Chechens are cowardly people. The truth about Chechens - “real men” and “invincible warriors”

On February 23, I, like most of the male population of Russia, raised a couple of toasts to the defenders of the Fatherland. I drank these glasses alone, but with all my heart, mentally congratulating all the soldiers who defended the Motherland. And I spent most of the day in front of the TV screen, clicking on the remote control. 70 percent of holiday programs were dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, 10% to Afghanistan and 20% to Chechnya. After looking at the dead, bearded faces of Chechen bandits and the ruins of Grozny, I began to think: why did this Chechnya become such a thorn in the paw of the Russian bear, why was it not squashed in a couple of days, like a cockroach?

There are two reasons for this for me. Firstly, the leadership is completely corrupt Russian army, which during the years of the Chechen campaigns was looking for personal gain rather than working in the interests of the country. Secondly, the absence of all human qualities among the Chechen militias - I won’t call them militants: for me this is a film genre, and besides, such a word implies at least some kind of nobility. The combination of these two factors led to the fact that too many Russians died in Chechnya for such an anti-terrorist operation. First-year soldiers who did not know how to properly hold a machine gun went to the mountains to fight. The Chechens, under the leadership of mercenaries, shot at these defenseless targets and began to consider themselves the best warriors in the world. In their opinion, Vainakhs = terminators. And this despite the fact that Chechnya was torn apart, and part of the population was not destroyed only because Russia is a civilized Christian country.

So, after all, who are the Chechens and why have they always represented a problem for Russia? A quick excursion into history is indispensable here.

History does not know the exact origin of the proto-Vainakh tribes. The first written source about the ancient period of Vainakh history is the work of a major Armenian encyclopedist of the 6th century. Anania Shirakatsi “Armenian Geography”. There he mentions the self-name of the Chechens “Nokhchamatyans” - people who speak Chechen: “At the mouth of the Tanais River live the Nakhchamateans (Naxamats) and another tribe.” Where they came from is not important to us. Their lifestyle is important. Nokhchi has always been a headache for neighbors. While other tribes were engaged in cattle breeding or agriculture, the ancient Chechens did not recognize work as such and traded in robbery and horse theft.

The history of the Russian-Chechen confrontation dates back to the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century, when Russia waged numerous long and persistent wars with Turkey, Persia, Crimean Khan. The Caucasus Range was a natural barrier between Russia and its enemies, so it was strategically important for the Empire to keep it under control. At this time, the highlanders began their terrorist attacks. One of the first documented facts of an attack on Russian troops was the attack of the Chechens in 1732 on a Russian battalion making the transition from Dagestan to Stavropol. From 1785 to 1791, gangs of Chechens treacherously (and they could not do otherwise) attacked Russian farmers who were developing the areas of what is now Stavropol. At the end of the victorious war with Napoleon, Alexander I began a series of Caucasian wars. He was prompted to take this step by constant Chechen robberies, robberies, mass cattle thefts, the slave trade, and attacks on military garrisons. These wars lasted until 1864, and acquired their greatest scope in 1834, when Imam Shamil became the head of the rebellious highlanders.

By the way, this character is still an example for every Chechen. These days, young Chechen pop stars sing songs about the enemy of Russia, on whose conscience more than a liter of shed Orthodox blood has been shed.

Shamil was caught and destroyed. Along with him, a number of rebel imams were expelled. When Field Marshal Paskevich took the reins of the army into his own hands, our army resorted to “scorched earth” tactics - the rebel villages were completely destroyed, and the population was completely destroyed. There was no other way out - only this helped break the resistance of the Chechens. However, isolated bandit attacks were observed until the 1917 revolution. Well, “nokhcho” cannot live any other way.

Why did they last so long? Maybe because they are strong, brave and smart? The answer to this question will be given by the following historical fact- already time Civil War.

Anton Ivanovich Denikin, one of the main leaders of the White movement, had under the command of the so-called Wild Division, formed from Chechens and Ingush. The “savages” went to fight against him, thinking that in this way they were resisting Russian Empire. In the memoirs of a certain person with the significant surname Breshko-Breshkovsky, the valor and invincibility of this division were mentioned. Like, they all showed themselves to be just John Rimbaud during the First World War. Information about the personality of this Breshko-Breshkovsky has not been preserved in history, but his myth about the Wild Division remains.

