Russian wars of the 17th-20th centuries. The best warriors in the world

The largest wars in human history in terms of death toll.

The earliest war for which there is evidence from excavations took place approximately 14,000 years ago.

It is impossible to calculate the exact number of victims, since in addition to the death of soldiers on the battlefield, there is the death of civilians from the effects of weapons of war, as well as the death of civilians from the consequences of military operations, for example, from hunger, hypothermia, and disease.

Below is a list of the largest wars by number of victims.

The causes of the wars listed below are very different, but the number of victims exceeds millions.

1. Nigerian Civil War (Biafra War of Independence). The death toll is more than 1,000,000 people.

The main conflict took place between the Nigerian government forces and the separatists of the Republic of Biafra. The self-proclaimed republic was supported by a number of European states, including France, Portugal, and Spain. Nigeria was supported by England and the USSR. The UN did not recognize the self-proclaimed republic. There were enough weapons and finances on both sides. The main victims of the war were the civilian population, who died from hunger and various diseases.

2. Imjin War. The death toll is more than 1,000,000 people.

1592 - 1598. Japan made 2 attempts to invade the Korean Peninsula in 1592 and 1597. Both invasions did not lead to the seizure of territory. The first Japanese invasion involved 220,000 soldiers and several hundred warships and transport ships.

The Korean troops were defeated, but at the end of 1592, China transferred part of the army to Korea, but was defeated; in 1593, China transferred another part of the army, which managed to achieve some success. Peace was concluded. The second invasion in 1597 was not successful for Japan and in 1598 military operations were stopped.

3. Iran–Iraq War (death toll: 1 million)

1980-1988. The longest war of the 20th century. The war began with the invasion of Iraq on September 22, 1980. The war can be called positional - trench warfare, using small arms. Chemical weapons were widely used in the war. The initiative passed from one side to the other, so in 1980 the successful offensive of the Iraqi army was stopped, and in 1981 the initiative passed to the side of Iraq. On August 20, 1988, a truce was concluded.

4. Korean War (death toll: 1.2 million)

1950-1953. War between North and South Korea. The war began with North Korea's invasion of South Korea. Despite the support of North Korea by the Soviet Union, Stalin opposed the war because he feared that this conflict could lead to World War 3 and even nuclear war. On July 27, 1953, a ceasefire agreement was concluded.

5. Mexican Revolution (1,000,000 to 2,000,000 death toll)

1910-1917. The revolution fundamentally changed Mexico's culture and government policies. But at that time the population of Mexico was 15,000,000 people and losses during the revolution were significant. The preconditions for the revolution were very different, but as a result, at the cost of millions of victims, Mexico strengthened its sovereignty and weakened its dependence on the United States.

6. Conquests of Chaka's army. First half of the 19th century. (death toll 2,000,000)

The local ruler Chaka (1787 - 1828) founded the state of KwaZulu. He assembled and armed a large army that conquered disputed territories. The army plundered and devastated the tribes in the occupied territories. The victims were local Aboriginal tribes.

7. Goguryeo-Sui Wars (2,000,000 dead)

These wars include a series of wars between the Chinese Sui Empire and the Korean state of Goguryeo. The wars took place on the following dates:

· war of 598

· war of 612

· war of 613

· war of 614

Ultimately, the Koreans managed to repel the advance of Chinese troops and win.

The total number of casualties is much higher because civilian casualties are not taken into account.

8. Religious Wars in France (death toll 2,000,000 to 4,000,000)

The religious wars in France are also known as the Huguenot Wars. Occurred between 1562 and 1598. They arose on religious grounds as a result of the conflict between Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots). In 1998, the Edict of Nantes was adopted, which legalized freedom of religion. On August 24, 1572, Catholics staged a mass massacre of Protestants, first in Paris and then throughout France. This happened on the eve of the feast of St. Barthomey, this day went down in history as St. Bartholomew's Night, on that day more than 30,000 people died in Paris.

9. Second Congo War (killed from 2,400,000 to 5,400,000)

The deadliest war in the history of modern Africa, also known as the African War World War and the Great African War. The war lasted from 1998 to 2003, involving 9 states and more than 20 separate armed groups. The main victims of the war were the civilian population, who died due to disease and hunger.

