Beautiful wallpaper in the bedroom: types and methods of combination. Wallpaper for a small bedroom: color, design, combination, ideas for low ceilings and narrow rooms Designer wallpaper for the bedroom

Perhaps no one will argue with the fact that the most cozy and comfortable place to sleep and rest is the bedroom. In the bedroom you can not only sleep or relax, in principle, in the bedroom you can work and have fun, read your favorite book or magazine, dream about the future or remember the past. This is a separate world that everyone can equip according to their taste and desire.

But the main thing is that this world should be comfortable and cozy. And no doubt, the arrangement and design of the room is very important. In this regard, wallpapers play a rather significant role, since they are given a very large area for decoration, and at the entrance you involuntarily turn your eyes to them.

However, few people know how to right choice wallpaper for the bedroom. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant recommendations presented in our article and familiarize yourself with the photo of some wallpaper options for the bedroom.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

In our time of progressive technologies, the choice of wallpapers is fantastically huge, so it’s very easy to get lost among such an abundance. variety of options. In order not to get into trouble and determine in advance exactly what you need, you need to understand the types of wallpaper.


Vinyl or, as they say in the common people, washable. The basis of such wallpaper is ordinary paper or interlining, the outside of the product is covered with polyvinyl chloride, in abbreviated form PVC is indicated.

I must say that this is, in fact, a polymer used in the manufacture modern windows from plastic and stretch ceiling devices. Vinyl wallpapers got their universal properties precisely because of PVC coating. These include: moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, strength and durability.

Wall-paper without special work is pasted on the prepared surface. But if you are not an experienced specialist in wallpapering, then it is better not to take on this matter, but completely trust qualified professionals.


Non-woven, which consist of a two-layer coating. The bottom layer is made of interlining. For the production of the top layer, a simple vinyl with fine pores is used. Working with non-woven wallpaper is a pleasure and no hassle.

In addition, the inner layer has adhesive base, as a result of which the wallpaper itself can not be impregnated with glue, it is enough to apply it to the walls. As a result, much less time is spent on wallpapering. It is more convenient to stick the canvas in dry form, since the connecting seams are neater and smoother.

If there are minor defects in the form of scratches or bumps, non-woven wallpaper will be an excellent option for masking them. As a result, the defects became invisible.


Paper wallpapers, of course, are made from the familiar cellulose or plain paper. They are absolutely harmless to the health of others, do not provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions, have vapor permeability and allow the walls to breathe.

Also, the advantages of paper wallpaper include a simple gluing process, a wide range of various colors and affordability.

But it also cannot do without negative points, since they have a low degree of strength, are short-lived in use, are easily subjected to mechanical stress and are afraid of moisture.


Textile type of wallpaper is a rolled material consisting of several layers. Outer side the product consists of fabric, and the inner has a non-woven or paper base.

The fabric covering of the top layer of wallpaper can be made of cotton, linen, silk or wool. From the material used in the manufacture directly depends on their price policy, features of operation and the view as a whole.

Their undeniable advantages are: attractive appearance, the naturalness of the materials used, the creation of a welcoming cozy atmosphere throughout the room.

There are also disadvantages in their characteristics: high price, complex gluing process and the ability to attract dust particles.

The combination of wallpaper and furniture

Everyone knows that the main elements in the interior design of the bedroom are wallpaper and furniture. For the result to be perfect, it is necessary to correctly and harmoniously combine the decor of the walls and the bedroom set.

In the case of a combination of wallpaper and furniture, there are a great many options, which mainly depend on the final result and the dimensions of the room.

To equip a small bedroom equipped with light furniture, you need to opt for wallpaper in light colors (white, golden, beige, light green, etc.). At the same time, the volume of space will be preserved.

When using radically opposite colors, you can significantly reduce the size of the room and get a nondescript box room.

In large rooms, you can give free rein to fantasy and experimentation by arranging a game of contrasts and make a dark wallpaper design for the bedroom as an accent, and use light furniture. But be careful, do not flirt!

