Unexplored lands. Are there still unexplored places on Earth?

Getting to any of the places on this list will be extremely difficult, even with modern development technology will have to go through a rather difficult path. Are you really ready to conquer Mother Nature? We present to your attention a selection of 10 least explored places on Earth, where nature has been preserved in in its original form, and all processes go on as usual, without human intervention.

Greenland ice sheet

First discovered by Eric the Red, this land is covered with 80% ice. The ice sheet, which is 600 square miles in size, is thought to melt in about 2,000 years at current rates, so you still have a few millennia left to visit it. You can admire the beauty of these places in the article about the ice canyons of Greenland, or in other articles on LifeGlobe.

Northern Mountains of Colombia

The Northern Mountains of Colombia were largely explored only by guerrilla fighters and outlaws. Because of this, it is difficult to say exactly how many mountains have actually been discovered and explored. Most of the local tribes here are peaceful, and scientists discover new representatives of flora and fauna with each new expedition.

Amazon rainforest

With a population of 2.1 million spread over 300,000 square miles, it is no surprise that Namibia is known as the least populated country in Africa. For animals such as Cheetah and Rhinoceros, Namibia is an ideal haven from poachers. This is due to the program for protecting the natural world, spelled out in the Namibian government constitution. This is the only country in the world that has done this.

Tristan da Cunha

Located near the mainland South Africa, Tristan da Cunha is one of the most isolated islands in the world at just 7 miles long. This island has a temperate climate, which makes it ideal for becoming a sanctuary for giant elephant seals, shorebirds and waterfowl. The Tristan hotspot is an area of ​​volcanic activity that forms archipelago islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Northeastern Siberia

Siberia is one of the most parts of Russia, which covers approximately 70% of the Country's territory. However, only 30% of its population lives here. In fact, most of the population in Siberia is somehow connected with oil production.

Gankar Punsum

The Gangkar Punsum Mountains are at the top of the list of the tallest mountains in the world. On the borders of Tibet, China and Bhutan, these high altitudes are little explored due to both the distance and the political, social, and spiritual issues between the three countries.


Antarctica is often noted as the world's largest body of ice, difficult for scientists to access. Recently, Antarctic research has become more intensive, as global warming it became possible to stay here for longer periods.

Mariana Trench

This area is the most unexplored in the world. A deep sea trench, the Mariana Trench is located near Guam and the Mariana Islands. It wasn't until 2011 that the US Navy imaged the topography of the Mariana Trench from a survey ship using a multibeam echo sounder.

With the help of the power of his intellect, man was able to discover many of the secrets of the Earth. In addition, man visited the surface of the Moon and recognized other planets solar system. However, there are still some left on planet Earth mysterious places. Harsh weather conditions and destructive forces of nature are what prevent people from exploring some areas. At the same time, these same forces of nature help protect places unique in their pristine beauty from human intervention. So, the rating the most mysterious unexplored places on earth.

7. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland is the most big island planets. Most of this island is covered with an ice sheet, which makes the island so uninhabitable and poorly studied. Greenland's ice sheets are 3,200 meters thick and 100,000 years old. Also in Greenland there are glaciers, rivers formed from melting ice, and hot springs. In addition, you can see beautiful white nights and the northern lights there, but due to unstable weather conditions, Greenland remains one of the least explored places in the world.

6. Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is located in the deepest part of the planet, in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression was formed millions of years ago due to the occurrence of tectonic plate faults in the ocean. The most deep point The Mariana Trench, known as the Challenger Deep, is located at a depth of 11 kilometers. Such depth and high blood pressure in the hollow they make it dangerous place for people who explore it. At the same time, the Mariana Trench is home to deep-sea organisms and rare minerals. The bottom of the depression contains fossils dating back millions of years and other rocks, the study of which can help reveal many of the Earth's secrets. However, exploring the Mariana Trench turns out to be very difficult due to dangerous conditions.

