What an Orthodox Christian should never do. The prayer life of an Orthodox Christian

How to be a Christian in the most ordinary everyday situations? This time we selected questions from our mail about a person’s attitude towards himself and towards his neighbors and asked them to Metropolitan Longin of Saratov and Volsk.

— Vladyka, communication with other people is important for any person. We can say that in communication - both with people close to us and with people who are not so close and pleasant - we learn Christianity in practice. In the mail in our “Question to a Priest” column there is a question that is quite typical for many of those who are just entering the Church or are still “looking closely” at it. The question is: “The Gospel says that you need to love your neighbor as yourself. And in another place, that one must deny oneself. So do you need to love yourself and how should you do it? Take care of your health, oh have a good rest, about different pleasures - is this self-love? After all, only a person happy with life and himself can bring good to others, but an angry and twitchy person brings only trouble. Maria".

— A very good question indeed, in the sense that it, like a drop of water, reflects the worldview of modern man, who is not yet close to the Church and Christianity. Yes, the Scripture says: love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39). This idea is also revealed in other gospel words: in everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them (Matthew 7:12). These words - golden rule human morality. For a Christian, this is the main principle of his relationships with other people. But in another place the Lord Jesus Christ says: if anyone wants to come after Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me (Matthew 16:24). Here we are talking about something completely different - about a person’s following God; the hierarchy of values ​​in the life of a Christian is affirmed.

Self-love is a natural human feeling. Therefore, the Lord speaks simply and clearly about love for neighbors, so that everyone can understand: just as you love yourself, so love the person who is next to you. Do you want prosperity? Wish the other person well too. Do you want prosperity and happiness? Wish them for the other and help him achieve this. Here we are talking about ordinary earthly things.

But the one who wants to literally follow the Lord must deny himself, that is, stop putting his own interests in the first place, push them aside, take up his cross (everything that is destined for a person in this life - both good and unpleasant ) and patiently follow Christ. Therefore, the two Gospel passages cited in the question speak about different things.

Taking care of your health, good rest, various pleasures - perhaps this is not so much self-love as self-love. There is a difference between these concepts. I don’t want to say that these things are shameful, sinful, unnecessary - no, of course not. We need to take care of both rest and health. Regarding pleasures, you need to be careful. Yes, there are pleasures that are not reprehensible, but it very often happens that the abundance of different pleasures simply erases everything human in a person. In such self-care there is only a part of self-love, and an insignificant, simple one. For a Christian, self-love is a desire for salvation, for life with God, and aspiration for higher ideals. Not just to eat well, drink well, sleep and have fun, but to become a real person. One Soviet author wrote a book that was very famous in his time, where there are words that are useful for Christians to remember: “You must live in such a way that later there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.” A person must have a desire for the highest, for that which, after his death, will remain in eternity. This is it true love to yourself.

From my point of view, the statement that only a person satisfied with himself can bring good to others sounds absolutely monstrous. This is absolutely false. A person who is satisfied with himself and his life is a terrible creature that is better to be walked a kilometer away. In order to understand this, it is enough to read classical literature, where all self-righteous people are anti-heroes.

If a person is angry and twitchy, yes, these are really bad qualities, and they indicate that he is not used to and has never even tried to learn to endure any trials in his life with patience. There is no such thing as a problem-free life, otherwise rich and famous people would not hang themselves or shoot themselves, and they would not run away from their wealth in such a terrible way. The human soul is an abyss. It cannot be filled with all the riches and pleasures of the world, because it was created by God and for God, and only in God can it rest.

A truly accomplished person is one who has learned to overcome everything difficult and unpleasant with gratitude to God and with patience, who lives with trust in God, with love for Him and for the people around him. You really want to be around such a person.

- But what if a person initially has a difficult character? We have the following question: “Please tell me, why does God give one person from birth a humble, kind, meek character, and another, on the contrary, a proud, angry, irritable character? It turns out that good people it is easier to be virtuous, it is easier to be saved. And their earthly life is more successful than that of those who have a difficult character. And this happens, for example, due to the fact that in their family at one time they did not receive love and proper education. Why such injustice? Or am I wrong about something?

- Yes, dear author of the question, he is both right and wrong. All people are different in character, but I do not agree that they are born with such sharp differences. A lot depends on upbringing, on what a person received in the family. Let me remind you that in the book of Abba Dorotheus “Soulful Teachings”, in the chapter “On not judging your neighbor” there is a wonderful example. Two girls were sold at the slave market. A pious woman bought one, made her a member of her family, and raised her to be virtuous. And the other one was bought by a harlot and raised it accordingly. And Abba Dorotheos asks: when these girls grow up, if they sin the same sin, will the Lord judge them with the same judgment? Of course not. This must be kept in mind. The Lord will evaluate a person’s actions, taking into account the life circumstances in which he was raised.

In general, this is a difficult question, one of those that has always crossed people’s minds (they are also called “cursed”). Let us remember that to similar questions of St. Anthony the Great (“Lord, why do some people live long, and others short? Why do the good suffer and the wicked prosper?..”) God gave the answer: “Anthony, these are the fates of God, and you pay attention you will be saved." There are things to which we will receive an answer in eternity. But we ourselves need to correct ourselves - try to be kind, never judge anyone. If you see that something didn’t work out for you in your youth, in your youth, you need to re-educate yourself. It's difficult, but with God's help, it's possible. Strictly speaking, Christianity is a long process, until death, of a person’s education of himself.

— According to tradition, we have many questions about sin, which almost all of us have to repent of at every confession. “There is always something: in a conversation with loved ones you find out something about someone against your will, and you yourself share if something unpleasant happened at work,” our reader notes and asks: how to distinguish condemnation from statements of fact and how to “swallow” the unpleasant things that other people say about you or do to you?

“What we call here a statement of fact is most likely also a condemnation.” We cannot turn a blind eye to any obvious injustices or irregularities. You need to be aware of them, but it is not at all necessary to hear about it from others or tell someone yourself. In this case it is a condemnation pure water, and no other definitions exist for this phenomenon.

In order not to judge others, a person must be very honest and attentive to himself. When he is aware of his own condition - and for all of us it is very unimportant - then it will not occur to him to judge others. You need to constantly make an effort not to judge, this is the main thing. Then things will start to work out. In fact, everything that concerns spiritual life requires constant effort: the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away (Matthew 11:12).

As for how to “swallow the unpleasant”, skill is also needed here. But which one? Again, Abba Dorotheus has good example. He talks about one monk who was constantly scolded, but he seemed to take it completely calmly. Surprised by this arrangement, Abba Dorotheos asked: brother, tell me, how did you achieve dispassion? He answered contemptuously: “Should I pay attention to their shortcomings or accept insults from them as from people? These are barking dogs." And Abba Dorotheos remarks here with mournful irony: “This brother has found the way...”. Under no circumstances should this path be chosen. You need to be able to tune yourself to see your shortcomings. See, we're back at it again. Then nothing that other people say about us will seem completely wrong to us. “I accept what is worthy according to my deeds” - this is a normal attitude.

You need to cultivate humility in yourself. According to one of the Optina elders, humility is not angry with anyone and does not anger anyone (this is very often forgotten!). Not being angry with anyone is the first stage, a very difficult one, it can take a person years. The second is not to anger anyone... Here you simply grab your head and say: “You need one more life in order to achieve this.” But you have to try.

- How to learn to get along with people? “How to learn a sense of tact and diplomacy? Because of this, I sometimes push people away and cannot build harmonious relationships. Are there spiritual methods for this? - our reader asks.

— You see, what’s the matter: there are no “spiritual methods” in order to achieve any individual positive results in self-education. A person must live a Christian life in all its fullness - strive for God, try to fulfill God’s commandments, be attentive to himself and to those around him. And if, thanks to this, he is “reformatted” into an internally collected person, attentive to his own movements of the soul, to his actions, to his words, then he also acquires the ability to improve his relationships with people. This is not tact and diplomacy - in spiritual life it is called differently. Then the person becomes both a helper and a pleasant conversationalist, generally someone you can rely on in life. A Christian is a holistic person in whom it is impossible to single out any individual virtues. Therefore, you need to cultivate a Christian within yourself, reconsider your life, completely reconfigure it in accordance with the Gospel - then everything will work out. Otherwise - auto-training. Of course, with an effort of will you can force yourself to be diplomatic or simply learn good manners. But, you see, when there is no religious motivation and real internal restructuring, all this is very unreliable and fragile. Therefore, I think you just need to change your whole life.

Prepared by Natalya Gorenok

God is love and the source of all virtues. The goal of a Christian’s spiritual life is striving towards God, trying to become like Him, the desire to communicate with Him, reciprocated love to Him. Those. the task is to reorient from utilitarian, earthly things to the eternal God.

The initial condition of spiritual life is execution of the moral law to a minimal extent “So in everything, whatever you want people to do to you, do so to them.”(), its maximum degree is “love your neighbor as yourself”(). Those. Before climbing to the heights of spiritual life, it is advisable to restore order in the moral sphere. Start by studying and practicing 10 Old Testament .

Spiritual birth is Sacrament of Baptism. If you have not yet, then it is better to do this after completing the courses (studying the fundamentals of faith). Find a temple where such courses are available and they are the longest. If you have already been baptized, but for some reason your parents and godparents neglected their promises to raise you in , then try to find such courses on your own.

Buy it at the temple pectoral cross, as visible evidence of belonging to the Orthodox Church, confession of the Christian faith and a means of protection. Keep in mind that the simplest cross on a string is no different from a massive gold cross on a thick chain, except for the price and appearance.

Confessor. Do not rush to look for a spiritual genius, a holy elder; as soon as you become a saint, God will certainly give it to you. For now, the one you choose and in whom you feel trust is enough. Do not try to run to the clergy with any question; do this only when you could not find it in books or on well-known Orthodox websites, or when you need personal spiritual advice.

Very briefly, the goal of a Christian’s life can be formulated as the desire for (holiness), based on.

Learn, the process of spiritual growth, knowledge of God is endless and extends beyond the boundaries of our earthly life. I have accumulated enormous invaluable experience in the practice of spiritual life, which is available to our study. It will teach you spiritual reasoning and help you avoid many falls and mistakes.

Urgent questions of the Orthodox Christian. that everyone needs to know!