The main thing is to follow the rule harmonious combination: warm colors with warm, cold with cold. Then everything together will look complete and interconnected.

The options for combining wallpaper with dark furniture are no less than with light ones. Mainly shades and colors dark furniture are warm, so the above-mentioned rule of harmonious combination will also be appropriate here. The most successful combinations of wallpaper colors for the bedroom will be: green, beige, brown, etc.

Combination of wallpapers and styles

If your bedroom is decorated in modern style, then the wallpaper should be: fashionable in accordance with the design, no frills of images, environmentally friendly, a good background for the room's decor.

You can combine the classics in wallpaper and furniture, or you can create a contrast - the choice is yours. But the essence of this is unchanged: the right balance.

The Provence style in the bedroom is cute and cozy, elegant light furniture and unpretentious patterns on textile elements and wallpaper are conducive to sincerity and dreaminess. Here you can not do without wallpaper in blue, white, golden, beige, etc.

Or in the drawings there should be responses of all colors corresponding to the style. In addition, the measure is important: if there is a small pattern on textile elements and upholstery, the wallpaper should be made plain.

The loft style implies the presence of fragments of unplastered walls in the room, when bricks are visible, more precisely, imitation brickwork. The remaining walls can be decorated in neutral forms: ordinary plaster or light-colored wallpaper (plain or with abstraction, but without patterns, or a bedroom with two types of wallpaper).

For country use wallpaper in light and warm colors, with a pattern in the form of a cell or flowers. But do not get carried away, otherwise you can get a glut of the interior with a variety of details.

For interior in Japanese style the main thing to observe: conciseness of elements, minimalism in details, naturalness of materials, neutrality of tones. On the walls - wood panels or wallpaper with ethnic patterns.

In a classic bedroom, one cannot do without the ornateness and pathos of details and elements. Here you can give a flight of fancy and choose the color to your liking, but in harmony with the whole interior.

The location of the room and the color of the wallpaper

If the windows of the room are located on south side which means it is sunny and well lit. In this case, you can use wallpaper in darker shades. For example, purple or chocolate.

When placing windows on north side, you should give preference to warm shades of the color palette. For example, orange or purple.

Fashion trends 2017

TO fashion wallpaper for the bedroom of 2017 include: plant themes, three-dimensional drawings, black and white versions of images, geometric drawings and, of course, photo wallpapers (especially custom-made with a fragment of your own photos).


There are a lot of wallpaper design ideas these days. There are countless interesting interior solutions with various combinations of wallpaper in the bedroom. Show your creativity and create your own unique masterpiece. We hope our tips will help you with this.

Photo wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is an economical and convenient option for decorating the walls in the bedroom. A wide variety of patterns and textures allows you to use them in any interior style, create interesting combinations and unusual visual effects. How to choose the right wallpaper for the bedroom will be discussed in this article.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom, their advantages and disadvantages

paper wallpaper

Wallpapers made of ordinary glossy or matte paper are divided into single-layer - simplex, as well as two-layer - duplex. The former are cheaper, the latter are more durable and tear less from mechanical stress.

The main disadvantage of paper wallpaper is fragility. They quickly lose their aesthetic appearance under the influence of moisture, dust, fade in the sun. However, given the low cost of such a finish, it is possible to completely update the interior every 2-3 years.

This is a simple and inexpensive option for cosmetic repairs temporary housing, hostels, rented apartments, as well as in the presence of small children, who sometimes love to draw on the walls. TO this type include photo wallpapers.

Vinyl wallpapers

PVC wallpaper consists of paper or textile base and containing plastic face layer, which can be smooth, embossed (silkscreen), foam, glossy, matte or a combination.

The disadvantage of using polyvinyl is that this material consists of synthetic resins and does not allow the walls to breathe (does not let water vapor and air through). The first time after gluing - such wallpapers can exude the smell of plastic. In the bedroom, this is a significant problem, because the sleeping area must be well ventilated.

The positive aspects of PVC wallpaper are their high aesthetics, strength, long service life (10-15 years), the possibility of repainting, wet cleaning from dust and good soundproofing properties.

