Residents of Argentina about Russia and Russians (10 photos). Women in Argentina The most beautiful girls in Argentina

Before the World Cup, which will be held in Russia, the Argentine Football Association distributed brochures with tips on how to please Russian girls to journalists and athletes. This led to a scandal, and the advice in the brochure was hastily removed. But photos of the instructions remained on social networks. Many points from it can hardly be called irrelevant.

During a Russian language course, the Argentine Football Association (AFA) distributed brochures to journalists and athletes on how to behave in Russia. This became part of the preparation for the trip to the World Championships, which will be held in the Russian Federation in the summer of 2018. In the brochure, among other tips, there was a section with recommendations: how to please Russian girls. A photo of the brochure was posted on Twitter by Argentine journalist Nacho Catullo.

As the BBC clarifies, the memo was issued just a month after Buenos Aires hosted the largest Latin America march against sexism and violence against women. What was published in it? The torn pages contained eight items relating to ethics, courtesy, cleanliness and finances.

Argentine recommendations are given in one of the blogs on They were entitled: “What to do to have a chance with a Russian girl.” Let's start with the basics:

Russian girls, like any other girls, pay Special attention on those men who wash themselves, smell good and dress well. The first impression is very important for them, watch your appearance.

Russian girls don't like to be treated as just an object [for sex]. Many men just want to take them to bed because Russian women are beautiful. They may not mind, but they still want to feel important and unique. Treat the woman in front of you with respect for her views and desires. Follow your principles and values, don’t ask stupid questions about sex. For Russians, sex is a very personal thing that is not discussed publicly (you may not believe me, but I know men who do this).

The third point says that Russian girls don’t like being mean.

Don't dwell on the negative. Women avoid people who focus on the negative - in work, relationships and life.

And also banal men.

Don't ask standard questions, be original. They usually want to know more about you, so tell them something. Remember that many of them don't know anything about your country, so you have an advantage over Russians: you are something new to them. Let her feel it.

The brochure also says that Russian girls love confident men, but at the same time they do not like selfish men and when a man talks only about himself during a conversation. At the same time, according to the author of the brochure, you should not try to advertise yourself too much.

Don't try to impress too much. Perhaps you will talk about how you are rich, how you know everything, how you are perfect, and others are poor fools. In the end, a girl will see through you if she has common sense. Be natural and talk about who you really are, talk cheerfully about your failures and your advantages.

The last paragraph talks about the sensitive issue of money.

Usually Russian girls pay attention to important things, but there are also those who only care about money. Don't worry, there are many in Russia beautiful women, not all will suit you. Be selective.

In the comments to the brochure they noted that these tips can be applied to girls from any country; other readers themselves decided to take the tips into service. Although some were not pleased with the training of Argentines to pick up in Russian.

- Do you mean you had to wash yourself? That's it. Now he'll trample!
— The usual tips for getting girls to like you in any part of the world. Or do only Russian girls love men who wash themselves and are not boring?
— First at the championship ****** our team, then our women. Is this championship really a holiday for Russians? Expand

It later turned out that the AFA did not come up with the recommendations. The authors of the brochure simply copied them from a Mexican blog dedicated to the culture of the post-Soviet space. The text was published there back in 2015. The Argentine Football Association has already

Argentina for Russian resident is a country that is associated with heat, the best beaches and an endless string of television series.

Oh, these series about the difficult fate of a lady of Balzac's age, living in a villa with a grand staircase made of marble and in love with the dark, handsome gardener Jose Antonio! You can be touched by such an idle television life as much as you like, but unlike Russian cinema, Argentine TV series are based practically on reality. The social division here is so acute that wealthy neighborhoods are separated from the rest by barriers and are strictly guarded.

What is the relationship between Argentines and fashion?

Beauty is more valuable than money

Argentines are simply obsessed with external appearance and attempts to achieve physical superiority over others. Here, acquaintances are made extremely quickly, romances develop rapidly, the air over the beaches trembles with passion. In a word, beauty and youth in Argentina are worth more than any money.

