The meaning of the name Alesya. The meaning of the name Alesya, origin, character and fate of the name Alesya. Marriage with whom is possible

Name meaning

Olesya is a strong, modest, intelligent, noble, sympathetic and kind nature. She knows how to sympathize and respond kindly to kindness, but at the same time she will never forgive the insults caused. With her optimism, this woman is able to “infect” those around her, and this quality of hers has nothing to do with daydreaming: for example, Olesya does not tend to look at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. She shows rationality, pragmatism and seriousness when making any of her decisions. She also has negative traits character, namely indecision, self-confidence and selfishness, because of which it is not easy for her to competently build personal relationships.

Characteristics of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Winter Olesya vulnerable, hot-tempered and unbalanced. She takes any failures to heart, which makes her very worried. Afraid of seeming unsure of herself, she avoids noisy companies, preferring to spend free time in a circle of close people. Smart and insightful winter Olesya makes high demands on everyone around her, since she herself is constantly improving: she lives in accordance with the motto “movement is life.” It is not surprising that she is welcome in any company, because she knows how to support any topic.

Vesennaya Olesya she is frivolous and flighty, she does not know how to manage either her time or her funds, so her life is often a race for material well-being. However, due to her spending habits, she rarely comes to the finish line first. But the personal life of spring Olesya is filled with feelings and emotions, because men love light, open and charming women, next to whom they feel like real knights.

Summer Olesya She has perseverance and hard work, thanks to which her life is prosperous and stable. She walks measuredly towards her goal, believing that haste harms any business. And in general, this woman is used to living according to a schedule, which is not always advisable, because life without surprises and reckless actions is boring. In terms of relationships, year-old Olesya also prefers thoroughness, so she places too high hopes on any relationship.

Autumn Olesya noble and tactful. She lives in harmony with the world around her, so fate spoils her with pleasant surprises. She is devoted to family and friends, in her schedule there is a place for everyone who needs help and support, and she never expects anything in return from those around her. For her man, autumn Olesya will become that reliable and cozy grotto in which you can hide from any troubles, storms and misfortunes.

Stone - talisman

Coral is a talisman stone named after Olesya. It symbolizes longevity, intellectual growth, prudence and material well-being.

This skeletal formation (which is exactly what coral is) gives energy, strengthens memory, develops intuition, increases vitality, relieves fatigue and tension, eliminates fears and depression.

It is believed that coral can not only attract good luck, but also effectively protect against the evil eye and damage. In addition, it promotes healthy life together and protects its owner from bad people.

IN Ancient Greece coral symbolized immortality and happiness, while in Europe it symbolized modesty and purity.

In the Christian tradition, the coral branch depicted on the neck of little Jesus represents protection from evil forces.

Coral is, first of all, a talisman for travelers, eliminating negative influences natural phenomena and unpleasant encounters.

Important! In order for coral products to fulfill their protective functions, two conditions must be adhered to:

  • coral must be untreated;
  • coral should be worn in plain sight.





Animal - symbol

Olesya’s totem animals are jellyfish and bull.


This is a symbol of danger hidden behind a fragile shell. At the same time, the jellyfish is the personification of calm, grace and constant movement.

This talisman patronizes people whose life or profession involves the sea.

In India, the bull is identified with justice and abundance.

In the Christian tradition, the bull represents sacrifice, as well as the renunciation of Jesus.



Olesya's symbolic plants are willow and cornflowers.

In Europe, this tree symbolizes humility, immortality, zeal, but at the same time forbidden pleasures. The weeping willow is identified with such concepts as grief, sadness, unhappy love and death.

The Chinese consider the willow to be a symbol of spring and a tree that awakens erotic desire.

In the East, willow is identified with meekness, patience, perseverance, femininity, charm and grace.

Among Jews, willow is a symbol of sorrow and misfortune.

For Christians, the willow symbolizes the Gospel of Christ, which remains unchanged despite the fact that it has spread widely among the peoples of the world.

Willow is opposed to trees such as pine and oak, which are not able to withstand storms, because their branches break under strong gusts of wind. But the willow branches, even giving in to the impulse, not only return to their previous position, but also remain intact.


In the West, cornflower is considered a symbol of trust, fun and beauty of life, while in the East - simplicity, honesty and fidelity.

In Ancient Egypt, this plant symbolized life and abundance.

In Christianity, cornflower is a talisman that protects against the tricks of the devil. This is a flower symbolizing tenderness, devotion and reliability.

During the Middle Ages, cornflower acted as a symbol of power and greatness.


Iron, considered Olesya’s talisman metal, is a symbol of strength of character, endurance, fortitude, as well as invincibility and toughness.

In turn, in the Christian tradition, iron personifies war, tough confrontation, justice, honesty and power.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Name translation

The name Olesya is translated from Old Church Slavonic as “forest”, “girl from the forest”, “living in the forest”.

History of the name

The name Olesya has several versions of origin. So, according to one of them, this name comes from the names Lesana and Lesya, the etymology of which is connected with the word “forest”.

If you believe the second version, then the name Olesya is a shortened version of the ancient Greek name Alexandra, translated as “protector” or “protector of humanity.”

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Olesya are: Alexa, Leska, Lesechka, Lesenka, Olesechka, Olesenka, Lyusena, Lesya, Lesana, Oleska, Osya.

