How to equip the ceiling in the apartment. How to finish the ceiling: whitewashing, painting, pasting with wallpaper and slabs, finishing with liquid wallpaper, suspended and tension structures. Work performance rules

Many apartment owners come to the decision to make repairs with their own hands. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on building materials and tools. If the work is done on your own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all of your dreams about a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in hardware stores require specific skills, work experience and a certain amount of skill. If you are not confident in your own abilities and are doing repairs for the first time, then it is better to use the “proven methods” that will be easy even for a beginner in such a difficult area as repair.

In this article, we will look at do-it-yourself ceiling finishes. Some are suitable for absolutely everyone, others are worth paying attention only to people who already have experience finishing works.

Do-it-yourself ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for decoration. It does not require long-term leveling, puttying, plastering and primer. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling if it doesn't peel off.

In order to fix the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is low, the speed of installing panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may take longer, but the next ones will be fastened very quickly. An excellent option in terms of the ratio of time spent and the price of materials.

Another plus of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why the ceilings in the bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually trimmed with plastic. A wide selection of colors and textures is also an advantage of this method.

The only (doubtful) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is considered not eco-friendly material. But on this account different people different opinion.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

Do-it-yourself plastic ceiling - video

Do-it-yourself ceiling decoration with wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on which wallpaper you choose, repairs can turn out to be quite cheap or quite expensive.

A clear disadvantage of this method is the need for preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if any), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it, and only then proceed with wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

Perfectly flat ceilings are rare, and making them so without experience is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpapers on an uneven ceiling, they will not look very good, because the joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

Among the advantages of this method are relatively quick and easy installation, a huge range and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, they can be changed to others without re-preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper for finishing the ceiling with your own hands, if there are no defects on the surface. Fast way suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then drywall finishing is a great solution. First you will need to mount the frame to which the drywall will be attached. This building material is one of the most popular on the market, since even beginners can easily work with it, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from drywall. Tiered plasterboard ceilings will help visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend that you use multilayer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use the "concave" ceilings. And ovals and radii will help to give a large room coziness.

Another advantage of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms(exclusively moisture resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, pantries.

The only obvious drawback is the need for additional work after installation. You will need to carefully putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive, but time-consuming way to finish the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also such a finishing option as stretch ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite laborious and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to install yourself stretch ceiling with your own hands. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both tailoring and installation of stretch ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying stretch ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has been on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

Do-it-yourself ceiling painting

This option has been used in the decoration of apartments for many years and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You do not need to be afraid of the "flood" arranged by the neighbors from above, the ceiling, finished with paint, can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it must be not only perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this, you will have to remove the existing coating, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to perfect smoothness with sandpaper (or a special mesh). This hard work, requiring not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. Achieving the perfect ceiling for a non-professional will be very difficult.

The advantages of painting the ceiling with your own hands is that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, with mother-of-pearl, fluorescent (glow in the dark). You can even find paint that creates the effect of stretch ceilings.

Bottom line: a great way to finish the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made flat surface. Otherwise, the repair will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands - video

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How to finish the ceiling in a residential area: an overview of current solutions and how to implement them

Hello. In this article I will talk about how to finish the ceiling in a house or apartment. I am sure that the topic will be of interest to many compatriots who have planned a major or redecorating your real estate. After all, despite the abundance of ways to finish the floor, it is not easy to decide on the best option.

What determines the choice of finish

You may be interested in what the ceiling is finished in Berlin, Paris or other major cities of the world, but often the choice of the best option depends not only on fashion trends, but also on other factors.

Among them I note the following:

  • The state of the overlap, namely, the degree of its preservation;
  • The type of ceiling, namely, with the use of what materials and what technologies the ceiling was made with;
  • The height of the ceiling and, as a result, the ability to lower the ceiling without compromising the comfort of living;
  • Features of the operation of the premises, namely, the seasonality of residence, the presence of heating in the cold season, the degree of moisture content in the air, etc.;
  • The budget of funds allocated for the repair work;
  • The time allotted for the repair work.

So, I have listed the main factors influencing the choice of method for finishing the ceiling. If you are interested in one or another finishing method, consider its characteristics taking into account the listed factors and it will be clear whether it is suitable or not.

The most common ways to finish ceilings

I want to note right away that almost all the methods listed in the table can be done by hand using an available tool. Consider each of these finishing options in more detail.

Plastering the ceiling

Perhaps this is the most common method that has been successfully used for a long time. Plastering technology involves applying a certain amount of a special mixture to the surface to be finished and then leveling the applied layer.

Based on what material the work is being done, plastering can be of two types:

  • Draft - when a mixture with a large grain of filler is applied to the relief surface;
  • Finishing - when a finely dispersed mixture covers the microrelief on a dried layer of rough plaster.

What are the pros and cons of the technology in terms of doing the ceiling decoration yourself?

Among the advantages I note the following:

  • Availability and relatively low price of ready mixes;
  • The possibility of self-preparation of mixtures;
  • General reinforcement of the floor;
  • The versatility of the technology, since the right mixture sticks to most floors.

However, there are disadvantages, and among them:

  • The complexity of the process, even when using guide beacons;
  • In order to count on the optimal result, an impressive experience in performing plastering work is required;
  • Long project implementation time.

In order to make it clear how the ceiling is plastered, I offer a brief photo report with explanations for each stage:

  • First, using a level and a cord, the lowest point on the floor is determined;

  • In accordance with this point, guide beacons are installed on the surface to be trimmed;

  • The plaster mixture is prepared strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
  • With the help of a plaster trowel, the solution is applied to the ceiling with a layer slightly protruding beyond the surface of the beacons;

  • The rule is set with the edges on the beacons and is led towards itself, as a result of which the applied layer is leveled;

  • After the mixture is drawn out, small dips remain on the surface, they must be filled with the mixture and drawn out again with the rule;
  • After the entire overlap has been completely completed, the time required for the mixture to dry completely is waited;

  • A mixture is prepared for final leveling and applied to the prepared surface with a trowel;

  • After complete drying of the finishing layer, the surface is polished with a paint grater;
  • At the end of grinding, the ceiling brought to zero is primed and painted.

By the way, I forgot to tell you about the most serious drawback of plastered ceilings - they are sensitive to temperature changes and to excess moisture air. If the room is heated irregularly, there is a high probability of the appearance of age spots and mold in the corners and along the perimeter of the junction of the ceiling to the walls.