That's why sexy people love everything here. And intriguing stories with sobs and love pangs of some elderly billionaire are a harsh reality

With only one caveat: he was sure to go crazy with wild passion for a young maid with size 5 breasts who forgot to button the top buttons on her blouse. And generally speaking, main feature Any relationship among Argentines is a loud passion that is necessarily brought out for everyone to see. Nobody complains about peace here, and it doesn’t matter how old you are!

Fashion rule: nothing to hide!

Roughly speaking, if you are young and incredibly beautiful, then you can afford both shocking and outright vulgarity. The Argentine style of clothing is completely consistent with behavior and mentality, it has no designation, it simply tells everyone around you that you have nothing to hide.

Unlike Europeans, in Argentina even teenage girls constantly wear heels without taking them off. And without getting tired. Despite the eternal heat and, accordingly, swollen legs, young ladies from the early morning often look the same as in other countries they dress for a nightclub.

Growing up here happens early, and therefore ultra-short skirts and revealing cleavage are a sign of normal development since the age of twelve.

However, as all foreigners who come to Argentina notice, there is a problem with taste here. Argentines love everything very bright, colorful, shiny and metallic - the main thing is that everything is as open as possible. At the same time, things may not be compatible with each other at all. Variegated colors will interrupt no less bright accents from all kinds of prints. One of the most beloved and widespread is leopard print.

But pastel shades are worn here by middle-aged ladies, thereby emphasizing their status

In addition, for older women with a certain level of income, priority business style: pencil skirts, sheath dresses, classic tight trousers with arrows and blouses, shirts and jackets. Everything is very elegant.

About Argentine children

Jeans are also a sign of youth. But in Argentina they prefer to constantly wash denim items rather than wear them, as is customary in Europe. Boys and young guys prefer T-shirts and wrestling shorts in calm colors. Since their youth, they have been pumping up their muscles, achieving ideal relief, and therefore choose the most revealing things for their torso: T-shirts, preferably artistically torn or with a very deep V-neck.

Shirts made of soft fabrics that do not wrinkle are also held in high esteem among young Argentines. But Argentines have hundreds of options for using these shirts: they are worn over a T-shirt, rolled up the sleeves (or just one), tied at the top of the neck or around the waist.

Children are dressed in bright colors: sundresses, bell-shaped skirts, voluminous shorts and T-shirts with thin straps. The main thing for Argentine parents is freedom in clothing, nothing tugging, oppressive or tight. Instead of the usual sandals, children wear flip-flops or regular flip-flops; older children have fabric sneakers or moccasins, which are often also worn as flip-flops, pressing down on the back.

Argentina through the eyes of tourists

From the outside, Argentina resembles a society bursting with health, strength and beauty, where appearance is very important factor, and therefore, when a child reaches adulthood, it is customary to give a certificate for the services of a plastic surgeon.

The only strange thing is that there are practically no signs of an individual and thoughtful style to be found here. Perhaps it affects hot weather, lifestyle, and of course, very positive thinking among the townspeople. Open to this world - this is exactly about Argentines.

All Argentina girls so different... in general, a million characteristics can be attributed to this nation and it is impossible to single out any special feature, probably, except for the endless love for Mate tea. This can be easily explained by the fact that its inhabitants are 95 percent descendants of immigrants from all over the world, mainly immigrants from Spain and Italy. You can also add Germans, Jews, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, etc. to them.

However, in addition to mate, there is one more feature. Argentine women are rightfully considered one of the most elegant and mysterious women in the Western Hemisphere of the Earth. Maybe, Argentine women cannot boast of such spectacular beauty as, or such curvaceous and seductive forms as, but almost every second Argentinean woman has a model appearance - they are tall, slender, sexy, with thin waists and regular facial features.

It is not surprising, since Argentina is the most “European” country in the world, second only to its neighbor in this indicator. European roots are also evident in clothing preferences - Argentine girls usually choose a casual style. IN Everyday life they wear the simplest clothes: jeans, blouses or T-shirts, ballet shoes or sneakers, etc.

