Dream of angry dogs attacking. Why do you dream about dogs that attack? Dog attacks cat

In a dream you saw an aggressive animal. How does the dream book interpret such a dream, and is there a difference who was chasing you - a loudly yapping flock or a lone black killer Rottweiler? Why do you dream of such a toothy attack?

  • Most often, a dog attack in a dream is an alarming “bell”, signaling the presence of an ill-wisher or future problems.
  • Was the animal chasing someone you know? It may well be that “in real life” you are very angry with him (perhaps he is bothering you). But the subconscious warns: you should not accumulate evil, because only you yourself will suffer from this.
  • A beast (or beasts) attacking a group of people? These are your relatives who are threatened by something. If you're planning a family get-together (for example, to celebrate a birthday), hold off - you shouldn't get together just yet.
  • However, great importance has the behavior of the people in your dream. If they fought off the animal together, you don’t need to be afraid of problems - your family will survive. If everyone fled, abandoning the weakest to their own devices, family “harassment” will be carried out by one of the relatives.
  • Or maybe in the dream the dog didn’t come to people on its own, but someone brought it and set it on the others? In this case, you can be sure: among your relatives there is an enemy who is offended by everyone. Your subconscious has already “seen” it and shows it to you through a dream.

Did she attack you specifically?

  • Seeing a dog attacking yourself means you definitely have an enemy or simply a “difficult” person in your environment, from whose influence you dream of getting out.
  • The dog growled when attacking (or maybe the growl was heard from behind you): you have a rival who has already “sharpened her teeth” on your loved one. Moreover, as long as you consider her a faithful friend.
  • It was yours pet? Dream about financial difficulties. Do not lend money to anyone - they may end up with nothing.
  • Was the animal sick? You entrusted your money to the wrong people and now you may lose it. Or maybe, as a result of stupid advice, you invested in a dubious enterprise?
  • Was the animal black? This means that a dark streak will begin in your life.
  • Did you manage to calm the attacking animal, pet it, or pick it up? IN real life you will be able to make friends with your enemy, turning him into your supporter, or even a good friend.

Did she manage to bite you?

  • If yes, and it hurts, expect health problems. Moreover, the stronger the pain from the bite, the more dangerous the disease will be. Some interpreters advise after this dream to visit a therapist and undergo preventive examination- what if troubles have already begun, but are asymptomatic?
  • Did it hurt and bleed? This means conflicts between your closest relatives. Perhaps after them you will even stop communicating with someone.
  • On the contrary, did you see how the teeth of the beast touched your skin, but there was no pain? In this case, beware of problems at work. They will be arranged for you by an enemy who is secretly trying to climb the career ladder.
  • Did your dog tear your pants or dress? Maybe some unkind person will try to deceive you with money. Count all bills (especially large change in the store) very carefully!

Was it an aggressive pack?

  • If the animals acted in a crowd, the dream says: your life lacks time management and orderliness. Or maybe you just need to remove one or two “wrong” people from it, and it will come back to order?
  • Did the animals first surround you and then start attacking you? Your carelessness has led to problems in business or at work. If you want to stay longer in this place, calculate your strength more accurately and do not take on more work than you can finish.
  • Did the animals attack and then chase you? And such a dream is the personification of your conscience, which has been “chasing” you for more than one day. You said or did something bad, and your subconscious mind warns you: you need to correct what you did, for example, ask for forgiveness from the person you offended.

Did the dog attack not a person, but a cat?

  • Why do you dream of a dog attacking a cute fluffy? This dream warns of love problems. Maybe you and your partner (partner) have some kind of understatement that cools your feelings?
  • Did you manage to separate the fighting animals? If yes, then “in real life” you and your loved one will make peace. If not, and they fought until they bled, you might even break up.
  • Did the dog kill the cat? And this, oddly enough, is a good sign. This dream is about money, and from a source that you don’t even know about (maybe you will find money or something valuable - say, Golden ring, expensive phone).

What did the authors of ancient books say?

In the end, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interpretation from a famous fortuneteller and clairvoyant, as well as a medium. How do these people, who closely communicate with the other world, see the image of a dog in a dream?

Vanga's Dream Book

  1. Seeing an attack by a toothy creature is a sign of the machinations of evil forces. Everything in your life may begin to fall apart, seemingly for no reason.
  2. But, as this dream book assures, a dog attack that you managed to repel is already a better sign. You will be able to tip the scales in your direction. But not without help from above, of course. So as soon as you start to “not get lucky,” pray, or even better, visit church and ask God for help.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  1. If you are attacked by a dog, the dream warns of danger.
  2. Did she bite? You may quarrel with someone over money.
  3. You heard barking: such a dream also warns of danger.
  4. Dogs attacked each other: this dream is a sign of family discord or a quarrel.
  5. If you managed to put the beast on a chain, you will have enemies, and more than one.