5. Kankar-Punsum

Kankar Punsum is the highest unclimbed peak in the world, located in Bhutan. The height of this mountain is 7570 meters, which ensures its place among 40 highest mountains planets. There are only four known attempts to climb Kankar Punsum, in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994. But all these attempts failed due to heavy snowfall and harsh weather conditions. Out of respect for local beliefs, the Bhutanese government banned climbing Kankar Poonsum in 2004. Thus, this peak remained completely unexplored.

4. Deserts

Everyone knows that deserts are one of the least explored areas due to unbearable weather conditions. The Antarctic desert is the largest area devoid of vegetation. The Sahara in Africa is recognized as the hottest desert in the world. Deserts receive very little rainfall and also experience large temperature variations - days are extremely hot, while nights are very cold. Such weather conditions are almost unbearable for most animals, plants and people. Fourth place among mysterious places.

3. Deep caves

There are many caves scattered across the Earth. Their exploration is a great challenge due to difficult weather conditions, rocky terrain, acidic environment and the difficulty of descent. Some underwater caves have conditions so unsuitable for life that even marine inhabitants do not live in them. The flooded Cenotes of Yucatan in Mexico are good for that example. Ice and crystal caves are also too dangerous to explore due to their unpredictability.

2. Amazonian jungle

The Amazon jungle makes up half of all tropical forests on the planet and covers an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers. The wide diversity of species and the presence of rare animals in the forests make the Amazon jungle an interesting field for research. Despite this, the Amazon jungle remains one of the most unexplored corners of the planet. It rains in this area all year round, and heavy rains that continue from February to May contribute to a strong rise in water levels in the Amazon and flooding of nearby areas. Thus, crossing the turbulent current of the Amazon River also turns out to be a serious obstacle in the path of researchers. In addition, the Amazon jungle is inhabited by extremely dangerous representatives of the animal world: jaguars, rattlesnakes, poisonous spiders and frogs, mosquitoes, piranhas, alligators and huge anacondas. In addition to all of the above barriers to exploration, the Amazon Jungle has limited access to safe food and clean water.

1. Antarctica

The most mysterious unexplored place on the planet. In addition to being the coldest place on the surface of the Earth, Antarctica experiences huge temperature changes: from -10C° to -30C° in one day. The minimum temperature recorded in Antarctica is -89C°. The harsh climate makes Antarctica the most unexplored area in the world. The maximum wind speed of 200 mph in Antarctica was recorded in 1972. Sheets of ice 2 miles thick, heavy snowfalls, glaciers and deep crevasses pose a serious danger to explorers.

The twenty-first century is a time of digital electronics, new technologies and discoveries. Cures have been found for many previously incurable diseases. Skyscrapers have been built that change their shape. Space has been explored. However, there is still a lot of unknowns left. For example, the Nazque Lines in Peru or China, Stonehenge and Easter Island. Which one is the most mysterious place on the planet? No scientist can answer this question...

Around the world in search of the unknown

Mysterious places on Earth. Where to look for them? Just look around. In every corner of the planet you can find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The question is: what do you want more - beauty that captivates the spirit, or extreme adventures? Seekers of beauty should visit, for example, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. A huge salt desert formed on the site of a dry lake. During the rainy season, when the salt is covered with a small layer of water, it feels as if a person is walking on water. The sky merges with the earth. All thoughts disappear overnight. This is the most incredible place on Earth!

And there are also such natural places, having visited which, it will be difficult to sleep. Caves, forests and lakes with mysterious and mystical stories will not leave even the most daring and courageous tourists indifferent. Horror films will seem like children's fairy tales. The anomalous places on the planet will tickle everyone’s nerves.

Dedicated to thrill seekers

Blue hole. This is an underwater cave located on the coast of Belize among the coral reefs (Central America). It is a funnel 120 meters deep and 305 wide. The cave roof collapsed and was flooded when sea levels rose. The Blue Hole became known to the world after the television programs of researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was he who became the discoverer of this amazing natural phenomenon. The underwater world of the cave is very diverse, which attracts divers. It feels like you're in a cartoon about the mermaid Ariel.