Plasterboard sheathing

The next no less popular option is a plasterboard ceiling. This method has many advantages, including:

  • The ability to assemble not only single-level, but also multi-level structures;
  • Unlimited possibilities in the choice of architectural forms;
  • The ability to hide various communications in the floor covering;
  • Simplicity and short terms of the device of a covering.

By the way, there are practically no disadvantages of this technology that you need to pay attention to. Intrigued? In this case, I propose to learn how to finish the ceiling with drywall.

Finishing instructions are not difficult:

  • Along the perimeter of the room, a level is beaten off with an indent from the lowest point of the ceiling by at least 4 cm;

In previous articles, I told you why exactly 4 cm, but I will repeat it again. The thickness of the guide profile is 3 cm and another 1 cm is left to grab the profile when you align it on the hangers.

  • A CD-profile is attached to the dowel-nails along the broken level along the perimeter of the walls;
  • Along long wall markings are made on the surface of the draft ceiling, along which guide profiles are attached;

  • Profiles are aligned along the cord and fixed with hangers;
  • If necessary, sound and heat insulating material is laid in the gaps between the guide profiles;
  • At the same stage, wiring is laid between the profile to lighting equipment or other communications;

  • The installed profiles are sheathed with drywall, which is fastened in separate fragments in a run on self-tapping screws;
  • After the overlap is sheathed, the seams are trimmed and aligned;

  • Prepared seams are filled with putty and glued with a reinforcing mesh;
  • The entire coating is puttied and then sanded with regular checking of the evenness of the ceiling;
  • Upon completion of grinding, the ceiling is completely ready for painting work.

Sheathing with particle boards

This floor finish is the best option for use in the country.

This technique is not much different from the previous instructions, only instead of light drywall, chipboard or oriented strand boards are used.

What explains the choice of such material? In truth, drywall is superior to particle board in every way. Therefore, it can be assumed that OSB and chipboard are used as ceiling cladding if it is not possible to buy drywall or there is not enough experience to work with it.

Although, such conclusions are doubtful, since GKL is ultimately no more expensive than OSB boards, and it is much easier to work with it.

Among the shortcomings of the particle board used as floor cladding, I note the following:

  • High formaldehyde emission, especially for chipboard;
  • The large weight of the plate and, as a result, the load on the supporting frame;
  • Difficult finish, as leveling putties on particle boards are difficult to hold;
  • Despite the mark "moisture resistant", any particle board is destroyed in conditions of high humidity, and therefore such materials are not recommended for installation in a bathroom or in a bath.

Are there any advantages to particle boards for which these materials are worth using as cladding?

The only advantage is the appearance of the OSB, which will be combined with the same wall decoration. But once again I will draw your attention to the high emission of formaldehydes, and therefore such materials are either additionally puttied and the appearance is lost, or they are not installed in residential premises.

Plywood sheathing

This finish option is not as popular as stucco or drywall.

The main reason that plywood ceilings are rarely sheathed is the high price of quality material and the need for experience in finishing work. That is, everyone can fix it on the crate, but to do it so that the surface looks like a single whole without traces fasteners and slab joints can only be done by qualified installers.

What is good about plywood used as a finishing material? Plywood is an environmentally friendly material made from wood veneer. Plywood is distinguished by a low degree of formaldehyde emission in comparison with particle boards.

Due to the fact that veneer is used in the production, the surface finished with plywood looks like solid wood. This ceiling sheathing does not have an unpleasant odor characteristic of vinyl lining and stretch ceilings. However, plywood is rarely used for finishing apartments and still remains the choice for arranging a country house.

How is the ceiling sheathed with plywood? There are two common ways:

  • Stuffing wooden crate and installation of plates on self-tapping screws;
  • Installation of plates directly on the ceiling, provided that it is sufficiently even, dry and dense.

The first method is good because by installing the crate, you can compensate for the unevenness of the floor. This is done by placing pieces of plywood under the crate at the site of failure.

In addition, as with the installation of drywall and other board materials, insulating materials and communications can be laid in the gap between the ceiling or plywood. Thus, plywood ceiling sheathing is not only environmentally friendly and beautiful, but also functional.

The use of plastic panels

Plastic panels are the first polymer, that is, synthetic material in our review. And despite the fact that the material is synthetic, it is becoming more and more popular every year. Why?

There are several reasons, among them:

  • Affordable price, since plastic panels are much cheaper than other materials listed in the review;
  • A wide range of panels on sale, that is, you can buy both wide and narrow monochrome and color modifications;
  • Low weight of the panels and, as a result, a small load on the supporting frame;
  • The resistance of the panels to excessive humidity in the air, which means the possibility of installation in kitchens and bathrooms;
  • Simplicity and concise mounting magpies.

In order to understand how easy it is to work with plastic panels, I'll tell you about the instructions for do-it-yourself ceiling sheathing.

Installation instructions are as follows:

  • On the floor, the section that protrudes most downwards is determined and, relative to this section, along the perimeter, a level is marked for the thickness of the guide profile;
  • We fix the profiles at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other with the expectation that they should be located across the intended direction of the panels;

  • Along the perimeter of the room, along the lower edge of the fixed profiles, we fasten the initial strips with glue or dowel-nails (a profile with a groove into which the end of the panels enters);

  • We put the panels with a spike into the initial bar, at the same time turning the ends into the side bars;

  • We fasten the panels to the profiles with self-tapping screws from the side of the groove, as shown in the photo;

  • The last panel is cut longitudinally along the contour of the wall with a gap of about 12 cm and is attached to the profile;

  • A longitudinally trimmed initial bar is attached over the last panel.

Agree that sheathing the ceiling with plastic panels is not at all difficult and you will surely cope with it.

Are there any disadvantages of plastic panels that you should be aware of before installation?

PVC panels can be deformed under the influence of high temperatures. However, this is not a drawback, and nevertheless, lighting fixtures must be hung so that closely spaced lamps do not melt the surface. With the advent of new types of lighting equipment with less heat, this problem becomes less relevant.

Another feature of plastic panels is zero vapor permeability. Thus, in the cold season in the bathroom there is a possibility of condensation. Therefore, in rooms with humid air, in the case of using plastic panels, it is advisable to equip effective system ventilation.

Finishing the ceiling with wooden clapboard

Now that you know how to finish the ceiling with plastic panels, I’ll tell you about the use of an outwardly similar material - wooden lining.