It's no secret that the human subconscious has limitless possibilities. Instead of directly communicating with our consciousness and offering us its observations, it is often only actively connected at night when we sleep. Many scientists talk about the possibility of predicting the future in a dream, because not a single detail from our life escapes the subconscious - everything is analyzed, compared and the overall result is derived. That is why people have treated dream interpreters with respect since ancient times. Modern version such a sage is a dream book. There are well-known authoritative publications, such as Miller’s dream book, and less common ones; and each of them gives its own interpretation of this or that dream.

Let's look at what a dream in which a dog or several dogs are present means, based on various sources. Why do you dream about a dog? These best friends a person can cause completely opposite feelings in many people: love, pity, compassion, but also fear, hatred, anxiety. So:

Dog - Miller's dream book

Miller distinguishes between different behaviors, types and attitudes towards a dog in a dream. As a rule, it symbolizes a specific person or group of people:

  • an evil dog will bring you intrigues from enemies and even friends, including if it bites you; but kind and friendly, on the contrary, means good luck and good attitude towards you;
  • a skinny, dirty and hungry dog ​​means illness, bankruptcy or failure, and a purebred beautiful animal means success in the financial sphere. In a woman's personal life, good luck will be brought by a large dog that she was afraid of, but it can also symbolize society and resistance to it; light flirting and optional relationships will bring girls small purebred dogs.
  • if a dog growls behind you, then someone is plotting against you; if he barks, expect bad news;
  • a mad dog symbolizes your problems in one area or another of your life; how you deal with it will solve them.
  • a hunting dog brings favorable circumstances, and a bloodhound following you warns against temptations.

Why do you dream about a dog according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga gives dogs the meaning of a friend or some kind higher powers.

So, why do you dream about a dog according to Vanga’s dream book? A white dog will bring support from friends, while a black dog will bring betrayal and disappointment in them. A sick or dead dog directly indicates what may happen to your close friend in the near future. The same applies to stray or driven dogs - financial problems and struggles with society.

But the dog’s attitude towards you means an invasion of higher powers into your life; if it protects you, then you don’t have to worry - these are your guardian angels. But an attacking dog is the intervention of evil otherworldly forces. To save yourself and resist them, Vanga advises turning to God.

A dog in a dream - Juno's dream book

Seeing in a dream an evil or kind, barking and biting dog in Juno’s dream book foreshadows the same events as in Miller’s dream book

However, if a dog or a bloodhound follows you on your heels, then this will bring you trouble, as in personal affairs, and in material ones. It’s good if you drove away this dog in a dream, you will also deal with problems.

Freud's Dream Book - Dog

Who else but Sigmund Freud delved into the depths of the human subconscious as much as possible. In his characteristic manner, Freud explained the meaning of any dream by the desire to satisfy one’s desires, including sexual ones, and therefore many interpretations of dreams are of an erotic nature.

The German psychoanalyst considered the dog a symbol of the child.

If you beat a dog or mock him, then you have a clear desire and inclination to sexual relations with kids. Be careful!

A hunting dog means an active sex life and the absence of any worries about the possible conception of a child. Most often, men dream of such a dog.

But if you are a parent and you dreamed that you were walking your dog, then you are faced with the problem of “fathers and sons”, you do not understand your child and are lost in your thoughts, not noticing his aspirations. In the future, this may lead to a deterioration in your relationship with your child. If you stroke and caress the dog, then you care too much about your child, perhaps you should give him more freedom.

Interpretation of the image of a dog according to Nostradamus’ dream book

The great predictor of the past also had his own opinion on this matter. However, he went his own way and got a little involved in politics and science, while describing dreams that few people can come to in their entire life.

So, if a dog negotiates with a whale, this is a symbol of establishing world balance with the help of some new deadly weapon. The dog and whale here apparently symbolize world powers.

A man in the form of a dog in a dream is a snowman in reality. It can be scientific discoveries or any mention of it.

A dog with a snake signifies the conclusion of a very productive alliance between states.

What principles and observations Nostradamus was guided by remains a mystery. Apparently these were the events following his dreams.

What does a dog mean according to Aesop's dream book?

