Scenario of an open educational event. Christmas meetings “Star of Bethlehem. Christmas star


This is not the first year that Christmas and Epiphany have been celebrated after a long break of several decades. They come to us with a decorated Christmas tree and gifts. But few know about their history, traditions, and rituals. Today we will try to talk to you about this.

In the old days, people's lives were calm and measured. Only the holidays brought joyful bustle. They were expected, they prepared for them: they cleansed the soul by reading spiritual literature, prayers, and the body by fasting. Let's also plunge into the cozy atmosphere of the holiday by listening to an excerpt and books by I. Shmelev “The Summer of the Lord.”

(students read).

What are the reasons why people have been celebrating these holidays for almost 2 thousand years?

In one of the parts of the Bible, which is called the Gospel, from Greek - Good News - it is told that the daughter Mary grew up with pious parents Joachim and Anna. Since the parents made a vow - an oath - to dedicate the girl to serving God, when she was 3 years old, they brought her into the Temple Holy Mother of God. This holiday is celebrated on December 4 - the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday begins winter. People say “Introduction has come, winter has come.” Until she came of age, Mary should have lived and been raised at the Temple. Listen to how this is described in M.’s poem.RUzmina “Introduction”

(Student reads).

Having reached adulthood, Mary was betrothed to Joseph of Nazareth. On this day, an event occurred that the church celebrates as the Annunciation - good news. On April 7, an angel appeared to the virgin Jaria and announced that she would give birth to the Son of the Most High.

In the days when Mary was expecting a child, a population census was announced in Judea and everyone had to go through it hometown and the couple went to Bethlehem. The inns were occupied and they had to spend the night in a cave (Nativity Scene), where shepherds drove livestock in bad weather. Joseph went for the midwife and all nature froze in anticipation of a miracle.

(Sounds r.n.p. “Angels appeared above the nativity scene”).

In performance I study.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth” - the first words that were spoken after the birth of the Infant God. Mary swaddled the child and placed him in a manger - a feeding trough for oxen and donkeys.

(The poem “Rozhdestvenskoye” by S. Cherny is heard)

Why do you think we have been decorating the top of the New Year tree with a star for a long time?

With the birth of Jesus Christ, as stated in the Gospel, a huge star appeared in the sky. She shone so brightly that she was amazed. Seeing her, the Shepherds and Magi (eastern sages) followed the star to worship the born God. The star stopped above the cave.

(Poem by A. Khomyakov “That night the Earth was in turmoil..”)

Three kings - three eastern wise men who brought gifts: gold, as to a king, incense, as to God, myrrh (wax) - as to a mortal man. Since then, the church has been shouting every day: “Come, let us worship and fall before Christ, our King and our God.”

(The r.n.p. “Heaven and Earth” sounds.

V. Pasternak “Christmas Star”).

From the words “Dawn, Dawn like specks of ash..”

Leading. What is the Divine meaning of the Christmas holiday?

Lighted up in the sky Star of Bethlehem. Christmas has become a great event for humanity. Now we calculate chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Christmas is considered the mother of all holidays.

(The song “Christmas Miracle” plays)

What was the name of the day before Christmas? Christmas Eve. Until the first star they did not eat food, but in the evening they ate sochi-wheat porridge with honey and drank prune infusion. They also baked figures of animals from dough - cows, sheep, goats, cockerels, shepherd men. They decorated tables, hut windows, and sent them as gifts to neighbors and acquaintances.

Christmas Eve summed up the year and ended the Nativity Fast. From Christmas to Epiphany the days were called Svyatki - holy days. These days we went from house to house, caroling and praising the owners. Our visiting carolers are:

The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas!

Give me the cow, oil head!

And God bless whoever is in this house!

His rye is thick, his rye is tight!

He gets an octopus from an ear, a loaf of grain from a grain, a pie from half a grain!

The Lord would give you life and existence and wealth!

You're a good uncle

Give me money for the passage

You won't give it away, you won't give it away

We'll be waiting at the gate!

Golden head Shlykova beard

Give me some pie

For the sake of the holiday of Christ!

A pie - at least fresh, at least sour and wheat!

Cut it thicker and serve more.

Why did they sing carols?

Our ancestors believed that words have magical power. If you come to the house and sing a song to the owner calling for happiness and harvest, then these wishes will come true.

If only you had a hundred cows and a hundred and fifty bulls

They would milk you a bucket and all with sour cream!

But if the owner was greedy and did not give gifts to the carolers, then mischievous carols were sung with comic threats:

If you don't give me the pie, you'll make an enemy,

If you don’t give kvass, you’ll make melancholy,

If you don’t give a blink, there will be poverty for centuries.

Don't give me the pie, we'll take the cow out by the horns.

Leading. Nicely praised. It is necessary to give, to give. (They give the pie to the carolers.)

Thank you kind owner!

He served the pie and there was plenty of bread in the field.

Thank you hostess. There's thick stuff in your mash.

But there were no Christmastides without fortune telling. How does Orthodoxy relate to this?

Very strictly, considering it a sin.. At this time, Christmastide was considered terrible days

Although they are described in L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, “Eugene Onegin”, Zhukovsky’s poem “Svetlana”

But, as we know, everything comes to an end. With the arrival of the Epiphany holiday, the fun ends at the ice hole - Jordan. In the Jordan River, Jesus Christ was baptized at the age of 30 by John the Baptist. The Feast of Epiphany follows immediately after Christmas, but in fact these events are 30 years apart. The rite of Baptism - washing with water, symbolizes the beginning of Christ's feat in the name of the salvation of mankind.

(Christmas icon on screen)

On the icon we see the Magi who brought gifts. Let us also bring our gifts, only instead of gold - our love, instead of incense - our hope, instead of myrrh - our good deeds. And let’s try to see our star, not just above our heads, but in the depths of our own hearts. See God

(SoundsChristmas CarolYu. Saulsky)

The participant goes to drink tea and pies.

Concert script

"Light of the Star of Bethlehem"

Developed by: teacher

additional education

Sannikova V.I.

Reader 1. In the wide sky

In a starry bright round dance

A wonderful star is shining.

She will cast a ray everywhere,

Where human grief groans, -

In villages, groves, cities.