Non-woven wallpaper

This is a flexible two-layer web of interwoven cellulose fibers. Due to the microporous texture, these wallpapers are environmentally friendly and adhere well to any surface. The repair process is facilitated by the fact that the adhesive is applied directly to the wall. Textured non-woven wallpaper without vinyl coating suitable for painting.

Textile wallpapers

fabric upholstery - interesting solution for the bedroom, but it is worth considering that every month or two the walls will have to be vacuumed. Dust accumulates especially quickly on fleecy synthetics (velvet, felt, velor). Modern textile wallpapers, as a rule, have a dense base, which makes sticking easier, but working with them is still quite difficult. Excessive amount of glue, soaking into the fabric, can permanently leave ugly stains on it. The advantage of this finishing option can be considered a luxurious appearance and good sound insulation (in the case of using wallpaper on a foam lining).

Glass fiber

Translucent, very thin but tough, glass fiber wallpaper is easy to attach to walls and can last up to 30 years. You can color them up to 10 times, which allows you to quickly update a boring design. A huge advantage of this finish is the environmental friendliness of fiberglass, because only natural raw materials are used for its production - quartz sand, clay, soda and silicates.

Wallpaper for the bedroom depending on the style

To create harmonious interior, the design of the walls should correspond to the chosen direction in the design. It is best to choose wallpapers that match in texture and color with furniture, textiles, windows, doors.

Modern style

For a bedroom in modern style, smooth plain wallpaper is suitable. Light and glossy will make the room visually more spacious, and matte will give comfort. Modern style allows neat monochrome drawings, graphics, abstractions - but not with a continuous coating, but only in the form of an accent.

Classic style

This style combines the monumentality of ancient times with the refined luxury of the Renaissance. A real royal bedroom can be framed with wallpaper in warm shades of white (cream, cream, ivory, light beige) with golden or silver floral ornaments, relief under plaster molding or soft skin.


The romantic atmosphere of the south of France is pastel colors (light gray, pink, mint, lilac, milky) and small floral prints against their background. So that the room does not seem monotonous, sections of wallpaper with drawings must be alternated with monochrome ones, and balance must be maintained when choosing textiles.

Scandinavian style

Natural winter tones will help to recreate the icy freshness of northern Europe - snow-white, shimmering silver, transparent blue, light gray, light green. To make the bedroom more comfortable, you can use wallpaper, the texture of which resembles sun-bleached linen or light, untreated cold-colored boards.

Japanese style

Bedroom interior reminiscent of the country rising sun, can be decorated using bamboo wallpapers, wallpapers with hieroglyphs, cherry blossoms, bamboo leaves, fans, as well as photo wallpapers. The palette of shades for the Japanese style is quite wide - from black and white, gray, woody, straw tones to golden, hot pink and red.

art deco

For this style, wallpapers with abstract and floral patterns in fairly saturated, but at the same time calm colors are perfect. Often used gray with an admixture of other shades, black, white, burgundy, beige and blue. For visual magnification Spaces in Art Deco can use holographic pictures and optical illusions.

Wallpaper color for the bedroom - which one to choose?

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, it is very important to take into account the influence of certain colors on the human psyche. Active colors like orange and red are best reserved for the kitchen or dining room. Yellow, light green, peach - can make the north side warmer. And to cool down a bit south bedroom- it is worth decorating the walls in green and blue shades. Monochromes (white, gray, beige) can be used without restrictions, but black, dark purple and chocolate should be handled with care - they absorb light, reduce space and can sometimes turn a room into a kind of dungeon.

white wallpaper

White wallpaper in the bedroom is a proven classic. On a light background, any furniture, bright or pastel patterns will always look appropriate, it will emphasize the beauty of paintings, photographs and other decor.

