finely cut, stewed in water for 5 minutes, and added to regular food. Porridge - carbohydrates and vitamin reserves, rice and buckwheat are boiled until soft and 1 tablespoon is placed in a bowl. In summer, you can avoid grains. Useful additions to natural foods: salt and vegetable oil. Suitable delicacies include a lightly salted piece of cheese, a large beef bone, which is selected before the pieces are cut, a chicken carcass, cartilage, sinews, pig ears, and beef hooves. A small pet will not eat them, but will wear off plaque on the teeth and exercise its chewing muscles.

This is what a sample daily menu looks like for a healthy Yorkie over a year old and weighing 3 kg:

  • meat trimmings - 105 g;
  • cereals - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour milk - 50 g;
  • fish - 150 g;
  • salt - 2-3 g;

Feeding your Yorkie with dry food

For Yorkies, choose premium and super-premium dry food. The minimum protein content in them is 20%, the maximum is 60%, the average percentage of fat is 18%. They can consist of meat from various animals, meat and bone meal, herbal extracts, fruits, and be grain or grain-free. For individuals with weak stomachs, croquettes with prebiotics have been created to maintain and restore beneficial microflora. The balls in any package should be tiny so that your Yorkie can easily chew them. You should be careful about ready-made food with vitamin and mineral supplements, and consult your veterinarian before consuming it. In any case, more water is consumed, the liquid prevents the formation of kidney stones.

They proceed to drying slowly in 15-20 days. Initially, add 1 ball to the bowl, you can soak it warm water or low-fat kefir. Next, the number of croquettes is increased until they are left alone without natural products. During the reverse transition, natural ingredients are also included gradually. A sudden change is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and a long return to normal. In some lines and nurseries, several generations of Yorkies eat only pellets, and their descendants have difficulty digesting beef trimmings and steamed cuts.

Manufacturers of dry food for Yorkies

Almost all well-known and large brands have lines marked “for active and small” (from 1 to 10 kg). Too much low cost speaks of a meager protein content and a variety of useless and sometimes dangerous fillers (corn, cake, fat, ground horns, leather). A high price is also not a guarantee, but due to the characteristics of the individual consumer. The following companies received recognition among owners:

  • Acana;
  • Purina Pro Plan;
  • Grandorf;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Brit;
  • Josera.

What can you feed a Yorkie puppy?

The Yorkie is born weighing about 70-150 g and immediately seeks the mother's udder. First, the bitch produces colostrum - very fatty and nutrient, and then only milk. If everything is ok then feeding a newborn puppy does not require human intervention. You need to monitor your weight gain; in the first day after birth it may even decrease slightly, and then in 6-8 days an increase of up to 40 g is expected. As you grow, this figure increases significantly.

If the mother does not have milk due to illness or caesarean section, then they resort to substitutes. Manufacturers Royal Canin, Nutri-Vet, Canina have these, and the instructions for their use are strictly followed. There are veterinary clinics with services for caring for such babies in a hospital setting.

The first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 3 weeks. This is liquid milk rice porridge or special mousses from industrial feed manufacturers, soaked granules from the “Starter” series. For the first time, the baby can only try new food, then he is closely monitored throughout the day. At good result every other day they give you more milk porridge, and the next day a thin piece of lean beef (chicken, turkey) the size of a puppy’s nose. Only goat's milk is taken, its composition is close to that of bitches. Next, complementary feeding is increased and variety is introduced into it by month:

  • 1-2: meat, rice porridge, mother's milk;
  • 3-4: fish, eggs, fermented milk products are added;
  • 4-6: vegetables and tripe are introduced;
  • 6-12: adult diet.

Yorkie puppy diet.

In the first days, the puppy eats mother's milk and colostrum every 2 hours. After feeding, he sleeps, his belly is noticeably rounded. When hungry, it squeaks and crawls and worries. Artificial feeding involves feeding on a schedule, assistance in eliminating needs and moderate heating, and glucose drips. After 3 weeks, you can take a break at night, but no more than 8 hours. In addition to milk, mothers are given food with the following frequency per day:

  • 1 month - 4 rubles;
  • 2 m. - 5-6 rubles;
  • 3-4 m. - 4-5 r.;
  • 4-8 m. - 3-4 rubles;
  • 8-12 m. - 3 rubles;
  • 1 year and older - 2-3 r.

What to feed a pregnant Yorkie?

In the first quarter of pregnancy after mating, the frequency and menu do not change. During the period of 2-6 weeks, the portions are increased by 20%, and the bowl is filled 3 times a day. The last 2 weeks limit the amount of meat by 30-40%, replacing it with cottage cheese and eggs. This is considered to prevent complications during childbirth. Feeding a pregnant Yorkie preferably what the puppies will eat in the first 2 months of life. After childbirth, the menu also remains unchanged, only the usual portion of food increases. In 3 weeks, you can switch the expectant mother to a puppy dryer from the same line as the usual one. It has higher nutritional value and fat content.

What should you not feed your Yorkshire Terrier?

All canines are predators and their digestive system is not designed to process food from the human table, large amounts of vegetation. Firstly, it contains a lot of salt, spices and fat, and secondly, after heat treatment it is poor in nutrients. Eating such food provokes poisoning, disruption of the pancreas, hair loss and allergic reactions. A separate recipe for dishes has not been created for the Yorkshire Terrier, but such It is strictly forbidden to include the following products on the menu:

  • chocolate;
  • spicy, smoked, fried;
  • fat and lard;
  • tubular or boiled bones;
  • butter;
  • pork;
  • onions, garlic;
  • cow's milk;
  • river and spoiled fish;
  • buns, cakes, pastries;
  • cherry, grape, apricot, plum seeds;
  • vinegar;
  • mushrooms .

Food allergies in Yorkies

Food allergies in pets of any breed are extremely rare, but small ornamental animals have a higher chance of falling into this category. To prevent unpleasant manifestations in the first stages, it is necessary to closely monitor the dog after introducing a new product into the diet. If the veterinarian suspects an allergy, an elimination diet is prescribed. Over the course of several weeks, a dangerous product is identified, then it is removed from the menu, and active restoration of the body begins. There are industrial feeds and canned food specifically for such animals without cereals, with lamb, duck, gluten-free, etc. They are selected individually according to their composition. List of products that most often cause allergies:

  • chicken;
  • fish;
  • corn;
  • cereals;
  • citrus.

FAQ (frequently asked questions):

Question: Can I feed my Yorkie chicken?

Answer: You can, but the chicken must be boiled. And it’s better to watch your pet for a while, because... Some Yorkies are allergic to chicken.

Question: What kind of cereal can you feed your Yorkie?

Answer: The most useful porridges for Yorkies will be rolled oats, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. Millet porridge, as well as wheat and barley cereals, will be digested a little worse. It is not recommended to give your Yorkie porridge made from pearl barley, semolina, pasta, peas and beans. And we should not forget that it is not advisable to simply give porridge. Meat should be added to the porridge.

Question: How to feed a neutered Yorkie?

Answer: After the castration procedure, you need to consult a doctor about nutrition so that he can create a new diet based on your diet. If you were eating dry food, you will have to switch to food for neutered dogs.