Indoor fruit plants. Indoor fruit plants in alphabetical order (photos are clickable) Exotic carnivorous house plants

Many amateur gardeners are interested in growing indoor plants, most often ornamental ones. Of course, flowers in the house are pleasing to the eye and saturate the air with oxygen. But it’s much more interesting and exciting to grow in an apartment fruit crops. Of course, this is a little more complicated than floriculture, and takes more time and effort. But in the end you will get in your home not only beautiful, aromatic plants, but you can also collect grown with my own hands harvest. Sounds tempting, right? Then listen to the advice of experts on how to turn an apartment into a garden.

Proper organization of an orchard in the house

There are a lot of different recommendations on how to properly organize indoor garden. It is best to allocate a specific place in the apartment for containers with plants. To make the composition look beautiful, more tall views It is recommended to plant behind low-growing ones. Trees growing nearby, differing as much as possible in their external characteristics, look interesting.

Buy beautiful flowerpots; it is desirable that they are made of ceramics. For citrus plants, pots decorated in nautical style. Between the containers, place beautiful stones, preferably light colors, and large shells.

You can grow many things at home exotic plants, but still some of them are better suited for an indoor garden than others.

Indoor lemon

It has long been a leader in home gardening. Some people manage to grow a fruit-bearing tree from the seeds of an ordinary lemon purchased in a supermarket. But this is rather an exception to the rule. However, there are dwarf varieties, which will definitely produce a harvest in an apartment. Lemon leaves and flowers are very fragrant; the fruit ripening period begins 3-5 years after planting. In a year you can collect 10-20 fruits. This plant is interesting because it does not have a dormant period, so it can both bloom and bear fruit at the same time. Lemon prefers bright and warm places; in winter it is recommended to illuminate it with special photo lamps. Do you want to get your lemon harvest faster? Then it is better to propagate it using cuttings.

indoor orange

It is also better to take dwarf varieties for growing oranges at home. Unlike lemon, direct sunlight is harmful to this plant, so you should not place it in front of a brightly lit window. In winter, the tree needs to be watered regularly, and in warm time years - spray additionally. Orange is characterized by disproportionate growth of the crown, so it needs pruning to give it a beautiful shape. To get a harvest, an orange must be grafted from a tree that is already bearing fruit.

Indoor pineapple

Many people do not take up growing pineapple because they consider the process difficult. But this is a common misconception - caring for this plant is quite simple. To plant, just cut off the top of the pineapple fruit with leaves and plant it in a mixture of sand and peat, covering plastic bag. When the seedlings take root, they are transplanted into soil mixture consisting of sand, turf land and leaf humus. Only a plant planted in a large pot will bear fruit. Pineapple needs to be sprayed regularly, and it feels most comfortable at a temperature of 25 ºС.

Indoor pomegranate

This plant has a small height (40-100 cm). The beauty of pomegranate flowers is not inferior to the most wonderful indoor plants. Its fruits are small, and for fruit set to occur, the pomegranate must be pollinated by hand with a brush. A tree grown from seeds bears fruit much later than one rooted from a cutting. Pomegranate requires an air temperature of about 23-25 ​​ºС, regular watering and sufficient, but not bright, lighting.

Indoor figs

Many gardeners treat growing figs with irony, and in vain. This plant is distinguished by its ability to bear fruit in the first year after planting. Figs are propagated by cuttings; their seedlings can be purchased at many garden stores. You need to know that figs are deciduous trees. Around October, the plant sheds its leaves, after which it needs to be provided with rest. You can move the figs to the basement or hide them under a frame covered with dark fabric. During the dormant period, watering is rare; the rest of the time, care does not differ from caring for citrus plants. After the first buds appear on the fig, it is transferred to permanent place in the apartment.

indoor banana

Banana - very beautiful plant, which looks original in a city apartment. For breeding in room conditions select dwarf varieties that reach a height of 1-1.5 m. Bananas can be grown from seeds or seedlings. As a rule, the tree begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. When caring for a banana, it is important to avoid temperature changes, which have a detrimental effect on it. In addition, the plant is afraid of drafts, which must be taken into account when determining a permanent place for it in the room. The tree requires regular replanting and abundant watering, and do not forget about good drainage. Important tip from gardeners: keep the banana container on a special stand or several stones to create a constant supply fresh air to his roots. If the plant is provided with proper care, it will delight you with fruits all year round. 4.9 out of 5 (28 votes)

The conditions of a modern metropolis do not allow us to often go out into nature. By surrounding yourself with indoor trees, you can create an indoor oasis. They will become an excellent decoration for your home and create comfortable conditions in it.