1. How should a person prepare to visit the temple?

You need to prepare for the morning visit in the following way: getting out of bed, thank the Lord, who has given you the opportunity to spend the night in peace and extended your days for repentance. Wash your face, stand in front of the icon, light a lamp (from a candle) so that it evokes a spirit of prayer in you, put your thoughts in order, forgive everyone, and only then begin to read the prayer rule (morning prayers from the prayer book).
Then subtract one chapter from the Gospel, one from the Apostle and one kathisma from the Psalter, or one psalm if you are short on time. At the same time, we must remember that it is better to read one prayer with sincere contrition of heart than the whole rule with the thought of how to finish it all as quickly as possible.
Beginners can use an abbreviated prayer book, gradually adding one prayer at a time.
Before leaving, say: “I deny you, Satan, your pride and your service, and I unite with you, Christ our God, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Cross yourself and calmly go to the temple, without fear of what the person will do to you.
Walking down the street, cross the road in front of you, saying to yourself: “Lord, bless my ways and save me from all evil.”
On the way to the temple, read the prayer to yourself: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

2. How should a person who decides to go to church be dressed?

Women should not come to church in trousers, short skirts, with bright makeup on their faces, and lipstick is unacceptable. The head should be covered with a headscarf or scarf.
Men must remove their hats before entering the church.

3. Is it possible to eat before visiting the temple in the morning?

According to the regulations, this is not possible; this is done on an empty stomach. Departures are possible due to weakness (as well as young children, pregnant women, nursing), with self-reproach.

4. How to behave with beggars who meet you in front of the temple?

When doing good to one's neighbor, everyone must remember that the Lord will not abandon him. Do not forget that in the eyes of the Savior we can look much worse than the beggars at the church.
Each one will be asked for his deeds.
Give it to everyone who asks you for it.
If you see a person drinking in front of you, then give him not money, but food - an apple, cookies, sweets, bread.
And most importantly, pray for them.

5. How many bows should one make before entering the temple and how to behave in the temple?

Before entering the temple, having previously crossed yourself, bow three times, looking at the image of the Savior, and pray

  1. To the first bow: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner".
  2. To the second bow: “God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me”.
  3. To the third: “I have sinned beyond number, Lord, forgive me.”.

Then, having done the same, entering the doors of the temple, bow to both sides, saying to yourself: "Forgive me, brothers and sisters", stand reverently in one place, without pushing anyone, and listen to the words of the prayer.
If a person comes to church for the first time, then he needs to look around, notice what more experienced believers are doing, where their gaze is directed, in what places of worship and how they make the sign of the cross and bow.
It is unacceptable to look at icons and clergy during worship. During prayer, you must stand reverently, with a feeling of repentance, slightly lowering your shoulders and head, as those who have done wrong stand before the king.
If you do not understand the words of the prayer, then say the Jesus Prayer to yourself with contrition of heart:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
Try to make the sign of the cross and bows with everyone at the same time. Remember that the Church is the earthly Heaven. When praying to your Creator, do not think of anything earthly, but only sigh and pray for your sins.

6. How long do you need to be on duty?

The service must be defended from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God.
Would the owner of the house you came to visit be pleased if you left before the end of the holiday?

7. Is it possible to sit at the service if you don’t have the strength to stand?

To this question, Saint Philaret of Moscow answered: “It is better to think about God while sitting than about your feet while standing.”
However, you must stand while reading the Gospel.

8. What is important in bowing and praying?

Remember that it is not a matter of words and bows, but of raising your mind and heart to God.
You can say all the prayers and make all the indicated bows, but not remember God at all. And, therefore, without praying, fulfill the prayer rule. Such prayer is a sin before God.

9. How to kiss icons correctly?

When kissing the holy icon of the Savior, one should kiss the feet,
Mother of God and the Saints' hand,
A miraculous image The Savior and the head of St. John the Baptist - in hair

10. What does the candle placed in front of the image symbolize?

A candle, like prosphora, is a bloodless sacrifice. The candle fire symbolizes eternity. In ancient times, in the Old Testament Church, a person coming to God sacrificed to Him internal fat and the wool of a slain (killed) animal, which were placed on the altar of burnt offering. Now, when we come to church, we sacrifice not an animal, but a symbolically replacing it with a candle (preferably a wax one).

11. Does it matter what size candles you place in front of the image?

Everything depends not on the size of the candle, but on the sincerity of your heart and your capabilities. Of course, if a wealthy person puts out cheap candles, then this indicates his stinginess.
But if a person is poor, and his heart burns with love for God and compassion for his neighbor, then his reverent standing and fervent prayer are more pleasing to God than the most expensive candle, lit with a cold heart.

12. Who should light candles and how many?

First of all, a candle is lit for the Feast or a revered temple icon, then for the relics of the Saint, if there are any in the temple, and only then for health or repose.
For the dead, candles are placed on the eve of the Crucifixion, mentally saying: “Remember, Lord, Your deceased servant (name) and forgive his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.”.
For health or any need, candles are usually lit for the Savior, the Mother of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, as well as those Saints to whom the Lord has given special grace to heal illnesses and provide help in various needs.
Having placed a candle in front of the saint of God you have chosen, mentally say: “Holy Servant of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking)”.
Then you need to come up and venerate the icon.
We must remember: in order for prayers to achieve success, one must pray to the Holy Saints of God with faith in the power of their intercession before God with words coming from the heart.
If you light a candle to the image of All Saints, turn your mind to the entire host of saints and the entire heavenly army and pray: "All Saints, pray to God for us".
All the saints always pray to God for us. He alone has mercy on everyone, and is always lenient towards the requests of His saints.

13. What prayers should be said before the images of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Life-Giving Cross?

Before the image of the Savior, pray to yourself: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” or “Without number of sinners, Lord, have mercy on me”.
Before the icon of the Mother of God, say briefly: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.”
Before the image of the Life-giving Cross of Christ, say the following prayer: “We worship Your Cross, O Master, and we glorify Your Holy Resurrection.” And after that, bow to the Honorable Cross.
And if you stand before the image of Christ our Savior or the Mother of God, or the Saints of God with humility and warm faith, then you will receive what you ask for.
For where the image is, there is Primordial Grace.

14. Why is it customary to light candles for the repose at the Crucifixion?

The cross with the Crucifixion stands on the eve, that is, on the table for remembering the dead. Christ took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, original sin - Adam's sin - and through His Death, through the Blood that was shed innocently on the cross (since Christ had no sin) reconciled the world with God the Father. Besides this, Christ is the bridge between being and non-being. You can see on the eve, in addition to burning candles, there is also food. This is a very long Christian tradition. In ancient times there were so-called agapies - meals of love, when Christians who came to the service, after its end, all together consumed what they brought with them.

15.For what purpose and what products can be put on the eve?

Usually on the eve they put bread, cookies, sugar, everything that does not contradict fasting (since it may also be a fast day). You can also donate lamp oil and Cahors on the eve, which will then be used for the communion of believers. All this is brought and left for the same purpose for which a candle is placed on the eve - to remember one’s deceased relatives, acquaintances, friends, and not yet glorified ascetics of piety. A note of remembrance is also submitted for the same purpose.

16. What is the most important memorial for the dead?

The most important thing is the commemoration of the dead at the proskomedia, for the particles taken from the prosphora are immersed in the Blood of Christ and cleansed by this great sacrifice.

17. How to submit a note of remembrance at the Proskomedia? Is it possible to remember the sick at the proskomedia?

Before the service begins, you need to go to the candle counter, take a piece of paper and write as follows:
About repose:
Made to order...
The note prepared in this way will be submitted to the Proskomedia.
About health
Archpriest Mikhail
b. Margaritas
b. Raisa
Elena and her children
Made to order...
This is how a health note is submitted.
The note can be submitted in the evening, indicating the date on which the commemoration is expected. Don’t forget to draw an eight-pointed cross at the top of the note, and at the bottom it is advisable to write: and all Orthodox Christians. If you want to remember clergyman, then his name is put first.

18. What should you do if, while standing at a prayer service or other divine service, you did not hear the name that you submitted for commemoration?

The main thing is to submit a note, and as the priest does, so he will be asked!

19.How should you behave when censing? (fumigation with censer)

When censing, you need to bow your head, as if you were receiving the Spirit of Life, and say the Jesus Prayer.
At the same time, you cannot turn your back to the altar - this is the mistake of many parishioners. You just need to turn around a little.

20. At what point is the end of the morning service?

The end of the liturgy is the exit of the priest with the Cross and is called “dismissal.”
During the holiday, believers approach the Cross, kiss its foot and the priestly hand holding the Cross. Having walked away, you need to bow to the priest.
Let's pray to the cross: “I believe, O Lord, and I worship the Honest and Life-giving Cross Yours, for in Him He wrought salvation in the midst of the Earth.".

21. What do you need to know about the use of prosphora and holy water?

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, when you come home, prepare a meal of prosphora and holy water on a clean tablecloth.
Before eating the meal, say the prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of passions and infirmities mine according to Thy infinite mercy, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints. Amen".
The prosphora is taken over a plate or a clean sheet of paper so that the holy crumbs do not fall on the floor and are not trampled on, for the prosphora is the holy bread of Heaven. And we must accept it with the fear of God and humility.

22. How are the feasts of the Lord and His saints celebrated?

The feasts of the Lord and His saints are celebrated spiritually, with a pure soul and undefiled conscience, and by obligatory attendance at church.
If desired, believers order thanksgiving prayers in honor of the holiday, bring flowers to the icon of the Holiday, distribute alms, confess and receive communion.

23. How to order a memorial and thanksgiving prayer service?

A prayer service is ordered by submitting a note formatted accordingly. The rules for registering a custom prayer service are posted at the candle counter.
In different churches there are certain days when prayer services are held, including holy water services.

25. How many times a year should you take communion?

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov commanded the Diveyevo sisters:
“It is unacceptable to confess and participate in all fasts and, in addition, twelve and major holidays: the more often, the better - without tormenting yourself with the thought that you are unworthy, and you should not miss the opportunity to use the grace bestowed by communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible.”.
It is very good to receive communion on your name day and birthday, and for spouses on their wedding day.

