How to make your own toy box. A DIY toy box is simple, practical, convenient. DIY toy box

All parents know how difficult it is to achieve perfect order in the house when the children are still very young. Especially in the nursery, where toys are scattered on the floor, on the table, on the beds, under the bed, and in other unexpected places. But this problem can be easily solved, armed with a creative spirit and the necessary materials at hand that can be found in any home.

Our task now is to make or sew with our own hands an interesting, spacious and safe container for storing children's toys. Its types can be different: box, organizer, bag, drawer, etc.

In any case, be it a container for storing large toys or a bag for children's small items, the resulting item should be fun and original element interior

DIY toy box

To make a special toy box with your own hands you will need:

  • Chipboard panels (side walls and bottom);
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Measuring tool (tape measure or long ruler);
  • Small supports (legs) or furniture wheels;
  • Materials for external design(fabrics, decorative film, paints);
  • Scissors.

This box is suitable for storing large toys. But in order to make it you need at least a little carpentry skill.

Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to a man who will connect all the parts of the box together and attach special supports or wheels to it (so that the box can be easily moved around the room).

And mom can already take care of the external design of the toy storage container by covering it with decorative film or drawing some funny design on it. The inside of the box can be lined with a furniture stapler for softness, using dense natural fabrics and filler (foam rubber, padding polyester).

We can offer a simpler and more effective version of the box:

DIY box for storing toys

Required materials

  • Large strong box;
  • Beautiful self-adhesive film;
  • A package with a picture from a children's gift;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors or stationery knife;
  • Glue.

This box is similar in appearance and purpose to a toy storage box, but unlike it, it is simpler in design.

Another advantage of such a box is that the child himself can turn it over and take everything he needs.

  1. First, carefully cut off the lid of the box and cover the sections with tape.
  2. Cover the box with film from the outside and inside, including the bottom.
  3. Take a gift bag and cut out interesting colorful details (animals, flowers, etc.).

Glue them with tape or glue to the sides of the box. You can also come up with other options for decorating such a container. For example, if you have a girl, make fabric flowers, bows, etc.

DIY basket for toys made of fabric

You will need:

  • Fabrics in 2 different colors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Strong threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Non-woven fabric.

You can sew a basket for toys with your own hands from any fabric you like. It is very simple to cut it out, guided by the fact that in finished form the basket has a square shape with smoothed corners.

In order for the basket to keep its shape, the fabric parts are additionally glued with thick interlining.

For interior and exterior decoration, it is advisable to use fabrics of different colors. Also, the handles of the basket are additionally cut out and attached with a strong seam.

Toy storage bag

To sew such a bag with your own hands you will need:

  • Dense polyethylene;
  • Textile;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads.

Structurally, the bag consists of a bottom, main part and drawstring. Cut 2 round pieces from the fabric that will serve as the bottom. Determine the size at your discretion - you can sew both a bag for storing large toys and a bag for small items.

Measure the width of the bag based on the diameter of the bottom and, having determined the height, open the main part of it. However, do not forget to take into account that the bag consists of woven material and transparent film.

In the upper part of the bag, which consists of fabric, you need to make a line for the lace. The lace can be sewn from the same fabric.

Organizer for toys

Required materials:

  • Thick fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Strong threads.

This DIY wall organizer is quite easy to make. It is sewn according to the accordion principle. Rectangular piece the fabric is folded like an accordion (or ladder) and stitched on the sides and in the middle in certain places (depending on the number, width and height of the pockets).

This unusual organizer is usually hung on the wall and small toys and toys are placed in pockets. various items for creativity.

Probably, a child could get by with a couple of cars and one teddy bear. But in reality there are a lot of toys - relatives give them as gifts and parents are happy to buy them, so very soon the children's room risks disappearing under the rubble of construction sets, hares and robots.

