Production of paper bags. Production of craft bags: how to organize a profitable business

A modern and promising direction is the production of craft bags as a business. Its profitability is assessed quite highly, and reviews indicate an ever-growing demand for such products. This will give even a beginner the opportunity to occupy his niche and enjoy growing profits.

The relevance and simple process of their manufacture makes this idea simple and attractive. If you approach the issue with all responsibility, then you can count on the fact that the invested funds will pay off very quickly.

Product Features

First, let's figure out what it is and what craft bags are for. Modern industry offers durable paper packaging that can withstand the heavy weight of almost any product. Even the name itself comes from the German Kraft (“strength”), which reflects the main property of the material - strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Thanks to significant advantages, such containers have taken first positions in the field of trade. It is natural and environmentally friendly, helps maintain the quality of products and various materials long period, compact and makes it possible to apply any printed information to the surface.

We also list the main advantages of business on craft bags:

  • Ease of organization production process.
  • The relevance of the project is maintained at the level of the conservation law surrounding nature.
  • They are pushing towards the room minimum requirements.
  • Thanks to printing on a paper surface, you can simultaneously engage in advertising activities.
  • The versatility of packaging significantly expands the scope of its use and opens up wide opportunities for sales.

Among the disadvantages, only large start-up capital investments and difficulties in finding new clients are noted, especially if the region is marked high level competition.

We prepare documents

The registration procedure is not too complicated. Depending on the desired production volumes or the number of co-founders, a suitable form of activity is selected - LLC or individual entrepreneur. In the first case, it will be possible to sell products to any clients, even corporate companies. In the second, business will be simpler, but some restrictions will remain in terms of future expansion of the company.

The taxation system can be unified, simplified or patent. It is important to indicate the correct OKVED code – 17.21 – Production corrugated paper and cardboard, as well as containers made from these materials. When hiring employees, you will have to register with the Social and Pension funds.

When preparing the workshop, no special difficulties should arise, since you only need to comply with the requirements for fire safety. To do this, make sure you have an emergency exit, a fire extinguisher, and use fire-resistant materials during repairs. After verification, a representative of the State Property Inspectorate will issue a permit. No additional licenses or certificates are needed to produce kraft bags.

Technological process

To find out what equipment is needed for the production of bags and paper packaging, you should understand what stages the raw materials go through in the process. Let's describe this moment briefly:

  1. First, blanks are created according to what is supposed to be done. They look like glued tubes made of a certain type of multi-layer paper.
  2. If necessary, a print with a logo, image, advertising campaign slogan, etc. is applied to the surface.
  3. Then, depending on the type of package, it is stitched or glued. This will require different devices. Therefore, initially decide what range of products you will produce. Stitched products are considered more durable and reliable, but the client does not always need this, and they are more expensive.
  4. When creating special bags with a valve (for closed bags), handles or other elements, perform the appropriate action - install them in the right places.
  5. Re-secure the bottom, giving strength to the package.
  6. The goods are compressed and packaged.

Set parameters (dimensions, volumes, printing, additional elements) you need to, depending on the order received, or decide independently what type of products to provide to customers in finished form. To do this, it is advisable to initially analyze the market and determine what exactly there is an increased demand for in a given region.

Workshop room

Although the regulatory authorities do not present any special requirements to the production of craft bags, however, when choosing a building you need to adhere to some criteria:

  • There is enough space for installing purchased devices, and there is also a separate warehouse for storing products.
  • It should be clean and dry here so as not to spoil the goods themselves.
  • Be sure to check the availability of electricity and other communications, and the network must withstand the load from all connected equipment.

In order to save money, this could be a building located somewhere outside the city or in an industrial part of it. Rent it will be low.

Equipment for the production of

According to the technological process described above, you should purchase all necessary equipment. Let's divide it into two main parts. The basic elements without which it is impossible to start such a business are:

  1. Machine for gluing blanks.
  2. A special apparatus for forming the bottom and re-fastening it.
  3. If you decide to create stitched packages, then you also need separate equipment for stitching the elements together.

Over time, to expand the business, it is advisable to purchase the following items:

  • punching machine;
  • printing machine for creating various images, inscriptions and effects;
  • convenient table for cutting ribbons;
  • special mixer for adhesive composition;
  • auxiliary mechanisms for lifting and carrying rolls of paper or packaged products;
  • filling machine.