10. Napoleonic Wars (death toll 3,000,000 to 6,000,000)

The Napoleonic Wars were an armed conflict between France, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, and a number of European states, including Russia. Thanks to Russia, Napoleon’s army was defeated. Various sources provide different data on victims, but the largest number of scientists believe that the number of victims, including civilians, from famine and epidemics reaches 5,000,000 people.

11. Thirty Years' War (death toll 3,000,000 to 11,500,000)

1618 - 1648. The war began as a conflict between Catholics and Protestants in the collapsing Holy Roman Empire, but gradually a number of other states were drawn into it. The number of victims from the Thirty Years' War, according to most scientists, is 8,000,000 people.

12. Chinese Civil War (death toll 8,000,000)

Chinese Civil War was fought between forces loyal to the Kuomintang ( political party Republic of China) and forces loyal to the Communist Party of China. The war began in 1927, and it essentially ended when major active fighting ceased in 1950. Although historians give the war's end date as December 22, 1936, the conflict ultimately led to the formation of two de facto states, the Republic of China (now known as Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China on the Chinese mainland. During the war, both sides carried out mass atrocities.

13. Russian Civil War (killed between 7,000,000 and 12,000,000)

1917 - 1922. The struggle for power of various political directions, armed groups. But mainly the two largest and most organized forces fought - the Red Army and the White Army. The Russian Civil War is considered the greatest national catastrophe in Europe in the entire history of its existence. The main victims of war are the civilian population.

14. Wars led by Tamerlane (casualty ranged from 8,000,000 to 20,000,000)

In the second half of the 14th century, Tamerlane led cruel, bloody conquests in Western, Southern, Central Asia, in the south of Russia. Tamerlane became the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world, conquering Egypt, Syria and the Ottoman Empire. Historians believe that 5% of the entire population of the Earth died at the hands of his warriors.

15. Dungan uprising (number of victims from 8,000,000 to 20,400,000 people)

1862 - 1869. The Dungan Rebellion was an ethnic and religious war between the Han Chinese (a Chinese ethnic group originally from East Asia) and Chinese Muslims. The rebels against the existing government were led by the spiritual mentors of Xinjiao, who declared jihad infidel.

16. Conquest of Northern and South America(number of victims from 8,400,000 to 148,000,000 people)

1492 - 1691. During the 200 years of colonization of America, tens of millions of the native population were killed by European colonizers. However, there is no exact number of casualties, since there are no initial estimates of the original size of the Native American population. The conquest of America is the largest extermination of the indigenous population by other peoples in history.

17. An Lushan rebellion (casualty ranged from 13,000,000 to 36,000,000)

755 - 763 AD Revolt against the Tang Dynasty. According to scientists, up to two children of the entire Chinese population could have died during this conflict.

18. First World War (casualties: 18,000,000)

1914-1918. War between groups of states in Europe and their allies. The war claimed 11,000,000 military personnel who died directly during the fighting. 7,000,000 civilians died during the war.

19. Taiping Rebellion (casualties 20,000,000 - 30,000,000)

1850 - 1864. Peasant revolt in China. The Taiping Rebellion spread throughout China against the Manchu Qing dynasty. With the support of England and France, Qing troops brutally suppressed the rebels.

20. Manchu conquest of China (25,000,000 casualties)

1618 - 1683. The war of the Qing Dynasty, to conquer the territories of the Ming Dynasty Empire.

As a result of long wars and various battles, the Manchu dynasty managed to conquer almost all strategic territories of China. The war claimed tens of millions of human lives.

21. Sino-Japanese War (casualties 25,000,000 - 30,000,000)

1937 - 1945. War between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. Separate fighting began in 1931. The war ended with the defeat of Japan with the help of allied forces, mainly the USSR. The United States launched 2 nuclear strikes on Japan, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On September 9, 1945, the government of the Republic of China accepted the surrender of the commander of Japanese troops in China, General Okamura Yasuji.

22. Wars of the Three Kingdoms (number of casualties 36,000,000 - 40,000,000 people)

220-280 AD Not to be confused with the War (of England, Scotland and Ireland between 1639 and 1651). The war of three states - Wei, Shu and Wu for complete power in China. Each side tried to unite China under its own leadership. The bloodiest period in Chinese history, which led to millions of victims.

