Long bob for curly, unruly hair. Fashionable haircuts for curly and frizzy hair. Styling curly hair. Haircuts for different face types

Naturally curly hair is a rarity and the secret envy of straight-haired beauties. Owners of unruly curls will not always agree with this, but such wealth cannot be leveled out or tried to be reined in in any other way. Wavy hair always looks in the photo and in reality is somewhat thicker and more voluminous than it actually is, but you should choose a suitable hairstyle somewhat carefully: the texture of such curls has its own characteristics. Let's figure out which haircut is suitable for medium-length curly hair?

Differences in curly hair

hairstyle for curly hair with side bangs

  • visually the growth will be less noticeable;
  • the haircut should be designed for minimal styling, otherwise it will look untidy;
  • positive point: it is easier to hide small mistakes when cutting;
  • For short hairstyles, the main rule is to correct the shape in time, otherwise the “artistic” mess will turn into just chaos. Various photos very short women's haircuts are presented;
  • short curls are also less easy to style and more unruly than the average length. You can watch a video of asymmetrical haircuts for short hair;
  • as a rule, bangs are not done on curly hair - there is too much hassle in styling, but if this issue is important, then you can try it if your hair is fairly manageable;
  • straightening your bangs with an iron is also a bad idea; in addition to difficulties in execution, there will be an ambiguous visual effect when the straight bangs do not harmonize with the rest of the curls.

Advice: use a mousse, gel or spray with appropriate markings for styling, but it is better to avoid varnishes and wax-based products, as they will weigh down your hair and create a sloppy look.

The optimal length for naturally curly hair is from the shoulders and below, so the hairstyle will look most advantageous.

To give your curls obedience and a more neat appearance, as far as possible, taking into account the curly “ugliness”, it will help to choose the right one or not.

Video: technique for cutting a bob haircut on wavy strands If you don’t know which hairstyle to choose for curly hair, give preference bob. Wavy strands will give the bob good volume. Check out the technique of creating a hairstyle in our video clip.

Hairstyle options

  • cascade;
  • bob;
  • ladder;
  • Aurora.


One of the most preferred haircuts for curly locks of any length is a cascade. Thanks to the ability to thin out and reduce cluttered volume, this hairstyle is suitable for all types, but will look especially impressive on wavy ones. These are great for thin curly strands.

cascade on medium wavy hair

Cascade hairstyle for wavy hair does not require styling

Short bob hairstyle

Universal and extremely popular at all times. There can be many varieties of bobs; as for cutting wavy hair, even a classic bob will look very unusual. The visual effect will largely depend on the professionalism of the hairdresser; only a stylist can choose a haircut that suits you, taking into account the characteristics, structure and volume of the curls. For example, it is performed on perfectly straight hair.

Large curls will look most advantageous in an asymmetrical or elongated bob. This way you can widen your narrow face a little.

bob on short curly hair

Is “Ladder” suitable for girls with round faces?

This type of haircut looks equally good on strands of any length and texture. For curly locks, the ladder will help highlight the face and remove a little excess volume. It is recommended for girls with a rectangular or triangular face shape, but for chubby women with curls it is better to choose another option.


This is one of the varieties of cascading haircuts, the main difference will be the parting in the form of a horseshoe, from where the strands then descend in short waves to the parietal zone and longer ones along the entire contour. One of the extreme types of such haircuts would be the “Italian”, in which the temples are also shaved.

aurora on wavy strands

When performing a particular haircut, you should also take into account not only the length of the hair, but also, so to speak, the intensity of the curls. The preferred type of hairstyle will depend to some extent on the size of your curls.

What hairstyles are suitable for thin and curly hair of medium length?

In the case of extremely thin but wavy hair, you should prefer:

  • classic and asymmetrical bob;
  • multi-level staircase and cascade;
  • shaved temples.

short bob haircut

Always spectacular and original, a bob haircut on wavy hair will be simply unsurpassed. Thanks to its masterful execution, it will help to disguise even too thin and sparse hair. Using eye-catching hairpins, hoops and other tricks will help diversify appearance

and make an elegant option even on the shortest or thinnest strands.

An unforgettable image can be created with the help of an asymmetrical bob, which, by the way, is again at the peak of popularity. This hairstyle certainly suits almost every face type, creating a beautiful frame, especially on wavy locks. D For a rectangular face with large features, a shocking accent is ideal - hair shaved at the temples.