Aesop is a legendary ancient Greek fabulist. This is what he thought about the appearance of a dog in a dream.

The dog is a symbol of your friends, which means that its behavior predicts their corresponding actions. If a dog is kind, cuddles up to you, protects you, or shows his devotion, then one of your friends will do the same. When a dog barks, bites, attacks you - expect intrigues, betrayal and envy that accompany any success.

When you see in a dream several dogs fighting over a piece of meat, then you will soon have the opportunity to encounter a greedy and stingy person, perhaps someone you know. In this case, it is better not to be greedy.

If you see a dog dying from a snake bite, then the snake in this case symbolizes you. You do not value your friends and will probably resort to betrayal, which you will very much regret in the future.

Dog - Medea's dream book

According to Medea's dream book, a dog is a symbol of uncertainty. She can show contradictory qualities, such as aggressiveness and loyalty to her master, anger and friendliness. Therefore, if the dog is sleeping or does not show itself in any way, and you cannot judge his character, then this is a clear sign of uncertainty and unpredictability of the situation. You may need the ability to make quick decisions depending on her development.

A dog that bites you portends troubles and quarrels. Also, such a dream may directly indicate some kind of illness related to the site of the bite.

An affectionate, friendly dog ​​will bring support and attention from friends.

Dream Interpretation - an angry, big dog in a dream

Why else do you dream about a dog? What means big dog in a dream, good or evil? In any dream book, an angry dog ​​portends some kind of trouble. It can mean betrayal by friends, possible problems With strangers or with colleagues, as well as unfavorable circumstances that do not depend on the person (illness, death, bankruptcy).

But a big dog can have different interpretations depending on her mood, behavior and physical condition. But a big dog always symbolizes what is above us, over which we have no control. A calm and majestic big dog in a dream will bring you in reality the patronage and support of your superiors or some strong personality, perhaps even higher supernatural forces. If a dog is sick or aggressive, then the larger its size, the more illnesses and troubles it portends.

A dog in a dream biting, attacking, barking - interpretation

Such actions on the part of dogs are usually precursors to unpleasant situations in various areas of your life.

Each compiler of dream books gives dogs their own symbolism: children, friends, political events, or yourself. And accordingly, aggression on the part of a dog can mean betrayal, intrigue and envy on the part of your loved ones; war or natural disasters. Sometimes in a dream you resist a dog, you can kill or drive it away. In this case, the dream is favorable, even though it carries bad news, because you will withstand the fight against your enemies with dignity.

Black, white, red dog - dream book

The color of the dog, as well as its behavior and mood, show the direction of the events that it predicts.

White color is a symbol of positive development of the situation. A white dog will bring good luck and happiness to your home. If the dog white behaves aggressively, this may mean quarrels with your loved ones, but such quarrels that arise due to misunderstanding and always end in reconciliation.

Black coloring portends negativity. As a rule, black dogs dream of various troubles and troubles. If she behaves calmly and friendly, then perhaps this is just flattery and hatred hidden behind smiles on the part of your friends, which in the future can turn into a disaster.

Dream Interpretation - dead, deceased dog in a dream

A dying or sick dog brings misfortune to the house. It can portend death or a serious illness, both yours and someone close to you.

Sometimes it can symbolize a great betrayal that will knock you down, but also a betrayal on your part towards your friends and loved ones.

However, a dog killed in a dream can also bring positive changes. So, if you deal with negative character your dream, that is, an angry, attacking or rabid dog, then you can just as easily deal with the problems that come into your home, which are symbolized by the negative behavior of animals in a dream.

Many dogs in a dream, a pack of dogs

The number of dogs in a dream directly shows you the size and significance of the event that awaits you. For example, one barking dog can bring a quarrel with some friend or colleague, but a pack emitting a deafening bark is a sign that you will be under enormous pressure from society.

However, the same applies to positive aspects. The more good and friendly dogs accompany you in your dreams, the greater your luck will be.

And finally, remember that not a single dream book reflects a 100% scenario. They are built on the associations and worldview of their compilers, however, it is different for everyone. In addition, this or that dream could be caused by various factors that have nothing to do with predicting the future: events occurring in reality or seen on TV, memories, the state of a person’s health and his physical tone, as well as many, many others. Therefore, whether to believe the dream books or not is entirely at your discretion!

There are pleasant dreams when a person wakes up in good mood. But sometimes nightmares also occur, which cause rapid heartbeat, nervous tremors and make you wake up from your own scream. The latter include dreams where a person is attacked by a dog (or a whole pack). This is a fairly common plot of night visions. In this article we will talk in detail about why you dream of being attacked by dogs (or one dog) according to the version different dream books. So let's get started.