Pastel wallpaper

Wallpaper in a soft palette of pinks, blues, greens, yellows, beiges and lavenders is the perfect solution for a romantic bedroom. This design will appeal to all admirers of light, airy interiors.

gray wallpaper

Neutral gray wallpaper is the best solution for a high-tech, modern, minimalist, loft style bedroom. In combination with black or dark blue furniture and strict lines, you get a functional masculine interior; white gloss and silver curls - an option for an elegant lady; bright yellow, pink, green accents on a gray background - for a married couple.

blue wallpaper

Shades of the sky and water have a calming effect on a person, so they are perfect for the bedroom. Blue wallpapers can be combined with white, gray, beige, purple, dark brown, and also complemented with photo wallpapers.

The combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

The combination of patterned and plain wallpaper close in color will allow you to diversify your interior and achieve certain visual effects. Properly selected wall decoration will make the bedroom interesting and cozy. There are several ways to combine - vertical, horizontal, geometric, as well as inserts and niches.


It can be an alternation of stripes from floor to ceiling - light and dark, matte and glossy, printed and one-color. Sometimes found different design individual walls or partial partitions. Vertical accents visually make the room appear taller.


With this combination of wallpaper, you can create beautiful borders, as well as visually expand the walls. Contrasting and horizontal lines are best used to enlarge narrow areas.


Wallpapering in the bedroom at broken angles - unusual way creating an exclusive interior. You can also use the appliqué technique by attaching your favorite paper fragments to the main finish.


An insert is a contrasting fragment of any shape, usually separated by an impromptu frame - plaster, polyurethane, metal, wood or simply painted.


The difference between a wall and a recess in it is easy to emphasize if their colors and textures differ from each other. In a niche, you can glue photo wallpapers, imitation brickwork, a patterned glossy or plain matte insert.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom / bedroom in Khrushchev

The problem characteristic of most Soviet apartments is their small size. However, small size the bedroom is more of a plus than a minus: it saves finishing materials, simplifies repairs, and the atmosphere is more romantic. The main rule is not to overload the interior with large elements and rich colors.

Wallpaper for a bedroom in Khrushchev is better to choose light, pastel, with a small, soft pattern and reflective details. A fully glossy canvas will reveal all the irregularities of the walls, but the combination of a matte background and mirror patterns, on the contrary, will hide them.

Bedroom wallpaper - photo

Our photo gallery contains illustrative examples of what different types of wallpaper can look like in a bedroom interior. Here are monophonic options, striped, with a geometric pattern, floral ornaments, photo wallpapers and all kinds of other combinations. Get inspired!

At first glance it may seem that the choice finishing material for the bedroom - an extremely pleasant occupation. The room has an excellent microclimate - no high humidity and temperature fluctuations, faucet surfaces are rarely subjected to contamination or mechanical stress, which means that there will be practically no exceptions in terms of technological characteristics. But what to do with the variety of color and texture solutions? Which manufacturer to choose - domestic or foreign? Wide wallpapers buy or standard? And how to combine the palette of the department with the color schemes of the furniture, textile design and decorative items? One thing is obvious - without a preliminary plan for choosing the quality, color and texture of wallpaper, you should not go to a store with an incredibly wide selection of options. We hope that the design projects of bedrooms selected by us, in the decoration of which a wide variety of wallpapers were used, will help you not only draw up such a plan, but also make the most effective and successful choice.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

The main feature of the selection of finishes for the bedroom is the almost complete absence of restrictions. There are no factors harmful to the finish in the bedroom, the walls themselves are rarely loaded or any kind of mechanical stress, the risk of contamination is minimized. Yes, and the attention of the guests of the home to a private room is minimal, which means that you can decorate the bedroom in accordance with your own vision of functionality, aesthetics, practicality and beauty. An important factor when choosing a finishing material in terms of technical properties there will be a budget for repairs. After all, the range of prices for wallpapers of domestic and foreign manufacturers is incredibly wide. And only the owners will be able to decide what they like - cheap, but not durable paper wallpapers or practical vinyl, or maybe luxurious velor fabrics, which will take half of the available funds to repair or reconstruct the bedroom interior.

Paper wallpaper. The main advantages are low cost, environmental friendliness, ease of installation, the ability to pass air and a large range color solutions, products with prints. The obvious disadvantages include fragility (even with very careful use - no more than 4-5 years), susceptibility to fading under the influence of sunlight and the inability to endure wet cleaning, the use of cleaning products.

