How long do American Akitas live at home? Characteristics of the American Akita dog breed. What is the difference between a large Japanese dog and an Akita Inu?

Brief description of the American Akita dog breed

  • Other possible names: Big Japanese dog, American Akita.
  • Height adult dog: for a male - 66-71 cm, for a female - 61-66 cm.
  • Weight: 50-65 kg/45-55 kg.
  • Characteristic color: any tone - from white to dark brown and black with spots. Many have a mask on their face. White dogs don't have it.
  • Wool length:on the back and croup the length of the hair is about 5 cm, on the face, neck and ears it is short.
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: loyal to the owner, silent, protective qualities and peacefulness. The dog can be used as a guard and as a companion. Clean and without a specific smell.
  • Difficulties of the breed:The American Akita has practically no shortcomings. She is extremely focused on communicating with her owner. If he is absent for a long time, the Akita's behavior may become worse. Sometimes it happens that a dog exhibits a hunting instinct towards cats and other small pets.
  • average price for an American Akita puppy: in nurseries from 1000 to 3000 dollars.

Despite the word “American”, this breed comes from Japan, like.

After World War II, American soldiers took some of the puppies they liked from Japan with them. On their basis, a few years later, a breed was developed called Large Japanese dog. A little later it became known as the American Akita.

11 years after the end of the war, the American Akita Club was created, and another 16 years later (in 1972) the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Despite the official recognition of the American Akita, the Japanese Kennel Club refused to enter into an agreement on the recognition of pedigrees and crossbreeding with export dogs.

As a result The American Akita is very different from the Japanese Akitu Inu:

  • the American Akita is more massive and taller than the Akita Inu;
  • wool has more options colors and much thicker;
  • The character of the American Akita is more pugnacious.

Akita has excellent hunting qualities, so she was often used as a hunter. If this quality is suppressed in a dog, then it can manifest it unexpectedly for the owner, attacking a smaller dog or a cat living with an Akita in the same house during a walk.

In addition to hunting, representatives of this breed are excellent watchmen. They will always protect your home to the end. In case of a threat to the owner, his family or home, the dog will fearlessly defend himself.

In addition to the first two qualities, American Akita dogs can boast of tolerance and peacefulness. If, of course, they are raised correctly. They will completely calmly accept the owners' friends, whom they will see often. They will treat children peacefully. But It’s better not to use an Akita as a nanny– there is a danger, as with any other large breed.

Description of the character of the American Akita

Some of the character traits of this breed have already been mentioned above. Let's take a closer look at what these and other features are.

Basic character traits American Akita:

  • Devotion. Like most dogs, the American Akita will be selflessly loyal to its owner.
  • Peacefulness. With proper training, the dog will get along well with other pets.
  • Patience. The dog can sit quietly for a long time while the owner’s children jump around him and try to pull his ears. Before his patience is exhausted, it is still better to reason with the children.
  • Independence. The Akita can be trained well, but it must be approached wisely. A dog will not do for long what it is already tired of. A formulaic upbringing from a book is not enough; you need to look for an individual approach.
  • Calm. The Large Japanese Dog (BJD) is an extremely calm breed. She will never bark just like that. But if it feels threatened or senses the presence of a stranger, it will give a signal. It is better to pay attention to the barking of a silent four-legged animal.

Video review of the American Akita breed

We invite you to watch a video that clearly demonstrates all features of the breed. The history of the breed, conditions of keeping and breeding are briefly described. A few words are also said about the character of dogs.

How to choose an American Akita puppy

Choose a puppy and not make a mistake - the main task someone who decided to have a dog at home. First of all, determine for yourself why you need a dog. Different personality traits are not suitable for every dog's role in your life.

When you decide to buy a puppy, go to a breeder you trust or who has been on the market for several years. Take the time and look online for addresses and reviews.

  1. Necessarily look at your parents your future puppy. Babies take after their parents, so pay attention to the appearance of the bitch and dog, as well as their behavior. If the mother or father of the puppies is aggressive or fearful, then the puppy may be the same.
  2. Consult the breeder. An experienced specialist will always tell you which puppy is best to take for hunting, which one for an exhibition, and which one for children and home.
  3. Don't take it too small dog. Even if the breeder assures you that this particular puppy will be perfect in every way. Professionals do not assign show classes to dogs under 9 months of age. At the most, the puppy's prospects for future exhibitions are assessed.
  4. Necessarily pay attention to appearance puppy. There should be no red, watery eyes, bloated tummy, twisted knees or elbows. The puppy should not be too thin. The coat should be shiny and soft to the touch, like a plush toy.
  5. If possible, pay attention to the dog's droppings. If you are confused by the color and consistency, it is better to refrain from purchasing.
  6. The puppy must be active. Lethargy is a sign of depression in a dog, and this is the first sign of illness.

Nicknames for American Akita

Breeders require that the name of the American Akita begin with the letter with which the litter will begin, and that the breeding prefix be present in the name. You can come up with the name yourself, trying to make the nickname original and sound good together with the prefix.

Nicknames for males: Aki, Jin, Yoshiko, Kyoko, Kawa, Kumiko, Mariko, Mori, Noriko or Nori, Nikko, Takara, Yukiko, Taishi, Satu, Tora, Eriko.

Suitable Nicknames for American Akita females: Akina, Yuriko, Choko, Hoshi or Hoshiko, Chiko, Chibi, Fuji, Tenshi, Toshi, Sumi, Miki, Aneko, Momo, Sakura, Michiko, Katana, Ichigo.

Caring for an American Akita is not difficult. It is advisable to keep her outside in the enclosure. Keeping in an apartment is allowed if the dog will walk a lot on the street.

You should bathe her once or twice a year. During the molting period, it is recommended to comb the fur frequently so that it does not scatter around. If you give your dog more than just soft food, his teeth will always be clean. The claws themselves grind down on a hard surface. Ears that stand up rarely get sick.

To the dog need daily walks, but you need to make sure that she doesn’t rush at her own kind.

In a modern city, constantly preparing natural food for a pet is quite difficult: it is difficult to find one hundred percent natural products, and over time it’s not always convenient.

Modern companies offer a wide selection of food and supplements for dogs of all breeds and ages. Perfect for an American Akita puppy premium food for puppies of the appropriate age group. These foods contain all the necessary elements and vitamins, therefore they are complete nutrition.

First time for puppies You can give low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, boiled eggs, boiled chicken and fish. Many dogs love to eat fruit: apples, pears, bananas. But here, look at your puppy’s tastes.

Feeding should be done at specific times so that the puppy gets used to the routine. By six months he should eat three times a day, and by nine months - only two.

Keep a close eye on how much your puppy eats. If there is food left in the bowl, remove it and don’t give anything until next time. Also reduce the portion. If the puppy has eaten everything and then licks the bowl for a long time, then the portion must be increased, since he does not get enough.

Make sure your sides don't swell after eating. There is no need to overfeed your dog.

Adult dogs It is recommended to feed 2 times a day. The easiest way is to use ready-made food for adult dogs. Better from the premium segment. You can feed them with food containing fish. American Akitas will never refuse it, since in their historical homeland, Japan, fish is one of their main components of the diet.