23. Mongol conquests (casualties 40,000,000 - 70,000,000)

1206 - 1337. Raids across the territories of Asia and Eastern Europe with the formation of a state Golden Horde. The raids were distinguished by their cruelty. The Mongols spread the bubonic plague over vast territories, from which people died, having no immunity to this disease.

24. World War II (casualties 60,000,000 - 85,000,000)

The most brutal war in human history, when people were destroyed along racial and ethnic lines with the help of technical devices. The extermination of peoples was organized by the rulers of Germany and their allies, led by Hitler. Up to 100,000,000 troops fought on both sides of the war. With the decisive role of the USSR, Nazi Germany and its allies were defeated.


  • Death toll: 3,500,000 people
  • Date of: November 1799 - June 1815
  • Place: Europe, Atlantic Ocean, Rio de La Plata, Indian Ocean
  • Result: victory of the anti-Napoleonic coalition, Congress of Vienna

The wars that Napoleon Bonaparte waged with various European countries from 1799 to 1815 are usually called the Napoleonic Wars. To the redistribution political map Europe, the gifted commander began even earlier than he carried out the coup of the 18th Brumaire and became First Consul. The Hanoverian Campaign, the War of the Third Coalition or the Russian-Austro-French War of 1805, the War of the Fourth Coalition, or the Russian-Prussian-French War of 1806-1807, which ended with the famous Peace of Tilsit, the War of the Fifth Coalition, or the Austro-French War of 1809, Patriotic War 1812 and the War of the Sixth Coalition European powers against Napoleon and, finally, the campaign of the Hundred Days, which ended with the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, claimed the lives of at least 3.5 million people. Many historians double this figure.


  • Death toll: 10,500,000 people
  • Date of: 1917 - 1923
  • Place: territory of the former Russian Empire
  • Result: Victory of the Red Army, Education of the USSR

The Civil War was the result of the revolutionary crisis that struck Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, which began with the revolution of 1905-1907, aggravated during the World War and led to the fall of the monarchy, economic ruin, deep social, national, political and ideological split Russian society. The apogee of this split was a fierce war throughout the country between armed forces Soviet power and anti-Bolshevik authorities.

During the Civil War, from hunger, disease, terror and battles, from 8 to 13 million people died (according to various sources), including about 1 million Red Army soldiers. Up to 2 million people emigrated from the country. The number of street children increased sharply after World War I and the Civil War. According to some data, in 1921 there were 4.5 million street children in Russia, according to others, in 1922 there were 7 million street children. Damage to the national economy amounted to about 50 billion gold rubles, industrial production fell to 4-20% of the 1913 level.


  • Death toll: from 8 to 15 million people
  • Date of: 1862 - 1869
  • Place: Shaanxi, Gansu
  • Result: the uprising is crushed

In 1862, the so-called Dungan uprising against the Qing Empire began in northwestern China. Chinese and non-Chinese Muslim national minorities - Dungans, Uighurs, Salars - rebelled, as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia writes, against the national oppression of the Chinese-Manchu feudal lords and the Qing dynasty. English-speaking historians do not entirely agree with this and see the origins of the uprising in racial and class antagonism and in economics, but not in religious strife and rebellion against the ruling dynasty. Be that as it may, the uprising, which began in May 1862 in Weinan County, Shaanxi Province, spread to the provinces of Gansu and Xinjiang. There was no single headquarters of the uprising, and in the war of all, according to various estimates, from 8 to 15 million people suffered. The uprising was brutally suppressed as a result, and the surviving rebels were sheltered Russian empire. Their descendants still live in Kyrgyzstan, Southern Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.


  • Death toll: 13,000,000 people
  • Date of: December 755 - February 763 BC
  • Place: Tang China

The era of the Tang Dynasty is traditionally considered in China to be the period of the highest power of the country, when China was far ahead of its contemporary countries. And the civil war at that time was a match for the country - grandiose. In world historiography it is called the Ai Lushan uprising. Thanks to the favor of Emperor Xuanzong and his beloved concubine Yang Guifei, a Turk (or Sogdian) in Chinese service, Ai Lushan concentrated enormous power in the army - under his command were 3 of the 10 border provinces of the Tang Empire. In 755, Ai Lushan rebelled and next year proclaimed himself emperor of the new Yan dynasty. And although already in 757 the sleeping leader of the uprising was stabbed to death by his trusted eunuch, the rebellion was only pacified by February 763. The number of victims is staggering: at the very least, 13 million people died. And if you believe the pessimists and assume that the population of China at that time decreased by 36 million people, then you will have to admit that the rebellion of Ai Lushan reduced the then world population by more than 15 percent. In this case, if we count the number of victims, it was the largest armed conflict in the entire history of mankind until World War II.


