Correct Feng Shui for your desktop. Correct feng shui for your desktop

A well-thought-out environment affects the productivity of employees and the internal microclimate in the team. In addition, the arrangement of furniture in the office should be convenient for ordinary visitors and regular customers companies. Large corporations entrust this difficult task to well-known advertising agencies. To do it on your own, without help professional designer To cope with this task, many factors should be taken into account: the size, shape of the commercial premises, acoustics, degree of illumination.

First of all, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the office space will be used. It could be cozy atmosphere for clients, a separate office for the manager or a spacious call center in which a large number of employees and the necessary equipment are concentrated. But in any case, there are strictly established rules:

  • location - the arrangement of furniture should not contain straight lines. It is important that the front door is located diagonally, in the field of view of the working employee. If it is necessary to arrange several workplaces at once, they are located in the corners;
  • distance - you should not leave a narrow passage between the tables - this will limit the possibility of access and create a certain psychological discomfort;
  • furniture set - to furnish commercial premises, in addition to desks and chairs, it is necessary to have spacious cabinets for stationery. All items should be placed in an easily accessible place.

The manager's desk should be located remotely, away from the entrance doors.

Work triangle

Designers consider the “working triangle” to be the best way to organize space; it is designed to minimize the amount of time and effort spent on solving various problems. The most optimal option for arranging furniture in the office will help create optimal conditions for productive work.

How to arrange office furniture in accordance with the basic rules of ergonomics? First of all, let's define the vertices that make up the triangle:

  • desk;
  • filing cabinet;
  • spacious cabinet.

The workplace must meet all labor safety requirements; therefore, furniture with drawers cannot be placed behind the employee’s back.

The compact cabinet should be placed near the window. Next, place the desktop diagonally to the window opening. Such a convenient arrangement of furniture in the office will allow you to notice everyone who comes into the office, and on vacation you can admire the view from the window. In addition, natural lighting of the workplace is simply necessary if an office employee constantly works at a computer. It is better to place an open shelving or cabinet along one of the walls.

Rules for the arrangement of tables depending on their shape

Manufacturers offer a variety of models of office furniture - this will help you complete the standard workplace or create complex designs with additional racks and shelves. Desktops have different configurations: from a standard rectangle to a complex curved shape. For a long time manufacturers offered exclusively rectangular tables gray or brown tint, such furniture can lead to depression and despondency. The shape of modern office furniture is created with slight bends and roundings, without sharp protruding corners.

Rounded outlines are much more pleasant not only to see, but also to walk around. " Round table"is a symbol of close communication and general equality, therefore the atmosphere at such a table is calmer, creative and friendly.

If you arrange the furniture in the office correctly, you can increase performance and bring harmony to the relationships between all team members:

  • You should not place desks opposite each other - this will add a spirit of competition;
  • the employee’s back at the workplace must be covered by a wall, screen or partition;
  • the entrance door should be clearly visible from any place; if this is technically impossible, it is recommended to install a mirror opposite the entrance.

Office desks are particularly ergonomic and reliable. In addition, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly, safe materials in production.

Small room decor

The area of ​​an office space is one of the most important factors influencing the arrangement of furniture. Designers recommend decorating a small commercial space in a minimalist style.

IN small office most the best furniture will become small tables strict geometric shape with rounded corners, comfortable light-colored chairs, light tulle curtains or blinds. Special attention requires creation quality lighting in a commercial space. When you plan to use only one lighting fixture, it is necessary that it be located in the center.

When drawing up a plan for arranging pieces of furniture, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the number of places to work, the presence of air conditioners, the direction of door movement, the location of sockets.

It is not always possible to obtain complete comfort for all employees, but it is possible to minimize the inconvenience. For example, connect an extension cord or turn the table around so that sun glare does not appear on the monitor screen.

Nuances of office design with windows

People spend most of their time in a modern office, so the question is: “How to arrange the furniture correctly?” relevant for spaces of different sizes. Office ergonomics consists of different elements: spacious table, comfortable chair, clean air, natural and artificial lighting of the workplace.

