How to return to a VK conversation if you deleted the dialogue. How to restore dialogue in VK: effective methods

When you try to add such a user back again, a message appears that “The user cannot be added to the conversation because he left it.”

There is nothing irreparable, let's go back. First you need to find the conversation in which you participated.

If you have not deleted the conversation, you can do this in the “My Messages” section by entering its name in the search form. The list will display the desired chat and at this stage you just need to go into it by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

If you still deleted the group chat, then there are two ways out. The first is to pick up his number. All dialogues are built at the same address number. After the equal sign, the serial number of the group conversation is written c1, c2, c3... In this simple way you can find all the dialogues in which you have ever participated. We enter the address in the address bar and begin to select the number of the lost chat, increasing or decreasing the number after the equal sign.

Well, the easiest way is to follow the link You will receive at your disposal the last 20 group dialogues in which you participated. I am sure that among them there will be the one you need.

Once inside the dialogue, you will of course not be able to communicate. Now you need to return to it. In the upper right corner, click on the “Actions” link and select “Return to conversation” from the drop-down list.

Congratulations, now you know how to return to a VKontakte conversation.

Safety in social network- Very important point which must not be forgotten. In one of the lessons I already talked about a secure connection for viewing web pages. Today I’ll show you another feature that helps maintain security VKontakte.

You won’t see anyone creating conversations on VKontakte anymore. This feature allows you to communicate with a large number of users simultaneously. Almost everyone knows how to create them, but few people know how to return to a remote conversation on VK after leaving it by accident or on purpose. Today I’ll tell you how to return to a conversation on VK.

Many users still do not know that on VKontakte you can switch to a new comment interface. If you communicate a lot on a social network, then it will be very useful, as it allows you to switch between dialogues in one click. Today I’ll tell you how you can enable it.

How to restore dialogue in VK? And what should you do if you want to return individual messages on a social network? In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Even a schoolboy can cope with the tasks. The main thing is to prepare for operations in advance. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to restore correspondence in VK. We will look at the most convenient, successful and effective techniques aimed at saving and restoring letters in the mentioned social network.

Is there a right?

Is it possible to restore the dialogue in VK? Yes, like any previously deleted message. But not everyone knows exactly how to act in this or that case.

As practice shows, without preliminary preparation Bringing the idea to life will be problematic. To avoid any difficulties with this, we will tell you how to reduce the unpleasant nuances of the operation to a minimum.

How to restore dialogue in VK? Methods

How to restore dialogue in VK? It all depends on the user's preferences. And on the situation faced by the user as a whole.

In general, today they offer the following methods for restoring correspondence:

  • via the built-in VK option;
  • with the help of interlocutors;
  • through the support service;
  • through a special browser extension;
  • using the notification system settings.

Below we will talk about all these techniques in more detail.


In order not to think about how you can restore a dialogue in VK after deletion, you can simply make sure that all messages are duplicated on your phone or on email. Alerts on social networks will help with this.

To bring the idea to life, the user will have to:

  1. Open "VK" in the browser.
  2. Log in using your username and password.
  3. Open "Settings". They are located on the right side of the window, at the top. The corresponding menu opens after clicking on the arrow next to the reduced avatar.
  4. Go to the "Notifications" block.
  5. Select alert system parameters.
  6. Click on "Save".

Now all correspondence will be sent to your phone or to the specified email address. Too long posts, unfortunately, are not displayed in full. Therefore, it will not be possible to fully view deleted correspondence using this method.


How to restore a deleted dialogue in VK? Some believe that such an operation is carried out with the help of the social network's support service. You can write in the "Help" section. And if the VK administration considers the reason for restoring the correspondence significant, it will be returned.

As practice shows, this technique works in exceptional cases. Yes, the support service sometimes restores messages and dialogues, but this happens extremely rarely.


Some users prefer to use specialized applications to restore conversations on social networks. VK is no exception. There is a VkOpt extension for it. It works perfectly with Google Chrome.