Neither Lego fans, nor fans of fashion dolls, nor lovers of soft plush can do without systematization and proper storage of all this wealth. It's good that you can buy ready-made wardrobe or do something original yourself - the children's room is “open” to any creativity and, without damaging the interior, experiences any joint creativity of parents and children.

Chest for storing personal items and toys

Let's start proper storage - planning and systematization

To ensure that cubes, pyramids, and cars do not “spread” throughout the apartment, parents will have to make a lot of effort. But first, let's focus on age:

  1. For a child aged 1 year, all toys will be given by the mother. If a play space is organized, then all of it is placed within the confines of a playpen or developmental mat. One box that is easy for parents to navigate will be enough.
  2. From 2 to 5 years of age, there can be a lot of toys, but all of them should not be left within the child’s reach. Children of this age quickly lose interest in the game, and will only take it out and look at it, and their mother will have to clean it up. Therefore, you can use a trick - divide all the treasures into two or three parts, and leave only one of them in the nursery, and put the rest away. upper shelves closet After a month, the boxes can be changed, and the child will enjoy the “new” toys and will actually play with everything that was given/bought to him.
  3. From 5 to 10 years, the number of varieties of toys increases - it will not just be cars, but a racing track and a parking lot, not just dolls, but . All mosaics, art kits, plush toys must be carefully sorted.
  4. After 10 years, only complex “adult” toys remain. Most likely, the child himself will keep order in his room, and the storage method should be agreed upon with him.

Wardrobe with open shelves and baskets for toys

As for the device modern system storage, then this is what they do here. First, all existing “treasures” are sorted out and reconsidered - those that are broken and cannot be repaired must be thrown away, those that do not correspond to their age must be donated or sold.

Bright children's chest of drawers with drawers

Toys should also be sorted by “type of activity” - construction sets, dishes, soft toys, cars, educational toys, robots, and so on. As a result, you will end up with several large piles, and from them you will be able to figure out what kind of storage system you will need.

Various boxes and boxes for children's toys

Important. When choosing a storage system, give preference completely safe design, which the baby can handle on his own, without the help of his parents. When purchasing baskets and boxes, do not forget to take into account the dimensions of the toys, as well as their quantity, taking into account potential “replenishment”. For small elements - small boxes, and for large ones - voluminous ones. It would be nice if all storage containers could be labeled.

You can store children's toys in a separate closet, in drawers under the bed, in wicker boxes or shoe boxes. In this regard, separate boxes are even better for a nursery than a closet - after all, the space in the room is limited. But you can choose any unconventional idea Just don’t forget that it should be comfortable for the child first of all.

How to store a LEGO set

You can choose one of the following storage methods for your children's room:

  1. Drawers under the bed- convenient, compact, economical. Choose the “right” bed and place any toys in the drawers. As a rule, these boxes are quite voluminous, so the interior space can be divided by partitions.
  2. - multifunctional cabinet furniture that combines a bed, table, wardrobe and racks/shelves. To store toys, you can use a cabinet or ladder if it is in the form of step modules with lids or in the form of drawers.
  3. Table with shelf extensionoptimal solution for preschoolers. Their desk will be surrounded by open shelves on which you can alternate baskets with construction toys, soft toys and books.
  4. Box- an excellent choice for a room where a formidable pirate or a beautiful princess lives. This solution looks incredibly colorful and fits perfectly into the themed interior.
  5. Soft ottoman, in which the upper part folds back. This design cannot be called roomy, but several soft toys will fit inside the ottoman without any problems.
  6. Wooden boxes— along the walls or under the table. You can buy them or make them yourself, you just need to sand and paint them so that your baby doesn’t get a splinter in his hand. And it would be nice to add reliable wheels to such boxes - then they will be able to accompany the child throughout the entire play area.
  7. Multifunctional. Choose a neutral front design, and an ergonomic wardrobe will accompany your child to high school. Here you can provide practical systems storage not only for toys, but also for clothes and shoes. Just don’t forget - the upper shelves are “staffed” by the parents, and the lower ones are given over entirely to the child - this way the baby will quickly learn to put things in order in his toy kingdom. It’s good that the closet will have a lot of shelves and drawers, so there will be a place for all the toys.
  8. Open shelving. For them it is worth providing baskets, boxes or plastic containers, and not hope that the construction set mixed with cubes will get along well on open shelves.