In 1919, Denikin sent these “terminators” under the leadership of General Revishin to Ukraine to suppress the Makhno uprising. The wild mounted division, reinforced by several marching squadrons and artillery, was in the second echelon of the strike group. Moving through the territory of Ukraine, they really forced themselves to be afraid - they robbed local population, raped women, slaughtered adults and children.

And in the first real battle, the Chechen-Ingush “army” was practically destroyed. In that battle, the opponents repeatedly came to hand-to-hand combat, and at the end of the battle, the Makhnovists shot several native squadrons with cart machine guns. The “Wild Division” lost more than a thousand soldiers, and the Makhnovist rebels lost about forty. This is how eyewitnesses of those events described the defeat of the Chechens:

- “with one blow the head, neck and half of the body were cut off, or half of the head was beveled as precisely as if they were cutting a watermelon.”
“The wounds of the Chechens were mostly fatal. I myself saw chopped skulls, I saw a hand completely cut off, a shoulder cut to the 3rd-4th rib - only well-trained cavalry soldiers could chop like that.”

After this, the surviving Chechens categorically declared that they did not want to fight anymore, voluntarily abandoned their posts and Denikin’s army and went to their home in the Caucasus. General Revishin later managed to create another Wild Division, but there was no semblance of discipline in it - only primitive robbery remained - the main business of the Chechens from century to century. The team was called the Chechen Cavalry and was transferred to Crimea. What they were doing there was described excellently and succinctly by General Slashchev-Krymsky:

- “Magnificent robbers in the rear, these highlanders slept through the Red raid on Tyup-Dzhankoy in early February, and then just as magnificently fled, abandoning all six guns. There were so few Reds that the counterattack I launched did not even catch them, but only found guns that had sunk in the ice. I especially felt sorry for the two lungs: the castles and panoramas were carried away by the Reds and the corpses of the guns remained.”

And the Chechen “exploits” of the Civil War were summed up by Dmitry de Witte, an officer of the Wild Division.

“The share of a Chechen as a warrior is small; by nature he is an abrek robber, and not a brave one at that: he always selects a weak victim for himself and, if he defeats her, he becomes cruel to the point of sadism. In battle, his only motive is the thirst for robbery, as well as a sense of animal fear of the officer. They cannot withstand a stubborn and prolonged battle, especially on foot, and easily, like any wild person, panic at the slightest failure. Having served for about a year among the Chechens and having visited them at home in the villages, I think that I will not be mistaken in asserting that all the beautiful and noble customs of the Caucasus and the adats of antiquity were created not by them and not for them, but, obviously, by more cultured and gifted people tribes."

Under Soviet rule, Chechnya was given a lot of land and Sharia was recognized. The area began to develop. In 1925, the first Chechen newspaper appeared. In 1928 - Chechen radio. Illiterate Chechens began to be taught the alphabet. Two pedagogical and two oil technical schools were opened in Grozny, and then the first national theater. True, it was never possible to create a Chechen intelligentsia. Why - look who is the worst student in college. In MGIMO, RGSU, RGGU, for example, the Chechens, Ingush and, for some reason, the Vietnamese are considered the stupidest.

How did the descendants of the Wild Division thank the Soviet authorities? Terror and pogroms of government institutions, disruption of grain procurement in the lowland parts of Dagestan and Ingushetia, demand to replace the elected bodies of Soviet power with elders Chechen teips. In total, from 1920 to 1941, 12 major armed uprisings (with the participation of 500 to 5,000 bandits) and more than 50 less significant ones took place in Chechnya and Ingushetia alone.

Now let's jump to terrible years Great Patriotic War. From June 22 to September 3, 1941, over 40 insurgent bandit manifestations were registered. By February 1943, gang formations in 20 villages of Chechnya numbered more than 6,540 people. And this is at the most difficult time for the country. So was the decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR No. 5073 of January 31, 1944 on the liquidation of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and deportation from places really unjustified? permanent residence Chechens, Ingush, Karachais, Balkars?

Only in 1957 Supreme Council The USSR issued a decree on the restoration of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and allowed the repressed peoples to return to their historical homeland. The Chechen question has arisen again. Despite the fact that in the shortest possible time the Russians brought the region to the pre-war level of oil production and industrial development, the attitude of the locals towards them did not change. The more indigenous people came, the more Russian workers left, not wanting to risk their lives. In the 90s - when there were almost no Russians left in Chechnya - their production, economy, and science finally stopped.