Reader 2. The beam reaches the light

And peasant women and queens,

And to the bird's nest.

He will slip into a rich house,

And no blowjob to the poor house

Never a magic ray.

Reader 3. Everywhere joy shines brighter,

Where that star ray trembles

And trouble is not terrible there,

Where the star will shine.

The troparion of “The Nativity of Christ” sounds (audio recording)

Leading: Again, angelic praise is heard in the night sky above Bethlehem, the first star rises again, illuminating the path for the eternal baby, with whom we too will once again be born, throwing off the age-old shackles of sin, doubt and despondency. May the light of the Star of Bethlehem never leave us!

    The Christmas carol "Let's go to Bethlehem together" performed by students of the Children's School of Art

Leading. Christmas is our most beloved, joyful, bright 9 .Olia Osmekhina will perform A. Hevelev’s play “The Jolly Engine” With our poems, spiritual songs, carols and classical numbers we glorify the birth of the Eternal Child, the Lord Jesus Christ! I want to tell the story of the origin of the holiday. It was a long time ago, more than two centuries ago. Evangelist Luke says:

“In those days a command came from Caesar Augustus to make a census of the whole earth. And everyone went to sign up, each to his own city. Joseph also went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David, to enroll with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to give birth, and she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!..."

2 “Heaven and Earth” - Christmas carolwill be performed by Vika Syrvacheva, Zhenya Pozdnyakova and vocal ensemble.

Leading : “When the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other: let’s go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about.

And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in a manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been announced to them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them. And Maria I kept all these words in my heart..."

3. “Sleep, Jesus, sleep” will be performed by Olya Orlyanskikh, Valentina Ivanovna Sannikova and vocal ensemble

Leading : When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said: Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and we came to worship Him. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when it finally came and stood over the place where the Child was. Having seen the star, they rejoiced with very great joy and, entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh..."

Children from the Children's Art School brought their gifts to Christ.

4. Natasha Borisova will perform a play

G. Emelyanova “Puppy”

5. Sarapulov-Totmyanin Slava

I. Parfenov “Gavotte”

Leading : But not everyone was happy about the birth of the Messiah Christ. King Herod, who ruled Judea at that time, was terribly frightened by this news. He was very worried about his power and wanted to find out from the Magi O baby to destroy him . But the Magi, “... having received a revelation in a dream, not to return to Herod any other way, went back to their country. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the babies in Bethlehem and in all areas, from two years old and below, according to the time that he found out from the Magi ... "

Then the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him. He got up, took the baby and His mother at night and went to Egypt and was there until the death of Herod..."

This is gospel story Nativity of Christ.

6. Alina Byvaltseva will perform the Ukrainian folk song. “You float the flower of a cheerful mallow”

Leading: Immediately after Christmas, Christmastide begins - the main winter holiday of the Russian folk calendar which lasts until the baptism of the Lord. Previously, people prepared for this holiday in advance. The children especially looked forward to Christmas and Christmastide. They conspired to participate in the obligatory Christmas activities.

In the morning, after the night holiday service, noisy bands of people rushed through the streets different ages, especially young people. They went to “glorify Christ.” The Slavers, or Christoslavs, as they were also called, went around their neighbors to congratulate them on the holiday and wish them well-being. Likening themselves to the Magi, they walked with a homemade star, which was the main attribute of the holiday.

Having asked the owners for permission to enter the house, the Christoslavs began their congratulations. First, the festive troparion and kontakion were sung, and then it was the turn of Christmas carols. In conclusion, the guests turned to the hosts asking for a treat. “Mehanosha,” who was tasked with collecting gifts, opened his bag, and the owners served him a variety of delicacies: pies, gingerbread cookies.

Several carols have already been sung today, and now another one will sound.

7. “This night is holy” performed by Varya Kuryachenkova, Sasha Likhacheva and a vocal ensemble.

Leading: Sometimes Christoslavs acted out small scenes representing the events of Christmas. These scenes, for example, the death of King Herod, are also known from the performances of nativity scenes.

Nativity scene from old glory. – cave, gorge – folk puppet theater, which is a two-story box resembling a stage. On the upper stage they showed the worship of the newborn baby Jesus, on the lower stage - episodes with Herod, after his death, followed by the everyday part of the performance. Wooden dolls were attached to a wire from below, with the help of which the nativity scene maker moved them along slots in the floor. The main decoration on the stage is a manger with a baby. U back wall there were figures of the righteous Joseph with a long beard and the holy Virgin Mary. The owner of the nativity scene usually himself pronounced the text in different voices and led the dolls. The choir boys sang Christmas carols. And if a musician was present, he would accompany the singing and dancing with music. Puppeteers and accompanying musicians and a choir walked from house to house, or staged performances in shopping areas.

8. The Bronnikovs Lisa and Sonya will perform the song by composer Banevich “On the Quiet Pipe of Love”

Leading: Everyone knows that the tree is an indispensable attribute of the Christmas holiday, but how did it come to our house?

There is a legend that Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, was the first to bring a Christmas tree to his home. One day in 1513, on Christmas Eve, he was walking home and looked at the sky strewn with stars, and it seemed to him that the spruce trees standing around were also showered with sparkling stars. Then he took a small Christmas tree, brought it home and decorated it with sparkling stars. Since then, Christmas trees have settled in homes and began to delight children and adults.

9. Olya Osmekhina will perform A. Hevelev’s play “The Jolly Engine”

In Russian homes, the festive tree appeared on January 1, 1700, it was then that, by decree of Tsar Peter the Great, they began to celebrate the New Year. Previously, it was celebrated on September 1st. The decree of Peter I said: “On noble and public streets, at gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce, juniper, fire from small cannons and rifles, launch rockets and light fires. And for poor people, each one should at least put a tree or a branch on his gate.”

Great fans of arranging luxurious Christmas trees in the palace were Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I, as well as the great Empress Catherine II.