Family dream book

A large breed dog (Great Dane, St. Bernard, etc.) symbolizes an intelligent and great friend. But if the dog bares its teeth, then you should be wary. This means that in real life, behind the “guise” of a friend, there is a cunning enemy.

A hunting dog or an evil hound is a very selfish person who easily and happily deceives for his own benefit. He will not hesitate to make money in any way.

Why do you dream that a dog is attacking and is also chasing? This is how the subconscious warns about the traps that insidious enemies have set.

If a dog attacks, growls, snarls and barks, then it is considered a harbinger of imminent insults, scandals and quarrels. If a dog bites, then you definitely shouldn’t lend money to acquaintances and friends in real life. By doing this, you can have a big quarrel with them in the future.

An angry dog ​​in a dream is an undoubted enemy. It's worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. If someone harbors a grudge, then you need to behave with him carefully. Well, a mad dog in night dreams is generally a fierce enemy. Such a dream foreshadows shame and humiliation that will have to be experienced in the future. Moreover, they will be caused by unfounded accusations.

On the contrary, if a dog protected you in a dream, then in real life you can always rely on the help of your friend.

Why do you dream that a dog is attacking? Miller's Dream Book

Night visions of an evil dog warn of impending failures. And in order to meet problems head-on, you need to prepare physically and mentally for them.

There is another version of the dream where an angry dog ​​follows. If this is a bloodhound, then night dreams warn against potential temptations that fate throws up in large quantities. By succumbing to unrighteous temptations, you can not only complicate your own life, but completely destroy it.

In interpretation, it is important to take into account the plots of night dreams. Miller's dream book reveals them perfectly. A dog (the meaning of night vision is determined by its actions) can not only attack, but also bite. In this case, there will be no peaceful outcome to any unpleasant or difficult situations in reality.

If the dreamer is afraid of a big dog, then a stage of active rejection, misunderstanding and resistance will begin in business and personal contacts. For men, such a night vision may mean a subconscious desire to rise above vulgarity or mediocrity. But for women, such a dream promises marriage, and the spouse will be a very worthy person.

If an angry dog ​​growls behind the dreamer, then someone has conceived an intrigue against him and has already begun to implement his treacherous plans. The dream is more likely to mean failure, but it is still worth taking active steps to prevent it. We must resist our enemies to the end and only then, perhaps, will we be able to defeat them.

If in night visions a rabid dog attacks, Miller’s dream book recommends mobilizing your forces in reality and desperately resisting your enemies. You should never give up and lose your presence of mind.

Why do you dream that a dog is attacking? Loff's Dream Book

According to this book, the wild dog is interpreted as an attempt to eliminate acute conflict, seemingly insoluble. It is worth interpreting the dream in a similar way, even if the dog is kind, but suddenly became angry.

What if the dog barks? In this case, the dream warns: very close there is a person pretending to be a friend. In reality, he is an enemy who holds a grudge and is waiting for the right moment to stab him in the back.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to this book, how do we interpret that a dog is attacking? Hasse's dream book gives a clear answer to this: an evil dog comes in night visions to a serious danger threatening in the near future.

If the dog manages to bite the dreamer, then in reality he will have an unpleasant quarrel related to money. And hearing a dog barking in your night dreams means serious trouble.

If they fight in front of the dreamer's eyes evil dogs, then in real life he will become a participant or witness to a family quarrel.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this book, the appearance of an attacking dog in a dream is considered a harbinger of an imminent meeting with the real forces of evil (Satan, the devil). His servants will make every effort to make the dreamer’s life unbearable. Many troubles, sorrows and misfortunes will follow. This is what the dream book says. The dog attacks in packs - in this case, the number of problems will increase proportionally.

It happens that the dreamer manages to fight off the evil dogs. This is a very good sign. Then he will definitely be able to resist black otherworldly forces and obsessions. And turning to God will definitely help with this.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

If the dreamer is attacked by a large dog in real life, serious danger awaits him. It may be hidden for some time, but when awake you should keep your eyes open so as not to receive an unexpected blow.

What if the evil dog managed to bite the dreamer? Then he will face losses due to his own shortsightedness. Therefore, rash actions should be avoided.

If in night visions a small dog attacks and jumps up, then the dreamer will certainly become the subject of caustic remarks from a person who is unkindly disposed towards him. Moreover, if you let the malice fall on deaf ears, you can provoke even greater irritation and anger of the ill-wisher.