Non-woven wallpaper or non-woven fabric. Interlining has a high density, it consists of cellulose fibers with the addition polymer materials. Depending on the method of applying the pattern, there are two groups of non-woven wallpaper:

wallpaper with direct application;

polymer-coated fabrics.

With direct application, the pattern is transferred directly onto the fillet base. Such canvases are stronger than paper ones, but they have a number of other disadvantages:

  • such material, as well as paper sheets, cannot be washed, cleaned with special products;
  • wallpaper fade in the sun.

The advantages of non-woven wallpaper with direct drawing include:

  • high strength;
  • ease of installation - wallpaper can be applied to a wall treated with glue without using it for the canvases themselves;
  • the ability to "breathe";
  • environmental friendliness in relation to man and the environment;
  • the density of the canvases allows you to hide minor imperfections in the processing of surfaces that are being finished.

With a polymer coating of non-woven wallpaper, the pattern is applied to the vinyl coating. This polymer coating can be smooth, foamed or embossed (silk-screen printing type). The surface of such canvases is able to imitate various options finishes - from brick or stone masonry to concrete and wooden surfaces.

To the pluses of non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coated include:

  • excellent strength (including tensile strength);
  • durability;
  • the possibility of cleaning with a wet method;
  • burnout resistance;
  • the ability to hide small cracks and potholes in the surface of the walls.

Some of the shortcomings include:

  • inability to pass air;
  • some polymer products are capable of releasing toxic substances, so the choice of wallpaper must be carried out in accordance with GOST.

Textile wallpaper. This finishing option is the best suited for the bedroom. Wallpaper is made as follows - a fabric or thread is applied to a thick paper or non-woven base. The fabric can be:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • jute;
  • velor;
  • felt.

Of course, such material is significantly superior in cost to paper products, but it also has distinctive advantages:

  • improved sound and heat insulation properties (which is important for a bedroom);
  • high level of environmental friendliness, ability to breathe (if the base is made of paper);
  • luxurious appearance, exclusivity design.

Unfortunately, there are also many disadvantages of such a finish:

  • cleaning surfaces is problematic, wet cleaning is prohibited;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage (in a house with small children and / or pets, use is undesirable);
  • the installation of such canvases is more difficult to carry out than to paste over the walls with paper or vinyl wallpaper;
  • high cost of paintings.

Wallpaper. Have wide use in the creation of modern design projects for bedrooms. Great for decorating an accent wall. An image of a beautiful cityscape, plants or animals, nature or fictional scenes, macro photography or family photos enlarged to the entire wall - an interior with such an accent will be unique, interesting.

As a rule, photo wallpapers are made of fiberglass and have an adhesive layer. But recently it has become fashionable to use a natural base - bamboo, leather, cork.

In addition to the above types of wallpaper, in modern design projects bedrooms are also used liquid wallpaper, fiberglass canvases. Textured wallpapers are very popular, with embossing, inclusions of quartz, colored glass particles, straw, shells and much more.

The combination of wallpaper in the decoration of the bedroom

The combination of wallpaper, different in color, print, texture and even style of execution, can help not only create original interior, but also to correct the flaws in the geometry of the room, highlight certain functional areas, create certain accents.

We focus on the advantages and mask the disadvantages. With the help of a color, pattern or pattern, you can create a focus on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, interior item or surface. For example, you would like to divert attention from the design of the ceiling (irregularities or flaws in the finish) - a bright pattern on the wall, in the middle part of the room will become ideal option accent. Or vice versa, you would like to focus on the furnishing of the room ( beautiful design bed, for example) - wallpaper the walls in a neutral color scheme and practically make them invisible.

We zone the room. Very often in the bedroom, in addition to the immediate area of ​​​​sleep and relaxation, there are other functional segments - a dressing table, a boudoir, a workplace, a dressing room, a reading corner. It is enough to use a combination of wallpapers that are different in color, texture or stylistic decision and the room will be effectively zoned.