9. I. Parfenov “In the Forest” Borisova Irina

Leading: What did our great-grandfathers decorate Christmas trees with? New Year's toy has its own extremely interesting story. It became truly fashionable to decorate trees in the first half of the 16th century. Classic rules The decorations of the “Christmas Tree” have not changed to this day. The star of Bethlehem on the top of the head, “apples” - today these are balls - personified the biblical forbidden fruit, burning candles (today these are all kinds of garlands). And also in the middle of the century, figurines made of waffles were always hung on the branches of the New Year's tree - as a prototype of unleavened bread, which was used during the communion ceremony. It must be said that until the mid-18th century, decorations were exclusively edible. Nuts, sweets and fruits were added to the items described above. From the second half of the 18th century, Christmas tree decorations became more elegant: paper flowers, gilded fir cones, empty eggshells, and also hammered brass figurines - fairies, angels, etc.

10. The song by composer Yu. Chichkov “Oh, winter” sounds

Leading: In Soviet Russia, until 1935, the celebration of Christmas and New Year was prohibited, because... this was seen as an ideological threat to Soviet power. And only at the beginning of 1937, a huge 15-meter spruce was installed in the columned hall of the House of Unions and a grand celebration was held. Since then, New Year, Christmas trees and Christmas decorations returned to the lives of Soviet citizens. The toys of those years look corresponding to historical realities: “paratroopers” made of cotton wool, glass airships with the inscription USSR. In 1937 - a curious fact - a series of Christmas tree balls were also released... depicting members of the Politburo! (It was probably scary to hang them on the Christmas tree - what if you break one of the party leaders?)

11. Chopin “Polonaise” performed by Olya Orlyanskikh.

Leading: Currently in Russia, Christmas is a public holiday associated with the birth of Jesus Christ, and according to Russian tradition Orthodox Church celebrated on January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar (which corresponds to December 25 according to the old style)

Officially celebrating Christmas on state level has been revived since 1991: in December 1990, the authorities adopted a decree declaring Christmas Day a non-working day.

Nowadays, Christmas is part of the general “New Year” holidays. Unlike Europe and the USA, this is primarily a religious holiday. On Christmas Eve (the night of January 6-7), a Christmas service takes place (an all-night vigil that turns into a liturgy), which is broadcast on federal channels. This is the second most important holiday after Easter. Before Christmas, many believers keep the Nativity or Philip Fast, which lasts from November 28 to January 6. These days, Orthodox Christians limit themselves not only in food (this is not the most important thing), but also in entertainment, in carnal pleasures. This is a time of repentance, a time of correcting one’s sins and addictions.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that this is a day that symbolizes the beginning, a holiday that brings light and peace, a day when you need to think about your place in life and make a promise to yourself to become higher and better. Christmas is a holiday of light, a holiday of all-conquering love for all people!

11. E. Zaritskaya “Christmas Song”

Irina Matsneva

« Christmas Star and Christoslavs» for children 5-6 years old

Compilation script and reworking of the play: music hands Matsneva I. A.

Part 1: Sounds - background 001

1. The curtain opens!

2. Presentation "Musical congratulations on Merry Christmas

3. 5 readers come out:

Today an Angel came down to us - Matvey

And he sang: "Christ was born!".

We have arrived glorify Christ,

And you and congratulate you on the holiday.

Not in the golden palace, not in the house - Nikita

A miracle appeared for people.

In a cave, in a manger on straw

Christ was born, King of kings.

With kind light Merry Christmas, - Hadjo

What is already knocking on the house!

Open the doors wider


Fur Christmas trees - Yarik

The whole house smells

Every needle whispers:

"WITH Merry Christmas

Let grievances and losses - Yarik

They fly away like leaves!

Let luck come through the door

In the light Christmas holiday!

The snow falls quietly: - Dima

It's winter outside,

A miracle will happen here

And will set hearts on fire.

The readers sit on their chairs.

Actors - children - all differ in their own ways places:

Angel – Ksyusha (behind the curtain on the left);

3 Shepherds: Sasha Ch., Dima S. Kirill L. (entrance to hall No. 1);

3 Magus: Kirill G., Semyon, Stepan (behind the curtain on the right);

Maria - Tanya, Joseph - Yarik (behind the curtain on the right, behind the Magi);

Snowflakes: - Polina, Varya, Hadjo, Sonya, Tanya K. (entrance to hall No. 2).


Screensaver No. 1 changes on the screen "Angel and Snowflakes"

Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

Snowflakes run out one after another to the music, make dance waves with their arms, run around the Christmas tree and stand in a row at the lockers. look at the curtain.

An angel runs out, dances to the music, and stops at the Christmas tree.

1st Snowflake turns to the Angel

Snowflake 1: White angel, heavenly spirit, - Polina

Tell us, wonderful friend,

How did you fly to Bethlehem?

Well, we'll tell everyone!

Snowflakes all in chorus (jump lightly and shout): Tell! Tell!

Angel: To Bethlehem?

Snowflakes all in chorus: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Angel: ABOUT! It was a long time ago.

Two thousand years ago!

That night, in the city of Bethlehem, a Child was born Christ!

No one knew about this, only the Angels! (puts finger to lips).

Because everyone was sleeping... except the shepherds!

5. Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

Screen saver No. 2 changes – "Adoration of the Shepherds"

Snowflakes and Angel run back to their places.

Leaning on their staffs, the Shepherds come to the center of the hall

Shepherd 1: What a dark night! - Sasha

Shepherd 2: And how quiet! - Dima

Shepherd 3: (looks up) And how beautiful stars! - Kirill L.

Several bars of the bell ringing sound, background No. 002. The shepherds cover their faces with their hands in fear.

An angel appears to the music

Angel: Don't be afraid! I bring you great joy that will be for all people!

Angel runs away

Shepherd 1: It was an Angel! - Sasha

Shepherd 2: Yes! He flew and said that a Child was born in the city of Bethlehem Christ! - Dima

Shepherd 3: And that the Baby was swaddled and placed in a manger! - Kiryusha L.

Shepherd 1: Let's go have a look! - Sasha

6. The shepherdesses leave, leaning on their staffs.

Screen saver No. 3 is changing "Mary with the Child and Joseph in the Cave"

7. Sounds "Music of the Bells" background No. 003, snowflakes ran, changing the next one stage.

Joseph and Mary appear from behind the scenes - Mary carries in her arms, as they carry babies, a folded white sheet or diaper, puts the bundle in the manger near the Christmas tree. Joseph and Mary sit on chairs around the cradle with the Baby.

8. Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

An Angel appears and says viewers: The Child's mother's name is Mary, and her husband's name is Joseph.

Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

Snowflakes run out, run around the Christmas tree, and stand at the lockers.

Screen saver number 4 changes « Christmas Star»

Angel: Above the Baby Christ lit up in the sky(points up) amazing star!

The wise men saw her and decided to go and worship the Baby.

9. Sounds "Music of the Bells"- background No. 003

Again the snowflakes run away, the wise men come out - the Magi, in their hands they carry chests with gifts: Gold, Frankincense, Smyrna

Screen saver No. 5 is changing "Adoration of the Sages".

The wise men come out from behind the scenes and walk past the Christmas tree, straight to the window.

Sage 1: Where did it go? star? She was ahead all the time. - Kirill G.

Sage 2: We walked for so long, and now we got lost. - Semyon

Sage 3: Yes, we went the wrong way. There she is star! Over Bethlehem! - Stepan

Points to "Bethlehem star» , fixed on the Christmas tree, where there is a manger with the Baby and Joseph and Mary are sitting.

The wise men turn and look beyond star over the manger with the Baby.

Sage 1: Here we are! - Kirill G.

Sage 2: We want to worship the Child Christ! - Semyon

Sage 3: We brought Him gifts! Because He is the King! - Stepan

10. The wise men approach the Baby and place their gifts near the manger, then turn and go behind the curtain.

Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

11. Snowflakes run out, run around the Christmas tree again and stand at the lockers.

Then Angel runs out.

Screen saver No. 6 is changing "Light Nativity of Christ in a cave»

Angel: The Wise Men bowed to the Child Christ, brought Him their gifts and left.

Angel: The baby was named Jesus.

He is the Son of God!

He grew up very obedient and kind.

And when he grew up, he accomplished a great feat.

He saved all the people (points to the audience) from sins and from eternal death.

Snowflakes all in chorus: Everyone, everyone?

Angel: All those who believe in Him.

Two thousand years have passed, and people today celebrate Christmas!

Snowflakes all in chorus: Both us and us let's celebrate!

12. Sounds "Magic Music of Bells"- background 001

The Angel and all the Actors come out, Joseph and Mary approach them, all the children join hands

Angel and all the Actors together: WITH Merry Christmas!

Actors - children stay, all the children of the station come up to them. and preparation groups

Part 2:

Song « Christmas Star» - phonogram No. 004 - children sing Art. and preparation groups

Light Christmas - Artyom Ya.

Light Christmas holiday!

There is no happier celebration!

into the night birth of Christ

It lit up above the ground star.

Since then, through the centuries

She shines for us like the sun.

Warms the soul with faith,

To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic

Light Christmas holiday!

Peace comes to every home...

Congratulations on Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Carol - Artyom L.

Joy, joy without end!

The evening bell rings out,

Good news is given to us

From the heavenly Creator.

The bells are heavy

Well, their ringing is light, bright,

He can be heard throughout the whole world,

His soul is bright.

I'll drink with mom and dad

We Christmas carols,

On this wonderful winter evening

Congratulations to everyone on Merry Christmas.

The tree sparkles with gold, - Varya

In bright sparkles and lights.

Because of the branches, I know

An angel is looking at me!

The birds are fed wheat

Joy, laughter and bustle.

Everyone is singing and having fun

Waiting Christ.

Embodied in earthly life - Gleb

He brought happiness to people.

Everyone is shining, everyone is rejoicing:

Today Christ is born!

Get up and go - Sonya

To the city of Bethlehem;

Sweeten your souls

And tell everyone:

“The Savior came to the people,

The Savior has appeared in the world!


And there will be peace on earth!”

Christmas Night - Sasha Ch.

The snow falls white-white

On the hills and houses;

Dressed in sparkle-frost

Old Russian winter.

The stillness of the blue river.

And you don’t need anything -

On the painted porch

Hidden Christmas.

The cradle will rock

And will drive the clouds away.

All doubts will be debunked

Ta Christmas night.

Christmas - Tanya K.

The whole family this evening

Let's gather around the table.

Mom will say:

Maybe candles

For the sake of let's light up the holiday?

Let's turn off the electricity

We'll manage without him.

And we will solemnly decorate

Shared dinner at Christmas!

Let the cheerful fire jump

Over a raspberry candle,

And the candlestick is quietly crying

Stearic tear.

Song "On Horses and Sleighs"- phonogram No. 005 - children sing, senior, pre-school. and 2nd ml. groups

All the children stand in a large round dance around the Christmas tree, where Mary and Joseph are sitting and there is a manger with the Baby.

Part 3: - performance of children 2nd ml. groups

Waiting Christmas

Soon, soon Christmas, - Maxim

If only I could hurry up -

There will be a celebration in the house,

The Christmas tree will sparkle!

They will prepare outfits for us - Christina

TO A wonderful holiday.

We will all be very happy

To the Heavenly Triumph.

Soon, soon Christmas,

If only I could hurry up -

There will be a celebration in the house,

The Christmas tree will sparkle!

The night is silent

The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament - Dasha

The southern stars are trembling.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet people look into the manger.

No ears, no extra glances,

The roosters crowed -

And behind the angels in the Highest

The shepherds praise God.

The manger quietly shines in the eye, - Alena

Mary's face is illuminated.

A star choir to another choir

I listened with trembling ears.

And above Him it burns high

Ta star of distant lands;

The kings of the east carry with her

Gold, myrrh and frankincense.

In this bright holiday

In this bright holiday – Alice

Christmas holiday

We'll tell each other

Warm words.

Let your smiles - Rita

On this wonderful day

They will be our happiness

And a gift to everyone.

The sounds of life flow

Happiness and goodness,

Illuminating thoughts

Light Christmas.

per day birth of Christ - Alina

Beauty has returned to the world.

The January ice shines.

The January crust will not let you go abyss.

January snow is more beautiful everyone:

Sparkling and colorful during the day

And so it shines under the moon.

And every January day

A little bit, but longer than before.

And so suitable for feasts

And meetings - any of the evenings.

17. Song "To Jesus Christ» - phonogram No. 006

18. Dance of Snowflakes - phonogram No. 007

19. Part 4: - Waits

Sounds festive Chime of bells background No. 002

Leave with Star of Christlava

Our Holy God! - Kirill L.