And lakes are undoubtedly the most unusual places. There are many of these on the planet. And, of course, Lake Melissano in Greece deserves special attention. This is a cave and a lake at the same time. Clear waters like tears combined with virgin thickets and unusual stones - what could be more beautiful? The only thing missing is fairy nymphs and elves.

The underground river Puerto Princesa in the Philippines attracts and fascinates. The world's largest underground river. Its length reaches eight kilometers. Puerto Princesa is considered one of the wonders of nature. The area around the underground reservoir, as well as the reservoir itself, have been declared a national park. You can enter the cave directly from open sea, where the river flows. Maybe this is the most mysterious place on Earth?

It is also attracting interest in the USA. It is both a surface and underground reservoir. A long time ago, the area around the lake was inhabited by the harshest of them - the Apaches. Here you can listen to a lot of different legends and legends. They will not leave any person indifferent. The lake and the area around it are considered a nature reserve.

If we talk about natural reservoirs, we should mention the Pamukkale pools in Turkey. A place that will leave its mark on the tourist’s memory for a long time. The pools are large hills filled with natural healing waters. Millions of tourists visit the country just to see this most mysterious place on Earth. At any time of the day, the view from the pool is simply stunning. Many consider the Pamukkale pools to be the eighth wonder of the world.

Mysterious places on the planet

How many interesting and mysterious nature hides! It seems that life is not enough to travel around the Earth and see everything with my own eyes. But, on the other hand, there would be time and desire. After all, nothing is impossible!

So, where are they - the mysterious places of the planet? Photos of natural wonders can be found on the pages of various encyclopedias. All you have to do is look through one of these books and decide on your travel route. You should definitely see the Giant's Causeway in Ireland, Troll's Tongue in Norway, canyons in the USA, Spotted Lakes in Canada, and much, much more.

The Giant's Causeway. It is laid out on the coast of Ireland from stone columns. There are many legends and tales about her. The most common legend: the road was built by a Finn to fight a sea monster. In fact, the trail was formed due to volcanic eruptions. The area where it is located is a nature reserve.

Antelope Canyon in the USA. America is rich in canyons, but the most amazing is Antelope Canyon. In the photo he looks like a human creation. After all, how can nature sculpt such lines and shapes? Maybe! Winds and rainwater for a long time sand caves were hewn out and washed out. It is difficult to name all the shades of the canyon. In the morning he is one, in the evening he is different. A best game colors - during the day, in sunlight. The canyon is located on the lands of the Navajo tribe. And to see the most mysterious place on Earth, you need to pay the Indians to cross their land.

Spotted Lake in Canada. The shape of the lake resembles a honeycomb, each cell of which is filled with water. different colors. This is because the reservoir is saturated with various minerals, which color the water. In summer, the water evaporates, leaving beneficial minerals on the surface.

Stone forest in China. These are amazing stones that resemble small mountains. At one time there was a sea here, which washed away the soft rocks, leaving stone trunks. The forest is located in Yunnan province and is very popular among tourists. It has narrow paths and passages, which it is better not to wander along alone - you can get lost. There are similar formations in Russia on the banks of the Lena River (Yakutia).

Pyramids of Yoganuni in Japan. The world knows many pyramids, but the Japanese ones were discovered quite recently, just 20 years ago. The unusual thing about the buildings is that they are underwater. According to scientists, it is ten thousand years. There are no clear answers as to who built this artifact and how. However, terraces, trenches, various lines and inscriptions indicate some, perhaps still unknown, civilization that was flooded by the sea.

Tourists in love should definitely visit the Tunnel of Lovers. It is located in the Rivne region in Ukraine. An abandoned railway, it would seem, should have a frightening, mystical appearance. But with this tunnel it’s the other way around! Summer plot railway it is overgrown with greenery on all sides and takes on the appearance of a tunnel. Many lovers and newlyweds rush here for a photo shoot. The tunnel is very similar to the path from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”. You just wait for the Cheshire Cat to appear...