  • Death toll: 15 to 20 million people
  • Date of: XIV century
  • Place: Iran, Transcaucasia, India, Golden Horde, Ottoman Empire
  • Result: Tamerlane's empire extended from Transcaucasia to Punjab

Tamerlane (or Timur) is a Central Asian Turkic commander and conqueror who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Commander, founder of the Timurid Empire (1370) with its capital in Samarkand.

Over the course of 45 years of conquest, Tamerlane killed no less than 3.5% of the world's population in the second half of the 14th century. The minimum is 15 million, or even 20!


  • Death toll: 22,000,000 people
  • Date of: July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918
  • Place: Europe, Africa and the Middle East (briefly in China and the islands Pacific Ocean)
  • Result: Victory of the Entente. The February and October revolutions in Russia and the November revolution in Germany. Collapse of the Russian, German, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires

The hero of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby called it "the belated migration of the Teutonic tribes." It was called the war against war, the Great War, the European War. The name with which it remained to live in history was coined by the Times military columnist Colonel Charles Repington: The First World War.

The starting shot of the world meat grinder was the shot in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. From that day until the armistice of November 11, 1918, by the most conservative measure, more than 10 million soldiers and about 12 million civilians died. If you come across the number 65 million, don’t be alarmed: it also includes all those who died from the Spanish flu, the most massive influenza pandemic in the history of mankind. In addition to the mass of victims, the result of World War I was the liquidation of four entire empires: Russian, Ottoman, German and Austria-Hungary.


  • Death toll: 20 to 30 million people
  • Date of: 1850 - 1864
  • Place: China
  • Result: defeat of the rebels

The Taiping state occupied a significant part of southern China, with about 30 million people under its jurisdiction. The Taiping tried to carry out radical social reforms, replacing traditional Chinese religions with a specific “Christianity”, while Hong Xiuquan was considered the younger brother of Jesus Christ. The Taipings were called “long-haired” because they rejected the braids adopted by the Qing Manchus; they were also called hairy bandits.

The Taiping Rebellion sparked a series of local uprisings in other parts of the Qing Empire, which fought against Manchu authorities, often declaring their own states. Foreign countries also got involved in the war. The situation in the country has become catastrophic. Taipings occupied big cities(Nanjing and Wuhan), rebels sympathetic to the Taiping occupied Shanghai, and campaigns were launched against Beijing and other parts of the country.

The Taipings were suppressed by the Qing army with the support of the British and French. The war resulted in a huge number of casualties - estimated at 20 to 30 million people. Mao Zedong viewed the Taiping as revolutionary heroes who rose up against the corrupt feudal system.


  • Death toll: 25,000,000 people
  • Date of: 1644 - 1683
  • Place: China
  • Result:

25 million victims, or almost 5% of the planet's inhabitants, is the price of creating an empire founded in 1616 by the Manchu clan of Aisin Gyoro on the territory of Manchuria, that is, what is now northeastern China. In less than three decades, all of China, part of Mongolia and a large piece of Central Asia came under her rule. The Chinese Ming Empire weakened and fell under the blows of the Great Pure State - Da Qing-kuo. What was won in blood lasted a long time: the Qing Empire was destroyed by the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-1912, the six-year-old Emperor Pu Yi abdicated the throne. However, he will still be destined to lead the country - the puppet state of Manchukuo, created by the Japanese occupiers on the territory of Manchuria and which existed until 1945.


  • Death toll: 30,000,000 people
  • Date of: XIII - XV centuries
  • Place: Asia, part of Europe
  • Result: the territory of the Mongol Empire became the largest in world history and extended from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Southeast Asia

The number of people who died during the formation, existence and collapse of the Mongol Empire will also not leave you indifferent: according to the most optimistic estimates, it is no less than 30 million. Pessimists number all 60 million. True, we are talking about a significant historical period - from the first years of the 13th century, when Temujin united the warring nomadic tribes into a single Mongolian state and received the title of Genghis Khan, and until his time on the Ugra in 1480, when Moscow State under Grand Duke Ivan III, it was completely freed from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. During this time, from 7.5 to more than 17 percent of the world's population died.