With large production volumes, such costs will quickly pay off, but this technique will significantly simplify people’s work. Important point, which you should pay special attention to is the cost and power of the equipment.

It can be purchased in our country or abroad, as well as new or used. Since the costs of this item will be too high, you can start with the cheapest options and gradually purchase more powerful and expensive equipment.

Raw material base

Kraft bags are created from the most different materials, depending on what they are then used for. For this use:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Thick recycled paper.
  3. Luxpack.
  4. Art libris.
  5. Special wrapping material.
  6. Efalin.
  7. Coated paper, etc.

In each case, special raw materials are needed, which are selected according to technical requirements. If food is supposed to be stored in packaging, then higher standards will have to be observed.

Used for gluing special compounds starch-based, and for stitching - nylon thread. Also don't forget about consumables for creating handles, valves, ink for printing presses, etc. All this is purchased in wholesale quantities from suppliers at minimal cost. To maintain high production rates, it is better to enter into contracts for the constant purchase of products.


To service all machines and ensure smooth operation of the workshop, 3-4 employees will be needed. But they don’t need any special skills or knowledge. It is enough to be able to handle such devices, and experience in this field of production is desirable.

Accounting functions can be performed by the owner himself or outsourced, that is, to a visiting specialist. Hire a cleaner to keep the premises clean. And to establish sales of products - a qualified manager.

Search for clients

While creating craft bags is fairly easy, finding channels to sell the product sometimes turns out to be a difficult process. It’s better to take care of forming a base in advance regular customers. This requires attracting a person with certain knowledge, skills and connections. Despite the high wages such cooperation will be beneficial.

You can sell paper bags to the main consumer groups:

  • Retail stores and bakeries - they use packaging to preserve the freshness and taste characteristics of their products.
  • Marketing agencies use printed gift bags for promotions and actively use them for advertising purposes.
  • Manufacturing enterprises– for packaging various building materials, coal, agricultural products, etc.
  • For catering establishments - very often takeaway fast food is packaged in such bags.
  • Flower shops- For beautiful design bouquets and gifts.

Every entrepreneur dreams of concluding an agreement to supply their products to regular customers for a long period.

Unfortunately, given the high competition among large manufacturers of kraft packaging, it is very difficult for small businessmen to advance in the market. But if you find a new company that is just starting its journey and establish personal contact with the owner, you can conclude a mutually beneficial cooperation agreement.

Existing risks

It is important for a novice entrepreneur to worry about some points in advance:

  1. Expensive material for craft bags significantly increases the cost of production and reduces the profit of the business owner. In order to reduce the cost of the production process, it is advisable to contact a supplier of cheap recyclable materials.
  2. High consumption electricity to ensure the operation of all equipment. There is practically no way to avoid this. But it is worth noting that if you purchase machines with high power and low electricity consumption, then having paid once for the device, in the future you will save on monthly utility costs.
  3. Lack of customers for large quantities of goods. Be proactive in finding customers who might need your products. This and industrial enterprises in the region, agricultural land, companies engaged in the production of building materials or fertilizers, retailers, etc.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial part of the business plan

The largest expense item will be the purchase of expensive machines. But if you opt for a minimal set and start your business with used devices, then you will need much less investment. Let us describe the estimated costs based on average prices on the market.

If we calculate in detail the cost of one package, it will be 3.23 rubles. You can sell it for at least 10 rubles. Thus, in a month, with good production capacity, it will be possible to produce about 130,000 products, which in monetary terms will bring net profit 868,400 rubles.

Start-up costs pay off already from the first months of work. But this is provided that you organize the sale of goods in the same volume as production. If you develop at a slower speed, then even with minimum costs and small batches of packages sold, within six months all investments will be fully recouped. According to experts, profitability this direction is 30-40%.

Video: production of craft bags.

Many enterprising businessmen have already turned their attention to the niche of packaging materials. It’s not surprising - at relatively low costs, even a beginner can organize his own profitable business here. The main thing is that among the variety of packaging options, choose the release of the one that is most in demand and relevant today. This includes the production and sale of craft bags and bags. Kraft bag is a relatively new type of packaging on the market, made on the basis of very thick paper. In such containers it is possible to pack the most different products- starting from loose and ending with pasty.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 1,300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

But before starting to implement a project, it is important to think through each of your next steps. Detailed calculations expenses, market and competition analysis will help you run your business wisely in the future. What nuances need to be taken into account here so as not to burn out?

