How to find out the name of your future husband in fortune telling. Fascinating ways to find out the name of your future husband by date of birth

Every girl has a moment when she wants to know about her future family life and your other half. That is why fortune telling in the name of the future husband will never lose its relevance.

Fortune telling will help you lift the curtain of secrecy and find out about your future family life and your other half.

Today there are many magical ways to satisfy your curiosity. Representatives of the fairer sex have at least once thought about with whom and when they will go down the aisle, and fortune telling will allow you to lift the curtain of secrecy.

Simple Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling about your future husband will be as accurate as possible if the ritual is performed on Christmas Eve.

Before finding out the name of their future husband, the girls carefully prepared for secret rituals. It has long been believed that if you go out on Christmas night and ask the first guy you meet for his name, then your betrothed will have the same name.

You can use another proven method. Before you go to bed, take a few scraps of paper and write one name on them in random order. The notes go under the pillow. After waking up, the first thing we do is take out one of them at random and look at the name. That's it, fortune telling is over!

Such simple ways do not satisfy everyone, so girls try to use more serious methods to satisfy their curiosity.

Fortune telling using a ready-made table

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband using the table also cannot be called particularly difficult, but it carries more deep meaning. The method is based not only on observations, but also on proven facts, which indicate that the presence of the same letters in the name of the wife and husband indicates mutual understanding and a happy marriage. And the more coincidences there are in your names, the greater affection and love there will be in the family.

It’s enough just to remember the guys with whom you had a romantic relationship at first sight. Most likely, what Olga cannot forget is Oleg, Leonid or Igor.

By studying the following table, girls will be able to learn a lot of interesting things not only about their future husband, but also about any person from their environment. If fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table with numbers makes it possible to find out what the name of the person chosen by fate will be, then using a table of letters of the alphabet one can calculate the main spiritual qualities of the candidate for his hand and heart.

A is a letter symbolizing a man as a true workaholic

Letter The main character traits of a man
A Can't imagine life without work. A true workaholic, especially if work is what he loves.
B A risky specimen, a supporter of love affairs, extreme travel and risk in business.
IN A person who plans every day of his life and slowly but surely conquers the peaks created in fantasy dreams.
G Men are distinguished by disgust and minimal patience.
D The main feature is the desire to occupy a leading position, even if you have to go over your head.
E An open person who strives for power at any cost. But with the truth in mind and in practice.
AND Esthete and gourmet. He wants to bring everything he starts to perfection.
Z A reliable guy who is ready to lend a helping hand at any time and help solve problems.
AND He is distinguished by common sense and a thorough approach to both work and raising a family.
TO A stubborn cunning man who can hide his true intentions under a mask of purity.
L A person only accepts comfortable life. If I’m eating, then delicacies; if I’m eating a woman, then the queen.
M A desperate experimenter who prefers traveling to staying at home and strives to learn new things through his own experience.
N A person is selective in friends and loved ones. His actions speak of his true feelings.
ABOUT He is a principled conservative, which often spoils his personal life due to fear of revealing himself. Misses out on a lot of opportunities because of this.
P He strives for victory not for the sake of glory, but simply for the sake of proving to himself that any impregnable peak can be taken.
R Loyal not only to your soul mate, but also to your goal and dream.
WITH Strives for fame and glory, has a sparkling charm that can help achieve what he wants.
T A person who loves constant change and diversity in all directions. Constant little things only irritate him.
U Tries to achieve his goals by resorting to cunning tricks. He can hide his true views well from others.
F A purposeful owner who will defend his rights at any cost and will not offend his family and friends.
X Responsiveness and friendliness are the main features of these men.
H People who do not seek self-interest in friendship and love, but constantly strive to help and find justice.
Sh Does not panic in extreme conditions, maintaining a sober outlook and coldness in all situations.
E A calculating man seeking to gain profit and gain by any means necessary.
YU Narcissism, overestimation of one’s capabilities, which interfere with building harmonious relationships.
I An ardent thinker who enjoys his mental abilities and deductive skills.

I am a letter symbolizing a male thinker enjoying his deductive powers

Card fortune telling

This type of fortune telling with cards is also very common among the fairer sex. To understand how the chosen guy feels about you, it’s enough to know him full name and the next schedule. We thoroughly mix the cards and arrange them in piles according to the number of letters in the betrothed’s name. The pile containing the last card from the deck is dealt next.

When the last pair of piles are on the table, the fortune telling moves to the next level. Now we open a card with each of them at the same time; if their name matches, the pair is put aside. After all the cards have been sorted out, the most interesting part begins - deciphering the meaning of the matching pairs.