This way, you will not only open your face as much as possible, but also smooth out slight disproportion. You can find out how to choose a hairstyle based on your face shape.

haircut with shaved temples on curly hair

For thick, heavy curls, it is better to choose the same hair length, but for small, fluffy curls, asymmetrical hairstyles or a graduated option would be ideal.

It is fashionable to thin out too thick curls with a multi-level hairstyle - a ladder, which will allow you to maintain the root volume and slightly adjust the length of the splendor.

Features of proper care for curly hair and styling fashionable women's hairstyles

Curly curls are more susceptible to breakage due to their drier structure than straight ones. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize harmful thermal effects, especially pulling strands using a straightening iron. Therefore, choose for curly hair.

Comprehensive care for wavy curls includes the choice of a gentle shampoo (you can have a specialized “curly” series), as well as regular “feeding” in the form of nutritious store-bought masks and homemade potions.

To care for curly hair, you should choose a special line of cosmetics

Traditionally, the effect of “wet hair” will help to emphasize the volume and airiness of the hairstyle, for which appropriate cosmetics are used. Coloring individual strands will be effective on wavy hair. This will create an unexpected visual effect and help highlight natural beauty, thanks to texture features

A bob for curly hair looks feminine and romantic. The photo shows beautiful options for this hairstyle. Among the many haircut options, you should choose one that will emphasize the individuality and beauty of your hair. You should choose a suitable hairstyle for wavy strands very carefully; the texture of such strands has its own characteristics.

Let's find out how to choose the right haircut for curly hair, and which bob option will highlight your style and beauty better than others.

Features of choosing a haircut for curly curls

In this case, the length and shape of the haircut is chosen taking into account the structure of the hair. Let's look at the most popular options for this hairstyle.

Medium length bob

A bob looks unusual on medium curly hair. You can see what it looks like in the photo. Raised roots will add fullness and additional volume.

Such option will do women of different ages, but not for every face shape. With this hairstyle, a round or square face will look even bigger. But for narrow shape this will be the perfect solution.

Advice! To create an evening look from a medium-length bob, you need to use styling products to lift the hair near the roots. In this case, the hairstyle will take on a beautiful shape with an original texture.

Stylish elongated bob

You can make an elegant long bob for curly hair. You can see similar options in the photo. With this hairstyle, the strands can be collected or worn loose.

With the help of special styling you can create beautiful effect wet hair or even vertical chemistry. For an evening version, the strands can be gathered into a bun and a few curly curls can be released on the sides.

Original graduated version

A fashion trend is a graduated bob for curly hair. The hairstyle can be seen in the photo. It has a trapezoidal shape and is created using complex technology. This option is suitable for curly curls with a fine structure. This haircut will add the necessary volume.

Since the hairstyle assumes the presence of a lush crown, such a bob can stretch out a square or round face.

Advice! This hairstyle is suitable for girls with triangular or oval shape faces. In this case, you can backcomb it from the sides.

Short version with legs

A short bob with a stem looks stylish on curly hair. In the photo you can see how the hairstyle combines with long bangs. This haircut will create a playful and fashionable image. It is relevant for triangular or oval face types. A good addition would be elongated bangs with asymmetry. This original solution is suitable for both everyday wear and as an evening option.

Advice! To do simple styling, after washing your hair, you need to dry your strands with a hairdryer. And then you should tilt your head down, shake the strands a little and sprinkle them with varnish.

Bob-bob variation

A shortened version of the bob with bangs looks stylish. Straight and thick bangs will highlight your eyes and make your hair more neat. Original solution and long side bangs. This strand will allow you to adjust your face shape.

Advice! On short and curly hair, you can create an unusual vintage or grunge style.

Options for thick and fine curly hair

If the hair is too thin, then cascading hairstyles are suitable. To add volume, you can use coloring or highlighting. To style, hair must be dried against hair growth, and then carefully arrange the ends using fixing agents.

Fine strands require special care. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the ends so that they don’t split.

If your hair is very curly, you can try an afro-style hairstyle. In this case, additional accessories will also come in handy.

For medium thick hair, you can choose a bob. And complement it with bangs, which should be straightened. If you have elastic curls, you can use multi-layered haircuts.

Styling curly hair

Curly strands need good styling. Let's look at the most popular styling and design options for curly bobs:

  • Naturalness and neatness are in fashion, so wet strands can simply be dried using foam. In this case, the hair can dry itself or with the help of a hair dryer. In this case, the strands need to be slightly raised at the roots. You can use a side parting, an oblique parting or a central parting.
  • Curls can be straightened using a hairbrush and a round comb. You can also make light waves.