  • Death toll: from 40 to 72 million people
  • Date of: September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
  • Place: Eurasia, Africa, World Ocean
  • Result: Victory anti-Hitler coalition. Creation of the UN. Prohibition and condemnation of the ideologies of fascism and Nazism. The USSR and the USA become superpowers. Reducing the role of Great Britain and France in global politics. The split of the world into two camps; begins Cold War. Decolonization of vast colonial empires

The Second World War holds the most terrible records. She is also the bloodiest - total number its victims are cautiously estimated at 40 million, and carelessly at all 72. It is also the most destructive: the total damage to all the warring countries exceeded the material losses from all previous wars combined and is considered equal to one and a half, or even two trillion dollars. This war is the most, so to speak, global war - 62 states out of 73 existing on the planet at that moment, or 80% of the Earth's population, participated in it in one form or another. The war took place on earth, in the skies and on the sea - fighting took place on three continents and in the waters of four oceans. This was the only conflict to date in which nuclear weapons were used.

Winston Churchill said that war is mostly a catalog of blunders.

We invite you to get acquainted with the most famous wars that resulted from the struggle for territory or the desire for world domination. These large-scale armed conflicts forever changed the course of historical events.

The most significant wars

Battle of Constantinople

Conquest by the Ottoman Turks Balkan Peninsula turned out to be strong influence for the development of European states. A strengthened and equipped Turkish army was formed in Asia Minor. In 1453, the Turks began their conquest of Constantinople (modern Istanbul). The city was surrounded by stone walls and washed by the waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara.

After Constantine refused to surrender the city voluntarily and receive possession of the Peloponnese Peninsula as a reward, the Turks began to attack. They dug under the wall, filled up a ditch with water around the city, besieged the walls, but all their attacks were courageously repelled by the soldiers of Constantinople.

The city was defended from 250 thousand enemy soldiers by 7,000 people under the leadership of Constantine XII Palaiologos. The Turks decided to take a strategic pause to strengthen themselves, and then began a siege of the city from the sea and from land.

The exhausted Constantinople citizens could not withstand the onslaught: many soldiers left the fortress. In just a few days, the Turks captured Constantinople and killed everyone who refused to submit to them.

Battle of American Independence

The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 to 1783. The reason for the start of the American Revolution was the signing of the Stamp Act by the English government.

The document stated that all trade transactions in America should be taxed in favor of the English crown, that is, the American people should pay into the British treasury. This measure was taken to reduce the UK's external debt.

The discussion of these conditions took place without the presence of the American side. The act was repealed after a wave of protests from American residents. Then, in 1767, England imposed a tax on lead, glass, tea, paints and paper imported into the American colonies.

Dissatisfied with the decision of the British kingdom, the Americans began to develop a revolutionary plan to gain independence from England. But there was no unity among them. The population was divided into three sides - “patriots”, “loyalists” and those who took neutrality.

“Patriots” included people of the middle and lower classes of society who advocated American independence. To the "loyalists" - wealthy people, who were afraid of losing their acquired capital and opposed the revolution. Only the Religious Society of Pennsylvania took a neutral position.

The first armed attack that marked the beginning of hostilities occurred on April 19, 1775. 700 British soldiers were to seize weapons from American separatists. During the short battles, the “patriots” retreated, but the British army suffered significant losses.

For 8 years, America fought for its independence, until in April 1782 the British House of Commons voted to end the war. The United States was officially recognized as a sovereign state on September 3, 1783.

World Wars

Seven Years' War

The war between England and France lasted from 1756 to 1763. This military conflict went down in history as the largest armed confrontation of the 18th century. Seven Years' War covered countries outside of Europe. Participated in it North America, Caribbean countries, India and the Philippines.

War in Europe broke out over Silesia (located in modern Poland), which had previously belonged to the Austrians but was reconquered by the Prussians in 1748. Overseas, the cause of the armed conflict was the struggle for the territories of English and French colonists. In 1757, the Russian Empire entered the Seven Years' War.