The secret of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Patrons of the name

There is no name Olesya in the Saints, so the owners of this name often celebrate their name days at the same time as Alexandra.

Angel's Day (name day)

Alexandra’s name day (namely, this saint is revered by Olesya) falls on April 2, May 6 and 31, June 26, October 18, and November 19.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Olesya:

  • Olesya Sudzilovskaya;
  • Olesya Zheleznyak;
  • Olesya (Lyudmila) Ivanova;
  • Alesya Mankovskaya;
  • Alesya Shestovskaya.

Famous singers named Olesya:

  • Alesya (Olga Yarmolenko) - soloist of the Belarusian group "Syabry";
  • Olesya Lyashenko is a backing vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group.

Famous athletes named Olesya:

  • Olesya Forsheva - Russian track and field athlete;
  • Olesya Barrel - Soviet basketball player;
  • Olesya Zykina - Russian track and field athlete;
  • Olesya Abdullina - Russian-Bashkir athlete (plays checkers);
  • Olesya Vladykina - Russian Paralympic athlete;
  • Olesya Alieva - Russian alpine skier;
  • Olesya Kurochkina is a Russian football midfielder.

The meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya)

For a child

Little Olesya is sweet, flexible, open and sociable, which is why she is often compared to an angel. And this is not surprising, because she looks at everything positively and with optimism. Moreover, she tries to learn as many lessons as possible from any trouble in order to avoid similar situations in the future.

But, like any other child, this girl can be quite selfish, especially if her parents do not pay attention to her upbringing. It is interesting that, despite her gentleness and kindness, Olesya can also display her inherent masculine character traits, including courage, perseverance, integrity and assertiveness.

Olesya studies well at school, but does not feel much zeal for the educational process, and therefore often lets her studies take their course. She prefers school theater productions and various kinds of events, the organization of which she undertakes with enviable zeal.

Since childhood, this sympathetic girl knows how to make friends, so she enters adult life not alone, but with people who will never betray her or offend her. At the same time, among her friends (especially those who have known her since childhood) there are practically no men who are afraid of her independence and independence.

For a girl

Young Olesya is a resilient person: she never gives up and does not complain about fate, no matter what surprises it presents to her. Growing up, this girl becomes tougher, masculine character traits begin to dominate in her. Therefore, you should not be surprised that she exchanges feminine dresses and trips to the beauty salon for ordinary jeans, in which she feels comfortable and comfortable.

Most often, the freedom-loving Olesya looks like her father, while her character inherits her mother’s. Sometimes her behavior is characterized by excessive eccentricity and emotionality, moreover, this girl is prone to spontaneous actions. She attributes all her failures to bad luck and bad luck, without trying to look for flaws in herself. Lack of self-criticism in the future may negatively affect her career.

Haste, restlessness and inability to calculate further actions prevent Olesya from achieving her goals. But when necessary, cunning awakens in her, thanks to which she knows how to make up for lost time.

In my youth (and even in adult life too) Olesya is not distinguished by vindictiveness and rancor, although sometimes she regrets this, because the people closest to her often betray her.

For a woman

Olesya’s prudence and practicality, combined with optimism and self-confidence, not only contribute to her career growth, but also help to surround herself with interesting, successful and promising people who are ready to cope with any difficulties.

Straightforward Olesya loves to stand out not only thanks to her oratorical abilities, but also through appearance: she doesn't care much fashion trends, because she is a trendsetter for herself. Due to a certain originality and brightness, those around her do not always understand her, and therefore at first they avoid her. But once they get to know this woman better, they can no longer believe that they were ever careful with this extravagant lady.

Despite her prudence, Olesya can, without a twinge of conscience, rush headlong into the pool, because risk, as we know, is a noble cause. But it is extremely difficult for her to be influenced by others, and it is also impossible to influence her with flattery.

Open Olesya absolutely does not know how to dissemble, so she tries not to deceive others, especially since she is bad at it. Honesty and loyalty are the qualities that she values ​​in people above all else.

Description of the name Olesya (Alesya)


Olesya is a real moralist who tries to live in accordance with the norms of public morality, while she expects the same from those around her.


Olesya maintains excellent physical shape. She regularly visits the gym and does not forget about walking. Its only weak point is its respiratory tract.


Olesya is a monogamous person. She is ready to give her chosen one affection, tenderness and care. This romantic woman will not pretend, because feelings are a priority for her than any material gain. She is not capable of deception and betrayal, so she will never forgive betrayal or lies to her beloved man.

She places quite high demands on representatives of the stronger half of humanity, one of which is the ability to bring variety and romance into her life. If she becomes uninterested with a man, she will immediately break off relations with him. Olesya will look closely at her boyfriend for a long time before she trusts him with her vulnerable heart.

Men are attracted to this bright, interesting and cheerful woman who takes life lightly and knows how to look at everything with optimism. But Olesya can only submit to a strong man who is ready to take responsibility.


Most often, Olesya marries twice. For the first time, the family is destroyed, firstly, by the haste of the decision to get married, and secondly, by age (for the first time Olesya can get married before reaching the 20-year mark). A failed man will not be able to give this woman the care and protection she needs.

Having made conclusions and worked on mistakes, Olesya enters into her second marriage fully armed, opting for a serious, responsible and strong man, on whose shoulder you can always lean. The main thing is not to idealize a man, which will help avoid disappointments in your personal life.

Divorce for the impressionable Olesya can turn into depression.

