Construction calculator for calculating putty on the facade. Calculation of putty per m2. Putty consumption per m2

Before starting repair work, it is important to have information about how much building material is needed for a particular surface. As for putty, its calculations may vary depending on the manufacturer of the material, the type of putty, and the working surface.

First you need to figure out which putty consumption for the wall needs to be calculated. If the external walls are to be finished with putty, then the material consumption will be greater than with interior work Oh.

For example, Vetonit putty is used for finishing rooms with a high level of importance, and is applied with a middle layer. The same layer is applied to adhesive putty, because it involves applying a special adhesive paint, which is thick in structure and adds extra volume to the surface. Gypsum and finishing types of putty are intended for application to surfaces thin layer, their consumption will be significantly less than that of other types of material.

The approximate consumption of putty per 1m2, according to the material, is given below.

  • Vetonit putty, its consumption per 1 m 2 is 1 kg 200 g;
  • Adhesive putty is used on walls with a consumption of up to 500g per 1m2;
  • Finishing putty consumption for walls per 1m2 is 450g;
  • Gypsum putty is used on walls with a consumption of 900 g per 1 m 2.

How much is needed for external and internal walls?

Before you begin finishing the walls outside and inside, you need to take into account the material on which the putty is applied. Starting external putty applied to cinder block, brick, wood (with mesh) and covers significant flaws and unevenness in the walls.

Finishing putty for exterior work is intended for cosmetic leveling of uneven surfaces and complete finishing of the surface. This means that the starting putty will be consumed more on the walls than the finishing putty, because it is the basis of the structure in the finishing of the building. In terms of material, the consumption of starting putty on the wall for exterior finishing building is 1 kg or more per 1 m 2, but finishing putty will require up to 1 kg per m 2.

For interior work on finishing walls with putty, the numbers remain similar, starting putty will require 700-900g per 1m2, finishing putty will need 400-500g per 1m2 of wall.

How to calculate putty consumption for repairs (video)

How many layers to apply

How much putty needs to be applied to the walls and in how many layers depends directly on the walls of the building. On the outside of a brick and cinder block building, the first, rough layer is applied using starting putty. Starter putty can be applied in up to 2-3 layers. Then the starting layer of putty is covered with finishing putty once or twice, depending on the type of putty.

It turns out that the first layer of such putty serves as a start, and the second layer of putty completes the finishing of the wall and serves as the finish. Acrylic and silicone putty is applied in one layer, it is quite convenient to use, in the sense that the required volume can be laid out in one layer.

Putty that is too thick is not needed on the wall, it will lead to its deformation in the future, but a thin layer should not be applied to the wall either.

How to calculate quantity

In order to purchase the required amount of putty for repairs, you need to know the exact area of ​​the room along the perimeter and height of the walls. The expense can be made manually, knowing the following data: the sum of the length of all walls in the room, the height of the walls, the length and height of the wall above and below the door. The width and length of the walls, the thickness of the material applied, taking into account unevenness, are taken into account.

Calculation by formula:

  1. Multiply the rate of material consumption per 1m2 by the thickness of the irregularities, which we took into account in the calculations;
  2. Add up the length of all the walls in the room;
  3. Multiply the length of the wall above the doorway by the height of this section, and add the sum of the height of the walls to the indicator;
  4. To action 1 add the amount of action 2. Multiply the resulting amount by the number of action 3.

Consumption of putty on plaster

On all packaging materials, the manufacturer indicates the calculation of putty in solution per 1 square meter, which means that the amount of finished putty will be 3-4% less than the finished one.

Therefore, when making material calculations and purchasing it, it is necessary to take this factor into account.

It is also important to become familiar with the properties of the putty when preparing the mixture, its composition and capabilities, because some types of putty are significantly reduced in volume, while some types of material remain unchanged.

How long will a bag of putty last?

The consumption of putty in the volume of one bag is enough in each case differently, depending on how many layers it is applied. Each putty manufacturer names its own numbers, which depend on chemical properties materials, depending on the type of putty. This is the norm, they can vary within + and –.

If you take ready-made putty from the finishing types, then 20 kg of material is used for 38-40 square meters.

The base or starting putty is used a little more than the others. The finished mass is 20 kg, enough for 30-35 square meters. This indicator is due to the fact that a large volume of basic putty is used to seal cracks, holes and holes in the wall, and only 80-90% of the solution is applied to the walls in its pure form.

If we take the average various types material for puttingtying walls in one layer, it turns out that one kilogram of putty is used for 1 square meter of wall, if puttying is done in a layer 1 mm thick.