Wooden lining, unlike plastic panels, has not received much distribution in the arrangement of city apartments. Nevertheless, such material is widely used in the decoration of ceilings in cottages and country houses.

Structurally, lining is similar to plastic panels, which is why the panels are often mistakenly called lining.

There is a spike on one edge of the lining, and a groove on the other side. During assembly, the tenon of one panel is inserted into the groove of another panel, resulting in assembled structure differs in tightness.

As in the case of plastic panels, communications and insulating materials can be placed behind the lining. This is more than relevant if the ceiling in a private house is cold or noisy neighbors live in the apartment on the floor above.

Along with numerous advantages, lining has a couple of significant drawbacks, including low resistance to temperature extremes, excessive humidity and biological factors. The lining is made of wood, and the tree deforms due to frequent temperature fluctuations, becomes damp due to excessive moisture, and rots due to biological factors.

To prevent damage to wood, it is advisable to prepare the lining before installation, namely, soak it with antiseptic preparations, and cover it with a layer of varnish on top. Of course, in a room finished with wooden clapboard, it is desirable to maintain uniform temperature and humidity indicators.

Ceiling with plastic tiles

If you are faced with the question of how you can very inexpensively decorate the ceiling on the balcony, in the kitchen or in other auxiliary rooms, plastic tiles are an excellent solution.

Plastic tiles are square or rectangular plates made of PVC. The surface of the plates can have a different factor, it can be one-color or color. Finishing material is light, and therefore the installation is carried out by gluing directly to the ceiling surface.

When choosing this method of arranging building surfaces, it is necessary to take into account that plastic plates unable to hide the relief of the base on which the installation is carried out, so the surface must be initially flat.

On sale, along with plates, a wide range of glue is presented. The adhesive is selected according to the type of mounting surface. The resource of finishing with plates is limited only by the holding capacity of the adhesive.

Among the significant drawbacks of the method, I note that the plates become dirty over time and, due to the complex terrain and the sagging surface, it is not so easy to wash them. In addition, most adhesive compositions, adapted to work with this material, are characterized by high adhesion, and therefore it will be possible to remove the glued plates by tearing them off with the “meat”.

Stretch ceiling over the rough base

Another actual way finishing of overlappings is the installation of stretch ceilings. Among the advantages of the method, I note the following:

  • Possibility of installation with any type of ceilings;
  • The minimum gap between the canvas and the ceiling is 20 mm, which means that installation in a room with a low ceiling is allowed;
  • Durability of the coating despite the small thickness of the web;
  • Possibility of installation in the ceiling lighting fixtures;
  • A wide range of color and texture designs;
  • Ease of maintenance, as all modern stretch ceilings are antistatic and dust does not accumulate on them;
  • Affordable price compared to other materials.

Are there any downsides to this finishing method?

There is only one drawback - it is specific bad smell the first week after installation. Therefore, I recommend ordering the installation of vinyl ceilings in warm time year, when the windows in the room can be kept constantly open. Once again I repeat within 5-7 days the unpleasant smell of plastic disappears completely.

How is a vinyl ceiling installed?

I want to note right away that the ceiling can be finished with a variety of materials with your own hands, but stretch vinyl structures are purchased to order and their installation is carried out by specialists.

Why? Well, if only because when installing the ceiling with a standard tool that is in the household, you can’t do it.

In order for the canvas to warm up evenly over the entire area and sag, a heat gun is used, which does not make sense to buy for the sake of a one-time installation of the ceiling. By the way, replace the hair dryer heat gun can not.

In addition, proper installation of the canvas requires appropriate experience. While the film is still heated, you must quickly stretch it and hook it on the profile, which cannot be done without proper skill.

And finally, ceilings are made only to order according to the size of a room. Therefore, buy a finished canvas for self installation most likely it won't work.


Now that you know how and with what to finish the ceiling, you can choose the best option for arranging a particular room.

What can I advise? Personally, I like plasterboard finishes and stretch ceilings. The reasons why I prefer these finishes are listed above.

I hope you also decide on your opinion about how to finish the ceiling in the apartment. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article, I will definitely answer.

November 6, 2016

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The ceiling in the room occupies a considerable area, so its decoration should be approached responsibly. Sometimes, even an interior thought out to the smallest detail looks unfinished if the surface above is not involved in creating the overall look of the room.

The options for finishing the ceiling are varied, and choose the most suitable material in accordance with the design intent, the level of complexity in manufacturing and financial capabilities will not be difficult. The most common methods of finishing the ceiling, which will be confirmed by the corresponding photos, will be discussed in this article.

Types of materials and methods of finishing the ceiling

There are many options for finishing and decorating the ceiling, the choice of which depends on several criteria:

  1. Purpose of the premises and microclimatic indicators in it. For example, the bathroom is characterized by high humidity, so the ceiling finish material must be moisture resistant. In the kitchen, in addition to humidity, there are temperature changes and pollution, so the ceiling must adequately withstand cleaning. In the bedroom, special requirements are placed on the environmental friendliness and vapor permeability of the ceiling;

  1. From the size of the room and its height. In a low room, the suspended ceiling structure will “absorb” at least 10 cm, but will allow you to adjust the geometry of a narrow or too wide space. Glossy surfaces reflect light and visually enlarge the room, while matte surfaces gently scatter light rays;

Finishing in the apartment should be in harmony with the interior of the room.

  1. From the style of the interior. A trendy multi-level stretch ceiling is suitable for modern interiors, while a white flat surface will be appropriate for a classic design or country style;

  1. From the level of difficulty. Some types of finishes can be done by hand, in other cases, work must be done by qualified specialists;

Bright glossy, photo

  1. From financial opportunities. There are finishing materials, the price of which is affordable for everyone, and more expensive ones, up to elite ones, for example, wooden panels made to order from precious woods.

To make a choice, you need to know about the types of finishing materials and their properties. Some finishing options should be considered in more detail.

Finish options


This method of surface finishing has been known for a long time. And before the advent of finishing materials, it was the only budget way to create finish coat. It is still used in the repair of premises that do not particularly pretend to sophistication - the ceiling is smooth and white.

This method of finishing has its positive and negative sides:

  1. Lime-based material has the most affordable cost;
  2. Ceiling finishes can be made on your own, without involving specialists and without special construction skills;
  3. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can often be found on the ceilings of children's and medical institutions;
  4. The white smooth ceiling is versatile and will look good in any interior;
  5. It is the whitewashed ceiling in combination with wooden beams that will emphasize the flavor of the rustic style in the room.