Never Do not mix feed and natural food. It is better to alternate if you want to feed your dog more than just food. In this case, fruits are best given as a treat, and not on an ongoing basis.

Training and education of the American Akita

American Akitas lend themselves well. But there are a number of features here too.

  • Akitas are very proud and stubborn dogs, so they will never do anything they don’t like or are tired of.
  • With force and violence you will achieve nothing, you will only lose the respect and trust of your pet. Getting it back later is not an easy task.
  • The most important thing: only its owner should train the American Akita. It is he who should establish contact and interest the dog so that it accepts what he wants to give it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the American Akita


  • Akitas are very loyal and devoted friends;
  • amazing hunter;
  • silent guard;
  • cleanliness.

Flaw This breed has one thing: too independent. The American Akita decides for itself when to play, when to sleep, and when to train. Because of this trait, many owners have difficulty communicating and training.

Akita Inu (English Akita-inu, Japanese 秋田犬) is a breed of dog native to the northern regions of Japan. There are two various types dogs: the Japanese line known as Akita Inu (inu is Japanese for dog), and the American Akita or large Japanese dog.

The difference between them is that the Japanese line accepts a small number of colors, while the American line accepts almost all, plus they differ in size and head shape.

In most countries, the American is considered a separate breed, however, in the USA and Canada they are considered one breed, differing only in type. These dogs are best known for the story of Hachiko, a faithful dog who lived in Japan before World War II.

The Akita is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, aggressive towards strangers and sweet with family members. They are quite healthy, but may suffer from genetic diseases and are sensitive to certain medications. Dogs of this breed have short hair, but due to a recessive gene, dogs with long hair are found in many litters.

  • They are aggressive towards other dogs, especially those of the same sex.
  • These dogs are not for novice dog owners.
  • Socialization and persistent, competent training are extremely important for these dogs. If they have not been treated or raised correctly, they often become aggressive.
  • They shed a lot!
  • They get along well in an apartment, but need walks and physical activity.
  • They are excellent guards, attentive and reserved, but they need a firm hand.

History of the breed

Japanese sources, both written and oral, describe the ancestor of the breed, the Matagi Inu dog (Japanese: マタギ犬 - hunting dog), one of the oldest dogs on the planet. Matagi, an ethnosocial group of Japanese living on the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu, are born hunters.

And it is the island of Honshu (Akita Prefecture) that is considered the birthplace of the breed, the place that gave the name to the breed. The breed's ancestors, the Matagi Inu, were used exclusively as hunting dogs, helping to hunt bears, wild boars, serows and Japanese macaques.

This breed has been influenced by other breeds from Asia and Europe, including: Tosa Inu. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century, due to the growing popularity of dog fighting in the city of Odate and the desire to get a more aggressive dog.

According to some sources, during World War II they were crossed with , in order to avoid government decree that all dogs unsuitable for war must be destroyed.

To understand the history of the breed, you need to understand the history of the country. For hundreds of years it was an isolated country ruled by shoguns. A professional army made up of samurai helped maintain power in Japan.

These people were brought up with contempt for pain, both their own and that of others. It is not surprising that dog fights were very common, especially in the 12th-13th centuries. This harsh selection has left very few dogs that are kept as pets and for entertainment.

But, in the 19th century, the industrial era begins. The country needs metals, gold and silver. A lot of city residents are moving to rural areas, which increases the number of thefts and crimes. Peasants are forced to relearn Matagi Inu (purely hunting dog) for a watchman and a security guard.

At the same time, new breeds of dogs are coming from Europe and Asia, and dog fighting is again gaining popularity in the country. Opponents include both Tosa Inu (another Japanese breed) and. Owners cross them with indigenous breeds to create larger, meaner dogs. However, this worries many Japanese as the native dogs begin to dissolve and lose their features.

In 1931, the breed was officially declared a natural monument. The mayor of Odate City (Akita Prefecture) creates the Akita Inu Hozankai Club, the purpose of which is to preserve the originality of the breed through careful selection. Several breeders breed these dogs, avoiding those individuals whose features show hybridization.

The breed is called Odate, but later renamed Akita Inu. In 1934, the first breed standard appeared, which would later be amended. In 1967, the Akita Dog Preservation Society created a museum that stores documents and photos about the history of this breed.

The real blow for the breed was the Second World War, during which dogs practically disappeared. At the beginning of the war, many of them suffered from malnutrition, then they themselves were eaten by the starving population, and their skins were used as clothing.

In the end, the government issued a decree according to which all dogs not participating in hostilities must be exterminated, as a rabies epidemic began in the country. The only way to save the dogs was to either shelter them in remote mountain villages (where they again crossed with the Matagi Inu), or cross them with.

It is only thanks to Morie Sawataishi that we know this breed today, it was he who began to restore the breed after the occupation. Hobbyists restored the stock, looked for only purebred dogs and avoided crossbreeding with other breeds.

Gradually their number increased, and the American military and sailors brought these dogs home. By 1950, there were about 1,000 registered dogs, and by 1960 this number had doubled.

American Akita

The paths of the Akita Inu and the American Akita began to diverge after World War II. At this time, Japan, as a losing country in the war, was under US occupation, and there were many American military bases on its territory. The military were fascinated by the large Japanese dogs and tried to bring the puppies to America.

However, the Japanese did not feel any desire to share high-quality, purebred dogs, which they themselves collected bit by bit throughout the country. And the Americans themselves preferred large, bear-like dogs, mixed breeds with other breeds, small and graceful.

American fanciers of the breed bred a larger, heavier and more menacing dog, calling it the Great Japanese. Although both types come from the same ancestors, there are differences between American and Japanese dogs.

While any color is acceptable for American Akitas, Akita Inus can only be red, red-fawn, white, spotted. Also, American ones may have a black mask on their face, which for Japanese ones is a reason for disqualification. The American ones are heavier boned and large with a bear-like head, while the Japanese are smaller, lighter and have a fox-like head.

To gain recognition from the AKC, US breeders agreed to stop importing dogs from Japan. Only those that were in the USA could be used for breeding. This made the gene pool very limited and minimized the possibility of breed development.

The Japanese, on the other hand, were unlimited and could develop the breed as they saw fit. They focused on producing dogs of specific colors and sizes.

As a result, the American Akita and the Akita Inu, although they have common ancestors, differ from each other in many ways.


Like other Spitz breeds, it is adapted to life in cold climates. Characteristic features of the breed are: a large head, erect, triangular ears, a curled tail and a powerful build. Adult males reach 66-71 cm at the withers and weigh 45-59 kg, and females 61-66 cm and 32-45 kg. Dogs of Japanese origin are usually smaller and lighter.

The size and weight of puppies will vary depending on the individual, but in general you can expect:

  • for American Akita puppies aged 8 weeks: from 8.16 to 9.97 kg
  • for Akita Inu puppies aged 8 weeks: from 7.25 to 9.07

These dogs grow slowly and reach full development by the third year of life. The growth rate of puppies may vary, some gradually increase in size week after week, others grow quickly, then slow down.

In general, a gain of 5.5 to 7 kg each month can be considered normal until the dog gains 35-40 kg. From this point on, growth slows down, but does not stop until the dog reaches its full potential.

There are growth charts, but don't worry if your puppy doesn't meet them, they are very general.