Our Holy Righteous One!

Best wishes

Give it to the little kids!

Let them reach for Heaven

Like those sunflowers

And let among the guys

There will be no abandonment!

Dear God, - Kirill G.

Get it right:

All the kids

Let there be a mother -

Warm like the sun

Good, beautiful, -

Let the grain grow

In love, kindly!

Oh, Wise God! - Gleb

To those who ask, it is given:

Reliable, loving,

Let there be a daddy!

And, Good God, Semyon

Give it to me for sure

To all the tiny children -

Sisters, brothers!

Let there be grandfathers

Let there be grandmothers!

Filled with bread,

Yes with semolina porridge!

Let there be sweets - Dima

Under the mummers' tree;

Let them shine with joy

Children's eyes!

There would be an upper room

Full of hotels

And my heart would be full

Participate in your loved ones!

Let it be complete - Polina

Everyone has a family!

Let us praise God

We have the souls of the Savior!

The stars are sparkling,

And there’s snow under your feet...

We came here to honor

baby Christmas,

And Mother of God,

And Eternal Clear Light!

All blessings are dearer

All together: Your Holy Testament!

Presentation "Animated congratulations on Merry Christmas

20. All the children around the Christmas tree join hands in a big round dance.

"A bright star is burning in the sky"- phonogram No. 008

21. Taking photographs for a joint photo.

22. Children go to their groups to the children’s recordings Christmas songs.

Open script educational event. Christmas meetings

« Star of Bethlehem».

In order to expand knowledge about Russian traditions and customs, conduct an educational and entertaining event “The Star of Bethlehem”.


  • Development creativity students, increasing social activity, creating an attitude towards self-knowledge and self-development.

  • Formation of a children's team, activation of cultural leisure, communicative qualities of the individual.

  • Nurturing the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, instilling interest and love for Russian history and folk traditions.
^ Hall decoration: The hall is festively decorated, animal figures are hung from the ceiling: sheep, goats, cows; the hall is decorated with New Year's stars, New Year's rain, tinsel, colorful balls, garlands of snowflakes, paper cutouts on the walls decorative candles, domes are cut out of silver paper and placed on the wall. Silver stars on a purple background create a hint of the image of Christmas night. On the central wall there is the inscription “Merry Christmas!”

Props: Star of Bethlehem, a large doll - a baby doll, a small box - decorated in the form of a nativity scene, a bag with pictures depicting different professions, plates 5 pcs.

For the scene: for the Angel - wings, for Joseph - a beard, for Mary - a dress.
^ Musical arrangement: Christmas melodies in the background; for games: funny, catchy melodies.

Children from the “Leader’s School” and “Artistic Word” associations take an active part in the scenario. All poems in the script are narrated by children.

^ Characters:


Celebration progress:

The holiday begins with the ringing of iridescent crimson bells. Against the background of the melody, the student reads a poem.

Learner. Under cover of soft, snowy

The Russian village is dozing,

All roads, all paths

Covered with white snow.

The snow is silver under the sun,

A clear light flows over him,

And the words sound:

"Hello, holiday

Light, clear,

Majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!
Presenter:- Christmas is happiness. Christmas is joy. The long-awaited holiday of the Nativity of Christ pleases the sky, cheers the earth and pours new strength into humanity. There's nothing more sacred than this bright holiday. This is a holiday of love and, first of all, the love of the Lord.

Presenter: - The holiday of Christmas is one of the most important holidays for Christians.

A long time ago, the Russian people composed many spiritual poems about Christmas.

Learner. In the city of Bethlehem

That since the evening the star has risen,

Since midnight it has shone,

What a pure dove

That she gave birth to Christ God,

And swaddled me in swaddling clothes,

And she placed God in the manger of Christ...
Presenter:- Christmas is called the day of reconciliation, kindness, peace. This is a holiday of affirmation of love on Earth, a holiday of joy and light.

Presenter: - Christmas is the birthday of the Son of God from the Virgin Mary - reconciliation, kindness, peacefulness, the day of the glorification of Christ.

Presenter:- According to the Old Testament prophets, Christ was born in Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world. The shepherds were the first to know about his birth...

Christmas scene: "Baby Jesus"

Characters: two leaders, Angel, Mary, Joseph.

^ Pleasant music plays in the background.
1st presenter: The celebration is coming

Christmas is coming to us.

2nd presenter: What kind of holiday is at the door?

Tell me quickly.

^ 1st presenter: What is Christmas?

Whose birthday?

2nd presenter: On this wonderful winter day

We sing about the Lord.

1st presenter: All lips sing

Christ's birthday.

^ 2nd presenter: He was not born in a maternity hospital,

And in the barn, on the straw

1st presenter: In December, in the middle of winter,

He was the same as us.

2nd presenter: I couldn't walk at all,

Eat bread and talk.

^ 1st presenter: And He lay in swaddling clothes

In Maria's arms.

2nd presenter: The girl prayed to God.
(Maria comes out, kneels down, and prays.)
At this hour to her doorstep
God's Angel came up

And he made such a speech...

(Appears Angel, appears before Mary. Maria gets scared, the Angel makes a gesture for her to calm down.)
Angel: God bless you

He wants to give you a son.

Raise Him in love

Call him Jesus.

It will be the Son of God

Lord and Master of all.
^ 1st presenter: And Maria is very happy...
Maria: This is the highest award:
to give birth to the Son of God,

And then raise Him!

1st presenter: The angel prayed to God...
(Angel raises his hands toto heaven.A meanwhile Maria leaves and on Joseph appears on the scene.)

And he appeared to Joseph,

He declared the will of God

And Joseph decided so...
^ Joseph: To be a faithful husband to Mary,

And Ditya is an exemplary father.
(Angel and Joseph go backstage.)
1st presenter: The order went out to everyone:

"Go to the city of Bethlehem!"

^ 2nd presenter: The path is difficult for Mary,
There's nowhere to even rest.
1st presenter: Knocked here and there

Only in the barn did they find shelter.

2nd presenter: So Mary entered the stable,
There she gave birth to a baby.

Sounds joyful music.

Mary comes out with the Baby (a large doll) in her arms and Joseph.
1st presenter: Jesus was very small

When I was in the crib.
(Mary puts the baby in the manger.)
2nd presenter: Joseph and Mary are with Him,

The people are the dearest.