A few horror stories. Ghost towns

In addition to stunning and mysterious natural places, our planet is full of creepy and unpleasant places that chill the soul with their mystical secrets. As they say, horror films “take a break” in comparison. For thrill seekers - just right!

In the “most anomalous places” category, first place can legitimately be given to Ukraine and its ghost town of Pripyat. The city is abandoned and abandoned after the world-famous tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Empty streets, playgrounds and lonely houses seem to have been specially created as the backdrop for a creepy film. Pripyat is the youngest ghost town. At the time of the disaster he was only 16 years old. Now about 300 old residents live there, who did not want to look for shelter in other cities.

There is a similar town in Russia - Kadychkan (Magadan). It traces its history back to 1943, when coal deposits were discovered at the site of the future settlement. high quality. Since then, a small settlement has been founded. However, after a mine explosion in 1996, life in the city became impossible due to increased levels of radiation. People wasted away before our eyes. The evacuation has begun. Now only empty apartments and cars abandoned in courtyards remind us that the city “was”...

Oradour-sur-Glane is a French village whose inhabitants were shot by the German occupiers during World War II. In one day, 642 people were killed, of which almost 500 were women and children. The city itself was burned. Built not far from the site of the tragedy new city with the same name, and old Oradour-sur-Glane is recognized as a historical monument.

America also has its own ghost town - Detroit (Michigan). The previously prosperous city now looks like a ghost: destroyed houses and schools inspire fear and horror. The biggest impression is made once by the largest in the world. railway station. Detroit - great place for filming mystical films. In abandoned churches, dolls are scattered everywhere, indicating satanic rituals.

Ghost towns are the most unusual places on the planet. They make you think about the consequences of human actions and reconsider your attitude towards nature.

In search of the paranormal

When it comes to ghost towns, it is appropriate to mention individual buildings that are so frightening in appearance. Paranormal places on the planet are not a play on the imagination of directors, these are true stories that deserve attention.

Amityville. Someone will say: “This is just fiction!” But still, the strange house actually exists! The town of Amityville is located not far from New York. The murder, which led to mysterious events, has not been solved to this day. Nobody knows what really happened there. However, after the terrible incident when the eldest son killed his entire family, not a single tenant stayed in the house for a long time. People fled, leaving their belongings behind.

The same horror is caused by the Lier Sikehus psychiatric clinic in Norway or the military hospital in Germany. Buildings that have a dark past will be a treasure for lovers of the paranormal. In the clinic, as in the hospital, souls who died in pain and agony found their refuge.

The eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Russia) “smells” of loneliness with notes of mysticism. This is a Russian military station in the Caspian Sea. It is located three kilometers from the coast. The walls of a long-abandoned plant, like a cold icy iceberg, stand in the middle of the sea and frighten the Marines with their monstrous appearance...

Russia also has its own “Silent Hill”. A small abandoned town of dachas and children's camps is located in the Moscow region. And God forbid you become a witness to the satanic rituals that are carried out there!

Roads of Death

Our land is intertwined with roads and highways. There are good highways and not so good ones. And there are paths, being on which evokes inexplicable fear.

For example, The most terrible road in the world! It claimed thousands of lives. The road runs high in the mountains and stretches for 70 km. On one side there are rocks dotted with crosses and monuments, and on the other side there is a cliff and an abyss. And although construction of a safe path has begun, people still use this road. Eyewitnesses more than once noticed strange white shadows flickering in front and behind the car. Probably the souls of those who died on this path, who cannot find peace in any way...

An unusual road is located in the mountains of China. This is not just a track, but a road-tunnel. Periodically, the route seems to enter the mountain itself, where on one side there are rocks, and on the other there are windows over the abyss. They say that if the driver looks out that window, he will immediately fall down...