Naturalness and neatness are in fashion
  • Wavy locks look great with a variety of accessories. For example, with hairpins or headbands. This decoration is made for special occasions.

Advice!Various colors look good on curly strands. For short haircuts, darker roots and lighter highlights are suitable. For medium and long hair, a single color dye is suitable. You can use shatush, ombre or balayage.

Uneven coloring options will add fullness to your hair. Bright shades Great for short hairstyles.

In order for any hairstyle to look beautiful and well-groomed, it is necessary to ensure proper care of wavy strands. Here are the main points to follow:

  • For unruly strands, you need to choose special care products. You should also choose suitable styling products that will make curly hair more well-groomed.
  • It is better to choose shampoos and conditioners that do not contain silicone. The balm is distributed on the ends of the hair and along the main length. In this case, you do not need to touch the root zone.

  • You definitely need to use nourishing masks. The porous structure of the hair allows it to perfectly absorb all the missing components. If the strands are too oily, then the useful composition should not be applied to the roots, but only to the strands.

To prevent your head from looking shaggy, you will have to use all the ingredients for curly hair professional styling. This requires drying, curl formation and fixation.

To facilitate the daily styling process, you can use techniques such as thinning, grading and cutting with hot scissors. This will give the hair the necessary shape, and during styling you will need to use less effort.

Observing useful tips and styling rules, you can choose a stylish and fashionable solution even for curly and unruly hair. Beautiful options bobs will not only help you lose a couple of years, but will also allow you to create a feminine and modern look.

A lady with curly hair looks beautiful and feminine, but only if she chooses the optimal haircut or hairstyle. The leader in demand among all women's haircuts in Last year This is definitely a bob for curly hair, all types of which go well with tight curls, large soft curls, and light wavy hair.

Features of a bob haircut for curly hair

According to the ancient Greeks, people with curly hair were sent to earth by the gods. This perception can easily be explained by the beauty and unusualness of curly hair, which, if properly styled, will make any person, especially the fair sex, irresistible. But choose the most suitable variety a bob to create on a curly base is quite difficult, since you need to take into account a bunch of different points, the main one of which is the type of curls.

There are three main types of curls (the division is arbitrary):

  1. Curls (round rings) - occur mainly on hair of short length, then, as they grow, they either increase in diameter (large curls) or turn into spirals.
  2. Spirals are oblong curls twisted in a spiral and can also be of different diameters.
  3. Waves are when the hair is neither straight nor curly, but only slightly curled (wavy).

Each type of curl is best suited to its own variety. For example, for waves - classic, for ring-shaped curls - bob, and for spirals - long and elongated haircut options.

The length of the future haircut also plays a huge role. The most harmoniously elongated spiral-shaped curls look maximum (up to the shoulders or slightly below), ringlets are ideal for hair, and waves are ideal for hair.

The amount of hair is also important. It is recommended to do this on overly thick curly hair to give it a beautiful shape and manageability. A huge plus of curly hair is its volume (even if it is not thick enough, the hair looks full).

Who suits a curly bob?

To the question “who suits a curly bob?” You can definitely answer “everyone”, but:

  1. If a lady has a round face and curls in her hair, short haircut options are eliminated; it is best to choose a long or elongated bob.
  2. The type of appearance dictates the choice of haircut - dark-skinned brunettes with small African-type curls are also better off choosing elongated and long bob options with graduated strands.
  3. Blondes prefer medium-length bob options with large curls or waves.
  4. Girls and women with oval and triangular face shapes and curly hair can safely cut all types of bobs, as in any case they will look excellent.
  5. If you have a rectangular, square or masculine face, a curly bob performs an important mission - it softens the features and adds a ton of femininity to them.

Types of bobs for curly (curly) hair

If we consider curly hair as a basis for creating a bob, then we can draw the following conclusion - they are suitable for all types of haircuts, except, perhaps, the shortest ones, but this is individual.

Through a medium-length bob experienced master will be able to beautifully style curly hair with any type of curl.

Short bob options are contraindicated for hair whose curls naturally have small curls (African type). Waves and curls large diameter, on the contrary, will look great.

A long bob is always a winning option for all types of curly hair.

Contrary to misconceptions, the classic bob is also quite suitable for curly hair, especially if the curls are only waved and not twisted into rings. If a classic bob is cut on hair with full curls, then it is advisable to process its lower cut using a grading method so that the ends of the hair do not bristle, but fit neatly into the haircut.