    Advice. Use shoe boxes, clear plastic containers, or baskets with wicker handles. Just don’t forget that they need to be marked - with an inscription or a picture. It would also be nice if the boxes were different colors- this will greatly refresh the interior.

  9. Baskets on the closet. The best option if your children's room has a low closet or chest of drawers. Don’t forget that such containers can become one of the significant interior decorations, and you and your child can decorate them (with appliqués, stencil painting, three-dimensional cardboard figures).
  10. Pockets on the wall- made of polyethylene or fabric. Of course, this storage method is not suitable for all toys without exception, but it will fit perfectly into a creativity corner. It’s easy to put scissors, felt-tip pens, paints and even dolls and cars here.
  11. Shelving with steps, created specifically for kids. In them, the lower shelves seem to be pushed forward, which will allow the child to reach the top. But do not forget that all these cells and shelves must be securely attached to the wall.
  12. Baskets or boxes attached directly to the wall. They can be plastic or metal, with thin rods or in the form of a mesh. They are placed in accordance with the child’s height and used for any not too small game elements.
  13. practical solution for older children who will not knock over the drawers or stick their fingers into the closing segment. But choose sustainable furniture, preferably made from chipboard or wood, but not plastic.
  14. Plastic children's chest of drawers for toys

  15. Fabric baskets- both floor and suspended. It is considered a good additional solution for those who have somewhere to put away rarely used toys. But such devices cannot be called too durable, even though they are made of wear-resistant fabric.
  16. “Honeycombs” from boxes or plastic buckets. You or your child can assemble the optimal storage system for you, paint it in the desired color, or install it on the floor or wall. But keep in mind that such a design often turns out to be cumbersome, and you will definitely need to find its place for it.
  17. Useful for storing soft toys tall cabinet with pipes - “aviary”. This is a tall pencil case, in which, instead of doors, there are vertically mounted metal pipes. All the plush treasures are literally “pushed” here. This way they remain visible, available for play, but do not take up space in the crib, closet or on the floor.
  18. If most of your machines have a metal bottom, then you can mount them on the wall for storage. railing with magnetic stripe.
  19. And don’t forget that there is no universal solution - it’s better if you use storage systems that suit you in a complex, combining the most popular “inventions” and standard pieces of furniture.

When a new person appears in the family, parents arrange a room for him with wisdom and prudence. And, of course, they understand that storing toys is an important part of the interior of a children's space. He will be “friends” with them for many years, constantly replenishing the supply. Parents should think in advance about where their child will put their valuables. Is it convenient for him to get them? How easily can he put them back in order to keep the room in order?

Today there are many ways to place children's things, and some of them you can make yourself. Having gotten to know each of them better, it is easier to appreciate their merits and notice their shortcomings. And over time, make wise choices.

Toy storage: original ideas

Reasonable parents try to accustom their child to order from infancy. “Every toy has its place,” they regularly remind. Obedient kids proudly put their valuables in a safe place. Storing toys in a children's room involves a certain system which needs to be planned in advance.

As you know, the arsenal of items for games is quite wide. It includes:

  • soft toys;
  • plastic beaters;
  • dolls;
  • cars;
  • balls;
  • balls;
  • educational games;
  • designer;
  • coloring pages

It is impossible to remember absolutely all the valuable items of small children. But every parent can take care of a place to store toys.

Choosing suitable design, the child’s age, temperament, gender and safety precautions should be taken into account.

Of course, it is much easier to install spacious storage in a huge room than in a small one. Fortunately, modern technologies help to equip such rooms with convenient storage of toys. Let's consider several design options.