There is a road of death in Russia too. This is the name of the Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway. This is a narrow, winding highway where drivers drive with extreme caution. More than one traveler has seen strange silhouettes here. Rumor has it that there are ancient burial grounds in these places. Perhaps restless souls are looking for answers to their eternal questions. The entire road is dotted with monuments, crosses and flowers.

But by and large, all roads in Russia, to one degree or another, can be called paths of death. Either the drivers are like that, or the highways, but Russian Federation among the first countries in road accidents.

Paranormal Russia

The entire Russian country is teeming with anomalies. There are a lot of different oddities in its very heart - in Moscow and the region. Anomalous places in the Moscow region are scattered mainly in small villages.

UFO seekers can hunt for unusual images in populated areas Chapel, Protasovo, Ogudnevo, Nikolskoye and many others. The strongest geopathogenic node is located in the village of Chapel. Strange sounds, shadows and flashes have been noticed more than once by local residents. Some were lucky enough to capture interesting footage on camera, the authenticity of which was verified in Russia and the USA.

Lights are often recorded in the sky at 47 km of the Yaroslavl highway, in particular, over the village of Sofrino. You can find out whether this is true or true only by arming yourself with a camera and going on an extreme journey.

If we talk about Moscow itself, then almost every metro station hides some secrets. The underground stations “Baumanskaya” (Basurmansky Crypts), “Sukharevskaya” (Tower of the Sorcerer), “ Chistye Prudy"(the misers with Myasnitskaya). These are places that still keep the secrets of the past.

But the greatest horror is brought to the residents of Moscow by the Beria House on Malaya Nikitskaya Street (Arbatskaya metro station). They say that at night you can hear the sounds of a car approaching, followed by heavy male steps. It was Beria who returned home. And it’s good if he is accompanied by a lady. But if you can hear the groans of a repressed person, then it’s better to run away from that place without looking back...

What do the caves of Russia hide?

Caves are the most mysterious places on the planet, which have aroused great interest among people since ancient times. There are different beliefs and legends about these natural creations.

For example, Sablinsky caves in the Leningrad region took more than one human life. They prefer to remain silent about this place. You won't read about him in the newspaper or hear about him on the radio. The secret zone is covered in secrets that no one has yet been able to unravel. Previously, fugitives and prisoners hid in caves. Probably, they were never able to find a way out of them, and now their souls are doomed to eternal searches.

Many horror stories are associated with the Kashlukat cave, which is in northern Russia. It is popularly known as the Black Devil's Cave. It is not surprising, because its grottoes also have mystical names - Skeleton, Obscurantists... On the walls of the cave you can see ancient spells of shamans who have been performing their rituals here for a long time. They say that those who manage to survive after going to the cave eventually go crazy.

The most anomalous and mysterious places in Russia are located in mountain ranges. One of these is the Dyatlov Pass. Many people learned about this place from the film of the same name. This is not just an invention of the director, this is a real mountain, and it is located in the north of the Urals. Back in 1959, a group of young tourists tried to conquer it. However, all members of the group died during mysterious circumstances. Rescuers looking for tourists found only a tent torn from the inside. What force forced people to leave their accommodation for the night in the bitter cold? What scared the group members so much? There are still no clear answers to these questions. Local residents consider this place cursed.

People don't talk about places like this...

“Unusual places on the planet, photos of which can be found on the pages of educational books, are just pictures,” everyone will say. And only those who have felt the cold of a mysterious cave or lake are unlikely to want to visit these corners again.

There are places in Russia that it is better not to know about, much less not to go there. For example, Devil's Cemetery local residents they prefer to take the tenth road. A mystical forest with an incomprehensible clearing is located not far from the village of Ust-Kov, Kezhemsky district, Krasnodar region.