^ 1st presenter: Donkey, dove and sheep

They praise the Lord Creator.

2nd presenter: Shepherds, dog, herd

We were very, very happy

1st presenter: When the Angel appeared to them

And he said: “Christ is born!”

^ 2nd presenter: Angels flew from heaven,

“Praise the Lord!” - they sang.

1st presenter: Behind the star, the star from the East

On camels from afar

2nd presenter: The wise men are coming.

Well done!

^ 1st presenter: Guiding Star

Brought the Magi here.

2nd presenter: They entered Jesus' house

And they brought gifts.

1st presenter: He was God and King,

Even though he lived in a simple house.

^ 2nd presenter: I was once a baby.

This, brothers, is clear to me.

1st presenter: Even dad, even with difficulty,

I imagine it as a baby.

2nd presenter: But Christ, the great God,

How could he lie in diapers?

^ 1st presenter: He couldn't even walk.

How can this be?

2nd presenter: For this reason He humbled himself

Willow the Child has turned,

1st presenter: To save you and me,

Bring to the Kingdom of God.

^ All together line by line:

1st presenter: Merry Christmas to everyone,

We sing the name of God.

1st presenter: comes to us again

Angel: Christmas.

^ Maria: Gloria,

Joseph: He revealed it to all people. There's a road in the sky.
Presenter:- The celebration of the Nativity of Christ was established by the church back in the 4th century. The eve, or eve of the Nativity of Christ, is accompanied by strict fasting and is called Christmas Eve, or nomad, since on this evening, according to church regulations, juice is eaten - dried grains of bread, soaked in water. This fast is observed until dawn as a sign of remembrance of the Star of Bethlehem.

Leading:- On Christmas Eve in the old days, Christoslavs, or glorifiers, went from house to house throughout Rus'. Joyfully and cheerfully they glorified the birth of the Savior; it was especially touching to see children among the glorifiers showing the nativity scene.

Presenter:- A nativity scene is a box depicting the cave that sheltered the Infant God. The nativity scene featured figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the newly born Savior, laid in a manger. Sometimes there were also Bethlehem shepherds and even wise men, as is narrated in Scripture.

Leading:- Over time, the box has undergone changes. Now it no longer resembled a cave, but a chapel, personifying the Church of Christ.

Presenter:- In churches on Christmas night, festive services are held everywhere. All the candlesticks and chandeliers are burning, and the Slavic choir is singing joyfully.

Leading:- In the old days, when the clock struck midnight, everyone exchanged gifts, congratulated each other, and made wishes. After all, it was believed that at Christmas the sky opens to the earth, and the heavenly forces fulfill all their plans. But desires must be good.

Presenter:- Christmas is a quiet, homely, kind holiday. This is a spiritual holiday. Only family members and closest relatives and friends gather at the table.

Christmas has its own festive colors - white and blue. It is better to choose napkins and tablecloths for this holiday in this color scheme.

Leading:- The tradition of giving gifts was started by the biblical wise men, who brought gifts to the newborn Jesus - gold, frankincense and myrrh. Giving gifts on this day is not only possible, but also necessary. Most often these are symbolic gifts - dough figurines, they were supposed to be eaten immediately for good luck. You can give gifts of simple homemade items - embroidery, weaving, drawings... The main thing is to give gifts to as many people as possible on this day.

Presenter:- There were signs that over time turned into prohibitions: you cannot do household chores on Christmas; From Christmas to Epiphany it is a sin to hunt in the forest. You cannot sew, otherwise someone in the family will go blind.

Leading:- It would be worse if a stranger's woman enters the house first on Christmas Day. And, of course, girls were forbidden to tell fortunes on this day. The whole day of January 7 is good to visit and receive guests.
Learner. Christmas has come -

We waited for him for a long time.

People celebrate Christmastide:

Having fun and singing.
On this winter evening

Smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining above her,

And the hut is full of guests.
Here are the red maidens,

Coloring sisters,

Good fellows all around,

And the hostess at the table

We have gatherings here.
We called you here

Play, have fun,

Let yourself go into Russian dance with all your heart.

One-two, one-two, the game begins!
Conducted game "Blubber". Children walk to cheerful music in a circle, one after another. The music stops and everyone tries to get into pairs. Those who are left without a partner go to the center of the circle. They shout in unison:

“One, two, three - you bungler!”
Presenter: - Tra-ta-carcass, tra-ta-carcass,

And now we play “In the ears.”
Children playing "In the ears". The players stand in pairs facing each other and raise their arms bent at the elbows so that the palms of one are facing the palms of the other. They clap their hands and say:

Mom beat, beat, beat

And I reported everything to dad.

Dad beat, beat, beat

And I reported everything to the woman.

Baba, beat, beat, beat

And I reported everything to my grandfather.

Grandfather beat, beat, beat

And he reported everything to the sisters.

The sisters beat, beat, beat

And they reported everything to the brothers.

The brothers beat, beat, beat

And they rolled it into a tub,

And there are two frogs in the tub.

Close your ears quickly!
^ For the last two words, the players must quickly cover their ears with their palms. The one who does it first wins.
Presenter:- Do you want to tell fortunes and find out your fate?

There are ancient fortune-telling to find out - to see your betrothed - the mummer, there are fortune-telling about the weather what will happen this year. And we will tell fortunes for your future - what you will become when you grow up.

(Shows a bag containing fortune telling cards with images of people different professions, and gives each child to take a picture out of the bag.)

Children take turns taking pictures of professions out of the bag.
Leading:- They always sang carols at Christmas in Rus'.

^ Children come out with the Star of Bethlehem and sing a cheerful folk carol.
Children(one at a time).

Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!

Give, don’t break, but give as a whole.

Whoever gives pie will get cattle, belly,

If you don't give us a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns.
^ All together. Host and hostess, happy holiday!

Give, give carolers!

With a sieve from the barn or a pie from the oven!
Presenter:- Christmas has always been accompanied by colorful folk customs.

Carol literally means the first day of the month - a ritual song with wishes for wealth, good health, good harvest. Christmas carols were sung, mainly on the night before Christmas.