How to prepare putty (video)

Leveling walls with plaster is a serious and labor-intensive process of finishing a room. Traditionally, cement and lime mortars, which are presented on the finishing products market. We make an accurate calculation finishing material calculator in a few seconds.

Before you go to the store for building materials, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of their quantity according to the area of ​​application. Thanks to the online consumption calculator plaster mixture make it easy and simple. In just a few minutes you will know how many bags are needed for repairs, and what kind of vehicle will be needed for such a mass of cargo. How to calculate the amount of putty in various ways, calculate the approximate amount that will be spent on the purchase building mixtures.

It is best to use a calculator for the consumption of plaster mixture per 1 m2. The cost of decorative plaster will differ from the cost of the main leveling plaster. If you have already decided on the type of mixture and know exactly the area of ​​the surface to be treated, then calculating the consumption of putty on the wall will not be difficult.

Online plaster consumption calculator. How to use the material consumption program correctly

First you need to enter into the table the exact parameters of the wall area to be plastered, the brand of dry mixture and click the “calculate” button. If there are fractional numbers, then they need to be separated from the integer by a period, not a comma. In a few seconds, the finished result will appear: how many bags of material you need to purchase and the total weight of the plaster.
In order for the obtained data to fully correspond to future costs, you need to know several basic nuances when calculating the product, which can significantly affect the costs of the putty. It will help to find out more accurately the amount of material taking into account windows and doors

Factors influencing mixture consumption when plastering walls

  1. If there is a pronounced curvature of the walls, this means that even more plaster will be required.
  2. Depending on the type of material, its consistency and consumption will be determined. It is important to familiarize yourself with the technological standards of the purchased product.
  3. consumed in the amount of 9 kg per m 2, it has high strength and moisture resistance.
  4. Cement – ​​17 kg per m2. Suitable for external and interior decoration, applied by a special machine, reliable and durable.
  5. It is consumed in almost the same way as gypsum; it is used for manual finishing of premises with high-quality processing of walls and ceilings.
  6. Bark beetle consumption per m 2 – 3 kg. It is used for facades, has a pleasant textured texture, and looks like wood.
  7. Vetonit - from 50 to 170 g per m2. An exact calculation can be made using a building mixture calculator based on the required layer.

It often turns out that more material is required for finishing than was calculated, so you can make a gap in the direction of rounding to a larger number.

Types of putty and putty consumption calculator for walls and ceilings

Modern classification identifies several types of plaster, which differ in the composition of the filler, binding elements and application method.

Mineral putty, consisting of cement and lime, suitable for finishing interior and exterior surfaces. Has a low cost, but not too much good quality. It will be ineffective when applied to walls with vibration, as well as in multi-story new buildings.

Silicate putty is more durable and reliable; it contains liquid potassium glass. She doesn't attract trash for a long time kept clean.

More versatile, suitable for indoor and facade finishing. It is waterproof, easy to clean and dries quickly upon application.

Silicone putty is considered an expensive material. It is flexible, easy to apply and has a long service life. When choosing a finishing material, you should be guided by the above-mentioned characteristics, based on the financial capabilities of the consumer.

How to calculate the amount of plaster mixture manually?

We take the following indicators:

  • it is necessary to plaster 10 m2 of wall, which is filled with 5 m with beacons in three places with deviations of 4 cm;
  • We calculate the norm per square meter;
  • look at the norm on the packaging, for example, 8.5 kg of mixture per 10 mm layer of 1 m 2;
  • now we multiply 4 cm by 8 kg and get 34 kg for a square meter;

To determine the amount of material in bags, we multiply 34 kg by 10 m 2 = 340 kg and divide the bag by 30 kg and get approximately 11-12 bags, round up the figures and have the number of bags for purchase.

Effective calculation of putty for walls online calculator om. Exactly such indicators can be obtained for a few seconds by using. Fast, accurate, affordable! Now you can safely begin to complete the assigned work. Of course, you can add 10 percent for insurance, so you definitely don’t have to go to the store twice, and the plaster won’t be superfluous, it can always be used for its intended purpose.

Use our website and be confident in the reliability of the data received.

Before you start carrying out repair work with your own hands, you need to study not only construction market, but also the technology of use, as well as the properties of the solution that you will use. The putty consumption must be calculated before going to the store, since by choosing the wrong amount of material to use, you can delay the process of finishing the wall. It should be remembered that the consumption of putty per 1 m2 depends not only on the type used, but also on the additives that are contained in the material. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the rates of putty consumption per square meter of surface and why you need a calculator for calculations.