Natural daylight is the most best light, it does not irritate the eyes, has a beneficial effect on the health and psychological comfort of the entire team, but in order to use it, the length of commercial premises should not exceed six meters, otherwise the distant tables will have little lighting. This tip will help you arrange your office furniture correctly. Professionals do not recommend sitting with your back to the window. It is especially uncomfortable to sit near large window on high floors, if it is not possible to move the table to another place, it is recommended to curtain the window opening with thick curtains or install blinds. Observing simple rules rational arrangement of space, you can turn even small office to a comfortable place where every employee of the company will enjoy working.



Greetings, dear readers! We spend most of our lives at work, so it is important to equip the workplace favorably for ourselves, so it is important to know how to correctly arrange furniture in the office according to Feng Shui. As always, you need to start with cleanliness and order, impeccable order. No blockages so that energy can circulate freely throughout the workspace. Therefore, it is very important to know and implement the basic rules of Feng Shui in the office.

From the article you will learn:

Next, activate the necessary corners with mascot-figurines: a three-toed toad. The bigger the better. But you can’t keep more than 9 pieces in the office. Place her back to front door and her back to the windows so that she wouldn’t take the money out of the office. You will also be helped by three Chinese coins tied with a scarlet ribbon, elephants, scrolls with auspicious hieroglyphs, crystal pyramid and money trees, both plants and talismans. It is important to choose flowers for the office according to Feng Shui, but first things first.

Office arrangement

The office itself should be in light colors; it is better to avoid red and blue as much as possible. White and light shades of green, beige, brown and yellow are best.

Hang diplomas and certificates on the walls, use closed shelves (with glass doors) on the walls for awards. This will stimulate the company’s achievements and its desire to reach the top.

As in “home” Feng Shui, the office should have four corners, no round walls and sloping ceilings. If you are still in such an office, furniture and all kinds of partitions will help you to create favorable energy. If the ceiling is sloping, you can hang two flutes. There should be plenty of light in the office. Do not choose an office opposite the stairs or escalator.

Study room according to feng shui diagram

  1. There should be as much space as possible in front of the desk; favorable energy accumulates there.
  2. The table should not be located opposite the door.
  3. The office should not be a walk-through room.
  4. You need to sit with your back to the wall. If that doesn’t work, visually enlarge the spaces in front of you as much as possible with the help of a painting. Read on to find out which painting to choose.
  5. Don't sit in front of the window.
  6. The lighting should be bright, but don't sit directly under it.
  7. Keep your work area clean and tidy.

The front door should be large, not glass, and should open outward, in the direction of the gua number of the head of the company. There should be no protruding corners.

How to arrange furniture in your office?

Employees should not sit too tightly. Otherwise, they will not have enough energy to work. There is no need to sit them with their backs to the door or window, or facing each other.

Metal, including computers, should be placed in the west and northwest, this will activate good luck and meeting influential people.

Painting for the manager's office

It is better not to use pictures with waterfalls; water falling down represents the same movement to the bottom of the entire office. Mountains and high-rise buildings in the paintings symbolize difficulties. It is better to hang a flying plane, a bird, a sailboat, a staircase leading upward, or a road, as well as a calm clean water, horizon or trees, but not drying up, no autumn or falling leaves.

Mirrors have a good effect on the office. The main thing is that the doors do not reflect in the mirrors and they do not reflect each other, and they should also be the size of people’s full height. Don’t forget about the southeast corner: it’s best to place a fountain, aquarium or pond there.

Feng Shui cardinal directions in the office

Important zones for an office are the wealth zone. Don't forget to place paintings in the southeast wooden frames. If there are designers in the office, activating the creative zone with metal will help them. Wood products in south side office will bring fame to the company.

The office in the southwest is best avoided. The North will help with career growth. North West will improve leadership skills. You will become more responsible. The Northeast will help with learning and wisdom.

Feng Shui flowers for the office

In the area where clients are usually located, the reception or hall, it is better to place flowering plants, they attract the eye and symbolize the flourishing of business. In other areas it is better to place plants with round leaves, such as money tree or violets.