The decoding of this fortune telling on cards for the name is as follows:

  • 6 - the guy dreams of meeting;
  • 7 - waiting for conversation;
  • 8 - very bored;
  • 9 - loves without a doubt;
  • 10 - considers your character ideal;
  • B - jealous;
  • D - I like your appearance;
  • K - the chosen one dreams of kissing you;
  • T - all thoughts about sex.

The letter “T” warns: a man thinks exclusively about sex

Such fortune telling playing cards It may not answer global questions, but it will help create a certain impression of what a person thinks about you and your relationship.

If you have Tarot cards at home, you can use them to tell fortunes about your loved one, have feelings for the fortuneteller, and share a future together.

The main thing in the process of working with any cards is to believe them, to focus on the result and a truthful answer. Only a new deck is used for fortune telling; it is a personal item of the fortuneteller. It is important that other people's hands do not touch it.

Before guessing, carefully shuffle the deck and take out seven cards at random. The selected cards are placed face down on the table. They will tell the whole story of the relationship:

  • the first card will tell you about your condition and readiness for marriage and general attitude towards marriage;
  • the second card will tell you exactly when you will meet your betrothed, how the meeting will take place and in what place;
  • the third card will more specifically describe the circumstances of the meeting so that you get to know your other half;
  • the fourth card will tell about the personality of the betrothed, sometimes it can even tell the main features of his appearance;
  • the fifth card will tell you whether this young man is destined for fate or came into your life by chance;
  • the sixth card carries information about your family life with your spouse after the wedding;
  • The seventh card is the result of the entire layout, it gives advice regarding marriage with the chosen man.

In the process of fortune telling on cards in the name of a lover, it is worth considering that information will emerge regarding your real chosen one following fate. If general information turns out to be unreliable, this means that none of the men who are next to you at the moment will become a husband.

To find out what your betrothed and your future will be like living together, then you can tell fortunes on your husband in this way.

We take our working deck of cards and draw kings from it. Before going to bed, we put them under the pillow, reciting a certain spell. One caveat - you can’t read words from pieces of paper, you need to learn them by heart. This rule applies not only to this fortune-telling. All incantations must be recited by heart.

Early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, put your hand under your pillow and choose one card. The suit of the king will become the basis of predictions:

  • The King of Spades is a groom with a difficult character, but wealthy.
  • The King of the Cross is the husband’s great love, but at the same time it promises many tears in family life.
  • The King of Hearts is a calm husband and a happy family life.
  • King of Diamonds - predicts misunderstandings and quarrels between you and your husband.

The King of Diamonds predicts frequent conflicts in the family

How to see your soulmate in a dream

All exciting questions, hidden thoughts and even pictures from the future can emerge during sleep.

The universe does not separate the present and the future, so seeing your future in a dream by launching a program using a certain conspiracy is quite possible.

First way. If you want to see your betrothed in a dream, you can do this using the following method. We take a crust of bread and put a note in it with a spell: “I leave a piece of bread under your pillow for you, my betrothed, come, help yourself, appear to me with your face.” The girl dresses in a spacious nightie and undoes her braids.

If during sleep it was not possible to examine your appearance or it was forgotten after waking up, the procedure can be repeated. However, if the dream contained negativity, it is better to refuse to try again and simply forget everything.

The next fortune telling, which is carried out before bedtime, is called the “bridge”. To see your future husband in a dream you need to take a deep vessel and pour into it clean water. The rims of the plate are connected wooden plank, after which the structure lies under sleeping area. Just before going to bed, a certain spell is cast on a plate of water. The future husband must definitely dream about it.

Thus, it will not be possible to find out either the last name or the first name, but only to determine the appearance and other habits young man walking with you through fate.

Recognize your husband's name by the lines of his hand

You should not look for the name in your palm, but the first letter can be determined in the following way. Ask someone you know to make a “nettle” on your arm below the shoulder. After this procedure, look carefully at the pattern of red stripes; among them you can see the first letter with which the name of the person destined for the girl by fate begins.

When a girl sees her chosen one, she will understand it immediately. A wave of lightness and warmth will pass through your body. The girl will immediately feel that she is at ease and at ease with this person. You may even want to live next to him for the rest of your life.

And it doesn’t matter how you looked for your betrothed, using fortune telling for your betrothed using a table with numbers, card layouts, or casting prophetic dreams, the important thing is that he appeared and strives to give his chosen one family happiness.

There are many completely reliable fortune telling that will help you find out the name of your future husband. Just don't take the result seriously. You should just take note of it, perhaps write it down somewhere. And when your time comes to get married, then you will understand whether the fortune-telling was wrong or not.