Wall finishing with putty

Properties and types of mixtures

Putty consumption

To perform plastering works compositions that differ in the content of the main component should be considered. In addition, there are dry mixtures and solutions that do not require dilution and are immediately ready for use. At the moment there are such putties:

  • Cement
  • Plaster
  • Polymer

The rate of use of putty depends on the type of material used. Since there are rough works with the help of which all holes, cracks and differences are sealed and decorative processes that are necessary for the aesthetic appearance of the surface being designed.

For example, starting putty with a gypsum base used for leveling internal surfaces has the following consumption:

  1. Smooth surfaces - 0.8-0.9 kg per square meter
  2. Walls with flaws and a thickness of approximately 1 cm - up to 8-9 kg/m2

Important! One layer of putty should not be thicker than 5-10 mm, otherwise the material will begin to collapse and peel off.

When using a finishing mixture, the putty consumption will be much less. The mixture is applied in a thin layer up to 1 mm, here you will need 0.5-1 kg/m2. The putty consumption is often indicated on the manufacturer's packaging, so a regular calculator will help you do necessary calculations. To do this, you need to multiply the data from the packaging by the area to be treated and add 10% to the resulting number. Also, many construction sites provide an online calculator, with which it will be very easy to calculate how much starting or finishing putty will be needed for surfaces with windows or doors. It will be enough to enter the required values ​​into the online calculator and then get the answer.

Important! It should be remembered that the rate of use is high only for starting putty, it can reach 30kg/15-20m2. But if for these purposes we use universal mixture, then 20 kg will be enough for you on average for 20-25 m2.

Use of popular brands

Wall putty

Vetonit putty has long established itself as a high-quality solution, with the help of which the wall is plastered before subsequent decorative finishing. Knowing the consumption of Vetonit per square meter, you can easily find out how much material you will need. The calculator on the manufacturer's website will help you make the calculations.

The use of Vetonit putty should take place in dry rooms, where per square meter. per meter you will need approximately 1.2 kg of putty. But if you use plaster for wallpaper or painting, then Vetonit will have a consumption of 1.5 kg per square meter. meter with a layer thickness of 1 mm.

Also for independent work Shitrok putty can be used. Its peculiarity is its low consumption. When treating walls with it, you will have a consumption of 0.5 kg per square meter if the thickness of the layer used is 1 mm. Shitrock has long been loved not only by professional craftsmen, but also by self-taught people, as it has certain advantages:

  • Shitrok does not require dilution, as it is immediately ready for use
  • Application to walls is very easy
  • Quick drying gives the plaster an additional advantage
  • Shitrok can be used on the surface of a gypsum board wall
  • Economical consumption
  • Contains no asbestos

Comparison and characteristics tables

We putty the walls with our own hands

Since many people are interested not only in the standards for using starting or finishing putty, but also in additional characteristics and features of materials, I decided to additionally create a table of the most famous and popular solutions:

Brand Place of use Additional Features
Shitrock Interior work, can be used not only for sealing seams or cracks, but also as a topcoat High adhesion and good elasticity due to the vinyl substances contained in the putty
Vetonit Interior work carried out in dry rooms Moisture resistance and environmental friendliness of the material, which contains cement, sand, limestone, various mineral additives and polymer-based glue. It is important to use the material when the room temperature is +10 degrees
Knauf Interior work on dry surfaces Ecologically pure material, which has good adhesion and elasticity. The putty contains lime, gypsum and glue.

In addition, let's look at the table, which shows the putty consumption per square meter. meter of wall or other treated surface. Using your own calculator or an online calculator on a construction site, you can do the calculation yourself required quantity material used:

Name Amount of putty per sq. meter
Shitrock For a layer of 1-2 mm, you will need an average of 0.5-1 kg of mixture
Vetonit You will need 1.2 kg, provided that the mixture is applied at 1 mm. The material will fully harden and gain strength within an average of a week after application.
Knauf Knauf Start is used if the curvature of the surface can reach 3 cm. 1.5 kg will be needed for 1 sq. m
Knauf finish with a layer of no more than 3 mm. Requires 1.1 kg
Knauf multi finish (universal) is applied in a layer of 0.15-0.5 mm. You will need material from 0.5 to 1 kg
Knauf uniflot can be applied with a thickness of 1-5 mm. You will need 0.25-0.3 kg

Before you begin plastering roughing and decorative works, you need to choose the right mixture. All putties have different purposes, therefore, the use of some should occur only inside the house, and others outside the structure. Using a calculator, you can find out how much putty you will need to carry out independent work. However, do not forget that you should add about 10% to the results obtained, since during work it is possible to use more of the mixture.

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to carefully study the features and technologies of using the material. The amount of putty must be used before going to the store, because an incorrectly calculated amount can delay the repair for a long time.