Modern dream book

This book says that an angry dog ​​coming in a dream indicates the presence of an enemy in real life. And such night vision also predicts imminent failure, which is unlikely to be avoided.

A dog can also warn of a serious conflict that will happen to the dreamer in the future. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage, you should monitor your emotions, restrain yourself and carefully consider your every step. The more terrible the dog, the stronger the scandal will be.

Why do you dream that dogs attack? Moreover, there may be several of them or even a whole flock. This means that ill-wishers and enemies are preparing intrigues. And their cunning can be quite annoying.

There is another interpretation of this night vision, which is given by modern dream book. Dogs attacking in a dream means a serious conflict with friends in real life. If it cannot be avoided, then the resentment will spoil the relationship for a long time. Therefore, after such a night vision, one must try to smooth out the contradictions and, if necessary, compromise. This is the only way to maintain good friendships.

A small dog attacks

In this case, one should expect an unfair accusation of a crime that the dreamer did not commit. If the dog was able to bite, then problems will arise within the family and business relations, and there will also be unpleasant uncertainty. After such a dream, you cannot start business projects or sort things out. If the dog barked loudly, then after waking up the person will hear unpleasant news.

Dog on a chain

What other interpretations does the modern dream book give? The dog attacks (the interpretation is described in detail above) and barks, but is on a chain and cannot cause harm - in this case, the enemies’ attempts to do an evil deed in reality will be unsuccessful. Ill-wishers will not be able to carry out their evil plans, and the person will come out of even the most difficult situation.

If the dreamer was able to kill the attacking dog, then this is very good sign. Such night vision can be interpreted as follows: in reality, all troubles will be avoided, and all enemies will be defeated.

Growling dog

If a sleeper hears an evil growl behind him in his night dreams, then something bad should be expected. The dreamer's interests will be hindered by a person who is unkindly disposed towards him. Intrigues are clearly woven behind your back, and in order to maintain your well-being, you need to take active action.

Crazy dog

When attacked by a rabid dog in a dream, a major conflict awaits a person in reality. At first, the ill-wisher will prevail, but if the dreamer can concentrate, gathering all his determination, he will definitely come out of the situation as a winner.

A dream where a man runs away from an evil rabid dog has a similar interpretation. This is a clear signal: in real life you need to show fortitude and all your abilities to win a battle with your enemies. If the dog was driven away or killed, then the dreamer will prevail in absolutely any confrontation.

Black Dog

Wool color is another interpretation that the modern dream book gives us. Why did the black dog attack? More likely to lead to bad news. Perhaps from a friend or loved one major troubles (tragic accident, illness), and he needs urgent help. After such a dream, previously planned activities are often postponed.

There is another interpretation of the dream about a black evil dog. This night vision may signal imminent disappointment in a very close friend. It is possible that the dreamer will become a victim of betrayal in the near future.

If the dog not only attacked, but also bit, then in reality the person will have to listen to many unpleasant reproaches from those close to him. The friend will probably make a complaint if he doesn’t like something.

Dream Interpretation Dog attacks

Dreams can be pleasant; a sleeping person wakes up with a smile on his face. There are nightmares that cause a rapid heartbeat, make you tremble nervously, and make you wake up from your own scream. The latter includes a dream where, according to the plot, you are attacked by a pack of dogs, or a large dog.

Why do you dream about a dog attack?

It is known that any dream book considers a dog as a friendly symbol. But this is true if the animal is friendly and calls positive emotions in a sleeping person.

Why do you dream about evil animals? What message do they convey?

Decoding a dream about aggressive dogs

If you saw an aggressive dog in a dream

Overall an angry dog, this is a betrayal, This is what, according to interpreters, dreams of such a plot mean. To understand the direction of your further actions, what to strive for, the dream book gives advice: remember even the smallest and insignificant detail.

Miller's Dream Book

  • If you dream of an embittered dog, they are plotting against you. This is not necessarily done by enemies, it can also be the closest friends.
  • If the dog looks bad, skinny, dirty, then the dream leads to illness and loss of financial status. A skinny pack of dogs symbolizes bankruptcy.
  • According to Miller, if a woman dreams of a big dog, which greatly frightens her, then such a dream is positive. What does a dream lead to, good luck in all areas of life.

Miller highlights one important detail, the dog just growls or barks at you:

  • why does he growl - intrigues are weaving behind your back;
  • what does it bark for - negative news.

I dreamed of a dog attack according to a modern dream book

Why did you dream that you feel a threat coming from an animal - a sharp deterioration in relationships with relatives or your closest social circle.