Why was neither Tsarist Russia, nor Soviet Russia, nor modern Russia able to completely suppress Chechnya? After all, Chechens are still warriors. Try to remove cockroaches without the help of chemicals. You smack them with your slipper, and new ones crawl out from under the baseboard, and even hiding behind female cockroaches. You think whether it’s worth killing the females, it’s a pity, but at this time these insects are desperately copulating under the baseboard, dreaming that their children will quickly grow up and climb on you. Cockroaches do not have the morals of people; they are ready to do any meanness and baseness. But you have morals - you don’t want to take Dichlorvos.

It is also difficult to fight with the Chechens because of their “code of male honor” - this code has nothing to do with chivalry. Blood feud, for example, is a monstrous archaism in the 21st century; in Chechnya it is the norm of behavior. A Chechen is not allowed to make mistakes. Having made a mistake, he will resist and insist that he is right until the end. This is drilled into them from a young age: I remember in the first grade a Chechen boy took away a pencil case from a classmate. She asked for it back and was hit in the head with the same pencil case. The teacher tried to force the boy to apologize, but the little animal stood all day in the corner without squeezing out a word. They are also forbidden to look funny - so home-grown Petrosyans will never appear in Chechnya. They are gradually developing a KVN culture, but there is nothing funny about it. It is forbidden to forgive - this is absolute savagery; the Chechen language does not even have the words “mercy” and “forgiveness”.

It is forbidden to lose. In the 90s, when I was boxing, bearded men approached me before sparring.

Hey, listen, right now you’re going to fight with my nephew - lose to him, otherwise you’ll regret it.
- But it’s just sparring, it doesn’t count towards the rankings
- He doesn’t fuck!

That day I thrashed the Chechen so much that I received a scolding from the coach - not to hurt my own people, because the competition was coming soon. We had to spend the night in the trainer's room, without food. But the next day, when my friends came for me in three cars, and there wasn’t a single bearded face in the area, I received some kind of moral satisfaction.

So should we restore Chechnya for them? Is it worth raising their culture? Is it worth showing the unfunny Chechen KVN team on television? Is it worth developing football and making the Terek club (which is not called a “political project” among fans) a full-fledged team?

By the way, about football: in the opening match of the 2008 season, the entire stadium in Grozny was deafeningly booed Russian Anthem. Listening to this whistle then, I realized: Russia will have to take Slippers more than once. Today, against the backdrop of Kadyrov’s latest statements and actions, I have become stronger in this thought.

The turn of the 17th-18th centuries was marked by numerous wars between Russia and Turkey, Persia, and also with the Crimean Khanate. Since our country was separated from our enemies by the Caucasus Range, it was strategically important to seize control over it. But it turned out to be not so simple. The mountaineers did not want to be conquered at all. So, in 1732, the Chechens attacked a Russian battalion that was making the transition from Dagestan to Stavropol. From 1785 to 1791, Chechen gangs more than once treacherously attacked Russian military garrisons and peaceful farmers who were developing the lands of what is now Stavropol. The confrontation between Russians and Chechens reached its peak in 1834, when Imam Shamil became the head of the rebels. The Russian army, led by Field Marshal Paskevich, resorted to “scorched earth” tactics: villages whose population was on the side of the rebels were destroyed, and their inhabitants were completely exterminated... In general, the resistance of the Chechens was broken, but individual “sabotage” against the Russians continued until the revolution 1917. “They amaze with their mobility, agility, and dexterity. In war, they rush into the middle of the column, a terrible massacre begins, because the Chechens are agile and merciless like tigers,” writes V.A. Potto in the book “ Caucasian War in separate essays, episodes, legends and biographies" (1887). When, during one of the battles, the Russians asked the Chechens to surrender, they replied: “We do not want mercy, we ask one favor from the Russians - let them let our families know that we died as we lived - without submitting to someone else’s power.”

"Wild Division"

During the Civil War, many Chechens and Ingush went to serve in the “Wild Division” under the command of General Denikin. In 1919, this “division” carried out a real massacre in Ukraine, where it went to suppress Makhno’s uprising. True, in the very first battle with the Makhnovists, the “savages” were defeated. After which the Chechens announced that they no longer wanted to fight with Denikin and voluntarily returned to their Caucasus. Soon, Soviet power was formally established in the Caucasus. However, from 1920 to 1941, 12 large armed uprisings against the Bolsheviks and more than 50 smaller riots took place on the territory of Chechnya and Ingushetia. During the war years, the number of sabotages by the local population led to the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the deportation of local residents.