26. What is unction?

No matter how carefully we try to remember and write down our sins, it may happen that a significant part of them will not be told in confession, some will be forgotten, and some will simply not be realized and not noticed due to our spiritual blindness. In this case, the Church comes to the aid of the penitent with the sacrament of unction or, as it is often called, “unction.”
This sacrament is based on the instructions of the Apostle James, the head of the first Jerusalem Church:
“Is any of you sick, let him call the elders of the Church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will forgive him."(James 5:14-15).
Thus, in the sacrament of the Blessing of Unction, we are forgiven of sins that were not said in confession due to ignorance or forgetfulness. And since illness is a consequence of our sinful state, liberation from sin often leads to healing of the body.

27. How often should you visit the temple?

The duties of a Christian include visiting church on Saturdays and Sundays and always on holidays. The establishment and observance of holidays is necessary for our salvation; they teach us the true Christian faith, arouse and nourish in us, in our hearts, love, reverence and obedience to God. But they also go to church to perform religious services, rituals, and simply to pray, when time and opportunity permit.

28. What does visiting a temple mean for a believer?

Every visit to church is a holiday for a Christian, if the person is truly a believer. According to the teachings of the Church, when visiting the temple of God, a special blessing and success occurs in all the good endeavors of a Christian. Therefore, you should make sure that at this moment there is peace in your soul and order in your clothes.
After all, we don't just go to church. Having humbled ourselves, our soul and heart, we come to Christ. It is to Christ, who gives us the benefit that we must earn by our behavior and inner disposition.

29. What services are performed daily in the Church?

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - the Holy Orthodox Christian Church daily performs evening, morning and afternoon Divine services in the churches of God, following the example of the holy Psalmist, who testifies of himself: In the evening and in the morning, and at noon, I will beg and cry, and He (the Lord) will hear my voice (Ps. 4:17,18). Each of these three services is composed, in turn, of three parts: evening service - it consists of the ninth hour, vespers and compline; morning - from midnight office, matins and the first hour;
daytime - from the third hour, sixth hour and Divine Liturgy. Thus, from the evening, morning and daytime services of the Church, nine services are formed: the ninth hour, vespers, compline, midnight, matins, the first hour, the third hour, the sixth hour and the Divine Liturgy, just as, according to the teachings of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, from three ranks of Angels form nine faces, praising the Lord day and night.

30. What is fasting?

Fasting is not only some changes in the composition of food, refusal of some food, but mainly it is repentance, bodily and spiritual abstinence, purification of the heart through intense prayer.
31. What prayers are performed before and after eating food?

Prayers before eating food:

Our Father, Who is in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for She gave birth to the Savior of our souls. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Bless. Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayer after eating food:

We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as in the midst of Your disciples you came, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.
It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without incorruptibility. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

32. Why is the death of the body necessary?

As Metropolitan Anthony Blum writes: “In a world that human sin has made monstrous, death is the only way out. If our world of sin were fixed as unchanging and eternal, it would be hell. Death is the only thing that allows the earth, along with suffering, to escape from this hell.”.
Therefore, the death of the body is not “ridiculous,” as people of the world say about it, but is necessary and expedient.

33. Why do you need a spiritual leader?

Without your closest leaders, you cannot live sacredly on earth. You will find them in the Church, where the Holy Spirit appoints them to shepherd the flock of Christ. Pray to the Lord to grant you a suitable confessor at the right time, and without your asking he will speak a comforting word to you. The Spirit of God will teach him what is proper to say to you, and you will hear from him what pleases God.
Why do you need a spiritual father?? In order to, with his help, walk unerringly and reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and for this it is necessary, mainly, to actually carry out the instructions, advice and instructions of the confessor, to conduct one’s life piously. There were examples of how some people, having the opportunity to often visit the elder, constantly heard his instructions and instructions, lived with him and remained fruitless, and some, rarely having the opportunity to visit the elder and briefly hear instructions, prospered. So, the strength is not in visiting your spiritual father often, but in following his instructions and not being fruitless.

34. How often should you contact your confessor?

As often as possible. It is useful to write down your sins daily and then, at least once a week, confess them to your spiritual father. Know: what you reveal to your spiritual father in confession will not be written down by the devil.

Since salvation lies in much advice, it is good and beneficial to ask advice from the shepherds of the Church. However, we must remember: if it happens that a young simpleton speaks about the Divine or in general about the essence of salvation, one must listen and implement it to the best of his ability, and if someone, even if he is a priest, has a white beard, but teaches something contrary and disagrees with the Holy Fathers, there's no point in listening to him

36. Is it possible to reveal your sinful thoughts to everyone?

Do not reveal your thoughts to everyone, but only to your spiritual father.

37. Do you need to read any prayer when you go to your confessor?

When you go to ask your spiritual father about something, read: “Lord my God! Do mercy on me and inspire my spiritual father to give me an answer according to Your will.”

38. How should you behave when you hear condemnation of priests?

When priests are blasphemed, one must defend them, not sympathize with those who slander and express one’s displeasure and indignation in order to receive a great reward from God. One should not analyze the life and deeds of mentors, but only accept their instructions if they agree with the word of God. When you listen to the advice of the fathers, be not a judge of their deeds, but a student and understander of their sayings.

39. Should we love all people?

All people, even enemies, must be loved for God’s sake, but, of course, especially spiritual fathers, benefactors, mentors, and spiritual friends. And all this is with God and for God.

40. How to find a confessor?

With prayers and tears, ask the Lord to send you a righteous leader.

41. How should one endure sorrow?

Sorrows should be endured in secret, like any feat. Then we will not lose our reward in heaven. Only with our spiritual father can we talk about sorrows, asking for his advice and asking God to patiently bear every temptation.

42. How to overcome shame in confession?

To be ashamed to reveal sins in confession is out of pride. Having exposed themselves before God with their confessor as a witness, people receive peace and forgiveness.
Remember that unrepentant grave sins will bring great and eternal punishment after death. First of all, you should confess what most outrages your conscience. Many talk about insignificant things, but keep silent about important things and, thus, leave unhealed from sinful ulcers and unresolved.

43. How can I find out if God has forgiven me the sins confessed in confession?

No one should ever begin repentance and confession unless he has the firm hope that by sincerely confessing and accepting penance, he will be completely forgiven.

44. How to behave during mental warfare?

It is a great happiness when, during a mental battle, you have a person to whom you can confess. The enemy of the human race hates the path of revelation of thoughts and tries in every possible way to hinder the servant of God, who wants to gain the mercy of the Lord by frequent confession of his sins. Such an act begins to kill passions little by little. Conquer false shame on earth, so that you will not be ashamed in heaven.

45. What does penance consist of?

Penance mainly consists of what Christ commanded in the words: “Go and do not sin”. But at the same time, one must also perform prostrations, prayers, alms, and fasting for the duration of the time indicated by the priest. It is better to receive penance from a priest for a grave sin than to expect God's punishment. Penance cannot be ignored. The bishop himself cannot allow her to do so.

46. ​​What sin is called mortal?

A mortal sin is a sin for which, if you do not repent of it before death, you go to hell; but if you repent of this sin, then it will be forgiven you immediately. It is called mortal because the soul dies from it and can only be revived through repentance.

47. What to do if after confession your conscience does not calm down?

If after confession the conscience does not calm down, then it is good to suffer some kind of penance as determined by the confessor.

48. Why is repentance so important?

Repentance, according to the teachings of the holy fathers, opens the eyes, opens vision to sins. Having repented of some, a person begins to see others, others, etc., begins to consider as a sin what he did not consider as such before, remembers unrepentant sins, long past, long forgotten, and the sins themselves begin to seem heavier and heavier. Because of this, the saints cried about their sins, being already holy miracle workers.

49. What does it mean to be guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Whoever sins in the hope of repentance is guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. To deliberately sin with reckless hope in the grace of God and think: “Nothing, I’ll repent,” is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It is one thing to sin fearlessly, consciously, and not repent, but it is another thing when a person does not want to sin, cries, repents, asks for forgiveness, but due to human weakness he sins. It is natural for a person to sin, to fall, and should not become discouraged and become overly sad if he has to sin, but demons tend to lead a person away from repentance, so it is necessary to repent.

50. What should you do during rest hours?

During your rest hours, indulge in spiritual matters: prayer, reading divine books, holy meditations.

51. What is the beginning of salvation?

The beginning of salvation is the condemnation of oneself in committed unrighteous deeds.

52. What strengthens the soul?

The Word of God strengthens the soul, and it protects from sins.

53. What distracts thought from God?

Conversations on worldly topics with worldly people distract the mind from God.

54. From what does a Christian receive sanctification?

From reading the Holy Scriptures, spiritual literature and spiritual chants you receive sanctification, and the words of the chants cleanse the soul (St. John Chrysostom).

55. What else should we think about?

Think often about the Kingdom of Heaven

56. What is the highest virtue?

The highest virtue is to be able to forgive.

57. Who is a true Christian?

Who forces himself to pray for his enemies.

58. What and who should you ask?

Ask spiritually experienced people about everything divine and saving.

59. Why are misfortunes allowed?

God heals His friends with adversity in order to cleanse them from sins.

60. What should be the main thing in prayer?

Thanksgiving should be contained in each of our prayers (St. John Chrysostom).

61. What is higher - alms or thanksgiving in sorrows?

Giving thanks in sorrows and troubles is a greater merit than giving alms (St. John Chrysostom).

62. What especially pleases the Lord?

Nothing appeases the Lord more than confession of sins.
Nothing pleases the Lord more than love for your enemies

63. Should one remember sins said earlier in confession?

Sins forgiven in confession do not need to be remembered, but in your prayer you do.

64. What is higher - righteousness or bearing insults?

To bear insults without malice is a higher virtue than to be righteous.

65. What should one read after morning prayer?

After morning prayer, read the Holy Gospel.

66. What should thought be occupied with?

Let your thoughts be occupied with God, eternity and good deeds.

67. What should you set aside time for every day?

Set aside time every day to think about your sins and ordeals.

68. As soon as you wake up in the morning, what prayer should you read?

As soon as you wake up, you must cross yourself and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, grant me, O Lord, to remain without sin on this day.”

69. What should you force yourself to do?

You must force yourself, even though you don’t want to, to prayer and to all good things.

70. Where is the beginning of sin?

Watch your thoughts - here is the beginning of sin.

71. What is most important for a believer?

The believer has the main object of his desires to glorify the name of God here on earth, to benefit his neighbors and to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

72. What are the greatest gifts of God given by God to believers?

The greatest gifts of all the gifts of God are the communion of the Holy Mysteries, confession and the Holy Scriptures explained by the Holy Fathers.