How to restore dialogue in VK? Required:

  1. Install "VkOpt" on your computer and run it.
  2. Log in to the social network.
  3. Click in the left menu (at the very bottom) on the VkOpt item.
  4. Set data saving settings and confirm the operation.
  5. Click on the date of the conversation with the user.

The correspondence of interest to the user will appear on the screen. If the dialogue took place before the corresponding extension was installed, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life. Therefore, we will have to look for other approaches.


How to restore dialogue in VK? The fact is that deleted messages will not be erased from the second interlocutor. And even in a conference, the dialogue is erased for a specific user. The rest of the correspondence participants see the conversation in full.

To restore the dialogue, it is enough to ask the interlocutor to forward the messages completely (or partially, depending on needs). Now this is extremely easy to do, because VK now has the “Forward” option.

This approach cannot be called reliable and effective. But sometimes it is this situation that helps restore correspondence.


We have almost completely figured out how to restore a deleted dialogue in VK. Remained last appointment, which is used in practice. This works with the built-in recovery function. It works until the first update of the correspondence page. Then the option disappears. There is no way to get her back. It is for this reason that it is better to prepare for recovery in advance.

What to do? As soon as the dialogue (or message) is deleted, just click on the “Restore” line. All correspondence (or a specific letter) will return to the “My Messages” section. But, as we have already said, this technique works on emails that have just been deleted.


We found out how to restore the dialogue in VK. To do this, it is recommended to set up an alert system in advance and install a special extension. Otherwise, the operation will cause a lot of trouble.

Sometimes users really cannot return deleted conversations to VK. This is a normal, albeit sad, phenomenon. You should not believe those who offer to return dialogues for a fee. It's all a lie.

How do I get back into the conversation? This question is asked by many active users of the social network VK, as they left the dialogue for various reasons. In general, VK exists for the most part thanks to communication, where chat plays one of the primary roles. Dialogues are very useful, but limited in functionality; they are very inconvenient to use when you need to convey information to many people.

Quite often, for some reason, users leave chats, mainly because someone invited someone you don't want to see. Perhaps the informational interest in the dialogue has simply dried up and the conversation has lost its meaning. Even as a joke, users often leave chats to appear offended. Just then questions arise about how to return to the VK conversation if you left, today we will describe all possible situations.

How to return to a conversation on VK?

The simplest scenario for how to return to a conversation on VK is a simple recovery, but how to return to a deleted conversation? Here you already need to have some specific knowledge.

To return to a conversation you previously left, no matter for what reason, you just need to follow a few steps, they are similar to leaving the chat:

  1. Log in to VK and go to the “Messages” category;

  1. Find the conversation you want to return to and go to it. For convenience, you can use the search;

  1. To return to an abandoned conversation, just hover over the ellipsis at the top of the window;
  2. Select "Return to Conversation."

Now we have learned how to return to a conversation if you left it, but only if the user independently left the group and the conversation was not deleted. There is no limit on the number of exits and restorations in a conference, so the procedure can be performed many times.

An alternative way to get back into the conversation is to simply write a message. VK will automatically restore you to the conference and no additional steps are required.

When the reason for leaving the conversation becomes expulsion, then there is no way to recover on your own; it is necessary for one of the participants to invite you again.

How to return to a deleted conversation on VK?

The next urgent task is how to return to a VK conversation if you deleted the dialogue. Here everything is somewhat more complicated; you won’t be able to simply find the desired group in the “Messages” section, for obvious reasons. In fact, the information itself is not completely deleted, it is simply hidden from the user’s view. That is, by clicking on the link to the conversation you can still find it.

Before returning to the conversation if you deleted the dialogue, you need to try to find the link to the group. You probably saved the link somewhere or it is stored in your browser history. In most browsers, you can go to history by pressing Ctrl + H, then after finding the element you can return to the group.