Graduated square

– an ideal haircut for curly hair of any length, thickness and texture, as it helps to give the hair the most advantageous shape and tame wild curls.

Cascading square

It is also a great frame for curly hair. This choice completely deprives the lady of the hassle of styling, since curly hair will independently highlight all the delights of a cascading haircut.

It doesn’t always look good on curly hair. It should be created on hair of at least medium length with mandatory graduation of the ends, otherwise bristling curls will deprive the haircut the desired shape and hide all its charm.

On curly hair with soft, slightly stretched curls or waves, a bob haircut with elongated strands (only in the front or randomly located throughout the head) fits perfectly.

For a decent design of hair with curls in the form of spirals of any diameter (especially medium thickness), the mega-fashionable and super-popular one is perfect. Its medium and long versions suit absolutely everyone, and short ones can become an icon of individual style.

Not great for curly hair the best choice among the haircut options, but it has a right to exist. Done by a professional, it will decorate the hair and make the lady’s image organic and unique. But, created by an inexperienced master, a curly bob on a leg can turn into something ridiculous.

Asymmetry is an excellent technique for creating a beautiful and unusual bob on curly hair. The haircut usually has a smooth transition from one shorter side to the other longer side. It looks especially elegant when total mass The hair stands out significantly in length, only a few curls on one side of the face.

Bob with bangs

Bangs in a curly bob are used very often - with them the hair looks more harmonious. It is almost impossible to make straight bangs on curly hair, so in most cases they are done torn, short to the side or long braided.

Bob without bangs

A bob without bangs on hair with strong, small curls will look unbalanced, since the two sides of the hair will lose their connecting link and will exist as if separately from each other. But for wavy and slightly curled hair, this feature loses its relevance - a bob without bangs in this case looks quite harmonious.

Haircut care and styling

All types of bobs made on curly hair require certain care. Hair must be washed with special means, after which the curls become less frizzy. Sleeping with wet hair is also not recommended.

Another way to solve the problem with frizz is:

  1. Wash your hair.
  2. Apply foam to damp hair.
  3. Form neat curls by twirling the curls around your finger.
  4. Dry your hair naturally(without hair dryer).

Styling a curly bob is not difficult, since thanks to the curls it is voluminous in itself. The whole point of styling such a haircut is to arrange the curls in the most interesting way and fix them.

Photo gallery of bob haircuts for curly hair

Below are photos of ladies with very successful cutting experiences. different options bob for curly hair.

The examples given are one hundred percent proof that curly hair is an excellent basis for a bob haircut, you just need to entrust its creation to a professional.

Video on the topic

Curly hair looks great from the outside, but it can be a hassle to care for. The problem can be completely solved by creating a beautiful and comfortable haircut that will give maximum comfort to owners of curly, wavy or frizzy hair.

Fashionable haircuts for long curly and frizzy strands

Haircuts for long curly and frizzy hair look amazing from the outside. Curly and flowing strands over the shoulders emphasize tenderness and romance. For girls with small curls, this option is most suitable.

Stylish cascade

The cascade will decorate any curly head. In addition to the fact that it gives the hair an easy and easy-to-care shape, it also looks charming on any curls. At the same time, it significantly relieves the severity of curly hair.

A multi-layered stepped bob serves as the basis for a cascading haircut, and the deft hands of a professional can create a flawless hairstyle. This haircut creates good volume even for thin strands thanks to a smooth step transition.

The cascade has a lot of different options. Strands can be cut at the ends of the curls, near the face and along the entire length of the hair.

This haircut is also undeniably easy to style and care for. The final touch for a stylish cascade can be the coloring of individual strands.

Ladder – graduated haircut for voluminous hair

The basic principle of a graduated haircut is multi-layered strands at the front.

Here the volume is mainly concentrated on the front curls, while the hair at the back looks simply long.

This option emphasizes the face extremely favorably, framing it with lush strands.

The ladder gives the master the opportunity to dream up and come up with a variety of various variations, thanks to which you can create a unique image for the owner of voluminous hair. A graduated haircut looks very stylish and feminine.

Aurora for long wavy hair

Aurora is very similar to a cascade or ladder. Its main difference is the smooth transition between numerous steps of strands and a rounded cap on the top of the head. Another important feature is well-defined bangs.

A haircut done on frizzy and curly hair will look neat if you style each curl separately. But you shouldn’t overuse the gel to avoid the effect. dirty hair

This haircut has been very popular for several decades. She was especially loved in the 80s. If your hair is finely curly, then it is better to refrain from such a haircut. It will look much more impressive on long wavy hair, and good styling will complete a great look.