The same can be said about makeup. Or rather, about its absence. Many young Argentine women prefer natural beauty, so they practically do not use make-up. Usually Argentina women They start using cosmetics after 35-40 years, but until the end of their lives. In general, older women here take great care of themselves, attend all kinds of anti-aging procedures, play sports, and lead an active lifestyle. Many of them undergo plastic surgery, mainly facial correction and breast augmentation.

By the way, it’s interesting, but the vast majority of Argentine women wear long hair. They find it sexy and feminine. In principle, almost all men agree with them on this, so there are very few girls with short hair here.

Photo gallery

In this collection we tried to collect exclusively the best real photo young attractive Argentine women. The collection has already collected more than 3,000 photographs. No debauchery - only aesthetics, only the most beautiful girls Argentina!

Enjoy your viewing!

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Argentina, along with neighboring Uruguay, is one of the whitest (racially speaking) countries in Latin America. The number of descendants of Europeans in the country ranges, according to various sources, from 83 to 97 percent. Moreover, despite the fact that Argentina was a Spanish colony in the past, the formation of the Argentine nation was more influenced not by the Spaniards, but by the Italians, who began to move en masse to Argentina at the end of the 19th century, and now 55% of the population of Argentina is of Italian origin (among them are worldwide famous people, like the current Pope Francis or football player Lionel Messi).

In addition to Italians and Spaniards, there are many descendants of the French (17%) and Germans (8%) in the country.

Indigenous Indian peoples (Araucanians, etc.) number no more than 600 thousand people (1.5%), but genetic studies show that 18% of modern Argentines have Indian ancestors. Argentina ranks third in South America and fourth in Latin America in terms of population (40 million people).

14th place - Brenda Asnicar / Brenda Asnicar(born October 17, 1991, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine actress and singer.

13th place - Luisana Lopilato(born May 18, 1987, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress, singer and fashion model. The most famous acting work in Russia is Mia Colucci in the Argentine TV series “Rebel Spirit” (2002-2003).

12th place - Maria Eugenia Suarez / Maria Eugenia Suarez(born March 9, 1992, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress, singer and fashion model.

11th place - Julie Gonzalo / Julie Gonzalo is an Argentine-born American actress, best known for her role as Pamela Rebecca Barnes Ewing in the American television series Dallas. Born in Buenos Aires on September 9, 1981, she grew up in Miami (USA).

10th place - Lujan Fernandez / Luján Fernández(born 1979) - Argentine model. Height 178 cm, figure parameters: chest 84 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 89 cm.

9th place - Dora Noemi Kerchen / Dora Noemi Kerchen(born March 14, 1975, Buenos Aires), better known as Dorismar- Argentine and Mexican model, actress, TV presenter, singer. Has German roots. She was filmed completely naked (while being on later pregnancy) for the Mexican edition of Playboy magazine. In 2006, she and her husband were deported from Miami by US authorities because... they lived in the country illegally for 6 years.

8th place - (born February 19, 1979, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina) - Argentine TV presenter, wife of former Real Madrid football player Guti.

7th place - Maria Soledad Rodriguez / Maria Soledad Rodríguez(born April 17, 1990, Buenos Aires), better known as Sol Rodriguez / Sol Rodriguez- Argentine actress, singer, model.

6th place - (born September 16, 1981, Houston, USA) - American actress. Her father is Argentinean with Danish roots, her mother is an American who grew up in Mexico.

5th place - Maria Eva Duarte, known as Eva Peron / Eva Peron(husband's last name) or simply Evita / Evita(diminutive of Eva) - wife of Argentine President Juan Peron, First Lady of Arentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. Born on May 7, 1919 in an Argentine village. In the 40s she became a famous radio actress. In 1945, she married Colonel Juan Peron, who a year later was elected president of Argentina. Eva, as the first lady, was actively involved in charity work, which earned her great love from the people. In 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice created the musical Evita, which was filmed in 1996 (the role of Eva Peron was played by singer Madonna).

4th place - Linda Cristal- American actress. Born in Argentina on February 23, 1934. Her real name - Marta Victoria Moya Burges. In the 50s she began acting in American films, at first not knowing in English, despite the fact that she spoke three languages ​​fluently: Spanish, Italian (her father is Argentinean Italian) and French (her mother is Argentinean French).