It is better to avoid cacti. If the windows in the office are very large, they will interfere with concentrating on work, in which case, put flowers on the window sills, or you can get by with blinds.

Plants for the office according to feng shui

In the room where employees sit, you should place fatsia - it will help fight obstacles, ficus - it will help in the career, and syngonium, it has leaves in the shape of hearts, which will add peace to the office atmosphere.

Scheffler and ficus will add positivity and improve the air; it is better to place them next to equipment such as a printer. Chinese rose will inspire lazy people and slobs.

Japanese kinkan should be added to the arrangement of the meeting room, it will provide protection, Montezuma pine and cypress will give wealth, sorrel and hoya - good luck.

It is better to fill the rest room with liana-like, hanging plants, and mask the corners with them as much as possible. According to Feng Shui, it is better to choose red-orange flowers for the office.

Flowers in the manager's office

Croton. If the leader is hot-tempered, this plant will help. Improves charisma, improves health, and increases stamina. Croton will inspire and improve character in terms of determination.

Cyclamen will promote self-organization and add positivity, eliminating the feeling of loneliness. Dieffenbachia will help those who rarely get out from behind the desk.

feng shui office number

  1. victory and independence;
  2. diplomacy and love;
  3. growth and creativity;
  4. the number four in the east symbolizes “death”, so it is better to refuse an office with a number where there is a four;
  5. heavy changes, diversity;
  6. financial well-being, home, family relationships;
  7. spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge;
  8. prosperity, wealth and money;
  9. long life and love.

If the number has a two-digit or more meaning, for example 78, then look at what numbers go from left to right - through spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge you will achieve wealth and prosperity.

Furniture arrangement in the office according to Feng Shui

Furniture should have straight lines. Workers should not sit with their backs to the door. It is advisable to place them facing the entrance, and have a wall behind them, this allows them to feel safe and supported. How to arrange furniture in an office according to Feng Shui?

It is better not to place huge cabinets near the doors; it will be difficult for energy to squeeze into the office. It is better to place all massive furniture along blank walls.

Feng Shui workplace in the office

When employees have little personal space, they may feel uncomfortable and this can cause their productivity to drop. It is important that the employee sits in a direction that is favorable to him.

The approach to the table should be free, not narrow. And it’s better from several sides, which means choosing different options.

The workplace should be clean, wires should not interfere with the legs, for freedom of thought. Don’t forget to wipe away dust, all sorts of figurines and various kinds of “dust collectors” that are not related to Feng Shui or your work, it is better to remove them.

Feng Shui of the manager's office

The north-west is the “owner’s sector”, this is where the manager’s desk should be located. This will help him to be fair, wise and not make mistakes in decisions. The larger the manager’s desk, the better, and place it so that it is at the maximum distance from the entrance.

It is better to use gold, silver and white colors in the management office. You can keep photos of your family on the table: this way they will be closer, and photos of children will inspire creative approaches to problems and reaching new heights.

The chair is also important. Choose a chair worthy of being called a throne. Expensive, comfortable, with armrests and a high back.

Good luck in your business and career growth!

The child is growing up, and by the age of five or six, parents will have to organizing a work area in the children's room– places for homework, storage teaching aids, stationery. The issue is serious and is being resolved not only from the point of view of a harmonious environment and maintaining comfort in the room.

The correct approach to organizing the workplace affects the child’s formation of neatness, perseverance, and composure. But first of all, you need to decide on the location of the desk in the room, taking into account whether it will be comfortable for the child to study in this particular corner, and what factors can affect the quality of classes and even the health of the little schoolchild.

1. Isolation of the workplace from the play area- a children's desk can be placed behind a partition, or zones can be separated using a shelving unit, a screen, or even wallpaper different colors. Toys, bright and unnecessary objects should be removed from the work area, as they distract the child’s attention and interfere with concentration.