The process of making kraft bags

From a technological point of view, the production of craft bags and bags with handles is not at all difficult. Much is made easier by the fact that modern equipment, presented on the market, takes on almost all the “work” - manual labor is minimal.

Kraft paper bags and packages are produced using the following technology:

  • Production of a paper tube consisting of one or several layers, which is subsequently used as a blank.
  • Forming and stitching (if provided) at the bottom of the package.
  • Gluing handles or forming a flap for gluing.
  • Packaging of finished products.

The main raw materials for producing kraft bags are paper and starch-based glue. The raw materials are publicly available and, what is especially pleasing, are inexpensive.

The entire process can be carried out in small room(≈60 m2), to which the supervisory authorities do not impose special requirements. The only thing you should pay attention to is ventilation. 2-4 workers will be able to control production. Moreover, there is no need to hire qualified specialists here.

With technology, everything is more than clear; it will be much more difficult for an entrepreneur to carry out the next stage - purchasing all the necessary equipment.

Workshop technical equipment

Today you can buy equipment for the production of kraft bags and bags from many suppliers - there are a lot of offers on the market. And each line presented will differ not only in its price, but also in functionality.

If possible, it is worth thinking in advance about the assortment that is planned to be produced within the walls of the workshop. After all, the equipment of the purchased line will depend on this.

Line for the production of kraft bags and bags Newlong 127T

The simplest line for the production of craft bags and bags will consist of the following machines and apparatus:

  • Paper tube making machine.
  • Automatic machine for forming and gluing the bottom.
  • Machine for forming and gluing handles.

We have outlined a list of the most basic equipment that an entrepreneur can buy for approximately 350,000-500,000 rubles. But in order to expand the range by producing stronger, and therefore more expensive bags, you will need another unit - a machine for cutting interlining, cover and crepe sheets. This one costs about 100,000 rubles. And so that it becomes possible production Crafting bags with a logo cannot be done without a special flexo printing machine, the price of which can reach 700,000 rubles.

In the future, the existing line can be supplemented with an automatic paper corrugating machine, equipment for loading/unloading raw materials and finished products, as well as a press for baleing produced bags. All designated machines will greatly facilitate the production process.

Difficulties in marketing finished products

Experts predict further demand for paper packaging in the form of bags and sacks of various sizes. And that means production Kraft paper packages, with a competent approach, can bring consistently high profits.

The main goal that every novice entrepreneur should initially pursue is to establish distribution channels for their products. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, because the products are in high demand. But for sure, many enterprises and stores are already cooperating with someone and it will not be easy to “win” them over to your side.

For what purposes can craft bags be used?

  • For fast food packaging.
  • For coal and...
  • For storing food products (for tea, cereals, pasta, snacks)
  • As gift wrapping.

Everything is clear about the areas of application - it turns out that this is where you should look for interested wholesale customers. Naturally, in any big city there is more than one fast food, supermarket, construction market or a food manufacturing plant. This is where you should start looking for channels for selling finished products.

How profitable is the business?

It has already been proven in practice that the business of producing craft bags and packages can reach the break-even point in the shortest possible time, recouping all the costs of technically equipping the workshop, providing the raw material base and preparing the premises for work.

According to the most minimal estimates, opening a mini-workshop for the production of paper containers will require ≈1,300,000 rubles. If you purchase a fully equipped automated line, the costs will almost double.

According to experts, the profitability of this line of business is at least 35%. And these are good indicators for the small business segment. It turns out that even the high price of equipment for the production of craft bags and bags will pay off quite quickly. The cost of 1 paper bag can be 3-20 rubles, while it is sold finished products already at a price of 10-35 rubles. Knowing the daily output volumes, you can estimate the final monthly revenue.

We offer a full range of types and modifications paper bags (kraft bags) for any task. Can be used in the manufacture of bags Various types paper and lamination. It is possible to produce bags with a liner or impart various protective properties to paper. In the sections of our website you will find detailed description each group of bags.

Range of presented kraft bags is in stock in our warehouse. If suddenly you do not find the modification, size or color you are interested in, we are ready to produce the required quantity in the right size, color and modification within 3 days. In addition, we apply the logo from one color to full color in the shortest possible time.