73. Is it necessary to dwell on important thoughts in prayer?

Do not engage in thoughts that come during prayer, no matter how important and necessary they may seem.

74. How to get rid of bad habits?

Only one sincere and pure confession can free you from sinful habits

75. When the Lord does not forgive us our sins.

When we ourselves do not forgive others.

76. What should you do before going to bed?

Every day before going to bed, you need to check all the violations of God’s commandments that you committed during the day.

77. What prayers are holy?

Those prayers are holy which come from a reverent, contrite and humble heart.

78. How to acquire peace of mind?

Reproach yourself for every sin, every bad thought, and immediately repent and gain peace of mind.

79. How to look for benefits for yourself?

One must seek benefit for oneself in the benefit of others.

80. What kind of people should we move away from?

Let us move away from those who hinder and harm our salvation.

81. How to help the deceased?

Pray for his soul. It is good to work for the church or in the monastery for the sake of the deceased.

82. What is reverence for icons?

Respect for home icons is expressed: by keeping them clean, by lighting lamps in front of them, by kissing them only in bodily purity.

83. What power does wearing the sign of the cross have?

When you depict a cross on yourself with faith, not one of the unclean spirits will be able to approach you.

84. What should one resort to first during illness?

When you are sick, first of all resort to spiritual healing: the sacrament of confession, communion, unction and holy things. But don't forget to see your doctor too.

85. Are there signs by which we can know whether we are on the path of salvation?

The signs by which we can find out whether we are on the path of salvation are the following:

  • Love for the word of God,
  • Love for prayer and the sacraments, like confession and communion,
  • Acceptance of sorrows as if from the hand of God,
  • Internal disgust from all serious sins.

86. How should one maintain spiritual joy in oneself?

Spiritual joy should be maintained in oneself by the following means:

  1. Reading the word of God,
  2. Visiting the Temple of God,
  3. With physical and spiritual mercy,
  4. Moderate consumption of food and drink,
  5. By prayer,
  6. Presentation of the benefits of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

87. What is meekness?

Meekness is expressed in the patience of insults, condemnations and troubles from others

88. What to do when despair from many sins sets in?

The sin of despair is one of the most serious mortal sins of a Christian. You should never despair. St. John Chrysostom says:
“The ocean has boundaries, but God’s mercy is limitless.”

89. How should one pray to God?

We must pray to God in such a way that there is nothing between the soul of the person praying and God, no thoughts, nothing except God.

90. Is it possible to shorten the prayer rule according to need?

Can. And when this need has passed, return to your rule again.

91. How can you defeat a demon?

The demon can be defeated by kindness, humility and patience. Fasting, prayer, Love and faith in God

92. What should one who asks God know?

Those who pray to God must observe two rules: the first is to ask intensely, the second is to ask what is due.

93. What is better for us to ask God for our needs or for others?

God wants us to ask Him for our needs more than others intercede for us.

94. If the heart sympathizes with a bad thought, what should be done?

We must drive away the bad thought with the Jesus Prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner” and confession.

95. What is better, a large rule of prayer, but not always fully fulfilled, or a small one, but always fulfilled?

Let the prayer rule be small, but fulfilled constantly and carefully.

96. Is it a sin to believe in signs: for example, it’s an unlucky day, you met someone, your hand itched, the cat ran across, the spoon fell, etc.?

You shouldn't believe omens. There are no signs. Whoever believes in prejudices has a hard time in his soul, and whoever does not believe is happy. Faith and superstition are incompatible things.

97. Is it possible to replace the sign of the cross if necessary?

The Jesus Prayer will replace the sign of the cross if for some reason it cannot be applied.

98. How should a holiday be dedicated to God?

The holiday should be spent like this: be in church, pray at home, read divine books, have pious conversations, engage in Godly thoughts and do good deeds.

99. Is it possible to work on Holidays?

It is possible only after visiting the Temple, and also for the benefit of the sick, poor widows and orphans. And you can’t work like that unless absolutely necessary. The day is holy and business is asleep.

100. What does it mean when loved ones appear in a dream?

If people close to us appear in a dream, then this is a sign that we need to pray for them.

101. When should one pray in one’s own words?

Praying in your own words is allowed outside of church. It is not advisable to pray in your own words during the service. We must listen to what we read.

The Jesus Prayer during church services can be said during breaks and when you cannot hear what is being read or sung...

103. How should we treat our neighbors?

How you would like to be treated. One must treat one's neighbors kindly, without even any kind of insult.

104. When do we push God’s help away from us?

When we grumble. Let us never grumble, for by grumbling and despair we push away divine help.

105. Who benefits for the soul from their sorrows and suffering?

The one who endures graciously and thanks God.

106. How to look at those who offend me?

Pray for the offenders: they are your friends, through them the Lord will give you crowns, and if you grumble, you will lose your crowns.

107. How to humble yourself?

108. Does everyone need to endure sorrow?

Every person must endure temptations and tribulations. They are sent either to suppress evil, or for admonition, or for cleansing for past sins, or for greater glory in the future life.

109. Is it enough to just endure an insult?

No, you must also take care not to become embittered towards the offender.

110. What should one especially ask the Lord God for in prayers?

Pray, firstly, to be cleansed from passions, secondly, to get rid of ignorance and oblivion, and thirdly, to be delivered from all temptation and abandonment.

111. What does God require of us?

He requires that we always remember Him.

112. Who should you love more: God or your relatives?

Love God, and do not be more devoted to your own than to Him.

113. How to find out the will of God in life?

Everyone who wants to know the will of the Lord should, after praying to God, ask experienced spiritual fathers or brethren and accept their advice, as if from the mouth of God

114. What is the virtue of withdrawing from the world?

The virtue of withdrawing from the world is not to occupy your mind with the world, but to fill it only with God.

115. How to acquire the fear of God?

A person acquires the fear of God if he has the memory of death and eternal torment; if every evening he examines himself how he spent the day, and if he is in close communication with a person who fears God.

116. Under what conditions will a person improve?

Those who want to be saved should not pay attention to the shortcomings of their neighbors, but always look at their own, then they will improve.

117. What gives rise to humility?

Work for God, self-restraint in everything and silence give birth to humility. Humility asks for forgiveness of all sins.

For every spiritual need, repeat the prayer: “God, attend to my help, Lord, strive for my help.” And it will be for you deliverance from everything bad and protection of everything good in you.

119 What virtues are especially dear to the Lord?

Of all the virtues, nothing else is so dear to the Lord as meekness, humility and love for one’s neighbor.

120. Is it possible to pray at any time and in any place?

You can pray at any time and in any place: raise your mind to God.

121. How to achieve good prayer?

To reach good prayer, one must first drive away all thoughts alien to God, and even attempts to imagine spiritual things.

122. How to overcome anger in yourself?

A greater victory over the spirit of anger is gained by the one who prays for the offender.

123. How to deal with sadness and depression?

To do this, one must resort to prayer, confession, communion, the word of God, visiting the temple of God and spiritual conversations.

124. What is the best remedy against despondency?

This is the opening of the heart to an experienced mentor.

125. What knowledge is the most necessary and useful?

Knowing yourself (your weaknesses, shortcomings, habits) is the most difficult and most useful knowledge.

126. What is better to pray - standing or on your knees?

Sinners, when they pray on their knees, strive more for God's mercy than when they pray while standing.

127. Can a good deed be achieved through bad means?
A good deed cannot be achieved or achieved through bad means.

128. Is it possible to have an attachment to a person, to want to see him?

Do not desire the vision or presence of your loved one and do not delight in the thought of him.

129. How should the days of fasting be spent?

During fasting one must deviate from worldly vanity; think about your sins and grieve, cry about them before God. The days of fasting should be devoted entirely to works of mercy; visit the sick and mournful and learn from the word of God.

130. How to decide to follow Christ?

Tell yourself: “Alas, death is coming soon”. One, another dies near you; now, your hour will strike. Turn to God and place yourself, defiled and burdened with many sins, before the face of Him, the Omniscient, Omnipresent. Will you still offend the eye of God with your vile appearance of sin? Ascend mentally to Golgotha ​​and understand what your sins are worth. Will you still wound the head of the Lord with the thorns of your sins? Will you still nail Him to the cross, pierce His sides and mock His long-suffering? Or do you not know that by sinning, you are participating in the torment of the Savior and for that you will share the fate of the tormentors? After all, one of two things: either perish forever if you remain like this, or repent and turn to the Lord. Look! Everyone has already gone to the Lord... and he turned, and another, and a third... Why are you standing and delaying?

131. What prayers should you say to the Lord to help you take the path of salvation?

Don't get smart, don't make up prayers. Approach in simplicity with your one need, like a sick person to a doctor, like a bound person to a liberator, with a sincere confession of your weakness and powerlessness to overcome yourself and with surrendering yourself to God’s all-action. Fall on your face, bow down - many, many. And do not leave prayer while prayer is moving. If your prayer cools down, take up meditation again, and from this again move on to prayer. And for prayer, select short appeals to God:
“Spare Your creation, Master!”
“God, be merciful to me a sinner!”
“Oh, Lord, save me! Oh, Lord, hurry up!”
Remember church songs: “Behold the Bridegroom is coming...” - “My soul, my soul, arise from what you have written down...” and the like. Thus laboring yourself, continually strike at the door of God’s mercy.

132. How should one believe?

You must believe in the simplicity of your heart. God Himself commanded to believe this way. For what God said is, of course, already the most perfect truth, against which objections are inappropriate. In the full sense, real faith is that when someone believes only because God commanded so, and when, in order to believe, he seeks nothing more than to find out how God commanded, and as soon as he learns that God commanded so, to believe so, he calms down with complete tranquility, not allowing any hesitation.
Behold, childlike faith, unquestioningly believing God the Father! This is what the Lord demanded when he said: “Unless you become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven”(Matt. 18:3). From this you can conclude for yourself that whoever believes in any other way cannot help but doubt whether he will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Such childish faith is not blind, but seeing, and seeing with pure eyes, not dusted with anything. She just doesn’t indulge in mental research, but when she finds out that God said so, she calms down. This is her truest, most solid and most reasonable basis for all her beliefs. Blind faith is that which does not know what it should believe in, or if it knows, it is not completely, somehow; He equally does not know why he should believe, and does not care to find out either one or the other. This is, for the most part, the faith of our simple people.