Palmistry is an ancient and fairly accurate science. Can predict fate, the number of future children, the length of life allotted, during what period illnesses will be expected and what they will be associated with.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the exact name of the chosen one using palmistry, since the information provided to us by the lines on the hand is generalized and such “particulars” as the name are not taken into account.

Although a palm reader will not be able to predict the name of the spouse, you can find out the first letter with the help of your hand. To do this, ask someone to make a “nettle” on your hand, but without fanaticism. It will be enough to twist your hand to such an extent that the outlines of letters or lines appear on it from the folds of the skin, at least a little reminiscent of these letters. Perhaps the drawing will turn out clear, you will find out which letter the chosen one’s name will begin with.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

When the chimes strike, go outside and ask the first man you meet what his name is. The same will happen to your betrothed.

If the first person you met was a woman, then you will not get married this year.

Fortune telling by peel

You need to take a large apple and peel it with a sharp knife so that you get a thin, long strip of apple skin. Then take this skin in your hand and throw it over your left shoulder. It will fall to the floor and fold in a certain way. Whichever letter the apple peel figurine reminds you of will be the first in the groom’s name.

On clover

Here you will have to try especially hard, since this fortune telling is suitable if you are in nature or visiting relatives in the village:

  • Find a four-leaf clover flower
  • Pick a flower and place it under your right foot. If you are wearing sandals, it is better not to risk guessing - the clover will not hold up, you need closed shoes - ballet flats, shoes

  • The name of the first man you meet will be the cherished name of your spouse

There is a high probability that this new acquaintance will become the one. Therefore, just in case, immediately after the “clover activation”, meet only worthy candidates.

How to find out your husband's name by guessing on pieces of paper?

This fortune telling is carried out on New Year's Eve. You need to write on twenty or thirty identical paper squares male names. Let the names of your acquaintances, potentially future husbands, appear there. Carefully roll up these paper squares and hide them under your pillow. The next morning, after New Year's Eve, put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first piece of paper that comes to hand. There you will see the name of your future chosen one.

Fortune telling using a gold ring

  • Write famous names on a piece of paper
  • Thread the thread into the ring

  • Take the thread by both ends, make the ring motionless, hold it for a while over each of the names. The one over which the ring behaves “restlessly”, begins to sway in different directions, jump or otherwise show its activity, the name of your future spouse

On Christmas night

On Christmas night, before going to bed, use a comb or a simple toothed comb to comb your hair. While combing your hair, you need to say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me, comb my hair.” After these words, go to bed.

On this night a male person should dream - future husband or just a future loved one. If no one had a dream or you didn’t remember the dream, don’t worry - this doesn’t mean that you can now sit in splendid isolation all year - you can guess throughout the entire holiday week. Some night someone will definitely dream about it.

Fortune telling on a saucer

Need a few unmarried girlfriends. Draw a special map on whatman paper or the back of a piece of wallpaper. Make a circle inside which all the letters of the alphabet, numbers from zero to nine and the words “yes” and “no” will be written along.

You need to take a light porcelain saucer. Turn off the lights, light the candles and summon the spirit of some deceased person. During such fortune-telling, the spirit of Pushkin is especially popular, only, they say, he swears a lot. Place the fingers of everyone present during fortune telling on a saucer.

When the saucer begins to move under your fingers, it means that the spirit has begun to work and you can ask him questions. You can ask anything, including the name of your betrothed. According to the reviews of those who have correctly performed this fortune-telling, spirits are never mistaken and this method is considered a very reliable way to look into the future.

Although fortune telling seems like just a fun pastime, in the old days they were very believed in; judging by the reviews of grandmothers and great-grandmothers, fortune telling allowed them to look fairly truthfully into their future. Why don’t we use simple methods to determine our own future? Still, a husband is a rather serious matter; it would be nice to at least know his name in advance.

You can try various ways fortune telling. If they keep producing the same result, pay close attention to it.

Fortune telling in the name of a future husband will never lose its popularity, since all girls want to know with whom they will go down the aisle. Today we have come to know a lot of ways that will help determine the name of the future boyfriend or spouse.

In the article:

Fortune telling for the future husband using a bow

Today there are many different rituals that will help you find out who your betrothed will be, what he will look like, with a specific person.

But if you want to make sure exactly what your spouse will be called, then use this ancient ritual. If you believe tradition, it is held on the night of January 13-14, on Old New Year. It is also called generous Vasilyev evening.