Family relationships

Olesya, having created a family, devotes herself entirely to arranging the family nest. She is attentive to her husband, kind to children, caring with her parents. But she will not tolerate criticism, and therefore her main condition for her husband is living separately from his parents. And even if at first it will be difficult for her to cope with her responsibilities (especially if there are children in the family), she will do everything to become the best in every way for her husband: she will learn how to cook deliciously, and she will master the secrets of baking, and she will master budgeting. .

Olesya's main drawback, which prevents her from enjoying the arrangement of her family life, this is jealousy that can lead to divorce.

Olesya prefers to solve all everyday issues on her own, as she considers herself a good housewife, capable of competently distributing both her time and money. At the same time, the husband will never feel henpecked, which is very important for maintaining harmony in the relationship.

Children are Olesya’s main asset. She is ready to do anything for them.


Affectionate, soft, gentle, but at the same time temperamental and passionate Olesya great value pays attention to the sexual side of life together. Therefore, her partner must be not only a wonderful person, but also a skilled lover who can bring sensuality and romance into the life of his chosen one.

Tenderness and ingenuity on the love front can conquer Olesya, who is ready for any experiments, just to diversify her intimate relationship with her loved one. A sense of novelty invariably attracts this bright nature.

Mind (intelligence)

Olesya is smart and practical. It is also important that she knows how to competently synthesize the information received, taking an unconventional approach to solving a particular problem, which helps her quickly climb the career ladder.


Olesya’s unconventional thinking also influences her choice of profession: for example, she chooses rare and predominantly male professions, in which she perfectly realizes her talents, strengths and capabilities. The professions of engineer, doctor, geologist, and military man are suitable for her.

The main thing is to avoid monotony (routine office work is not for the temperamental and energetic Olesya). For this woman, it is important to communicate with people and benefit society.

Such qualities as hard work, responsibility, initiative and perseverance help her move up the career ladder. Olesya knows how to lose with dignity, so any defeat only hardens her and makes her stronger.


Despite her fighting qualities and enviable zeal, Olesya will not be the best business woman, and it’s all to blame for her inability to manage wisely family budget. She can generate a lot of ideas aimed at developing and prospering a business, but she is not always able to implement them.

If Olesya still decides to become an entrepreneur, then it is better to get a reliable and rational partner who will bring her ideas to life.


Olesya likes to actively spend her free time, so her main hobby is traveling. At the same time, it does not matter at all where she will go - to Yerevan, Rostov-on-Don, Odessa or Egypt.

Character type


Philosophical views on life combined with an analytical mindset make Olesya an interesting interlocutor. She is open and honest, and therefore people often trust her with their deepest secrets, which she will never reveal.

Olesya's optimism and cheerfulness are the traits that help her cope well with various troubles in life. But! The owner of this name also has negative aspects, among which the optionality deserves special attention. So, at work Olesya is responsible and diligent, but outside of it she often does not fulfill her promises.


Olesya’s intuition is not very developed, and she doesn’t know how to use it and doesn’t want to.

Horoscope named Olesya (Alesya)

Olesya - Aries

This is an impulsive and temperamental woman who does not know how to be idle: for example, she even prefers active and varied rest. But loneliness disgusts Olesya-Aries, who is constantly surrounded by friends and loved ones. In love, this woman is also fickle: she falls passionately in love, but very quickly grows cold towards her chosen ones. Olesya-Aries creates a family quite late, but she will become an ideal wife for her man, and a wonderful mother for her children.

Olesya - Taurus

Vulnerable, good-natured and sentimental Olesya-Aries was created to become an ideal wife. She is faithful, honest and sincere, which is what attracts those men who strive to create a strong and harmonious family. Olesya-Aries herself dreams of true love, but this woman will never scream about her feelings, because she is afraid of seeming overly sensitive. She will love her man all-consumingly, but without further ado.

Olesya - Gemini

The life of Olesya-Gemini resembles a noisy party with bright emotions and fun. It is not surprising that many people do not take this emotional and frivolous woman seriously. Men see in her a wonderful friend with whom they can have a good rest, but not a reliable companion with whom they would want to start a family. Olesya-Gemini needs a practical and thorough man nearby who can control the unbridled nature of his chosen one.

Olesya - Cancer

She is a realist who clearly assesses her capabilities, and therefore always achieves her goals. The concept of “friendship” is more important to her than love, therefore she is looking for a man who will become for her, first of all, a faithful and reliable friend, and only then a temperamental lover.

Olesya-Cancer is loyal and diplomatic, she does not make high demands on others, she does not criticize anyone, but she will not tolerate criticism or moralizing towards herself.

Olesya - Leo

Balanced, restrained and self-confident, Olesya-Lev knows how to control her emotions, so she copes well with the role of a leader, not only at work, but also in her family. She takes criticism quite hard, although she will never show that she is offended. Olesya-Lev will connect her life only with a man who will be tested not only by time, but also by life circumstances. In general, it is very difficult for this woman to trust a man.

Olesya - Virgo

The impulsive, tough and straightforward Olesya-Virgo often suffers because, succumbing to emotions, she takes rash actions, which she later regrets. She can get involved in some kind of adventure, but she will never back down and will not admit that she was wrong. This woman values ​​intelligence, a sense of humor, and the ability to perceive the surrounding reality with optimism. Olesya-Virgo is waiting for a sincere man who will accept her without any “buts”.