133. How to treat illness?

God sent the disease. Give thanks to the Lord, because everything that comes from the Lord is good. If you feel and see that you yourself are to blame, then start with repentance and regret before God for not saving the gift of health. Given to you by them. And then, nevertheless, reduce it to the fact that illness is from the Lord, for every coincidence of circumstances is from the Lord, and nothing happens by chance. And after this, thank the Lord again. Illness humbles, softens the soul and eases its usual heaviness from many worries. But in all cases, do not forget to consult a doctor.

134. Is it possible to pray for recovery during illnesses?

There is no sin in praying for recovery. But we must add: “If you please, Lord!” Complete submission to the Lord, with obedient acceptance of what is sent as good from the Good Lord, and gives peace to the soul... and appeases the Lord... And He will either heal you or fill you with consolation, despite the deplorability of the situation.
But there are diseases whose healing the Lord prohibits when He sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health.
Of course, for any disease, any treatment must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, through whom the Lord will carry out His Will.

135. Can God forgive such sins as theft, deception, fornication?

These sins are great and very great. But there is no sin that overcomes the mercy of God. Forgiveness of sins is given not according to our merits, but according to the mercy of a man-loving God, always ready to forgive as soon as someone turns to Him with repentance. And it is not the greatness and multitude of sins that makes one unworthy of forgiveness, but one impenitence. Once you have broken down and repented, forgiveness is already awarded to you in Heaven, and at the moment of confession, this Heavenly decision is announced to you. The Lord Savior carried the handwriting of all the sins of all people on His Body to the Cross and there tore it apart. The application of this act of mercy to everyone is performed in the Sacrament of Repentance, and it really happens. He who has received permission from his spiritual father stands innocent in the face of God’s truth.

136. How to strengthen your faith and hope in the Lord?

Hope and faith cannot be strong without deeds and labors in the cause of salvation. If you please, apply these active labors, and faith and hope will immediately begin to come to life. What kind of affairs and works?..
Have an aversion to all sins - not only to deeds, but also to thoughts and sympathies for them.
Determine yourself to do things that are opposite to them.
You must find and install this for yourself.
The main thing is to avoid the flesh... It must be severely punished - put to death.
Establish a prayer order at home and church...
External relations should be streamlined and cases that could arouse passions should be avoided.
I guess that you have strong pride and rebellion. Seek humility and obedience...
Keep the memory of God and the memory of death, do not let go of the thought that God sees you, you stand under His eye, and beware of everything that is displeasing to Him.
Remember that no one can do for you what is needed for salvation. You must do this yourself. Help from the Lord is always ready, but it does not come to the one who does nothing, but only to the one who does, works, but cannot complete the task.

137. Is it saving when others pray for you?

It is saving only if you yourself pray and work for your salvation. You need to know that someone else’s prayer can only help your own, and not replace it. This is our common destiny - to pray ourselves and ask others for prayer. And the Savior promised that the two’s prayers are always heard.

138 When can you read the rule of Seraphim of Sarov?

Rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov for the laity

This rule is intended for lay people who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to perform the required prayers.
The Monk Seraphim of Sarov considered prayer to be as necessary for life as air. He asked and demanded from his spiritual children that they pray unceasingly, and commanded them a prayer rule, now known as the Rule St. Seraphim.
Having awakened from sleep and stood in the chosen place, everyone must read that saving prayer that the Lord Himself conveyed to people, i.e., Our Father (three times), then the Virgin Mary, Rejoice (three times), and, finally, the Creed once. Having completed this morning rule, let every Christian go to his work and, while doing it at home or on the road, should read quietly to himself: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. If there are people around, then, while doing business, say only with your mind: Lord, have mercy, and so continue until lunch. Before lunch, do the same morning rule.
After dinner, while doing his job, everyone should read quietly: Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner, which continues until nightfall.
Whenever you happen to spend time in solitude, you need to read: Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. And when going to bed at night, every Christian must repeat the morning rule and after it, with the sign of the cross, let him fall asleep
At the same time, the holy elder said, pointing to the experience of the holy fathers, that if a Christian adheres to this small rule, like a saving anchor among the waves of worldly vanity, humbly fulfilling it, he can achieve a high spiritual measure, for these prayers are the foundation of a Christian: first - as the word of the Lord Himself and set by Him as a model for all prayers, the second was brought from heaven by the Archangel in greeting of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord. And the Creed contains all the dogmas of the Orthodox faith.
He who has time, let him read. Gospel, Apostle, Lives of Saints, other prayers, akathists, canons. If it is impossible for anyone to follow this rule, then the wise old man advised to follow this rule both lying down, and on the way, and in action, remembering the words of Scripture: Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2:21; Rom. 10 ,13)

139 What are “Lives of the Saints”?

“The Lives of the Saints” is nothing more than the life of the Lord Christ, renewed in each saint to a greater or lesser extent, in one form or another. Or more precisely: this is the life of the Lord Christ, continued through the saints, the life of the incarnate God Logos, the God-man Jesus Christ, Who became man in order to give and convey His divine life to us as a man, in order to sanctify us as God with His life, and make us immortal and our eternal human life on the ground. For both he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all of One (Heb. 2:11) The lives of the saints are in reality the life of the God-man Christ, which flows into His followers and is experienced by them in His Church. His life continues through all ages; Every Christian is a co-corporeal with Christ (cf. Eph. 3:6), and a Christian in that he lives the divine-human life of this body as its organic cell. Living by Christ, the saints do the works of Christ, for through Him they become not only powerful, but also omnipotent: I can do all things through the strengthening Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:13). Lives - Nothing more than a kind of continuation of the “Acts of the Apostles.” They have the same Gospel, the same life, the same truth, the same love, the same faith, the same eternity, the same power from above, the same God and Lord. For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8):

The same for all people of all times, distributing the same gifts and the same divine powers to all who believe in Him. This continuation of all life-giving divine powers in the Church of Christ through centuries and centuries and from generation to generation constitutes living Sacred Tradition. This Holy Tradition continues uninterruptedly as a life of grace in all Christians, in whom through the holy sacraments and holy virtues the Lord Christ lives by His grace, Who is wholly in His Church, and she is His fullness: the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Eph. 1:23) .

Therefore, “The Lives of the Saints” is both proof and evidence that our origin is from heaven; that we are not of this world, but of another; that man is a real man only by God; that on earth they live by heaven; that our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20); that our task is to numb ourselves by feeding on the bread of heaven, Who came down to earth (cf. John 6:33.35.51), and came down in order to feed us with eternal Divine truth, eternal Divine goodness, eternal Divine truth, eternal Divine love, eternal Divine life through Holy Communion, through living in the one true God and Lord Jesus Christ (cf. John 6, 50. 51. 53-57).

140 What is the “Acts of the Holy Apostles”?

These are the deeds of Christ, which the holy apostles did by the power of Christ, or, moreover, they did by Christ, who is in them and does through them. What are the lives of the holy apostles? The experience of the life of Christ, which in the Church is transferred to all faithful followers of Christ and continues through them with the help of the holy sacraments and holy virtues.

Thank God for everything!

From a Practical Guide for an Orthodox Christian

  1. When you wake up in bed, first of all remember God and place the sign of the cross on yourself.
  2. Don’t start your day without a prayer rule.
  3. Throughout the day, everywhere and in every task, pray short prayers.
  4. Prayer is the wings of the soul, it makes the soul the throne of God, all the power spiritual person in his prayer.
  5. For God to hear your prayer, you need to pray not with the tip of your tongue, but with your heart.
  6. Let none of those around you be left in the morning without your sincere greetings.
  7. Do not give up prayer when the enemy makes you feel insensitive. He who forces himself to pray with a dry soul is superior to him who prays with tears.
  8. You need to know the New Testament with your mind and HEART, learn from it constantly; Don’t interpret anything you don’t understand yourself, but ask St. for clarification. fathers.
  9. Take holy water with thirst for the sanctification of your soul and body - do not forget to drink it.
  10. Say the greeting of gratitude to the Queen of Heaven - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” more often, even every hour.
  11. IN free time read the writings of the fathers and teachers of spiritual life.
  12. In temptations and adversities, repeat the Psalter and read the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos “We are kept in adversity by many...”. She is our only Intercessor.
  13. When demons throw their arrows at you, when sin approaches you, then sing the hymns of Holy Week and Holy Easter, read the canon with an akathist to the Sweetest Jesus Christ, and the Lord will loosen the bonds of darkness that have shackled you.
  14. If you cannot sing and read, then in a moment of battle remember the name of Jesus: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” Stand at the cross and heal yourself by crying.
  15. During fasting time, fast, but know that God is pleased with fasting not only of the body, that is, abstinence of the belly, but abstinence of the eyes, ears, tongue, as well as abstinence of the heart from serving the passions.
  16. A person embarking on spiritual life must remember that he is sick, his mind is in error, his will is more inclined to evil than to good, and his heart remains impure from the passions bubbling within him, therefore from the beginning of spiritual life everything should be aimed at achieving mental health.
  17. Spiritual life is a constant, incessant struggle against the enemies of the salvation of the soul; never sleep in your soul, your spirit must always be alert, be sure to always call on your Savior in this battle.
  18. Be afraid to connect with the sinful thought that approaches you. Anyone who agrees with such thoughts has already committed the sin he thought about.
  19. Remember: to die, you need to be careless.
  20. Constantly ask: “Instill Your fear, O Lord, into my heart.” Oh, how blessed is he who is constantly in awe of God!
  21. Give your whole heart to God without a trace - and you will feel heaven on earth.
  22. Your faith should be strengthened by frequent resort to repentance and prayer, as well as by communicating with people of deep faith.
  23. Create a reminder for yourself, write down, if possible, all your living and dead acquaintances, all those who hate and offend you, and remember them daily.
  24. Seek continually acts of mercy and compassionate love. Without these works it is impossible to please God. Be the sunshine for everyone, mercy is above all sacrifices.
  25. Don’t go anywhere unless absolutely necessary (don’t spend time idle).
  26. Talk as little as possible, don’t laugh, don’t be curious with idle curiosity.
  27. Never be idle, and honor church holidays and Sundays according to the commandment of God.
  28. Love holy solitude (to the full extent for monasticism, partly for the laity).
  29. Tolerate all insults in silence, then reproach yourself, then pray for those who offend.
  30. The most important thing for us is to learn patience and humility. With humility we will defeat all enemies - demons, and with patience - the passions that war on our soul and body.
  31. During prayer, do not show anyone but God your tears of tenderness and zeal for salvation.
  32. Consider an Orthodox priest as an angel of good news, sent to rejoice you and bring you deliverance.
  33. Treat people as carefully as you would the messengers of a great kingdom, and as carefully as you treat fire.
  34. Forgive everyone everything and sympathize with everyone in their suffering.
  35. Just don’t rush around with yourself like a chicken and an egg, forgetting your neighbors.
  36. Anyone who seeks peace here cannot have the Spirit of God dwell in him.
  37. Melancholy and confusion attack from lack of prayer.
  38. Always and everywhere call your Guardian Angel to your aid.
  39. Always keep your heart crying about your sins, and when you confess them and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, then quietly rejoice over your liberation.
  40. You should know only your own obscenities and shortcomings, be CAREFULLY careful about the sins of others and think and reason, do not destroy yourself by judging others.
  41. Do not be self-willed, seek spiritual advice and guidance.
  42. Every evening, confess to God all your sinful deeds, thoughts, words that happened during the day.
  43. Before going to bed, make peace with everyone in your heart.
  44. You shouldn't tell your dreams to other people.
  45. Fall asleep with the sign of the cross.
  46. Night prayer is more expensive than day prayer.
  47. Don’t lose touch with your spiritual father, be afraid of offending him or offending him, don’t hide anything from him.
  48. Always thank God for everything.
  49. Human nature must always be divided into your own self and the enemy who has attached itself to you because of your sins - and watch yourself carefully, check your thoughts and actions, avoid what your inner enemy, and not your soul, wants.
  50. Inner sorrow for one’s sins is more salutary than all bodily labors.
  51. No better than words in our language, as “Lord, save me.”
  52. Love all the church rules and bring them closer to your life.
  53. Learn to vigilantly and constantly (always) monitor yourself, especially your feelings: through them the enemy enters the soul.
  54. When you recognize your weaknesses and powerlessness to do good, then remember that you do not save yourself, but your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, saves you.
  55. Your faith should be your impregnable fortress. The fierce enemy does not sleep - he guards your every step.
  56. The cross of life brings us closer to God: sorrow, hardship, illness, labor; do not murmur against them and do not be afraid of them.
  57. No one enters heaven living well.
  58. As often as possible, with tenderness of heart, partake of the Holy Life-giving Mysteries of Christ, you live only by them.
  59. Never forget that He, the Lord Jesus Christ, is near at the door, do not forget that the Judgment and reward will soon be at what hour for whom.
  60. Remember also what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him and for those who do His commandments.
  61. Read this alphabet, Christian, at least once a week, it will help you in fulfilling what is written, and will strengthen you on the SPIRITUAL PATH.

