Quotes from Paolo Coelho. Paulo Coelho quotes

The most best sayings Paulo Coelho.

Paulo Coelho is a legendary Brazilian novelist and poet. Total circulation His books in all languages ​​have long exceeded 300 million.

His special style and thoughts in novels, anthologies and collections of short stories and parables help the reader look at life from a slightly different angle, see the small in the great, find the strength to love, love life and look at everything with optimism.

For you – a selection of some of the most best quotes Paulo Coelho, which may help you realize something important:

1. Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone else's lips to tell us something.

2. If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty inside you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

3. If a person really wants something, then the whole Universe will help make his wish come true.

4. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

5. When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

6. Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart.

7. If I do exactly those actions that people expect from me, I will fall into slavery to them.

8. True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.

9. Life is always waiting for that hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions.

10. Getting lost is best way find something interesting.

11. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

12. If you were discharged from a mental hospital, this does not mean that you have been cured. You just became like everyone else.

13. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.

14. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

15. If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.

16. Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

17. Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

18. Waiting is the hardest thing.

19. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

20. If you dare to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

21. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

22. There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not bad or good, this is life.

23. You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.

24. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

25. We say the most important words in our lives silently.

26. Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried near your own home.

27. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

28. What you are looking for is also looking for you.

29. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks destinies...

30. A person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. He spends his health for money and immediately spends money on improving his health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he would never die, and dies as if he had never lived.

31. Sometimes you have to die to start living.

32. You always need to know when the next stage of your life ends. The circle closes, closes
door, the chapter ends - it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s important to leave in the past what already belongs to the past...

33. Sometimes it happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

34. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

35. In the end, everything must be fine. If something is bad, it means it’s not the end...

Peru cult writer Paulo Coelho owns no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories and parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. He is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love.

We have collected for you 30 best quotes by Paulo Coelho about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

    Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried near your own home.

    If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

    What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

    When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

    If I do exactly those things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

    Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

    Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

    The darkest hour is before the dawn.

    If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.

    Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

    Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

    If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.

    Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

    Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

    Waiting is the hardest thing.

    Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

    Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury..

    There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.

    You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.

    Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart.

    Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

    We say the most important words in our lives silently.

    Sometimes you have to die to start living.

    People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

    What you are looking for is also looking for you.

    Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks destinies...

    The person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. He spends his health for money and immediately spends money on improving his health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he would never die, and dies as if he had never lived.

    Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

    It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

    Everything always ends well. If it ends badly, then it's not the end yet.

It is very common for people to invent things that do not exist, and not to learn the most useful lessons from what is in front of our eyes.

There are lesions. And no one in the world is safe from them, moreover, no one can avoid them. Therefore, it is better to fight to fulfill your dreams and lose several battles in this war than to be defeated and not even know what you fought for.

If I do exactly those things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

And the opportunity to satisfy your physical needs.

A crazy person is someone who lives in his own special world.

In sex, it is difficult for one person to deceive the other, because there everyone shows himself as he is.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Instead of cursing the place where you fell, you should try to discover what made you fall in the first place.

A person always has everything to make his dream come true.

A person must choose, not accept his fate.

The path that is determined by Your Fate is just as difficult as any other, with the only difference being that your heart will be there.

We always know which way is the best. But we follow the more usual one.

You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.

Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays main role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn’t even know about it.

Everyone has a meaning in life; all you have to do is see it.

Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

We usually appreciate what comes from afar and rarely pay attention to the beauty around us.”

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.

Just because you have been discharged from a mental hospital does not mean that you have been cured. You just became like everyone else.

I began to understand that the lack of meaning in life is only my fault.

The most profound changes - both in the human soul and in the life of society - occur in a very short time. When we least expect it, life challenges us to test our courage and our desire for change; and does not allow us to pretend that nothing is happening, or to make excuses that we are not ready yet. The call must be answered immediately.

Quotes from "Paulo Coelho"

There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.

Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

What seems something scary at the beginning of the journey turns out to be a mere trifle at the end.

Crazy people are not necessarily mentally ill, maybe they are just not like everyone else.

Sometimes you have to die to start living.

They don’t love for something, they love for no reason.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

Quotes by Paulo Coelho

When you find something important in life, it doesn't mean you have to give up everything else.