Bedroom interior in country style, photo

Among the disadvantages of whitewashing, the following can be noted:

  1. This coating has a short service life;
  2. due to its properties, it is not resistant to moisture and pollution;
  3. Due to the high degree of hygroscopicity, the lime surface cannot be washed;
  4. Over time, the integrity of the coating is violated - it begins to flake off and crumble;
  5. Does not have a special decorative effect;
  6. The coating requires frequent updating;

  1. A thorough and complex preparatory process is required before whitewashing - the base must be puttied, plastered and primed;
  2. The process of renovating an old lime coating requires the removal of the existing layer and careful preparation of the base;
  3. The production process of this type of finishing work is associated with the formation of a large amount of dust and pollution;
  4. The coating does not hide the irregularities and defects of the base.


Painting is a more practical way to finish the surface (see). Moreover, with the advent of modern decorative relief paints, the ceiling can acquire an original appearance. In addition, the paint can have any shade and quality of coating - glossy or matte.

  • With the help of paint, you can decorate the ceiling with artistic painting, ornaments and patterns using stencils or curly rollers.

Contrasting design in the apartment, photo

  • If you want to create an even white finish, you can use white matte paint for the classic interior of the room, and glossy paint in the kitchen.

  • This type of finish cannot be called durable either, but with proper preparation base and selection of paint, it will last longer than whitewashing. The substrate must be carefully prepared before applying the paint.
  • First of all, the base is examined for the presence of leaks from above, and they are eliminated when detected. Otherwise, moisture will cause the paint to peel off.
  • Before applying paint, the base is leveled, cracks are sealed and primed. The quality of the preparatory work will be the key to uniform distribution of paint over the surface, its durability and aesthetic appearance.

At a cost, painting with water-dispersion compositions is one of the budgetary finishing methods that are relevant for any room in the house.

The positive qualities include the following:

  1. Affordable cost;
  2. The process of applying paint to the ceiling does not require special skills;
  3. The paint is resistant to moisture, steam and temperature extremes;
  4. The paint dries in a short time, so such repairs can be considered quick;
  5. Water-dispersion paint is environmentally friendly;
  6. A wide range of colors allows you to choose the right shade for any interior;
  7. Painting will become great solution for low spaces.

Important! You can apply paint on any substrate, but it is necessary that metal parts previously treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Among the shortcomings of this material, the following can be noted:

  1. Short operational period;
  2. Careful preparation of the base with complete removal old coating - plaster or whitewash;
  3. The paint does not hide the irregularities and defects of the base, so it must be carefully leveled;
  4. The material requires periodic updating. Glossy paint on the ceiling in the kitchen does not absorb odors and dirt, but grease stains settle on its surface.


Another common in an inexpensive way finishing is its decorative plastering:

  1. This material is environmentally friendly;
  2. Possesses vapor permeability;
  3. Creates an even monolithic coating;
  4. Depending on the internal filler, it has a different degree of relief;
  5. Can be dyed in any color and varnished, which allows it to be used in the kitchen;

  1. It is combined with many finishing materials in the interior;
  2. Hides imperfections on the surface when applied, therefore, does not require a complex procedure for preparing the base;
  3. Is a non-combustible material;
  4. Has an affordable price.

One of the positive qualities of this material is the possibility of applying the composition in a mechanized way. To do this, use a special plastering machine or spray gun, with which the mixture is supplied under pressure and evenly distributed over the surface.

This method of application allows you to save material, as it is dosed and covers even the most inaccessible places.

At the same time, the speed of work execution increases several times. The coating is embossed and resembles a “fur coat” in texture.

After applying the entire composition to the ceiling, the plaster is smoothed with a spatula, resulting in an original pattern. When stained with paint, a two-color relief coating is formed.

Important! Working with plaster, especially on the ceiling, requires certain skills, so you won’t be able to do the job on your own.


One of the inexpensive types of ceiling decoration is pasting them with wallpaper. Special preparatory work is not required - only the elimination of obvious irregularities and primer coating. And minor flaws, such as pores and small shells on concrete base, roll material can hide.

Wallpaper in a modern interior in an apartment, photo

Of the positive qualities of such a finish, the following can be noted:

  1. Affordable material cost;
  2. Environmental friendliness;
  3. Aesthetic appearance and a variety of patterns and colors will allow you to choose the material for any interior solution (see);
  4. Some specimens have embossed and embossed patterns on their surface;
  5. Wallpaper can be combined both with each other and with other finishing materials, creating a unique look of the room;

  1. allow, if desired, to change the color scheme of the interior without removing the decorative coating;
  2. A quick way to give a room new look- the work is carried out relatively quickly, and is not associated with the formation of a large amount of construction waste and pollution;
  3. No special skills are required to perform the work.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the wallpaper is not suitable for rooms with high humidity. In the kitchen, wallpaper can be glued in the dining area, and above the work area, it is better to use a more practical coating.

Since wallpaper is a rolled material, a seamless coating will not work. To glue the wallpaper with high quality, you will need the help of a second person.

Wallpapering is considered short-lived, and due to the complexity of the repair, it has lost its popularity. They were replaced by a modern material called liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper

This finishing material is also called "silk plaster" if it contains silk fibers. The texture of this material really resembles plaster composition, and named wallpaper due to the fact that it contains cellulose fibers.

Finishing liquid wallpaper

  1. Application instructions are extremely simple - the mass is distributed with a spatula;
  2. Forms an even monolithic coating, masking the imperfections of the base;
  3. It can have any shade and decorative fillers;
  4. Liquid wallpaper can be painted and varnished, increasing their moisture resistance;
  5. The material is environmentally friendly, therefore it is successfully used in children's rooms and bedrooms;

  1. Possesses sound and heat-insulating qualities;
  2. Repairable - the damaged area, if it is a scratch, can be moistened and smoothed with a spatula. Deeper damage can be repaired with fresh mortar;

Important! It is recommended to purchase liquid wallpaper with a small margin, so that if necessary, use it when repairing the coating. The remains of the unused mixture will also work, which can be stored in a frozen form, and before use it is enough to soak it with water.