  • 6 weeks of age: At this age, puppies are already impressive in size, although they take 3 years to fully develop.
  • Age 6 months: at this age it already resembles the dog it will be as an adult. The proportions of the body have become more pronounced, the roundness characteristic of puppies has disappeared.
  • Age - 1 year: despite the fact that by this time the females have already begun to heat, they are not yet fully grown.
  • Ages 1-2 years: Growth slows, but body shapes change, especially the head. This is a slow process, but over time you will clearly see changes.
  • Age 2 years: at this time physical development is slowing down significantly, although there will still be changes over the next 12 months. The dogs will stop growing in height, but will become noticeably wider, especially the chest.


According to the American Akita breed standard, all types of colors are acceptable, including white, as well as a black mask on the face. Japanese dogs can be red and white inner surface paws, chest and muzzle mask (so-called “urajiro”), brindle with white urajiro, white. A black mask on the face is not acceptable.

There are two types of coats: short-haired and long-haired. Longhairs are not allowed to participate in shows and are considered a cull, but in character they are no different from shorthairs.

Long hair, also known as Moku, is a consequence of an autosomal recessive gene that only manifests itself if the father and mother are carriers.


One of the most common questions when an Akita's ears stand up? Adult dogs have erect ears, while puppies have downward ears.

Many owners worry about this, wondering at what age they will rise. Their excitement is understandable, since according to the breed standard, the ears should be small, erect and slightly tilted forward.

If you have little puppy, then there is no need to worry. There are two points that are responsible for this process. The first is age. The ears will rise as the puppy gets older, as the muscles at the base of the ears need time to strengthen. Chewing speeds up this process as these muscles are connected to the jaw muscles. They become stronger during eating, and also when the puppy chews on toys or plays.

The second point is the loss of baby teeth. Don't expect your puppy to have erect ears until the teeth are completely replaced.

It often happens that they rise, fall, or one ear is erect and the other is not. There is no reason to worry, everything will even out over time. This process usually begins at 10-14 weeks of age and ends before six months of age.


Pedigree dogs have brown eyes, dark brown is preferable. They are small, dark, deep-set and have a characteristic triangular shape. This form is a physical difference and must be present from birth.

If your puppy has round eyes, this will not go away with time. Also, the color of the eyes does not darken over time, but, on the contrary, brightens. Some, with light fur, may have a black line around the eyes, eyeliner. If it is present, it only enhances the eastern shape of the eyes.


The average life expectancy is 10-12 years, which is slightly less than other breeds of similar size. Females live slightly longer than males, but the difference is not very significant and amounts to a statistical 2 months. Moreover, it is typical for both Japanese and American Akitas, since they have the same roots.

Life expectancy was affected by the war, especially the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, since before it dogs lived 14-15 years. Don’t forget that large dogs usually live less than small ones, suffer from serious joint problems, and their hearts have to work harder.


The description of the paws is the same in all standards, but differs in details.

Japanese Akita Club of America: the paws resemble those of a cat, with thick pads, arched, stable.

AKC: Reminiscent of a cat, arched, straight.

Both types of Akita, Japanese and American, have paws with closed toes, which allows them to swim well. They use both their front and hind legs when swimming, unlike other breeds that only use their front legs. At the same time, most of them do not like to swim and only enter the water if they are forced to do so.


The tail is the same feature of the breed as the shape of the eyes. It should be thick, rolled into a tight ring.

Newborn puppies have a straight tail, which changes its shape quickly, within two months. By this age, owners will notice the tail curling into a ring. If a breeder sells a puppy over 8 months old and has a straight tail, then this is bad sign. It may curl up after this age, but there is a chance that it will remain straight.

As the puppies grow, the ring becomes tighter and the tail becomes thicker. It may be slightly straightened when the dog is relaxed or sleeping, but by this breed's strict standards it should never be straight.

The length of the coat on the body of the Akita Inu is about 5 cm, including on the withers and croup. But on the tail it is a little longer; in fact, it is on the tail that the dog has the longest and fluffiest hair. The tail, as it were, balances the dog’s powerful head; it should be thick, fluffy, and does not depend on whether the dog sheds or not.


The question about character cannot be given a short, simple answer. These incredible dogs cannot be described in a few short, simple phrases. The character of the American Akita is slightly different from that of the Japanese Akita Inu.

Americans are more serious, Japanese are a little more frivolous. But, most of them are neither stupid sofa dogs nor serious, gloomy dog. Akita is the golden mean.

Here's what you can expect from these dogs:

Independent thinking- sometimes mistaken for stubbornness.

Sense of rank— if the owner has a couple of dogs or more, each will have its own rank. Everyone will want to be the first to eat, the first to enter the house, the first to leave, etc. That is why it is extremely important that from the first day they learn that a person is on top and do not try to dominate.

Tendency to learn quickly- they grasp everything on the fly and begin to get bored if they are told the same thing over and over again. They quickly understand what they want from them, but their character requires that they understand why they need it. Therefore, it is very important to find the right motivation for your Akita Inu.

Good for apartment- despite their size and thick coat (sometimes shedding), they are excellent for living in an apartment. They often live successfully even in cramped, one-room apartments.

They are not afraid of heights- this is why balconies must have a fence. Puppies have more courage than intelligence, plus adult dogs jump high, and they don’t care where they land.

They love space- most will be happy walking with you along the beach or field. Their character has a sense of freedom and space, plus they love physical activity, new places and smells.

Sensitivity- Although they tolerate physical pain well, their feelings are easily hurt. Don't let the size fool you.

Loyalty— they won’t pester you or poke their nose at you, inviting you to play. Their loyalty is calm and quiet, but very strong. Adult dogs love to lie quietly next to their owner while he watches TV. You may think that she is sleeping, but they are aware of the owner's every move. And if you go to another room, what will happen? Akita is already here, like your shadow.

Patience- incredible, but these dogs, being dominant, are unobtrusive and very patient. They will be bored and lonely without you, but they will patiently wait for your return. They can, without making a sound, stand by your bed and look at you for hours, waiting for you to wake up.

Respect for elders— some are worried about how they are with the elderly. Great! In the USA, they are even used in hospices for the support and psychological rehabilitation of the elderly. But with children it’s a different story; a lot depends on whether they are part of the family and how they behave.

Other dogs- many are great friends with other dogs, provided that they are smaller than them and live in the same family. But their friendship with strangers does not go well. In most cases, dogs of the same sex will not get along with other dogs of the same sex. Owners need to understand that instincts are strong and despite training, aggression will manifest itself in the form of growling. Aggression may be less if the dog is neutered and more if the opponent is of a similar size.

Bites- This is a guard dog and will watch strangers until it understands that these are welcome guests. She may bite, but not indiscriminately. This is part of instinct, but it can be controlled if you undergo good training.

Claustrophobia— they are a little afraid of confined spaces, they don’t like closed spaces. Males love good review and the feeling that they control the space.

All dogs are pack animals, which means that they follow the hierarchy accepted in the pack, coming from the leader. All others are distinguished by a higher or lower rank.

The nature of the Akita forces it to be either dominant or to take the place indicated by the owner and then behave well towards him and his family members. But, they can be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs.

These dogs have a good and obedient character, but only if the dog has been well trained and if the owner understands what it can and cannot tolerate (according to its rank).