3rd place - Mia Maestro / Mía Maestro(born June 19, 1978, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress and singer.

2nd place - Barbara Lennie- Spanish actress of Argentine origin. She was born on April 20, 1984 in Madrid (Spain) into an Argentinean family. Soon after her birth, the family returned to Buenos Aires, where Barbara spent 6 years, and then finally moved to Spain. Among her film works, it is worth noting the role of Queen Juana of Castile (in Spanish, Juana) of Portugal (1439-1475) in the Spanish historical series “Isabella” (2012-2014).

1 place - Olivia Hussey / Olivia Hussey is a British actress best known for her role as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (1968), directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Olivia (real name Osuna / Osuna) was born in the capital of Argentina on April 17, 1951. When she was 7 years old, the family moved to London.

"Women in Argentina" is one of the most popular queries that bring people to my blog.

By popular demand, I am publishing a text about beauty in Argentina, which I wrote at the request of Cosmo Beauty magazine.

I publish my text (without editorial or proofreading).

Argentina: elusive beauty

Elegant, sloppy, calm, hysterical, polite, absurd, friendly, closed - all, and not only these characteristics apply to Argentine women. Find common feature Women in a nation that is almost 95 percent descendants of immigrants from around the world have no easy task.

Katerina Medvedeva

Over a hundred-year period from 1850 to 1950 to Argentina from Europe to permanent place More than 6 million people moved. The main wave of immigration to Argentina consisted of Spaniards and Italians. In addition, here you can find German, Lebanese, Jewish, Armenian, Japanese and Chinese, Russian and Ukrainian, Scandinavian blood. The list can be continued for quite a long time. But the most interesting thing is that women living in this Latin American country are great patriots of Argentina. Of course, they respect the culture and traditions of their ancestors, but regardless of their origin, they consider themselves Argentine, are well aware of the history of their country, enjoy singing the national anthem on holidays and fervently support local football clubs along with their families and friends.

Antioxidants via a straw
It is unlikely that all women in Argentina know what antioxidants are, but the vast majority of Argentine women drink mate, a traditional drink of local Indians. Mate is a tonic tea made from crushed leaves of the Yerba tree, which is brewed in a special vessel, most often made of pumpkin, and drunk through a special straw with a strainer (bombilla). Mate contains up to 1.8% caffeine, essential oil, vitamins A, B, C, citric acid and other useful substances. In Argentina, people start drinking mate at a very early age: since it is customary to share this drink, passing the mate around, children pick up the habit of drinking mate from their parents and then do not part with it for the rest of their lives. For some, mate helps to get ready, for others - to relax, in any case, the custom of drinking healthy tea much better than the habit of smoking or the abuse of carbonated drinks, to which many Argentineans, unfortunately, are also addicted.
Taking care of your own health and body and, in particular, diet is a controversial issue for Argentine women. On the one hand, most representatives of the middle and wealthy class enjoy going to the gym, yoga, Pilates, running and cycling, in a word, they try in every possible way to keep themselves in shape. On the other hand, the topic of food, its purchase, preparation and absorption is one of the most important topics for every Argentine. In addition, it is customary to have dinner here after eight in the evening, and the main course will most likely be meat, or pasta, or pizza. For breakfast, an Argentine will eat toast or croissants (medialunas) with coffee. At lunch, he can swallow several pies (empanadas) with meat or chicken and wash them down with Coca-Cola. And in the evening, go back to the gym to fight extra pounds.

Beauty from the first days

Determining who is sleeping in a stroller - a newborn boy or a girl - is very simple: the ears of Argentine babies
in the first days of life they are pierced in the maternity hospital. This old tradition, which came from Spain, has taken root in Argentina. Therefore, earrings are an integral part of the jewelry of most Argentine women. Girls most often grow up in large families: in Argentina, again thanks to Italian traditions, it is customary to have many children, regardless of family wealth. E Experiments with decorative cosmetics begin early: local brands (Natura, Regina) have special products for teenagers. But by the end of school, young Argentine girls practically stop wearing makeup during the day. It is customary here to dress up in the evening, before going out - to a disco or bar, where they usually meet the opposite sex. By the way, about the opposite sex: despite serious religions

strict restrictions ( for a long time Divorce was banned in Argentina, and abortion is still prohibited), this country became the first on the continent where same-sex marriages can be registered, and same-sex families are allowed to adopt children. So, even from school, Argentine children are taught that a family can consist not only of dad and mom, but also of dad and dad and mom and mom. More and more transvestites and transsexuals are appearing among show business stars. It’s hard to say how Argentine men feel about them, but women are happy to discuss them bright style and an unusual wardrobe.