According to the legend of the village residents, in 1908 a meteorite fell here and formed in the ground. The hole became overgrown after a while. But the land in this place is considered cursed. It looks like after a terrible fire, and there is nothing alive on it. Anyone who sets foot in the Devil's Cemetery will die immediately. Over all the years of research, about a hundred people have disappeared here.

These are not all anomalous places in Russia. Many secrets are hidden in the country's water bodies.

Ivachevskoe Lake (Volgograd region). The reservoir fascinates with its beauty and mystery. However, the picturesque area not only pacifies, but also instills some fear. Many noted that after relaxing on this lake their health worsened. And residents of the city of Cherepovets, which is located next to the lake, say that everything more people disappears on this body of water. Researchers of anomalies have not yet given clear answers. This is the most mysterious place on Earth.

They also avoid the Yachenskoye Reservoir (Kaluga Region). People call it the Thunder of the Lord. The reservoir attracts an electrical charge. People who bathe in it die from lightning strikes. It's better not to go to these places. It is unlikely that anyone will like such a vacation.

But the mortality rate of people in Lake Syurzi in the Arkhangelsk region is quite understandable. The reservoir is dangerous to life due to increased radioactivity. The fish here floats up belly up, and the fishermen completely disappear. Those who managed to survive after such fishing remember the events with fear and do not always survive until the morning. The results of forensic examinations show that the cause of death of the fishermen was the effect of radiation.

These are not all the anomalous places in Russia. The mystical city of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region is distinguished by its beauty and mystery. Where two rivers, Karaganka and Utyaganka, converge into one, this amazing historical heritage is located. The city was discovered by archaeologists in 1987. It looks like rings enclosed one inside the other. The settlement has four entrances - one on each side of the world. The surviving buildings of Arkaim indicate ancient civilization. The city has amazing properties- He is able to heal from many diseases. Anyone who has been here once will certainly return again. But Arkaim is not hospitable for everyone. For some, it instills fear and horror. Only a select few are allowed entry.

Incredible places on Earth - towards adventure!

The unknown surrounds us everywhere. The most mysterious places on the planet are revealed only to a select few. People with enormous willpower who are ready for an exciting trip. Our life is so short and fleeting that before you even have time to look back, old age creeps up. And it’s good to close your eyes and remember the mysterious places on the planet in search of which you wandered around the world. And whoever has not seen the true beauty of our Earth has almost never lived...

IN South America There are still many tribes cut off from the outside world. In the Vale do Javari reservation alone, or the Javari Valley, there are more than a dozen of them. Their way of life and way of life have not yet been fully studied.

This area, comparable in area to Portugal, is generally one of the most isolated places not only in South America, but also in the world.

It's hard to imagine what else can be found in these rain forests on the border with Peru. The Javari Valley is protected by a special government agency, so getting there is not easy.

Man conquered mountains and landed on the moon. But the resources of the world's oceans have not yet been studied. Therefore, it is the water spaces that attract researchers from all over the world.

One such unexplored area is the Mariana Trench. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, between the islands of Japan and Australia. According to the latest estimates, it has a depth of almost 11 kilometers, so exploring it is difficult to say the least. That doesn't mean people haven't tried. For example, director James Cameron became the third to reach the lowest point of the Challenger Deep. He took rock samples and surveyed them using modern cameras.

Created by nature itself millions of years ago, it still holds secrets to this day. Perhaps it is there that we will find not only new forms of life, but also an entire underwater world, cut off from civilization.

Another difficult place to explore are caves. They are often difficult to access, sometimes even dangerous, and are located in remote mountain ranges and regions across the planet.

The Yucatan Cenotes are one such example of unexplored caves. This is a fairly large cave network in Mexico, combining eight of the most famous peculiar wells (cenotes). Their stunning snow and ice caves are too dangerous even for experienced experts.

Interestingly, cenotes were once used by the ancient Mayans for sacrifices.

There are also mysterious and unexplored places on the territory of our vast Motherland.

The Republic of Sakha is a huge part of Russia, making up about a fifth of our territory. In comparison, this is the size of India. But due to harsh weather conditions, most of the cargo flow is carried out by water transport.