Olesya - Libra

This is a comprehensively developed personality who can make a brilliant career both in the scientific field and in the field of art. Her unconventional approach to solving problems makes her an indispensable employee in areas where creativity is needed. Olesya-Libra is amorous, but due to her inability to understand people, her heart is often “broken,” which in no way diminishes her desire to find her soul mate. An attentive and gentle man will be able to reveal the sensuality and temperament of Olesya-Libra.

Olesya - Scorpio

Intelligence, concentration and practicality help Olesya-Scorpio to easily cope with all the difficulties that fate has in store for her. At the same time, thanks to her authority and leadership qualities, she always takes the lead. For this woman, it is important not to lose a single detail out of her sight and to control not only her own, but also other people’s lives. This position is fraught with the absence of true friends. A frivolous and dependent man will never attract the attention of Olesya-Scorpio.

Olesya - Sagittarius

This is a woman leader who will achieve her goal by any means, because second roles are not for her. Even in her personal life, Olesya-Sagittarius is not ready for equality, let alone for a man to dominate. As a result, she may be left alone, because not every man will agree to become the shadow of his domineering wife. Such qualities as sharpness, rigidity and straightforwardness do not add to the attractiveness of Olesya-Sagittarius.

Olesya - Capricorn

The cheerfulness, sincerity and spontaneity of Olesya-Capricorn are endearing. Therefore, this woman has a huge number of friends and acquaintances who adore the cheerful Lesya, who is ready to help out in any difficult situation. Open, kind and honest, Olesya-Capricorn values ​​loyalty and responsiveness in people, and she also believes that it is spiritual beauty that will save the world. She will connect her life with a strong and reliable man, who at the same time has a light disposition.

Olesya - Aquarius

This woman, endowed with an analytical mind, knows how to “control herself.” She rarely shows her true emotions, trying to smooth out any conflicts. She will always prefer a peaceful solution to any showdown. Olesya-Aquarius is fluent in the art of communication, so she can easily find an approach to any person. She prefers to keep her personal life secret, because she values ​​her relationship with her beloved man.

Olesya - Pisces

Olesya-Pisces' naivety, sentimentality and vulnerability make her vulnerable, so she tries her best to hide her feelings and emotions, which she does poorly. The fear of being in an awkward position forces Olesya-Pisces to put on a mask of indifference and arrogance. This woman needs an uninhibited man who can rid Lesya of her complexes, thereby awakening her femininity, sensuality and temperament.

Compatibility of the name Olesya (Alesya) with male names

Olesya and Dmitry

Lesya is an excellent housewife, a faithful and caring wife, while Dmitry is a real support and protection; you can always rely on him in everything. This couple will definitely be happy, and their union will be prosperous and prosperous.

Olesya and Alexander

Olesya and Anton

Olesya values ​​in her man, first of all, reliability and responsibility, because she understands that family life is built on trust and the ability to negotiate. Serious Anton is a perfect match for the cheerful Olesya.

Olesya and Mikhail

Olesya's straightforwardness can become an insurmountable obstacle to her family happiness with Mikhail, who is very vulnerable. We should not forget that the man in this relationship wants to be a leader, which Lesya is not ready for.

Olesya and Nikolay

A storm of passions and emotions rages in the relationship between Olesya and Nikolai, but such temperament is not able to strengthen, much less save, this short-lived union, in which the partners are connected solely by feelings, on which it is not always possible to build a family.

Olesya and Igor

Easy to talk to, cheerful and energetic, Igor will create family happiness for Olesya, who herself cannot imagine her life without bright colors, despite the isolation and vulnerability. Both partners do not try to change each other, which benefits their relationship.

Olesya and Ilya

Lesya supports all the endeavors of the ambitious and persistent Ilya, for which he is very grateful to her, since he belongs to the category of men for whom it is important to have a reliable shoulder nearby that he can always lean on.

Olesya and Vladislav

This union can rarely boast of longevity and strength, because in it there are people with different goals and opposing views on what a family should be.

Olesya and Oleg

Olesya and Pavel

Impulsive, emotional and straightforward Olesya considers herself a fighter for justice. But Pavel prefers to act deliberately, because he believes that emotions only harm relationships. Lesya lacks romance and sensuality, so this union may fall apart.

Olesya and Yuri

Each of the partners has their own established views on life, and most often these same views do not converge, which is why scandals break out between Olesya and Yuri. One of these scandals may sooner or later end in divorce.

Olesya and Stanislav

The fragile union of Olesya and Stanislav is based primarily on passion, but when the feeling of novelty wears off, an insurmountable wall of misunderstanding gradually grows between these people, which is to blame for the different characters of the partners.

Olesya and Leonid

These two look at the world easily and naturally; quarrels never arise between them over money, because they consider the material side of family life to be a secondary factor. The main thing for Olesya and Leonid is sincere feelings.

Olesya and Marat

Love and friendship come together in this interesting and vibrant union in which happiness reigns. The rare conflicts that arise between Lesya and Marat always end in quick reconciliation. It is also important that grievances in this tandem are quickly forgotten.

The name Olesya is filled with tenderness, love, beauty and kindness, but when choosing a name for your daughter, it is better to learn more about it in order to choose its desired meaning and influence on the future fate of your child. From this article you will learn where the name Olesya came to us, the origin and meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person who bears it.