Types of putty and scope of application

In order to choose the right putty, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics and operating features of each type of this material. According to the scope of application, putty is divided into several types.

  • Levelingthis type used in the initial stages of repair, it can be used to carefully level walls or ceilings, as well as hide various surface defects. The material dries quickly and is practically impossible to sand. Leveling putty is applied to brick or concrete. If not applied finishing putty, then you won’t be able to put wallpaper on the surface or paint it.
  • Finish– it is applied in a thin layer, it prepares the surface for finishing. Thanks to the fine-grained structure and plasticity, the walls and ceiling are smooth. The layer thickness is 0.5 cm, but must be applied in several layers.
  • Universal– it can be used both for starting and for finishing. This type is designed for any surface and guarantees a smooth, blemish-free finish. The material has a high level of strength and can be easily putty. But the cost of universal plaster is quite high, but even novice specialists can work with it.

Putties also differ in their level of readiness: there are dry and ready-made. The first type has a powdery composition and is sold in bags of 5 - 25 kg. The shelf life is one year; the material must be stored in dry form.

The finished putty is sold on a latex and water-dispersion basis in special containers. Special substances contained in this material ensure the durability of the product.

Also, putties are distinguished according to their base:

  • On plaster basis - the composition contains gypsum, polymer additives and all kinds of fillers. This product is ideal for rooms with low level humidity. This putty is safe, odorless and has an affordable price, thermal insulation, elasticity, and fire resistance.
  • On the cement basis - the product is suitable for facade and interior work. The composition contains cement, sand and water. When the putty dries, the surface must be sanded. It is recommended to apply the diluted mixture within 24 hours.
  • Polymer– used for coating cement, concrete, gypsum and polyurethane surfaces. Different high cost, but environmentally friendly and safe.

  • Acrylic– intended for finishing stages, namely, for thoroughly leveling the surface for its future finishing. The product is resistant to damage, different high quality and safety.
  • Latex– it is often used for drywall, niches or arches, but it does not withstand low temperatures. It is distinguished by ductility and strength. It is easy to work with drywall even for a novice builder.

  • Water-dispersed– designed for puttying walls and ceilings made of concrete, brick, aerated concrete, wood, stone and other materials.
  • Oil-adhesive– it is used on wooden and concrete surfaces for finishing walls and ceilings with paint. Has proven itself in working with wet surfaces.

  • Facade– designed for outdoor use, it is moisture resistant, durable, and fast drying.
  • Shpakril– special putty for skirting boards and leveling walls after plastering.

Among such a wide range of putties it is quite difficult to choose optimal type, therefore, in case of difficulty, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

What does consumption depend on?

The consumption of each type of material per square meter is calculated individually. For example, some types of putty must be applied in several layers, and in some cases only one layer 0.5 mm thick is sufficient.

The calculation of the material also depends on the surface. If there are a lot of unevenness, cracks, and height differences, then more putty will be needed. Therefore, if you are constructing a building yourself, try to ensure that there are as few defects as possible.

The builder’s experience also influences the material consumption, because what more experienced master, the better his work will be, and the less putty he will spend.

You can find out how much putty is needed per room by making preliminary calculations. But keep in mind that consumption is also affected by the quality of the prepared mixture.

How to calculate?

To for construction work To buy the required amount of putty, you need to know exactly the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls. You can do the calculation yourself, knowing such information as: the sum of the lengths of all the walls in the room, the height of the walls. It is also necessary to take into account the width and length of the walls, as well as the thickness of the material applied.

Calculation of material per square meter is carried out according to the formula:

  • the rate of putty consumption per 1 m2 is multiplied by the thickness of surface defects;
  • the length of all walls in the room is summed up;
  • the length of the wall above the doorway is multiplied by the height in the same area, and the sum of the height of the walls is added to the result;
  • the result of the first action is added to the sum of the lengths of all walls, this result multiplied by the resulting number of the third action.

One bag of putty is enough for everyone differently - it all depends on how many layers to apply and in what quantity.

Each manufacturer indicates its own figures in the characteristics table, which depend on the chemical properties and type of material. For example, 20 kilograms ready mixture final look enough for 38 - 40 square meters.

Use of popular brands

While studying repair work for the first time, you will probably face the problem of choosing a quality putty. It is best to opt for products from well-known companies with a good reputation. Of course, the cost of such putties is higher, but they mix well, are easily applied to the surface and do not crack over time.

