Registration of a cafe, what documents are needed. Requirements and list of necessary documents for opening a bar

Opening a bar is a complex multi-stage process, which is accompanied by the preparation of many documents. The financial and time costs of organizing a business depend on the literacy of their preparation. To prevent problems with obtaining permits and passing inspections in government agencies, you need to use a professional legal services.

The company "Right Solution" offers you comprehensive services on paperwork for opening a bar. With our help, you can organize an establishment with minimal costs and significantly simplify inspections. Our specialists will help you implement a project of any complexity, from a small bar to a nightclub.

Legal support of the company “Vernoe Resheniye” includes:

  • preparation of a complete set of documents for opening a bar, from registering a company to obtaining permits to operate a catering outlet;
  • interaction with government agencies;
  • appealing refusals to provide documents (if necessary);
  • customer consultations;
  • participation in control activities to approve the premises.

Our specialists will provide for all the legislative nuances that exist in the catering industry and will help you build a business in strict accordance with legal norms.

What documents are needed to open a bar?

Documents for opening a bar can be divided into several groups:

  1. Registration:
    • TIN;
    • OGRN;
    • LLC Charter;
    • order on the appointment of a manager;
    • decision to open an LLC;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • notifications of registration in extra-budgetary funds;
    • letter with statistics codes.
  2. For the bar area:
    • proof of ownership or lease agreement;
    • residential permit inspections for the transfer of premises to non-residential premises (when opening a bar in a residential building);
    • noise metric examination (when placed in a residential building);
    • documents for approval of redevelopment in architectural supervision, SES and fire protection;
    • passport for an advertising sign;
    • BTI documents;
    • documents for land plot(adjacent territory, parking, outbuildings)
    • projects engineering communications and acts of their acceptance;
    • coordination of the facade.
  3. Sanitary:
    • permission from the SES to place a bar;
    • production plan for the implementation of sanitary measures;
    • contracts for garbage removal and disposal of certain types of waste;
    • contract for disinfection of premises;
    • personnel health records;
    • water and rinse test protocols;
    • sanitary passport;
    • log of disinfectants.
  4. By vs. fire safety:
    • documents confirming installation fire alarm and putting it into operation;
    • evacuation plan;
    • fire safety instructions;
    • orders for the appointment of employees responsible for electrical equipment and fire safety;
    • safety magazine.
  5. Production:
    • staffing table;
    • a book of complaints and an audit trail approved by the administration;
    • information plate with the name and registration data of the organization;
    • menu;
    • assortment list;
    • Certificate of verification of scales;
    • certificates of measuring utensils;
    • technological and costing cards.
  6. Cash:
    • KKM card and passport;
    • operator's journal;
    • cash register service agreement.
  7. For premises security:
    • contract for the installation and maintenance of an alarm system with a panic button;
    • bar security contract.
  8. License for retail sales alcoholic drinks.

Stages of paperwork for opening a bar

  1. Registration of LLC with the tax authority. Opening a bar requires obtaining a sales license alcoholic products. It can only be obtained by a legal entity. In the case where it is planned to sell light alcohol up to 6% (beer and cocktails), the business owner can open an individual entrepreneur. Obtaining a license is not required.
  2. Coordination of the transfer of premises to non-residential stock and redevelopment (if necessary). Conclusion of a lease agreement for an LLC.
  3. Registration of cash register. Done at the tax authority at the location of the LLC.
  4. Notification for placement from SES. It is provided after sanitary examinations in a ready-to-use bar.
  5. Conclusion of the authority fire department. Issued after checking the premises for compliance with safety requirements. The bar must have fire extinguishers.
  6. Conclusion of the SES confirming the right to work as a catering outlet. Before issuing it, a comprehensive inspection of the premises, equipment and documentation is carried out.
  7. License to sell alcohol. Issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. Upon completion, it may be extended. To obtain a license, the premises must have an alarm system with a panic button and a safe.

Determine the legal form

An individual entrepreneur is suitable for opening a small cafe without alcoholic beverages on the menu. State duties and fines in this case will be lower. However, you will have to be directly responsible for everything that happens in the cafe.

It will be necessary to register an LLC if you intend to sell alcohol. The founders of the LLC do not bear losses other than those provided for by their shares authorized capital, so you may want to consider this legal form for larger projects.

Choose a room for a cafe

Choose a suitable room for your future cafe. Approach your choice responsibly. Determine the trafficability of the premises, and also imagine yourself in the client’s place and calculate how convenient it will be for your future visitors to get there (both on foot and by personal transport).

If you open a cafe on the ground floor of a residential building, then your decision must be agreed upon with the residents. If the premises in this case do not belong to you (that is, you are renting it), then the approval must be carried out by the landlord.

It is easier to open a cafe in a separate building, but you still must notify the executive committee and the internal affairs authorities of the district in which the building is located about your decision. Do not allow situations in which the governing bodies are not aware that you are planning to open a cafe.

Now let's look at what documents are needed to open a cafe. Some of them will be needed before the main work begins, others you can get immediately before the opening of your establishment.

What documents are needed before starting work?

Before you start construction work you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place the facility. This document is the official permission of this government agency and gives you legal right start all other activities.