“Come free!”

Why has it always been so difficult with the Chechens? Because the foundations of their culture are fundamentally different from ours. Yes, they are still in use blood feud. In addition, a Chechen does not have the right to admit his mistakes. Having made a mistake, he will still insist until the very end that he is right. It is also forbidden to forgive your enemies. At the same time, the Chechen people have the concept of “nokhchalla,” which means “to be a Chechen.” It includes a set of ethical rules accepted in Chechen society. According to him, a Chechen should be restrained, taciturn, unhurried, and careful in his statements and assessments. The norm is considered to be offering help to those who need it, mutual assistance, hospitality, respect for any person, regardless of his kinship, faith or origin. But at the same time, “nokhchalla” implies rejection of any coercion. From childhood, Chechens are raised to be warriors and defenders. Even the ancient Chechen greeting says: “Come free!” Nokhchalla is not only an internal feeling of freedom, but also a willingness to defend it at any cost.4 The old Chechen song, which later became the anthem of “free Ichkeria,” says: Rather, granite rocks, like lead, will melt, Than hordes of enemies will force us to bow! Rather, the earth will ignite in flames, Than we will appear to the grave, having sold our honor! We will never submit to anyone. Death or Freedom - we will achieve one of the two. The Chechens themselves claim that among them there are true bearers of the “holy traditions of the Vainakhs” - adats - and there are those who have deviated from these canons. By the way, the word “Vainakh” means “our people.” And once upon a time, a person of any nationality could become “one of our own” for the Chechens. But, of course, subject to compliance with their customs. Those Chechens who engage in robbery and robbery, who become terrorists, are not “true Vainakhs.” They use their powerful temperament for unworthy purposes. But judging the entire Chechen people by them is a big mistake.

From conversations with Chechens. Recorded during my last trip to Grozny. All phrases belong to different people:

Don’t laugh at our gold, we walked under your bombs for ten years, now we walk under gold. We have the right!

I won't go to the rally. Why support him (Ramzan)? Is he so weak? I didn't see him being offended.

It's very safe here. I can leave the car running and no one will approach it. There is no such thing in any region of Russia.

Why are you even attached to Chechnya, to Kadyrov, everything is fine with us, don’t interfere with us.

- If a woman wants to work in a normal position, she must wear a headscarf. You can't make a career with your head uncovered.

I don’t like these rallies, I’m a loner, why should I group together? I’ll tell you this: live honestly and you won’t have to clump together.

It is written in the Koran that America will go under water, so they are trying to come to us. To our land.

It’s bad that because of individual degenerates the whole nation is being judged. If any Chechen in Moscow goes on a rampage, you immediately turn him on. Here, no one is outrageous, but you allow them. My son is studying in Moscow, what is he doing there? How is he behaving? Don't know. I'm worried that he will disgrace me in front of people.

Wouldn't you exchange a thousand for a hundred? No, five hundred is not good, it’s just throwing money at children for a wedding, it’s already hard to pay 500, it’s taken time.

What's wrong with us? There is nothing bad with us, everything is good with us.

Nobody feeds us. You don’t need to feed the Chechen, you restore what you destroyed.

I don’t understand why people gather in support of Ramzan. You might think he needs our support. Putin is his support, why does he need us?

Nobody offends Ramzan. He himself no longer knows who to offend.

Why are we black-assed? Chechens will be whiter than Russians. It is because of their illiteracy that they call us that. A real Chechen has white skin and blue eyes.

Nobody called us to the rally. We came ourselves. For what? Don't know. That's how it should be. Our people are like that, we don’t need to be asked or forced, we feel what we need to do, what’s right, and we do it.

If Ramzan sees garbage, he will fire the prefect (the head of the district). Therefore, where Ramzan travels, it is always perfectly clean. And you turn onto the next street, there will already be dirt there. How is it that you washed your face but don’t need your neck? So it turns out? Why this show?

Ay! Why are you standing on your Priora?! Your chassis costs 2 rubles, don’t be afraid!

If a Chechen is wrong or behaves incorrectly, Ramzan or his people will resolve the issue. It doesn’t matter whether in Moscow, Grozny or another country. I have a business in Moscow, when I do something or perform somewhere, I always think how Ramzan will react to it.