If the threat is obvious, you dream that a dog is attacking - you will be set up by the person you completely trusted.

A large dog usually represents a person with high status in society. Accordingly, the larger the dog, the higher the degree of influence of this person. At the same time, the dream book states, you are quite familiar with this person. You have no reason to agree to dubious deals, follow her lead, this way you can avoid many troubles.

If the dog attacked

If you dreamed that you killed a dog that was attacking you, you will be able to unravel the plan of your enemies in time and prevent them from harming your business.

If you dream that you were only able to wound her - don’t worry, your enemies will get what they deserve.

This dream book believes that hearing a dog or a whole flock growl behind your back means that a certain person will invade the sphere of your personal interests and try to remake it for himself.

Why dream in which the dog still manages to bite you - you will conflict with friends over money issues. The dream book warns, do not give or borrow money.

Why do you dream about a whole pack of aggressive dogs?

The dream book believes that if you are attacked by a pack of dogs, then this is a very negative sign. You should repel their attack by any means necessary. Only in this case will you be able to avoid the troubles that await you in real life.

An aggressive flock is dreamed of by those people who are under a real threat of losing their material property.

In addition, the dream book sees a dream in which a flock attacks you as a threat to your waking life. You have a serious and strong enemy who is capable of doing anything to ruin your existence.

You dream of being attacked by strong, dangerous animals, with a large flock of them; the dream book advises you to beware of injuries. You should move with extreme caution in road transport, there is a high risk of a car accident.

If a large flock attacks not only you, but the dogs also squabble among themselves, the dream book sees in such a vision a warning about troubles in the love sphere. If you can separate and calm dogs, you will cope with difficulties, and peace and tranquility will reign in your relationship.

A pack of attacking dogs of unusual color indicates that trouble will come from a completely unexpected place. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to prepare for them. You can only mentally prepare for the fact that in the near future your world will turn upside down.

What does a red dog that is aggressive mean?

If the dog was red

  • In general, a red dog is the secret thoughts of your loved ones. What they prefer to keep silent about. Accordingly, based on how the red dog is disposed towards you, you can draw conclusions and directions of thoughts that are tormenting your friends and relatives.
  • For women and young girls, a red dog is a fan who will give you a lot of pleasant moments. But interpreters unanimously warn that you should not believe this person one hundred percent, because his intentions are not as pure as they seem at first glance.
  • For women who are officially married, a red dog symbolizes a young lover. You will be overwhelmed by a lot of promises, but in reality it will turn out that the person will simply take advantage of you and then throw you away as unnecessary. You will spend a lot of time on it and Money, in return you will only get quarrels and scandals in the family.
  • For men, dreams about an aggressive woman red dog, show that he has enemies and business competitors who successfully disguise themselves as companions and like-minded people. The interpreter does not exclude the possibility that your secret information can be secretly disclosed.

What does a big dog attacking you symbolize?

Dreams are a completely inexplicable world. A dreamer can be scared to death by a small pocket dog, but at the same time he is able to brush off a huge dog that is trying to bite him.

It is believed that a small dog symbolizes minor troubles, meanness of friends, slander that will not bring you much harm. And here a large dog may even indicate a real threat to your life.

When you dream that a dog is clearly sick with rabies, then a big fight with an enemy awaits you. Your enemy will do the same mad dog, attack from different sides, commit unthinkable acts.

Your mark:

If in a dream you bite something edible (an apple, a sandwich, etc.) - in reality you will experience satisfaction from a job well done.

Using pliers or wire cutters to bite off wire, nails, etc., you will find a way to earn extra money.

To bite a man in a dream means fidelity to marital ties; to be bitten by him foreshadows love that is ardent to the point of madness.

If a woman bites you, such a dream is a harbinger of illness and failure, it warns you against the desire to destroy the fruits of long work into which you have invested a lot of effort.

If you yourself bite another woman, this is a warning that you should be careful with your opponents, otherwise they will cause you too much trouble.

A dream in which a cat bit you means betrayal and quarrel.

Being bitten by a dog means that in reality you will suffer significant losses.

If you are bitten by a mad dog, this means sadness and anxiety about the long absence of your loved one.

If a snake bites you, in real life you will be persuaded to abandon your intention, supposedly for your own good, but in fact for selfish interests.

If a poisonous snake bites, in reality you will inflict an undeserved offense on your close friend.

To be bitten by a lion means that an old, bald, but lustful boss will pester you with his attention.

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