It is as a result of the extreme climate that a significant part of this area remains unexplored. For example, in January the temperature can drop to -43 degrees Celsius. It is so cold in places that much of the land is covered in permafrost.

Since much of it is untouched by man, you will find beautiful natural sites such as the Lena River Delta.

If there is one place on Earth where it will definitely be difficult to establish a civilization, it is Antarctica.

Cold, barren and largely uninhabited, the continent is literally the coldest place on the planet. The lowest recorded temperature on the planet (-89 degrees Celsius) was recorded in Antarctica. Colonization is also complicated by heavy snow, dangerous crevasses and glaciers. Until now, the main reasons for the appearance of humans on the territory of this frosty continent are scientific research and fishing.

Given the dangerous climate and unsafe natural features its landscape, Antarctica remains and will likely remain one of the least explored places on the planet. At least in the coming decades.

Despite being the largest island on the planet, Greenland is still largely unexplored.

Many people don't even realize how big Greenland is. This is more than 2 million square kilometers. Of these, approximately 80 percent are covered with ice. The ice is incredibly thick, reaching 3,000 m in some areas. The ice sheets covering most of the island are also very old - between 400,000 and 800,000 years old.

The population here is mainly engaged in hunting and fishing in those areas that can be reached.

It's no surprise that such a sparsely inhabited region is filled with pristine natural wonders - hot springs, northern lights and even ice-water rivers.

Patagonia is a geographical region in South America belonging to Argentina and Chile. But it is the Northern part that is the least populated and unexplored.

There is a wild landscape all around, there are places where it is still impossible to reach by transport. Here nature is largely untouched - there is a massive rainforest, many peaks, steppes, lakes, rivers, glaciers and other natural wonders. And the huge ice mass, called the Northern Patagonian Ice Field, is one of the largest outside the polar regions.

Only the bravest travelers venture into this region. But if you venture into this unexplored area, the landscapes and nature will blow your mind.

These forests, like many others, still conceal not only the wild world of flora and fauna, but also dangers that lurk at every step.

The area of ​​this territory is estimated at 5.5 million km2 and contains almost half of all tropical forest in the world. Due to their size, many of them have not yet been studied. On Amazon it's raining all year, which leads to flooding. This in turn makes crossing the river difficult. The impenetrable jungle also played a role in the development of the area.

Maybe it's good that tropical forests The Amazon is largely unexplored and hosts a range of deadly animals, from poisonous frogs and piranhas to anacondas.

People have never sought to explore deserts because of their remoteness and extreme climate. But it is the Namib Desert, located in the southern part of Namibia, that is one of the most unexplored deserts in the world.

Diamond deposits have been found in small areas with a total area of ​​100,000 km2, which attracts the population. Most of it lives in the northern part of the country, leaving the southern part completely empty.

Scientists believe that the Namib is the oldest desert in the world. You can guess the absence of civilization from the name, because in the Nama language “Namib” means “a place where there is nothing.”

In Papua New Guinea you can find the Star Mountains, a mountain range that stretches from the Indonesian border to the Hindenberg Range. This natural wonder of the world is rich in its ecosystems and natural species.

Rainfall here is plentiful, over 10,000 mm per year, and it is said to be one of the wettest places on the planet.

Unconquered today, this place will certainly be of interest to researchers in the near future. After all, one of the biological surveys showed the presence of at least 100 species of plants and animals that had not yet been discovered.

There are so few places left on Earth that man has not yet been able to visit. New technologies, images taken from satellites, modern gear and equipment - all this has led to the fact that visiting some uncharted territories, where civilization has not yet reached, is now almost impossible. Therefore, TravelAsk decided to show you the most interesting places that have not yet been fully explored.

Namuli Mountains

The north of Mozambique is covered by the most unexplored plains of the East African Plateau. This place is very picturesque and unusually romantic, but for the most part, only professional rock climbers can explore this territory.