This dominant dogs, they will follow a person as a leader, but will dominate other animals. This does not mean that they do not get along with other dogs, this is a game that takes place in background. Akita Inu and tiny dog ​​can be best friends.

Aggressive temperament (in fact, an attempt to find out one’s rank in the outside world) begins to appear between the ages of 9 months and 2 years. Akita begins to ignore someone or something that he should do, he can growl, and if he is left with no choice, he can bite. And it is the owner’s responsibility to be prepared for this situation and react correctly to it.

Attitude towards children

It largely depends on the character, behavior of the children and the age at which the Akita first encountered them. Puppies that grow up with children usually get along great with them.

Problems may arise if the dog is an adult and protects “its children.” They may interpret loud screams, running, fighting, and active games as an attack and will rush to defense. It is important not to leave such a dog unattended and to actively engage in socialization in order to accustom it to the activity and noise of children.

Other dogs

Usually the dog and the bitch get along harmoniously, sometimes she dominates, sometimes she. Males usually tolerate a new female better than vice versa. But two males together rarely get along well with each other. If they grew up together, they can still do it, but a new male in the house leads to confrontation.


They do not bark often, but due to their sensitivity to unfamiliar sounds, animals and people, they may use the bark as a warning to anyone intruding on their territory.


Some people are interested in how they will react to new people in your company. Will there be any problems? Her character allows her to accurately understand who you are happy with and who is an unwanted guest in the house.

But even when faced with a threat, they will make minimal efforts to eliminate it. For example, if a thief gets into a house, he will cut off his escape route, biting him if he tries, and wait for the person’s help. They control themselves well even in stressful situations.


Socialization should be done as early as possible, the most important time being from 3 weeks to 4 months. What is instilled in the puppy at this time will manifest itself as it grows. It is at this time that the Akita will find mutual understanding with the person or not. In addition, at this age the puppy learns about the world and must understand that this world is as big as its owner allows it to be.

It is important to introduce your puppy to as many places, people and events as possible. Everything that is laid down at this age will have a great impact on his entire life. He will absorb all impressions and draw conclusions from them. And when the Akita reaches 1 year, these ideas take root and can no longer be corrected.

This age is the foundation on which all further behavior of the dog is built. Although adult dogs can be retrained, changing attitudes is much more difficult than shaping them.

Don’t forget that before introducing your puppy to the world, you need to get all the necessary vaccinations and wait a while.

Socialization of puppies

From the moment it enters your home, your attitude is very important. Establish yourself as a leader from day one. Often, owners are touched and allow the puppy to behave inappropriately, because he is still so small.

However, he already understands and makes his place in the family. Of course, owners must be loving and caring and create a safe and calm environment. But, as already mentioned, socialization means that the dog must understand the leading position of the owner. If she doesn't consider him dominant, trouble will follow.

This breed will definitely dominate its owner if the owner does not take steps to prevent this situation. Look at the ads, read the forums. It's a shame how often owners get rid of Akitas, or even euthanize them, unable to cope with their pet.

  • Introduce your puppy to the house and property, but do not leave him alone at home. If he stays on his own, then only indoors (but do not forget about the claustrophobia of this breed).
  • Immediately begin training and mastering commands. Akitas understand basic commands (sit, down and come) as early as 8 weeks of age. Daily training and in a couple of months they will learn everything.
  • Handling puppies is an essential part of socialization. All family members should hold him in their arms, stroke him and play with him. In the future, this will help your dog cope more easily with things like bathing, brushing, and going to the vet.
  • Teach your puppy that you can take away his favorite toys and even food. Adult dogs can be unexpectedly aggressive if their toy or food is taken away from them and this can lead to problems. Continue doing this at 2, 3, 4, 5 months. You take the toy (not as a tease, but as a fact), pause, and then return it. When this is done constantly, the puppy gets used to the fact that the owner can be trusted, and he will always return the well-deserved item.
  • There is a great temptation, but you should not allow the puppy to sleep in the owner's bed. This in itself will not lead to any problems, but you need to teach the dog that the leader sleeps in the bed, and she sleeps on the floor.
  • The “sit” command should be given before the puppy is given anything to eat.
  • The owner needs to be firm, not scary. You want your dog to respect you, not fear you.

Getting to know the outside world

You, as the owner, decide how big it will be for her. the world. You cannot expect an adult Akita to behave sedately if environment new for her. She will be on her guard and will not be able to focus on what you order her. This type of socialization should begin as early as possible. Once all vaccinations have been completed, introduce the puppy to as many places and environments as possible.

  • Always keep your Akita Inu on a leash, this will give you much more control.
  • While walking around the area is important, don't limit it to just that. Change routes, choose different roads every day. Take your puppy to parks, markets, stores, lakes, beaches, pet stores and plantings.
  • You already know that Akitas do not tolerate other dogs well. However, they can be trained to cope without incident. When walking, don't avoid other dogs. If both are on a leash, allow mutual sniffing. If there are signs of aggression, such as growling, separate them. But, if the acquaintance is calm, do not interrupt it.
  • Teach you how to calmly travel in a car. Start with short trips of 5-10 minutes a day, working up to 30-45 minutes.


There is nothing difficult about grooming, but there are a few things that need to be done regularly to keep your dog healthy and beautiful. They say that they are very clean and their owners do not need to take care of them. But that's not true.

Yes, they lick themselves, but this is not enough to get rid of all the hair that falls out. Moreover, they shed heavily twice a year. The coat does not require special care - it is enough to comb it once a week. During seasonal molting, you need to comb it more often, 3-4 times a week.

In addition, you need to regularly examine the ears, trim the nails, bathe, comb and sometimes brush the teeth. In general, caring for them is no different from caring for other large breeds of dogs.

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The American Akita breed is often called the large Japanese dog. Despite the prefix “American”, it comes from Japan. The name "Akita" is borrowed from the name of a Japanese province.

Now the breed has become a true friend to man. Initially, she was not used as a companion. Akita had other breeding goals - hunting, fighting. Only rich people - aristocrats - could own pets.

Distribution history

Dog fighting was popular in 17th century Japan, often involving Akita Matagi, medium-sized dogs bred to hunt bears. Towards the end of the 19th century, the Japanese began to mix Matagi with Mastiffs and Tosa Inu. Thus, representatives without Spitz-like features gradually appeared, and their sizes became larger. Since the 20th century, fighting has been banned, but this has not affected the popularity of the breed; it has survived.

The American Akita appeared in the United States after World War II. They say that American soldiers brought the dogs to the United States of America. Initially, they were used to obtain fur - the fluffy pile made military clothing warmer. Wartime turned out to be difficult for the breed - the police called for the dogs to be confiscated. But the breeders tried to hide the animals, even crossed them with German Shepherds, to whom the police order did not apply. By the end of hostilities, the purity of the breed had changed. Akitas in their previous form have declined, and three types have emerged within the breed:

  • Matagi,
  • Shepherds,
  • Fighting ones.

In the USA they immediately fell in love with the breed for its ease of adaptation, developed intelligence, and fluffiness. After the mid-20th century, a club for Akita lovers was created. The breed was recognized as one of the Clubs in the 70s of the 20th century. She was accepted at exhibitions as a participant. It is worth noting: The Japanese and American Kennel Clubs did not cooperate - hence the obvious differences between the American relatives of Japanese dogs.