Note! Due to its porosity and fineness, curly and frizzy hair requires special care even after cutting. It is necessary to carefully select shampoos and conditioners for this type of hair.

Haircuts for curly and frizzy hair of medium length

For cutting curly hair, medium length is the most versatile option. You can create a huge number of interesting images with it. Haircuts for medium length hair are suitable for any age and face shapes, they emphasize the advantages of appearance and hide its disadvantages. Even small curls will not be frizzy.

Bob - the perfect haircut for voluminous hair

Traditionally, the bob is considered a haircut suitable for girls with a strong character and an independent nature. And there is some truth in this.

Of course, bob is a haircut for confident women.

And yet, for voluminous, medium-length hair, you can come up with many elegant, feminine and romantic looks.

Bob looks amazingly voluminous on thick hair. This haircut is simply a treasure trove for experimenting with styling and different color schemes.

A medium length bob suits any face shape.

Elongated bob

The bob is considered a classic haircut that has existed for more than a thousand years, and during this time it has established itself as the most universal. For medium-length curly hair, a bob is a brilliant solution.

This option has many interesting variations. An elongated bob looks best on wavy curls.

A round or square face will be visually expanded by a lush bob.

For wavy hair, the most acceptable option would be a long bob with bangs.

Straight bangs will add originality to the haircut, while asymmetrical bangs will add playfulness. If the bangs are lush, it would be better to choose a graduated version.

Asymmetrical haircuts for fluffy medium hair

Asymmetrical haircuts are always associated with an extraordinary personality, sometimes with a confident and serious character. And yet, on medium-length fluffy hair they look incredibly feminine and even romantic.

One of the most good options for fluffy hair of medium length - an asymmetrical bob with long bangs.

As a rule, this haircut is done with a side parting and combing in one direction or the other.

An asymmetrical haircut is more suitable for girls with large curls, For small curls this option is not the best.

Important to remember! Those with curly hair need to regularly visit the hairdresser to periodically cut off split ends. This will provide the hair healthy growth and view.

Stylish haircuts for short wavy and fluffy hair

Short haircuts for curly hair have long become commonplace due to their convenience, lightness and ease of care. They are preferred mainly by young, energetic girls or women.

These haircuts are perfect for slender girls with subtle features faces that emphasize the youth and enthusiasm of the owner.

Pixie – a classic for voluminous hair

Pixie is a charming haircut that appeared in the 60s of the last century.

She gained her popularity after the film "Roman Holiday", where the heroine Audrey Hepburn demonstrated her desire for independence by cutting long hair.

Pixie is a rather interesting look: the length remains only in the bangs, on the top and back of the head, while the neck and ears remain open. On thick hair, a pixie looks very stylish and feminine.

This haircut is perfect for girls with an elongated shape and large features. It distracts attention from the hair, adding emphasis to the face, and looks great with side bangs.

Garcon for curly and voluminous hair

WITH French"garcon" is translated as boy. Initially, the haircut was for men, but today it is one of the most popular haircuts for women. Garson, like Pixie, has a haircut with open ears and neck, only all the strands on the head remain the same length.

It looks great on curly and voluminous hair and is perfect for slender and petite girls with pronounced facial features.

Garson is most suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle, while remaining feminine and cute in appearance.

Just like the pixie, this haircut enhances the emphasis on the face, so makeup is a must for this look. In addition, the Garson haircut does not require a lot of time to style and is a gift for women who value their time.

Model fouetté haircut for short strands

Fouette, a virtuoso movement in classical dance, gives its name to a stylish and sophisticated haircut.

Like its dance counterpart, expressed through repeating circles, The haircut is performed in a spiral, lengthening from the crown to the edges.

At the same time, the hair on the top of the head remains shortest. Fouette is usually performed with expressive asymmetrical bangs.

Fouette on curly hair short hair gives the image youth and mischief.

It is very suitable for young slender girls and looks extremely impressive.

It is important to know! All short haircuts for curly hair require constant correction because they grow back very quickly. The haircut should be maintained approximately once a month.

Features of styling curly and frizzy hair

When styling curly hair, its owners often face a real problem. And yet, if you approach this issue correctly, knowing all the subtleties of styling, you can create magnificent curls.

Haircuts for curly and frizzy hairdefinitely help to deal with the clutter in your head, but they solve only part of the problem. It is very important to style such hair beautifully after cutting, and this is not so easy.