I want to be a star!
The influence of television on the style and lifestyle of Argentine women is commented on by make-up artist and leading teacher at the Mabby professional make-up school, Marcela Torres: “I work with a lot of women: among our clients are TV stars, models, actresses. They are the ones who dictate fashion in Argentina. Then all ordinary women want a hairstyle in the style of Suzanne (famous Argentine actress, local diva), makeup like Araceli Gonzalez (actress), nose, lips, breasts like Emilia Attias (singer and model) or a dress like Natalia Oreiro (soap star opera and singer). Young people want to be like Beyoncé, J.Lo or Katy Perry.” Indeed, Argentine women enjoy watching reality shows and TV series, looking at photographs in magazines, and then discussing them at meetings with friends and in salons with hairdressers. And with no less pleasure they copy the style they like. Marcela Torres explains this as a global trend: many women are not satisfied with their own appearance and want to be like the stars who, most often, without sparing themselves, improve their bodies and faces with the help of plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons in Argentina note that last years the age of their patients decreased sharply. Parents bring 15-16 year old girls to consultations with the goal of giving them plastic surgery, most often breast augmentation. According to research, of the 300,000 operations that were performed in Argentine clinics in 2010, 60,000 corrected breast defects. It is widely known that the president of the country, Cristina Fernandez Kirchner, uses the services of plastic surgeons.

Everything is in the model

The first book - an album with professional photographs - many Argentine girls receive as a gift to celebrate their fifteenth birthday. Then these photos spread around social networks... Fate still smiles on someone, and the girl is invited to a modeling agency. Along with the wedding, the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary in Argentina is important place in girls' lives. They prepare for it in advance: parents rent a restaurant or salon for numerous guests, hire a catering service, order a cake, buy or have a designer sew a festive dress to order, hire a makeup artist and hairdresser for the birthday girl. In the photo studio, girls change five or six outfits, experiment with makeup and hairstyles. In Argentine makeup schools, there is a separate theme “Quince” (fifteen), a monthly magazine is published under the same name.

Life without a bidet is not life!

You will hardly see young, well-groomed Argentine women: people here begin to take care of their skin and hair after the age of thirty. Until this age, Argentine women do not think about skin care products; they go to the salon only to trim the ends of their long hair, and do their own manicure (most often they just paint their nails somehow). There is only one procedure that Argentine women - young and not so young - will never refuse. Depilation of legs, arms, armpits and bikini areas is a mandatory monthly ritual, without which life for an Argentine woman will seem incomplete. Also, Argentine women will never understand how you can live without a bidet. Even in a small bathroom in the most small apartment you will come across a bidet. The unshaven armpits of European women and “unfinished” bathrooms in most countries of the world are a constant source of ridicule in Argentina. In turn, girls from Europe are perplexed why “shi polish” has only recently appeared in Argentina or why it is so difficult to find a good nail extension artist in Buenos Aires. New technologies come to Argentina late. Salon owners are in no hurry to pamper their clients with new products, because the main procedures will always remain the usual trimmed manicure and pedicure (in a rare salon you will find a machine for mechanical treatment of nails), haircut-coloring-styling. Recently, a new service has appeared in all salons: keratin hair mask. Spas offer a standard set of facial and body treatments: cleansing (manual and abrasive), masks, massages, lymphatic drainage and electrodes. Interestingly, with a large number of Asian immigrants (mostly from China) in Argentina, it is difficult to find a massage parlor that offers Thai or any other Asian type of massage. But almost all massage therapists are proficient in the Reiki technique, and often end the main procedure with a 15-minute session.