For the reason described, the two varieties of the breed should not be confused:

  1. American Akita;
  2. - Japanese.

Description of the breed

Compared to the Akita Inu, the American counterpart is stockier and larger than the slender and sophisticated Japanese. General impression the breed is described as a large representative with heavy bones. There is no strict division between breeds in the world. Countries are divided into those that separate the mentioned relatives and those that unite them together. Pets are long-lived, living up to 15 years!


  1. Place of origin: Japan.
  2. Place of distribution: USA.
  3. Year of appearance: 1972
  4. Year of confirmation of classification according to the ICF – 2015.
  5. Year of confirmation by FCI – 1999.
  6. ICF breed group – 5 – Spitz and primitive breeds.
  7. Group section – 5 – Asian Spitz (+ related breeds).
  8. Number – 344 – American Akita.
  9. Working test - the rock is not subject to testing.


  1. Height depends on gender. For males it varies between 66-71 cm, for females – 61-66 cm.
  2. Weight is not regulated. On average, males reach 50-65 kg, females - 45-55 kg.
  3. The head is massive, proportional, without wrinkles. The shape is an obtuse triangle with a flat, wide skull. Between the eyes there is a small hollow that extends into the frontal lobe. The muzzle is wide and deep. The jaw is strong, blunt with powerful teeth, and is distinguished by a slight dewlap. Scissor bite or straight bite.
  4. The ears are medium in size and reach the upper eyelids when lying down. Erect with strong cartilage, triangular in shape, rounded at the ends.
  5. The eyes are distinguished by tightly fitting black eyelids. The eyes themselves are a dark brown shade. The size is small.
  6. The nose is large and black. Depigmented noses may occur with white coat color.
  7. The lips are black in color and should not droop.
  8. Tongue pink.
  9. The neck is strong, thickened, and short. It is distinguished by a slight dewlap with a pronounced scruff.
  10. The body has a regulated height to length ratio - 9:10 for males, 9:11 for females. The skin is dense, the back is level, the lower back is strong, firm, the chest is wide, muscular, deep, the sternum is pronounced with arched ribs, the stomach is taut and athletic.
  11. The tail is fluffy, large, and curls into rings. There is a lot of hair on the tail - coarse, thick, straight.
  12. The limbs are muscular. The front legs are straight, the shoulders are moderately sloping like the pasterns. The hind legs are parallel, with pronounced knee joints and short metatarsals. The shape of the paws themselves is that of a cat; the dewclaws are docked!
  13. The coat is double - undercoat and outer coat. The undercoat is thick, soft, dense, and short in length. The outer hair is much larger, stiffer, and straighter.
  14. Any color is allowed with clean bright colors. But the color of the undercoat and top coat may differ.

Disadvantages and vices

Representatives of breeds with specific deficiencies are not allowed or have limited access to exhibitions. There are major and minor deviations. Vices are considered more significant. Disqualifying deviations are completely critical.

Disadvantages assessed by severity - deviations from accepted standards:

  • Narrow muzzle;
  • Incomplete set of teeth;
  • Short tail;
  • Turned elbows;
  • Light eyes;
  • Blotches of color in the tongue (blue, black);
  • Sexual deviations;
  • Shyness, aggressiveness;
  • Signs of fraying.

Breed defects:

  • Light body frame;
  • Lightweight body substance.

Deviations intended to disqualify an Akita representative:

  • Absence of a second testicle;
  • Insufficient or excessive growth;
  • Overshot, undershot jaw;
  • Straight tail, like a curved sickle (less than 3/4);
  • Ears that are not erect (semi-erect, drooping);
  • Depigmented nose – completely or in patches.

Animal character

The breed standard specifies the following character traits:

  • friendliness,
  • courage,
  • obedience,
  • pride,
  • susceptibility.

The American Akita does have a balanced temperament, despite its innate sense of self-esteem. The dogs have a stable psyche, although they were originally bred for fighting. It is quite possible to raise them as guards, but their disposition presupposes goodwill towards owners, family members, and guests. It is noticeable that even in a friendly environment the dog is vigilant and capable of showing independence. Without educational work often becomes freedom-loving.

Modern realities present a pet as a companion. He will not attack his owner and family. Attacks are possible only against strangers when the dog feels a threat towards those it respects, itself, and family. It is not difficult to raise a puppy to be a watchman, a guide, or a guard. He rarely shows his voice - only when necessary. An exception is a bad example from another breed living in the same territory.

Choosing a puppy

If you want to purchase an American Akita, you should contact the breeder at the nursery. Check with the breeder for details:

  • the puppy has documents and vaccinations;
  • health and merits of parents;
  • behavior, temperament of the pet.

Be sure to look at the puppies in person before purchasing. This will help you make the right choice - the pet’s character should match your temperament. Examine the baby's ears and eyes - they should be clean. The coat is ideally shiny and without damage. Do not hesitate to clarify the cost - underestimated may indicate shortcomings or deviations from the standard

Purchasing from a kennel guarantees that the puppy is purebred. By purchasing a purebred and healthy representative of Akita, you will get rid of difficulties with the baby’s health (the risk is reduced). The same cannot be said about a non-pedigreed dog or a mixed breed. Do not skimp on your pet's life expectancy in exchange for health.

A personal visit to the kennel will allow you to meet “your” puppy. The heart will tell you easily right choice. Buyers look closely at a specific puppy based on a photo, but in real life they choose another one - the soul responds to a nondescript one or a calmer one - this is normal. The contact should be personal and mutual - not only the person is drawn to the baby, but also the puppy to the owner. It’s immediately clear whether the puppy is sick: it doesn’t itch, it’s of normal weight, without a bloated belly or twisted joints.

When purchasing, check the breeder's requirements for the puppy's name. The baby may well be named already in the nursery - a harmonious name will appear on the documents. If you want to name your dog Rex, it's better to choose a shepherd. Akita will go by more interesting nicknames - Norio, Aki, Saturo, Aneka, Katano, Yurika.

Dog care

Any dog ​​requires specific care. Take into account the dog’s long hair, molting periods, and the peculiarities of keeping the pet. Let's give an example: the American Akita easily gets along in suburban conditions, in apartments, and is able to sleep outside without consequences at minus 30 degrees Celsius. It is more difficult to tolerate heat - in summer it is better to keep Akita in a house with an air conditioner that works for cooling.


Large Japanese dogs are extremely fond of the outdoors! Try not to limit your pet. You will need to walk at least 2 times a day. If you live in an apartment, Akita is often left alone; walking is especially important. Pets feel better in a private home, where there is access to free walking - around the yard. Interestingly, dogs hunt rats and mice just like cats.

Do you live in an urban area? Provide your four-legged pet with long walks. There is no time to take care of a puppy or an adult dog - don’t get a dog! They do not require frequent walks, but rare walks that the owner can arrange should differ in duration.

Try to combine games, quiet walking, and active activity while walking. Don’t forget to train and teach rules of behavior. Remember to walk your dog strictly wearing a muzzle and collar. For walks and training, it is better to choose special parks for animals or remote areas from children's parks and large crowds of people.