Ramzanchik - good boy. Doesn't hit, feeds 3 times, everything is fine! I experienced everything the hard way, so now everything is fine. The main thing is to feed. If it weren’t for Ramzanchik, there would have been trouble!

They say that Ramzan has a whole zoo in his residence. There are lions, tigers, and different fish. They constantly give him animals. But he doesn't like monkeys. Once he was given a monkey, so he immediately fed it to his lions.

I don’t know who Yashin is, but if the people are against him, that means bad person. People won’t just talk to a person like that. Yes, he is a bad person.

To be honest, I don’t really understand politics and don’t follow who is saying what. Why did you come? I can't be silent!

Wow! Is this your wig or a real one? Can I touch it?

What are the Russians talking about?

When I left for Grozny, many of my friends were worried that they would kill me there, throw me into a pit, and in general, Chechnya is so dangerous! Others asked how much Kadyrov paid me when I would have a selfie with him and a sign in his support on Instagram. Of course, I had to return from Grozny in a black Porsche Cayenne with KRA license plates. After all, you can’t just pick up and fly to Chechnya. They should either kill you there or give you Cayenne. There are no other options.

I'm telling you. They didn't give me a Porsche Cayenne. There will be no selfies. They didn't kill either. There will be posts about good and bad Grozny. I hope you don't have to apologize.

In March, Norwegian authorities began forcibly deporting Chechen emigrants from the country. 50 families, including women and children, have already been expelled to Russia. A year ago, Austria did the same. One of the reasons for deportation is the aggressive behavior of immigrants towards the indigenous inhabitants of the country that gave them refuge. The same claims are made against people from the southern regions in Russia itself. Why do hot Caucasian guys who boast of strict moral rules in their homeland behave like they’re in a stable when they’re away?

"Children's" pranks

— German, Chechen guys in Russian cities behave, to put it mildly, provocatively. For what?

“Chechen big boys are running amok—children of high-ranking officials and rich people, golden youth in jeeps and Lamborghinis.” They are always in sight and behave rudely... At 20 years old, where does he get such a car? Who is he? Surely the son of some person. He was accustomed to permissiveness in his homeland and, having arrived in Russia, he lives in the same way according to his own laws, or rather, without any laws. Because he knows: if anything happens, dad, dad’s friend or relative will come, wave some serious money, make calls where necessary, pay if necessary, and get away with any matter. Everyone sees: if something happened to a Russian, no one will help him. And all reserves are being pulled up to protect the young native of the Caucasus. Hence the exclusivity and non-jurisdiction of Russian laws.

These untouchables are mainly seen in Moscow. A guy from a poor Chechen family cannot afford Moscow. And those who do find themselves in the capital are childishly drawn to the majors: to ride along Tverskaya in the back seat of a jeep, to feel cool. The majors form their retinue from them - brigades of “sixes”. They cannot say: “My father is a hundred times richer than yours, so you must serve me.”

They say: “We are from the Caucasus, we are brothers, the Caucasus will defeat everyone, Russia is under us...” They use these spells to create a heroic aura around themselves. Simple-minded guys from among the poor tribesmen fall for this. And then: “We are Islam, Allah Akbar!” What is “Allah Akbar” if you drink vodka?! If you are rowdy and pester other people's wives? What kind of Muslim are you in this case and what does religion have to do with it? All this would not have happened if the authorities had a tough policy - not towards nations, but towards any citizens.

If you have committed an offense, answer. It doesn’t matter who your dad is. In reality, things are being hampered along ethnic lines. Not so long ago, this was done by completely official officials like the Chechen ombudsman Nurdi Nukhazhiev, who, together with his team, repeatedly went to showdowns where, in his opinion, the honor of Chechen youth was being violated. This greatly angered the local population and inflamed passions. The leitmotif of these flying brigades was: “Our boys could do nothing wrong!” Why couldn't they? Let’s say the guilty “boy” lives in the Stavropol Territory. So what if he’s Chechen? There are local Russians law enforcement agencies, they'll figure it out. Who authorized the ombudsman to defend someone on behalf of an ethnic community? And what does it have to do with it all? national structures? Some guys did something - we need to talk not with the community, but with the police and the prosecutor's office.