Homemade living trees, unlike others indoor flowers, have a central trunk and branches. Some of them bloom at home, in other cases the tree has lush crown. Thanks to pruning, they can be shaped. The most popular is to create Bonsai from them. Pets perform a decorative function and, in addition, freshen the air.

They are used for landscaping apartments, offices and commercial premises. Large, beautifully flowering, and deciduous trees can come in a variety of shapes. They also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Features of the most popular species that grow in flower pots, will allow you to turn the room into a blooming garden.

Unique of its kind. At home, it blooms and pleases all year round with its greenery. In place of the inflorescences, berries are later formed. The leaves appear dense, shiny and textured.

With proper care, its height can reach 1 meter. The crown is formed by pinching. It tolerates drought well; it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In winter it is necessary to provide additional lighting.

Often found in apartments indoor flower. Mature tree quite tall and spreading. The leaves are large, with symmetrical slits. The color of the leaves is bright green and shiny. The Monstera leaf is dark green in color and shiny. Over time, aerial roots form in the lower part. There is no need to remove them; they provide the plant with support and additional nutrition. Blooms rarely, with white inflorescences.

Monstera is suitable for large premises. Height can reach 3-5 meters.


Spreading indoor tree in a flat pot, came into existence in China, later in the West and Japan. The creation of Bonsai has become a whole science. A miniature copy of a tree with a powerful crown has its own characteristics.

  • bonsai is considered to be indoor plant with a strong trunk and well-developed root system;
  • the branches must have a clear outline, they can have a curved shape;
  • the trunk should not be hidden in the foliage; its ratio is kept to a minimum;
  • The pot used is flat, often clay, and discreetly colored.

Florists will classify bonsai by size and shape. Care requires some knowledge of the characteristics of this variety.

To prevent the bonsai branches from stretching towards the sun in one direction, it is recommended to turn the pot around.


An exotic houseplant is not only beautiful, but also useful. With proper care bears fruit all year round. There are many varieties, they differ in tree height, leaf shape and fruit.

Productivity is maintained up to 20 years. The leaves are bright green and dense. They are used for brewing tea. Thanks to its unique properties, lemon helps purify the air.

He is afraid of drafts; if he is comfortable in one place, there is no need to move him again.

Chinese rose

Beautiful blooming rose can grow to gigantic sizes. The trunk is tree-like; the older the flower, the stronger the crown grows. The shape can be adjusted by trimming. It blooms with large scarlet inflorescences. Scientifically called hibiscus.

Suitable for indoor and greenhouse cultivation. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, layering and cuttings. Easy to care for, it will decorate any room with its presence.


The evergreen tree can be found in warm Asian countries. We have it. The leaves are dense, oval shape. The leaf color is green or bicolor.

Rarely blooms unsightly-looking inflorescences. Florists use ficus different types for creating bonsai. The height of an adult flower can be 3-5 meters. Propagated by cuttings. It is recommended to apply fertilizer 2-3 times a month. If not properly cared for, the leaves may fall off completely.

Ficus plants do not tolerate dry air and drought; they need regular watering and daily spraying of the leaves.

In ancient times, laurel was considered sacred. Today Europeans are forever green plant used in registration landscape designs. A noble tree with fragrant leaves, often grown in kitchens for use as a seasoning.

  • leaves are dense, dark green;
  • the bush grows slowly, is not afraid of pruning;
  • laurel loves bright and spacious rooms;
  • After flowering, seeds form in place of the inflorescences.

An unpretentious indoor flower will not cause much trouble; it will become a worthy interior decoration. On summer period pots of laurel can be taken out onto the balcony or loggia.


Sunny and elegant tangerine tree, will become bright element landscape design of premises. The plant secretes special substances that enrich the air.

Mandarin repels insects and gives good harvests of fragrant fruits. You can often find dwarf varieties of mandarin on windows. The leaves are dense and green. The trunk is tree-like. It blooms with small flowers, in place of which green tangerines are formed. When ripe, the fruits turn orange.

The variety is susceptible to diseases and pests. The condition of the flower must be regularly monitored. You can’t spray with poisons, it’s better to use aqueous solution with laundry soap.


The tree, whose trunk is shaped like a bottle, can be found in nature in Mexico and the USA. The scientific name is nolina. The leaves are palm-shaped, thin with pointed edges. Grow in small pots.