There is still no reliable source of where it came to us and what the name Olesya means. Many believe that this is a forest name, this is where his interpretation of “forest girl” came from.

But there is an opinion that it came to us from Greece, is a new form of the name -Alexandra- and has the meaning “protector”. There is also a version that these are possible forms of pronunciation of names such as, Alena. Now it is very popular in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Olesya is full name, which affectionately sounds Lesechka, Olesechka, Lesenok.

Often girls named Olesya are similar in character to their mother, but the father is the authority for them. Girls are stubborn, have their own opinion and are always ready to defend it. Despite this, at school the child is quite sociable and kind. Olesya gathers many friends around her, but mostly girls become them. In society, she is a positive “ray of light” to which people are drawn, admiring her tenderness and cheerful character.

Since childhood, she has been very feminine, and this is of great importance to her, which parents should pay attention to and develop these skills from childhood.

This kid has a math mind, which will manifest itself at school. This advantage will have a very positive impact on your future choice of profession. It is advisable to develop these qualities with early childhood, so you can’t do it without the help of your parents.

Character strengths include optimism, determination and determination.. But all these qualities are developed within reason, which does not allow them to do crazy things. These inclinations have positive value on the fate of the girl as a whole.

Character weaknesses include lack of self-criticism, excessive jealousy and inability to listen to the opinions of others. If a girl fails in some matter, then fate, the government and everyone around her will be to blame, but not her. Parents should attach importance to this from childhood and instill in her responsibility for her actions.

She is capable of being faithful and, at the same time, being overly jealous of her partner. In this matter, it is also advisable to find an approach at a young age in order to determine the boundaries of suspicious mistrust and jealousy.

Stubbornness will not always work positively in her life, because of which she will not hear the opinions of other people. This situation can lead to quarrels or unsuccessful completion of the work started. She needs to learn to analyze and weigh the correctness of the chosen decision.


No chronic or complex illnesses are expected. The only weak point for her is the respiratory tract, which may become pathological after birth, or will be very sensitive to the environment throughout life.

In general, such a child will be healthy, and sports will help strengthen the already strong immune system.

Marriage and family

Olesya is very careful in choosing her life partner, but is not always limited to one marriage. She is a good mother and wife, helps children and husband, gives good advice, provides assistance if necessary.

For her husband, she will be a wonderful lover, full of passion and fantasy., but at the same time very jealous. The main thing for a man is to respect his wife, not to give reasons and not to attach importance to her attacks of jealousy.

The girl herself is very faithful and not prone to cheating. Since she wants to dominate in a relationship with a man, she will manipulate the man and her loyalty and attitude towards him in order to get what she wants.

There will be difficulties in relationships with Sergei, Anton, Nikolai and .

Career and hobbies

Despite the fact that Olesya is quite purposeful and achieving her goals is of great importance to her, in her profession she is more interested in her financial situation rather than career growth. She likes non-female professions; she would rather become a ship captain or a geologist than open a spa.

Parents can influence their daughter's choice of profession only if they have earned their authority. The girl can get unusual profession and even work in this direction for some time, but, in the end, will change it, choosing a more earthly, feminine direction. She can achieve enormous success in the service sector or trade.

She loves sports very much and will definitely start attending sports clubs. By the way, there are a huge number of famous athletes with this name in the world. Also, the girl has innate good hearing, but to develop this strong point she has no special desire, so parents need to attach importance to this from childhood and develop her musical qualities in her.


  • Famous actresses include such bearers of this wonderful name as Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Olesya Zheleznyak, Alesya Shestovskaya and others.

Olesya Zheleznyak (famous Russian actress)

  • Famous athletes have become such bearers of this name as Olesya Forsheva, Olesya Barel, Olesya Zykina, Olesya Povkh and Olesya Vladykina, who became the world record holder of the Paralympic Games in swimming in Beijing in 2008, and others.

Olesya Vladykina (two-time Paralympic swimming champion, Russian swimmer)

Olesya's birthday

According to Orthodoxy, Olesya is considered Alexandra, so she celebrates her name day on February 18, March 14, March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, June 26, July 17, September 30, October 13, October 15, November 19, December 23.

During baptism church name for Olesya it will be Alexandra.

The meaning of the name Alesya

Many people think about the correct spelling – Olesya or Alesya. In fact, these are two different names, and the parents decide exactly how to register the child after birth. In general, the characteristics and meaning of Olesya and Alesya have similarities, but there are also differences.

Alesya is a big fashionista. She can become a model or designer, and is also ready to spend her last money on beautiful decoration for yourself beloved. She is also of little interest in her career; she is ready to do any job for a lot of money. But if she chooses a profession in which she has frequent business trips, it will bring her great pleasure.

She is a good mother and wife who appreciates family relationships, and for her trust is the main principle of family life.

Possible names for the child

If you have not yet decided on the final name for your child, I suggest you find out. Such a girl, at first glance, is reserved, but when you get to know her better, you can see her cheerfulness and kindness. The interlocutor with her is very comfortable and interesting, so she will become successful in a field where sociable people are needed.

Check out the characteristics of the name - -. Such a girl is very reasonable and purposeful. She feels comfortable in male society, always remains herself, and does not like lies and hypocrisy.

Dear readers, now you have found out what the name Olesya means, what meaning it has in life and how it influences a person’s destiny. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments. Also share with me the name you have chosen for your baby. And now I wish you success and all the best!