We increase the space. It's no secret that with the help of certain optical effects, you can visually adjust the volume of the room. For example, horizontal stripes on the wallpaper help to visually increase the width of the room, and vertical stripes - the height of the ceiling.

A favorite technique of designers all over the world (mostly forced) is the use of a light palette to visually increase the space, erasing the boundaries of the room. But this does not mean that in a small bedroom you will have to paste over all the walls with white wallpaper and be content with bright accents on bed textiles or window drapery. The palette of pastel shades, which will not interfere with the visual enlargement of the room and will bring a certain zest to the design of the bedroom, is incredibly diverse. And you can create an accent with the help of a soft print on light wallpaper, with the help of textured elements.

Create an accent surface. The easiest and most effective way to create a color accent is to make one of the walls of the room in a bright tone (against a background of a light color palette) or using a pattern (pattern, ornament, photo printing). There are many ready-made combination solutions on sale. Wallpapers are sold in specially created collections - as a rule, the tone of the main finish is present in the pattern of accent paintings.

Focusing on a point. No less popular design technique by focusing attention in the right place - creating an emphasis not on the entire surface, but on some part of it. For example, a segment is highlighted above the head of the bed, around the fireplace, a place for reading, dressing table or an interior item to which you would like to draw attention (antique furniture, art or an expensive decorative element).

Wallpaper as decorative element. Often very beautiful, expensive wallpapers (or simply canvases that differ significantly from the general background of the room) are used as wall decor. You can arrange plywood with wallpaper pasted on it into a beautiful frame and hang it on the wall or decorate with moldings canvases locally located on vertical surfaces bedrooms.

The current color palette - trendy prints and textures

It is obvious that the color scheme of the walls in the bedroom largely forms not only the image of the room, but also our psychological state during our stay in it. That is why it is important to take the choice of print on the wallpaper for the sleeping space with all seriousness. The color palette and options for drawings on canvases will depend on the following factors:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • quantity and parameters window openings(the level of natural light is incredibly important);
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • color schemes of the main furniture and textile design of the bed and windows (the rule about the combination of plain wallpaper with printed curtains and vice versa, colorful finishes with neutral window drapery, has not been canceled).

Monochromatic wallpaper is an option for a laconic interior or a room in which it is planned to highlight the furniture of the room and, above all, the bed with its design. Most often, neutral pastel shades are chosen for the bedroom, soothing and setting up for rest, relaxation ...

But there are also radically opposite options for decorating bedrooms. A bright, colorful wallpaper tone is most often chosen to decorate an accent wall. If the surface behind the head of the bed becomes such a wall, then even a bright tone will not interfere with a calm emotional state. After all, lying in bed, we cannot focus on the wall located behind the head of the bed.

Floral print. To create a romantic image of the room, a floral print is perfect. And yet the bedroom is most often a space for two. To balance the atmosphere and not go too far with the femininity of the interior, the floral pattern on the wallpaper is most often used as an accent wall decoration. Depending on the quality of the wallpaper, floral print can be used to create a classic, romantic, modern interior and in the style of screws, shabby chic.

Often, a floral or floral print echoes animalistic motifs in the design of bedroom walls. Images of animals, birds, fish and insects contribute to the creation of a relaxing, but at the same time not boring atmosphere of the room. Most often, a similar wallpaper pattern can be found in bedroom projects in a classic, oriental and eclectic style.

Ornaments with geometric elements. The range of use of geometric print in the decoration of bedrooms in terms of familiarization with a certain style is incredibly wide. The geometric ornament looks quite strict, concise, but much depends on the chosen color schemes and their combinatorics. Geometric print can be used from classic to modern, from understated to eclectic.

"The Imitation Game" Wallpaper imitating various surfaces are at the peak of their popularity. Easy to create accent wall using wallpaper that imitates concrete or wooden surface brickwork, masonry, peeling plaster or old paint. The originality of the image and ease of installation (compared to original finish made of stone or wood) bribe both designers and their customers.

Wallpaper for decorating a bedroom in 2019

To each person after a stressful labor day I want to have a good rest, relax and restore the forces that were spent during the day. And the place for relaxation in the apartment, of course, is the bedroom.