The plant loves the sun, is not afraid of drought, but still requires regular spraying. It grows slowly, to get a large trunk you will need 6-8 years. If you water abundantly, the trunk will rapidly stretch upward, so you need to organize drought conditions.


A real miracle, rarely does anyone manage to grow it correctly and enjoy flowering. The flowering period is coming in 5-6 years. Until this moment, the plant resembles a snake. Later it rushes upward and forms a tree. The buds look bewitchingly beautiful, but at the same time emit a nauseating odor. Those who decide to place it in a residential area must take this fact into account.

When growing compact trees at home, do not forget that this is painstaking work. It will take several years to get an original bonsai. You can buy a ready-made tree or get cuttings from friends. There are no particular difficulties in care, you just need to take into account their features.

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Victoria Solup 11.11.2015 | 85018

Try growing one of these exotic plants from seeds yourself at home. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Buying in a store delicious vegetables and fruits (including exotic ones), we receive planting material for nothing. So why not use it rationally? After all, growing a fruit-bearing tree or shrub from seeds is quite simple.

1. Citrus fruits

At correct landing and care citrus plants They develop quite quickly, but fruiting does not occur soon. Therefore, to enjoy homemade lemon or orange, you will have to be patient: the first fruits will appear no earlier than in 5-7 years.

To grow citrus fruits from seeds, wash the seeds warm water, dry for 1-2 hours and sow in a pot with soil designed for growing a specific type of citrus plant.

The pot in which you place the seed must be at least 2 liters, since it is not recommended to replant the plant for the first few years. Don't forget to add drainage to the bottom.

Immediately after sowing, you need to make a greenhouse from a thin plastic bag. This will help maintain the required level of humidity. When the soil dries out, it is necessary to moisten it promptly.

Different types of citrus fruits have different seed germination times: from 3 to 8 weeks. Tangerines grow slower than others.

Citrus fruits grown from seeds at home reach a height of no more than 90 cm.

This unpretentious plant, so even a beginner can easily grow it. Peel the brown skin off a ripe avocado pit, plant it with the blunt end down, with the pointed end protruding from the ground, and water regularly.

You can plant it in another way: lower the seed, with its blunt end down, into a container of water so that it is half immersed in the liquid. Secure the pit with a thread or toothpick, place the container on the windowsill and add water as needed.

The seed should hatch after 3-12 weeks. Germination time depends on many factors: proper watering, seed maturity, etc.

When the seed cracks and a sprout appears from the crack, plant it in a small pot with any fertile soil, deepening halfway. Water the plant in a timely manner - and after 3 months it will grow up to half a meter in height.

Growing feijoa from seeds at home is also not difficult. Separate the seeds of a ripe fruit from the pulp, wash in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry and sow in a medium-sized pot with a mixture of leaf soil, peat and river sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. It is best to do this in February.

Then moisten the soil with a spray bottle and place the pot on a well-lit windowsill. Water the crops in a timely manner - and in a month the seeds will germinate. The first fruits will appear after 5-6 years.

4. Passion fruit (passiflora)

This tropical vine likes to grow in a warm and ventilated place, but not in a draft, when good lighting And high humidity air.

If you decide to grow passion fruit from a seed, find a spacious place for it in advance: the vine grows greatly, so a narrow window sill will not be suitable for this exotic plant. In addition, you will need support to support the shoots.

Passion fruit seeds are fairly easy to plant. The most suitable time for this is mid-spring.

Remove the seeds from ripe fruits, place them on a clean towel and rub gently. When the juice sacs open, rinse the seeds with water and dry in a dark place.

Sow the seeds in a container with a mixture of compost, topsoil and river sand in equal proportions. It is better to sow in small furrows located at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

There is no need to bury the seeds, just sprinkle them thin layer soil and immediately moisten with a spray bottle. With proper care, passion fruit will bloom 2-4 years after sowing.

Pomegranate grown from seed blooms already in 3-4 years, but its fruits take a very long time to ripen at home. Therefore, these plants are grown more out of interest than for the purpose of enjoying delicious pomegranates (as the fruits of this crop are called in botany).

The most suitable time for sowing pomegranate is winter. Remove the seeds from a fully ripened bright red fruit and, without waiting for them to dry, plant them in fertile soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

Water the crops in a timely manner. After 1-2 months, shoots will appear. After they get stronger, transplant them into separate pots.

Please note that the pomegranate must remain dormant throughout the winter, so every year late autumn move it to a cool place.