To wash your pet, prepare the necessary equipment in advance:

  • a special bath (a simple one or a shower complemented with a rubber anti-slip mat is suitable),
  • concentrated solution, diluted according to the instructions on the bottle,
  • conditioner for dog hair (not necessary, but makes the hair nicer),
  • dog towels (do not use human ones - buy individual ones for your baby),
  • professional or human hair dryer with cold air flow,
  • cotton pads (put in the ears to prevent water from flowing inside).

Accustom your pet to bathing from puppyhood, then the procedure will not be problematic. In between baths, do not forget about cleanliness after walks. The dog's paws and belly must be cleaned after walking. As for the hair dryer, use a model with adjustable heat flow to avoid burning your dog's delicate skin with hot air. Better - a quiet hair dryer with high power.

Divide washing into stages:

  1. Preparation. Wash the bathtub, prepare shampoo by mixing with water, turning into foam. Line the bottom of the bathtub with a rubber mat. Place cotton pads in your pet's ears. Set the water temperature to room level.
  2. Bathing. Wet the fur thoroughly to wet the undercoat. Apply some of the washing cosmetics in the form of foam to the wool and lather thoroughly. Reapply any remaining product. Rinse all parts of the body, including the face and private parts.
  3. Cleansing. Rinse off the shampoo with water. This will take time. If you leave a little makeup on your skin, you may cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
  4. Drying. Take the cotton pads out of your ears, arm yourself with towels and a hairdryer. Drying must be thorough, otherwise diaper rash will occur. The best direction is from bottom to top. The first time after drying, do not let the dog walk, avoid drafts, and do not turn on the air conditioner to avoid colds.


Fluffy dogs are especially affected during the shedding period. Shedding also causes discomfort for the owner. I am pleased that there is no unpleasant odor from the wool. The process occurs twice a year:

  • bitches shed depending on their cycle;
  • The shedding of males depends on the seasons (spring and autumn).
  1. Brush your pet's fur a couple of times a week.
  2. During the molting period, combing is done daily.
  3. If hair loss occurs, bathe your dog more often - up to 2 baths per week (without detergent).
  4. When combing, use special moisturizers.
  5. Use a metal rake comb.
  6. Finally, use a powder brush after walking in the countryside.


Dogs are prone to specific diseases. The American Akita is in good health. Correct content and a balanced diet support health. However, we must not forget about the breed’s propensity for disease.

  1. Gastric volvulus leads to death. Proper fractional feeding of quality food is required.
  2. Joint dysplasia requiring x-ray examination.
  3. Thyroid deficiency. The disease is congenital and requires hormonal therapy.
  4. Eye diseases - retinal atrophy, entropion and eversion of the eyelids. Surgical intervention is required.
  5. Dermatitis and allergies. Expressed as a consequence of hormonal imbalances and allergic reactions.
  6. Intolerance to anesthesia can lead to death. The first administration of anesthesia must be strictly controlled, the dose must be calculated by the doctor in detail.

Akita food from the USA

When feeding your dog, it is important to adhere to the correct regimen:

  • up to 3 months, 5 meals a day are enough (divide between 6 and 22 hours of the day, take a break at night);
  • up to 5 months, meals are reduced to 4 approaches (from 6 am to 9 pm);
  • up to a year, 3 feedings a day will be enough;
  • From the age of one year, the puppy is considered an adult - it feeds 2 times a day.
  1. Feed the dog after a walk (not immediately - after 1-2 hours);
  2. Try to make the portions equal;
  3. Choose top-class dry food, do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements;
  4. The stand with bowls should be located at the level of the pet’s chest;
  5. The transition to a new food is carried out gradually;
  6. Natural and ready-made feeding is allowed.

Features of dry food:

  1. Store the food in a special container - tightly closed;
  2. Consider individual packaging rather than bulk options;
  3. Observe expiration dates and storage procedures;
  4. It is recommended to soak the food in clean water for up to six months;
  5. Choose food with chondroitin (glucosamine), but with protein up to 32 percent;
  6. Do not restrict access to water.

Features of natural nutrition:

  1. Make a “menu” in advance, based on the right balance - 50% meat, 25% porridge and vegetables.
  2. Include vitamin and mineral supplements.
  3. The average portion per day is 700 grams of meat, 350 grams of cereals and vegetables.
  4. Give 1 boiled egg per week. Boiled white with raw yolk is allowed.
  5. Once a week, replace the meat with boiled sea ​​fish(remove the seeds first). Volume per time – 1 kg.
  6. Meat - raw, scalded and chopped - beef, horse meat, lamb. Give poultry meat boiled. Boiled offal is allowed.
  7. Cottage cheese is useful during puppyhood. Milk – exclusively until six months! Kefir and yogurt are useful.
  8. Choose porridges from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  9. It is possible to add gray or black bread to the diet.
  10. Vegetables are best cooked or raw. Use greens.
  11. Fruits are acceptable in small quantities.

Remove from the menu:

  • river fish,
  • pork and lard
  • smoked, salty, sweet products,
  • tubular and fish bones, chicken bones,
  • millet, legumes, semolina, pasta.

Training a “big Japanese girl”

Let us note special criteria that evaluate the breed in points from 1 to 10:

  1. Compliance (education, training) – 3 points,
  2. Cleverness – 3 points,
  3. Guard qualities - 6 points,
  4. Security characteristics – 8 points,
  5. Agility – 6 points.

It is clear that Akita's calm disposition is not directly related to her pliability and intelligence. Dog handlers recommend training your dog from an early age. If you miss time, you will become uncontrollable large dog. Specific preferences in educational work are identified:

  • exclusion of aggression,
  • restriction of raising voice,
  • choice in favor of “gingerbread”.

The American Akita or large Japanese dog is an obedient and brave breed, with a strong-willed character.

Japan is considered her homeland, and figurines with her image, according to Eastern legends, bestow health and happiness.

Akita is the oldest Japanese dog, named after the province of the same name in Japan. According to the chronicle, her ancestors guarded houses from unwanted guests. In addition, they were excellent hunting companions for large animals.

After World War II, the US Military brought the Akita to North America. After crossing it with mastiffs, the American Akita appears.

In 1972, Akitas began to be divided into American and Akita, with minor differences in appearance. Only in 1999 the American Akita dog breed received recognition from the International Canine Federation.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 344 dated January 29, 2015 “American Akita”
Group 5 “Spitz and primitive breeds”
Section 5 “Asian Spitz and related breeds”

The height of an adult male is 66-71 cm, weight - from 50 to 68 kg.
The female’s height is from 61 to 66 cm, weight is from 46 to 56 kg.

The dog is distinguished by a strong and powerful physique, harmoniously built. The large head is proportional to the body and has a large dark nose and triangular erect ears.

Nose color depigmentation is only permissible for dogs with white coats.

The Akita has a scissor bite and powerful, strong teeth. American Akita: the breed description contains large dark brown eyes. The neck is short, massive and thick. The fluffy wide tail tapers towards the end and is wrapped in a ring. The limbs are massive and proportional to the body.

The coat has a soft and thick undercoat that protects the owner from severe frosts. The fur is rough and very thick to the touch. The American Akita is long-haired: the dog's body is covered with about 6 cm of hair, the densest and longest hair is on the tail. But on the head and ears the hair is quite short.