Olesya is directly connected with the energy of nature, because the meaning of the name is “forest”, “protecting”.

Origin of the name

According to the main version of the origin, the nickname Olesya has Slavic roots and is a variation of the names Lesana and Lesya. However, there is an opinion that Olesya is a simplified form of Alexander’s nickname.

General characteristics

Little Olesya must be protected from the cold; the baby's health is susceptible to colds, sore throat, and even bronchitis. Frequent illnesses can later affect school performance, since sitting at home during school hours, it will be difficult for the child to catch up with the missed time.

A person with a “forest” name has a pretty appearance that echoes her lively independent character; the girl must be enrolled in the sports section to release her energy in the right direction. Despite her weak immune system, Lesya demonstrates excellent athletic abilities and can achieve a lot in this area.

Lesya is only friends with girls, and her classmates quietly admire her, not daring to speak.

Positive character traits

Lesenka loves to be the center of attention; she is sociable, charming, and energetic. No entertainment event will pass her by.

Lesik does not succumb to the influence of others. It is impossible to persuade her to do something against her own will; taking a young lady on a “weak” basis is also unrealistic.

Those around her are accustomed to the fact that the girl always thinks soberly, does not create illusions and does not set unrealistic goals. But Lesya is capable of trusting the dreamer who has won her favor, forgetting about everything, if she has someone and something to risk for.

In building a career, a woman will be helped by such personal qualities as willpower, prudence, and patience.

Family values ​​are the most important thing for Lesya. She is ready to give up a lot for the sake of her beloved man, and sacrifice a promising job for the well-being of her family.

Negative character traits

Olesenka is capable of eccentric actions that cause mixed reactions from her family. Among her acquaintances, she is known as a braggart and a person with inflated self-esteem.

Self-confidence sometimes lets a girl down. Lesya can pile on a bunch of things that she won’t have time to complete.

Being a monogamist, a woman turns into a jealous owner, and her jealousy sometimes leads her to stupid actions.

The owner of the forest nickname is not particularly friendly with money. Periods of austerity give way sharply to periods of squandering.

Zodiac sign

Aquarius is the zodiac sign most harmoniously combined with the name Olesya.
Uranus, responsible for radical changes, protects the girl.
The most suitable color for her according to her horoscope is turquoise with a green tint.
Any product containing coral will become amulets.


Olesya loves to be called affectionately, but “bunny” or “fish” will not delight her, no matter what age she reaches. Lesya, Leska, Oleska, Lesenka, Lesechka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesenish - she will like it, because for the human ear there is nothing more pleasant than your own name.

Name options

Lesya, Alesya, is pronounced by the English as Lassie.

Historical figures

Actresses Olesya Sudzilovskaya and Olesya Zheleznyak
novelist and poetess Olesya Nikolaeva
Russian athletes Olesya Forsheva and Olesya Zykina
Soviet basketball player Olesya Barrel
Latvian checker player Olesya Abdullina
swimmer Olesya Vladykina
skier Olesya Alieva
soccer player Olesya Kurochkina
Ukrainian track and field athlete Olesya Povkh.

Name day

The name Olesya is derived from the male ancient Greek names Alexey and Alexander, translated as “forest”. In the Russian name book, this is an independent and very popular name, sonorous, bright and beautiful.

What does the name Olesya mean?
Olesya is characterized by energy and determination. She is passionate, easy-going and optimistic.
The name Olesya, translated from Belarusian, means “forest”.
Origin of the name Olesya:
The name Olesya is of Belarusian origin and means “forest”. It is also associated with the short affectionate form of the name “Alexandra”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Olesya:

As a child, Olesya was athletic, but often got sick. She is independent and independent, does not hide behind her parents, although she is very attached to them. In appearance he often resembles his father, but in character he resembles his mother. Olesya prefers to be friends with girls, with school years They are popular with boys, but they rarely attach importance to this.
Olesya often chooses “male” professions. They are not afraid of difficulties, they are not against long business trips, and they can work in any, even the most exotic and uncomfortable conditions. Olesya strives to see the world, enjoys unusual hobbies and extreme sports, and loves to tickle the nerves of herself and those around her. Despite her stubbornness, Olesya respects reasonable advice and is ready to listen to it, although it is difficult to dissuade her from a deliberate decision. He ignores harsh criticism addressed to him and does not mince his words. You should never put pressure on her - this is fraught with quarrels and a breakdown in relationships. She not only demands respect for her personal space, but also does not interfere with someone else’s.
Oles' eccentricity often leads to conflicts with conservative-minded people. They are stubborn and stand their ground; it is not so easy to become an authority for them. Olesya is rarely self-critical; she tends to blame others for failures, but not herself. Failures do not make them lose heart and despair, but Oles’s haste hinders them on the path to their goal. Many of their plans are thwarted due to lack of patience and inability to calculate the consequences of their actions.
Until deep maturity, Olesya is fit, athletic and boyish, which does not prevent her from possessing huge reserves of kindness, charm and calm tenderness. In love, she is honest, calm and straightforward, and does not like to lead men by the nose. She believes that the chosen one belongs primarily to her, and not to family and friends, and is very jealous. In her sexual life, Olesya is sensual and curious, she strives to explore and try everything. In pursuit of new impressions, he rushes from one to another. Loves to surprise in love play.
Olesya experiences relationship breakups painfully, suffers deeply and sincerely, withdraws, and does not like to share pain with anyone, including relatives and closest friends. She needs to completely survive failure on the love front alone, then Olesya calms down.
Olesya is a good housewife and loving mother, but even after settling down, she never ceases to amaze her family. unexpected decisions and eccentric actions. To keep her spirits up, she needs risky sports and unusual hobbies. It is important for Olesya that the family is strong and friendly; she tries to monitor the lives of the children, but never overprotects them, and is very delicate in raising them. She respects older relatives, especially if they don’t bother her with boring advice.
Interesting facts About the name Olesya:
Olesya, born in summer and autumn, are persistent and noble. “Winter” are narcissistic, stubborn, picky, they make many demands on the chosen one, but they always remain faithful to him. " Spring“The owners of the name are good-looking and charming, but love is secondary for them.