Javari Valley

In this region of Brazil, about 14 of the most isolated tribes can be distinguished, which have absolutely no contact with the civilized world. Their right to live in isolation is protected by a special government organization, and the territory under their jurisdiction is comparable to Austria.

Northern Patagonia

Chilean rainforests include glaciers, warm springs and fjords. Such a sparsely populated region of the country as Northern Patagonia shows its visitors the most delightful and amazing beauty in the world. Even though getting to this place is extremely difficult, it is definitely worth it.


This Russian peninsula is an extraordinary place that has remained largely unexplored. Kamchatka has an incredibly rich nature; in addition, its territory has over 300 volcanoes. The population of the peninsula is small - about 400,000.

New Hebrides Rift

IN Pacific Ocean, in the east, off the Australian coast, there is the mysterious New Hebrides fault, which began to be studied quite recently. The robots that were sent to the bottom of this crack revealed a huge number of inhabitants of the underwater depths that were previously unknown to science and had never been found anywhere.

Northern forest area

There are many tropical forests in Myanmar whose riches have not been touched by destructive human activities. Thus, in Kachin State there are forests in the depths of which a very large population of tigers lives, the largest in the world. In addition to them, you can meet red pandas, rare species of gibbons and wild bears.

Tsingy de Bemaraha

This is the name of the large national park of Madagascar, the territory of which extends over more than one and a half thousand square kilometers. You can spend months in the reserve, but still not explore it entirely. There is an abundance of different types plants and inhabitants of the animal world, which scientists have classified as endemic. Also, in their opinion, many “local residents” are still hidden, they have yet to be discovered. The reserve is not completely open to tourists; access to most parts of it is prohibited.


The name of this desert place in Namibia fully justifies its content. Namib refers to a completely empty area where there is nothing. It is noteworthy that dinosaurs lived here eighty million years ago. This desert is the oldest and driest in the world, but despite this, life still exists here. Its territories contain extensive deposits of uranium and tungsten ore.

Star Mountains

The high kilometer-long limestone mountain, called the Hindenburg Wall, can be designated as one of the most important attractions of Papua New Guinea. This mountain, turning into a plateau of gigantic proportions, hides on its territory places that have been preserved in their original form since the emergence of the ecosystem. Researchers who recently reached these lands discovered a huge number of previously unknown species of both animal and plant life.


Greenland is rich in its hidden territories; in 1999 alone, as many as 6 new islands were discovered, where no one had ever been before. A huge part of the continent is still uninhabited. Ice here covers about eighty percent of the land.


This New Zealand national park was once created by glaciers and is now considered the largest in the country. Its territories are among the wildest places on the planet. A huge number of rare animal species live here. For example, scientists found takahe here, belonging to a species of flightless birds, but they were considered extinct for more than a century.

North Sentinel Island

These Indian territories are the homeland of the Sentinelese. The number of this small people is 50-400 people. The natives do not contact outsiders and may even attack them, which is why the island is so poorly explored to this day.

Son Doong Cave

The cave in the Vietnamese province of Quang Binh hides in its depths huge halls 200 meters high and one and a half hundred meters wide. At the moment, this cave is recognized as the largest in the world. Shondong has holes through which sunlight penetrates, giving life to plants that have grown to the size of a jungle. Insects, various birds and even monkeys live on trees.

Cape Melville

Cape Melville is located in Australia, near Brisbane. These places are so wild that it is only possible to see what is happening here using a helicopter, and this makes it difficult for scientists to carry out the necessary research. But even in this way, it is possible to constantly find new animals there; the last three species were discovered relatively recently - in 2013.

Republic of Sakha

Another area of ​​our vast homeland can be included in the list of little-studied ones. The Sakha Republic, located above the Arctic Circle, occupies an area no smaller than India. There is probably no more extreme climate than here on Earth. However, many animals, plants and even tribes live in these permafrost conditions.