By load capacity:

By configuration:

By purpose:

for 5-10 kg Open Cement
for 25-30 kg Closed with valve (box type) Dry mixes
50 kg and above With HDPE, LDPE liner Gypsum
With PP lamination (extra durable) Glue


With PE lamination Coal
72x50x13 cm, 3 layers Berries
100x49.5x9 cm, 3 layers

By color:

Powdered milk
Brown Fish


White Vegetables and fruits
Sack paper in rolls

Paper bags - environmentally friendly and versatile packaging

Reasons to buy paper bags at Tarre

  • Convenient service and a large assortment set us apart from our competitors.
  • In addition to standard types, laminated bags and bags with liners are always available.
  • Minimum production time for bags and logo application.

Modifications and features of paper bags

Using modern equipment and materials from leading manufacturers in production, we guarantee the quality of our paper bags.

Paper packaging is suitable for many purposes

Currently, the demand for natural packaging is growing day by day. In addition to being environmentally friendly, kraft paper is highly durable, moisture resistant and breathable.

When making bags, taking into account the tasks at hand, various papers are used. Each type of paper has its own generally accepted brand.

  1. The NM brand (ordinary kraft paper) is used everywhere, in all types of bags. Open bags are most often made from this paper. .
  2. The UNM brand (bleached kraft paper) allows you to give the bag a more presentable appearance. Bleached paper has increased strength and strengthens the bag as a whole. Printing on this paper looks especially high quality.
  3. The MK brand (microcreped paper), due to the crepe, increases the strength of the bag. With this paper you can save on the number of layers. It is most popular in the production of valve bags.
  4. HP brand (highly porous crepe paper), in addition to being particularly durable, has increased air permeability, which allows the product not to cake.
  5. The PM brand (laminated paper) is used if it is necessary to protect products from harmful external influences. If the product is exposed to moisture, it is recommended to use lamination.
  6. Brand BM (bitumen paper) will protect products from moisture and provide additional strength. Used in open and closed bags.
  7. Brand VM (impregnated paper) serves to protect the contents of the bag from moisture. Special impregnation improves the properties of paper. Used in open, closed bags and paper bags.

In addition to using the main brands, the paper can be made greaseproof, heat-resistant or foil-proof. This is especially in demand in production kraft bags for food products.

Always a large assortment of different craft bags in stock

Exist different types kraft bags, each of them serves its own purposes and has its own configuration. We sell the following types: open kraft bags, valve (closed) kraft bags, paper bags and specialized paper packaging.

Structurally, most bags can be made with a stitched or glued volumetric bottom. The difference is that bags with a volumetric bottom are more stable in a vertical position and are convenient to use on semi-automatic product packaging lines. There are also bags in a flat design and with side folds (folds).

Open bags, after packaging the products, can be tied with ropes, closed with seals and ties. We recommend using bag sewing machines (mzm), they allow you to sew from 100 to 2000 bags per shift.

We offer a full range of related products

The color of paper packaging is usually brown or white (bleached), but it is possible to print the package 100% in any color.

In addition to bags, kraft paper can be ordered in rolls.

Scope of application of kraft bags (expand)

Making paper bags (expand)

Four semi-automatic machines are involved in production:

  1. A machine that produces multi-layer glued paper tube.
  2. Machine for forming and gluing the bottom.
  3. Sheet cutting machine.
  4. Bottom stitching machine.

At the initial stage, a paper tube is made, with required quantity layers. This is considered a preparation for the future bag.

On final stage, the glued bags pass through the press and are packed into bales. Bags without a glued bottom are re-stitched before pressing.

Printing on paper packaging (expand)

The popularity of environmentally friendly packaging is growing every year, as humanity pays more and more attention to protecting nature and the environment in general. Many countries have switched from plastic bags to paper ones, and some supermarkets give out paper grocery bags for free, and plastic bag sell.

In Russia, kraft bags are not yet so popular, but there is already a shift towards environmental friendliness and interest in these products is growing. The growth in demand is also facilitated by the fact that many products and materials cannot be packaged in polyethylene: gypsum, cement, charcoal for barbecues, flour, etc.

from 38 RUR/pcs.
37.8 RUR/piece (5000 pieces) - size 250x360x80 mm, 1+0, offset printing, kraft paper 120 g/m2, twisted paper handles.