Name compatibility with Olesya

Adam Alexander Arkady Arthur Valery Walter Vasily Vyacheslav Gleb Daniil Dmitry Igor Lazar Oleg Rodion Rudolf

Incompatibility of the name Olesya

Adolf Artyom Nikolay Svyatoslav Stanislav Timur

Name Olesya on different languages :
Name Olesya in English: Olesya (Olesya)
Name Olesya in Chinese: 欧莱西亚(Oulaisiya)
Name Olesya in Japanese: オレシャ(Oresya)
Name Olesya in Spanish: Olesya (Olesya)
Name Olesya in German: Olesya (Olesya)
Name Olesya in Polish: Olesya (Olesya)
Name Olesya in Ukrainian: Alesya
Forms and variants of the name Olesya: Lesya, Alesya, Leska, Oleska, Aleska, Alya,
Olesya - name color: blue
Flower Olesya: cornflowers
Olesya stone: coral
Nicky for the name Olesya: Lesya, Magician, Sorceress, Forest fairy, Witch, Witch, Alya, Taiga


As a child, Olesya was susceptible to colds and bronchitis.
At school she is friends only with girls, not noticing the boys, who are often secretly in love with this independent, slender, athletic girl. She inherited her stubborn and independent character from her mother, and her pleasant appearance from her father, to whom she is more attached.

Adult Olesya straightforward and jealous. She is attached to her family, and she should be classified as the type of person who is said to be monogamous. However, this woman is characterized by eccentricity. She certainly commits actions that plunge her loved ones into amazement, and even fear. In her youth, it is quite possible that she will stun her parents with the message that she has jumped with a parachute or is going to go conquer the Himalayas.

She will choose a profession that is, if not rare, then unsuitable for a woman - a geologist, a surgeon or, say, a sea captain. Don’t be surprised if, when you return from vacation, you see that your kitchen has been converted into a darkroom - this means that your daughter has decided to become a photojournalist. There's no point in arguing with her. In the end, Olesya will be smart enough to listen to her parents’ sensible advice and become a normal engineer or accountant.

The first marriage of those born in winter is not always successful (they should not marry men who were also born in winter).

Sexuality of the name Olesya

She is very affectionate, soft, picky about men. Rarely achieves an advantage over his partner, but will not allow himself to be offended.

Olesya is an enthusiastic person, curious about everything related to sex. She is far from indifferent to erotic games, she is receptive to male caresses, to the touches of a loving woman. male hands to her body, she is especially sensitive to the caresses of her breasts. Not every partner can bring Olesya to climax, in order to give her the highest pleasure, he must be especially gentle and inventive in love play, which for Olesya can mean more than the sexual act itself.

Just loving Olesya is not enough; you also need to master all the difficult art of intimacy. Olesya is able, unexpectedly for her partner, surprising him, to show sexual abilities previously unknown to him. She always enjoys the feeling of novelty in communicating with a man. If something is not going well for Olesya intimate relationships, she withdraws into herself, suffers, but cannot clarify them in an open conversation with her partner. She would rather end all relations with him, although she would not stop tormenting and worrying. Having become attached to a man, she remains faithful to him; Olesya’s devotion to her lover is worth high compliments.

“Winter” Olesya- a narcissistic, stubborn creature, she has an increased sex drive, but this woman has strict rules and, having gotten married, remains faithful to her husband in any case - although sometimes waving it like a banner when she wants to crush her husband under her. In order for her marriage to last, it is better for her to marry a “winter” man.

Another Secret of the name Olesya

Olesya- this is an independent, independent and honest person, this name gives a girl, girl or woman a calm character, harmony with the world around her and with herself, an attractive, almost doll-like appearance. Olesya is inseparable from nature, this is exactly what the secret of her name says, she cannot live in a stone metropolis, she needs constant closeness with mother earth, water and clean air. Therefore, she settles outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle, where in her free time she enjoys the garden, vegetable garden and other homestead activities. The team loves Olesya, she is a devoted and attentive friend, she always remembers birthdays and congratulates on holidays. Olesechka will not leave you in trouble, she will always lend a helping hand, will do everything possible and impossible, many know this quality in her and value this personality. In life, this girl is distinguished by her eccentricity among others, she is not like everyone else. Olesya also chooses a profession, partly masculine, she becomes a surgeon, driver, film director, correspondent, geologist, and so on. She is straightforward and frank, trusting and optimistic, in general, she is a positive and kind living character. Olesya knows how to be a little cunning, but no one suffers from her cunning; she comes from one of those who never lose heart or complain. This is a woman who always moves forward towards her intended goal, and failures and mistakes only harden her; this person cannot be led astray from the true path. By nature, Olesya is a brave fighter; she shows this character trait in everything, at work and at home, in her career and business, in business and destiny.
Olesya she is very pretty, she is athletic, fit and well-groomed, she has neat and clear facial features, expressive eyes, it is not surprising that this teenage girl has already had many suitors and suitors since her school days. Growing up, Olesechka realizes her attractiveness and, as is typical for any beauty, begins to use it for her own purposes. IN childhood She has many health problems, but as she grows up, she gets rid of them. Olesya is demanding and critical of the male sex; she always raises the bar when choosing a life partner. This is a passionate woman, so she can have several marriages and in all of them she feels happy.