This plant is often called melon pear because its fruit looks like a pear and tastes like melon. To grow pepino at home, remove the seeds from the fruit, place them in a shallow container, and wrap them in damp toilet paper, cover plastic film and put it in dark place with a temperature of about 25°C.

Once every 2-3 days, moisten the seeds with a spray bottle. When they hatch, move the container to a well-lit place. When the cotyledons appear, pick up the seedlings and plant them in a pot with fertile soil. Please note that pepino is very demanding of light.

7. Date

A date palm grown from a seed at home develops quite quickly and after 5-7 years can turn into a full-fledged tree. But, unfortunately, you should not expect fruit from such a plant: dates do not bear fruit at home.

Soak freshly extracted seeds in a glass of water at room temperature for two days, then peel them from the pulp. Plant vertically in lightly moist palm-grade soil and lightly moisten the soil periodically. After 2-3 weeks, shoots should appear.

Don't forget that date palm It does not tolerate excess moisture, but it does not like completely dry soil either. The date does not like transplants and dies quickly if the roots are damaged, so it is better to immediately sow the seeds in a container of sufficient volume.

8. Kiwi

To grow kiwi from seeds at home, you need to select a ripe fruit with an intact peel, remove the seeds from it and peel the pulp. At the same time, try not to damage the integrity of the small seeds.

Rinse the seeds thoroughly with water several times, dry on a napkin, and then place in a glass of water at room temperature. Place it in a warm place (for example, on a windowsill located above the radiator).

After 7-10 days, when the seeds open, spread them on damp gauze, place them on a saucer and cover with plastic. When the seeds hatch (usually after 2-3 days), sow them in separate containers with a pre-moistened mixture of black soil, peat and sand.

Kiwi should grow in constantly moist soil, but it is important to avoid stagnation of water. Therefore, drainage (expanded clay) should be placed at the bottom of the container and the seedlings should be sprayed with a spray bottle. It is better to choose a place for the plant that is warm and sunny: a window sill located on south side.

Try growing these exotic plants from seeds. They will decorate your home and add to their unusual appearance usual flower garden. And they will also give you the joy of an experiment, the results of which may come as a real surprise to you!

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Fruit bearing indoor plants

Indoor plants that not only bloom beautifully and fragrantly, but also delight household members with edible fruits, are becoming increasingly popular. As practice shows, growing these exotic trees, although not easy, is possible.

You can grow various fruit-bearing indoor plants, such as tea or coffee tree, bananas, avocados or even pineapples. However, not all of them take root easily and are guaranteed to bear fruit.

Some of the most unpretentious southern guests, with a guarantee of fruits, will be:



Indoor lemon - evergreen tree, which blooms and bears fruit several times a year. The fruits have a strong aroma, thinner skins than those grown in open ground. These plants can be grown in two ways: from seeds or cuttings. In the first option you will get more strong tree, which has a beautiful crown and is resistant to diseases.

However, be prepared for the fact that the lemon obtained in this way will be slightly different from the fruit from which the seeds were taken. If you want to quickly get a beautiful and fruit-bearing tree, then it is better to purchase an already grafted, strong cutting.

Lemons love sunlight, but remember, if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time in the summer, it would be better to cover the tree or move it to a darker place.

It is also important to monitor the temperature coming from the batteries in winter; lemon does not like it when it is very hot. Therefore, it would be better to cover the heating sources or move the plant to a cooler place.

To maintain moisture, lemons need to be sprayed regularly. You can also place the pot with the tree in a pan of water. Water it with boiled or well-settled water. On average, watering is carried out - twice a week in summer, once a week in winter.

Mandarin and orange

These citrus trees are very similar to each other in terms of care and growing conditions. They can be grown either from a seed or by purchasing an already grown cutting. It is better not to overdry the seed for planting; immediately remove it from the fruit and plant it in the ground.
Regular store-bought soil for indoor plants is not suitable for them.

You will have to buy special soil for citrus fruits or make it yourself. The most ideal composition is:

1 part sand;
2 parts of forest land;
2 parts humus.

A plant that grows from a seed and is not grafted may not bear fruit at all or very rarely, and may not bloom at all. If this does not bother you, then we leave everything as it is; if you want fruit, the tree must be grafted. Buying a grafted, grown cutting of a fruit plant will relieve these troubles.

Also be prepared for the fact that the resulting fruits may differ significantly in size and taste from those that we are used to seeing on store shelves.