The command of the troops was headed by Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev. For his victory in the battle of Kunersdorf (in Silesia), he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky as the best commander of the Russian army.

Over the course of 7 years, 400 thousand soldiers died due to fighting in Austria, 262 thousand in Prussia, 169 thousand in France, 20 thousand in England, 138 thousand in the Russian Empire. The Seven Years' War ended in early 1763 as a result of the complete exhaustion of the warring parties.

Franco-Prussian War

The Franco-Prussian War lasted from 1870 to 1871. On July 19, 1870, Germany declared war on Russia, England and France. The cause of the conflict was the desire of the German rulers to strengthen the position of the state in world politics, which at that time was dominated by the above countries. Germany ignored the military warning from Great Britain.

After 4 years of hostilities, on May 10, 1871, a peace treaty was signed between the warring countries in Frankfurt. The terms of the treaty stipulated that Germany must liberate colonial possessions in France, Denmark and Belgium. Thus, the German state lost 13.5% (73.5 thousand square kilometers) of its territories with a population of 7.3 million people.

World War I

The First World War lasted from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. The cause of the armed conflict was the murder of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia Chotek in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Two military-political blocs of states entered into confrontation: the Quadruple Alliance and the Entente. The Quadruple Alliance included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The Entente was represented by the Russian Empire, the French Republic and the British Empire.

10 million people died in the First World War. The losses of the Russian Empire amounted to more than one and a half million people. About 5 million were wounded and 2.5 million were captured by the enemy.

The First World War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles by the rulers of Germany. Later, peace treaties were concluded with Austria (Treaty of Saint-Germain), Bulgaria (Treaty of Neuilly), Hungary (Treaty of Trianon) and Turkey (Treaty of Sèvres).

The Second World War

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939 with the invasion of German and Slovak troops into Poland. In total, 61 states took part in this war.

On June 22, 1941, Germany, together with its allies - Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Finland and Romania - attacked Soviet Union. Invasion of the USSR German troops marked the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The victims of this four-year confrontation were 27 million people.

In total, more than 60 million people died in World War II, and total material damage amounted to $4 trillion. International ties between the warring states were disrupted.

After Germany was defeated in 1945, Adolf Hitler was accused of crimes against humanity and a desire for world domination. On April 30, 1945, the Fuhrer, together with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide.

World War II is the only armed conflict in history in which nuclear weapons were used against people. On August 6 and 9, 1945, to speed up Japan's surrender, the US military dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The nuclear attack claimed the lives, according to various sources, from 90 to 160 thousand people. Japan finally surrendered on September 2, 1945.

Talk about World War III

Political analysts have repeatedly made assumptions about the outbreak of the Third World War: what will be the prerequisites, who will be its participants and what will it lead to.

According to one version, the cause of the war will be dwindling supplies of fresh water. Others speak out about the imminent overpopulation of the planet, and then territories will become a prerequisite for war. Still others believe that the battle may begin due to the aggressive desire of the next dictator to conquer the whole world.

Before getting involved in armed confrontation, you should look back. History provides many examples that prove that military conflicts are not the most The best way solutions international issues. Millions of civilians and military personnel suffer and die, and the economies of the warring countries are destroyed.

Fortunately, some wars are short-lived, sometimes only a few minutes. The website has a detailed article about the shortest military confrontations.
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Wars are something that has always happened, no matter how many people live on the planet. Military uniform at different times and in different countries don't look like one another. It is interesting to find out which warrior is the most beautiful.

The most famous intelligence officer

After the film "Lawrence of Arabia" was released, the most famous intelligence officer became a man named Thomas Edward Lawrence. His role in the First World War was enormous.

While studying at the University, Thomas traveled a lot. These were mainly travels around Syria, where he managed to thoroughly study the way of life of this eastern country. Being very hospitable, the Arabs always greeted Lawrence warmly. He ate simple food with them, learned to ride a camel, studied their dialects, and even wore Arab clothing.

Soon British intelligence drew attention to young man and suggested that he specialize in Arab affairs. Thanks to his activities, sabotage detachments were organized from among the Bedouins, which later operated in Arabia and Palestine. Not without the influence and help of a scout, one of the Turkish ports was taken by the Arabs during the war for independence from Turkey.