More characteristic on Name Compatibility Olesya

Olesya– this is a selective person, she will not throw herself at anything, she carefully analyzes a potential spouse, carefully studies the everyday, practical and intimate side of the relationship. Only if she is satisfied with everything will she be ready for a serious relationship and marriage. The slightest reason can stop this woman overnight from taking a responsible, fateful step in life. In her family routine, Olesya always leaves a little time for herself, although her husband and children are always well-fed, the house is clean, and the laundry is ironed. She completely warms everyone with her warmth and love, she is a selfless woman. When it comes to sex, Olesya is used to having pleasure; she appreciates men who are skilled and capable of delivering pleasure.
To live together, Olesya should take a closer look at men with the names: Rodion, Yaroslav, Grigory, Igor, Danila, Arkady and Vasily. She can also develop good and long-term relationships with Stanislav, Eduard, Vyacheslav, Gleb, Dmitry, Arthur and Oleg. The maximum strength of feelings will manifest itself in connection with Rudolf, Artem, Alexander, Taras and Alexey. Olesya will become very attached to Maxim and Makar, Semyon and Svyatoslav. But Olesya should avoid meetings and romances with Nikolai, Adolf, Timur and Damir, these names are absolutely incompatible with each other.

The meaning of the name Olesya, according to one version, means “protector.” According to another legend, this name translates as “forest”. Sometimes the designation through the letter A is practiced - Alesya. Her destiny is to sympathize with people, support them, and lift their spirits. Such a girl is intelligent and modest. At the same time, she has a strong nature and responsiveness, acting on the principle of reciprocity. To good people always responds kindly, but does not forgive any offenses caused.

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      Olesya in childhood

      The girl, who bears the name Olesya, is growing up quite active and mobile. In childhood, a child often gets sick and is most susceptible to lung diseases and acute respiratory viral infections.

      In childhood she can be slightly selfish. She accepts signs of attention from her environment as recognition of her exclusivity and originality.

      • At school, Olesya is an active child and loves to gather her peers around her. In addition to studying, he also attends a huge number of different sections and clubs. Parents send girls to sports at an early age. Tries to be on time in everything and always. The girl tries to become the best in her class and graduate from school with honors.

        With proper upbringing in adulthood, a girl becomes more shy and modest. Colds and bronchitis become frequent companions of the girl. Physical activity helps her stay healthy.

        How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage


        Olesya is an energetic girl, filled with optimism and love of life. Loves to be visible and attract attention. The girl is used to standing out from the crowd. He often defends his point of view and does it with great pleasure, but not categorically. He makes contact easily and has good communication skills.

        The girl is reasonable and balanced. But even this does not stop her from committing rash acts that shock others. The owner of the name is overly confident in herself. From childhood, she decided that she could handle any difficulties, and in case of any problems, she would be able to move mountains.

        The main trait of her character is determination. If a girl has set herself a specific goal, she will certainly move towards it. Along with determination, Olesya has the following character traits:

        • energy;
        • brightness;
        • prudence;
        • optimism;
        • determination;
        • love of life.

        The girl is not used to being sad and will never let her close people feel sad.

        Career success

        Olesya prefers to choose an interesting and highly paid job. While studying at school, she chooses where to go and what profession to choose. The girl’s choice shocks not only those around her, but also herself. Usually she chooses male professions, but she realizes herself 100% in them.

        Olesya will enjoy working in the fields of directing, advertising, architecture and design, and clothing modeling. Career growth will go well, especially if she puts her best effort into it. For her, promotion is not as important as enjoying her work.

        Romantic relationships

        The girl attracts the attention of men with her emotionality and originality. In her youth, the girl is not indifferent to men and often starts new romances.

        Already at the initial stage, Olesya is determined to build a long-term, serious relationship. Finds her man very quickly and doesn’t let go even a step. The owner of the name is a very jealous person, as well as a monogamous person. She will give her chosen one all her tenderness and care.

        The girl is very romantic and does not know how to lie about her feelings for a man. In a relationship, he completely dissolves in his partner and demands the same from him.

        Family and marriage

        In a girl's life, there are most often two marriages, the first of which turns out to be unsuccessful. But having drawn conclusions from her actions, the owner of the name in her second marriage has a different attitude towards her husband and his demands. The first marriage takes place when Olesya is not yet 20 years old. Immature age is the number one reason for relationship breakdown.

        In her second marriage, Olesya’s choice falls on a strong, intelligent man, with whom she will be like behind a stone wall. Olesya tries to solve all everyday issues that arise in the family on her own. She considers herself a good housewife, and we can agree with this.