Spacious shelving

To save room space or to zone it, shelving is often used. They are lined up along the wall or as a partition of space. At the bottom of the structure there are compact containers for children's trophies. These could be:

  • boxes;
  • baskets;
  • pull-out containers.

A TV or stereo is installed in the center of the structure, and on the top there are cabinets for rarely used items. Such furniture for toys for children's rooms is purchased in specialized stores.

Stylish baskets

Wicker containers that can be placed on a low cabinet look original in the interior. Even if the baby does not reach them, toys that are temporarily not interesting to him are put there. Such baskets will also fit wonderfully into bottom part rack.

Some parents install shelves on the wall on which they place baskets of toys. This design is a kind of decoration children's room, where toys are in the most visible place. The only negative is that small items will quickly gather dust if they are not covered with a beautiful cape.

When installing shelves on the wall, you should use reliable fastening methods. Otherwise, they can harm the baby, who will put toys in or take them out of baskets.

Cute pockets

Among all kinds of ideas for storing toys, cute pockets stand out especially. They are often made with their own hands. To do this, use available materials:

  • thick fabric;
  • polyethylene;
  • knitting threads;
  • ropes for macrame.

Depending on the volume of items, pockets for toys can be different sizes. Small options made of polyethylene attached to the wall wooden structure. They put it there:

  • small details of the designer;
  • mosaic elements;
  • handicraft items;
  • paints, pencils;
  • scissors;
  • plasticine;
  • jump rope

Large fabric bags will accommodate soft toys, cars, dolls and accessories. They try to place such storage of toys in the child’s field of activity. As a result, he can easily take them out and put them away to keep the room tidy.

Homemade bag for children's treasure

Over the course of several years of life, a child accumulates many valuable leisure items. Homemade helps solve the problem volumetric design. This is the toy bag pictured. To sew it you will need:

  • a piece of fabric;
  • polyethylene of dense structure;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

The design consists of three elements: the base (bottom), the lace and the main part. First, two round pieces are cut out of a piece of fabric. They are the dense bottom of the product. Then the main part is cut out, taking into account the selected width and height of the storage. Make a line at the top and pull the lace through it. By using sewing machine connect the prepared parts. The toy bag is ready.

The size of the structure should be chosen in accordance with the number of items to be stored.


The first thing that comes to mind when you need to quickly hide something is to put it under the bed. Little children do just that. Therefore, sensible parents solve this issue with the help drawer for toys under the bed. Often such designs are sold in furniture stores. But skillful guys make them with their own hands.

Drawers can be installed in the lower tier of a crib, which is accessible via stairs. Here they will equip play area, where everything you need is at hand.

Chest on wheels

To implement this simple idea you will need to take wooden box and skateboard wheels. Using special fasteners, the parts are connected and an original mobile chest is obtained. You can put not only small toys in it, but also large construction sets, cars, and dolls. It will be convenient for your child to use such storage at any time of the day.

Bench with a secret

This original idea allows you to combine the interior of a children's room with a place for toys. The bench is placed under a window or wall, where it occupies small area. And a spacious box is mounted under it. It can be on wheels, retractable or sliding along guides. The advantage of the design is that it is easy to remove objects from there and put them in their places.

Opportunity to show skill - do-it-yourself storage facilities

Almost all parents face a problem: if there are small children in the house, it is very difficult to achieve order. There are toys scattered everywhere you look. On the floor, under the crib, and even behind the TV. Fortunately, this issue is easily resolved by enterprising people. Armed with tools, they create with their own hands various toy storage systems for their beloved children.

Each design must fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room. Be roomy, safe and accessible for the baby.

Wooden box

To make such a storage you will need simple tools and materials:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors;
  • laminated chipboard panels;
  • roulette;
  • wooden blocks for legs;
  • wheels (optional);
  • decor for exterior finishing(fabric, paint, color film).