Order an estimate


Kraft bags are stylish and inexpensive packaging that is popular with many manufacturers and sellers. Paper bags are gradually replacing plastic ones, because paper is no less aesthetic, but highly environmentally friendly material. Kraft bags with a logo and neat rope or twisted handles will be an excellent packaging for souvenirs, fashionable clothes, accessories and peculiar business card brand. Gifts are often given in such bags: bright shiny packaging is no longer relevant, natural motifs are in fashion

The Galla-M printing house offers to make packaging individual: craft bags with a logo look presentable and can advantageously present a product or brand. Our production is capable of producing packaging various forms and sizes depending on the characteristics of a particular product.

Making craft bags with a logo: features

Our bags are made from recycled paper. This kraft paper easily accepts many types of printing and foil stamping. The production of kraft paper is a popular direction in the packaging industry, as it is an environmentally friendly raw material that is easily recyclable. In addition, this material is very inexpensive: for a low cost you can produce a large circulation of paper bags

Logo printing on kraft paper is possible in the following ways:

  • offset printing,
  • silkscreen printing,
  • embossing

The Galla-M printing house offers to order bags made of brown, brown-gray or white paper with a thickness of 80 to 350 g. The image is applied to one side of the package or to both (the image on both sides may be the same or different). Kraft paper bags look interesting and attract attention, and for a presentable appearance You can order bags made of bleached paper.

The type of paper, printing features and circulation volume directly affect the final price of kraft bags with a logo. However, the larger the circulation, the cheaper the unit of goods will be. Printing on kraft bags – a great opportunity“dress” your product in attractive and fashionable packaging.

our clients


Production of paper bags

Production of paper bags

The company "SIAF-Pribor" is Russian manufacturer high-quality paper bags, which has been operating in Moscow since 2002. During this period, we have transformed from a young, developing organization into a reputable supplier of high-quality products. Our paper bag production is equipped with a German Windmoller&Hollscher line with a capacity of 35 million bags per year. With its help, we can fulfill orders in large volumes and of any complexity.

Our production of paper bags involves the use of exclusively high-quality raw materials, which in turn is responsible for high technical indicators manufactured products. Depending on the individual wishes of the customer, as well as on the type of products he produces, the number of paper layers of the bags is selected. It can vary in the range from 2 to 5. The greater their number during the manufacturing process of the product, the higher the strength the finished bags acquire.

For additional protection from moisture, these paper products can be equipped with a layer of polyethylene. Our production involves the production of brown or white (bleached) bags. To glue products, we use special foreign-made glue, which guarantees an extremely strong and reliable seam.

Printing images on paper bags

We, as modern manufacturers of paper bags, offer our customers not only the direct production of these products, but also a number of additional services, in particular the placement of images. We can apply to bags:

  • advertising your products;
  • your organization's logo;
  • various drawings.

Our equipment allows us to apply bright and clear 4-color images to these paper products. Such bags will become an inexpensive, but at the same time effective advertising product that:

  • will increase awareness of your brand in the market;
  • will increase the competitiveness of your products;
  • will convey information to potential consumers about your products or services.

That is why the production of paper bags with a logo and advertising is the most promising and sought-after area of ​​our activity.

Stages of production of paper products

The manufacturing process of paper products such as bags requires strict adherence to sequence technological process, namely:

  • production of blanks;
  • applying the appropriate image to the bags, if necessary;
  • bottom gluing;
  • production of a valve blank and the valve itself, which is important for the production of valve products;
  • paper blanks are finally glued;
  • pressing, packaging and labeling of finished products.

All these stages of production are carried out under the strict control of our employees, who monitor the quality of the products. After completion of the production cycle, all paper bags pass through the technical control department. Based on the results of inspections, a quality certificate for the product is issued. All this is a guarantee that by ordering the production of paper bags from us, you will receive high-quality products that comply with state standards.

Producing decent paper products

Our company has been specializing in the production of paper bags for more than 12 years. . Today we can offer our customers such a range of products as open and closed (valve) bags. Opened paper products can be used for packaging:

  • food bulk goods,
  • various dietary supplements,
  • chemical products,
  • charcoal.

Valved paper products are preferably used for storing:

In order to minimize losses during the production of your products and, in particular, during packaging, we make special perforations in paper bags. Air escapes through these holes, which in turn reduces the dustiness of the process.

When producing paper bags, we always adhere to clear and timely fulfillment of our obligations to each customer. We promptly carry out individual orders any volumes that will pleasantly surprise you with both their cost and enviable quality.