When the link has been found, just click on it. Then the actions do not differ from the previous option, you just need to select the “Return to conversation” element in the “Action” tab, which is displayed as an ellipsis. It is worth noting that all group members will know about your departure and return, as a corresponding message is shown.

If we were unable to find the required address for the conversation, then in the next paragraph we will consider this scenario.

How to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted and the link cannot be found?

Finally, we’ll figure out how to return to an abandoned and deleted conversation without the help of third-party tools. In fact, each conversation has its own ID, which is assigned individually. That is, by entering a number, which is the group number, you will go into a conversation.

The numbers work on the incremental principle, that is, each new conversation is one more, taking into account groups that are already hidden from visibility. To access the abandoned conference, just follow the link

Hello, dear friends. Today we will continue to deal with VKontakte dialogues. If you don’t know, then in previous articles we discussed, as well as. You can follow the links and read, you will find a lot of interesting things there. Today we will look at how to return if you left it or accidentally deleted the dialogue.

Finding a conversation on VKontakte

If you have recently left, then she is present in the dialogues, still at the very top, and you will not have any problems finding her. Therefore, go to your page and click on the “Messages” link in the left menu:

The way it is. Personally, I have a dialogue with a conversation in plain sight and it says that I left it. All I have to do is click on it:

If you can’t find your chat in the dialogues, you can use the link to download 40 chats in which you participated:

If more people participated, then this link can be continued by adding serial numbers from. For example: c41_c42_c43, etc.

Now in the upper corner we look for a menu in the form of three vertical dots and click on it. From the drop-down list, select “Return to ....”.

How to return if you deleted a dialogue

If you accidentally deleted a chat conversation and now you can’t find it, then don’t worry, it will appear soon after one of the participants writes something.

But if you left the conversation and deleted it, then you will have to use the link that I gave to find it. Find her and return.

Or you can try asking one of the participants to send a link to the chat itself, and thus return to it. The main thing is not to worry, any conversation you deleted can be found.

Most users of the social network Vkontakte actively use the service for entertainment and communication. Over a long period of using a social network, a user may accumulate favorite audio recordings, video clips, quotes, images, and so on. But the main thing in social networks is the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes a cessation of communication or a quarrel pushes users to spontaneously delete a message thread, so that, so to speak, nothing will once again remind you of this or that person. Although the basic rule of the Internet is that nothing can be completely deleted from the Internet, it turns out to be very difficult to recover deleted VKontakte messages.
Leave a conversation

How to return to a conversation after deleting a dialogue?

Sometimes situations arise when a message thread is deleted by mistake. The reason may be children who climbed into a laptop or tablet without permission, jokes from friends, or simply operating system responded incorrectly to the click and deleted the dialogue. In such a situation, a completely logical question arises: how to return to the conversation if you accidentally deleted the dialogue? Without outside help In the VKontakte social network, you can only restore individual messages. To return the conversation or dialogue, you will have to use outside help.

How to restore message history using third-party utilities?

Many users of the VKontakte resource are faced with the question of how to return to a conversation after deleting a dialogue. To solve this difficult problem, new applications have to be developed. One such application is Vkpot. This add-on is downloaded and installed as a browser extension. After installing this add-on, you will need to restart your browser. In the future, you should not have any problems with how to return to the conversation after deleting the dialogue. Along with installing the plugin, a new section in messages should appear on the Vkontakte resource, which will immediately allow you to delete all correspondence, as well as restore deleted messages. Any third-party program associated with a social network is a pirated development. Therefore, when downloading and installing such plugins, you should carefully read the reviews and conditions. Fraudsters often use such programs to hack accounts.

Technical support

To restore a deleted conversation on the Vkontakte social network, you can contact technical support for help. To do this, click on the arrow located in the upper right corner of the page. Select Help from the pop-up menu. The service will offer to view answers to frequently asked questions. There will also be an item about message recovery. After you click on this link, you will be informed that the deleted conversation cannot be restored. If the second interlocutor still has a history of correspondence, he may well forward it to the user.