(Priest MIKHAIL Shpolyansky)

Watch the video about the rules of conduct in an Orthodox church

Life according to Christ - Christian's Day

According to the way of life today, the end of the day is usually spent in absent-mindedness, which is so harmful to the soul. The majority of townspeople now positively cannot sit at home in the evenings: some force draws them to familiar houses, to evening meetings or to theaters. And, positively, you are surprised, considering in your mind the number of theaters, large and small, and cinemas - how is there enough audience for all of them?

Meanwhile, the evening is a time that can be used for spiritual life. All the day's affairs are over, worries are put off until tomorrow, and in the evening calm you somehow feel God closer.

This is the time when you can open the Holy Scriptures, spiritual books, and when, as you read such pages, bright images of holy people will surround you, calling you there, into the heights, into the radiance of the heavenly light.

Happy is the one who, having set his soul high by such reading, thirsts for prayer and, standing in front of the icons, first reads the prescribed evening prayers, then, having fulfilled this rule, he will begin to pray in his own words: and he will tell God about everything that fills him, what worries and boils in him, he will tell Him all his desires, putting himself at God’s complete disposal. He will remember everyone who is dear to him and pray that God will preserve them and prolong their affection for him. Just as an affectionate child of his mother talks about everything, so he will tell God everything he would like - large and small. He will also remember those who departed from the earth and whom he, unchanged among the general worldly variability, did not forget... And then he will go to sleep, making the sign of the cross on his pillow, crossing all four walls and in the psalm “Alive in the help of the Most High” asking himself God's protection for the night.

And the Guardian Angel will stand at the head of such a person with a quiet smile of love, rejoicing that here God’s property is resting from the daily struggle in the creation of God’s will...

We have not sufficiently analyzed the question of the influence of spirituality on the strength and life of a person, but this influence is undeniable. The kingdom of grace in which a person moves gives him some kind of special life, while a person living outside of grace undoubtedly shortens his life and his strength.

How, if not the beneficial influence of grace even on the physical side of a person, can explain the fact that the righteous, in the most terrible living conditions, in caves without the sun, in dry eating, lived to be a hundred years or more? But people who constantly take care of their health and do everything to prolong their lives rarely exceed six or seven decades?

If the bodies of people who have lived righteously, after their death, exude some kind of grace-filled invisible currents that revive people who come to them for help, then what can we say about the very life of people led by grace?

This whole life is permeated with currents of such grace, which performs miracles in a person. Here is the elder Ambrose of Optina, approaching the age of eighty, who after working day and a night spent almost without sleep, in the morning, half-dead, he rises to his daily feat, during which he will listen to the most terrible confessions, see many sorrowful, crying people, weak in body and spirit, will instruct hundreds of monastics. Here he is, in whom there is a slight glimmer of life, who exists in an incomprehensible way; Here he is, frail, dying every day, pouring the miraculous power of life into the souls of people.

Here he is, John of Kronstadt, in daily preaching, in ministry, on the road. Late, well after midnight, having returned to Kronstadt, when the lights in the whole city had long been extinguished, he quickly moves his pen over paper, scribbling line after line of his diary. And after a short sleep, while the stars are still burning in the sky, intending to burn out for a few more hours, he will leave the house outside and, invisible to no one, raising his eyes to this mysterious sky and to these God-glorifying stars, he will begin to pray a silent prayer. And there is matins, during which he reads from service books and sings mass in the choir with many communicants, a tour of the sick and dead in Kronstadt and a long ride from house to house in St. Petersburg with requests for healing, with confession of grave sins and infirmities... He is almost torn to pieces, he is grabbed, his heart is tormented, but, completely imbued with currents of grace, the next morning satiated with the wonderful meat of the Body and Blood of Christ, he is young in his old age, light, agile, full of strength for this convict of humanity the life that God gave him. In exactly the same way, those Angels who stand and bend over the headboards of people who called upon them before going to sleep to keep them invisibly pour strength into people...
* * *

The day is coming. In spring, summer and at the time of the first autumn, a person awakens in the rays of the sun and joyfully gets up to do his work; in winter the sun has not yet risen, when a person must get up, using some effort on himself... What to do - nothing in life comes for free.

One righteous teacher of our time, Bishop Theophan the Recluse, advises to always go against yourself: if you want to lean on your elbow, it’s better to sit up straight.

As my first thought loving person upon awakening, there will be a thought about a beloved being, so let our first thought upon awakening be the thought of God... And let the first movement of the hand be the sign of the cross. And this sign, under which we must faithfully and persistently fight, will serve as a call for us as the sound of a military trumpet is for a soldier.

Russians, by their nature, are diggers, and interfere with one thing after another: instead of quickly getting dressed, some people, while dressing at the wrong time, indulge in various thoughts... They will start pulling on a stocking, will not finish this task, will think and think for five to ten minutes. Everything in life must be done quickly, decisively, clearly.

Those who do not care about their appearance are wrong. The Lord clothed the whole world with beauty, giving its crown in man... The tree, submissive to God's will, stands and flaunts in its inviolable decoration. Why should a person violate the beauty created by God and similar to God through impurity and lack of care for himself? When the whole person is washed, then the soul is somehow cleaner.

And now the man is dressed...

Prayer should not be approached in a disorderly manner. In monasteries they dress for prayer. A person must be selected morally and physically, and not stand before God in a disheveled form.

“Lift us up, O Lord, to praise and to do Your commandments...”

In order to put yourself in a prayerful mood, it is good to read some spiritual book first, but reading the Gospel is mandatory for a person.

In addition to the fact that the Gospel teaches us everything necessary for the soul, it also contains miraculous power: by delighting the soul, the Gospel calms us, brings the soul into a state of grace-filled silence and drives away the enemy-tempter from us.

According to the current state of life, city dwellers spend part of their morning reading newspapers with a description of everything that is happening in the world, with a description of all sorts of incidents and crimes, last days happened... reading is unnecessary, even harmful, because it scatters the soul, introduces it into the circle of vital interests, everyday vulgarity. Whereas spiritual reading, a description of the lives of the saints, which we think about in the morning, has an elevating effect, setting our thoughts in a high mood for the whole day. Worldly temptations will have less influence over us when before our eyes, renewed by reading in the morning, stand the bright images of those who were glorified in earthly humiliation: in humility they acquired the lofty, in poverty the rich.

Happy is the one who has developed the habit of going to bed earlier and going to bed earlier - daily, or at least several times, at least once a week on weekdays, to attend the Divine Liturgy: happy is he in the hour of solitude in a church immersed in semi-darkness , where it is easier for the soul to go into prayer, where God is felt closer.

And there earthly work will begin.

Whatever we do, let us recognize ourselves as God’s workers and do our work as if God had given us a lesson for today and will ask us for an account tonight. At the beginning of their classes, children read the so-called prayer before teaching.

There is a little-known prayer before starting any business.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Beginning Father, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything; My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I bow down to Your goodness; help me to complete this work, which I have begun, for You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A Christian’s mood should always be equal, his relationship with people should be affectionate and kind. Besides the people who depend on us, whom we can constantly insult with our arrogance, rudeness, harshness, how many cases are there to be kind to strangers, complete strangers to us, to be pleasant or unpleasant.

The person walking in front of us has dropped something - it is the duty of not only politeness, but also Christian love to pick up this thing. I once happened on Nevsky Prospekt, at a time when there were a lot of people there and in the middle of the street horses and cars were rushing, overtaking each other, to see an ancient old woman who was helplessly marking time, obviously wanting to cross the street and not daring to do so. the sea is terrible for her.