“Everyone was outraged by the story when a student, the son of a businessman, drove an SUV in Moscow around the Eternal Flame. Did you want to insult or show off?

- These are the same major things. I rode in a jeep, not a six. The same “son” is one of those who come to Moscow supposedly to study. These guys organize a race and spree, and then come up to the teacher: “Listen, if you don’t give me a good grade, my dad will call the right person and they will kick you out of work.” The more they are allowed, the more impudent they become. They don’t want to do anything with their own hands—neither study nor work. For what? After all, if dad gives 10 thousand dollars a month for pocket expenses, there is no problem.

Slave or Highlander?
— You said: “Chechnya is the last real male society left in Russia. This is a man's world." Why does Chechnya today give birth to male destroyers, and not those who build and develop thought?

“Today in Chechnya, labor itself has lost its value. Half of the working-age population is unemployed. And everywhere there is terrible inequality. The thoughts are: work hard all day and night, you won’t even earn enough to pay for your child’s textbooks. And the neighbor with whom we grew up on the same street has several cars, two-story house and 40 security personnel. He buys all his sons a jeep for their 16th birthday. He's an official and he's tough. And you walk around with your butt naked: At the same time, social stratification is not typical for Chechens - in mountain society there was no such gap between rich and poor. For people, this is a severe psychological shock that now you are nobody, a slave, and your neighbor is a master and kicks you like straw under your feet. Few people want to become farm laborers.

— Representatives of more than 180 nationalities and ethnic groups coexist in Russia. Be that as it may, people get along with each other. Why are only Chechens opposing themselves to everyone else? Why are they “outside the system”?

— They say that the Chechens do not find a common language not only with the Russians in Russia and in Chechnya itself, but even with their neighbors - the Ingush, Dagestanis, Kabardians, Ossetians, that they allegedly have a conflict with everyone. But this is a myth. The nation “Caucasian” is a collective definition, but there is no single “Caucasian community”. Yes, people in the Caucasus different culture and different religions often do not find a common language. But it’s unlikely that the Chechens are in a special place here. The same thing, for example, is observed in Ingushetia and in multinational Dagestan, where each region has its own nationality - Avars, Laks, Kumyks - and sometimes in a neighboring village they speak a different dialect.

— What is happening to Chechen culture? The Ossetians have Valery Gergiev and Kosta Khetagurov, the Abkhazians have Fazil Iskander and Ksenia Georgiadi. Dagestan has Rasul Gamzatov, Kabardino-Balkaria has Yuri Temirkanov. What about Chechnya?

— Chechnya has cultural and ethnic isolation. Although there were famous Chechens - dancer Makhmud Esambaev, composer Adnan Shakhbulatov. There are even now - writers Kanta Ibragimov, Sultan Yashurkaev, poet Apti Bisultanov. True, the last two are now working in exile - in Europe. And this is not surprising: out of 3 million Chechens, only 1 million live in their homeland. The rest are in Russia or abroad. It is difficult to be a national writer in Chechnya itself and even a Chechen writer in Russia today: this is not possible, this is not possible - there is no freedom of speech.

Everyone is to blame
- “You have to be rich, not smart. If we have money, we’ll buy the rest.” This is the psychology of everything North Caucasus?

— And most of Russia too. But the shock reforms of the 90s resonated in Chechnya in their own way. In Chechen society there is no mechanism to counter the “modest charm” of capital. People have no immunity against the power of money. This is a problem for all peoples of our country, but especially for small, outlying peoples. All moral guidelines have been knocked down. There is only one thing left: “The main thing is money, not labor.” That is, there is no need to work, there is no need to study, it is not necessary to be moral and obey the laws. In this sense, we are like the Chukchi: they brought vodka - and there was widespread drunkenness. Luxury has the same effect on us.

- So who is oppressing whom now: the Russians are the Chechens or vice versa?

- Everyone has their own truth. The Russians also have majors, who, however, do not come from Moscow to Grozny. But questions still remain. Why do Chechens always have complaints against Russia, only sometimes against the authorities in their own republic and never against themselves? This applies to everything to the Russian people, who is forever oppressed by some evil historical forces. We have a common problem: it seems that everyone around us is to blame - we are offended, but we ourselves are good. Psychological compensation as a reaction to an unfair life. And a sign that it’s time to get rid of infantilism.


German Sadulayev was born in 1973 in the village of Shali, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into the family of a Chechen man and a Terek Cossack woman.