The same intelligence officer contributed to the change of padishah in the twenties. As a result, the one who was more convenient for England came to power. As a result of this, relations with the USSR became tense, and the question of sending troops to Afghanistan was raised.

The oldest paratrooper in Russia

Paratroopers are worthy warriors. In Russia, the most famous and oldest paratrooper was Alexey Sokolov. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2013, when he was one hundred and two years old, he died.

This man lived interesting life. He participated in the Finnish Company, heading the headquarters of a battalion of a tank brigade in those years, then in the Second World War, defended Leningrad, and then in the war with Japan. In 1948, with the rank of captain, he became deputy for the technical department of one of the parachute regiments.

Sokolov served more than seventy years. Last years he was engaged in military-patriotic education of youth, and was an honorary chairman of the Veterans Council.

The most beautiful warrior in the world

The beauty of a warrior largely depends on the military uniform he wears. Many years have passed since the end of World War II, but the uniform of the Third Reich still remains the most beautiful among all known uniforms.

The designers of the black SS uniform were Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck. Hugo Boss founded the company in 1924, which began sewing uniforms for the Hitler Youth, SS and Wehrmacht. The factory was located in Metzingen, where convicts and French prisoners worked.

The form of the Third Reich is beautiful, varied and interesting from the point of view of the reasons that determined specific design solutions.

It should be noted that in those years no one knew Hugo Boss as a trademark. The company was initially engaged in sewing raincoats and overalls for workers. Receiving a defense order made it possible to save a precarious situation. Seventy-five thousand private German tailors were engaged in sewing uniforms, one of them was Hugo Boss.

Interestingly, there is also a very funny form. Most often, the soldiers of the honor guard stand in such an absurd uniform. The attire in which the Greek Evzones march at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens can be called funny; because of this, rare tourists can refrain from laughing. They wear a heavy woolen uniform and double woolen stockings.

The Swiss Guard Corps was hired to protect the Pope. The uniform they wear was designed by Michelangelo and has not changed for four hundred years. Today this form resembles a clown outfit.

Fiji's honor guard is made up of strong guys wearing tattered skirts. On their feet are slippers.

The strongest and greatest warrior of all time

Great warriors have been talked about, talked about and will always be talked about. These are called Spartacus, Napoleon and Cortez. Atilla is considered a great and mysterious warrior. One cannot help but mention Richard the Lionheart, who, as the king of England, became the head of the crusade against Jerusalem. Tokugawa Ieyasu is considered the great Japanese samurai commander.

The greatest commander of all time is Alexander the Great. Conquering the world had been his dream since childhood. Thanks to military victories, the borders of the empire extended from India to Greece.

The Mongol Khan Genghis Khan is recognized as a great warrior and a brilliant commander. The great Tamerlane managed to conquer the territory from the Volga to Samarkand.

A skilled strategist Ancient world is Hannibal. Being an enemy of the Roman Republic, he led Punic Wars. He stood at the head of a huge army and was able to cross the Alps and Pyrenees with him.

Alexander Suvorov is deservedly named a great warrior and national hero of Russia. In his military career there was not a single defeat. This commander had no equal in the art of war.

The famous commander who dedicated his life to defending his homeland was Alexander Nevsky. Next to him you can put the name of another Russian commander - Dmitry Donskoy, who managed to defeat the Mongol horde with his army.

The strongest warriors were not only strong people. Real strongmen - for example, athletes. According to the site, the strongest people in the world are athletes and can even move ships.
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The topic of this section is wars in Russian history and their results. The dates of the wars in which our state participated and their main results are presented to your attention. We will talk about both famous wars and those that are practically unknown to a wide range of history buffs.

1605 - 1618 - Russian-Polish War. One of the most difficult wars in our history, since there was a time of troubles in Rus' at that time. The impostor False Dmitry I came to the Russian throne by deception, but a year later he was killed during an uprising. But the turmoil did not end; many robber mines were formed on the territory of Russia, which acted independently and to the detriment of Moscow, and the Cossacks also acted, over whom there was no control at that time. In 1610 the Poles entered Moscow, in 1611 the Poles took Smolensk by storm. In 1612, the Russian people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky defeated the Polish-Lithuanian army and drove them out of Moscow. After which the Russians set off to recapture Smolensk, but this enterprise ended in failure. In 1617, the Poles moved to Moscow, but also failed.
In 1618, a truce was signed between the Russians and Poles, according to which Russia lost Smolensk.