Of course, a man with at least some carpentry skills can make a box for children’s toys with his own hands. It will easily connect the necessary parts using a screwdriver. Attach the legs or wheels to the base and the box is ready.

Mom will be happy to do the design. She will cover the container with colored film and make a fabric lining inside. Secure storage is ready.


In appearance, this product resembles a box, but it is made of thick cardboard. The main advantage is that the baby will be able to independently turn over the storage and take any item from there. The DIY toy box shown in the photo helps to imagine this product in action.

To make it you will need:

  • large packaging box;
  • scissors or sharp knife;
  • scotch;
  • self-adhesive film with a beautiful pattern;
  • glue;
  • children's gift bag.

First of all, cut off top part boxes The edges are covered with tape, and the sides, inner surface and the bottom - with self-adhesive film. Flowers, animals and cartoon characters are cut out from a colorful gift bag. Then carefully glue it onto side part as a decorative decoration.

For a girl, the box can be decorated with various bows, ribbons or balls.

Fabric basket

Such storage is made from any type of fabric. The main thing is that the tones are not catchy and do not irritate the baby. To sew a children's toy basket with your own hands you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • threads:
  • interlining;
  • textile.

When the material is at hand, they get down to business. First, cut out a square blank. Then it is thoroughly glued with non-woven fabric for density and shape. Handles are made from fabric and then sewn to the workpiece. Fast, simple and original.

For the product it is advisable to use different types and fabric colors.

Good quality wooden container

The most durable toy storage product is made from natural material. Valuable things of more than one generation of children will be able to rest in it and be inherited as a trophy. To make a wooden toy container with your own hands, you need to take the following materials:

  • boards;
  • plywood;
  • additional parts from old furniture.

First of all, even experienced craftsmen make a sketch of the future product on paper. Then prepare the tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • fasteners;
  • loops;
  • saw;
  • wood glue.

The prepared materials are used to make side walls (4 pieces), a lid and a bottom. Next, using fasteners (screws) they are connected into a single structure. Hinges are installed for the lid. The finished storage is painted with all sorts of patterns or painted in different tones.

All wooden surfaces must be carefully polished to protect the baby from unexpected injuries.

Extraordinary design made of thick paper

Often, after purchasing a refrigerator or TV, there is packaging left over that is a pity to throw away. But for caring parents this is a great find. Making a toy rack out of boxes with your own hands is not an easy task, but it’s worth it. We have the materials, all we have to do is buy paint, glue, decor, self-adhesive film, craft paper and prepare the tools:

  • stationery knife;
  • jigsaw for durable cardboard;
  • construction or regular hair dryer;
  • leftover unused wallpaper.

By using cutting tools First, they cut out the structure and make deep shelves for toys. Then they are connected together, turning them into a beautiful shelving unit. A few decorative touches and the storage is ready.

A similar structure can be built from several cardboard boxes. To do this, they are glued together on their sides and then placed on top of each other. Ready design covered with a special colored film. Although such a rack is not very durable, it can serve for several years as a temporary storage for the baby’s valuables.

Organization and storage of toys - video

All parents know how difficult it is to achieve perfect order in the house when children are still very young. Especially in the nursery, where toys are scattered on the floor, on the table, on the beds, under the bed, and in other unexpected places. But this problem can be easily solved, armed with a creative spirit and the necessary materials at hand that can be found in any home.
Our task now is to make or sew with our own hands an interesting, spacious and safe container for storing children's toys. Its types can be different: box, organizer, bag, drawer, etc.
In any case, whether it’s a container for storing large toys or a bag for children’s small items, the resulting item should be a fun and original element of the interior.