2. Sufficient lighting- preferably natural. If this possibility is excluded, fluorescent lamps are used. The light should fall from the left for a right-handed child and vice versa: from the right if the child is left-handed. When practicing at night, there should be at least two light sources - otherwise vision problems cannot be avoided.

3. Posting tutorials and office supplies in work area so that the child himself can easily take and put in place the items he needs. The table itself should have drawers, sections, cabinets, and open niches. It is better to store books and large folders on hanging shelves or in racks or pencil cases standing near the table.

Let's consider options for placing a desk in a children's room.

Desk near the window

If the room is narrow or small, then a children's desk is often placed near the window.


- space saving (especially if the window sill is transformed into a tabletop);

natural light for most of the day - a necessity, plus savings on sources and costs artificial lighting;

- the ability to switch attention during long exercises, as well as vision training.


- too bright light and glare are harmful to vision. Not too thick curtains or a special film for windows will help.

— the presence of heating radiators or, conversely, possible drafts. The problem is solved by dampers on radiators and back wall at the table, fenced off from the heat source. It is easier to deal with drafts - you need to ventilate the room when the child takes a break from classes, the rest of the time the window should be closed.

— the view from the window often distracts the baby’s attention and interferes with activities. The same blinds or curtains will help here. We also organize five minutes of rest, after which the child will be able to concentrate and complete the task without being distracted.

Children's desk near the wall

If space in the room allows, it is very convenient to place a desk against the wall. It could be corner table or a tabletop along part of the wall.


- Possibility to place on the wall hanging shelves, lesson schedule and daily routine.

— fewer distractions have a positive effect on the learning process and promote perseverance.


— insufficient natural light if the table is located against the far wall. We solve the problem with the help of a table lamp and take into account the need additional source light in the evening.

- a certain limitation of space and a constant look at the wall. To break up this monotony, we swap the schedule and routine, make minor rearrangements on the shelves in front of the table, i.e. you need to periodically diversify this space.

Table in the work area under the loft bed

Modern trends in furniture design are based on economical and rational use space. Compact option children's furniture is a loft bed with a desk, which is located under the sleeping area, or where shelves with a table are adjacent to its side wall.

A children's desk in this version can be either a built-in or a pull-out element of cabinet furniture.


— compactness of the workplace, mobility;

— the ability to organize an individual space for each child in the family.


— as the child grows up, such a compact table may become too small. The issue can be resolved by discussing the option of transforming furniture in advance with the manufacturer or supplier. Also, this minus can become a plus if there are two children in the family - as the youngest grows up, this job passes to him;

- the same limited space. If the student does not like such isolation, we solve the problem through periodic changes in the design of the office and other interior elements.

Even after everything is ready, and it seems to parents that the workplace is organized perfectly, they need to observe the child and correct any inconveniences that arise during classes: be it problems with lighting or the placement of little things that the little student needs.

It is also important to remember that success in acquiring new skills and knowledge also depends on the child’s mood, motivation, and most importantly, on the participation of parents in this new and, at first, very difficult process for the child.

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Feng Shui for an office means a harmoniously organized workplace. It is advisable to sit with your back to a blank wall so that it is convenient to communicate with colleagues and clients entering the office. You can hang a picture of your favorite image on the wall. This will allow you to feel support coming from the rear.

If, due to insurmountable circumstances, you are forced to sit with your back to the front door, then you can fence yourself off with a closet or screen, and if there is a window behind you, place a plant on the windowsill. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the office workplace can be used wide range plants, but most often these are dieffenbachia, croton and Chinese rose.

When you are at the table, sharp corners should not be pointed at you. Such objects, like a poisonous arrow, send you negative energy Sha Chi. This energy constantly interferes with your work, provokes various diseases and unfounded accusations directed at you.

Your desk should not be between closely spaced cabinets or in a corner of the office. Leave a clear path to your workplace. It will symbolize your perspective.

Even in a limited space, it will not be difficult to organize Feng Shui of the workplace. If you are forced to work in a cramped cubicle or there is a partition close to you, then you should expand your visual perspective. To do this, you need to hang a reproduction on the wall depicting the surface of the sea, a flowering field, etc.