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

Every day carries a piece of eternity.

The most strong love– one who is not afraid to show weakness.

To live means to consciously live every moment, and not to spend days thinking about the meaning of life.

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

Better live as if today is the first or last day of your life.

Life doesn't always give you a second try, and the gifts it sometimes gives you are best accepted.

If you are driven by the power of desire on the way to achieving your goal, then you will definitely achieve it.

Peru cult writer Paulo Coelho owns no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories and parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. He is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love.

We have collected for you 30 best quotes by Paulo Coelho about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

  1. Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried near your own home.
  2. If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.
  3. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.
  4. When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.
  5. If I do exactly those things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.
  6. Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.
  7. Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.
  8. The darkest hour is before the dawn.
  9. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.
  10. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.
  11. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.
  12. If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.
  13. Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.
  14. Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.
  15. Waiting is the hardest thing.
  16. Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.
  17. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury..
  18. There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.
  19. You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.
  20. Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart.
  21. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.
  22. We say the most important words in our lives silently.
  23. Sometimes you have to die to start living.
  24. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.
  25. What you are looking for is also looking for you.
  26. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks destinies...
  27. The person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. He spends his health for money and immediately spends money on improving his health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he would never die, and dies as if he had never lived.
  28. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.
  29. It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.
  30. Everything always ends well. If it ends badly, then it's not the end yet.

A very popular worldwide Brazilian prose writer and poet who has published a total of 18 books. Sayings and quotes by Paulo Coelho, like the aphorisms of Omar Khayyam, can often be found on the Internet as ordinary quotes or even page statuses social networks. The total circulation of his works in all languages ​​exceeds 300 million. This alone suggests that the aphorisms and sayings of Paulo Coelho contain a lot of interesting, useful and relevant things.

If you are alive, you should shake your arms, jump everywhere, make noise, laugh and talk to people. Because life is the complete opposite of death. Once you die, you remain forever in the same position. If you are too quiet, you are not living.

You have to take risks. The miracle of life can only be fully realized when we are prepared for the unexpected to happen.

We feel guilty when we leave home because we leave our children behind to earn money to support them. We feel guilty when we stay at home because it seems like we are not taking advantage of the freedom of the world. We feel guilty about everything, and yet we cannot be guilty, because we are always far from decisions and power.

It doesn't matter what others think - because they will think something anyway. So relax.

The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give to it.

On the path of attaining wisdom, there is no need to be afraid that you will take a wrong turn.

Only in fairy tales does a princess kiss a toad, and it turns into a handsome prince. In life, it's the other way around: the princess kisses the prince, and he becomes a disgusting toad.

Since we were expelled from heaven, we either suffer, or cause suffering to others, or watch this suffering. And you can't cope with it.

If you are still living, it is because you have not yet arrived at the place you are supposed to come to.

Being consistent means always wearing the same sock.

There are such places - war, persecution, indifference sweep through them and destroy them, but they remain sacred. And then someone will come here, take a look, notice that something is missing, and restore it.

It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

It is not the one who dives who chokes and drowns, but the one who remains under water.

One happy day is almost a miracle.

No one can lose anyone because no one belongs to anyone.

Misfortune is a test, not a punishment.

We never understand what treasures are in front of us. Do you know why? Because people don't believe in treasures at all.

Do you see the Fifth Mountain? - asked Elijah. - No matter which side you look at it, it will seem different, although it is still the same mountain. That's how everything that surrounds us is: it's different faces the same God.

He will have to pay the offered price - take the first step. Because a woman pays more - she gives herself away.

If you want to know something, immerse yourself in it.

It makes sense to rack your brains only over what you are paid for. Everything else does not exist. Everything else is a lie.

Anyone who does not doubt himself is an unworthy person, for he blindly believes in his own strength and sins with pride. Praise be to the one who experiences moments of confusion.

If I’m looking for true and big love, then first I need to get tired of petty feelings and random romances.

No one owns anything, everything in the world is illusory and unsteady - and this also applies material goods, and spiritual values. A person who has ever lost something that he thought would belong to him forever (and this happened to me often) eventually learns that nothing belongs to him.

Everything you know is the result of experience gained over years of service. But past solutions are only suitable for past problems. If you want a creative breakthrough, forget about your rich experience for a while!

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