DIY toy box

To make a special toy box with your own hands you will need:
  • Chipboard panels (side walls and bottom);
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Measuring tool (tape measure or long ruler);
  • Small supports (legs) or furniture wheels;
  • Materials for external decoration (fabrics, decorative film, paints);
This box is suitable for storing large toys. But in order to make it you need at least a little carpentry skill.
Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to a man who will connect all the parts of the box together and attach special supports or wheels to it (so that the box can be easily moved around the room).
And mom can already take care of the external design of the toy storage container by covering it with decorative film or drawing some funny design on it. The inside of the box can be lined with a furniture stapler to make it soft, using dense natural fabrics and filler (foam rubber, padding polyester).
We can offer a simpler and more effective version of the box:

DIY box for storing toys

Required materials
  • Large strong box;
  • Beautiful self-adhesive film;
  • A package with a picture from a children's gift;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors or stationery knife;
  • Glue.
This box is similar in appearance and purpose to a toy storage box, but unlike it, it is simpler in design.
Another advantage of such a box is that the child himself can turn it over and take everything he needs.
  1. First, carefully cut off the lid of the box and cover the sections with tape.
  2. Cover the box with film from the outside and inside, including the bottom.
  3. Take a gift bag and cut out interesting colorful details (animals, flowers, etc.).
Glue them with tape or glue to the sides of the box. You can also come up with other options for decorating such a container. For example, if you have a girl, make fabric flowers, bows, etc.

DIY basket for toys made of fabric

You will need:
  • Fabrics in 2 different colors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Strong threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Non-woven fabric.
You can sew a basket for toys with your own hands from any fabric you like. It is very simple to cut it out, guided by the fact that the finished basket has a square shape with smoothed corners.
In order for the basket to keep its shape, the fabric parts are additionally glued with thick interlining.
For interior and exterior decoration, it is advisable to use fabrics of different colors. Also, the handles of the basket are additionally cut out and attached with a strong seam.

Toy storage bag

To sew such a bag with your own hands you will need:
  • Dense polyethylene;
  • Textile;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads.
Structurally, the bag consists of a bottom, main part and drawstring. Cut 2 round pieces from the fabric that will serve as the bottom. Determine the size at your discretion - you can sew both a bag for storing large toys and a bag for small items.
Measure the width of the bag based on the diameter of the bottom and, having determined the height, open the main part of it. However, do not forget to take into account that the bag consists of woven material and transparent film.
In the upper part of the bag, which consists of fabric, you need to make a line for the lace. The lace can be sewn from the same fabric.

Organizer for toys

Required materials:
  • Thick fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Strong threads.
This DIY wall organizer is quite easy to make. It is sewn according to the accordion principle. A rectangular piece of fabric is folded like an accordion (or ladder) and stitched on the sides and in the middle in certain places (depending on the number, width and height of the pockets).
This unusual organizer is usually hung on the wall and small toys and various creative items are placed in pockets.

A child in the house is not only joy, but also additional worries, especially when the child begins to walk and play with toys. After all, quite often toys are scattered throughout the house and they have to be removed more than once a day. That is why you need to organize their storage and a do-it-yourself toy basket is one of the best solutions.

Both for the mother of a small child and for him, a basket or box for dolls, cars is the most suitable option proven by more than one generation. The most important thing is that it’s easy for mom to simply collect and put them in a basket; at the same time, at a very early age, you can teach your child to collect his own things, helping his mom with this.

For a child who has just started walking, a basket is the most best solution, since he can easily find the toy he wants without extra effort. Boxes with lids in this case are not so practical; not all children will be able to open them, and in addition, the lid can often cause pinched fingers in small children, even if shock absorbers are used on it. Therefore, it is not advisable to use containers with lids.

Of course, you can just use a cardboard box or basket, but you will have to store the toys for more than one day. Therefore, it is best to put in a little effort and make a toy box with your own hands, and guarantee their use for several years. After all carton will not be durable, since most children prefer it as a toy and you will have to change it almost every month. Therefore, it is best to make a box from wood or plywood; it will be reliable and will serve you for many years.

Plywood box

The easiest way to make a toy box is to simply make it yourself from plywood. Plywood is a strong, inexpensive and durable material that will last you for decades. It is easy to work with and does not require any special tools.