The coat color varies, the most popular are:

  • white;
  • yellow-white;
  • dark brown;
  • brown-red;
  • pale red.

Undercoat and coat colors may vary.

Breed characteristics

The dog has a strong and independent character with a stable psyche. Keeping an Akita will be beyond the power of a beginner or busy person: This breed requires serious care and maintenance.

The American Akita does not tolerate rough treatment. It is necessary to show calmness and leadership qualities. In addition, the Akita needs the owner's attention - it is not left for a long time without communication.

These are quiet and peace-loving dogs, they practically do not speak.

You can hear a loud bark only in case of danger.

Dogs are indifferent to strangers and love those they see often. Akita is friendly to guests, but if there are no owners at home, then not a single person will enter the protected area.

The nature of the American Akita does not allow other animals in the house. She can be aggressive towards other pets.

You must walk your Akita on a leash.— once released, she can run around the yard for a long time and scare stray cats and birds.

You should not leave her alone with the children. A dog treats children well if it has known them for a long time. However, the breed perceives overly noisy and active guys as a potential threat to the owner.

The dog is very loyal to its owner, but the dog's respect must be earned. Depending on the quality of your upbringing, you can buy either a loyal and peace-loving friend, or a huge, uncontrollable bully.

From puppyhood. If there is no experience, then a specialist is hired.

Care, maintenance, feeding

The breed is characterized by cleanliness; Akita needs to be bathed occasionally and brushed regularly.

Wool requires special attention: You will have to comb it out daily.

The breed feels best in nature, so the best conditions for it are a booth or. However, if your Akita lives in an apartment, provide him with walks in the fresh air. Take care of the air temperature in the apartment - Warm wool and summer heat can trigger heatstroke.

The American Akita has a fairly heavy bone structure, so you should not force your pet to carry heavy weights.

What to feed adult dogs and puppies? Dry food is allowed. If you choose natural food, then It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

The puppy needs to be given:

  • fermented milk products (including low-fat cottage cheese);
  • boiled chicken;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fruits.

The American Akita's diet should contain all the necessary vitamins for proper growth and development.

It is recommended to feed an adult Akita. The puppy is fed three times a day until he is six months old.

The diet of an adult dog should include:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • various cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled meat.

How long does an American Akita live? The lifespan of a dog is up to 15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of the breed include restraint, silence, intelligence and immense devotion to the owner. This is an excellent hunting assistant and even a guide dog. The breed is clean, does not smell and does not cause problems with grooming. The American Akita is a born guardian, barks little and is not aggressive towards other people unless he feels they are a danger to his owner.

The disadvantages of the breed include excessive independence and jealousy. The owner of such a dog can be a person with leadership qualities who can show them to the dog and make it respect him. It is not recommended to bring the breed into a family with children, where there are other pets and children under 12 years of age.

Despite some difficulties in the upbringing and character of the American Akita, this breed remains one of the most loyal, calm and balanced.

With proper upbringing, the breed will never attack the owner and members of his family, but will bravely defend the home and territory, and will become an excellent watchman, friend and companion.

The American Akita is a guard dog that looks like a bear cub. She is a cross between the Japanese Akita Inu and the East European Shepherd. And also its distant ancestors are mastiffs. Another name for the American Akita is the large Japanese dog. She inherited external characteristics from the traditional Japanese Akita Inu breed, and excellent service qualities from shepherd dogs and mastiffs.

History of the breed

The Akita Inu breed has been known in Japan since ancient times. This is a large Spitz-type dog. Akita Inu is a breed with good hunting and fighting qualities. At the beginning of the 20th century, this breed was used for dog fighting. To increase aggression, Akita Inu was crossed with mastiffs, bullmastiffs and Great Danes.

During World War II, Akita Inus were exterminated by the American military because of their lush, fluffy fur. The number of dogs declined catastrophically. To preserve their pets, the Japanese began to cross them with German shepherds. At that time, the latter were considered working dogs that were used for military purposes. This is how hybrids arose, outwardly different from the traditional Akita Inu.

After the end of the war, the American military exported individuals of such hybrid dogs to the United States. They combined the features of Akita Inu, Shepherd Dogs and Mastiffs. Work was carried out on breeding a breed that was called the large Japanese dog, or the American Akita Inu. In the USA they continued to be crossed with shepherd dogs and mastiffs. The new breed was officially recognized only in 1999 and was named American Akita.

The American Akita appeared in Russia in the 2000s and is still considered a rare breed.

Appearance of the breed

The American Akita is a Spitz-type breed with a large, powerful body, a large bear-like muzzle, and straight, triangular ears. The weight of an adult dog is about 60 kg for a male (body height up to 70 cm) and 50 kg for a female (height at the withers up to 65 cm).

  1. Wool. The breed description allows for any colors. If the dog white, then this is not considered a disadvantage. The wool is short, long hair considered a defect, such dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. Double coat, with undercoat. The undercoat may differ in color from the main shade of the hair. There may be a black “mask” on the muzzle.
  2. Head. Large and powerful. The ears are shoulder-width apart. The muzzle is triangular. The eyes are small and deep. There may be a groove on the forehead. The jaws are similar to scissors or pincers. The teeth are straight, even, large. If a dog is missing two molar teeth, this is not considered a defect. The nose, eye rim and lips are pigmented.
  3. Ears. Erect, triangular in shape with rounded ends. If you pull your ears forward, they should reach the top edge of your eyes.
  4. Body. Strong, muscular. The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers by 10% in males and by 20% in females.
  5. Paws. Smooth, with well-developed muscles. The front and rear are the same in thickness. If the dog has extra (dewclaw) toes, they must be removed.
  6. Tail. According to the breed standard, the tail should reach the hock joint when extended. It is covered with profuse hair and should be wide at the base.

There are defects that may prevent an American Akita from participating in an exhibition; the breed standard does not allow the following defects:

  • small stature (for males - up to 63 cm, for females - up to 58 cm);
  • irregular pigmentation around the nose or its complete absence;
  • malocclusion;
  • straight, not curved tail;
  • undescended testicles into the scrotum in males (cryptorchidism).

Character of the American Akita

The character of the American Akita is loyal, but difficult. She has excellent watchdog and service qualities. The American Akita is “silent” and rarely barks.

It tolerates cold well and can stay outside for a long time.

However, not every person should own an American Akita dog. This animal is more suitable for an experienced owner. Akita is quite capricious and obeys only the owner whom he recognizes as his leader. She will have to be trained long and hard. Before purchasing a puppy, you need to learn as much as possible about the breed.

The owner should know the psychological characteristics of the American Akita and the characteristics of the breed, for example:

  1. Males are more capricious than females. Therefore, a person who wants to buy a pet for a quiet stay in the family is better off choosing an American Akita female rather than a male.
  2. Akita often shows distrust of strangers and really dislikes the smell of alcohol. Therefore, when inviting guests to your home, you need to remember these characteristics of the breed. This dog should not be left with children or elderly people. In families with small children, it is better not to get an American Akita; this breed does not tolerate familiarity. An Akita must be driven by a person who is physically strong enough to hold the dog on a leash.
  3. It is important to raise a puppy from an early age and adhere to a certain system training. Otherwise, the dog may grow up aggressive and dangerous.
  4. If the dog is kept in a city apartment, then long and regular walks are necessary. This is an energetic and active breed. Akita should only be walked on a leash. We must remember the fighting origins of this breed. Male Akitas are often pugnacious and can attack smaller dogs. Females during estrus can also get into fights. These dogs retain the hunting instincts of the Akita Inu; they can rush at birds and cats.
  5. The owner of this breed must be an experienced dog lover. Raising an American Akita is in many ways similar to raising a wolfhound. These two breeds have a lot in common in character.