Citrus trees love sunlight, but they need to be hidden from the scorching rays. For irrigation, the water should be at room temperature and well settled. Try to spray them once a week. It will be very helpful to place the pot of citrus tree in a tray of water.


This exotic guest will delight you not only with delicious fruits, but also with a very original appearance. It blooms beautifully, after a few years, with good care, can produce edible fruit. Just like other fruit-bearing indoor plants, you can grow it yourself from part of a pineapple, or buy an already rooted cutting.

In order to grow a pineapple yourself, you need to cut off the top of the fruit, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, covering everything with a plastic bag or jar to maintain moisture. As soon as the roots appear, you can replant them in soil consisting of leaf humus, sand and turf soil. The grown bush is planted in a large, shallow pot. Pineapple loves space and only then bears fruit.

Since this guest is from the south, the temperature in the room where it grows should not fall below 18° C, the ideal temperature for it is 25° C. Pineapple loves sunlight very much, if in winter, late autumn or early spring there is not enough of it, you need backlight with a fluorescent lamp.

Water the plant with well-settled, warm water; spraying is very useful. In summer, watering should be plentiful, making sure that all the soil is soaked, but in winter, watering should be reduced and not sprayed.


Since in nature this tree grows on rocky, dry slopes, growing it at home does not pose any particular difficulties. This indoor fruit plant will do well in mixtures such as:

50% – turf soil, 25% – leaf humus, 12% – peat, 13% – sand;
sand – 50%, loam – 25%, peat – 25%;
2 parts clay-turf soil and equal parts leaf soil, humus, sand;
young suitable for plants soil consisting of equal parts: turf soil, humus, leaf soil, sand.
Be sure to do drainage!

By analogy with previous plants, pomegranate can be grown both from cuttings and from seeds. But remember that in the latter case you will have to wait a very long time for the fruit to form. Also keep in mind that the bush will be dwarf, no higher than 1 meter, which means the fruits will be small. You will have to pollinate the blooming guarantor manually, using a small brush.

The plant loves the sun; the best place for it is a window sill facing south. If the sun shines strongly, the bush’s leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, and if there is a deficiency sunlight, the pomegranate will not bloom. Therefore, you need to find a middle ground, place the tree so that it is well lit, but does not burn in the sun.

In spring and summer, the bush is watered abundantly, but so that the soil dries out slightly between waterings. From September, watering is gradually reduced; in winter it should be no more than once a month. Water used for irrigation is soft, well purified, and settled.


This is an unpretentious indoor fruit plant, one of the few that is guaranteed to delight you with delicious fruits. Unfortunately, it will not stand year-round with green foliage like citrus trees.

In winter, figs shed their leaves and go to sleep. That's why the most best place for growing it there will be glass balcony or loggia. In summer it is quite warm and there is a lot of sun, and in winter it is cool.

You can grow figs using cuttings or seeds. However, remember that a plant grown from a cutting will begin to bear fruit much faster than one grown from a seed.

Also, for active fruiting, figs require a lot of light, so they need to be placed on the south side. No to the soil special requirements. A high-quality purchased substrate with a small addition of turf soil and sand will be an ideal soil.

Figs need to be watered and sprayed actively, especially during the growing season. In winter, during rest, watering can be reduced completely. It is also worth slightly reducing watering during fruiting, this will help avoid watery fruits.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned features of growing and the subtleties of caring for indoor fruit plants, you can organize a small garden on your windowsill or balcony. These trees will delight you with green foliage, fragrant blossoms and delicious fruits all year round.

On this page of the site you will find a wide variety of house plants that bear fruit indoors. Not everyone knows that you can grow bananas, kiwis, figs, and other fruits and berries on your own windowsill. For example: at home you can root a pineapple bought in a store, and then get an indoor fruit plant from it.

Fruit-bearing indoor plants with photos and names are in the photo gallery - table at the bottom of the page. Each photo enlarges when you click, and in the title there is a link, by clicking on which you can learn about each of the presented plant species in more detail, study the growing conditions and care requirements.

You can visit other sections of the site dedicated to various house plants, including flowering and decorative foliage plants. Also, you can study various types garden and ornamental plants.

Most indoor fruit plants come from tropical parts of the globe, where they grow freely in nature. Among them there are also decorative - flowering plants. For their development and growth, a certain temperature regime and humidity level. They need well-drained soil, mineral supplements, proper watering, lighting, and in some cases - regular spraying. All this information can be found on special pages dedicated to a specific type of each of the plants presented.