It is believed that on this night you will be able to find out everything about your married life. In order to find out the name of the betrothed, exactly 7 days before the specified date, you should buy several bulbs, write the names of the intended grooms on them, and then put the bulbs in different containers filled with water. When the indicated night arrives, say:

Oh onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?

Then measure the length of the seedlings using a ruler. Legend has it that the betrothed will be the one whose name is carved on the bulb with the longest feathers.

How to find out the name of your future husband? Everything is extremely simple, you just need a lot of pieces of paper, a pen and a ring on a string or chain. Write the names of the men on various pieces of paper, then turn the pieces of paper over so that what is written on them is not visible. Now you should take the ring, hang it on a chain or thread, and then say:

Ring, ring, tell me who to open my heart to.

Now move your homemade pendulum over all the pieces of paper. The belief says that the betrothed will be the one above whose name the amplitude of the pendulum's oscillation will be the largest.

Simple rituals for determining a guy's name

These rituals are very simple and have come down to our time since time immemorial. To carry out the first fortune telling, you will need to go out into the street exactly at midnight, turn to the first male person you meet and ask his name.

Some believe that it is best to carry out such fortune-telling only on Christmas Eve, but other experts argue that the answer will be correct no matter what time of year this fortune-telling is carried out.

One of the most common ways to find out who your boyfriend will be is fortune telling with a comb. It's pretty simple. Before going to bed, you just need to arm yourself with a wooden or stone comb, comb your hair and say:

Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

After which you need to put the comb under your pillow and go to bed. Remember, before going to bed you cannot visualize the image of your ideal guy, since fortune telling will no longer be accurate, just a reflection of your own thoughts.

Therefore, it is best to completely get rid of any fantasies and thoughts about your future spouse. Your betrothed will definitely come at night and comb his hair with a comb. While he does this, you can ask his name.

A fortune teller for a future husband with a walnut shell

In order to carry out this ritual, you will need to use a small bowl of water, a small candle, a shell walnut, plasticine, various pieces of paper. In order to begin the ritual, it will be necessary to write various male names on previously prepared pieces of paper.

Attach the leaves to the sides of the water container using plasticine. Take a small candle, attach it inside a nut shell, and then lower the boat into the center of the container. Watch your boat carefully, as it should stop near one of the pieces of paper with the name of your future husband.

Fortune telling with cherry pits

This is a fairly simple ritual that is more humorous in nature. You will need a lot of cherry pits. Each participant in the task must take a large bunch of seeds. One leader is also required.

The girl who will conduct the ritual must be armed with a list of male names. When she pronounces one name, each participant in the ritual throws out one cherry pit. For each girl, fortune telling ends when only one bone remains. It is believed that the name on which the fortune telling ends will be the name of her future husband.

How to find out the name of your betrothed by his hand?

In order to carry out this ritual, you will need help. Let your friend take your hand and twist it tightly, as if she were wringing out laundry. Will make "nettle". It is important that the distance between the two hands is at least 10 centimeters.

After this, she needs to clamp her hand on both sides. Among the stains and folds that form on the skin, a letter should appear. This is where your betrothed's name will begin.

How to find out the name of your future husband so as not to make a mistake when choosing a life partner? This question is asked by every girl who dreams of getting married and starting a family. Our great-grandmothers used special fortune telling for this, which today can be done online. That's what we'll talk about today.

How to find out the name of your future husband in the first 40 days after Easter?

One of the most effective methods Fortune telling in the name of the future husband involves performing a special ritual in the first 40 days after Easter. In 2018, it fell on April 8, so all girls have time left for fortune telling until mid-May. To find out the name of your future husband, you will need:

  • 3 thimbles of salt;
  • 3 thimbles of water;
  • 3 thimbles of flour.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to form a dough. Yes, it will be very salty and tasteless, but this is necessary for fortune telling on the husband (future) and requires careful adherence to all the rules. When the dough is kneaded, you should form it into a cake. After this it is placed on cast iron frying pan without oil and fry on both sides. Then they eat the cake and say: “Just as Christ rose and shone forth, so the future husband of God’s servant (his name) took her as his wife.” After this, you need to go to bed, but do not drink water and do not talk to anyone. A man should appear in your dream and tell you his name. This is exactly what your future husband will be called in the future. In the morning you need to get up, drink a glass Epiphany water and wash her face.

How to find out the name of your future husband online?

If you decide to find out what your betrothed will be called absolutely free and quickly, then you can contact gypsy fortune telling. Many fortune tellers know a special ritual on the cards that uses your date of birth. To do this, you can contact an expert or go through the text in real time. But remember that before you call a psychic, you will need to let your hair down and remove all clothes that have tied belts. It blocks energy and prevents the magician from reading it correctly. You can also familiarize yourself with the most popular tarot card layouts, which you can do at home absolutely free. Some of them allow you to calculate the first letters of the name of your future spouse, as well as understand exactly how your relationship will develop in the first stages after meeting.