There are several rules for styling fluffy hair, regardless of the haircut:

  • It is advisable to wash your hair without bending forward;
  • It is best to dry your hair by blotting it with a towel;
  • Curly and frizzy hair should be combed after drying;
  • hair care products must be selected only according to their type;
  • It is best to comb your hair with a wooden comb;

  • after combing, you need to apply a heat protection spray, then comb your hair again;
  • then you can apply styling gel and also comb your hair along the entire length again;
  • a hair dryer with a diffuser is required to dry the roots;
  • The curls should be dried separately, first squeezing each strand in your hand;
  • Finally, the curls are sprayed with varnish, preferably medium hold.
Haircut type Recommendations
Long haircuts for curly and frizzy hairWhen styling, it is suitable to use a gel that is applied along the entire length of the hair. Then the strands can be combed or added volume with your hands. You can also add volume to your hair at the roots using a hair dryer.
Medium length haircuts for curly hairIt is recommended to visit a specialist regularly to remove split ends. It is advisable to lift the hair at the roots with a hairdryer and form curls with your hands. If waves are needed, they can be formed by gradually straightening the strands.
Short haircuts for curlsThe main thing in styling is to give the hair a direction: tousle it, comb it to one side, lift it, etc.

Curly hair is a real wealth that can be wonderfully styled with many stylish and spectacular haircuts. And of course important factor here is careful and proper care behind the curls. In this case, the girl is guaranteed a chic and unique look.

How to choose a haircut for curly and frizzy hair. Stylist tips:

How to make a fashionable haircut on curly hair?

A haircut bob is considered the most suitable for curly hair. It helps create volume and does not require lengthy styling. With its help, the hairstyle can be varied: from familiar to original.

The bob is recognized as the trending haircut of this year. The haircut will look great on your hair short and medium length . Now it is fashionable to choose options when the haircut works to lengthen, visually enlarging the curls. These types of bobs smooth out rough facial features, balancing them. The image becomes softer, and the curly hair acquires luxury.

With different bangs options easy to change image. Short bangs that slightly cover the forehead are very popular this season. It creates a playful or sporty look. The basic haircut is straight bangs. It stands out effectively against the background of curls and adds a touch of business style.

Cascading square

The cascade is created from curls of different lengths. Additional volume does not weigh down the hairstyle. She becomes luxurious. The bob is done with or without bangs. The length may be asymmetrical. The curls are shorter at the back than at the front. As a rule, they cover half of the neck. This bob haircut is essentially considered an extension bob for curly hair.

Haircuts for different face types

Only those with an oval face can afford a symmetrical haircut. Bangs are not a mandatory element of this hairstyle, so they are done at the request of the client.

Girls with a round face should not focus on their cheeks and cheekbones. You should avoid symmetrical parting and straight bangs. A tapered cut that creates volume at the top will add the necessary fullness. Side-swept bangs will create an asymmetrical line that will draw attention to the benefits of the face.

A graduated square will make square face type softer. Curls disguise a wide jaw and cheekbones. The hairstyle should not have symmetry or straight bangs. They will weigh down your face.

For triangular face type a certain hair length is required - below the chin line. The bob can be with long or oblique bangs. A straight parting or side style will not work.

Creative bob options

Original and unusual options suitable for sporty style. One of them is easy to create on short hair. It is enough to arrange the curls in the form of an artistic mess or slightly tousle them. You can add strands with graduation or thinning. This installation is easy to do yourself.

Hair straightening

Caring for curly hair takes a lot of time. Even the most simple types bobs take longer to lengthen than the most complex hairstyles for long hair. You can only dry your curls warm air. It is important to avoid humidity and use balm often. The shape of your curls needs to be constantly adjusted by contacting hairdressers.

Many owners of curly hair decide to make their hair straight using various means.

Irons help solve the problem for a while. For two or three days you can straighten and lengthen your strands well. But frequent use of hot appliances has a negative effect on the structure of curls.

Care, which is created using chemicals, has a longer, but also more harmful effect. By lengthening her hair and getting rid of the annoying care of her curls, the girl gets weakened strands that will require constant nutrition.

The problem can be solved using keratin straightening . It is enough to visit the salon once a month to get straight hair. Straightening can significantly increase the length of your hair without causing much damage to it.

Whatever it was, lengthening bob haircut for curly hair is considered one of the most original and unusual, however, difficult to implement. But, if the master copes with all stages of the process, - the hairstyle will be stunning.

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