A general, a very rich man who belonged to the highest circle, approached her, offered his services to the old woman, took her by the arm and confidently began to lead her across the street. This was not only a chivalrous act, but also a deeply Christian act.

When we pass by churches, we must not forget to take off our hats in front of them and make the sign of the cross, so as not to earn ourselves reproach for Last Judgment is that we were ashamed on earth of the Son of Man.

It’s a strange thing: how proud a person feels when the king approaches him at a crowded meeting to say a few words to him, how usually such a person is immediately surrounded, showing him all kinds of attention. But to show that we are trying to be close to the Lord Almighty - we consider this a shame. Why is a person so full of madness and such abomination that it is impossible to even find a name for it?

...How good it is to enter from a noisy street into an open church, where in front of some revered icon unquenchable lamps are quietly burning and everything is full of some kind of holy concentration. How good it is to breathe this air, in which the prayers poured out here are imprinted, the miracles performed here, in which there is an echo of the great words spoken here, in which there is some kind of breath of eternity... Stand for at least a few minutes, breathe this air, renew your connection with heaven - and move on...

Along the way we will have many opportunities to make at least a small sacrifice to God. It’s a rare day that we don’t encounter a collector on our way asking for church construction. Having often unwinded a lot of money for ourselves, shall we really spare a copper coin for him!.. In general, let the thought of God and eternity be constantly alive in us, directing our actions.

Nowadays, more than ever, people have developed a desire for luxury and swagger. And out of a desire to keep up with others, they make incredible expenses, completely unnecessary, and they will spare even fifty dollars for a good deed. As if nothing had happened, they spend tens of rubles in an hour to decorate with luxurious fresh flowers. dining table on those days when guests are invited to the table. They dress up beyond all need, turning everyday life into a continuous, permanent holiday, eating delicate, expensive dishes, drinking drinks brought from different countries Europe for crazy money.

What is all this for? And will these or other “brands” of wine serve us well, will they open the gates of heaven? A Christian cannot live a large life. At every step he must force and humble himself. And before you arrange luxury around yourself, remember that there are churches in Russia that have paper images in the iconostasis.

The abyss of entertainment that is now offered to city residents is also not good for the soul. All these gatherings and spectacles, most of which are directly designed for the sinful impulses of our corrupted nature - all this sitting for whole hours at cards, with passion developing over them, these parties with dances, which also inflame a person - all this can be replaced with healthier ones and reasonable entertainment.

And most of all, a person should look closely at that face of God, which is reflected in the wondrous creation of God’s hands - in nature.

When you are tired of earthly labor, instead of looking for noisy societies, go outside the city or in the city itself look for some nice places. Here is a river rolling its waters in front of you - think that, just as these drops of water are carried away by the current into another large river, carrying its waters into the ocean, so a drop of your existence, together with other people, irresistibly strives into one great ocean of eternity.

Look at any hour into the heavens, which speak loudly about God. Try in the whisper of the leaves of the spreading grove to hear the quiet, reverent prayer to God made by the trees.

Above the evasive and fast birds, think about how much good, clear and beautiful the Lord has invested in these cute birds, carefully building their nests and raising their chicks. Over a blade of meadow grass or over a flower quietly swinging an incense cup on a thin stem - marvel once again at the wisdom of the One who, with His hand, developed this plant so wonderfully and beautifully, as even thousands of hands of the greatest earthly masters cannot do.

Looking at nature and understanding it is almost like praying. And for ascetics of all times, nature in those beautiful places that they almost always chose for their exploits was the best companion and instigator of their prayer. And if during such a walk you are “in the spirit”, that is, the inspiration of prayer and thoughts comes to you, hold on, stop this mood...

...You have reached evening.

How beautiful is the prayer that poured out at this hour from the soul of Basil the Great, touched by the beauty of nature plunging into rest.

“Blessed are you, Lord Almighty, who enlightened the day with the light of the sun and illuminated the night with fiery dawns, who made us worthy to traverse the length of the day and draw closer to the beginning of the night; Hear our prayer and that of all Your people, and forgive us all our voluntary and involuntary sins. Accept our evening prayers and send down a multitude of Thy mercy and Thy bounty upon Thy property. Shade us with Thy saints, Angels. Arm us with the weapon of truth. Protect us with Your truth. Protect us with Your power."

Holidays should be marked by a special aspiration of the soul towards spiritual objects, a particularly vivid reminder to oneself of those great events that are celebrated, of those saints and wondrous people who are revered on this day.

Nothing in life comes without difficulty. So, in order to brightly celebrate a holiday, you need to prepare for it from afar. The Church knew what it was doing when it established fasts before the great holidays - Easter, the Nativity of Christ, the Dormition of the Mother of God, when it established a one-day fast before the feast of the Baptism of Christ, and also a fast in honor of the apostles, not without a secret, perhaps, thought to honor everyone with this fast generally glorified holy followers of Christ.

Fasting refines the body, which usually crushes the spirit, strives to enslave it and, as it were, suppress it. Fasting gives us freedom from the bonds of the world, from all kinds of temptations and temptations. Fasting brings us closer to heaven, makes us more sensitive and receptive to the phenomena of the spiritual world.

The purpose of the holiday is to give rest to the soul, tired of the bustle of the world, among spiritual strong impressions, to bring heaven closer to us, to renew in our soul the so easily forgotten images of Christ, the Mother of God and the saints.

But during the holidays, we not only do not strengthen our soul, but only weaken it, and our holiday proceeds completely opposite to how it should be and as the Church desires. Instead of increasing the frequency of attending church services before the holiday, strengthening ourselves in spiritual reading, reading, for example, the life of the saint we are going to celebrate, at least before our name days, we scour the shops to update our clothes and buy countless amounts of provisions for festive eating. At the same time, we completely forget that it is not with a new dress or an extra heavy dish and a lot of wine that we can please God and attract festive grace to ourselves.

And the whole church side of things on holiday is completely in the background for us. Thus, it happens that a person who has fussed over holiday preparations until he is tired does not get to church at all, either for the Christmas Vigil or for mass. This would be similar to if someone, summoned before the king, began to prepare in advance for this occasion a large reception for relatives and friends and, in the hassle of this reception, missed the day on which he was appointed to appear before the king.

In general, among the absurdities of our life, one of the greatest is that people perform some external rituals, completely indifferent to the events that caused these rituals. For example, people do not believe at all in Christ or in His Resurrection, but celebrate Easter: on this day they dress up, prepare the Easter table for breaking the fast - this is as meaningless as if a Christian began to celebrate a Mohammedan holiday.

The holiday is usually marked by aimless wandering around to visit each other, congratulating their acquaintances on something, although these acquaintances would be non-believers, by large consumption of food and all kinds of sweets - in a word, the complete victory of worldly life and worldly principles, worldly vanity.

All this should be just the opposite. Holiday preparations should be reduced as much as possible, because a Christian is full every day, and should not mark the holiday by overeating. Before a big holiday, you need to speak and receive communion a few days before it or on the very day of the holiday, and spend the entire holiday time in this atmosphere of spiritual abstinence. On holidays, Russian tsars went to the graves of their ancestors, visited the clergy and prisons, and we should at least commemorate the holiday with some good deeds, which none of us does.

Recently, among many wealthy families, a custom has developed on their name day, when they first called guests, spent a lot of money on it and were very tired of it, to leave the city altogether to some place nearby: for example, from St. Petersburg for the whole day to Pavlovsk , Vyborg or Helsingfors. This avoided the holiday bustle, fatigue and expenses, and with the money saved from the abolition of the holiday reception, something useful was purchased in these cities.

Even more correct is the custom of commemorating your holiday with some kind of pilgrimage.

Especially when your soul is wounded and painful, when you are in a long separation from the people you love, when you are worried about some deep and lasting emotional excitement - then the holiday bustle is completely unbearable for you and you are drawn somewhere far away, away from the usual environment, away from this festive scale, which only insults and torments you.

I knew two cousins ​​who were experiencing intense grief at the same time. One lost her beloved mother, with whom she lived in perfect harmony and whose disappearance left an unfillable void in her life. Another loved one person whom she wanted to consider her fiancé, but her parents did not consent to this marriage, and therefore the situation was unbearable, strained and painful.

This young man was abroad at that time, and they were in daily correspondence. Their relatives lived noisily and cheerfully, and the holiday in their state of mind seemed to them torture.

Hearing from their friends how good it was in the winter in Sarov and Diveevo with St. Seraphim, they both decided to leave for Sarov before the New Year. Two days before the New Year they left St. Petersburg for Moscow and in the evening under New Year We left Moscow for Nizhny.

Tired from the day, they calmly went to bed in their department at ten o'clock and were in oblivion at that time, as there, in noisy St. Petersburg, to the clink of glasses and a splash of champagne, people spoke to each other hackneyed phrases about new happiness.

On New Year's Day, they crossed the Oka River in the pre-dawn darkness on a sleigh, boarded the Arzamas train and spent the entire day of January 1 riding in a cart from Arzamas to Diveevo, where they arrived in the evening and held a solemn all-night vigil, since the other day, January 2, was the day of repose. the great elder Seraphim. They got to Sarov for late mass, visited all the places marked by the elder’s exploits, spent the night there, bathed in the healing spring of Elder Seraphim, returned to Diveyevo and lived there until the evening of Epiphany.

The orphaned daughter found relief for her grief there and returned from there revived, and the bride made a vow: if her wedding took place, she would be with the elder with gratitude along with her groom... Everything soon worked out for the better.

How does such a celebration of the holiday differ from the New Year's celebration that is completely inconsistent with Christian dignity, which has now become fashionable? Thank God, people faithful to the Church are standing in church at this hour for the newly introduced prayer service. And others sit in the restaurant from ten o'clock amid the clapping wine corks they clink their glasses to the sounds of a soothing orchestra and at the striking of twelve o'clock with loud wishes on their tongues. They will celebrate the New Year without even crossing their foreheads. Of course, there are some scandals here.

We spoke above about the joy that solitary prayer gives to the soul on weekdays - in the darkness of winter, early mass. Participation in national celebrations has a completely different effect on the soul.

What a joy, for example, to look at the magnificent celebrations of the Moscow religious processions, where the earthly Church is crowned, decorated, exalted.