As a rule, a very narrow circle of people can enter it. The bedroom is a place where a married couple can retire, so it is better to decorate it in a romantic style.

To create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere, it is very important to choose the right wallpaper, taking into account the dimensions of the room, its level of lighting and some other parameters. Properly selected wallpaper is guaranteed to provide your bedroom with:

  • comfortable environment conducive to relaxation and good rest;
  • ideal zoning of the room;
  • hides the architectural flaws of the room or reduces them to a minimum.

Choice of the main color solution

Everyone who has ever faced the problem of choosing wallpaper for pasting an apartment knows that sometimes it can be very difficult to make a final decision. We decide for a long time which wallpaper to choose in a bright bedroom so that they please us with their appearance.

Basically, the choice of colors causes difficulties, because everyone has long known that the state of mind of people in the room largely depends on the color of the wallpaper.

Therefore, you should not choose wallpapers of bright flashy colors for the bedroom, because they get bored very quickly and adversely affect nervous system. It is recommended to paste over the walls in the bedroom with wallpaper of the following colors:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • sand;
  • light blue.

In case you are not satisfied with such a too calm color palette, then you can complement the interior with some bright element.

It can be a composition made up of flowers, as well as a photograph or a picture framed in a beautiful frame. Residents of big cities should make a choice in favor of various green shades, as they contribute to the complete relaxation of the body.

Do not forget that the wallpaper should be in harmony with the color of the curtains and the furniture ensemble.

Drawing on the wallpaper - is it necessary or not?

Most people choosing light wallpaper to the bedroom, unconsciously choose canvases with a pattern that creates a mood. In order for it to be more positive and favorable, you need to choose an original drawing with cheerful notes.

To make the bedroom seem lighter, you should avoid all sorts of stripes on the wallpaper, and focus on geometric or floral patterns.

The choice of material for wallpaper

Light wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom should be selected not only based on the pattern on their surface, but also taking into account the material from which they are made and the technology of their production. Usually wallpaper canvases are presented in hardware stores in the following versions:

Wallpapers for paper basis- can be both very thin and have several layers. Between themselves, they differ in embossing, texture, pattern. They are united by a short operational period. The advantages of paper wallpaper include their environmental safety and cost, affordable even for people with low level income.

Non-woven wallpaper - have greater strength than paper counterparts, provide good air exchange. When buying, you need to make sure that you have an environmental passport for this product, since traces of chemical components may remain on non-woven wallpaper.

Wallpapers based on textiles are environmentally friendly coatings that will look great in the interior of any premises intended for recreation. Front surface textile wallpaper additionally impregnated with materials that prevent the wallpaper from fading and accumulating static electricity.

Vinyl-based wallpaper - must be equipped with microscopic pores to ensure air exchange.

Wallpaper in the bedroom in beige tones

The beige color scheme of wallpaper today is the most popular for pasting the walls in the bedroom. The color of beige disposes residents to calmness and tranquility. Looking at the photo of light wallpaper in the bedroom, you can verify the validity of these words.

It can be used alone or in combination with other colors. The beige color is perceived very easily, while remaining almost invisible in the interior of the bedroom.

Beige is a neutral tones, so it is a versatile option for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room. The use of beige tones in the interior of the bedroom makes it calmer, which is very important for a good rest.

Finishing, furniture and additional accessories performed in beige, make it possible to create an atmosphere in the bedroom that is most conducive to relaxation and distraction from negative thoughts. In order to avoid facelessness in the interior, you can complement the design of the room with some bright elements decor.

Color combination

Beige color is in perfect harmony with the following colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • blue
  • green
  • pink;
  • crimson.

If in the design of the room are used bright combinations, then both colors must be taken in equal proportions. If both furniture and wallpaper are presented in beige, then decorative accessories and textiles should play the role of a color accent.

Thus, the interior design of the bedroom in light colors is the most acceptable option for creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere, necessary for a relaxed state and relaxation.

Photo of light wallpaper in the bedroom