Documents confirming the compliance of the premises you have chosen, as well as communications and equipment with sanitary and medical standards, are issued within 10 days from the date of your official application to the sanitary and epidemiological service. The decision to issue a permit is made by the chief physician of the station. To obtain them you will need to provide a number of documents. The package of documents for opening a cafe includes:

  • state registration certificate;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • conclusion on raw materials and finished products;
  • documentary results medical examination personnel.

The fire authorities must issue you a permit if you plan to open a cafe in a newly constructed building. Such a document is usually issued simultaneously with the commissioning of the building. To obtain this permit, fire extinguishers, emergency exits and fire alarms are required.

The location of your cafe must be agreed with law enforcement agencies. According to current legislation The cafe premises must be equipped with a panic button to notify of any emergency situations.

Required licenses and certificates

Documents for opening a cafe also include a set of licenses. So, to carry out full-fledged work, you will need to obtain a retail license. It is issued for a period of one year and gives the right to exercise trading activities- that is, in fact, on main view activities that make the cafe work.

If your menu includes alcoholic drinks, you will also need to obtain a trade license alcoholic drinks, namely the type of this license that implies permission to sell alcohol for consumption at the place of purchase. This way you can ensure additional traffic and additional profit. However, please note that this license is issued for a period of five years, and therefore implies significant amounts of state duty and authorized capital. It is somewhat easier to collect a package of documents for opening a canteen, but a cafe, as a rule, brings more profit.

You can obtain a patent for carrying out trading activities from local authorities. In this way, you will secure your right to maintain your establishment and to all trading operations that will be carried out in it.

According to latest changes introduced into legislation, you will also need to agree musical accompaniment, radio, video and television broadcast in a cafe with a cultural department. Please note that reproducing or broadcasting any recordings without the permission of this service is an offense and is punishable by a fine.

At this point, the collection of documentation will actually be completed. Other packages (for example, documents for opening a restaurant) have a larger volume. Remember that the complexity of collecting documents directly depends on how large-scale your service will be and how wide the range of dishes and services will be.

Select staff

In addition to the required positions of general manager and chief accountant, you will need to ensure that there are suitable candidates for the positions of cashiers, waiters and cooks. Do not be careless and do not try to deceive the inspection authorities in such matters as qualifications and medical examination of personnel.

If your capabilities allow, you can establish separate positions for support staff: security guards, cleaners. If not, then these types of work will be combined with the main activities of the cafe staff. Do not forget that all people working in a cafe must undergo regular medical examinations and observe personal hygiene rules.

includes not only the development of its concept, the creation of a unique design and the purchase of furniture: productive work will also require important documents. And although, according to Federal Law No. 584 of July 16, 2009, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs send notifications about the start of financial and economic activities, some Permissions are still needed.

List of documents for opening a bar:

1. Information about the organizational and legal form. First, what is needed to open a bar - this is registration as legal entity and the choice of OKVED codes (in this case - 55.40).

2. Title papers for the premises. IN list of documents for opening a bar You also need to include a lease agreement for the building or part of it where the establishment will be located.

3. Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor (also called SES). Firstly, this is design documentation, which regulates the location, area and size of rooms and zones, indicates finishing materials, requirements to communications networks (electrical wiring, ventilation, etc.). Secondly, you need to send a notification to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, and in fact, receive from it permission to open a bar.

4. Coordination of documentation with the Fire Supervision of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, State Expertise, Architectural and Planning Department. On its basis, repairs and (or) redevelopment of the structure will be carried out using the building materials specified in the papers.

5. Agreements with secondary organizations. Other important documents for opening a bar - These are agreements with third-party companies for garbage removal, recycling of fluorescent lamps, air conditioning cleaning, and medical examination of employees.

6. Program production control. In accordance with Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 and the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of June 13, 2001 on the introduction of SP 1.1.1058-01, public catering establishments must develop and agree on their own Program.

7. License to sell alcohol and cigarettes. Observe these conditions not difficult: authorized capital the company must contain a certain amount of money, the amount of which depends on the region of operation of the enterprise.

That's practically all what you need to open a bar. Prisoners should be added to this list employment contracts with employees (managers, administrators, waiters, bartenders, etc.). In addition, agreements will be required for the supply of food, drinks and other products that will be sold in the establishment. Make sure what documents are needed to open a bar, possible using an up-to-date legal information system. The procedure and volume of papers are prescribed by law, and supervisory authorities have no right to go beyond its limits.

Features of obtaining documents

For fruitful and productive work, you need to comply with certain requirements for opening a bar. For example, a notification to the SES is sent after the organization is registered, but before the start of its work. The PPC must be agreed upon before opening the establishment, otherwise the company may be fined or its activities may be suspended administratively.

Of course, that's not all what do you need to open a bar, because for its operation you will need a lot of equipment, which must also have accompanying documentation. However, these issues are secondary, because collecting the most important papers may take a significant amount of time.

Comply with the conditions for opening a bar It’s not difficult, but to do this you need to have a wealth of work experience. It is the Gagarin Group Management Company and its specialists that are able to brilliantly solve the most complex problems: the opening of the establishment will be quick and successful.