Under the loud chants of prayers from a mighty choir, a solemn procession moves slowly, and in front of it is a huge lantern with a burning candle, carried on a stretcher, representing a temple. Then stretches a whole forest of banners: some are light, others are barely restrained by strong banner bearers, swaying heavily on their strong shafts. Holy faces shine in the sun, metal weights ring heavily and sonorously. Icons, famous for miracles, some of enormous size, seem to float in the air above the crowd, raised high from the ground on stretchers.

And then - in solemn vestments, a bright, brilliant host of clergy. And the soul feels that above these visible churches the heavenly Church has risen, and above this earthly procession of the cross another wonderful procession is unfolding...

All such Orthodox impressions support faith, nourish the spirit and make one feel the region into which the soul will be absorbed in the next century...

Evgeniy Poselyanin
From the book “Ideals of Christian Life”

Peace to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

We can often hear both in church and in secular society the popular saying addressed to a believer (including us): “It is not appropriate for an Orthodox Christian to behave this way.”

So what should it be? true Christian? How is he different from an ordinary person?

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov in his instructive speech gave the main definitions of a true believer. Let's take a look at them:

We must cleanse our souls, wash them with tears of repentance for our previous sinful life.

Do merciful deeds, decorate your life with fasting, prayers, vigils, and contemplation of God.

We must not envy, not be at enmity, curb carnal lusts, abstain from all excess, both in food, drink, and sleep.

Be non-lazy in prayer.

Things to start short prayer, wish everyone well.

In order for us not to notice the sins of others, to reproach our neighbors for them, to despise them, we must first contemplate our own sins and mourn ourselves as spiritual dead.

To find peace inner world, we need to go to Church. She will give it all in abundance. She will deliver everything through worship, the Holy Sacraments. She teaches everything that is true. It is not in vain that we read prayers in Church and at home. Through them we are cleansed from our vile sins. We get rid of temptations, troubles, circumstances.

Why do we need to pray at home and go to Church for divine services? In order to support, excite the life of the soul, purify it. In the Church we separate ourselves from worldly charms and worldly lusts. We become enlightened, we become sanctified, we unite with God.

Go to the temple of God more often and feed your soul with grace. From the church, through church prayer, our departed also receive consolation and mercy.

We should love correct reproof in order to correct ourselves here and not be convicted at the Last Judgment before the whole world, angels and people.

Everyone should be pitied evil man, and not be angry with him, thus pleasing Satan. You need to move away from him.

We must always be meek, kind, merciful, and patient.

The evil must be overcome by the good.

There is no need to burden yourself with everyday worries, to partake of earthly blessings, riches, sweets, differences, so that these worries and addictions do not destroy us at the hour of death.

You should always think about God, about His works and always move away from evil and evil deeds. These temptations of the devil consist in the fact that he deceives us to love worldly things, everything earthly: wealth, fame, food, clothing, nobility, earthly sweets and not think about God and eternal bliss. In our thoughts, in our hearts, there is an evil force that every minute will remove us from God, instilling vain thoughts, desires, worries, glory, deeds, inciting us to anger, envy, pride, idleness, disobedience, stubbornness, intemperance. She needs to go against us.

One should not reject fasting, for the fall of the first people came from intemperance. Abstinence is a weapon against sin; we use it to please God. We should know that man falls away from God through intemperance, for all sin comes from him.

Fasting is sent to people as a weapon against the devil. We must give up bad habits, sinful desires, save ourselves by fasting, vigils, prayers, labors, and exercise our souls by reading spiritual books and thinking about God. We should not break our fasts except due to extreme illness.

Christians must certainly study the law of God, read the Gospel more often, delve into divine services, fulfill the commandments and church statutes, read the writings of the Holy Fathers in order to live like a Christian.

If you read the divine, at home, begin to do this with prayer, with meekness of heart, so that God will enlighten you, strengthen you in faith and piety, and help you find and remember what is necessary and useful.

When you are with sinners, speak wisely, prudently, instructively, edifyingly.

When you come home from service, read the Holy Gospel. Live your life wisely, live purely, repent, pray during your life so that sudden death does not befall you.

Do not deviate from the prayer rule, live lower than the grass, quieter than water - and you will be saved.

Be obedient to your spiritual fathers, meek and silent.

Be satisfied with any, even the most modest, meal.

Humble yourself for the rest of your life.

Do not imitate the Pharisee, who did everything for show to people. And do good in secret.

Watch your thoughts, because whoever agrees with bad thoughts and enjoys them angers the Lord God. And those who do not agree with them, resist, receive the crown of the Lord.

Hieromonk Peter (Borodulin) answers

Hello! What should an Orthodox Christian do if passions are so entrenched that there is no opportunity for repentance and correction? Georgiy

Georgy, if you put your question in other words, it will sound something like this: “What should a Christian do if passions have completely taken over him and even Christ cannot help, everything is so hopeless.” And most likely the one Orthodox Christian The person you are writing about is tired and depressed. And he has neither the strength nor the desire to fight passions. In this state, the easiest way is to accept defeat and give up...

The state that you describe as “lack of opportunity for repentance and correction” is rather the state of fallen angels who are so rooted in evil and opposition to God that there really is no possibility of repentance for them. But for a person, the possibility of repentance and correction remains until death. In the Gospel of John there are the words: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life(In. 3 , 16). The Holy Apostle Peter writes: The Lord is not slack in [fulfilling] his promise, as some count slackness; but is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance(2 Pet. 3 , 9). The Lord tirelessly awaits our correction and repentance. But, unfortunately, our desire for repentance and correction may disappear. And this place is taken by despondency - “I repent, I repent, but it’s all to no avail,” and disbelief in God’s help - “I can’t improve, which means the Lord is not helping me.”

To give in to despondency means to turn your back on God. To be offended by God because we cannot move forward even one step. But there is no other way to improve, other than forcing yourself to do good and daily struggle with yourself, with your passions, of course, repentance and waiting for God’s help.

Indeed, passion can take over a person so strongly that it becomes as if it were his nature. A person would be glad to repent, but sin wins again and again, despite the bitterness and feeling of emptiness that comes after committing a sin.

Here it is important to get up after falling, strive to overcome passion, make efforts to correct, and fight. And with saving stubbornness, undoubted faith in God’s help and complete hope for correction, again appear before the eyes of God: come to confession and repent, repent, repent...

Help us all, Lord.

I have this question. At work, some of my friends like to swear. I tried to politely ask not to swear, but it didn’t bring any results. The fact is that people not only swear, but speak it, it has become such a habit that it seems they can no longer speak differently. And I myself, willingly or unwillingly, after hearing swear words are repeated in the mind. What to do in such a situation if requests do not work? In the temple, the priest told me that I need to ask not to swear. I tried to ask one person not to swear - he replied that he could not do otherwise. I tried to object to him, but in response the man only became angry and irritated. Can’t I provoke a reaction with my requests when they curse me out of spite? What is the best thing to do if requests not to swear do not bring results? Andrey

Andrey, apparently you will not be able to re-educate your work colleagues. It is impossible to stop a person from swearing until he himself wants to, until he understands that it is bad. Usually work is not a place where you can influence people and change their behavior unless you are a manager or boss.

And it’s very easy to provoke another person to start swearing to spite you. Some of your colleagues may consider that your hostile reaction to swearing is a weakness, and may use foul language as a weapon against you if they want, for example, to laugh at you or piss you off.

What to do? There are situations that we cannot fix. And this is one of them. You need to learn to let foul language pass your ears and not pay attention to it.

First, you need to accept the inevitability of hearing bad language at work. You have to let it be at work. The exception here is foul language in the presence of women and children: this is an absolutely unacceptable thing, which cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and must be immediately and decisively suppressed.

Secondly, it is necessary to develop the right attitude towards foul language. Once upon a time, the following story happened to one of our contemporary elders. One day a visitor came to him, a rude man, accustomed to using foul language, and he and the elder began a conversation. The elder’s cell attendant, unable to listen to the visitor’s abusive words, left the room where the conversation was taking place. When the visitor left, the cell attendant returned and asked the elder:

- Father, forgive me, why didn’t you stop him?

- What's the matter?

- But he swore so much!

- Yes?! But I didn’t hear anything...

The meaning of the story is the following: a person who lives an attentive spiritual life, who does not allow foul language not only in words, but also in thoughts, can indeed remain pure in this world lying in evil: by hearing, he does not hear what does not concern him and his essence conversation.

If this turns out to be beyond your ability right away, then try to isolate yourself, build a barrier around yourself, distract yourself from foul language, force it out of your consciousness with something: think about something else, interrupt the bad language with thoughts within yourself about something important, relevant for you. And it’s even better to occupy your attention with prayer: read the psalms, the prayer to the Holy Cross, the Jesus Prayer. Naturally, this will require a certain spiritual tension from you.

Let me emphasize once again: the question describes specific situation when there are no other ways to stop foul language, and personal admonitions do not help, but only cause irritation.

Priest Anatoly Konkov answers

Currently, yoga classes are becoming increasingly popular. How does the Church view this? Is it permissible for Orthodox Christians to resort to such practices to maintain physical fitness? Elena

Yoga is a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state for the individual.

Indian yoga, a teaching that advocates a rather ascetic, disciplined lifestyle, consists of controlling the breath and certain physical postures that lead to a state of relaxation conducive to meditation, which usually involves the use of a mantra, or sacred saying, to aid concentration. The essence of yoga is not the discipline itself, but meditation, which is its goal. There may be nothing wrong with the physical exercises assumed in classes according to this system, but a person who practices yoga only for the sake of bodily health is already preparing himself for certain spiritual views and even experiences that he is not even aware of.

Orthodox yoga cannot exist in principle. When practicing this system, a person begins to feel “awakening” energy, such as warmth. The Holy Fathers affirm that during prayer there should not be any sensations that do not come from the heart. Everything unnecessary must be rejected as harmful to the soul and leading to delusion. In addition, the benefits themselves physical exercise can also be questioned. In yoga, a person most often seeks peace, harmony with himself, spiritual comfort, physical health, and perfection. Christianity does not offer the search for peace, not the acquisition of comfort, but, on the contrary, voluntary martyrdom for Christ’s sake. The Lord invites us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him (cf.: Matt. 16 , 24). More detailed analysis this question can be found here: Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). . Chapter: Is Hatha Yoga Compatible with Christianity.

Hello, I am very interested in how it interprets Orthodox Church madness? Is this a punishment? Faith