Leading:- They caroled, went from house to house with bears, parsleys, and devils; sledding down the mountain, throwing snowballs at a target, preparing a delicious table, and going to gatherings in the evening to entertain and look after the bride and groom.

Presenter: On Vologda land, Christmastide is still called Kudes. Village girls and boys gather for parties, decorating the dance room with ribbons and foil. They are building a nativity scene. And, of course, they are waiting for the first star to appear in the heavens, reminiscent of Bethlehem. As soon as it rises, it will “feast and roll” everywhere.

Learner. Open the chest

Get out the piglet!

Open up, peddlers,

Get your pennies!

Come, don't be shy!

Now we'll amuse the people.

Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!

And who doesn't want anyone

Let him laugh for a nickel!
Leading:- The owners brought out treats for the carolers, the more generously the owners gave gifts to those who came, which meant that New Year will be happier and richer. The carolers wished them all prosperity, happiness, health, and good luck.

Presenter:-And the donkeys were having fun, playing...

(Takes out sticks for the game from the bag).

There are sticks at the ends of the strings,

They are called "winders".

There is a fish in the middle of the strings.

You wind the string very fast.

The one who reels first

He gets the fish too

Not an ordinary fish,

^ The game "Winders" is played. Two children take hold of the sticks with their hands and, on command, wind a string around them, trying to get to the fish as quickly as possible.
Leading:- They danced and sang,

And they managed to play the game.

Try it, guys.

Solve my riddles.

White carrot

In winter it grows deftly.

Presenter:- Auntie is cool,

White and gray

Carrying the cold in a bag,

The cold is shaking on the ground,

It sweeps up snowdrifts,

Covers the ground with a carpet.

Leading:- IN new wall, in a steep window

The glass was broken during the day and replaced overnight.

I broke the ice glass

I took a lot of ice with me.

(Ice hole.)
The game “Drive the Ice Piece” is played. A small circle is drawn on the floor. Three or four children stand around him. At the toe of each player’s right foot there is a piece of ice. At a signal, children jump up on right leg, try to quickly throw their piece of ice into the circle.

Presenter:- We'll look at the Christmas tree -

What a celebration!

The desired holiday has arrived:

It's Christmas!
The lights on the tree are lit, the lights in the hall are turned off. Children perform “The Christmas Song” by P. Sinyavsky.
Presenter: - Greeting all Christmas guests,

Greeting everyone with bread and salt,

We invite the boys to tea,

We invite all guests to the feast.
All participants and guests are invited to a tea party.


Simon, innkeeper;

Martha, his wife;

Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan;

Dealer precious stones;

Driving from Damascus;

1st shepherd;

2nd shepherd;

3rd shepherd.

The scene depicts the courtyard of a hotel. There's a bench ahead and small table. Sarah sweeps the yard. He hums a song, then sighs tiredly and sits down on the bench.

Martha: (enters and speaks angrily) Sarah! You're messing around again!

Sarah: Sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired... I worked all day...

Marfa: It’s okay, you won’t break! Stop sweeping and quickly go peel the vegetables! There were a lot of guests - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.

Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.

Martha: Did you take water to the woman from Damascus who recently arrived?

Sarah: (embarrassed) I don’t remember...

Marfa: Here you go! How can you not remember this? What a lazy girl! All day long you only hear complaints from guests about you!

Sarah: Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I’m alone! This has never happened before - all the rooms are occupied.

Marfa: (satisfied) It's true! There wasn't a single free room left. Everything is an order from Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people gathered in our Bethlehem that it was impossible to count.

(There is a knock on the door. A merchant enters with a rich casket in his hands.)

Merchant: Good evening, hostess! Do you have a free room to spend the night?

Martha: What are you talking about, sir! Everything is busy, sorry.

Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones myself. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I just need to spend the night, I'll pay well.

Marfa: Sorry, sir - everything is busy. Feeding is possible. You'll have a rest from the road.

Merchant: (sits on the bench, puts the casket on the table) It’s a pity, it’s a pity... I wouldn’t stand behind the payment. (Opens the casket, takes out the necklace) Maybe you, hostess, will like some of my goods? Look - a royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is golden. A?

Marfa: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight for sore eyes!

(Sarah stops retaliating and looks over Martha’s shoulder at the necklace.)

Marfa: (angrily) What are you looking at? Sweep faster!

Merchant: (rummaging in the casket) And I have some for your daughter too.

Marfa: What a daughter she is to me! Orphan. Husband's niece. We regretted it. It's of little use.

(A passing guest appears at the door)

Passing by: I asked you to bring me some water. Almost a whole hour has passed, and no one is talking!

Martha: Sarah! (addresses the merchant) You see what kind of girl this is! He forgets everything! What a fool! (says to Sarah) Run for water now! And remember, until you do everything, you won’t have lunch. It's clear? (Sarah takes the jug and leaves. Martha addresses the passerby) Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. My head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you, mistress, don’t like the necklace, then goodbye - I’ll go.

Passing by: (looking at the necklace) Oh, what a fine work. And what stones!

Merchant: That's what I say - a royal necklace. I'm ready to give it up for a room. There is nowhere to sleep. At least spend the night in the field! (Gathers things in a chest) I’ll go, maybe I’ll find it in another hotel...

Marfa: Wait, merchant. It seems we have a small room. This girl. She can sleep in a stable too. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I just wish I could spend the night peacefully in bed.

Marfa: I'll take you, let's go.

Merchant: (pulls out the necklace again) Thank you! Take it for the room.

(The hostess accepts the necklace from him. She leaves.)

Passing by: But the hostess is not stupid! I earned this necklace!

(Exits. Simon enters and sits on the bench.)

Simon: Eww! Tired. What a day! There are so many guests that I don’t know what to do!

(Sarah runs in.)

Sarah: Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah: Promise that you can! Please!

Simon: What - is it possible? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah: There two came from Nazareth. He is old, and She is young. And so tired.

Simon: All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the entire family of King David. Just tell them, honey, that we don't have more space.

Sarah: Uncle, I’ll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, I'll spend the night in a stable.

Simon: My poor, kind girl, you are tired, you need to rest.

Sarah: Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon: Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah: Thank you, uncle, thank you. Don’t worry, I’ll do my job: I’ll sweep the yard, clean the vegetables, and bring water. I'll do everything.