With proper training and care, the American Akita can become a loyal and friendly companion.

Caring for an American Akita

It is better to keep an Akita on the site of a country house than in an apartment. If the dog lives at home, then the room should be spacious. Much attention should be paid to walking. If guests come to the house, it is better to lock the dog in a separate room. This dog is very distrustful and wary of strangers. We can say that in city conditions, care and maintenance will be more difficult than in suburban areas.

If an American Akita lives in country house, then it is better to equip a booth for her in the yard.

The animal will be an excellent guard. This breed is not afraid of the cold and can stay outdoors for a long time. You should not put your dog on a chain: this can cause his character to deteriorate.

How to care for a dog of this breed? The American Akita is quite unpretentious, which is explained by the following characteristics:

  1. The dog's fur repels dirt and moisture. It only needs to be washed if the coat is very dirty or before an exhibition. The Akita does not need frequent washing. You only need to comb out the fur during shedding, especially in the spring, when the dog changes its warm winter coat to summer.
  2. Ears are not required special care. If the dog rubs them or shakes his head, you need to examine the ears. If discharge is detected from unpleasant smell You will need the help of a veterinarian.
  3. Claws. If the dog lives in an apartment, then its nails will have to be trimmed periodically. In a suburban area, the dog sharpens them on its own on hard surfaces. If your dog’s claws begin to peel, then you need to add vitamin-mineral complexes to the food.
  4. Eyes. Small and deep-set organs of vision are not susceptible to injury. If your eyes are inflamed and there is noticeable discharge, this may be a sign of an allergy. In this case, you need to use special eye drops.

How to feed an American Akita?

To understand what to feed an Akita, you need to know the history of the breed. Many members of the breed cannot eat chicken or wheat products. This is due to the Japanese origin of the dog; food of this type is not typical for the Country rising sun. But Akitas happily eat rice and fish - the traditional food of the Japanese.

It is better to choose a dry food that does not contain chicken and wheat.

It is important to remember the following:

  1. This breed is not prone to gluttony, but is very susceptible to volvulus. Therefore, feeding the American Akita should be fractional.
  2. The diet should include fish and meat (except poultry). This should be the basis of the American Akita's diet. All bones must be removed from the fish. You can give meat and fish food raw or stewed.
  3. Porridges that are useful for dogs are: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. You can give vegetables: raw or stewed in vegetable oil.
  4. You should include fruits and berries in your diet; they are a healthy source of natural vitamins. Apples, pears, raspberries and cherries can be added to porridge.
  5. If the dog is fed prepared food, then you need to choose brands of food for large breeds of dogs. Akitas love dry food with the addition of rice and salmon.

How to train an Akita?

The American Akita is a dog with a rather stubborn disposition. Only an experienced owner can cope with her upbringing and training. This will require a lot of patience and endurance from the owner. However, these dogs are extremely loyal. And if you wish, you can find an approach to your pet, taking into account the following:

  1. When training a dog, you must remember that this breed is not affected by food rewards. Therefore, we need to look for other ways to influence the pet. Every American Akita requires individual approach, and already in the process of training, the owner will determine how to reward the dog for obedience.
  2. During training you need to be persistent and unyielding. You should not scream or hit the dog. When the owner loses his temper, the American Akita perceives this as a sign of weakness and unpredictability. You need to behave calmly and assertively. There must be consistency in all actions during training. If the dog is stubborn, the owner must adamantly demand that the dog follow the command. Sooner or later the animal will obey.
  3. You need to start training your Akita as early as possible. At 2–3 months, the puppy should already be able to perform simple calling commands. It is important to teach your dog to calmly handle actions with a feeding bowl. Some American Akita puppies growl when someone touches their bowl. It is necessary to wean them from this habit; if they growl, you must immediately stop feeding the dog.
  4. The owner of the American Akita dog breed needs to know about the behavior of animals in a pack. This will help him better understand the habits of his pet. A dog should not be allowed to put its paws on a person’s shoulders, butt heads and force the owner to play. This only seems funny at first glance. If you allow a puppy to behave this way, he will stop perceiving his owner as the leader of the pack. And then training the American Akita will be very difficult, the dog will no longer obey.

American Akita Health

This is a fairly healthy, robust and strong breed. Its representatives live on average about 12 years. But there are diseases to which American Akitas are susceptible:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • allergy;
  • autoimmune pathologies (pemphigus, sebaceous adenitis);
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands: Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • eye diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, entropion.

How to raise an American Akita puppy?

Akita puppies are usually large. They should not be overfed, otherwise the dog may have problems with weight and the musculoskeletal system in the future. The puppy's weight should not exceed the norm. Usually babies are sold at the age of 1.5–2 months. By this age they weigh about 6–10 kg. Further development proceeds as follows:

  • by four months the weight reaches 18–22 kg;
  • a six-month-old cub weighs 26–28 kg;
  • The normal weight of an eight-month-old Akita is 33–35 kg;
  • by 1 year the dog should weigh 42–44 kg.

The American Akita dog breed loves outdoor games and walks. But during puppyhood it is better to avoid excessive physical activity. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not get tired during games. While the dog is small, walks should not be too long. Excessive stress can cause your puppy's bones to form improperly. The diet of a young Akita should have enough vitamin D, this will help strengthen the skeletal system. Feeding the puppy must be done with food specially designed for this purpose.

It is important to begin socializing the animal from an early age.

This breed of dog is not very sociable; usually the presence of the owner is enough for the animals. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom them to contact with other puppies. However, during walks, children need to be protected from adult dogs, which often attack young Akitas.

If in the future the animal will participate in exhibitions, then it needs to be accustomed to feeling its body by other people. This is also useful for future veterinary examinations. Considering the distrust of this breed towards strangers, it is necessary to teach this to the puppy from an early age.

Choosing an American Akita puppy is a responsible step. This breed is not easy to train and educate, and treatment of Akita is expensive. Therefore, when choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to both its behavior and health status. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Take a closer look at the puppy's parents. If they have an overly fearful or aggressive character, then most likely these qualities will be passed on to the puppy.
  2. Pay attention to the condition of the future pet's eyes, ears and fur. All external organs should be clean, free of discharge, and the coat should be shiny.
  3. Remember that a healthy puppy is playful and energetic. Lethargy and apathy may indicate illness.

The American Akita is quite expensive. This breed is still considered rare for Russia.

The price of a puppy is 20–50 thousand rubles.


We can conclude that the American Akita is not an easy breed. It requires a lot of attention, patience and endurance. This dog needs hard training. However, if the owner is an experienced dog breeder and is ready to raise his pet for a long time and patiently, then he can raise an American Akita to be a reliable watchman, a devoted friend and companion.