XVII - XX centuries - During this period, fires often flared up. Russian-Turkish wars . The last of which took place during the First World War, which will be described below. .

1632 - 1634 - Smolensk War. Russia tried to recapture Smolensk from Poland, but failed. Smolensk remained with the Poles.

1654 - 1667 - Russian-Polish War. For Russia, on the one hand, this confrontation was a logical continuation of previous wars with the Poles, but the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1648 also played a very important role here. The Russians supported the fraternal people, who were under the rule of the Polish king. The confrontation went on with varying degrees of success, but the Russians and Cossacks eventually won a victory over the Poles. The result of the war was that Smolensk and all the lands lost in the Time of Troubles, Left Bank Ukraine and Kyiv went to Russia. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth suffered a very serious defeat from Muscovite Rus' and was very weakened and subsequently could not recover.

1700 - 1721 - North War. The fighting took place between Russia and Sweden. Our state won and annexed part of Finland, the Baltic states and gained access to the Baltic Sea.

1722 - 1723 - Russo-Persian War. The latter won the confrontation between Persia and Russia. Thanks to this, our state received the Caspian lands with the cities of Derbent, Baku, and Rasht into its possession. Later, the government of the Russian Empire returned this territory to the Persians due to the difficult foreign policy situation in the south of the country.

1757 - 1762 - Seven Years' War. Almost all European states took part in it. For Russia, this war took place, by and large, like a war with Prussia, whose emperor was Frederick II. Russian troops achieved great success in this confrontation. They occupied East Prussia, temporarily occupied Berlin and were very close to the complete defeat of the Prussian army, but in 1762 Elizabeth died, and he ascended the throne Peter III, which Frederick II considered his idol. In 1762, a peace treaty was signed between Russia and Prussia, and all Russian conquests were returned to Frederick.

1796 - Russo-Persian War. The Russians were victorious and captured Derbent, Cuba and Baku. However, after the death of Catherine II, Paul ascended the throne. After which the war was stopped, and the captured territories were returned to the Persians.

1804 - 1813 - Russo-Persian War. The result of the long war was the victory of Russia. According to the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Persia recognized the inclusion of Eastern Georgia, Northern Azerbaijan, Imereti, Guria, Mengrelia and Abkhazia into the Russian Empire.

1805 - 1807 - 3rd and 4th coalitions. During this period of the Napoleonic wars, 4 major battles took place between Russia and France. 2 of which ended in a draw, and 2 in the defeat of the Russian army. After Russia's defeat by France at Friedland in 1807, the Treaty of Tilsit was signed between the two powers.

1808 - 1809 - Finnish War . The confrontation between the Russian Empire and Sweden, in which the latter suffered a crushing defeat. The result of the war was the annexation of Finland to Russia.

1812 - Patriotic War. Russia and France fought in this confrontation. Almost all of Europe fought in the ranks of the latter, as it was captured by the French Emperor Napoleon. The war ended with the retreat of the French from Russian possessions.

1813 - 1814 - Foreign campaigns of the Russian army. These campaigns took place as part of the war with France, which ended in 1814 with the capture of Paris by Russian and allied troops. As a result, France lost all the lands in Europe that it had captured. Russia annexed part of Poland along with Warsaw.

1826 - 1828 - Russo-Persian War. Old enemies fought for dominance in Transcaucasia and the Caspian region. Once again, the Russian Empire won this confrontation and eventually included the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates under the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty.

1914 - 1918 - World War I. The Russian Empire fought against Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire. Our allies were the French and the British. In 1917, 2 revolutions took place in Russia. With the Bolsheviks coming to power in October 1917, Russia actually left the war, and in February 1918 it made it official.

1941 - 1945 - The Great Patriotic War. The USSR and Germany fought in this confrontation and it took place within the framework of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War ended in victory Soviet army and the capture of Berlin. As a result, Germany was fragmented into the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany lost East Prussia, part of which went to the USSR (Königsberg and its environs), and part to Poland. The Soviet state also secured Galicia.

To be continued! The section is filling up.