  • The brand is in demand Ceresit, its assortment includes various types of putties for both starting and finishing finishing. For example, Ceresit ST29 is used to work with brick, concrete, cement surfaces. The mixture can be applied an hour after mixing, and it dries in 15 hours. Ceresit CT 225 is intended for finishing, resulting in a smooth and durable surface.
  • Putties "Prospectors" and "Hercules"– materials that are appropriate for use in rooms with high humidity levels. The mixture can even be applied to damp walls, they are distinguished by strength, reliability and durability. “Prospectors” are supplied in durable bags of 5 and 20 kg. This putty is produced on the basis of white cement.

  • Latex putty "Tex" is very popular among craftsmen. Regardless of the layer thickness, the mixture is durable and has a long service life. The material is elastic and does not leave unnecessary marks after pulling the spatula along the wall or ceiling. Large selection color shades allows you to please every customer.
  • Putty worth noting "EK", which is used to eliminate defects on foam concrete, cement and gypsum surfaces. The mixture is used to seal seams; it is applied in a thin layer, thereby preparing the walls or ceiling for painting or wallpapering. The product is easy to use and once dry it creates high level strength.

  • Company "Knauf" offers a wide range of putty mixtures: ready-made and dry products, gypsum, cement, finishing, starting, waterproof, etc. After application, the mixture makes the surface even and smooth.
  • Putties "Vetonit" have earned a huge number of positive reviews, thanks to wide range types and excellent characteristics. Mixtures of this brand can be used in various conditions. The price range allows us to please every buyer.
  • "Scanmix"– putty for external use, made on the basis of cement, therefore it has increased moisture resistance. In addition, this mixture is resistant to low temperatures. The product is also environmentally friendly, it is safe for both environment and for human health.

Leveling walls and ceilings with putty is probably the best way to achieve a perfectly even surface for further finishing. Even in a situation where sheets of plasterboard are used to create smooth surfaces, in most cases it is not possible to do without a final “gloss” with putty. This process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but still it does not seem impossible with diligence, following technological recommendations and the gradual accumulation of experience by a novice master.

Prices for putty


The range of ready-made compositions or dry construction mixtures for performing these finishing operations is very wide, that is, there should be no problems with the choice. But the question is - how much material do you need to purchase so as not to run to the store again, and so that after the repair there is not too much surplus left? And “the other side of the coin” - most putty compositions are characterized by a very limited “lifetime” after dilution. That is, already during the work, it is advisable to know how much composition needs to be prepared for a specific section of the wall or ceiling in order to guarantee time to produce the solution and avoid unnecessary waste. In both cases, a calculator for calculating the required amount of putty should come to the rescue.

Some necessary explanations for working with it will be given below.

Calculator for calculating the required amount of putty

Enter the requested information and click “CALCULATE THE REQUIRED QUANTITY OF PUTTER”

Surface area to be finished, m²

Brand of putty composition:

Planned thickness of the applied layer, mm

Features of the wall surface

Assessment of the performer's qualifications:

Explanations for calculations

The calculation algorithm is based on the area of ​​the treated surface of the wall or ceiling and the “passport”, that is, the putty consumption per square meter specified by the manufacturer for a layer thickness of 1 mm. True, this is a “naked theory” that needs some adjustment.

So, to carry out the calculations you need to do the following:

  • First of all, indicate the area that needs to be leveled using putty. It’s not difficult to calculate it yourself, but if you come across some area with a complex configuration, then we can help in this matter.

Are you having trouble calculating area? – we offer a solution!

It is clear that even those who are well memorized school desk geometric formulas can get lost in the “labyrinths of memory.” No worries - go to the post, dedicated, and there are many tips for all sorts of things complex cases, accompanied by convenient online calculators.

The total area to be finished can be indicated to calculate the required quantity when purchasing putty. Another option is to indicate the area of ​​a certain area to find out how much putty will need to be diluted to level it.

  • The next step is to ask the user to select a specific putty from a list. The list includes the most popular compositions of the companies Knauf, Ceresit and Weber. Vetonit".
  • Next, you need to indicate the approximate thickness of the leveling layer. It can vary from 3÷5 mm when working with starting compositions, to literally tenths of a millimeter when finishing leveling.
  • Much depends on the initial state of the surface to be leveled. It is clear that, for example, concrete wall with numerous sinks will require more finishing material than a relatively flat one. This field applies more to the starting compositions, and when calculating the finishing putty, the last item is selected - a previously leveled or undamaged plasterboard surface.
  • Finally, it is necessary to lay down a certain supply of material. It is always needed - part of the putty, one way or another, will go to waste. Another thing is how much stock is needed. A professional wastes just a little, but a beginner, in addition to irrational consumption at first, will end up with a lot of solution on the floor. That is, a reserve is needed - a more impressive one.