Niche decorated with liquid wallpaper

  1. Using stencils and using the composition different shade, you can perform complex patterns;
  2. The coating belongs to the category of durable;
  3. Vapor permeability;
  4. Working with this material does not require special building skills;
  5. Liquid wallpaper does not fade under the influence of the sun if they contain silk fibers.

Among the shortcomings of this material can be noted high cost. If the wallpaper is not varnished, then they will absorb odors and moisture.

Styrofoam tiles

They have a decorative appearance, thanks to a relief surface with a different pattern. You can pick them up for any interior: from classic to discreet. modern type minimalism. With this finish, you can quickly repair the ceiling.

Of the positive qualities of this material, the following can be noted:

  1. The tile has an aesthetic appearance;
  2. It can be dyed;
  3. Polystyrene products can be of any size and shape;
  4. The tile has a small weight, so it does not exert a special load on the base;
  5. The slight thickness allows it to be used in low rooms;

From polystyrene boards

  1. The tile masks minor irregularities and defects on the ceiling;
  2. It is a durable material with proper operation and installation;
  3. Has an affordable price;
  4. The work does not require special skills, and simple installation allows you to repair the ceiling in a short time.

Important! The tile relief resembles stucco, so you need to be careful when choosing a pattern - it will not be relevant for every interior.

You can additionally decorate with a border - it will give it a complete look and hide the joint between the ceiling and the wall.

Suspended structures

Suspended ceiling systems are popular for many reasons. They look aesthetically pleasing, allow you to get a perfectly flat ceiling surface or an original multi-level design.

They also hide communications: electrical wiring, pipes, and, due to the indentation from the base surface, allow you to mount point sources of lighting.

The principle of fastening a suspended structure is that a system of fasteners and suspensions is fixed to the existing ceiling, on which a frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats. Then the selected material is fixed on the frame - drywall, wooden slats or panels.

The presence of the frame allows you not to make a thorough preparation of the base - it is enough to clean it from dirt and falling off parts of the finish.

Layered design with spot lighting

The disadvantages of finishing include the fact that the design inevitably takes the height of the room, so it is not recommended to install such a ceiling in low rooms.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

Drywall is most often used in suspended structures. It is easy to process, so it allows you to make fragments of various shapes.

With the use of drywall get perfect flat surfaces or multilevel. Using an LED strip, you can create the effect of a "floating ceiling" if you place it around the perimeter of the structure.

Drywall sheets are made from pressed gypsum and cardboard on both sides. The material has an affordable cost and relatively low weight.

The disadvantage is the instability of the material to the action of the liquid. In the kitchen, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant drywall, and in the bathroom it is better to refuse this material.

Plasterboard ceiling can be painted with paint, plastered, wallpapered. Another advantage is the possibility of performing heat and sound insulation of the room, when laying the appropriate material inside the structure.

Important! Before painting the plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to putty the joints and attachment points of the self-tapping screws.

Placement of point light sources should be considered in advance. To do this, it is recommended to make a scale drawing of the ceiling, and transfer the markup to the mounted ceiling. Multi-level backlit structures look especially impressive in combination with stretch fabric from PVC.

Drywall is an environmentally friendly material, so it can be used in children's rooms and bedrooms.

With the help of multi-level plasterboard structures, you can visually divide the room into separate functional areas, or adjust the geometry of space. It is worth remembering that multi-level structures should have outlines in accordance with the style of the interior. Smooth lines emphasize the graceful curves of modern furniture, strict laconic forms support the minimalist style, etc.

Using panels, battens and slabs in a suspended structure

The frame of the suspended structure can be sheathed with plastic, metal slats, or panels with a mirror surface. Modular elements are used more often on a single-level ceiling structure.

This material is low cost and simple installation. Such a false ceiling can be rack, panel and cassette.

Rack suspended ceiling is made of plastic, aluminum or steel slats.

Of the positive qualities of such a ceiling device, the following can be noted:

  1. Long service life;
  2. The slats are made of moisture-resistant material, so they can be used in rooms with high humidity such as a kitchen or bathroom;
  3. Reiki are easy to mount, so no special building skills are required;
  4. The ceiling made of metal slats is hygienic, environmentally friendly, does not rot or burn.

Of the shortcomings, deformation of the rails over time can be noted.

Plastic panels are easy to install and do not require special experience when working with them. Of the positive qualities can be noted:

  1. Easy installation;
  2. Moisture resistance of the material;
  3. Aesthetic appearance, due to the large number of shades and textures;
  4. Plastic is easy to care for and does not absorb odors.

Among the shortcomings, the instability of the decorative coating to the effects of sunlight, from which the plastic burns out, can be noted. The panels are fragile material - this must be taken into account during installation. The material is not fire resistant and releases toxins when ignited.

It is worth noting that when finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, a monolithic coating will not work, and pollution can accumulate at the joints. The surface of the panels has a glossy sheen, which can visually make small room lighter.

Other types of suspended ceiling systems

Of course, the ceiling design is not limited to stretch and plasterboard options.

We will talk about what ceilings are in this part of the article:

  • We have already mentioned glass stained-glass windows built into the design of suspended ceilings (see). I must say that glass for these purposes can be used not only natural, but also organic or, as it is also called, acrylic.
  • Hardboard has a much higher margin of safety and is lighter in weight. Therefore, large acrylic glass can be used in ceiling structures. Hardboard, like ordinary glass, matted by sandblasting, patterns can be applied to it.

Acrylic hanging panels

  • Recently, another way of decorating the ceiling has been revived - drapery with fabric. As they say, the new is the well-forgotten old. Back in the Middle Ages, boudoirs and living rooms were decorated this way. And look how stylish and expensive this interior looks.

  • You can use absolutely any fabric - even satin, even chintz. Avoid only designs with stripes and geometric patterns. There are several ways to attach the material to the ceiling. This is gluing, and pulling on the frame, the use of adhesive tapes, fastening with brackets to wooden slats.
  • This type of decor is not so common, yet it is not very practical. Fabric is fabric - it gets dirty, gets wet, and tears. Yes, and the cost of such a finish is rather big.
  • If you really want to use natural material in the decoration, they often turn their attention to wood, bamboo, cork. Here's an example for you: the walls of the room are covered with cork, and the ceiling is decorated with bamboo panels.

Stretch ceiling

The design of the ceiling with a stretch fabric has recently gained great popularity. The canvas is made of PVC film or fabric. In the first case, it can be glossy or matte, in the second - only matte.