Your own morals
Foreigners consider Argentine women attractive but tasteless. The reason for this bad taste is quite difficult to understand: in the era of globalization, you can follow any trends, regardless of geographical location countries. But Argentine women, as if by agreement, all follow the same fashion. For example, they don't wear short hair here. Masters in salons with sparkling eyes will begin to experiment with short hair, and most often this will lead to disastrous results. Why? They just don't know how to work with short hair. Argentine women believe that long hair is sexy and feminine, and men support them in this. If dyeing the ends of your hair has become fashionable light color, everyone will wear this hairstyle, because it’s so fashionable. Shoes with a platform or with a platform are in fashion. leopard print- it will be difficult to find another model either in a nearby or in any other store, because all fashion designers also adhere to the same trend. And Argentine women don’t complain, because they are used to it and don’t demand variety. But for foreigners, especially Europeans or Americans, it is very difficult to come to terms with the lack of a large assortment. Limited choice is also explained latest trends in the Argentine economy: in early 2012, the government passed a law limiting the import of most goods into the country. Many foreign brands had to close their business in Argentina, leaving Argentine women at the disposal of local designers. Of the large foreign brands, only those who can produce their goods in Argentina or in nearby countries that are part of the common customs zone remain. Among them are the well-known Zara, as well as Levis, Lacoste, Max Mara, Rip Curle, Timberland, sports Adidas, Nike, Puma... and, perhaps, that’s all. But it seems that the Argentines are not too upset. They buy clothes from local designers, read Argentine magazines and don't look too much outside. And those who lack foreign goods and, most importantly, can afford them, go shopping while traveling to Europe or the USA.

Inaccessible sexuality
Argentinians buy simple clothes: jeans, leggings, T-shirts and blouses, flip-flops and ballet shoes. In normal times, Argentine girls look more than natural and simple - without embellishment. Perhaps this is why many foreigners consider Argentine women beautiful and sexy. Their finest hour comes on Friday evenings or on weekends, when they go to a disco with their girlfriends. Then all means are used: high-heeled shoes, black eyeliner and bright lipstick (cosmetics from L’Oreal, Maybelline or Mac are most often used), copious amounts of jewelry and short skirts. No one goes out alone: ​​the beauties gather at one of their friends’ houses at 11 pm and only get to the club at 2-3 am. Young people are waiting for them there: they always have an entire arsenal of compliments and salacious things at the ready, which they do not hesitate to share with the girls. And what’s most interesting: the beautiful Argentinean, who has been preparing for hours to gather all the admiring glances on the dance floor, is not so easy to win! Argentine girls from school are accustomed to the fact that boys talk a lot, and do not fall for beautiful words and empty promises. Therefore, to create a serious relationship with an Argentine girl, local young people have to make a lot of effort: drink more than one liter of coffee on dates and watch more than a dozen films in the cinema.

Elusive elegance

Without a doubt, older Argentine women can be called true beauties. It is women over fifty who can be found in beauty salons, of which in Argentina you can find several in every quarter. Elderly Argentine women, accustomed to taking care of themselves in their youth, do not abandon this habit almost until their death. Often in salons in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, you can see seniors aged 80-90 years, who have difficulty moving alone, see poorly and often cannot hear at all, but every week they come to a master they have known for decades to discuss last news, wash and style your hair and paint your nails. These women are elegantly dressed in neat, quality clothes and shoes, and may be accompanied by a small dog, which winter time an equally elegant blanket will be worn, the handbag will be matched to the shoes, the eyes will be lined with a dark pencil and the lips will be painted with bright lipstick. The habit of being beautiful and well-groomed has been preserved by these respectable women from those times when the city lived a completely different, measured, rich life: when dresses for fashionistas were made to order according to European patterns, when tango was danced in all dance salons, and you could walk around the city without fear of being robbed. These ladies look beautiful at any time of the day. Their style and ability to carry themselves can be envied. But, unfortunately, the culture of refined noble beauty in Argentina is gradually disappearing. Time dictates its own rules, and measured elegance is replaced by a casual style, which modern Argentine women give their preference to.