Setting up your office according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of an office is a complex but fascinating process that is built gradually. Decorate your workplace with a figurine or a symbolic image of the wise Turtle and the powerful Dragon. To implement your plans, install in the eastern part of the room, which will be illuminated by sunlight for at least three to five hours a day.

The table should not be placed under an air conditioner, bookshelf or ceiling beam. A threateningly overhanging structure is a source of disease and adversity. It is unacceptable in feng shui at work.

Choose a chair with a high back and armrests. It is a symbol of confidence, stability and support. A chair that does not completely cover your back cannot bring good luck.

Keep your work area tidy at all times. All necessary papers must be stored in special folders. Shelves, cabinets and tables should not be cluttered. Otherwise, stagnant energy will begin to accumulate in the room. You can install it in the work area. This powerful Feng Shui talisman helps attract financial flows.

Keep all necessary papers and documents at your fingertips. If you hide them somewhere far away, you will subsequently have to search for them for a long time and lose the positive energy that comes from them. Never put off cleaning until later. Start right now and get rid of everything unnecessary!

Collect the wires used to connect office equipment into one bundle. Cables lying haphazardly create erratic energy flows.

The workplace must have enough bright lighting, but it is desirable that the light does not irritate the eyesight. Choose table lamps that are comfortable and well adjustable. Any metal object or desk lamp standing on the left side of the table attracts material well-being.

A Feng Shui work table for money should be relatively light (so that it can be easily moved), but at the same time quite stable. Place a photo of yourself on the table showing you during your work process. This will help attract the energy of professional success.

Office windows that open outward will help career growth. Windows that open inwards, on the contrary, will limit your prospects.

Feng Shui desktop to attract money

Many people use Feng Shui for work and career. There is a special hieroglyph that ensures well-being and activates monetary energy. This powerful amulet is suitable for any company that offers its services or products. It attracts clients like a magnet and helps you make useful connections. To make a talisman you will need two cards with its image.

You probably already noticed that in addition to the hieroglyph, the picture also shows three coins. This money symbol prosperity and material success.

A business mascot is used as follows. You need to print a couple of cards and then carefully cut out the image. On back side indicate your own name and wishes. For example: “I am best seller" It is recommended to print the image in the following format - width 2.82 cm, height 5.35 cm.

The resulting card should be placed in the most visible place - the desktop, so that it is always in front of your eyes and activates the positive processes of feng shui in the office. The second card should be kept with you at all times, for example, in your wallet or in any other convenient place. From now on, no matter where you are, the attention of customers will be drawn to you. Nothing more is required from you, trust the magical energy of Feng Shui!

Every time I offer clients to set up a study table for a child facing a wall or window or with your back to the door, I immediately expect a question from those who have read books: “But with your back to the door and your face to the wall it is forbidden! Do you think that I don’t know what is written in books or taught in elementary courses? :)

Yes, you can't. But sometimes it’s possible :).

Since this question gets answered so often all the time, it's easier to write an article for everyone to clarify this. And even more so in the light of exams, admission to institutes or schools.

Let's look at the issue from all sides.

1. What guides us when we decide where to put the table?

The point is that when we decide how to place the table, we are guided by not only condition “face/back to the door”, but also many factors. It's triggered inside our heads multi-stage analysis, which is expressed in the fact that we point a finger and say: “Put the table here.” But there's a lot of work going on inside.

Here are just some of the general factors we consider:

1. Favorable location

2. Favorable direction regarding the entire premises, room, person’s personality, based on formulas and calculations.

3. Following flow of qi layouts.

4. Following flow of qi(energy) by room, apartment relative surrounding landscape.

In apartments, it is often impossible to follow all the points at the same time. You have to choose what is more important in given specific conditions. Moreover, in each of this paragraph there are at least 2 more subparagraphs . For example, should I choose all this regarding San He or San Yuan? After all, they often do not intersect...