PVC film ceiling can be used in any premises, fabric only in "dry". Structural stretch ceilings can be single or multi-level. They have high decorative qualities- thanks to a wide range of colors and the possibility of applying various patterns and images.

Important! hallmark PVC film is its small width - no more than 3 m. Therefore, it is possible to form a butt joint, which is so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. The fabric sheets are up to 5 meters wide, making them a seamless covering in standard living spaces.

  • The main advantage of a PVC film ceiling over a fabric web is its moisture resistance.
  • Such a ceiling can be washed and it is able to save the room from flooding from above, holding a large volume of liquid, which can later be drained by bending the edge of the canvas.
  • The disadvantage of PVC film is that it is easily damaged by mechanical stress and does not tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, when washing the PVC ceiling, it is necessary to remove jewelry from your hands so as not to accidentally damage the canvas and not use PVC fabrics in unheated rooms.

Important! When washing glossy ceiling do not use abrasive cleaners or hard sponges that could scratch the surface.

Fabric ceilings are more durable, but they are afraid of moisture and will not protect from flooding from above. In addition, the fabric absorbs odors, so such ceilings are not used in the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings, like plasterboard ceilings, can be performed at several levels, and allow you to mount spotlights.

The red flowers on the stretch canvas blend harmoniously with the shade of tiles on the walls in the bathroom.

Important! When ordering a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to discuss with the master at the stage of measuring the room where the sources of artificial light will be located, since the holes for them are cut out at the stage of fabrication.

Of the shortcomings of the stretch fabric, only the high cost and the impossibility of self-manufacturing and installation can be noted. This is done by specialized firms whose employees have the necessary skills, tools and equipment.

The process of installing a stretch ceiling is fast, and is not associated with the formation of construction debris.

Tension structures, like drywall, allow you to hide defects in the main ceiling and communications. You can also choose the height at which the canvas will be located.

Wooden panel ceiling

Panels made from natural wood, you can finish the ceiling of any room, except for the "wet". This is an environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable material with a rich natural pattern and texture.

Wooden panels have a long service life and do not require repair for many years with proper operation. The material has low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties. A warm shade of natural wood creates a special homely atmosphere and comfort.

The cost of some products made to order is quite high. There are several most common types of wooden ceiling finishes.

Lining and Eurolining

Decorative wood panels

MDF panels

Cork panels

ceiling design with moldings

To give the surface a complete look, various flexible elements made of expanded polystyrene or polyurethane are used. It can be ceiling skirting boards, moldings, frieze.
They differ only in their configuration.


  • It's not just about decorating the joints between the ceiling and walls. Finishing the ceiling with a frieze allows you to create various geometric shapes and patterns on its surface. The frieze is fixed with putty or glue, depending on the surface to be decorated.

  • Moldings and baguettes in cross section are somewhat larger than the frieze. Finishing the ceiling with molding can be done both along its perimeter and as a decor for the borders between the levels of the suspended structure.
  • Using moldings, you can structure the ceiling by dividing it into squares or rectangles. This technique creates the effect of a suspended cassette ceiling, especially if it has spotlights.

  • To decorate the ceiling, you can also use such details as interior baguettes. There was a time when they were used only for framing pictures.
    Not so long ago, they have found application in interior decoration. They are made from various materials: from foam to wood.

Baguettes can be designed for painting or have a finished decorative coating, volume relief. They vary in width and can be used not only for finishing the ceiling, but also for walls, doors and window openings, curtains.

The video in this article will tell you about which option for finishing the ceiling can be done in the apartment.

After the completion of outdoor work during the construction of a country house, you need to proceed to a difficult but necessary process - interior decoration. Typically, interior design begins with the question of how to finish the ceiling in a private house. The proposed article will help determine the choice of finishing material.

Finish options

There are many decent materials for finishing the ceiling in a private house. These are both traditional and modern materials that meet the most demanding taste.

The main options for finishing the ceiling in a private house:

  • whitewash;
  • staining;
  • gypsum skirting boards with stucco;
  • decorative plaster with skirting boards;
  • suspended structures;
  • lining made of wood;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • constructions from drywall sheets;
  • wallpaper.

An important role in choosing the type of ceilings in a private house is played by the need to level the rough coating. So, if you mount a suspended structure, then it is not necessary to level the rough surface. Communications and wiring will be closed by a suspended structure.

Any of the options for finishing the ceiling of a private house has its advantages and disadvantages. Which decoration method to choose depends on the height of the ceilings, interior style, budget, taste and preferences.

Let us consider in more detail some of the materials from which ceilings are made in a private house.


One of the most simple ways decoration of the ceiling space. Classic option the surface will turn white. But, this design is hardly suitable for a bedroom or living room.

Consider the color of the paint. So, dark tones visually reduce the height of the room. But painting with light paint, on the contrary, will make the room spacious.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use dark colors, then it is recommended to combine them with pastel colors on the walls. You can use decorative coloring compositions with various effects.

Plaster, plaster or styrofoam

Easily mounted on the surface of the slab of expanded polystyrene, or gypsum panels and skirting boards with stucco. This coating is usually white, but after installation, the panel can be painted in any shade.

A good solution would be the design of the ceilings of a country house decorative plaster, which can be smooth, textured, with imitation of marble or patterned panels. But, finishing with decorative plaster requires special skills.

Suspended structures and stretch fabrics

Due to the peculiar design of the ceilings of a private house, you have to think about how to close the wiring, ventilation and various elements communications. For this purpose, a suspended plasterboard structure is suitable. Light fixtures can be mounted to the surface. This led strip or spotlights.

A correctly chosen suspended structure makes it possible to visually increase the space, use various design solutions.

You can combine suspended structures with stretch fabrics.


Can be pasted on the surface decorative wallpaper in the form of stripes. You can stick wallpaper of the same color in the bedroom over your head. And for the rest of the ceiling, choose a material of a different color scheme.

To paste over the surface with wallpaper, pre-level the work surface. The coverage must be even. Photo wallpapers are suitable for a nursery.

You can add decorative stickers to the wallpaper that imitate a glowing starry sky, or beautiful plants.

Nuances in the design of the ceilings of a country house

When choosing what to make a ceiling in a private house from, you need to take into account the features of the device of the draft surface of suburban buildings.

To sheathe the ceiling in a private house from the inside, you must perform the following additional work for the rough coating:

  1. install thermal insulation;
  2. lay hydro and vapor barrier layers;
  3. you need to take care of the insulation, and find quality material. Mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust and other materials are used for insulation.