How to find out the name of your future husband by his hand?

In this option, you cannot do without the help of a specialist in the field of palmistry. As you know, fortune telling along the lines of the palms is considered the most effective way declassifying the future of a specific person. But in this option, it is unlikely that you will be able to determine the exact name of your future husband, but it is possible to find out his age, as well as the period in your life in which the fateful meeting will take place. In addition, an experienced palmist will be able to tell you how many children you will have, whether you will live with your first husband all your life, and whether you will have lovers or a second marriage.

Fortune telling for the future husband on New Year's Eve

This method is known to many girls who want to tell fortunes for their future husband for free and have fun in the company of their friends. After the chiming clock, it is customary to put on your best outfit and new boots, and then go out alone or in the company of friends. As soon as any man comes to meet you, you should approach him and ask his name. It will become the name of your future life partner.

Fortune telling on an apple peel - find out your husband's name

In village magic there is one interesting ritual, which is usually carried out on Apple saved. On this day you should go to the temple and bless seven apples from the new harvest. Moreover, the fruits should be large, ripe and, preferably, red. After the service, you should come home from church, take the most beautiful apple and spirally peel it. After this, it is thrown over the right shoulder, and then the result is assessed. The peel forms a figure that will symbolize the name of the future husband.

If you know others effective ways fortune telling for your betrothed, then share them with our readers in the comments.

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Numbers play a huge role in our lives. They help predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. Numerology is the study of numbers. It is this that gives us the opportunity to predict the future.

Calculation of the number of fate

Calculating the fate number is very simple. To do this, you will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on December 6, 1995. In this case, 0+6+1+2+1+9+9+5=33. That's not all. You should get a number in the range from 1 to 9, because only numerology can work with them. Therefore, let’s add our numbers again: 3+3=6. For the date of birth December 6, 1995, the destiny number is 6.

Decoding your destiny number

Unit. If your number is 1, then the name of your future husband will be short and sonorous. Most likely, his name will contain the letters A, N. This could be Andrey, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Two. With such a destiny number, most likely your chosen one will be a man with a long name. His name will most likely contain the letters S and Z. The most possible names for you: Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav.

Troika. Those with this number of fate will be lucky enough to meet a husband with quite unusual name, which will contain the letters I, Y, F. Wait fateful meetings with Philip, Innocent, Heraclius, Fedosey, Timofey, Porfiry.

Four. Number Four is a symbol of the fact that the name of your future husband is with the most ordinary name or, conversely, with a very ancient and rare one, in which there will be an abundance of letters V and M. Pay attention to names such as Vladimir, Vadim, Miroslav, Matvey, Varlam.

Five. Five corresponds to the letters P and T. Your husband may be a man whose name you may not like at all. It is possible that your future chosen one is Rostislav, Rustam, Timur, Trofim, Taras.

Six. The number 6 suggests that your future husband may have a name that contains the letters E, X and M. Evdokim, Emelyan, Efim, Mikhail, Khariton are the most likely options.

Seven. Number Seven is a messenger that you will choose a man with a very strong name, which will contain the letters G, O. These are the most probable names for your future husband: Igor, Ignatius, Hilarion, Oleg.

Eight. This number of fate is obtained for those women whose future husbands are men with names containing the letters D, S and L. Most likely, you will meet Dmitry, Denis, Leonid, Savely, Svyatoslav.

Nine. The number Nine is the number of those ladies who will meet a husband who has the letters C, E in his name. The most likely names of your future husband: Sergey, Semyon, Stepan, Evgeniy.

Among special cases, it is worth highlighting birth dates in which the day and month coincide or are mirrored. The same day and month is evidence that your future husband's name may be the same as that of your father, grandfather or brother. If you have already been married, then the name of the second husband may be the same as the name of the first. A mirror date like 01.10 or 21.12 is an indicator that you can meet a man with an unusual or non-Russian name, as well as a non-standard view of the world. The character of a man in this case may fully correspond to his name.

There is another special case - this is when the date of birth has at least 4 identical numbers. For example, 04/22/2002. Four identical numbers indicate that your future husband’s name may be paired with yours. If your name does not have a masculine pair, then such a case is not important to you.

Use conspiracies and rituals for a happy marriage if you think that problems may await you on this front. In love, it is important to always do everything possible to achieve best results. Luck will be with you if you set the right goals for yourself and stick to them. Numerology will help you choose your path.