(Martha enters. She has a necklace around her neck.)

Martha: Did you bring water? (Sits down and begins to peel vegetables.)

Sarah: I’m now... I’ll just take two travelers into my closet - Uncle Simon allowed...

Marfa: In the closet?!

Sarah: I’m in a cave, in a stable, I’ll sleep on straw. And they are so tired...

Marfa: You will sleep there anyway, but don’t control your place! Mean girl!

Simon: That's enough for you, Martha!

Marfa: Don't interfere! I have already handed over her closet to the merchant.

Sarah: (crying) They are so tired, so good...

Marfa: And I don’t want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (Martha leaves).

Simon: Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Don't cry!

Sarah: I can’t, uncle, leave them! She smiled at me like she was my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon: They probably won’t want to.

Sarah: I’ll ask, can I?

Simon: Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

(Sarah runs away, Simon takes a broom and begins to sweep the yard. Behind the stage one can hear singing “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...” Simon stops and listens. Someone knocks on the door. Three shepherds enter.)

1st shepherd: Are you the owner of this hotel?

Simon: Me, what do you want?

2nd shepherd: We are looking for the Baby who was born today.

Simon: The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd shepherd: Not at the hotel!

Simon: I spend all day dealing with visitors. Maybe someone was born in the city. Only I didn’t hear something.

1st shepherd: We are looking for a baby born in a cave, in a stable.

2nd shepherd: And this Baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon: Stop making jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a stable?!

3rd shepherd: You better listen. We're not joking at all.

1st shepherd: Today in the field where we were tending the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he told us: “Do not be afraid. I bring you great joy, great joy for all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.”

Simon: Well, run and look for houses in Bethlehem!

2nd shepherd: No. The angel said: “Here is a sign for you - you will find the Child in a stable, in a manger.”

Simon: (thoughtfully) In the manger?

(Martha enters).

Marfa: Guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come on, come on, there's no point in standing here!

Simon: Martha, an angel appeared to them. He said that the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies...

Marfa: What nonsense! The savior of the world is in a stable? They'll come up with something like this! Go, go, there's no point in chatting here.

Simon: No, just wait. After all, people are spending the night in our cave where the cattle are.

Marfa: What-o-o? What kind of people? It's all Sarah's stuff! I'll go and kick them out of there. Ugliness! (Martha leaves)

3rd shepherd: We have been waiting for the Savior for a long time.

1st Shepherd: We saw Angels in the sky. They sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...”

Simon: (to himself) I should give them my room! And I'm taking them to the barn!

(Martha and Sarah return)

Martha: Simon, the Baby lies in the manger. (Sits on the bench, thinks, fingering the necklace.)

Sarah: Oh, Uncle Simon! You should have looked at the Baby! He's so...!

Martha: (as if to herself) It’s strange, when I looked at Him, my soul became so quiet, so calm!

Sarah: And when He looks, it’s as if He sees your soul!

2nd shepherd: This is probably He - the Baby we are looking for.

Simon: Martha, He should have been born among us... But we... we didn’t let him in.

Marfa: (covers her face with her hands and cries) I know, I know...

Sarah: (hugs Martha) Don't cry, Aunt Martha, don't cry...

Martha: (holds Sarah close to her) After all, I took your room away from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah: But you didn’t know... You didn’t know that the Child...

Marfa: I didn’t know, it’s true. But you didn’t know either, but you felt sorry for them. And I didn’t want to listen. I was going to kick you out. (Rises from the bench, takes the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take them the necklace, daughter. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

(Sarah leaves with the necklace.)

Simon: You see, Martha, you helped them too.

Martha: I'm ashamed, Simon. I'm ashamed of my evil greed. A necklace won’t make up for this guilt... (thinks). Are we going to give them our room?

Simon: It's too late now.

Martha: No, Simon, it’s never too late to atone for your sin. You know what: let’s always begin to give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but as a gift to the Baby and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon: That's good. This means that we will bring Him a gift.

(Sarah returns).

3rd shepherd: Well, let's go and worship Him.

Simon: (opens the window shutters): Look!
(From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Baby in a manger. All the characters are grouped at the window on their knees and sing the Christmas carol “Nativity of Christ, an Angel has flown,” or another suitable Christmas song).

Appearance of an angel to shepherds.
A. Fet

The night is quiet.
On the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.
No ears, no extra glances,
The roosters crowed -
And behind the angels in the highest
The shepherds praise God.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Mary's face is illuminated.
A star choir to another choir
I listened with trembling ears.
And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands;
The kings of the east carry with her
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

Iva Afonskaya

It snows on Christmas

It snows at Christmas
falls like God's mercy.
It's snowing - and magic
may happen on this day.

Silence and purity,
nothing will disturb them.
Believe: beauty is not for nothing,
since she saves the soul.

Sent to you from above,
miraculous power,
this is the meaning of your destiny
and unraveling the secrets of the world.

It's snowing - and, barely breathing,
We look at the winged world.
The soul awakens
once dead.

The snow is falling, relieving the pain,
near the icy ground.
You offer him your palm:
A white angel will land.


Cook I.V.

How cold it was that night
When He was born.
The whole world was in darkness and cold,
Like being submerged in water.
The shepherds called to each other,
Fearing wolves in the mountains,
In a remote gorge for a rest
There was a caravan of magicians.
Let the blizzard swirl all night
And the honeydew falls asleep.
But in a manger, as if in a cradle,
The Mother lays down the Baby.
For the first time air on earth
He breathed in with all his chest,
For the first time a coal in the ashes
There was a flash in His eyes
And everything became quiet so that He -
Lord of the heavenly forces -
Here on earth my first dream
Tasted it like a child.

God's tree

G. Heine

Brightly with star rays
The blue sky shines...
- Why, tell me, mom,
Brighter than the stars in the sky
On the holy night of Christmas?
Like a Christmas tree in a mountain world
This midnight is lit
And diamond lights,
And the shine of radiant stars
Is she all decorated?
- Truth, my son, in God's heaven
On this holy night
A Christmas tree is lit for the world
And full of wonderful gifts
For the family, she is human.
Look how bright the stars are
They shine for the world there, in the distance:
The holy gifts shine in them -
For people - goodwill,
Peace and truth are for the earth.