After installing the necessary layers on the floors, proceed to the interior decoration.

What are the best ceilings?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide and decide which ceilings are best done in a private house. After all, a well-designed ceiling space should be not only beautiful, but warm and practical, with a long service life.

The problem of ceiling finishing exists where the premises are not heated in winter. If in such a private house the ceilings are finished with wood or drywall, then in a damp and unheated room the coating will soon become unusable and begin to collapse. Therefore, if the house is used only in summer, then it is best to close the ceiling in a private house with a suspended structure. Plastic and PVC panels, beam suspended structures are also suitable.

It is necessary to select a facing coating that can withstand temperature changes. You can sew up the ceiling of a private house with a stretch vinyl film. This coating does not deform sub-zero temperatures and withstand heat.

If a country house is heated in the cold, and they live there all year round, That the best finish for will become a tree. Wooden ceiling covering, with proper care of the surface, will last a long time. In addition, this finish is safe, environmentally friendly and durable.

You can sheathe the ceiling of a private house with drywall. Such a coating allows you to hide almost any defects in the base surface. After installing drywall sheets, you can perform additional finishing. The surface can be painted, wallpapered, or decorated with plaster.

Low ceiling trim

Not always the ceilings of a country house are very high. In many private buildings, the height of the ceilings is small. To visually increase the height, you need to seriously approach the question of how to finish a low ceiling in a private house.

  • when decorating the ceiling surface, choose only light colors;
  • you can use a glossy finish if a stretch fabric is mounted;
  • when mounting lamps in the coating, it is better to abandon bulky lighting fixtures with hanging mount. Such lamps visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and take away the already low height of the ceilings;
  • in the bedroom, to visually increase the height of the room, you can make a coating that differs in color from the entire ceiling.

Furniture is of great importance for rooms with low ceilings. So, if the ceiling decoration is done correctly, but the furniture is high and massive, then there will be no effect that increases the height.

How to finish a wooden ceiling?

To decide on the choice of finishing materials for the ceiling of a private house made of wood, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling device:

  • the floors of a wooden house are lightweight, and are made with the help of beams;
  • between the beams there is a space that is filled with insulating material. The warmed space is closed by finishing;
  • a wooden house shrinks, which affects the ceiling covering.

Finishing a wooden ceiling in a private house is best done with wood materials. Natural material is combined with any style of a country house, will support optimal level temperature and humidity.

Important: when choosing a tree for finishing ceilings, it is necessary to periodically process the coating by special means protecting from moisture.

If you mount a wooden ceiling for the bathroom and kitchen, then there is a possibility of mold. In rooms with high humidity, it is better to refuse to decorate the ceilings with wood. For the bathrooms of a wooden house, a stretch coating is suitable.

wood flooring

Lining made of wood is considered the most common type of cladding, due to the following properties:

  1. good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  2. the ability to close defects in the ceiling;
  3. no surface preparation required;
  4. long service life, if you properly care for the ceiling. It is necessary to periodically impregnate the material with a special composition;
  5. fast installation;
  6. suitable for any design solutions interior.

The disadvantages of lining include the possibility of deformation during sudden temperature changes and flammability.

Usually, lining made of pine, linden and oak, larch is used for ceilings.

Plasterboard finish

Finishing plasterboard for the ceiling of a wooden house has such advantages as:

  1. well passes air, excluding the appearance of condensate on the surface;
  2. the ability to hide defects, and close the wiring with communications.

By cons drywall coating refers to the impossibility of fastening directly to wooden ceiling. You need to pre-assemble the frame. After installation, additional work will be required. The surface is puttied and painted. You can cover the surface with wallpaper.


When choosing the material and method of fixing the ceiling for a private house, you need to take into account the height of the room, the presence of irregularities and surface defects. An important role is played by lighting, which also affects the visual increase or decrease in the height of the room.

When choosing a ceiling finish, you need to adhere to moderation in color scheme. The upper part of the room should be combined with common style country house. Ceilings should become a real interior decoration of a private house.

New trends in the design of ceilings in a private house

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When making modern interior in a dwelling Special attention given to the finishing of the ceiling surface. Finishing materials for the ceiling are offered to consumers in the building materials market in a variety of options. colors, textures and performance characteristics. Can the ceiling be repaired? the classic way(fixing drywall to the main structure), plaster well, perfectly level and whitewash or wallpaper. Can you quickly create smooth surface by attaching modern finishing films and panels to a suspended frame. The main requirement when choosing a material is that it must comply with individual style dwellings and harmoniously fit into the overall interior design.

Painting solutions

This type of finishing materials includes chalk, slaked lime, all kinds of paint compositions. When decorating the surface, installation of a profile frame is not required, which reduces the height of the ceiling in the room. Yes, and their price is low. However, there is a significant drawback - when installing lamps and ventilation air collectors, you will need to drill deep grooves and holes in the base ceiling structure.

Chalk and lime mortar

This inexpensive building material is sold at any hardware store. Chalk is sifted and applied to the plane in the form aqueous solution, consisting of the following components:

  • chalk - 3 kg;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • wood glue - 30 grams;
  • blue household - 20 grams.

The water is heated to 40 - 50 degrees, then a portion of wood glue and chalk is introduced into it alternately. The solution is thoroughly mixed. Dry blue is poured into a linen bag and lowered into a container of water. After complete dissolution and coloring of water in blue, it is poured into chalky mortar to the desired shade.

Mortar prepared from the following ingredients:
  • slaked lime - 3 kg;
  • table salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • bluing household - 10 grams.

Slaked lime, blue-colored water, salt are introduced into a bucket of water and mixed.

Before applying a solution of lime or chalk to the ceiling, it should be filtered through a dense cloth to remove undissolved particles and lumps.

Water-based paints

The most common materials for finishing the ceiling are water-dispersion paints. There are several types of coloring solutions on sale, differing from each other in their characteristics:

  • Acrylic latex paints. Quick-drying paint has a high level of whiteness, forms a deep matte layer. It is used for finishing the ceiling in dry rooms or in rooms with moderate humidity. If necessary, it can be tinted with universal colors in pastel colors.
  • silicate paints. They paint mineral surfaces, for example, plaster or previously treated with lime or cement mortar. The coating of the silicate composition has vapor permeability, moisture resistance and antibacterial properties.
  • Silicone paints. They form an elastic, vapor-permeable and moisture-resistant film. Like silicate mortar, it is used for any type of mineral surface and does not require the use of special antiseptic additives.