Of course, we are always guided by the rule “ form is more important than formula". However, in real life, everything is not so clear

2. Desk for a boss or a student? There is a difference.

The fact is that there is a difference between the conditions for placing tables in the office for example,

— director, sales manager, chief accountant or lawyer

- and a student student (no matter what age) Houses.

And also between reasons desire to have a desktop at home. For example, let's look at the situations:

- You work at home, receive clients (for example, do a manicure), receive close clients in an informal setting;

- you just browsing the Internet to check traffic jams, play with toys, reply to friends’ emails;

- you are a child/adult, and you study while sitting at your desk;

- you are a child/adult, and there is a table for you, but there is no way to seat you at the table, anyway you will do your homework/work lying/sitting on the floor, laying out textbooks on the sofa or bed (believe me, there are a lot of them);

- you need a table just to have a table. What if you need...

- you need a table for prestige. The boss is at work, so he should be at home in his office, even if he doesn’t need to work at home...

Well, or other situations. Believe me, it is very important to know why do you need a table. His position also depends on this.

Sometimes you just need a table to have one, and you ask for it good place. Most often we have just one good place in the room. And we give in this case bed preference. This is more important.

But here if you work from home, then of course we will do our best to “dig out” at least something good in the current situation.


For example, if you are looking for a place for a table in an office or in a house/apartment for receiving people, for work or to emphasize your status, then of course it is necessary that the table be placed facing incoming. Otherwise it would be strange, imagine if you somehow went to general director company, and he sits with his back to you...

Or you go into a company, and the reception desk has its back turned to you... It’s strange, you’ll agree. This is how to answer: “Get out of here, everyone’s got me.” That's why there is a term "boss position"

No matter how good the Stars are, for such a situation the “boss’ position” will always be on1st place V list of formulas, which we use to select a location.

PS " Boss' position" - this is the position of the table, sitting at which we “control” the entrance and see those entering. The best part is the part farthest away from the entrance.


What is important for the student? Good to study. He does not need to receive guests or clients. Therefore, in this case, I give preference (for apartments) to the Stars and sometimes, if possible, I combine this with san he (bazhai, 72 dragons, yin-yang regarding the environment, Academician’s Star). But this will not necessarily be associated with a “boss position.” This is not so important here.

3. Apartment or private house? There is a difference.

It makes a difference where we do feng shui.

  • In an apartment (or house, office) where we cannot, suppose (but sometimes it is possible), change the entrance doors, move the walls, doors.
  • Or in a private house/building, which was already originally built taking into account Feng Shui recommendations.

The point is that in apartments(and especially small ones), we essentially have no choice. Most often, we choose not from what is good and even better, but from what is “acceptable” under given conditions. This is something that is better than the other positions, but not the best that is possible in this house.

And since most often what is more important to us is what happens here and now(it’s important that you pay off your debts now, that you move forward now new project, in order to study well now or pass exams), then I always make a choice towards the San Yuan system, in which the most important thing is time. Whereas in San He there are no such time characteristics (or rather, they are there too, but not in periods, but in some years). But that’s another story, a topic of personal preference, we won’t go into it :).

However when we design a house and choose a plot, then we take into account, if possible, both san yuan and san he. And then you can plan in advance so that the position is of the “boss”, and so that the “here and now” helps, and so that the movement of energies is in accordance with the landscape. No problem.

In apartments, we do something from what is given to us. From the series:

“I made him out of what I had. And then, whatever happened, I fell in love.”

In the house - we do what we need.

It's like being a boss or a subordinate. In the apartment we are subordinates. There are bosses in the house.

Do you feel the difference?

Thus, it is possible to place the table facing the wall, opposite the door or with its back to the door when we cannot see the entrance.

But only if when it is due to reasons our analysis of the situation.

If you do not study Feng Shui professionally, but still want to somehow help your family without inviting a consultant, of course, take these rules into account and follow the visible flow of qi.

But when you start studying Feng Shui, you will see that you can follow it completely when you create the following you need(sorry for the tautology) in order to combine both forms and formulas (everything is important).

Learn how to build a favorable home based on Feng Shui

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