Pasting building materials

With the help of pasting materials, you can adequately decorate the interior without large financial investments. They are pretty easy and quick to install. This type of coating includes wallpaper and ceiling tiles.


Ceiling decoration can be done by four main types of wallpaper:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper. Two-layer material, on one layer of which polyvinyl is applied. Has a wide color palette or texture with patterns for coloring. They are moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, washable, with a dense base, thanks to which they can hide minor defects on the plane. Thanks to the pressed structure, they allow air to circulate freely. When sticking to the ceiling, they do not need to be impregnated with glue. It is enough to treat the basic structure with an adhesive. In addition, it is twice as wide as paper ones, which helps to reduce the time for gluing them. They do not fade in the sun, do not accumulate dust in themselves and can last for many years.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers. Variation of non-woven wallpaper with a two-layer texture. The basis is interlining or paper, on which a layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied. They are made in two ways: hot stamping and without stamping. The most popular subspecies of vinyl canvases has gained - silkscreen printing, which has a smooth and pleasant to the touch surface. Their heavy base well masks irregularities, and a variety of colors creates an unusual decorative impression on the ceiling.
  3. Fiberglass wallpaper.

They are woven from glass fibers with different density and thickness. They are stabilized by impregnation with modified starch. Glass fiber can be painted with water-based or latex-based coloring compounds. Such materials for finishing ceilings are durable, resistant to fire and UV rays;

Wallpaper on a fabric basis. Two-layer material with a paper basis. The front side is coated with synthetic or natural materials:

  • flax;
  • cotton
  • wool;
  • velour;
  • silk, etc.

In the manufacture of such a coating, the fabric is impregnated with compounds, as a result of which the material acquires antistatic properties and does not fade in the sun, retaining its color and appearance for many years. The elegance of the textile coating will give the interior home comfort and extra warmth.

Liquid wallpaper.

They contain cellulose and textile fibers, as well as a binder - carboxymethyl cellulose. They are distinguished by high adhesion to any surface, elasticity, vapor permeability, soundproofing and heat-insulating properties. Liquid wallpaper masks small defects on the plane well, does not fade and does not accumulate dust. The disadvantage is that they are not suitable for ceilings in rooms with a high level of humidity.

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles not only decorates the ceiling, but also insulates the apartment, creates sound insulation, hides minor irregularities, and also visually increases the size of the room.

It is made from various materials:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • tree;
  • metal.

Expanded polystyrene tiles, in turn, differ in manufacturing technology:

  1. Stamped tiles. It is made from foam blocks by pressing. Thickness finished product is 6 - 8 mm. The tiles are very fragile, hygroscopic, have a loose outer layer, which is not recommended to be washed.
  2. extruded products. The material of manufacture is extruded polystyrene foam, which has a fine-grained structure. It has a smooth and dense surface covered with a water-repellent film. Such tiles are durable, wash well and can restore their shape after deformation. This type of ceiling finishing materials has a wide color palette with or without a printed pattern.
  3. injection tiles. Obtained by high-temperature processing of polystyrene foam raw materials. The product with a thickness of 9–14 mm has a shape with clear geometric lines. durable injection tiles does not accumulate moisture, fireproof, environmentally friendly and has good thermal insulation characteristics. The smooth edges of the product can be tightly joined together and thus make an absolutely seamless coating. The surface can be painted white, colored or imitation of other materials: wood, ceramics, fabric or marble.

Wooden tiles are highly durable, able to withstand physical and mechanical stress. For its manufacture, dry wood is used:

  • oak;
  • mahogany;
  • aspens;
  • pines;
  • limes, etc.

Each type of wood has its own texture and a product made from it makes it possible to uniquely decorate the interior of a living room or antique kitchen. Outer side may be smooth, textured or carved.

One of the most expensive finishing materials for the ceiling in the house is metal tile.

Its surface may be

  • concave;
  • convex;
  • matte;
  • mirror;
  • smooth.

It is made of stainless steel and additionally covered with a protective moisture-resistant layer of polymer. It is very durable, lightweight, does not burn and is able to withstand temperature extremes.

Suspended building materials

Finishing the ceilings in the apartment is possible with modern materials, for which you need to install profiles in advance. Allows you to mask all surface defects, as well as hide engineering Communication and fix recessed lights.

Hemmed ceilings

For them, it is required to pre-assemble a frame of metal profiles on the base structure or wooden block, which will later be attached finishing panels. You can hem the ceiling different types material:

  • plaster panels;
  • chipboard panels with a laminated front side;
  • fiberboard panels with plastic coating;
  • MDF panels;
  • plastic panels.

Stretch ceiling

The design of the stretch ceiling is made under the influence of high temperatures from canvases of elastic materials: polyester fabric or ultra-thin PVC films. With their help, absolutely smooth ceiling surfaces are created, allowing you to hide all the irregularities of the basic structure and fit perfectly into any interior design. The product is resistant to moisture, corrosion and UV radiation. It has a wide range of colors and textures. Stretch ceilings can have:

  • Matte surface. It has a seamless rough texture that looks like plaster. They don't reflect glare artificial lighting and sunlight, will not tear when flooded, will not crack and will not change bright shade over time. Matte products will fit perfectly into any classic interior.
  • Glossy sheen. A glossy stretch ceiling is able to accumulate and reflect light, thus making the room brighter and visually higher.
  • Texture reminiscent of satin or chintz. They produce mainly milk, light cream, pale green, pink and white. The light colors of the satin stretch ceiling visually expand the dimensions, making the space more voluminous.
  • Applied photo printing or artistic drawing. Photo printing and artistic painting is applied to a matte or satin stretch ceiling, reflecting your imagination and taste.

You can also install any type of lamp or a combination of several types of light sources into the canvas, thus visually expanding the space of the room or focusing attention on a certain part of the interior.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to decide in time which of these materials can be used to finish the ceiling in such a way that it harmonizes with the overall interior design and does not go beyond the budget in terms of cost.

The main essence of the article

Ceiling finishes can be made various materials, among which, in addition to traditional plastering and subsequent painting with chalk, lime or water-based compositions- plastic, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, fabrics and wallpapers, PVC films, wood or metal.

Modern options- tension and dropped ceilings creating unique design interior.